Jpp test-rotations-old
the software that should make you happy
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JAcoustics Directory Reference

 Abstract sound velocity.
 Main program to trigger events in acoustic data.
 Acoustics support kit.
 Acoustics toolkit.
 Main program to trigger acoustic data.
 Example program to plot acoustic fit results.
 Example program to compare acoustic fit results.
 Auxiliary program to convert acoustic events.
 Acoustic counter.
 Auxialiry program to determine average creep of strings.
 Program to compare acoustics event data.
 Program to compare acoustics fit data.
 Program to compare toa data.
 Auxiliary program to modify hydrophone configuration.
 Auxiliary program to add or modify mechanical model data of detector string.
 Auxiliary program to modify transmitter configuration.
 Auxiliary program to modify tripod configuration.
 Emitter hash key.
 Acoustic emitter.
 Emitter identification.
 Acoustic event.
 Acoustic event fit.
 Acoustic event fit toolkit.
 Acoustic fit parameters.
 Auxiliary application to determine tilt angles of seabed based on measured tilt angles.
 Application to make a global fit of the detector geometry to acoustic data.
 Acoustic geometries.
 Fit function of acoustic model.
 Acoustic hit.
 Application to make a global fit of the detector geometry to acoustic data.
 Fit functions of acoustic model.
 Mechanical modelling of string.
 Auxiliary program to merge hydrophone files.
 Auxiliary program to merge transmitter files.
 Auxiliary program to merge tripod files.
 Model for fit to acoutsics data.
 Example program to plot acoustic fit results.
 Application to make a global fit of the detector geometry to acoustic data.
 Auxiliary program to print hydrophone configuration.
 Auxiliary program to print mechanical constants.
 Acoustic receiver.
 Auxiliary application to apply tilt angles to seabed.
 Sound velocity.
 Acoustic event fit.
 Acoustic super event fit toolkit.
 ROOT TTree parameter settings.
 Application to perform acoustic pre-calibration.
 Auxiliary program to convert acoustics data from data base into ROOT format.
 Acoustic event.
 Acoustic transceiver.
 Acoustic transmission.
 Acoustic transmission identifier.
 Acoustic trigger parameters.
 Sound velocity according UNESCO equation.