Jpp  master_rocky-43-ge265d140c
the software that should make you happy
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifndef __JFIT__JEVTTOOLKIT__
2 #define __JFIT__JEVTTOOLKIT__
4 #include <istream>
5 #include <ostream>
6 #include <algorithm>
7 #include <cmath>
11 #include "JLang/JException.hh"
12 #include "JLang/JPredicate.hh"
13 #include "JLang/JFind_if.hh"
14 #include "JTools/JRange.hh"
15 #include "JGeometry3D/JAngle3D.hh"
16 #include "JGeometry3D/JVector3D.hh"
17 #include "JGeometry3D/JVersor3D.hh"
20 #include "JGeometry3D/JAxis3D.hh"
21 #include "JGeometry3D/JTrack3D.hh"
22 #include "JGeometry3D/JTrack3E.hh"
23 #include "JMath/JMathToolkit.hh"
24 #include "JMath/JConstants.hh"
25 #include "JTools/JRange.hh"
26 #include "Jeep/JFunctionAdaptor.hh"
28 #include "JFit/JLine1Z.hh"
29 #include "JFit/JShower3EZ.hh"
31 #include "JReconstruction/JEvt.hh"
36 /**
37  * \author mdejong
38  */
40 using namespace std;
42 namespace JRECONSTRUCTION {}
43 namespace JPP { using namespace JRECONSTRUCTION; }
45 /**
46  * Model fits to data.
47  */
48 namespace JRECONSTRUCTION {
60  using JTOOLS::JRange;
61  using JFIT::JLine1Z;
62  using JFIT::JShower3Z;
65  /**
66  * Get position.
67  *
68  * \param fit fit
69  * \return position
70  */
71  inline JPosition3D getPosition(const JFit& fit)
72  {
73  return JPosition3D(fit.getX(), fit.getY(), fit.getZ());
74  }
77  /**
78  * Get direction.
79  *
80  * \param fit fit
81  * \return direction
82  */
83  inline JDirection3D getDirection(const JFit& fit)
84  {
85  return JDirection3D(fit.getDX(), fit.getDY(), fit.getDZ());
86  }
89  /**
90  * Get axis.
91  *
92  * \param fit fit
93  * \return axis
94  */
95  inline JAxis3D getAxis(const JFit& fit)
96  {
97  return JAxis3D(getPosition(fit), getDirection(fit));
98  }
101  /**
102  * Get track.
103  *
104  * \param fit fit
105  * \return track
106  */
107  inline JTrack3E getTrack(const JFit& fit)
108  {
109  return JTrack3E(JTrack3D(getAxis(fit), fit.getT()), fit.getE());
110  }
113  /**
114  * Get fit.
115  *
116  * \param history history
117  * \param track track
118  * \param Q quality
119  * \param NDF number of degrees of freedom
120  * \param energy Energy, which would be set as 0, if the fit does not reconstruct energy
121  * \param status status of the fit as defined in enum JFitStatus.hh
122  * \return fit
123  */
124  inline JFit getFit(const JHistory& history,
125  const JTrack3D& track,
126  const double Q,
127  const int NDF,
128  const double energy = 0.0,
129  const int status = SINGLE_STAGE)
130  {
131  return JFit(history,
132  track.getX(), track.getY(), track.getZ(),
133  track.getDX(), track.getDY(), track.getDZ(),
134  track.getT(),
135  Q, NDF,
136  energy, status);
137  }
140  /**
141  * Get fit.
142  *
143  * \param history history
144  * \param track track
145  * \param angle angle
146  * \param Q quality
147  * \param NDF number of degrees of freedom
148  * \param energy Energy, which would be set as 0, if the fit does not reconstruct energy
149  * \param status status of the fit as defined in JFitStatus.hh
150  * \return fit
151  */
152  inline JFit getFit(const JHistory& history,
153  const JLine1Z& track,
154  const JAngle3D& angle,
155  const double Q,
156  const int NDF,
157  const double energy = 0.0,
158  const int status = SINGLE_STAGE)
159  {
160  return JFit(history,
161  track.getX(), track.getY(), track.getZ(),
162  angle.getDX(), angle.getDY(), angle.getDZ(),
163  track.getT(),
164  Q, NDF,
165  energy, status);
166  }
169  /**
170  * Get dot product.
