the software that should make you happy
NANTARES | Name space for Antares |
Napplications | |
►Nbenchmark | |
Cchronometrable | |
Ncreate_update_issues | |
Ndaqdatatypes | |
Ndetail | |
Nfitparameters | |
Nget_convergence_angle | |
►Ngui | |
Cdomid_comparator | |
Clast_view_comparator | |
Chit_rate_comparator | |
Crun_number_comparator | |
Cname_comparator | |
Cmatch_comparator | |
Nio_stringutil | |
►NJAANET | Extensions to Evt data format |
CJAtmosphericNeutrinoFlux | Implementation of atmospheric neutrino flux using official KM3NeT atmospheric flux function |
CJConstantFlux | Function object for constant fluxes |
CJDiffuseFlux | Low-level interface for diffuse fluxes |
CJDiffuseFluxHelper | Helper class for diffuse flux factor |
CJEvtCategory | Low-level interface for event categories |
CJEvtCategoryHelper | Helper class for event categories |
CJEvtCategoryMap | Auxiliary class for reading a map of event categories |
►CJEvtCategoryMap< JEvtWeightFactorProduct > | Template specialisation for a map between event categories and event-weight factor products |
CJEvtCategoryMapHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of map of event categories and weight factors |
►CJEvtCategoryMap< JFluxHelper > | Template specialisation for a map between event categories and flux factors |
CJEvtCategoryMapHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of map of event categories and weight factors |
CJEvtCategorySet | Container for a set of event categories |
CJEvtEvaluator | Auxiliary class to determine value of Evt objects |
CJEvtWeight | Abstract base class for event weighing |
CJEvtWeightCorsika | Implementation of event weighting for Corsika data |
CJEvtWeightDAQ | Implementation of event weighing for DAQ data |
CJEvtWeightFactor | Abstract base class for specifiable event-weight factors |
►CJEvtWeightFactorConstant | Class for constant event-weight factors |
CJEvtWeightFactorConstantHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of constant event-weight factor |
CJEvtWeightFactorFunction | Implementation of event-weight factor interface |
CJEvtWeightFactorFunction< JDiffuseFluxFunction_t, JDiffuseFlux > | Implementation of event-weight factor interface for diffuse flux objects |
►CJEvtWeightFactorFunction< Flux_Atmospheric, JDiffuseFlux > | Specialisation of event-weight factor interface for atmospheric neutrino flux |
CJFluxFunctionHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of atmospheric neutrino flux function |
CJEvtWeightFactorFunction< pEvtWeightFactor, JEvtWeightFactor_t > | Implementation of C-style event-weight factor |
CJEvtWeightFactorFunction< pDiffuseFlux, JDiffuseFlux > | Implementation of C-style diffuse flux event-weight factor |
CJEvtWeightFactorGSeaGen | Implementation of reweighting factor for simulated neutrino interactions according to a specifiable ROOT TFormula |
CJEvtWeightFactorHelper | Helper class for event-weight factor |
CJEvtWeightFactorMupage | Implementation of reweighting factor for mupage events according to a specifiable ROOT TFormula |
►CJEvtWeightFactorProduct | Class for product of event-weight factors |
CJEvtWeightFactorProductHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of product of event-weight factors |
►CJEvtWeightFactorTFormula | Base class implementation for reweighting factor for simulated events according to a specifiable ROOT TFormula |
CJEvtWeightFactorTFormulaHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of TFormula-based event-weight factor |
CJEvtWeightGenhen | Implementation of event weighting for Genhen data |
CJEvtWeightGSeaGen | Implementation of event weighting for GSeaGen data |
CJEvtWeightHelper | Helper class for event weighing |
CJEvtWeightInterface | Low-level interface for event weighing |
CJEvtWeightKM3BUU | Implementation of event weighting for KM3BUU data |
CJEvtWeightMiscellaneous | Implementation of event weighing for miscellaneous data such as a merged offline file containing neutrinos and atmospheric muons |
CJEvtWeightMupage | Implementation of event weighing for MUPAGE data |
CJEvtWeightNormalisation | Auxiliary data structure for storing pairs of header UUIDs and event-weight normalisations |
CJEvtWeighter | Look-up table for event weighters |
CJFlux | Low-level interface for retrieving the flux corresponding to a given event |
CJFluxHelper | Helper class for flux function |
CJRange_t | Type definition of range |
Cstart_run | Start of run record |
CString | General purpose string class |
Cdetector | Detector file |
Cmuon_desc_file | Muon descriptor file |
Ctarget | Target |
CXSecFile | Neutrino cross section file |
Cdrawing | Drawing |
Ccalibration | Calibration |
Ccut | General purpose class of phase space generation |
Ccut_primary | Phase space of primary particle |
Ccut_seamuon | Phase space of atmospheric muon generation |
Ccut_in | Phase space of incoming particle |
Ccut_nu | Phase space of incident neutrino |
Cgenerator | Description of Monte Carlo event generation applications |
Cphysics | Physics information |
Csimul | Generator for simulation |
Cspectrum | Neutrino energy spectrum |
Ccan | The cylinder used for photon tracking |
Cfixedcan | The fixed cylinder used for photon tracking |
Cgenvol | Neutrino vertex volume |
Ccoord_origin | Coordinate origin |
Cgenhencut | Phase space for incident neutrino |
Cnorma | Normlisation of CORSIKA events |
Clivetime | Normalisation of MUPAGE events |
Cflux | Neutrino flux |
Cseabottom | The bottom of the sea |
Cdepth | Depth |
CDAQ | Livetime of DAQ data |
CK40 | Livetime of noise data |
Ctgen | Time duration of event generation |
Ctime_interval | UTC time interval for event generation |
Cprimary | Primary particle |
Cend_event | End of event record |
CJHead | Monte Carlo run header |
CJHeadHelper | Auxiliary map of application to check method |
CJHeadWriter | Implementation for Head output of JHead objects with ROOT dictionary |
CJHondaBinRange | Auxiliary data structure for reading Honda bin ranges |
CJHondaAngularBinSpecs | Auxiliary data structure for reading angular binning specifications of Honda flux table |
►CJHondaFluxInterpolator | Template definition for Honda flux table interpolator |
CJHondaFluxInterpolatorHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of Honda flux interpolator |
►CJHondaFluxInterpolator< JConstantFunction1D< double, JArray< 4, double > >, JCoszFunctionalMap_t, JEnergyFunctionalMap_t > | Template specialisation for interpolator of azimuth-averaged Honda flux table |
CJHondaFluxInterpolatorHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of Honda flux interpolator |
CJLorentzBoost | Auxiliary class for performing Lorentz boosts |
CJMultiHead | Auxiliary data structure to store multiple headers and bookkeep event-weight normalisations |
►CJMuonBundleCategory | Class for muon bundle categories |
CJMuonBundleCategoryHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of muon bundle category |
►CJNeutrinoInteractionCategory | Class for neutrino interaction categories |
CJNeutrinoInteractionCategoryHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of neutrino interaction category |
►CJOscFlux | Implementation of oscillated neutrino flux |
CJOscFluxHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of oscillated flux |
CJParticle | Auxiliary class to handle particle name, codes and mass |
CJPDB | Collection of particles |
►CJPowerLawFlux | Example function object for computing power-law flux |
CJPowerLawFluxHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of power-law flux |
CJVolume | Auxiliary class for histogramming of effective volume |
CJEventSelector | Event selector |
►NJACOUSTICS | Auxiliary classes and methods for acoustic position calibration |
►NJGEOMETRY | Auxiliary namespace to encapsulate different geometries |
CJFloor | Floor geometry |
CJString | String geometry |
►CJDetector | Detector geometry |
Cmodule_type | Auxiliary data structure for module location and position |
►NJMODEL | Auxiliary namespace to encapsulate different model parameters |
CJString | String parameters |
CJEmission | Emission parameters |
CJAbstractSoundVelocity | Interface for depth dependend velocity of sound |
CJAttenuationLength | Auxiliary data structure for calculation of attenuation length |
CJWaveform | Utility class for emitter power and frequency |
CJWeight | Auxiliary data structure to unify weights of acoustics data according to the number of pings per emitter |
Chit_type | Acoustic hit |
CJMatch3D | 3D match criterion for acoustic signals |
CJEventOverlap | Match of two events considering overlap in time |
CJCounter | Acoustic counter |
CJEKey | Emitter key |
CJEmitter | Acoustic emitter |
CJEmitterID | Auxiliary class for emitter identification |
►CJEvent | Acoustic event |
CJEvaluator | Auxiliary class to determine value of acoustic events |
CJFit | Acoustic single fit |
CJHead | Acoustic event header |
►CJEvt | Acoustic event fit |
CJEvaluator | Auxiliary class to determine value of acoustic events |
CgetModel | Auxiliary data structure to convert event to model |
CgetEvt | Auxiliary data structure to convert model to event |
CJFitParameters | Fit parameters |
CJFremantle | Thread pool for global fits |
►CJGlobalfit | Global fit of prameterised detector geometry to acoustics data |
Cresult_type | Auxiliary data structure for return value of fit |
CJHit | Acoustics hit |
CJKatoomba | Template definition of fit function of acoustic model |
►CJKatoomba< JType > | Auxiliary base class for fit function of acoustic model |
Ccompare | Auxiliary data structure to sort transmissions |
CH_t | H-equation as per hit |
CI_t | Indices of H-equation in global model |
CJKatoomba< JAbstractMinimiser > | Template specialisation of fit function of acoustic model based on JAbstractMinimiser minimiser |
CTMatrixDS | Auxiliary data structure for compatibility of symmetric matrix |
CJKatoomba< JEstimator > | Template specialisation of fit function of acoustic model based on linear approximation |
CJKatoomba< JSimplex > | Template specialisation of fit function of acoustic model based on JSimplex minimiser |
CJGandalf | Place holder for custom implementation |
CJKatoomba< JGandalf > | Template specialisation of fit function of acoustic model based on JGandalf minimiser |
CJMechanics | Auxiliary data structure for parameters of mechanical model |
CJDetectorMechanics | Auxiliary data structure for mechanical model parameters of strings in a given detector |
►CJModel | Model for fit to acoustics data |
►Cemission_type | Map emission key to model parameters of emission |
Chelper | Auxiliary class for multiple associative map operators |
Chash_evaluator | Auxiliary data structure for common fit parameters |
Chash_map | Auxiliary data structure with extended functionality of hash-map |
Cstring_type | Map string identifier to model parameters of string |
CJPlatypus | Thread pool for global fits using super events |
CJReceiver | Acoustic receiver |
CJSoundVelocity | Implementation for depth dependend velocity of sound |
►CJSuperEvt | Acoustic super event fit |
Crx_t | Acoustics transmission |
Ctx_t | Acoustics emission |
CgetSuperEvt | Auxiliary data structure to convert model to super event |
CJFilenames | Auxiliary data structure for handling of file names |
CJSetup | Auxiliary data structure for setup of complete system |
►CJSydney | Main class for pre-calibration using acoustics data |
Cdetector_type | Auxiliary data structure for detector with decomposed strings |
Cfits_t | Auxiliary data structure for group of lists of identifiers of to-be-fitted objects |
Cids_t | List of object identifiers |
CJAnchorEditor | Auxiliary class to edit orientation of anchor |
CJDyneemaEditor | Auxiliary class to edit length of Dyneema ropes |
CJModuleEditor | Auxiliary class to edit (z) position of module |
CJParameters_t | Extended data structure for parameters of stage |
CJStringEditor | Auxiliary class to edit (x,y,z) position of string |
CJTripodEditor | Auxiliary class to edit (x,y,z) position of tripod |
Cstring_type | Auxiliary data structure for decomposed string |
CJToA | Time-of-arrival data from acoustic piezo sensor or hydrophone |
CJTransceiver | Acoustic transceiver |
►CJTransmission | Acoustic transmission |
Ccompare | Auxiliary class to compare transmissions |
Cequals | Auxiliary class to compare transmissions |
CJTransmission_t | Acoustic transmission identifier |
CJTriggerOutput | Set of acoustics events |
CJTriggerParameters | Trigger parameters |
CJMatch1D | 1D match criterion for acoustic signals |
CJCheck | Auxiliary data structure for final check on event |
CJSourceLocation | Location of astrophysical source |
CJGalacticCoordinates | Location of astrophysical source in Galactic coordinates |
CJNeutrinoDirection | Direction of incident neutrino |
CJGeographicalLocation | Location of detector |
CJAstronomy | Auxiliary class to make coordinate transformations for a specific geographical location of the detector |
CJStarTrek | Auxiliary class for source tracking |
►NJCALIBRATE | Auxiliary classes and methods for PMT calibration |
CJPairwiseComparator | Auxiliary class to sort pairs of PMT addresses within optical module |
CJCombinatorics_t | PMT combinatorics for optical module |
Crate_type | Data structure for measured coincidence rate of pair of PMTs |
Cdata_type | Data structure for measured coincidence rates of all pairs of PMTs in optical module |
CJParameter_t | Auxiliary class for fit parameter with optional limits |
CJPMTParameters_t | Fit parameters for single PMT |
CJK40Parameters_t | Fit parameters for two-fold coincidence rate due to K40 |
CJK40Parameters | Fit parameters for two-fold coincidence rate due to K40 |
►CJModel | Fit model |
Creal_type | Auxiliary data structure for derived quantities of a given PMT pair |
►CJFit | Fit |
Cresult_type | Result type |
CJFitToTParameters | Fit parameters for two-fold coincidence rate due to K40 |
CJFitToT | Parametrisation of time-over-threshold distribution |
CJHVInterpolator | Auxiliary data structure to store high-voltage versus gain data and interpolate the nominal high-voltage |
CJParameters | Auxiliary class for PMT parameters including threshold |
CJTDC_t | Auxiliary class for TDC constraints |
CJResultTitle | Class dedicated to standardize the title of the graphical objects produced by the JTest_t() derived classes |
CJTest_t | Interface to read input and write output for TObject tests |
CJTestChi2 | Implementation of the Chi2 test for ROOT histograms |
CJTestChi2_Bin | Implementation of a bin-by-bin Chi2 test for 2D histograms |
CJTestChi2_Slice2D | Implementation of the Chi2 test for 2D histograms |
CJTestIdentical | Implementation of the a test to check if two 1D histograms are the same |
CJTestKolmogorov_1D | Implementation of the Kolmogorov test for 1D histograms |
CJTestKolmogorov_2D | Implementation of the Kolmogorov test for 2D histograms |
CJTestKolmogorov_Slice2D | Implementation of the Kolmogorov test for 2D histograms |
CJTestPoissonLogLikelihoodRatio | Implementation of the Poisson log-likelihood ratio test |
CJTestPoissonLogLikelihoodRatioBeestonBarlow | Implementation of the Poisson log-likelihood ratio test |
CJTestResult | Structure containing the result of the test |
CJTestRuns_1D | Implementation of the Runs test for 1D histograms |
CJTestRuns_Slice2D | Implementation of the Chi2 test for 2D histograms |
CJTestSignificance | Significance test |
►CJTestSummary | Class dedicated to standardize the title of the graphical objects produced by the JTest_t() derived classes |
CJTestSummaryHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of test result message |
CJTestZero | Implementation of a bin-by-bin compatibility test for histograms with low bin contents |
CJTestDictionary | Dictionary to map different tests to unique integer indices |
