Jpp test-rotations-old
the software that should make you happy
No Matches
JLang Directory Reference


 Auxiliary class to speed up new/delete operations of any class.
 Auxiliary class to identify common base class in type list.
 Compiler version dependent expressions, macros, etc.
 Utility method to assign multiple values to STD container.
 I/O manipulators.
 Base class for memory management.
 Very basic lock facilities to be used in multithreaded programs.
 Auxiliary base class to speed up new/delete operations of any class.
 General methods for loading and storing a single object from and to a file, respectively.
 Implementation of pipe operation for object iterators.
 Jpp environment information.
 Type list of primitive data types.
 Auxiliary class to speed up new/delete operations of any class.
 Forward declarations of STD containers.
 Auxiliary class to alleviate the diamond problem due to multiple inheritance.
 Exception handling.
 Auxiliary methods to convert data members or return values of member methods of a set of objects to a single vector.