171  *
172  * \param first first fit
173  * \param second second fit
174  * \return dot product
175  */
176  inline double getDot(const JFit& first, const JFit& second)
177  {
178  return JMATH::getDot(getDirection(first), getDirection(second));
179  }
182  /**
183  * Get dot product.
184  *
185  * \param fit fit
186  * \param dir direction
187  * \return dot product
188  */
189  inline double getDot(const JFit& fit, const JVersor3D& dir)
190  {
191  return JMATH::getDot(getDirection(fit), dir);
192  }
195  /**
196  * Get space angle.
197  *
198  * \param first first fit
199  * \param second second fit
200  * \return angle [deg]
201  */
202  inline double getAngle(const JFit& first, const JFit& second)
203  {
204  return JMATH::getAngle(getDirection(first), getDirection(second));
205  }
208  /**
209  * Get space angle.
210  *
211  * \param fit fit
212  * \param dir direction
213  * \return angle [deg]
214  */
215  inline double getAngle(const JFit& fit, const JVersor3D& dir)
216  {
217  return JMATH::getAngle(getDirection(fit), dir);
218  }
221  /**
222  * Get quality of fit.\n
223  * The larger the quality, the better the fit.
224  *
225  * \param chi2 chi2
226  * \param N number of hits
227  * \param NDF number of degrees of freedom
228  * \return quality
229  */
230  inline double getQuality(const double chi2, const int N, const int NDF)
231  {
232  return N - 0.25 * chi2 / NDF;
233  }
236  /**
237  * Get quality of fit.\n
238  * The larger the quality, the better the fit.
239  *
240  * \param chi2 chi2
241  * \param NDF number of degrees of freedom
242  * \return quality
243  */
244  inline double getQuality(const double chi2, const int NDF)
245  {
246  return NDF - 0.25 * chi2 / NDF;
247  }
250  /**
251  * Get quality of fit.\n
252  * The larger the quality, the better the fit.
253  *
254  * \param chi2 chi2
255  * \return quality
256  */
257  inline double getQuality(const double chi2)
258  {
259  return -chi2;
260  }
263  /**
264  * Comparison of fit results.
265  *
266  * \param first first fit
267  * \param second second fit
268  * \return true if first fit has better quality than second; else false
269  */
270  inline bool qualitySorter(const JFit& first, const JFit& second)
271  {
272  if (first.getHistory().size() == second.getHistory().size())
273  return first.getQ() > second.getQ();
274  else
275  return first.getHistory().size() > second.getHistory().size();
276  }
279  /**
280  * General purpose sorter of fit results.
281  *
282  * The default constructor will sort fit results according the method JRECONSTRUCTION::qualitySorter.\n
283  * A different method can dynamically be loaded from a (shared) library using class JEEP::JFunctionAdaptor.
284  * For the definition of an alternative method, see e.g.\
285  */
286  struct JQualitySorter :
287  public JFunctionAdaptor<bool, const JFit&, const JFit&>
288  {
290  typedef function_adaptor_type::pF pF;
293  /**
294  * Default constructor.
295  */
298  {}
299  };
302  /**
303  * Test whether given fit has specified history.
304  *
305  * \param fit fit
306  * \param type application type
307  * \return true if type in history; else false
308  */
309  inline bool has_history(const JFit& fit, const int type)
310  {
311  return std::find_if(fit.getHistory().begin(),
312  fit.getHistory().end(),
313  JLANG::make_predicate(&JEvent::type, type)) != fit.getHistory().end();
314  }
317  /**
318  * Test whether given fit has specified history.