►NJCOMPASS | Auxiliary classes and methods for orientation calibration based on compasses |
CJQuaternion | Quaternion |
CJOrientation | Orientation of module |
CJHead | Compass event header |
CJEvt | Compass single fit |
CJHit | Hit |
CJModel | Model |
CJChi2 | Auxiliary data structure for chi2 evaluation |
CJNOAAFunction1D_t | Auxiliary base class for interpolation of magnetic declination data obtained from website of NOAA |
CJARCAMagneticDeclination | Interpolation of magnetic declination data at ARCA site |
CJORCAMagneticDeclination | Interpolation of magnetic declination data at ORCA site |
CJZEROMagneticDeclination | Fall back class for zero magnetic declination |
CJPolicy | Auxiliary class to define policy for invalid modules |
►NJDATABASE | Auxiliary classes and methods for database I/O |
►NAPIV2 | |
CJCalibration_t | |
CJDetector | |
CJPerson | |
CJRunCalibration_t | |
CJRunCalibration | |
NPBS | Namespace for predefined PBS values |
CJAHRSCalibration | |
CJAHRSCalibration_t | Auxiliary class to map module identifier to AHRS calibration |
CJAHRSCalibrationValidity | Auxiliary data structure to check validity of AHRS calibration data |
CJAHRSCalibrationComparator | Auxiliary data structure for sorting of AHRS calibrations |
CJAHRSDetectorCalibration | |
CJAHRSValidity | Auxiliary data structure to check validity of AHRS data |
CJAllParams | |
CJCLBMap | |
CJNullResultSet | Auxiliary class for invalid result set |
CJDatabaseObjectIterator | Object iteration from database |
CJDatabaseObjectIterator< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object iterator for multiple data types |
CJDatabaseObjectIterator< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JDatabaseObjectIterator class |
CJDatalog | |
CJDatalogNumbers | |
CJDateAndTime_t | Date and time |
CJDateAndTimeUS_t | Date and time |
CJDatim_t | Auxiliairy data structure for date and time |
CJServer | Wrapper class for server name |
CJDB | Auxiliary class for connection to data base |
CJDBReader | Auxiliary class to read object with ROOT dictionary from database |
CJDBString | Wrapper class to read string until end-of-line |
CJRun_t | Auxiliary class for detector/run comparisons |
CJDBTestTypesTuneHV | Table listing HV-tuning database test types |
CJDetectorsHelper | Auxiliary class for mapping serial number and object identifier of detectors |
CJCLBIDHelper | Auxiliary class for mapping UPI of central-logic board to module identifier |
CJUPIHelper | Auxiliary class for mapping PBS and serial number of product to UPI |
CJDBToolkit | Wrapper data structure for initialisation of fuction objects |
CJDetCalibrations | |
CJDetectorIntegration | |
CJProductIntegration_t | Auxiliary class for product integration data |
CJDetectorIntegration_t | Detector integration |
CJDetectors | |
CJLocation_t | Auxiliary data structure for location of product in detector |
CJMACAddress | MAC address |
CJPBS_t | Product breakdown structure (PBS) |
CJPBSSequence | Auxiliary data structure for a sequence of PBS values |
CJPBSSequences | Auxiliary data structure for set of PBS sequences |
CJGetPBSSequences | Auxiliary class to get PBS sequences as a function of PBS |
CJPersons | |
CJPMTBestHVSettings | |
CJPMTHV | Auxiliary class for PMT HVs |
CJPMTHVRunSettings | |
CJPMTHVSettings | |
CJPMTValue | Auxiliary data structure for fallback order of PMT data |
►CJPMTRunsetupParams | Auxiliary class for PMT run setup parameters |
Cresult_type | Type definition of PMT parameter value |
CJPMTThreshold | Auxiliary class for PMT thresholds |
CJProductIntegration | |
CJProductRouter | Auxiliary class to map UPI to location in detector |
►CJRunQuality | Auxiliary data structure for data quality |
CJEnabled | |
CJPrescaler | |
CJRuns | |
CJRunsetupParams | |
CJRunsetup_t | Auxiliary data structure for run setup information |
CJRunsetups | Auxiliary class for run setup evaluation |
CJRunSummaryNumbers | |
CJSelector | Auxiliary class for specifying selection of database data |
CgetSelector | Template definition for getting table specific selector |
CgetSelector< T, JPersons, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
CgetSelector< T, JDetectors, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
CgetSelector< T, JRuns, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
CgetSelector< T, JDatalogNumbers, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
CgetSelector< T, JAllParams, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
CgetSelector< T, JToAshort, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
CgetSelector< T, JCLBMap, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
CgetSelector< T, JDetectorIntegration, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
CgetSelector< T, JRunSummaryNumbers, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
CgetSelector< T, JRunQuality, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
CgetSelector< T, JRunsetupParams, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
CgetSelector< T, JPMTHVSettings, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
CgetSelector< T, JPMTHVRunSettings, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
CgetSelector< T, JVendorHV, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
CgetSelector< T, JCLBID, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
CgetSelector< T, JUPI, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
CgetSelector< T, JAHRS, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
CgetSelector< T, JAHRSDetectorCalibration, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
CgetSelector< T, JDetCalibrations, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
CgetSelector< T, APIV2::JCalibration_t, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
CgetSelector< T, APIV2::JRunCalibration, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
CJSonIO | Assigment interface |
CJSonIO_t | Assigment implementation |
CJSonDictionary | Assignment |
CJSonHelper | Auxiliary base class for JSon I/O based on ROOT dictionary |
CJQueries | Auxiliary method to get list of table names |
CJToAshort | |
CJUPI_t | Universal product identifier (UPI) |
CJVendorHV | |
►NJDB | |
CJDatalogString | Auxiliary data structure for datalog strings |
CJKeywords | Auxiliary data structure for selecting data |
CJDatalogs_t | Container for datalog strings |
CJLoggerMessage | Auxiliary data structure for logger message |
CJReplyMessage | Auxiliary data structure for reply message |
►NJDETECTOR | File Auxiliary data structures and methods for detector calibration |
CJAnchor | Data structure for anchor position on sea bed |
CJCalibration | Data structure for time calibration |
CJCalibrator | Auxiliary class to apply (de-)calibration to template hit |
CJCalibrator< T, true > | Template specialisation of JCalibrator for primitive data types |
CJCalibrator< JHit_t, false > | Template specialisation of JCalibrator for non-primitive data types |
CJTransferFunction1D | Auxiliary class for a non-linear transfer function of TDC inside FPGA |
►CJCLBDefaultSimulator | Default CLB simulation |
CJStateMachine | Auxiliary class to mimic hit ordering effects due to state machine inside CLB |
CJTDC | Implementation of non-linearity of TDC |
►CJCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface | Default CLB simulation |
Ccompare | Auxiliary data structure for sorting of hits |
CJStateMachine | Interface to mimic hit ordering effects due to state machine inside CLB |
CJTDC | Interface for TDC |
CJCLBInput | Wrapper for CLB input |
CJCLBSimulator | Interface for CLB simulation |
CJCompass | Data structure for compass in three dimensions |
CJDAQHitRouter | Simple wrapper around JModuleRouter class for direct addressing of PMT data in detector data structure for DAQ hits |
CJDetector | Detector data structure |
CJDetectorAddressMap | Lookup table for PMT addresses in detector |
CJModuleMap_t | Auxiliary data structure for module address map |
CJPMTCalibration_t | Auxiliary data structure for PMT time calibration |
CJPMTStatus_t | Auxiliary data structure for PMT status |
CJHVCalibration_t | Data structure for PMT high-voltage calibration |
CJPMTThresholdCalibration_t | Data structure for PMT threshold calibration |
CJModulePosition_t | Auxiliary data structure for module position |
CJModuleRotation_t | Auxiliary data structure for module rotation |
CJModuleStatus_t | Auxiliary data structure for module status |
CJModuleCalibration_t | Auxiliary data structure for module time calibration |
CJCompassRotation_t | Auxiliary data structure for compass rotation |
►CJDetectorHeader | Data structure for detector header |
CJDetectorHeaderHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of detector header |
CJDetectorParameters | Data structure for parameters for detector geometry |
CJDetectorParametersHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of JDetectorParameters data structure |
CJDetectorSimulator | Detector simulation |
CJDetectorSubset_t | Detector subset without binary search functionality |
►CJDetectorSubset | Detector subset with binary search functionality |
Crange_type | Auxiliary class for range of iterators |
CJPPM_DU_t | Type definitions for different detectors.PPM_DU |
CJKM3NeT_t | KM3NeT default detector |
CJMonteCarlo_t | Monte Carlo |
CJAntares_t | Antares |
CJObsolete_t | Obsolete detector |
CJKM3NeTFit_t | KM3NeT with cable swaps, etc. (see e.g. |
CJDetectorBuilder | Auxiliary interface for building detector |
CJDetectorBuilder_t | Template lookup table for detector builder |
CJDetectorBuilder_t< JObsolete_t > | Template specialisation of JDetectorBuilder for obsolete detector |
CJDetectorBuilder_t< JPPM_DU_t > | Template specialisation of JDetectorBuilder for PPM_DU detector |
CJDetectorBuilder_t< JKM3NeT_t > | Template specialisation of JDetectorBuilder for KM3NeT detector |
CJDetectorBuilder_t< JMonteCarlo_t > | Template specialisation of JDetectorBuilder for Monte Carlo detector |
CJDetectorBuilder_t< JKM3NeTFit_t > | Template specialisation of JDetectorBuilder for KM3NeT detector with all known features |
CJDetectorHelper_t | Auxiliary class to extract detector address map from detector identifier |
CJDetectorHelper_t< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | |
CJDetectorHelper_t< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | |
CJRotation | Auxiliary class to get rotation matrix between two optical modules |
CJDetectorVersion | Detector version |
CJGetDetectorVersion | Auxiliary class to map detector version to numerical value |
CJPutDetectorVersion | Auxiliary class to map numerical value to detector version |
CJHydrophone | Type definition of hydrophone |
CJK40DefaultSimulator | Default implementation of the simulation of K40 background |
►CJK40DefaultSimulatorInterface | Default K40 simulator interface |
Cpair_type | PMT pair |
CJK40Simulator | Interface for simulation of K40 background |
CJLocation | Logical location of module |
CJLocationRouter | Router for direct addressing of location data in detector data structure |
CJModule | Data structure for a composite optical module |
CJModuleAddress | Address of module in detector data structure |
CJPMTAddressTranslator | Data structure to translate PMT physical to readout address |
CJModuleAddressMap | Lookup table for PMT addresses in optical module |
CJModuleComparator3Z_t | Module comparator according its z-position |
CJModuleComparator3D_t | Module comparator according its distance to origin |
CJModuleGeometry | Module geometry |
CJUTCDistance | Auxiliary class for distance beteen UTC times |
CJModuleAttributes | Data structure for module address and module attributes |
CJMaximalDistance | Auxiliary class to match modules according maximal distance |
CJModuleMapper | Mapper for directly addressing of associated modules in the detector data structure |
CJModuleRouter | Router for direct addressing of module data in detector data structure |
CJGetModuleStatusBit | Auxiliary class to map key to module status bit |
►CJMonteCarloDetector | Monte Carlo detector (i.e. ".det" file) |
CLCM_logic | Auxiliary class for LCM logic parameters |
CLCM_reverse_logic | Auxiliary class for LCM logic parameters |
COM | Auxiliary class for OM |
COM_cluster | Auxiliary class for OM cluster parameters |
COM_cluster_data | Auxiliary class for OM cluster data |
COM_position | Auxiliary class for OM position |
CString | Auxiliary class for string parameters |
CJPMT | Data structure for PMT geometry, calibration and status |
CJPMTAddress | Address of PMT in detector data structure |
CJPMTAnalogueSignalProcessor | PMT analogue signal processor |
CJPMTChannel | Auxiliary class to uniquely identify PMT readout channel |
CJModuleAnalogueSignalProcessor | Auxiliary container for PMT analogue signal processors in same optical module |
CJPMTDefaultSimulator | Default PMT simulation |
CJPMTDefaultSimulatorInterface | Default PMT simulation interface |
CJPMTIdentifier | PMT identifier |
►CJPMTParameters | Data structure for PMT parameters |
CJPMTParametersHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of PMT parameters |
►CJPMTParametersMap | Auxiliary class for map of PMT parameters |
CJPMTParametersMapHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of PMT parameters map |
CJPMTPhysicalAddress | Data structure for PMT physical address |
CJPMTRateRange | Data structure for range of PMT rates |
CJPMTReadoutAddress | Data structure for PMT readout address |
CJPMTRouter | Router for direct addressing of PMT data in detector data structure |
CJPMTSignalProcessorInterface | PMT signal processor interface |
CJPhotoElectron | Data structure for single photo-electron |
CJPMTSignal | Data structure for PMT analogue signal |
CJPMTPulse | Data structure for PMT digital pulse |
CJPMTData | Template data structure for PMT I/O |
CJModuleData | Data structure for PMT data corresponding to a detector module |
CJPMTSimulator | Interface for PMT simulation |
CJGetPMTStatusBit | Auxiliary class to map key to PMT status bit |
CJTransitionTimeGenerator_t | Auxiliary base class to generate PMT transition times based on measurements |
CJTransitionTimeGenerator | Implementation to generate PMT transition times based on measurements by Oleg Kalekin et al. (see also examples/JDetector/ |
CJTransitionTimeGenerator38 | Implementation to generate PMT transition times based on measurements |
CJTransitionTimeGenerator41 | Implementation to generate PMT transition times based on measurements |
CJTransitionTimeGenerator67 | Implementation to generate PMT transition times based on measurements (see Calibration e-log entry 467) |
CJTransitionTimeGeneratorXX | Implementation to generate PMT transition times based on measurements |
CgetTransitionTime | |
CJTransitionTimeProbability_t | Auxiliary base class for probability distibution of the PMT transition times based on measurements |
CJTransitionTimeProbability | Implementation of probability distibution of the PMT transition times based on measurements by Oleg Kalekin et al |
CJTransitionTimeProbability38 | Implementation of probability distibution of the PMT transition times based on measurements |
CJTransitionTimeProbability41 | Implementation of probability distibution of the PMT transition times based on measurements |
CJTransitionTimeProbability67 | Implementation of probability distibution of the PMT transition times based on measurements (see Calibration e-log entry 467) |
CJTransitionTimeProbabilityXX | Implementation of probability distibution of the PMT transition times based on measurements |
CgetTransitionTimeProbability | |
CJTransitionTimeProbability2D | Auxiliary class to generate twofold PMT transition times |
CJStringCounter | Auxiliary class for counting unique strings |
CJStringRouter | Router for mapping of string identifier to index |
