Jpp test-rotations-old
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JPhysics Directory Reference

 Program to determine the energy loss due to visible delta-rays.
 Example program to draw PDF from LED beacon.
 Mickey-mouse program to propagate neutrinos through the Earth.
 Auxiliary program to draw npe as a function of EM-energy.
 Example program to histogram muon energy loss.
 Example program to histogram photon emission profile from showers using JPHYSICS::JGeanx.
 Example program to histogram longitudinal shower profile using JPHYSICS::JGeanz.
 Example program to check background calculation.
 Example program to calculate multiples rate.
 Auxiliary program to determine L0 and L1 hit probability as a function of.
 Example program to histogram neutrino interaction cross sections.
 Program to compare integrals of PDF of Cherenkov light from EM-shower using interpolation tables.
 Program to plot PDF of Cherenkov light from EM-shower using interpolation tables.
 Program to print PDF of Cherenkov light from elongated EM-shower.
 Example program to histogram radiation cross sections, shower energy, range and b(E) as a function of the muon energy.
 Example program to histogram shower energy as a function of the muon energy.
 Example program to calculate singles rate.
 Program to plot PDF of Cherenkov light from EM-shower using interpolation tables.