319  *
320  * \param fit fit
321  * \param range application type range
322  * \return true if type in history; else false
323  */
324  inline bool has_history(const JFit& fit, const JRange<int>& range)
325  {
326  return std::find_if(fit.getHistory().begin(),
327  fit.getHistory().end(),
328  JLANG::make_find_if(&JEvent::type, range)) != fit.getHistory().end();
329  }
332  /**
333  * Test whether given fit has muon prefit in history.
334  *
335  * \param fit fit
336  * \return true if muon prefit in history; else false
337  */
338  inline bool has_muon_prefit(const JFit& fit)
339  {
340  return has_history(fit, JMUONPREFIT);
341  }
344  /**
345  * Test whether given fit has muon simplex in history.
346  *
347  * \param fit fit
348  * \return true if muon simplex in history; else false
349  */
350  inline bool has_muon_simplex(const JFit& fit)
351  {
352  return has_history(fit, JMUONSIMPLEX);
353  }
356  /**
357  * Test whether given fit has muon gandalf in history.
358  *
359  * \param fit fit
360  * \return true if muon gandalf in history; else false
361  */
362  inline bool has_muon_gandalf(const JFit& fit)
363  {
364  return has_history(fit, JMUONGANDALF);
365  }
368  /**
369  * Test whether given fit has muon energy in history.
370  *
371  * \param fit fit
372  * \return true if muon energy in history; else false
373  */
374  inline bool has_muon_energy(const JFit& fit)
375  {
376  return has_history(fit, JMUONENERGY);
377  }
380  /**
381  * Test whether given fit has muon start in history.
382  *
383  * \param fit fit
384  * \return true if muon start in history; else false
385  */
386  inline bool has_muon_start(const JFit& fit)
387  {
388  return has_history(fit, JMUONSTART);
389  }
392  /**
393  * Test whether given fit has muon fit in history.
394  *
395  * \param fit fit
396  * \return true if muon fit in history; else false
397  */
398  inline bool has_muon_fit(const JFit& fit)
399  {
401  }
404  /**
405  * Test whether given fit has shower prefit in history.
406  *
407  * \param fit fit
408  * \return true if shower prefit in history; else false
409  */
410  inline bool has_shower_prefit(const JFit& fit)
411  {
412  return has_history(fit, JSHOWERPREFIT);
413  }
416  /**
417  * Test whether given fit has shower position fit in history.
418  *
419  * \param fit fit
420  * \return true if shower position fit in history; else false
421  */
422  inline bool has_shower_positionfit(const JFit& fit)
423  {
424  return has_history(fit, JSHOWERPOSITIONFIT);
425  }
428  /**
429  * Test whether given fit has shower complete fit in history.
430  *
431  * \param fit fit
432  * \return true if shower complete fit in history; else false
433  */
434  inline bool has_shower_completefit(const JFit& fit)
435  {
436  return has_history(fit, JSHOWERCOMPLETEFIT);
437  }
440  /**
441  * Test whether given fit has shower fit in history.
442  *
443  * \param fit fit
444  * \return true if shower fit in history; else false
445  */
446  inline bool has_shower_fit(const JFit& fit)
447  {
449  }
452  /**
453  * Test whether given event has a track according selection.\n
454  * The track selector corresponds to the function operator <tt>bool selector(const Trk&);</tt>.
455  *
456  * \param evt event
457  * \param selector track selector
458  * \return true if at least one corresponding track; else false
459  */
460  template<class JTrackSelector_t>
461  inline bool has_reconstructed_track(const JEvt& evt, JTrackSelector_t selector)
462  {
463  return std::find_if(evt.begin(), evt.end(), selector) != evt.end();
464  }
467  /**
468  * Test whether given event has a track with muon reconstruction.
469  *
470  * \param evt event
471  * \return true if at least one reconstructed muon; else false
472  */
473  inline bool has_reconstructed_muon(const JEvt& evt)
474  {
476  }
479  /**
480  * Test whether given event has a track with shower reconstruction.