CJTransmitter | Type definition of transmitter |
CJTripod | Data structure for tripod |
CJVersion | Auxiliary class for version identifier |
►NJDYNAMICS | Main namespace for dynamic position and orientation calibration |
CJPreloader | Auxiliary data structure to pre-load auxiliary data in memory |
►CJDynamics | Dynamic detector calibration |
Ccoverage_type | Data structure for coverage of dynamic calibrations |
CJOrientation | Dynamic orientation calibration |
CJPosition | Dynamic position calibration |
CJUTCTracker | Auxiliary data structure to track applicability period of calibration data |
►NJEEP | General puprpose classes and methods |
CJMessage< JAANET::JHondaFluxInterpolator< JPhiFunction_t, JCoszFunctionalMap_t, JEnergyFunctionalMap_t > > | JMessage template specialization for oscillation probability interpolators |
CJArgs | Data structure to store command line arguments |
CJComment | Auxiliary class for comment |
CJCommunicator | Auxiliary class to control standard input and output |
CJContainer | Auxiliary wrapper for I/O of container with optional comment (see JComment) |
CJDate | Auxiliary class for simple date |
CJFunctionAdaptorHelper | Auxiliary base class for function adaptor |
CJFunctionAdaptor | Function adaptor |
CJMessage | Auxiliary class for handling debug parameter within a class |
CJPropertiesElementInterface | Interface for I/O of properties element |
CJPropertiesTemplateElement | Template class for I/O of properties element |
CJPropertiesTemplateElement< const T > | Template specialisation of JPropertiesTemplateElement for const data type |
CJPropertiesElement | The property value class |
►CJProperties | Utility class to parse parameter values |
CJFileReader | Auxiliary class to handle input from file |
CJPropertiesTemplateElement< JProperties::JFileReader > | Template specialisation for JFileReader |
CJPropertiesTemplateElement< JProperties > | Template specialisation for JProperties |
CJStatus | Auxiliary class for handling status |
CJGetStatusBit | Auxiliary class to map key to status bit |
CJPutStatusBit | Auxiliary class to map status bit to key |
►CJEEPZ | Auxiliary data structure for streaming of STL containers |
CJStream | Auxiliary class for format STL containers |
CJTime | Auxiliary class for simple time |
CJTimekeeper | Time keeper |
CJTimer | Auxiliary class for CPU timing and usage |
CJVersion | Auxiliary data structure for general purpose version number |
CJMessage< JOSCPROB::JOscProbInterpolator< JCollection_t, JFunction1D_t, JFunctionalMaplist_t > > | JMessage template specialization for oscillation probability interpolators |
►NJFIT | Auxiliary classes and methods for linear and iterative data regression |
CJTypedef | |
CJTypedef_t | |
CJTypedef_t< T, true > | |
CJTypedef_t< T, false > | |
CJEnergy | Data structure for fit of energy |
CJRegressor< JEnergy > | Regressor function object for fit of muon energy |
CJEstimator | Template definition of linear fit |
►CJGandalf | Fit method based on the Levenberg-Marquardt method |
Cresult_type | Data structure for return value of fit function |
CJParameter_t | Auxiliary data structure for fit parameter |
CJModifier_t | Auxiliary data structure for editable parameter |
CJGradient | Conjugate gradient fit |
CJK40 | Auxiliary class for handling light yields due to K40 decays |
CJK40Hit | Auxiliary class for simultaneously handling light yields and response of module |
CJEstimator< JLegendre< JOrdinate_t, N > > | Linear fit of Legendre polynomial |
CJLine1Z | Data structure for fit of straight line paralel to z-axis |
CJEstimator< JLine1Z > | Linear fit of straight line parallel to z-axis to set of hits (objects with position and time) |
CJLine3EZ | Data structure for fit of straight line in positive z-direction with energy |
CJLine3Z | Data structure for fit of straight line in positive z-direction |
CJRegressor< JLine3Z, JSimplex > | Regressor function object for JLine3Z fit using JSimplex minimiser |
CJRegressor< JLine3Z, JGandalf > | Regressor function object for JLine3Z fit using JGandalf minimiser |
►CJMatrixNZ | Determination of the co-variance matrix of hits for a track along z-axis (JFIT::JLine1Z) |
Cvariance | Auxiliary data structure for co-variance calculation |
CJMEstimator | Interface for maximum likelihood estimator (M-estimator) |
CJMEstimatorNormal | Normal M-estimator |
CJMEstimatorLorentzian | Lorentzian M-estimator |
CJMEstimatorLinear | Linear M-estimator |
CJMEstimatorNull | Null M-estimator |
CJMEstimatorTukey | Tukey's biweight M-estimator |
CJMEstimatorNormalWithBackground | Normal M-estimator with background |
CJModel | Auxiliary class to match data points with given model |
CJModel< JLine1Z > | Template specialisation of class JModel to match hit with muon trajectory along z-axis |
CJModel< JEnergy > | Template specialisation of class JModel to match hit with muon energy |
CJModel< JPoint4D > | Template specialisation of class JModel to match hit with bright point |
CJNPE | Auxiliary class for handling various light yields |
CJNPEHit | Auxiliary class for simultaneously handling light yields and response of PMT |
CJPMTW0 | Auxiliary class for handling PMT geometry, rate and response |
CJPoint3D | Data structure for position fit |
CJEstimator< JPoint3D > | Linear fit of crossing point (position) between axes (objects with position and direction) |
CJPoint4D | Data structure for vertex fit |
CJEstimator< JPoint4D > | Linear fit of bright point (position and time) between hits (objects with position and time) |
CJRegressor< JPoint4D, JSimplex > | Regressor function object for JPoint4D fit using JSimplex minimiser |
CJRegressor< JPoint4D, JGandalf > | |
CJPoint4E | Data structure for vertex fit |
CJAbstractMinimiser | Abstract minimiser |
CJRegressor | Template definition of a data regressor of given model |
CJAbstractRegressor | Abstract class for global fit method |
CJSimplex | Simple fit method based on Powell's algorithm, see reference: Numerical Recipes in C++, W.H |
CJRegressorHelper | Template data structure for PDF tables |
CJRegressorHelper< JLine3Z, JGandalf > | Template specialisation for PDF tables |
CJRegressorStorage | Template data structure for storage for PDF tables |
CJRegressorStorage< JLine3Z, JGandalf > | Template specialisation for storage for PDF tables |
CJShower3EZ | Data structure for fit of straight line in positive z-direction with energy |
CJRegressor< JShower3EZ, JSimplex > | Regressor function object for JShower3EZ fit using JSimplex minimiser |
CJRegressor< JShower3EZ, JGandalf > | Regressor function object for JShower3EZ fit using JGandalf minimiser |
CJRegressor< JShower3EZ, JAbstractMinimiser > | Regressor function object for JShower3EZ fit using Abstract minimiser, that just computes the chi2 without a fit |
CJShower3Z | Data structure for cascade in positive z-direction |
CJRegressor< JShowerEH, JSimplex > | Regressor function object for JShowerEH fit using JSimplex minimiser |
CJRegressor< JPoint4E, JGandalf > | Regressor function object for JPoint4E fit using JGandalf minimiser |
CJShowerEH | Data structure for fit of straight line in positive z-direction with energy |
CJRegressor< JEnergy, JSimplex > | Regressor function object for JShower3EZ fit using JSimplex minimiser |
CJShowerNPE | Auxiliary class for handling EM shower light yield |
CJShowerNPEHit | Auxiliary class for simultaneously handling light yields and response of PMT |
CJVectorNZ | Determination of the time residual vector of hits for a track along z-axis (JFIT::JLine1Z) |
CJEnergyCorrection | Auxiliary class for correction of energy determined by |
CJFit | Data structure for track fit results with history and optional associated values |
CJEvt | Data structure for set of track fit results |
CJEvent | Auxiliary class for historical event |
►CJHistory | Container for historical events |
Cis_event | Auxiliary class to test history |
Cis_not_event | Auxiliary class to test history |
CJShowerEnergyCorrection | Auxiliary class for correction of energy determined by |
►NJGEOMETRY2D | Auxiliary classes and methods for 2D geometrical objects and operations |
CJAngle2D | Data structure for angle in two dimensions |
CJAxis2D | Axis object |
CJCircle2D | Data structure for circle in two dimensions |
CJDirection2D | Data structure for direction in two dimensions |
CJEigenValues2D | Eigen values in 2D |
CJCenter2D | Center |
►CJConvexHull2D | Auxiliary class for convex hull determination in X-Y plane |
CJLowerHull | Auxiliary class for sorting elements |
CJUpperHull | Auxiliary class for sorting elements |
►CJSmallestDistance2D | Auxiliary class for determination of smallest distance between pair of 2D points |
CJCompareX | Auxiliary class for sorting elements |
CJCompareY | Auxiliary class for sorting elements |
CJOmega2D_t | Base class for direction set |
CJOmega2D | Direction set covering (part of) circle |
CJPosition2D | Data structure for position in two dimensions |
CJRotation2D | Rotation matrix |
CJRotator2D | Rotation set |
CJSegment2D | Line segment in two dimensions |
CJVector2D | Data structure for vector in two dimensions |
CJVersor2D | Data structure for normalised vector in two dimensions |
►NJGEOMETRY3D | Auxiliary classes and methods for 3D geometrical objects and operations |
CJAngle3D | Data structure for angles in three dimensions |
CJAxis3D | Axis object |
CJCylinder3D | Cylinder object |
CJDirection3D | Data structure for direction in three dimensions |
CJEigenValues3D | Eigen values in 3D |
CJEulerAngle3D | Data structure for Euler angles in three dimensions |
CJEulerMatrix3D | Euler matrix |
CJCenter3D | Center |
CJWeighedCenter3D | Weighed center |
►CJSmallestDistance3D | Auxiliary class for determination of smallest distance between pair of 3D points |
CJCompareZ | Auxiliary class for sorting elements |
CJOmega3D_t | Base class for direction set |
CJOmega3D | Direction set covering (part of) solid angle |
CJPolyline3D | Data structure for polyline in three dimensions |
CJPosition3D | Data structure for position in three dimensions |
CJQuaternion2D | This class represents a rotation |
CJQuaternion3X | This class represents a rotation around the x-axis |
CJQuaternion3Y | This class represents a rotation around the y-axis |
CJQuaternion3Z | This class represents a rotation around the z-axis |
►CJQuaternion3D | Data structure for unit quaternion in three dimensions |
Cdecomposition | Auxiliary data structure for decomposition of quaternion in twist and swing quaternions |
CJRotation3X | Rotation around X-axis |
CJRotation3Y | Rotation around Y-axis |
CJRotation3Z | Rotation around Z-axis |
CJRotation3D | Rotation matrix |
CJRotator3D | Rotation set |
CJSegment3D | Line segment in two dimensions |
CJSphere3D | 3D sphere |
CJTime | Time |
CJTrack3D | 3D track |
CJTrack3E | 3D track with energy |
CJTrack3EY | 3D track with energy and Bjorken Y |
CJTransformation3D | Transformation |
CJVector3D | Data structure for vector in three dimensions |
CJVersor3D | Data structure for normalised vector in three dimensions |
CJVersor3Z | Data structure for normalised vector in positive z-direction |
CJVertex3D | 3D vertex |
►NJGIZMO | Auxiliary applications for use of ROOT and more |
CJOpera | Auxiliary data structure for and applications |
CJRootObject | Auxiliary data structure for TObject with a user defined label |
CJRootObjectID | Auxiliary class to handle file name, ROOT directory and object name |
►NJIO | Auxiliary classes and methods for binary I/O |
CJBinaryFileReader | Object reading from binary file (i.e. .jpp) |
CJBinaryFileReader< T, true > | Template specialisation of JBinaryFileReader for serialisable data types |
CJBinaryFileReader< T, false > | Template specialisation of JBinaryFileReader for unserialisable data types |
CJBinaryWriterObjectOutput | Auxiliary class for object writing to binary stream |
CJBinaryWriterObjectOutput< T, true > | Implementation of object output for binary stream compatible data types |
CJBinaryWriterObjectOutput< T, false > | Implementation of object output for binary stream incompatible data types |
CJBinaryWriter | Implementation of object output to binary file for single data type |
CJBinaryWriter< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object output to binary file for multiple data types |
CJBinaryWriter< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JBinaryWriter class |
CJBinaryFileWriter | Object(s) writing to binary file (i.e. .jpp) |
CJBufferedReader | Buffered binary input |
CJBufferedWriter | Buffered binary output |
CJByteArrayReader | Byte array binary input |
CJByteArrayWriter | Byte array binary output |
CJFileReader | Binary input based on a file descriptor |
CJFileWriter | Binary output based on a file descriptor |
CJFileStreamReader | Binary buffered file input |
CJFileStreamWriter | Binary buffered file output |
CJObjectBinaryIO | Auxiliary base class for storing and loading a single object to and from a binary file, respectively |
CJReaderObjectIterator | JReader object iterator |
CJSerialisable | Forward declaration of binary output |
CJReader | Interface for binary input |
CJWriter | Interface for binary output |
CJStreamReader | Binary input based on std::istream |
CJStreamWriter | Binary output based on std::ostream |
CJWriterObjectOutput | Implementation of object output using JIO::JWriter for single data type |
CJWriterObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object output for multiple data types |
CJWriterObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JWriterObjectOutput class |
►NJLANG | Auxiliary classes and methods for language specific functionality |
►NJLANG_LOCAL | Local namespace for fallback implementations for comparison operators |
CJTypedef | |
CJComparisonAvailable | Template definition of test availability of comparison operators |
CJComparisonAvailable< T, false, false > | Template specialisation of test availability of comparison operators of non-composite data types |
CJComparisonAvailable< T, true, false > | Template specialisation of test availability of comparison operators of composite data types which have a type definitions for first_type and second_type |
CJComparisonAvailable< T, false, true > | Template specialisation of test availability of comparison operators of composite data types which have a type definition for for value_type |
CJNoequals | Template base class for data structures without equality capability |
CJAbstractClass | Template class test for abstractness |
CJAbstractFile | Encapsulates the c-style file descriptor |
CJStreamInput | Interface for ASCII input using standard streams |
CJStreamOutput | Interface for ASCII output using standard streams |
CJStreamSuffixOutput | Interface for ASCII output with prefix and postfix using standard streams |
CJAbstractObjectIterator | Abstract object iterator |
CJRewindableAbstractObjectIterator | Abstract object iterator with rewinding |
CJAccessibleAbstractObjectIterator | Abstract object iterator with named access |
CJAbstractObjectReader | Abstract interface for object reading |
CJAbstractRewindableObjectReader | Abstract interface for object reading with rewinding |
CJAbstractAccessibleObjectReader | Abstract interface for object reading with named access |
CJAbstractObjectStatus | Interface for status of object |
CJAbstractObjectWriter | Abstract interface for object writing |
CJAbstractObjectWriter< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Abstract interface for object writing for multiple data types |
CJAbstractObjectWriter< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JAbstractObjectWriter class |
CJAbstractAccessibleObjectWriter | Abstract interface for object writing with named access |
CJAbstractPointer | Template interface for pointer to object(s) |
CJAccessible | Interface for named access of a device |
