Jpp test-rotations-old
the software that should make you happy
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 Auxiliary program to print APIV2 version.
 Auxiliary program to print cookie file name.
 Auxiliary program to get serial number or object identifier of detector from database.
 Auxiliary program to get location ID corresponding to given user login.
 Auxiliary program to get user ID corresponding to given user login.
 Auxiliary program to store AHRS calibration data on local disk.
 Auxiliary program to convert data from data base into ASCII format.
 Auxiliary program to convert data from data base into ROOT format.
 Auxiliary application to examine datalog file.
 This file is automatically created by make.
 This file is automatically created by make.
 Auxiliary program to download default detector from database.
 Auxiliary program to download or update detector from database.
 Auxiliary program to write test criteria to file.
 MAC address.
 Auxiliary program to check HV.
 Auxiliary program to set PMT thresholds according DAQ configuration of a given data taking run.
 Auxiliary program to set TTS function identifier in PMT parameters file according PMT variant.
 Example program for compass calibration.
 Auxiliary program to print data from data base.
 Auxiliary program to print PMT thresholds.
 Auxiliary program to print slow control parameters.
 Auxiliary program to convert ASCII data from data base into ROOT format.
 Auxiliary program to download official detector.
 Example program to print run related data from data base.
 Auxiliary program to print host name of data base server.
 Auxiliary program to decompose detector to separate calibrations.
 ROOT TTree parameter settings.
 Auxiliary program to determine TDC constraints (input to according HV settings from the database.
 Auxiliary program to apply test criteria to file.
 Auxiliary program to convert slow control data from the database to ROOT TTree.
 Auxiliary program to convert ROOT TTree with slow control data to ROOT TGraph's.