481  *
482  * \param evt event
483  * \return true if at least one reconstructed shower; else false
484  */
485  inline bool has_reconstructed_shower(const JEvt& evt)
486  {
488  }
491  /**
492  * Get best reconstructed track.\n
493  * The track selector corresponds to the function operator <tt>bool selector(const Trk&);</tt> and
494  * the track comparator to <tt>bool comprator(const Trk&, const Trk&);</tt>.
495  *
496  * \param evt event
497  * \param selector track selector
498  * \param comparator track comparator
499  * \return track
500  */
501  template<class JTrackSelector_t, class JQualitySorter_t>
502  inline const JFit& get_best_reconstructed_track(const JEvt& evt,
503  JTrackSelector_t selector,
504  JQualitySorter_t comparator)
505  {
506  JEvt::const_iterator p = std::find_if(evt.begin(), evt.end(), selector);
508  for (JEvt::const_iterator i = p; i != evt.end(); ++i) {
509  if (selector(*i) && comparator(*i, *p)) {
510  p = i;
511  }
512  }
514  if (p != evt.end())
515  return *p;
516  else
517  THROW(JIndexOutOfRange, "This event has no fit with given selector.");
518  }
521  /**
522  * Get best reconstructed muon.
523  *
524  * \param evt event
525  * \return track
526  */
527  inline const JFit& get_best_reconstructed_muon(const JEvt& evt)
528  {
530  }
533  /**
534  * Get best reconstructed shower.
535  *
536  * \param evt event
537  * \return track
538  */
539  inline const JFit& get_best_reconstructed_shower(const JEvt& evt)
540  {
542  }
545  /**
546  * Auxiliary class to compare fit results with respect to a reference direction (e.g.\ true muon).
547  * The sort operation results in an ordered set of fit results with increasing angle between
548  * the reference direction and that of the fit results.
549  */
550  class JPointing {
551  public:
552  /**
553  * Default constructor.
554  */
556  {}
559  /**
560  * Constructor.
561  *
562  * \param dir reference direction
563  */
564  JPointing(const JVersor3D& dir)
565  {
566  this->dir = dir;
567  }
570  /**
571  * Constructor.
572  *
573  * \param fit fit
574  */
575  JPointing(const JFit& fit)
576  {
577  this->dir = JRECONSTRUCTION::getDirection(fit);
578  }
581  /**
582  * Get direction.
583  *
584  * \return direction
585  */
587  {
588  return dir;
589  }
592  /**
593  * Get angle between reference direction and fit result.
594  *
595  * \param fit fit
596  * \return angle [deg]
597  */
598  inline double getAngle(const JFit& fit) const
599  {
600  const double dot = getDot(fit, dir);
602  if (dot >= +1.0)
603  return 0.0;
604  else if (dot <= -1.0)
605  return 180.0;
606  else
607  return acos(dot) * 180.0 / JMATH::PI;
608  }
611  /**
612  * Comparison of fit results.
613  *
614  * \param first first fit
615  * \param second second fit
616  * \return true if first fit better; else false
617  */
618  inline bool operator()(const JFit& first, const JFit& second) const
619  {
620  return getDot(first, dir) > getDot(second, dir);
621  }
624  /**
625  * Select best fit result.
626  *
627  * \param __begin begin of fit results
628  * \param __end end of fit results
629  * \return best fit result
630  */
631  template<class T>
632  inline T operator()(T __begin, T __end) const
633  {
634  return std::min_element(__begin, __end, *this);
635  }
637  protected:
639  };
641  /**
642  * Auxiliary class to compare fit results with respect to a reference position (e.g.\ true muon).
643  * The sort operation results in an ordered set of fit results with increasing distance between
644  * the reference position and that of the fit results.
645  */
646  class JPosition {
647  public:
648  /**
649  * Constructor.