CJNullAccess | Interface for null access |
CJAccessibleBinaryInputStream | Accessible binary input stream |
CJAccessibleBinaryOutputStream | Accessible output stream |
CJAccessibleInputStream | Accessible input stream |
CJAccessibleOutputStream | Accessible output stream |
CJAllocatorBuffer | Low-level memory management |
CJAllocator | Memory management for small objects |
CJAnyType | Auxiliary class for any type definition |
CJASCIIFileReader | Object reading from ASCII file |
CJASCIIFileWriter | Object(s) writing to ASCII file |
CJAssert | Generation of compiler error |
CJAssert< true, T > | Implementation of valid assertion |
CJBaseType_t | Template class to test for polymorphism |
CJBaseType_t< JBase_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template class to test for polymorphism |
CJBaseType_t< JBase_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JBaseType_t class |
CJBaseType | Template class to identify common base class |
CJBaseType< JBase_t, JTypelist_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, false > | Resursive scan for base class |
CJBaseType< JBase_t, JTypelist_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType >, false > | Terminination class of resursive JBaseType class |
CJBaseClass | Template definition of class to look for base class in type list |
CJBaseClass< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisation of class to look for base class in type list |
CJBidirectionalIterator | Template interface for method bool decrement() |
CJBinaryInput | Interface for binary input |
CJBinaryOutput | Interface for binary output |
CJBool | Auxiliary template class for type bool |
CEQUALS | Type definition of logical EQUALS |
CEQUALS< JBool< first >, JBool< second > > | Template specialisation for logical EQUALS |
CNOT | Type definition of logical NOT |
CNOT< JBool< __value__ > > | Template specialisation for logical NOT |
CAND | Type definition of logical AND |
CAND< JBool< first >, JBool< second > > | Template specialisation for logical AND |
COR | Type definition of logical OR |
COR< JBool< first >, JBool< second > > | Template specialisation for logical OR |
CXOR | Type definition of logical XOR |
CXOR< JBool< first >, JBool< second > > | Template specialisation for logical XOR |
CJCategory | Auxiliary class to define value, reference and pointer types for given data type and category |
CJCategory< T, true > | Specialisation of JCategory for constant (i.e. non-modifiable) data type |
CJCategory< T, false > | Specialisation of JCategory for modifiable (i.e. non-constant) data type |
CJPrimitive | Data structure for primitive types |
CJArgument | Data structure for method argument types |
CJArgument< bool > | Specialisations of JArgument for primitive types |
CJArgument< char > | |
CJArgument< unsigned char > | |
CJArgument< short > | |
CJArgument< unsigned short > | |
CJArgument< int > | |
CJArgument< unsigned int > | |
CJArgument< long int > | |
CJArgument< unsigned long int > | |
CJArgument< long long int > | |
CJArgument< unsigned long long int > | |
CJArgument< float > | |
CJArgument< double > | |
CJArgument< long double > | |
Cis_iterator | Data structure to check whether given data type is an iterator |
CJClass | Template for generic class types |
CJClass< const T > | Specialisation of JClass for const class types |
CJClass< T & > | Specialisation of JClass for reference class types |
CJClass< const T & > | Specialisation of JClass for const reference class types |
CJClass< T * > | Specialisation of JClass for pointer class types |
CJClass< const T * > | Specialisation of JClass for const pointer class types |
CJClass< T *& > | Specialisation of JClass for pointer class types |
CJClass< const T *& > | Specialisation of JClass for const pointer class types |
CJClonable | Template class for object cloning |
CJClonable< JClonable_t, JNullType > | Template specialisation to define base class for interface of object cloning |
CJColorFacet | Facet interface to specify text color |
CJColorFacetASCII | Facet class to specify text color for ASCII |
CJColorFacetELcode | Facet class to specify text color for ELcode |
CJColorFacetMap_t | Auxiliary map for color facets |
CJComparable | Template definition of auxiliary base class for comparison of data structures |
CJComparable< JClass_t, JNullType > | General purpose specialisation of class JComparable for any data type |
CJComparator | Template definition of auxiliary class to compare objects |
CJComparator< JResult_t T::*, JComparator_t > | Template specialisation of JComparator for comparison between values of data members |
CJComparator< JResult_t(T::*)() const, JComparator_t > | Template specialisation of JComparator for comparison between return values of member methods |
CJComparator< const T &(T::*)() const, JComparator_t > | Template specialisation of JComparator for comparison between return values of member methods |
►CJComparison | Functional implementations of comparison operators |
Ceq | Equal |
Cge | Greater equals |
Cgt | Greater than |
Cle | Less equals |
Clt | Less than |
Cne | Not equal |
CJConstructor | Template class test for availability of a suitable constructor JType_t(const JArgument_t) |
CJConversion | Template class test for polymorphism |
CJConversion< T, T > | Specialisation of JConversion for identical types |
CJAssertConversion | Auxialiary class to assert type conversion |
CJAssertConversion< JDerived_t, JBase_t, true > | Implementation of a valid type conversion |
CJConversionIterator | Interface for object iteration with type conversion |
CJCppFacet | Facet class to specify parsing of a C[++] variable name |
CJCRC_t | Helper template data structure to evaluate CRC |
CJCRC_t< size, size, T > | Termination class for recursive JCRC_t class |
►CJAssignSequence | Auxiliary class to assign a sequence of Comma Separated Values (CSV) |
CJCSV | Auxiliary class to assign the remainder of a sequence of Comma Separated Values |
CJDefault | Simple default class |
CJHasID | Test presence of data type identifier in labelled type list |
CJHasID< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, ID > | Recursive test of presence data type identifier in labelled type list |
CJEnumeration | Enumeration of single data type |
CJEnumeration< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Enumeration of multiple data types |
CJEnumeration< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JEnumeration class |
CJEquals | Template definition of auxiliary base class for comparison of data structures |
CJEquals< JClass_t, JNullType > | General purpose specialisation of class JEquals for any data type |
►CJEquation | General purpose equation class |
Cequation_type | Auxiliary data structure for equation |
CJEquation_t | Auxiliary data structure to read equations |
CJEquationFacet | Facet class to specify parsing of equations in currect locale (see class JLANG::JEquation) |
CJEndOfLine | Auxiliary class for end of line |
CJEquationParameters | Simple data structure to support I/O of equations (see class JLANG::JEquation) |
CJException | General exception |
CJIndexOutOfRange | Exception for accessing an index in a collection that is outside of its range |
CJPointerException | Exception for accessing an invalid pointer |
CJFunctionalException | Exception for a functional operation |
CJEmptyCollection | Exception for an empty collection |
CJValueOutOfRange | Exception for accessing a value in a collection that is outside of its range |
CJParseError | Exception for parsing value |
CJNoValue | Exception for missing value |
CJNullPointerException | Exception for null pointer operation |
CJCastException | Exception for cast operation |
CJNumericalPrecision | Exception for numerical precision error |
CJDivisionByZero | Exception for division by zero |
CJMallocException | Exception for failure of memory allocation |
CJNewException | Exception for failure of memory allocation |
CJIOException | Exception for I/O |
CJFileOpenException | Exception for opening of file |
CJFileRecoveryException | Exception for recovery of file |
CJFileReadException | Exception for reading of file |
CJEndOfFile | Exception for end of file |
CJPipeOpenException | Exception for opening of pipe |
CJSelectException | Exception for select call |
CJSocketException | Exception for socket |
CJControlHostException | Exception for ControlHost |
CJSocketChannelException | Exception for socket channel |
CJForkException | Exception for creation of fork |
CJSystemException | Exception for system call |
CJParserException | Exception when parsing a value |
CJPropertiesException | Exception when parsing a value |
CJDictionaryEntryNotFound | Exception for missing entry in dictionary |
CJDictionaryDuplicateEntry | Exception for duplicate entry in dictionary |
CJRunTimeException | Run time exception |
CJTypeInformationException | Exception for absence of type information |
CJProtocolException | Protocol exception |
CJDatabaseException | Database exception |
CJFile | Extends the JAbstractFile class |
CJFileDescriptorMask | Auxiliary class for method select |
CJFileInputStream | Streaming of input |
CJFileOutputStream | Streaming of output |
CJFileStream | Streaming of input and output |
CJFileInputStreamBuffer | Input file stream buffer |
CJFileOutputStreamBuffer | Output file stream buffer |
CJFileStreamBuffer | Input and output file stream buffer |
CJFind_if | Template definition of auxiliary class to select objects |
CJFind_if< JResult_t T::*, JPredicate_t > | Template specialisation of JFind_if for selection of objects via data member |
CJFind_if< JResult_t(T::*)() const, JPredicate_t > | Template specialisation of JFind_if for selection of objects via member method |
CJForwardIterator | Template interface for method bool increment() |
CJGroup | Auxiliary class for a fixed group of objects |
CJGZFileReader | Object reading from gzipped file |
CJGZFileWriter | Object reading from gzipped file |
CJNew | Memory management class for create/release policy based on new/delete |
CJNewCArray | Memory management class for create/release policy based on new []/delete [] |
CJMalloc | Memory management class for create/release policy based on malloc()/free() |
CJMultiComparable | Template definition of auxiliary base class for composite data structures composed of base classes with comparisons capabilities |
CJMultiEquals | Template definition of auxiliary base class for data structures composed of multiple base classes with equality evaluations capabilities |
CJMultiEquals< JClass_t, JTypeList< head_type, tail_type > > | Template specialisation of auxiliary base class for data structures composed of multiple base classes with equality evaluations capabilities |
CJMultiPointer | General purpose class for multiple pointers |
CJMultiPointer< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of multiple pointers for multiple data types |
CJMultiPointer< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JMultiPointer class |
CJNullStream | Streaming of input |
CJNullStreamBuffer | Null stream buffer |
CJNullType | Auxiliary class for no type definition |
CJNumber | Wrapper class for integer value |
CJObject | Auxiliary base class for inline creation of a static value or clone from a temporary object |
CJObjectAllocator | Base class for customized new/delete operators |
CJObjectDemultiplexer | Auxiliary class for demultiplexing object outputs |
CJObjectDemultiplexer< JBase_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisation of JObjectDemultiplexer for multiple object outputs |
CJObjectDemultiplexer< JBase_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JObjectDemultiplexer class |
CJObjectID | Auxiliary class for object identification |
CJObjectOutput | Template interface of object output for single data type |
CJValve | Auxiliary class for selection of data type |
CJObjectSelector | Interface for selection of objects |
CJObjectMultiplexer | Auxiliary class for multiplexing object iterators |
CJMultiPipe | Auxiliary class for object iteration via multiple pipes, e.g. operator: |
CJObjectIterator | Interface of object iteration for a single data type |
CJObjectIterator< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object iterator for multiple data types |
CJObjectIterator< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JObjectIterator class |
CJNullIterator | Implementation for null iteration |
CJRewindableObjectIterator | Interface for object iteration with rewinding |
CJAccessibleObjectIterator | Interface for object iteration with named access |
CJObjectMultiplexer< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JBase_t > | Template specialisation of JObjectMultiplexer for multiple object iterators |
CJObjectMultiplexer< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType >, JBase_t > | Terminator class of recursive JObjectMultiplexer class |
CJObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object output for multiple data types |
CJObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JObjectOutput class |
CJAccessibleObjectOutput | Interface for object output with named access |
CJNullOutput | Implementation of null output for single data type |
CJNullOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implemenatation of null output for multiple data types |
CJNullOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JNullOutput class |
CJNullAccessibleOutput | Implementation for null output with null access |
CJObjectReader | Auxiliary class for object reading |
CJRewindableObjectReader | Auxiliary class for object reading with rewinding |
CJAccessibleObjectReader | Auxiliary class for object reading with named access |
CJObjectSampler | Auxiliary class to sample objects from a JRewindableObjectIterator |
CJObjectSelector< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Interface for multiple selection of objects |
CJObjectSelector< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JObjectSelector class |
CJObjectStatus | Auxiliary class for status of object |
CJObjectStreamIO | Auxiliary base class for storing and loading a single object to and from an ASCII file, respectively |
CJObjectWriter | Auxiliary class for object writing to a named device |
CJAccessibleObjectWriter | Auxiliary class for object writing with named access |
CJParameter | Parameter class |
CJPipe | Auxiliary class for object iteration via pipe, i.e. operator: |
CJPipe< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object iterator for multiple data types |
CJPipe< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JPipe class |
CJPointer | Template implementation of class that holds pointer to object(s) |
CJPredicate | Template definition of auxiliary class to select objects |
CJPredicate< JResult_t T::*, JComparator_t > | Template specialisation of JPredicate for selection of objects via data member |
CJPredicate< JResult_t(T::*)() const, JComparator_t > | Template specialisation of JPredicate for selection of objects via member method |
►CJPrintHelper | Auxiliary class to print via member method const char* str() const; |
CJMemberMethod | Test for availability of member method const char* str() const; |
CJMemberMethod< T, true > | Specialisation of JMemberMethod for primitive data types |
CJTypeout | Print interface |
CJTypewriter | Type writer implementation of interface JTypeout based on member method const char* str() const; |
CJPrinter | Auxiliary class to temporarily replace std::ostream |
CJRAM | Memory management for small objects |
CJRedirectStream | This class can be used to temporarily redirect one output (input) stream to another output (input) stream |
CJRedirectString | This class can be used to temporarily redirect an input stream to an input string |
CJReference | The template JReference class can be used to reference an object |
