1 #ifndef __JTRIGGER__JHITL0__
2 #define __JTRIGGER__JHITL0__
Basic data structure for time and time over threshold information of hit.
Data structure for L0 hit.
Default constructor.
int getN() const
Get count.
static const struct JTRIGGER::JHitL0::compare compare
JHitL0(const JDAQPMTIdentifier &pmt, const JAxis3D &axis, const JHit &hit)
double getW() const
Get weight.
double getT() const
Get calibrated time of hit.
const JDAQPMTIdentifier & getPMTIdentifier() const
Get PMT identifier.
This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).
Auxiliary classes and methods for triggering.
Auxiliary data structure for sorting of hits.
bool operator()(const JHitL0 &first, const JHitL0 &second) const
Compare hits by PMT identifier and time.