650  *
651  * \param pos reference position
652  */
654  {
655  this->pos = pos;
656  }
658  /**
659  * Comparison of fit results.
660  *
661  * \param first first fit
662  * \param second second fit
663  * \return true if first fit better; else false
664  */
665  inline bool operator()(const JFit& first, const JFit& second) const
666  {
667  return this->pos.getDistance(getPosition(first)) < this->pos.getDistance(getPosition(second));
668  }
670  /**
671  * Select best fit result.
672  *
673  * \param __begin begin of fit results
674  * \param __end end of fit results
675  * \return best fit result
676  */
677  template<class T>
678  inline T operator()(T __begin, T __end) const
679  {
680  return std::min_element(__begin, __end, *this);
681  }
683  protected:
685  };
689  public:
690  /**
691  * Constructor.
692  *
693  * \param E reference energy
694  */
695  JShowerEnergy(double E)
696  {
697  this->energy = E;
698  }
700  /**
701  * Comparison of fit results.
702  *
703  * \param first first fit
704  * \param second second fit
705  * \return true if first fit better; else false
706  */
707  inline bool operator()(const JFit& first, const JFit& second) const
708  {
709  return fabs(this->energy - first.getE()) < fabs(this->energy - second.getE());
710  }
712  /**
713  * Select best fit result.
714  *
715  * \param __begin begin of fit results
716  * \param __end end of fit results
717  * \return best fit result
718  */
719  template<class T>
720  inline T operator()(T __begin, T __end) const
721  {
722  return std::min_element(__begin, __end, *this);
723  }
725  protected:
726  double energy;
727  };
730  /**
731  * Auxiliary class to evaluate atmospheric muon hypothesis.
732  * The hypothesis is tested by means of the difference in quality
733  * between the best upward and best downward track.
734  */
736  public:
737  /**
738  * Default constructor.
739  */
741  dot1(0.0),
742  dot2(0.0)
743  {}
746  /**
747  * Constructor.
748  *
749  * \param theta1 upper hemisphere angle [deg]
750  * \param theta2 lower hemisphere angle [deg]
751  */
752  JAtmosphericMuon(const double theta1,
753  const double theta2) :
754  dot1(cos(theta1 * JMATH::PI/180.0)),
755  dot2(cos(theta2 * JMATH::PI/180.0))
756  {}
759  /**
760  * Test is event is atmospheric muon.
761  *
762  * \param __begin begin of data
763  * \param __end end of data
764  * \return negative if preferably down / positive if preferably up
765  */
766  double operator()(JEvt::const_iterator __begin,
767  JEvt::const_iterator __end) const
768  {
769  double Qup = 0.0;
770  double Qdown = 0.0;
772  for (JEvt::const_iterator i = __begin; i != __end; ++i) {
774  if (i->getDZ() >= dot1) {
776  if (i->getQ() > Qup) {
777  Qup = i->getQ();
778  }
780  } else if (i->getDZ() <= dot2) {
782  if (i->getQ() > Qdown) {
783  Qdown = i->getQ();
784  }
785  }
786  }
788  return Qup - Qdown;
789  }
792  /**
793  * Read atmospheric muon analyser from input.
794  *
795  * \param in input stream
796  * \param object atmospheric muon analyser
797  * \return input stream
798  */
799  friend inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, JAtmosphericMuon& object)
800  {
801  double theta1, theta2;
803  in >> theta1 >> theta2;
805  object.dot1 = cos(theta1 * JMATH::PI/180.0);
806  object.dot2 = cos(theta2 * JMATH::PI/180.0);
808  return in;
809  }
812  /**
813  * Write atmospheric muon analyser to output.
814  *
815  * \param out output stream
816  * \param object atmospheric muon analyser
817  * \return output stream
818  */
819  friend inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const JAtmosphericMuon& object)
820  {
821  out << acos(object.dot1) * 180.0 / JMATH::PI << ' '
822  << acos(object.dot2) * 180.0 / JMATH::PI;
824  return out;
825  }
828  double dot1;
829  double dot2;
830  };
831 }
833 #endif
#define THROW(JException_t, A)
Marco for throwing exception with std::ostream compatible message.