CJReference< const JClass_t > | Template specialisation of JReference class for const data type |
CJReference< JClass_t *const > | Template specialisation of JReference class for pointer type |
CJRegulator | Interface for controlling object throughput |
CJResolve | Test existence of class T |
CJRewindable | Template interface of rewindable object |
CJSampler | Template class for sampling from a JRewindableObjectIterator |
CJSharedCounter | Shared counter |
CJSharedPointer | The template JSharedPointer class can be used to share a pointer to an object |
CJSinglePointer | The template JSinglePointer class can be used to hold a pointer to an object |
CJSingleton | Simple singleton class |
CJStatic | Template data structure for static member declaration |
CJStatic< T *, N > | Template specialisation of JStatic for static member declaration of pointer |
CJSTDObjectIterator | Implementation of object iteration from STD container |
CJSTDObjectOutput | Implementation of object output for STD compatible output iterator |
CJSTDObjectReader | Implementation of object iteration from STD container |
CJSTDObjectReader< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object iteration from STD container for multiple data types |
CJSTDObjectReader< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JSTDObjectReader class |
CJSTDObjectReader< const T > | Specialisation of object iteration from STD container for constant data |
CJSTDObjectWriter | Implementation of object output from STD container |
CJSTDObjectWriter< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object output from STD container for multiple data types |
CJSTDObjectWriter< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JSTDObjectWriter class |
CJStorage | Template storage class |
CJStreamObjectIterator | Stream object iterator |
CJStreamObjectOutput | Template implementation of stream output for single data type |
CJStreamObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisationimplementation of stream object output for multiple data types |
CJStreamObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JStreamObjectOutput class |
CJStreamState | This class can be used to temporarily exchange the states between streams |
CJString | Wrapper class around STL string class |
CJStringFacet | Facet class to specify parsing of a JLANG::JString object |
CJStringStream | Wrapper class around STL stringstream class to facilitate optional loading of data from file |
CJSwitch | Template selection of type specifier |
CJSwitch< true, A, B > | Template specialisation of selection of type specifier |
CJTemplate | Auxiliary class for managing multiple objects |
CJTemplate< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Auxiliary class for managing multiple objects |
CJTemplate< JTypeList< JHead_t > > | Auxiliary class for managing multiple objects |
CJTemplateReader | Template definition of auxiliary base class for composite data types which derive from one or more base classes for which the redirect operator << is defined |
CJTemplateReader< JReader_t, JNullType, JNullType > | Specialisation of class JTemplateReader for general purpose write methods |
CJTemplateReader< JReader_t, JClass_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Specialisation of class JTemplateReader for composite data type |
CJTemplateWriter | Template definition of auxiliary base class for composite data types which derive from one or more base classes for which the redirect operator << is defined |
CJTemplateWriter< JWriter_t, JNullType, JNullType > | Specialisation of class JTemplateWriter for general purpose write methods |
CJTemplateWriter< JWriter_t, JClass_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Specialisation of class JTemplateWriter for composite data type |
►CJTest | Auxiliary base class for compile time evaluation of test |
CJFalse | Definition of false |
CJTrue | Definition of true |
CJTypecheck | Auxiliary class for type checking |
CJThrow | Auxiliary base class for controling the throwing of exceptions |
CJTimeval | Auxiliary class for time values |
CJTitle | Auxiliary class for title |
CJToken | Wrapper class around string |
CJType | Auxiliary class for a type holder |
CJLabel_t | Auxiliary data structure to label data types within a type list |
CJTypeID_t | Test availability of static member methods for labelling data types in a type list |
CJTypeInfo | This class is a wrapper around the STL type_info class |
CJTypeList | Type list |
CJMultipleType | List of identical types |
CJMultipleType< 1, T > | Terminator class of list of identical types |
CJAppend | Append to type list |
CJAppend< JNullType, JNullType > | Template specialisation of append to type list |
CJAppend< JNullType, T > | Template specialisation of append to type list |
CJAppend< JNullType, JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisation of append to type list |
CJAppend< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, T > | Template specialisation of append to type list |
CJRemove | Removal of data type from type list |
CJRemove< JNullType, T > | Template specialisation of removal of data type from type list |
CJRemove< JTypeList< T, JTail_t >, T > | Template specialisation of removal of data type from type list |
CJRemove< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, T > | Template specialisation of removal of data type from type list |
CJRemove< JTypeList< JHead_t1, JTail_t1 >, JTypeList< JHead_t2, JTail_t2 > > | Template specialisation of removal of type list from type list |
CJRemove< JTypeList< JHead_t1, JTail_t1 >, JTypeList< JHead_t2, JNullType > > | Template specialisation of removal of type list from type list |
CJLength | Length of type list |
CJLength< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Recursive length of type list |
CJLength< JNullType > | Terminator class of length of type list |
CJHasType | Test presence of data type in type list |
CJHasType< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, T > | Recursive test of presence data type in type list |
CJHasType< JTypeList< T, JTail_t >, T > | Identify presence data type in type list |
CJHasType< JNullType, T > | Termination of recursive test of presence data type in type list |
CJHasType< T, T > | Specialisation of JHasType for single class type |
CJResolveTypeList | Resolve template class to JTypeList |
CJResolveTypeList< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Resolve JTypeList to JTypeList |
CJTypeAt | Extraction of data type from type list |
CJTypeAt< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, index, range_check > | Recursive extraction of data type from type list |
CJTypeAt< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, 0, range_check > | Termination of recursive extraction of data type from type list |
CJTypeAt< JNullType, index, false > | Termination of recursive extraction of data type from type list |
CJIndexOf | Indexing of data type in type list |
CJIndexOf< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, T > | Recursive indexing of data type in type list |
CJIndexOf< JTypeList< T, JTail_t >, T > | Identify indexi of data type in type list |
CJIndexOf< JNullType, T > | Termination of recursive indexing of data type in type list |
CJTYPELIST | Auxiliary class for recursive type list generation |
CJTYPELIST< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, T, Args... > | Template specialisation for expanding type list |
CJTYPELIST< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType >, T, Args... > | Template specialisation for expanding type list |
CJTYPELIST< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisation for expanding type list |
CJTYPELIST< T > | Termination class for type list generation |
CJTYPELIST< JNullType > | Termination class for type list generation |
CJTypeSelector | Auxiliary class for selection of data type |
CJTypeSelector< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Auxiliary class for selection of multiple data types |
CJTypeSelector< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JTypeSelector class |
CJUUID | Simple wrapper for UUID |
CJValueOutput | Forward declaration for friend declaration of JValueOutput inside JValueInput |
CJValueInput | Wrapper class around template object |
CJValue | Wrapper class around template object |
CJValve< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Auxiliary class for selection of multiple data types |
CJValve< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JValve class |
Carray_type | Auxiliary data structure for return type of make methods |
CJVoid | Auxiliary class for void type definition |
CJMask | Auxiliary class to ensure that the mask set is defined prior to the ctype<>() constructor call |
CJWhiteSpacesFacet | Auxiliary class to specify white space character(s) in currect locale |
►NJLOGGER | Message logging |
CJControlHostLogger | Message logging based on ControlHost |
CJLogger | Interface for logging messages |
CJMessageLogger | Message logger |
CJMessageLoggerThreadSafe | Thread-safe message logger |
CJMessageScheduler | Message logger with time scheduler |
CJMessageStream | Message streamer |
CJDebugStream | Level specific message streamers |
CJWarningStream | |
CJErrorStream | |
CJNoticeStream | |
CJStatusStream | |
CJStreamLogger | Message logging based on std::ostream |
CJGenerator | Abstract interface for the generation of points in 3D space |
CJUniformGenerator | Implementation of the JGenerator interface |
CJBallGenerator | Implementation of the JGenerator interface |
CJExpRsqInvGenerator | Implementation of the JGenerator interface |
CJMagicalDistribution | The 'magical distributions' are a class of distributions |
CJSingularityGenerator | Implementation of the JGenerator interface |
CJExponentialGenerator | Implementation of the JGenerator interface |
CJGaussianGenerator | Implementation of the JGenerator interface |
CJCombinedGenerator | Implementation of the JGenerator interface |
CJTripleGenerator | Implementation of the JGenerator interface |
CJShiftedGenerator | Implementation of the JGenerator interface |
CJHistGenerator | Implementation of the JGenerator interface |
CJSphereGenerator | Implementation of the JGenerator interface |
CJ3DhistGenerator | Implementation of the JGenerator interface |
CJMarkovIntegrator | Abstract base class for calculating the total probability (/m^2 target cross-section) for a photon from the source to hit the target (with a given, fixed number of scatterings) by Monte Carlo sampling the available nscat*3 dimensional phase space |
CJMarkovUniformIntegrator | In this implementation of the JMarkovIntegrator interface, the sample distribution is a flat distribution |
CJMarkovEnsembleIntegrator | Abstract base class for implementations of the JMarkovIntegrator interface, where the sample distribution is based on histograms filled from an ensemble of representative paths |
CJMarkovEnsembleIntegrator1D | Implementation of JMarkovEnsembleIntegrator interface with 1D histograms |
CJMarkovEnsembleIntegrator3D | This implementation of the JMarkovIntegrator interface generates 'natural' looking paths that might sample the phase space well in some cases |
CJSourceTargetIntegrator | In this implementation of the JMarkovIntegrator interface, the sample distribution is built up out of three components: |
CJExperimentalIntegrator | In this implementation of the JMarkovIntegrator interface, the sample distribution is built up out of correlated path vertices |
CJMarkovPathGenerator | The JMarkovPathGenerator generates ensembles of photon paths using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) |
CJMarkovPhotonTracker | The JMarkovPhotonTracker generates ensembles of photon paths by tracking photons from a source to a target |
CJPhotonPath | A photon path |
CJPhotonPathReader | |
CJPhotonPathWriter | |
CJScatteringModel | Virtual base class for a scattering model |
CJSourceModel | Virtual base class for a light source |
CJIsotropicSource | Implementation of the JSourceModel class that represents an isotropic source |
CJDirectedSource | Implementation of the JSourceModel class that represents a directed source with a flat intensity distribution |
CJTargetModel | Virtual base class for a light detector ("photon target") |
CJPMTTarget | Implementation of the JTargetModel class that represents a single PMT on a DOM |
CJIsotropicTarget | Implementation of the JTargetModel class that represents a spherically symmetric target |
CJCosineTarget | Implementation of the JTargetModel class that represents a directed target with a cos(theta) acceptance |
CJHenyeyGreensteinScattering | Implementation of the JScatteringModel interface with scattering according to the Henyey-Greenstein function |
CJIsotropicScattering | Implementation of the JScatteringModel interface with isotropic scattering |
CJRayleighScattering | Implementation of the JScatteringModel interface with Rayleigh scattering |
CJCombinedScattering | Implementation of the JScatteringModel interface with that combines two scattering models into one effective model |
►NJMATH | Auxiliary classes and methods for mathematical operations |
CJAverage< JQuaternion3D > | Template spacialisation for averaging quaternions |
CJLegendre< JQuaternion3D,(size_t) -1 > | Template specialisation for function evaluation of Legendre polynome of quaternions for undefined number of degrees |
CJLegendre< JQuaternion3D, N > | Template specialisation for function evaluation of Legendre polynome of quaternions for defined number of degrees |
CJCalculator | Auxiliary class for arithmetic operations on objects |
CJGauss_t | Gauss model |
CJGauss | Gauss function object |
CJLegendre_t | Base class for Legendre polynome |
CJLegendre | Template definition for function evaluation of Legendre polynome |
CJLegendre< JOrdinate_t,(size_t) -1 > | Template specialisation for function evaluation of of Legendre polynome for undefined number of degrees |
CJLimits | Auxiliary class for minimum and maximum values for any class |
CJLimits< T, true > | Template spacialisation of JMATH::JLimits for numerical values |
CJLimits< T, false > | Template spacialisation of JMATH::JRandom for other data types |
CJMath_t | Auxiliary class to hide data type specific methods |
CJMath | Auxiliary base class for aritmetic operations of derived class types |
CJMath< T, JNullType > | Template base class for data structures with arithmetic capabilities |
CJAverage | Auxiliary class to determine average of set of values |
Cmake_carray | Void function |
Cparameter_list | Auxiliary data structure for list of parameters |
CJCalculus | Auxiliary base class for mathematical operations on parameters of function |
CJNegate | Negate of function |
CJAdd | Forward declaration for negate of function |
CJSub | Forward declaration for addition of fuction |
CJMul | Forward declaration for subtraction of fuction |
CJDiv | Forward declaration for multiplication of fuction |
CJFn | Forward declaration for division of fuction |
CJMathlib | Forward declaration for fixed power of function |
CJAdd< JF1_t, double > | Addition of constant value |
CJSub< JF1_t, double > | Subtraction of constant value |
CJMul< JF1_t, double > | Multiplication of constant value |
CJDiv< JF1_t, double > | Division of constant value |
CJPair | Auxiliary data structure for pair of functions |
CJPolynome | Recursive template class for polynomial function |
CJPolynome< ID_t, 0 > | Termination class for polynomial function |
CJGauss< ID_t, true > | Gauss function |
CJPow | Power of function |
CJPow< ID_t, _vF > | Power of x |
CJXn | Fixed power of x |
CJSqrt | Square root of function |
CJSqrt< _vF > | Square root of x |
CJSin | Sine of function |
CJCos | Cosine of function |
CJExp | Exponent of function |
