4if [ -z $JPP_DIR ]; then
5 echo "Variable JPP_DIR undefined."
9source $JPP_DIR/setenv.sh $JPP_DIR >& /dev/null
11set_variable: DEBUG ARCHIVE_DEBUG 2
12set_variable: WORKDIR ARCHIVE_WORKDIR ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/
13set_variable RANGE 1-99999999
16 usage "$script <archive> <version> <directory> [<first run>-<last run>]"\
17 "\nAuxiliary script to store pre-calibration results in archive."\
18 "\nThe directory corresponds to the location of the pre-calibration results."
22 4) set_variable RANGE $argv[4];&
23 3) set_variable DIR $argv[3];
24 set_variable VERSION $argv[2];
25 set_variable ARCHIVE $argv[1];;
26 *) fatal "Wrong number of arguments."
29source JAcousticsToolkit.sh
33if [[ ! -f $DETECTOR ]]; then
34 fatal "Missing detector file $DETECTOR"
37eval `JPrintDetector -a $DETECTOR -O IDENTIFIER`
39for KEY in $ACOUSTICS_AUXS[*]; do
40 if [[ -f $DIR/$KEY.txt ]]; then
41 putFile.sh $DIR/${KEY}.txt $ARCHIVE $DETECTOR_ID ${RANGE%%-*} ${RANGE##*-} $KEY $VERSION
43 fatal "Missing file $DIR/$KEY.txt"
47archive-put-Detector.sh $ARCHIVE $VERSION detector $DETECTOR ${RANGE%%-*} ${RANGE##*-}