92 virtual const unsigned char*
const {
return NULL; }
111 static const unsigned int Length() {
return 32; }
124 out <<
"frameSize " <<
object.frameSize << endl;
125 out <<
"dataType " <<
object.dataType << endl;
126 out <<
"frameTarget " <<
object.frameTarget << endl;
127 out <<
"frameTime1 " <<
object.frameTime1 << endl;
128 out <<
"frameTime2 " <<
object.frameTime2 << endl;
129 out <<
"frameIndex " <<
object.frameIndex << endl;
130 out <<
"status " <<
object.status << endl;
131 out <<
"nbItems " <<
object.nbItems << endl;
132 out <<
"LCM_ID " <<
object.LCM_ID << endl;
133 out <<
"ARS_ID " <<
object.ARS_ID << endl;
134 out <<
"runNumber " <<
object.runNumber << endl;
static const bool operator==(const DaqFramePreamble &first, const DaqFramePreamble &second)
equal operator for DAQ frame preamble
static const bool operator!=(const DaqFramePreamble &first, const DaqFramePreamble &second)
not-equal operator for DAQ frame preamble
This object holds the information from the 'preamble' of a data frame.
ClassDef(DaqFramePreamble, 2)
unsigned int frameTime2
Frame 'time stamp' in units of 50ns (LSW)
const unsigned short lcm_id() const
get LCM idendifier
Construct an empty preamble object.
unsigned short LCM_ID
ID of originating LCM.
unsigned int frameIndex
Number of frames since start of the run.
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const DaqFramePreamble &object)
Print ASCII.
unsigned short dataType
Data type code (DAQ_xxx)
const unsigned short ars_id() const
get ARS idendifier
virtual const unsigned int getdatalen() const
Return the length of the frame data buffer.
unsigned int runNumber
Run-number as given by the RunControl.
unsigned short status
Status of frame Xon/Xoff.
unsigned short frameTarget
Unique code representing the shore station for this frame.
static const unsigned int Length()
Return length of an encoded frame preamble in bytes.
virtual ~DaqFramePreamble()
virtual const unsigned char * getdata() const
Return a pointer to the frame data buffer.
const unsigned short numberOfItems() const
get number of items
unsigned short ARS_ID
ID of originating ARS.
unsigned short nbItems
Number of items actually sent in this frame.
const unsigned short data_type() const
get data type
unsigned int frameSize
Total length of the frame in 4-byte words.
unsigned int frameTime1
Frame 'time stamp' in units of 50ns (MSW)