CJExp< JPolynome< ID_t, 0 > > | Exponent of zero degree polynomial function |
CJLog | Logarithm of function |
CJMake2X | Make 2D function of x from 1D function |
CJMake2Y | Make 2D function of y from 1D function |
CJGauss2D | 2D correlated Gauss function |
CJMake3X | Make 3D function of x from 1D function |
CJMake3Y | Make 3D function of y from 1D function |
CJMake3Z | Make 3D function of z from 1D function |
CJGauss3D | 3D correlated Gauss function |
CJMatrix1D | 1 x 1 matrix |
CJMatrix1S | 1 x 1 symmetric matrix |
CJMatrix2D | 2 x 2 matrix |
CJMatrix2S | 2 x 2 symmetric matrix |
CJMatrix3D | 3 x 3 matrix |
CJMatrix3S | 3 x 3 symmetric matrix |
CJMatrix4D | 4 x 4 matrix |
CJMatrix4S | 4 x 4 symmetric matrix |
CJMatrix5D | 5 x 5 matrix |
CJMatrix5S | 5 x 5 symmetric matrix |
CJMatrixND_t | Basic NxN matrix |
CJMatrixND | NxN matrix |
CJMatrixNS | N x N symmetric matrix |
CJModel_t | Fit model |
CJNumber | Simple wrapper around template data type to ensure that zero is the default value |
CJPolynome_t | Polynome model |
CJPower | Power law function object |
CJQuantile_t | Auxiliary data structure for average |
CJRandom | Template definition of random value generator |
CJRandom< T, true > | Template spacialisation of JMATH::JRandom for numerical values |
CJRandom< T, false > | Template spacialisation of JMATH::JRandom for non-numerical data types |
►CJSVD3D | Singular value decomposition |
CJGivens | Givens quaternion |
CJQuaternion | Auxiliary class for quaternion computation |
CJTrigonometric | Trigonometric function object for sin and cos |
CJVectorND | Nx1 matrix |
CJZero | Auxiliary class to assign zero value |
CJCluster | A JHitL1 with a multiplicity |
►CJClusterBuilder | Local coincidence cluster builder |
CMinimalMultiplicityFunctor | Functor that compares the multiplicity of a JCluster to some fixed given multiplicity |
►NJNET | |
CJSubscription | ControlHost subscription |
CJSubscriptionAll | Auxiliary class for all subscription |
CJSubscriptionAny | Auxiliary class for any subscription |
CJSubscriptionList | Subscription list |
CJControlHost | ControlHost class |
CJControlHostObjectIterator | Object iteration through ControlHost |
CJControlHostObjectOutput | Implemenation of object output through ControlHost |
CJControlHostObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object output for multiple data types |
CJControlHostObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JControlHostObjectOutput class |
CJControlHostServer | Light-weight wrapper class around server socket |
CJHostname | Auxiliary data structure for hostname and port number |
CJMemory_t | |
CJDispatch | Data structure of a ControlHost message |
CJClient | ControlHost client manager |
CJClientList | List of ControlHost client managers |
CJLigierObjectIterator | Object iteration through ControlHost server |
CJPrefix | ControlHost prefix |
CJSelect | Wrapper class for select call |
CJSelectReader | Wrapper class for select call |
CJSelectWriter | Wrapper class for select call |
CJServerSocket | TCP server socket |
CJSocket | Socket class |
CJSocketAddress | Encapsulates the sockaddr_in data structure |
CJSocketBlocking | Blocking socket I/O |
CJSocketChannel | Auxiliary class for socket channel |
CJSocketInputChannel | Socket input channel |
CJSocketOutputChannel | Socket output channel |
CJSocketBuffer | Auxiliary class for non-blocking socket I/O |
CJSocketNonblockingReader | Non-blocking socket reader |
CJSocketNonblockingWriter | Non-blocking socket writer |
CJSocketStatus | Auxiliary class for non-blocking socket I/O |
CJTag | ControlHost tag |
CJTCPSocket | TCP socket |
CJUDPSocket | UDP socket |
CJBaselineComputer | Auxiliary data structure for storing and calculating baselines |
CJComplexPhase | Implementation of oscillation complex phase |
CJComplexPhase< JGrid< double > > | Template specialization for parameter grid |
CJMassSquaredDifference | Implementation of mass-squared difference |
CJMassSquaredDifference< JGrid< double > > | Template specialization for parameter grid |
CJMixingAngle | Implementation of oscillation mixing angle |
CJMixingAngle< JGrid< double > > | Template specialization for parameter grid |
►CJOscChannel | Neutrino oscillation channel |
CJOscChannelHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of oscillation channel |
CJOscillogramAxis | Auxiliary class for defining an oscillogram axis |
CJOscillogram | Auxiliary class for creating oscillograms |
CJOscParameter | Abstract base class for oscillation parameter |
►CJOscParameters | Data structure for single set of oscillation parameters |
CJOscParametersHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of oscillation parameters |
CJOscParametersHelper | Helper class for oscillation parameters |
CJOscParametersInterface | Interface class for sets of oscillation parameters |
CJOscProbFunction | Implementation of oscillation probability function interface |
CJOscProbHelper | Helper class for oscillation probabilities |
CJOscProbInterface | Low-level interface for oscillation probability calculators |
CJOscProbInterpolator | Template definition of a multi-dimensional oscillation probability interpolation table |
CJOscVars | Auxiliary data structure to hold oscillation variable names |
►NJPARSER | Local namespace for command line parser |
Cinitialised | Empty structure for specification of parser element that is initialised (i.e. does not require input) |
Cnot_initialised | Empty structure for specification of parser element that is not initialised (i.e. does require input) |
CJProxy | Auxiliary class to assign a custom value following the reading of a specific textual value |
CJProxy< T, true > | Template specialisation of JProxy for fundamental data type |
CJProxy< T, false > | Template specialisation of JProxy for non-fundamental data type |
CJCounter | Auxiliary class to handle multiple boolean-like I/O |
CJParserElementInterface | Interface for I/O of parser element |
CJParserTemplateElement | Template class holder for I/O of parser element |
CJCSV | Auxiliary class to assign the remainder of a sequence of Comma Separated Values |
CJParserTemplateElement< JType_t, false > | Template specialisation of JPARSER::JParserTemplateElement for data type without equal operator == |
CTStringHelper | Auxiliary class for handling I/O of TString depending on its existence |
CTStringHelper< false > | Specialisation of TStringHelper if TString does not exist |
CTStringHelper< true > | Specialisation of TStringHelper if TString exists |
CJParserTemplateElement< JType_t, true > | Template specialisation of JPARSER::JParserTemplateElement for data type with equal operator == |
CJParserTemplateElement< bool > | Template specialisation of JPARSER::JParserTemplateElement for type bool |
CJParserTemplateElement< JCounter > | Template specialisation of JPARSER::JParserTemplateElement for type JCounter |
CJParserElement | Auxiliary class to handle pointer to JPARSER::JParserElementInterface |
CJParser | Utility class to parse command line options |
►NJPHYSICS | Auxiliary methods for light properties of deep-sea water |
CJAbstractMedium | Medium interface |
CJAbstractPMT | PMT interface |
CJACoeffInterface | Interface for calculation of ionization constant |
CJACoeffSource | Implementation for calculation of ionization constant |
CJCDFTable | Multi-dimensional CDF table for arrival time of Cherenkov light |
►CJDIS | Deep-inelastic muon-nucleon scattering |
CJDIS_t | Auxiliary helper class for kinematics of deep-inelastic muon-nucleon scattering at fixed muon energy |
CJDispersion | Implementation of dispersion for water in deep sea |
CJDispersionInterface | Light dispersion inteface |
CJGeane | Interface for muon energy loss |
CJGeane_t | Function object for the energy loss of the muon |
CJGeaneWater | Function object for energy dependent energy loss of the muon |
CJGeant | Function object for the probability density function of photon emission from EM-shower as a function of the index of refraction and the cosine of the emission angle |
CJGeant_t | Base class for the probability density function of photon emission from EM-shower as a function of the index of refraction and the cosine of the emission angle |
CJGeanx | Probability density function of photon emission from EM-shower as a function of cosine of the emission angle |
CJGeanz | Function object for longitudinal profile of EM-shower |
CJSter | Struct for the Sternheimer coefficients |
CJSterCoefficient | Auxiliary data structure Ster coefficients as a function of proton number |
CJK40Rates | Auxiliary class for K40 rates |
CJAbstractLED | Interface for emission profile from LED |
CJLED | Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT |
CJLED_C | Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT (C-like interface) |
CJNPETable | Custom class for integrated values of the PDF of the arrival time of Cherenkov light |
►CJPDF | Low level interface for the calculation of the Probability Density Functions (PDFs) of the arrival time of Cherenkov light from a muon or an EM-shower on a photo-multiplier tube (PMT) |
CJRoot | Auxiliary class to find solution(s) to ![]() |
CJAbstractPDF | Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT with an implementation for the JDispersionInterface interface |
CJPDF_C | Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT with an implementation of the JAbstractPMT and JAbstractMedium interfaces via C-like methods |
CJPDFTable | Multi-dimensional PDF table for arrival time of Cherenkov light |
CJPDFTransformer_t | Transformer for the 1D probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT to a muon |
CJPD0Transformer_t | Transformer for the 1D probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT due to a point source |
CJPDGTransformer_t | Transformer for the 2D probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT due to an EM shower |
CJPDFTransformer | Template definition of transformer of the probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT |
CJPDFTransformer< 2, JArgument_t > | Template specialisation of transformer of the 2D probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT due to a bright point |
CJPDFTransformer< 3, JArgument_t > | Template specialisation of transformer of the 3D probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT due to a muon |
CJPDFTransformer< 4, JArgument_t > | Template specialisation of transformer of the 4D probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT due to an EM shower |
CJPDFTransformer< 5, JArgument_t > | Template specialisation of transformer of the 5D probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT due to an EM shower |
CJPetzhold | Measurement of light scattering in water |
CJMobley | Auxiliary data structure for scattering lengths of deep-sea water |
CJAbsorptionLengthOfPureWater | Absorption length of pure water |
CJRadiation | Auxiliary class for the calculation of the muon radiative cross sections |
CJRadiationSource_t | Auxiliary data structure for handling member methods of class JRadiation |
CJRadiationFunction | Fast implementation of class JRadiation |
CJRadiationInterface | Interface for calculation of inverse interaction length and shower energy |
CJRadiationSource | Implementation for calculation of inverse interaction length and shower energy |
CJDISSource | Implementation for calculation of inverse interaction length and shower energy due to deep-inelastic muon-nucleon scattering |
CJCDFTable1D | Custom class for CDF table in 1 dimension |
CJCDFTable2D | Custom class for CDF table in 2 dimensions |
NJPP | This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES) |
►NJRECONSTRUCTION | Model fits to data |
CJEventSelector | Event selector |
CJQualitySorter | General purpose sorter of fit results |
CJPointing | Auxiliary class to compare fit results with respect to a reference direction (e.g. true muon) |
CJPosition | Auxiliary class to compare fit results with respect to a reference position (e.g. true muon) |
CJShowerEnergy | |
CJAtmosphericMuon | Auxiliary class to evaluate atmospheric muon hypothesis |
CJHitW0 | Auxiliary class for a hit with background rate value |
►CJMuonEnergy | Auxiliary class to to determine muon energy |
CJResult | Auxiliary class for energy estimation |
CJMuonEnergyParameters_t | Data structure for fit parameters |
CJMuonFeatures | Wrapper class to add features after the final fit of muon trajectory |
CJMuonGandalf | Wrapper class to make final fit of muon trajectory |
CJMuonGandalfParameters_t | Data structure for fit parameters |
CJMuonParameters | Muon reconstruction parameters |
►CJMuonPrefit | Wrapper class to make pre-fit of muon trajectory |
Ccmz | Auxiliary data structure for sorting of hits |
CJMuonPrefitParameters_t | Data structure for fit parameters |
CJMuonSimplex | Wrapper class to make intermediate fit of muon trajectory |
CJMuonSimplexParameters_t | Data structure for fit parameters |
CJMuonStart | Auxiliary class to determine start and end position of muon trajectory |
CJMuonStartParameters_t | Data structure for fit parameters |
Cevent_type | Auxiliary data structure to store data and fit in memory |
CJEditor | Auxiliary class for editing time offset |
CJPerth | Thread pool for fits to data |
CJPerth_t | Auxiliary data structure for chi2 function object |
CJRange_t | Type definition of range |
CJShowerBjorkenY | Class to handle the direction fit of the shower reconstruction, mainly dedicated for ORCA |
CJShowerBjorkenYParameters_t | Data structure for fit parameters |
CJShowerDirectionPrefit | Class to handle the direction fit of the shower reconstruction, mainly dedicated for ORCA |
CJShowerDirectionPrefitParameters_t | Data structure for fit parameters |
CJShowerFit | Class to handle the direction fit of the shower reconstruction, mainly dedicated for ORCA |
CJShowerFitParameters_t | Data structure for fit parameters |
CJShowerParameters | Shower reconstruction parameters |
CJShowerPointSimplex | Class to handle the second position fit of the shower reconstruction, mainly dedicated for ORCA |
CJShowerPointSimplexParameters_t | |
CJShowerPositionFit | Class to handle the second position fit of the shower reconstruction, mainly dedicated for ORCA |
CJShowerPositionFitParameters_t | |
►CJShowerPrefit | Class to handle first step of the shower reconstruction in ORCA: it reconstructs the shower vertex, intended as the shower brightest point, as the barycenter of the hits |
Cmatch_t | Auxiliary class to match hit to root hit |
CJShowerPrefitParameters_t | Data structure for fit parameters |
CJStart | Auxiliary class for start or end point evaluation |
►NJROOT | Auxiliary classes and methods for ROOT I/O |
CJAbstractStreamer | Forward declaration of writer object |
CJASCIIFileReader | Auxiliary class to read objects with ROOT dictionary from ASCII formatted file |
CJASCIIFileWriter | Auxiliary class to write object with ROOT dictionary from ASCII formatted file |
CJCanvas | Data structure for size of TCanvas |
CJChainReader | Auxiliary class for template TChain reading |
►CJClassDef | Test ROOT ClassDef |
Ccheck_type | |
►CJClassStreamer | Auxiliary class to add the I/O capabilities of the given template class to the general JRootDictionary class |
CJObject | This class adds the I/O capabilities of the given template class to the general JRootDictionary class |
►CJDataFrame | Auxiliary class for parsing data from ROOT data frame |
►CJBuffer | Auxiliary buffer for parsing data from ROOT data frame |
CJOutput_t | Template implementation for output |
CJDictionary | Dictionary for parsing data from ROOT data frame to output |
CJOutput | Interface for output |
CJParser | Interface for parsing data from ROOT data frame to output |
CJParser_t | Template implementation for parsing data from ROOT data frame to output |
