Jpp  master_rocky-43-ge265d140c
the software that should make you happy
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifndef __w2list_gseagen__
2 #define __w2list_gseagen__
4 /**
5  * KM3NeT Data Definitions v3.4.0-8-ge14cb17
6  *
7  */
9 /**
10  * w2list_gseagen
11  */
12 static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_PS = 0; //!< Constant factor in the weight (global generation weight)
13 static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_EG = 1; //!< E gamma
14 static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_XSEC_MEAN = 2; //!< Average interaction cross-section per nucleon along the neutrino path throuh the Earth (in units of m2)
15 static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_COLUMN_DEPTH = 3; //!< Line integrated column density through the Earth for the neutrino direction
16 static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_P_EARTH = 4; //!< Transmission probability in the Earth (XSEC_MEAN and COLUMN_DEPTH used to compute PEarth)
17 static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_WATER_INT_LEN = 5; //!< Interaction length in pure water in m
18 static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_P_SCALE = 6; //!< Interaction probability scale
19 static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_BX = 7; //!< Bjorken x
20 static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_BY = 8; //!< Bjorken y
21 static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_ICHAN = 9; //!< Interaction channel
22 static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_CC = 10; //!< Charged current interaction flag
23 static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_DISTAMAX = 11; //!< distance added to the radius of the generation surface (relevant for CORSIKA muons)
24 static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_WATERXSEC = 12; //!< inclusive xsec in water
25 static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_XSEC = 13; //!< exclusive total cross section of the interaction
26 static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_DXSEC = 14; //!< differential cross section of the interaction (dsigma/dxdy) extracted from genie
27 static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_TARGETA = 15; //!< number of nuclons in the target
28 static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_TARGETZ = 16; //!< number of protons in the target
29 static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_VERINCAN = 17; //!< flag indicating the vertex is in the can
30 static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_LEPINCAN = 18; //!< flag indicating a lepton reached the can
31 static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_N_RETRIES = 19; //!< Number of extra chances given to each CORSIKA shower to hit the can
32 static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_CUSTOM_YAW = 20; //!< user-specified rotation of CORSIKA showers (around z-axis)
33 static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_CUSTOM_PITCH = 21; //!< user-specified rotation of CORSIKA showers (around y-axis)
34 static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_CUSTOM_ROLL = 22; //!< user-specified rotation of CORSIKA showers (around x-axis)
35 #endif
static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_EG
E gamma.
Line integrated column density through the Earth for the neutrino direction.
static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_N_RETRIES
Number of extra chances given to each CORSIKA shower to hit the can.
static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_BX
Bjorken x.
static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_DXSEC
differential cross section of the interaction (dsigma/dxdy) extracted from genie
static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_VERINCAN
flag indicating the vertex is in the can
user-specified rotation of CORSIKA showers (around y-axis)
inclusive xsec in water
static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_CC
Charged current interaction flag.
static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_XSEC_MEAN
Average interaction cross-section per nucleon along the neutrino path throuh the Earth (in units of m...
static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_XSEC
exclusive total cross section of the interaction
static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_TARGETZ
number of protons in the target
static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_P_SCALE
Interaction probability scale.
static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_TARGETA
number of nuclons in the target
static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_CUSTOM_YAW
user-specified rotation of CORSIKA showers (around z-axis)
static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_LEPINCAN
flag indicating a lepton reached the can
static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_ICHAN
Interaction channel.
static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_BY
Bjorken y.
static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_PS
KM3NeT Data Definitions v3.4.0-8-ge14cb17
user-specified rotation of CORSIKA showers (around x-axis)
Interaction length in pure water in m.
static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_P_EARTH
Transmission probability in the Earth (XSEC_MEAN and COLUMN_DEPTH used to compute PEarth)
static const int W2LIST_GSEAGEN_DISTAMAX
distance added to the radius of the generation surface (relevant for CORSIKA muons)