Definition: JException.hh:712
Definition for fit results.
Auxiliary methods for geometrical methods.
Mathematical constants.
Auxiliary class to define a range between two values.
Data structure for set of track fit results.
Data structure for track fit results with history and optional associated values.
double getDZ() const
Get Z-slope.
double getDY() const
Get Y-slope.
double getZ() const
Get Z-position.
double getE() const
Get energy.
double getDX() const
Get X-slope.
double getY() const
Get Y-position.
double getQ() const
Get quality.
double getT() const
Get time.
double getX() const
Get X-position.
Data structure for fit of straight line paralel to z-axis.
Definition: JLine1Z.hh:29
double getT(const JVector3D &pos) const
Get arrival time of Cherenkov light at given position.
Definition: JLine1Z.hh:114
double getZ(const JPosition3D &pos) const
Get point of emission of Cherenkov light along muon path.
Definition: JLine1Z.hh:134
Data structure for cascade in positive z-direction.
Definition: JShower3Z.hh:36
Data structure for angles in three dimensions.
Definition: JAngle3D.hh:35
double getDY() const
Get y direction.
Definition: JAngle3D.hh:119
double getDZ() const
Get z direction.
Definition: JAngle3D.hh:130
double getDX() const
Get x direction.
Definition: JAngle3D.hh:108
Axis object.
Definition: JAxis3D.hh:41
Data structure for direction in three dimensions.
Definition: JDirection3D.hh:35
Data structure for position in three dimensions.
Definition: JPosition3D.hh:38
double getT(const JVector3D &pos) const
Get arrival time of Cherenkov light at given position.
Definition: JTrack3D.hh:126
3D track with energy.
Definition: JTrack3E.hh:32
Data structure for vector in three dimensions.
Definition: JVector3D.hh:36
double getY() const
Get y position.
Definition: JVector3D.hh:104
double getZ() const
Get z position.
Definition: JVector3D.hh:115
double getX() const
Get x position.
Definition: JVector3D.hh:94
Data structure for normalised vector in three dimensions.
Definition: JVersor3D.hh:28
double getDY() const
Get y direction.
Definition: JVersor3D.hh:106
double getDX() const
Get x direction.
Definition: JVersor3D.hh:95
double getDZ() const
Get z direction.
Definition: JVersor3D.hh:117
Exception for accessing an index in a collection that is outside of its range.
Definition: JException.hh:108
Auxiliary class to evaluate atmospheric muon hypothesis.
JAtmosphericMuon(const double theta1, const double theta2)
friend std::istream & operator>>(std::istream &in, JAtmosphericMuon &object)
Read atmospheric muon analyser from input.
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const JAtmosphericMuon &object)
Write atmospheric muon analyser to output.
double operator()(JEvt::const_iterator __begin, JEvt::const_iterator __end) const
Test is event is atmospheric muon.
Auxiliary class to compare fit results with respect to a reference direction (e.g....
bool operator()(const JFit &first, const JFit &second) const
Comparison of fit results.
JPointing(const JFit &fit)
T operator()(T __begin, T __end) const
Select best fit result.
JVersor3D getDirection() const
Get direction.
JPointing(const JVersor3D &dir)
double getAngle(const JFit &fit) const
Get angle between reference direction and fit result.
Auxiliary class to compare fit results with respect to a reference position (e.g. true muon).
bool operator()(const JFit &first, const JFit &second) const
Comparison of fit results.
JPosition(JVector3D pos)
T operator()(T __begin, T __end) const
Select best fit result.
T operator()(T __begin, T __end) const
Select best fit result.
bool operator()(const JFit &first, const JFit &second) const
Comparison of fit results.
Range of values.