CJGraph_t | Data structure for graph data |
CJGraph | Auxiliary data structure to build TGraph |
CJGraph2D_t | Data structure for graph data |
CJGraph2D | Auxiliary data structure to build TGraph2D |
CJGraph2DErrors_t | Data structure for graph data |
CJGraph2DErrors | Auxiliary data structure to build TGraph2DErrors |
CJGraphErrors_t | Data structure for graph data |
CJGraphErrors | Auxiliary data structure to build TGraphErrors |
CJLineAttributes | Auxiliary class to set line attributes |
CJManager | Auxiliary class to manage set of compatible ROOT objects (e.g. histograms) using unique keys |
CJMarkerAttributes | Auxiliary class to set marker attributes |
CJRootAddress | Auxiliary classd for address handling within TTree or TChain |
CJRootClass | Auxiliary class to manage access to base classes and data members of ROOT class |
CJAddress | Simple address wrapper |
CJRootAddressableClass | Auxiliary class to manage access to base classes and data members of ROOT class objects |
CJRootReadableClass | ROOT class for reading object |
CJRootWritableClass | ROOT class for writing object |
CJROOTClassSelector | Auxiliary class to select ROOT class based on class name |
CJROOTClassSelection | Auxiliary class for ROOT class selection |
CJRootDictionary_t | Type definition of ROOT based dictionary for ASCII I/O |
CJRootFile | ROOT file |
CJRootInputFile | ROOT input file |
CJRootOutputFile | ROOT output file |
CJRootFileReader | ROOT file reader |
CJRootFileReader< T, false > | Tempate specialisation of JRootFileReader for TTree incompatible iteration |
CJRootFileReader< T, true > | Tempate specialisation of JRootFileReader for TTree compatible iteration |
CJRootObjectOutput | Template definition of ROOT object output |
CJRootObjectOutput< T, false > | Implementation of object output using TDirectory::WriteTObject method |
CJRootObjectOutput< T, true > | Implementation of object output using TTree |
CJRootFileObjectOutput | Implementation of object output to ROOT file for single data type |
CJRootFileObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object output to ROOT file for multiple data types |
CJRootFileObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JRootObjectOutput class |
CJRootFileWriter | ROOT file object output |
Cm_count | Data point for counting measurement |
Cm_value | Data point for value with error |
Cm_1d | 1D data point |
Cm_2d | 2D data point |
Cm_3d | 3D data point |
Cdata_type | Template definition of data structure for set of data points |
Cdata_type< m_1d< T > > | Template specialisation of data structure for set of 1D data points |
Cdata_type< m_2d< T > > | Template specialisation of data structure for set of 2D data points |
Cdata_type< m_3d< T > > | Template specialisation of data structure for set of 3D data points |
►CJF1 | Wrapper data structure to build ROOT 1D function |
Chelper | Helper |
►CJF2 | Wrapper data structure to build ROOT 2D function |
Chelper | Helper |
►CJF3 | Wrapper data structure to build ROOT 3D function |
Chelper | Helper |
Cindex_list | Auxiliary data structure for list of fixed parameters |
CJRootfit_t | Base class for result of ROOT Fit |
CJRootfit | ROOT Fit |
CJRootLabel | Replica of structure JLANG::JLabel for data types with ROOT I/O |
CJRootPrimitiveTypes | |
CJRootPrinter | Auxiliary class for printing objects in ASCII format using JRootWriter |
CJRootReader | Implementation for ASCII input of objects with ROOT dictionary |
CJRootWriter | Implementation for ASCII output of objects with ROOT dictionary |
CJRootStreamer | Auxiliary template class to define default implementation of the ROOT streamer |
CJObjectStreamer | JObjectStreamer class |
CJRootStreamObjectOutput | Template implementation of stream output for single data type based on ROOT dictionary |
CJRootStreamObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisationimplementation of stream object output for multiple data types |
CJRootStreamObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JRootStreamObjectOutput class |
CJActionAtFileOpen | Auxiliary class to handle version management of given class at opening of a ROOT file |
CJActionAtFileRead | Auxiliary class to handle version management of given class at reading from a ROOT file |
CJFitParameter_t | Auxiliary data structure for a parameter index and its value |
CJSonObjectOutput | Template implementation of stream output for single data type |
CJSonObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisationimplementation of stream object output for multiple data types |
CJSonObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JSonObjectOutput class |
►CJStyle | Wrapper class around ROOT TStyle |
►CJParameters | |
CJParametersHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of parameters |
CJTreeBranchAddresses | Class responsible to setup TTree branch addresses for reading objects of type T |
CJTreeParameters | Data structure for TTree parameters |
►CJTreeParametersAvailable | Test availability of TTree parameters for given class |
CJBig | |
CJSmall | |
CJAbstractTreeReader | Interface for TTree reading |
CJTreeReader | Auxiliary class for template TTree reading |
CJTreeReaderObjectIterator | JTreeReader object iterator |
CJTreeReaderAccessibleObjectIterator | JTemplateTreeReader object iterator |
CJTreeWriter | Auxiliary class for default template TTree writing |
CJTreeWriter< T, true > | Template specialisation for flat template TTree writing |
CJTreeCopyWriterInterface | Interface for template TTree writing and copying |
CJTreeCopyWriter | Implementation for template TTree writing and copying |
CJRootCreateFlatTree | |
CJTreeWriterObjectOutput | JTreeWriter object output |
CJTreeWriterObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of JTreeWriterObjectOutput for multiple data types |
CJTreeWriterObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JTreeWriterObjectOutput class |
CJRootDictionary | Default implementation of ROOT based dictionary for ASCII I/O |
CJRootCreateFlatTree< JACOUSTICS::JToA > | |
►NJSIRENE | Detector simulations |
CJFoxWolframMoments | Class for computing Fox-Wolfram moments |
CJSphericityTensor | Class for sphericity tensor calculations |
CJHitInertiaTensor | Class for hit inertia tensor calculations |
CJPulse | Auxiliary class for a time-over-threshold pulse from a PMT |
CJPythia | Auxiliary class to determine EM-equivalent energy as a function of PDG particle code and energy |
CJSeaWater | Sea water composition |
CJParameters | Detector simulation parameters |
CJHit_t | Auxiliary class to set-up Hit |
CJHits_t | Auxiliary data structure for list of hits with hit merging capability |
CJTrk_t | Auxiliary class to set-up Trk |
CJPoint | Point along muon trajectory |
CJTrack | Muon trajectory |
CJVertex | Vertex of energy loss of muon |
►NJSON | Auxiliary classes and methods for detector calibration |
CJComparator | Auxiliary data structure to compare (part of) JSon data |
CJPrinter | Auxiliary data structure to print (part of) JSon data |
CJSon | Auxiliary class to load json data from file |
CJCalibrationType | Auxiliary data structure for pairwise nick and full name of calibration type |
CgetCalibrationType | Auxiliary data structure for correspondence between nick and full name of calibration types |
CJCoincidenceSN | Auxiliary class to store reduced information of a coincidence on an optical module This class allows storing the observables associated with searches for low-energy neutrinos from Core-Collapse supernovae: |
CJVeto | Auxiliary class to define a veto time window on a set of optical modules |
CJDataSN | Auxiliary class to build the supernova trigger dataset |
CJMatchVeto | Auxiliary class-operator to match a JVeto with a JCoincidenceSN object Provides an operator to test if a coincidence is vetoed |
CJVetoSet | Auxiliary class to manage a set of vetoes |
CJClusterSN | Auxiliary class to manage a cluster of coincidences |
CJSNFilter | Interface for SN filter operator |
CJSNFilterM | SN filter based on multiplicity selection optional suppression of multi-module coincidences WARNING: no minimum threshold for the veto |
CJSNFilterMV | SN filter based on veto window |
CJTriggerSN | Auxiliary class to apply the supernova trigger to SN data |
CJTriggerSNStats | SN trigger statistics, the information is stored in the form of a count as a function of the trigger level |
CJLightCurveBackgroundGenerator | Class to emulate L0 background for an arbitrarily sized detector |
►NJSUPPORT | Support classes and methods for experiment specific I/O |
►CJAutoTreeScanner | Auxiliary class to select JTreeScanner based on ROOT class name |
CJElement_t | Auxiliary class for element insertion |
►CJAutoTreeWriter | Auxiliary class to copy input data to corresponding TTree |
CJElement_t | Auxiliary class for element insertion |
CJDAQFileReader | DAQ object reading from binary file (i.e. .dat) |
CJDAQFileReader< T, true > | Template specialisation of JDAQFileReader for DAQ compatible data types |
CJDAQFileReader< T, false > | Template specialisation of JDAQFileReader for DAQ incompatible data types |
CJDAQWriterObjectOutput | Auxiliary class for DAQ object writing to binary stream |
CJDAQWriterObjectOutput< T, true > | Implementation of object output for DAQ compatible data types |
CJDAQWriterObjectOutput< T, false > | Implementation of object output for DAQ incompatible data types |
CJDAQWriter | Implementation of object output to binary file for single data type |
CJDAQWriter< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object output to binary file for multiple data types |
CJDAQWriter< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JDAQWriter class |
CJDAQFileWriter | Object(s) writing to binary file (i.e. .dat) |
CJEvtWeightFileScanner | Template event-weighter-associated file scanner |
CJEvtWeightFileScannerSet | Auxiliary class for organising Monte Carlo file scanners associated with event weighters |
CJFileRecorder | Object writing to file |
CJFileScanner | Object reading from file |
CJHeadSet | Auxiliary class for organising Monte Carlo run headers |
CJLimit | Auxiliary class for defining the range of iterations of objects |
CJMeta | Auxiliary class for ROOT I/O of application specific meta data |
CJMetaOld_t | Type definition of old meta data |
CJMonteCarloASCIIFileReader | Template definition of Monte Carlo object reader for ASCII formatted file (i.e. '.evt') |
CJMonteCarloGZFileReader | Template definition of Monte Carlo object reader for gzipped ASCII formatted file (i.e. '.gz') |
CJMonteCarloFileReader | Template definition of Monte Carlo object reader |
CJMonteCarloFileReader< Head, JFileReader_t > | Template specialisation of JMonteCarloFileReader for Head |
CJMonteCarloFileReader< Evt, JFileReader_t > | Template specialisation of JMonteCarloFileReader for Event |
CJMonteCarloASCIIFileReader< Head > | Template implementation of Monte Carlo object reader for ASCII formatted file (i.e. '.evt') |
CJMonteCarloASCIIFileReader< Evt > | Template implementation of Monte Carlo object reader for ASCII formatted file (i.e. '.evt') |
CJMonteCarloGZFileReader< Head > | Template implementation of Monte Carlo object reader for gzipped ASCII formatted file (i.e. '.gz') |
CJMonteCarloGZFileReader< Evt > | Template implementation of Monte Carlo object reader for gzipped ASCII formatted file (i.e. '.gz') |
CJMonteCarloStreamObjectOutput< Head > | Template specialisation of JMonteCarloStreamObjectOutput for Head |
CJMonteCarloStreamObjectOutput< Evt > | Template specialisation of JMonteCarloStreamObjectOutput for Evt |
CJMultipleFileScanner< Head > | Template specialisation of JMultipleFileScanner for Monte Carlo header |
CJMonteCarloStreamObjectOutput | Template definition of Monte Carlo stream output for single data type |
CJMonteCarloStreamObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisation of Monte Carlo stream object output for multiple data types |
CJMonteCarloStreamObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JMonteCarloStreamObjectOutput class |
CJMonteCarloFileWriter | Object(s) writing to Monte Carlo ASCII file (i.e. .evt) |
CJMultipleFileSampler_t | Auxiliary base class to sample from a list of files |
CJMultipleFileSampler | Auxiliary class to sample from a list of files |
CJMultipleFileScanner_t | Auxiliary base class for list of file names |
CJMultipleFileScanner | General purpose class for object reading from a list of file names |
CJMultipleFileScanner< JNullType > | Template specialisation of JMultipleFileScanner for undefined type |
CJMultipleFileScanner< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object reading for multiple data types from a list of file names |
CJMultipleFileScanner< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JMultipleFileScanner class |
CJParallelFileScanner | General purpose class for parallel reading of objects from a single file or multiple files |
CJParallelFileScanner< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JFileScanner_t > | Template specialisation of JParallelFileScanner for multiple data types |
CJParallelFileScanner< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType >, JFileScanner_t > | Terminator class of recursive JParallelFileScanner class |
CJRandomSampler | Template class for randomly sampling from a JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator using a JLANG::JObjectSampler |
CJRunByRun | Auxiliary class to select summary data (KM3NETDAQ::JDAQSummaryslice) from the specified raw data file(s) |
CJSingleFileScanner_t | Auxiliary base class for file name |
CJSingleFileScanner | Object reading from a list of files |
CJSingleFileScanner< JNullType > | Template specialisation of JSingleFileScanner for undefined type |
CJSingleFileScanner< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisation of JSingleFileScanner for single data types |
CJSingleFileScanner< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JSingleFileScanner class |
CJSummaryFileRouter | File router for fast addressing of summary data |
CJSummaryRouter | Router for fast addressing of summary data in KM3NETDAQ::JDAQSummaryslice data structure as a function of the optical module identifier and PMT address |
CJTreeRecorder | ROOT TTree object output |
CJTreeSampler | Auxiliary class to sample from a list of files |
CJTreeScanner_t | Base class for JTreeScanner |
CJTreeScanner | Template definition for direct access of elements in ROOT TChain |
CJTreeScanner< JNullType, JNullType > | Auxiliary base class for reporting messages |
CJTreeScanner< JAssertConversion< JDerived_t, JBase_t >, JNullType > | Specialiation of class JTreeScanner for unordered direct access of elements in ROOT TChain |
CJTreeScanner< JClass_t, JNullType > | Specialiation of class JTreeScanner for unordered direct access of elements in ROOT TChain |
►CJTreeScanner< JAssertConversion< JDerived_t, JBase_t >, JEvaluator_t > | Specialisation of class JTreeScanner for ordered direct access of elements in ROOT TChain |
CJEntry_t | Auxiliary data structure for sorting of objects in TChain |
CJTreeScannerInterface | Auxiliary interface for direct access of elements in ROOT TChain |
►CJTreeScannerInterface< JClass_t, JNullType > | Specialiation of interface JTreeScannerInterface for unordered direct access of elements in ROOT TChain |
Cbasic_iterator | Base class for STD compatible iterator |
Citerator | STD compatible iterator |
Creverse_iterator | STD compatible reverse iterator |
CJTriggeredFileScanner | Auxiliary class to synchronously read DAQ events and Monte Carlo events (and optionally other events) |
CJMultipleFileScanner< JTriggerParameters > | Template specialisation of JMultipleFileScanner for trigger parameters |
CJBasicScopedLock | Scoped lock |
CJMutex | Mutex |
►NJSYSTEM | Auxiliary classes and methods for operating system calls |
