9 #include "TFitResult.h"
29 static const char*
const electron =
30 static const char*
const positron =
31 static const char*
const muon =
32 static const char*
const tau =
47 JFormFactor(
const double a,
60 double operator()(
const double T)
62 return c + T*(b + T*
91 inline double getCount(
const double E,
100 const double K = 0.307075;
102 const double gamma = E / M;
103 const double beta = sqrt((1.0 - 1.0/gamma) * (1.0 + 1.0/gamma));
105 const double a = 0.5/(E*E);
106 const double b = beta*beta/Tmax;
107 const double c = 1.0;
109 const double W = 0.5 *
K * (Z/A) * (1.0/(beta*beta));
111 const double dT = Tmax - Tmin;
112 const double rT = Tmax / Tmin;
113 const double mT = Tmax * Tmin;
141 template<
class JFormFactor_t>
142 inline double getCount(
const double E,
148 const JFormFactor_t& F,
149 const int N = 1000000)
155 const double K = 0.307075;
157 const double gamma = E / M;
158 const double beta = sqrt((1.0 + 1.0/gamma) * (1 - 1.0/gamma));
160 const double W = 0.5 *
K * (Z/A) * (1.0/(beta*beta));
162 const double xmin = 1.0/Tmax;
163 const double xmax = 1.0/Tmin;
164 const double dx = (
xmax -
xmin) / ((
double) N);
170 const double T = 1.0/
171 const double y = W * F(T) * dx;
194 int main(
int argc,
char **argv)
214 JParser<> zap(
"Program to determine the energy loss due to visible delta-rays.");
218 zap[
'N'] =
"perform numeric integration");
220 zap[
'L'] =
make_field(lepton) = muon, tau, positron, electron;
221 zap[
'A'] =
"atomic mass") = 18.0;
222 zap[
'Z'] =
"atomic number") = 10.0;
229 catch(
const exception &error) {
230 FATAL(error.what() << endl);
233 if (option.find(
'R') == string::npos) { option +=
'R'; }
234 if (option.find(
'S') == string::npos) { option +=
'S'; }
241 else if (lepton == tau)
243 else if (lepton == positron)
245 else if (lepton == electron)
248 FATAL(
"Invalid lepton " << lepton << endl);
250 const double Tmin = (T_GeV.
is_valid() ?
255 const double error = 1.0e-12;
257 const double xmin = log10(MASS_LEPTON);
258 const double xmax = 9.25;
260 TH1D h0(
"h0", NULL, 320,
261 TH1D h1(
"h1", NULL, 320,
263 for (
int i = 1; i <= h0.GetNbinsX(); ++i) {
265 const double x = h0.GetBinCenter(i);
266 const double E =
268 double Tmax = (lepton != electron ?
279 const double gamma = E / MASS_LEPTON;
280 const double beta = sqrt((1.0 + 1.0/gamma) * (1 - 1.0/gamma));
282 const JFormFactor F(0.5/(E*E), -beta*beta/Tmax, 1.0);
296 DEBUG(
"dE/dx [MeV g^-1 cm^2] " <<
FIXED(5,4) << dEdx << endl);
297 DEBUG(
"dE/dx [g^-1 cm^2] " <<
FIXED(5,2) << dNdx << endl);
299 h0.SetBinContent(i, dEdx);
300 h0.SetBinError (i, error);
301 h1.SetBinContent(i, dNdx);
306 TF1
"[0] + [1]*x + [2]*x*x + [3]*x*x*x");
308 if (option.find(
'W') == string::npos) {
312 f1.SetParameter(0, h0.GetMinimum());
313 f1.SetParameter(1, (h0.GetMaximum() - h0.GetMinimum()) / (h0.GetXaxis()->GetXmax() - h0.GetXaxis()->GetXmin()));
314 f1.SetParameter(2, 0.0);
315 f1.SetParameter(3, 0.0);
317 f1.SetLineColor(kRed);
321 const TFitResultPtr
result = h0.Fit(&
f1, option.c_str(),
323 cout <<
"chi2/NDF " <<
result->Chi2() <<
'/' <<
result->Ndf() << endl;
325 cout <<
"\t// " << lepton << endl;
326 cout <<
"\t// dE/dX = a + bx + cx^2 + dx^3; // [MeV g^-1 cm^2]; x = log10(E/GeV);" << endl;
328 for (
int i = 0; i != 4; ++i) {
329 cout <<
"\tstatic const double " << (char) (
'a' + i) <<
" = " <<
f1.GetParameter(i) <<
";" << endl;
332 double Emin = 1 * MASS_LEPTON;
333 double Emax = 5 * MASS_LEPTON;
335 for (
double E = 0.5 * (Emin + Emax); ; E = 0.5 * (Emin + Emax)) {
339 if (fabs(Tmax - Tmin) < precision) {
340 cout <<
"\tstatic const double Emin = " <<
FIXED(7,5) << E <<
"; // [GeV]" << endl;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
General purpose messaging.
#define DEBUG(A)
Message macros.
Utility class to parse command line options.
#define make_field(A,...)
macro to convert parameter to JParserTemplateElement object
I/O formatting auxiliaries.
Auxiliary class to define a range between two values.
Utility class to parse command line options.
static const uint32_t K[64]
const JPolynome f1(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
double getKineticEnergy(const Trk &trk)
Get track kinetic energy.
size_t getCount(const array_type< T > &buffer, const JCompare_t &compare)
Count number of unique values.
T pow(const T &x, const double y)
Power .
double getDeltaRayTmin()
Get minimum delta-ray kinetic energy.
static const double DENSITY_SEA_WATER
Fixed environment values.
static const double MASS_MUON
muon mass [GeV]
static const double MASS_ELECTRON
electron mass [GeV]
double getDeltaRayTmax(const double E, const double M)
Get maximum delta-ray kinetic energy for given lepton energy and mass.
static const double MASS_TAU
tau mass [GeV]
double getDeltaRays(const double E, const double M, const double Tmin, const double Tmax, const double Z, const double A)
Get equivalent EM-shower energy due to delta-rays per unit track length for an ionising particle with...
This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).
Auxiliary data structure for floating point format specification.
Type definition of range.
Auxiliary data structure for floating point format specification.