58 const double z2)
const = 0;
71 const double z2)
const = 0;
84 const double z2)
const = 0;
Auxiliary classes and methods for acoustic position calibration.
This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).
Interface for depth dependend velocity of sound.
virtual double operator()() const =0
Get velocity of sound.
virtual double getTime(const double D_m, const double z1, const double z2) const =0
Get propagation time of sound.
virtual double operator()(const double z) const
Get velocity of sound at given depth relative to seabed.
virtual double getDistance(const double t_s, const double z1, const double z2) const =0
Get distance travelled by sound.
virtual double getInverseVelocity(const double D_m, const double z1, const double z2) const =0
Get inverse velocity of sound.
virtual ~JAbstractSoundVelocity()
Virtual destructor.