Definition: JRange.hh:42
static const int JMUONBEGIN
begin range of reconstruction stages
static const int JSHOWEREND
end range of reconstruction stages
static const int JMUONGANDALF
static const int JMUONPREFIT
static const int JMUONENERGY
static const int JSHOWERPREFIT
static const int JMUONSIMPLEX
static const int JSHOWERBEGIN
begin range of reconstruction stages
static const int JMUONSTART
static const int JMUONEND
end range of reconstruction stages
JFind_if< JResult_t T::*, JPredicate_t > make_find_if(JResult_t T::*member, const JPredicate_t &predicate)
Helper method to create find_if for data member.
Definition: JFind_if.hh:119
JPredicate< JResult_t T::*, JComparison::eq > make_predicate(JResult_t T::*member, const JResult_t value)
Helper method to create predicate for data member.
Definition: JPredicate.hh:128
Auxiliary classes and methods for mathematical operations.
Definition: JEigen3D.hh:88
double getAngle(const JFirst_t &first, const JSecond_t &second)
Get space angle between objects.
double getDot(const JFirst_t &first, const JSecond_t &second)
Get dot product of objects.
static const double PI
Mathematical constants.
This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).
Model fits to data.
const JFit & get_best_reconstructed_track(const JEvt &evt, JTrackSelector_t selector, JQualitySorter_t comparator)
Get best reconstructed track.
bool has_muon_gandalf(const JFit &fit)
Test whether given fit has muon gandalf in history.
JPosition3D getPosition(const JFit &fit)
Get position.
double getAngle(const JFit &fit, const JVersor3D &dir)
Get space angle.
bool qualitySorter(const JFit &first, const JFit &second)
Comparison of fit results.
JAxis3D getAxis(const JFit &fit)
Get axis.
JTrack3E getTrack(const JFit &fit)
Get track.
const JFit & get_best_reconstructed_shower(const JEvt &evt)
Get best reconstructed shower.
double getQuality(const double chi2)
Get quality of fit.
bool has_muon_energy(const JFit &fit)
Test whether given fit has muon energy in history.
bool has_muon_fit(const JFit &fit)
Test whether given fit has muon fit in history.
JFit getFit(const JHistory &history, const JLine1Z &track, const JAngle3D &angle, const double Q, const int NDF, const double energy=0.0, const int status=SINGLE_STAGE)
Get fit.
JDirection3D getDirection(const JFit &fit)
Get direction.
bool has_reconstructed_shower(const JEvt &evt)
Test whether given event has a track with shower reconstruction.
const JFit & get_best_reconstructed_muon(const JEvt &evt)
Get best reconstructed muon.
bool has_muon_prefit(const JFit &fit)
Test whether given fit has muon prefit in history.
bool has_muon_start(const JFit &fit)
Test whether given fit has muon start in history.
bool has_muon_simplex(const JFit &fit)
Test whether given fit has muon simplex in history.
bool has_reconstructed_track(const JEvt &evt, JTrackSelector_t selector)
Test whether given event has a track according selection.
bool has_reconstructed_muon(const JEvt &evt)
Test whether given event has a track with muon reconstruction.
double getDot(const JFit &fit, const JVersor3D &dir)
Get dot product.
bool has_history(const JFit &fit, const JRange< int > &range)
Test whether given fit has specified history.
Definition: JSTDTypes.hh:14
int type
Container for historical events.
Definition: JHistory.hh:101
const JHistory & getHistory() const
Get history.
Definition: JHistory.hh:229
General purpose sorter of fit results.
JFunctionAdaptor< bool, const JFit &, const JFit & > function_adaptor_type
bool has_shower_prefit(const Trk &track)
Test whether given track has shower prefit in history.
bool has_shower_positionfit(const Trk &track)
Test whether given track has shower position fit in history.
bool has_shower_completefit(const Trk &track)
Test whether given track has shower complete fit in history.
bool has_shower_fit(const Trk &track)
Test whether given track has default shower fit in history.