CJDateAndTime | Auxiliary class for date and time |
Cls | Auxiliary data structure to list files in directory |
CJGlob | Auxiliary class to list files |
CJKeypress | Enable unbuffered terminal input |
CJProcess | Streaming of input and output from Linux command |
CJShell | The JShell clas can be used to interact with the shell via I/O streams |
CJStat | Auxiliary class for file status |
CJSysinfo | Auxiliary class for system information |
CJLocalTime | Auxililary class to local get time in micro seconds |
CJUTSName | Auxiliary class for operating system information |
►NJTOOLS | Auxiliary classes and methods for multi-dimensional interpolations and histograms |
CJAbstractCollection | Abstract interface for abscissa values of a collection of elements |
CJAbstractHistogram | Simple data structure for histogram binning |
CJAbstractMultiMap | Abstract interface for abscissa values of a multidimensional map |
CJAbstractMultiMap< 0, JAbscissa_t > | Terminator class of recursive class JAbstractMultiMap |
CJArray | One dimensional array of template objects with fixed length |
CJArray< 1, T > | One dimensional array of template objects with fixed length |
CJArray< N, const T > | One dimensional read-only array of template objects with fixed length |
CJArray< 1, const T > | One dimensional read-only array of template objects with fixed length |
CJArrayIterator | ND array iterator |
CJArrayIterator< 1, T > | 1D array iterator |
CJAssembler | Auxiliary class to check whether given template is a collection, i.e. has a defined type collection_type |
CJAssembler< T, typename JVoid< typename T::collection_type >::type > | Template specialisation of class JAssembler for classes with a defined type collection_type |
CJAutoMap | Wrapper class around std::map for automatic insertion of elements based on data types |
CJAutomate | Auxiliary class for automatic element creation |
CJAutomate< JAutoMap< JKey_t, JValue_t > > | Specialisation of class JAutomate for class JAutoMap |
►CJCollection | General purpose class for collection of elements, see: Collection of elements. |
CJComparator | Auxiliary class for ordering of objects in the collection by their abscissa values |
►CJCombinatorics | Auxiliary class to convert pair of indices to unique index and back |
Cpair_type | Data structure for a pair of indices |
CJConstantFunction1D | Template implementation of function object in one dimension returning a constant value |
CJDistance | Template class for distance evaluation |
CJDriver | Auxiliary class to load and store objects |
CJElement2D | 2D Element |
CJSplineElement2D | 2D Element for spline interpolations |
CJSplineElement2S | 2D Element for spline interpolations |
CJPolintElement2S | 2D Element for polynomial interpolations |
CJBin2D | 2D Binned element |
CJElement3D | 3D Element |
CJGridSplineFunction1D | Type definition of a spline interpolation based on a JGridCollection |
CJSplineFunction1D_t | Type definition of a spline interpolation method based on a JCollection with double result type |
CJSplineFunction1H_t | Type definition of a spline interpolation method based on a JCollection with JResultDerivative result type |
CJSplineFunction1S_t | Type definition of a spline interpolation method based on a JCollection with JResultPDF result type |
CJGridSplineFunction1D_t | Type definition of a spline interpolation based on a JGridCollection with result type double |
CJGridSplineFunction1H_t | Type definition of a spline interpolation based on a JGridCollection with JResultDerivative result type |
CJGridSplineFunction1S_t | Type definition of a spline interpolation based on a JGridCollection with JResultPDF result type |
CJGridHermiteSplineFunction1D | Type definition of a spline interpolation based on a JGridCollection |
CJHermiteSplineFunction1D_t | Type definition of a spline interpolation method based on a JCollection with double result type |
CJHermiteSplineFunction1H_t | Type definition of a spline interpolation method based on a JCollection with JResultDerivative result type |
CJHermiteSplineFunction1S_t | Type definition of a spline interpolation method based on a JCollection with JResultPDF result type |
CJGridHermiteSplineFunction1D_t | Type definition of a spline interpolation based on a JGridCollection with result type double |
CJGridHermiteSplineFunction1H_t | Type definition of a spline interpolation based on a JGridCollection with JResultDerivative result type |
CJPolint0Function1D | Type definition of a zero degree polynomial interpolation |
CJPolint1Function1D | Type definition of a 1st degree polynomial interpolation |
CJPolint2Function1D | Type definition of a 2nd degree polynomial interpolation |
CJPolint3Function1D | Type definition of a 3rd degree polynomial interpolation |
CJPolintFunction1D_t | Polynomial interpolation method with result type double |
CJPolint0Function1D_t | Type definition of a zero degree polynomial interpolation with result type double |
CJPolint1Function1D_t | Type definition of a 1st degree polynomial interpolation with result type double |
CJPolint2Function1D_t | Type definition of a 2nd degree polynomial interpolation with result type double |
CJPolint3Function1D_t | Type definition of a 3rd degree polynomial interpolation with result type double |
CJPolintFunction1H_t | Polynomial interpolation method with result type JResultDerivative |
CJPolint1Function1H_t | Type definition of a 1st degree polynomial interpolation with result type JResultDerivative |
CJPolint2Function1H_t | Type definition of a 2nd degree polynomial interpolation with result type JResultDerivative |
CJPolint3Function1H_t | Type definition of a 3rd degree polynomial interpolation with result type JResultDerivative |
CJPolintFunction1S_t | Polynomial interpolation method with result type JResultPDF |
CJPolint1Function1S_t | Type definition of a 1st degree polynomial interpolation with result type JResultPDF |
CJPolint2Function1S_t | Type definition of a 2nd degree polynomial interpolation with result type JResultPDF |
CJPolint3Function1S_t | Type definition of a 3rd degree polynomial interpolation with result type JResultPDF |
CJGridPolintFunction1D_t | Polynomial interpolation method based on a JGridCollection with result type double |
CJGridPolint0Function1D_t | Type definition of a zero degree polynomial interpolation based on a JGridCollection with result type double |
CJGridPolint1Function1D_t | Type definition of a 1st degree polynomial interpolation based on a JGridCollection with result type double |
CJGridPolint2Function1D_t | Type definition of a 2nd degree polynomial interpolation based on a JGridCollection with result type double |
CJGridPolint3Function1D_t | Type definition of a 3rd degree polynomial interpolation based on a JGridCollection with result type double |
CJGridPolintFunction1H_t | Polynomial interpolation method based on a JGridCollection with result type JResultDerivative |
CJGridPolint1Function1H_t | Type definition of a 1st degree polynomial interpolation with result type JResultDerivative |
CJGridPolint2Function1H_t | Type definition of a 2nd degree polynomial interpolation with result type JResultDerivative |
CJGridPolint3Function1H_t | Type definition of a 3rd degree polynomial interpolation with result type JResultDerivative |
CJGridPolintFunction1S_t | Polynomial interpolation method with result type JResultPDF |
CJGridPolint1Function1S_t | Type definition of a 1st degree polynomial interpolation with result type JResulPDF |
CJGridPolint2Function1S_t | Type definition of a 2nd degree polynomial interpolation with result type JResulPDF |
CJGridPolint3Function1S_t | Type definition of a 3rd degree polynomial interpolation with result type JResulPDF |
►CJFunctional | Template definition of function object interface |
CJDefaultResult | Exception handler for functional object using default result |
CJExceptionHandler | Exception handler for functional object |
CJSupervisor | Place holder for exception handler |
CJFunctional< JNullType, JNullType > | Template specialisation of compilable function object |
CJFunction | Template definition of function object interface in multidimensions |
CJFunction1D | Template definition of function object interface in one dimension |
CJCompiler | Functional object compiler |
CJResultType | Auxiliary class to evaluate result type |
CJResultType< JClass_t, typename JVoid< typename JClass_t::result_type >::type > | Auxiliary class to evaluate result type |
CJFunctionalMap | Auxiliary class to define corresponding one-dimensional function interpolator function_type |
►CJFunctionalMap< JSplineFunctionalMap > | Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JSplineFunctionalMap |
Cfunction_type | Corresponding one-dimensional function interpolator |
►CJFunctionalMap< JSplineFunctionalGridMap > | Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JSplineFunctionalGridMap |
Cfunction_type | Corresponding one-dimensional function interpolator |
►CJFunctionalMap< JPolint0FunctionalMap > | Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JPolint0FunctionalMap |
Cfunction_type | Corresponding one-dimensional function interpolator |
►CJFunctionalMap< JPolint1FunctionalMap > | Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JPolint1FunctionalMap |
Cfunction_type | Corresponding one-dimensional function interpolator |
►CJFunctionalMap< JPolint2FunctionalMap > | Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JPolint2FunctionalMap |
Cfunction_type | Corresponding one-dimensional function interpolator |
►CJFunctionalMap< JPolint3FunctionalMap > | Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JPolint3FunctionalMap |
Cfunction_type | Corresponding one-dimensional function interpolator |
►CJFunctionalMap< JPolint0FunctionalGridMap > | Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JPolint0FunctionalGridMap |
Cfunction_type | Corresponding one-dimensional function interpolator |
►CJFunctionalMap< JPolint1FunctionalGridMap > | Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JPolint1FunctionalGridMap |
Cfunction_type | Corresponding one-dimensional function interpolator |
►CJFunctionalMap< JPolint2FunctionalGridMap > | Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JPolint2FunctionalGridMap |
Cfunction_type | Corresponding one-dimensional function interpolator |
►CJFunctionalMap< JPolint3FunctionalGridMap > | Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JPolint3FunctionalGridMap |
Cfunction_type | Corresponding one-dimensional function interpolator |
CJSplineFunctionalMap | Type definition of a spline interpolation based on a JMap implementation |
CJSplineFunctionalGridMap | Type definition of a spline interpolation based on a JGridMap implementation |
CJPolint0FunctionalMap | Type definition of a zero degree polynomial interpolation based on a JMap implementation |
CJPolint1FunctionalMap | Type definition of a 1st degree polynomial interpolation based on a JMap implementation |
CJPolint2FunctionalMap | Type definition of a 2nd degree polynomial interpolation based on a JMap implementation |
CJPolint3FunctionalMap | Type definition of a 3rd degree polynomial interpolation based on a JMap implementation |
CJPolint0FunctionalGridMap | Type definition of a zero degree polynomial interpolation based on a JGridMap implementation |
CJPolint1FunctionalGridMap | Type definition of a 1st degree polynomial interpolation based on a JGridMap implementation |
CJPolint2FunctionalGridMap | Type definition of a 2nd degree polynomial interpolation based on a JGridMap implementation |
CJPolint3FunctionalGridMap | Type definition of a 3rd degree polynomial interpolation based on a JGridMap implementation |
CJSplineFunctionalMapH | Type definition of a spline interpolation based on a JMap implementation |
CJSplineFunctionalGridMapH | Type definition of a spline interpolation based on a JGridMap implementation |
CJPolint0FunctionalMapH | Type definition of a zero degree polynomial interpolation based on a JMap implementation |
CJPolint1FunctionalMapH | Type definition of a 1st degree polynomial interpolation based on a JMap implementation |
CJPolint2FunctionalMapH | Type definition of a 2nd degree polynomial interpolation based on a JMap implementation |
CJPolint3FunctionalMapH | Type definition of a 3rd degree polynomial interpolation based on a JMap implementation |
CJPolint0FunctionalGridMapH | Type definition of a zero degree polynomial interpolation based on a JGridMap implementation |
CJPolint1FunctionalGridMapH | Type definition of a 1st degree polynomial interpolation based on a JGridMap implementation |
CJPolint2FunctionalGridMapH | Type definition of a 2nd degree polynomial interpolation based on a JGridMap implementation |
CJPolint3FunctionalGridMapH | Type definition of a 3rd degree polynomial interpolation based on a JGridMap implementation |
CJExternalFunction1D | Template implementation of function object in one dimension using an external function |
CJFunctionObject1D | Template implementation of function object in one dimension |
CJGarbageCollection | Garbage collection |
CJGrid | Simple data structure for an abstract collection of equidistant abscissa values |
CJGridCollection | General purpose class for collection of equidistant elements |
CJGridMap | Map of equidistant pair-wise elements |
►CJMapCollection< JGridMap > | Specialisation of JMapCollection for JGridMap |
Ccollection_type | Collection of elements |
►CJHashCollection | General purpose class for hash collection of unique elements |
Crouter_type | Internal router |
CJHashEvaluator | Auxiliary class for default hash key evaluation |
CJHashMapEvaluator | Auxiliary class for hash evaluation of map keys and elements |
CJHashMap | General purpose class for hash map of unique keys |
►CJHashSet | General purpose class for hash set of elements |
CJComparator | Auxiliary class for ordering of objects in the set by the hash value |
CJHermiteSplineCollection | Template base class spline interpolations |
CJHermiteSplineFunction | Template definition for functional collection with spline interpolation |
CJHermiteSplineFunction< JElement_t, JCollection_t, typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for functional collection with spline interpolation |
CJHermiteSplineFunction< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultDerivative< typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for spline interpolation method with returning JResultDerivative data structure |
CJHermiteSplineFunction< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultPDF< typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for spline interpolation method with returning JResultPDF data structure |
CJHermiteSplineFunction1D | Template class for spline interpolation in 1D |
CJHermiteSplineMap | Functional map with spline interpolation |
CJHesseMatrix | Hessian matrix |
CJHistogram | Template definition of histogram object interface |
CJCumulator | Functional histogram cumulator |
CJRebin | Auxiliary class for merging of fixed number of consecutive bins |
CJContent | Auxiliary class for merging of consecutive bins until minimal content is reached |
CJHistogram1D | Histogram in 1D |
CJHistogram1D< JBin2D< JAbscissa_t, JContents_t >, JContainer_t, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation if JHistogram1D class with bin centering |
CJHistogramMap | Histogram map |
CJHistogramMap_t | Type definition of a JHistogramMap based on JMap implementation |
CJHistogramGridMap_t | Type definition of a JHistogramMap based on JGridMap implementation |
CJList | Recursive template class |
CJList< 1, T, JClass_t > | Terminator class of recursive template class |
CJList< 0, T, JClass_t > | Template specialisation of obsolete JList<unsigned int, ...> class |
CJMap | Map of pair-wise elements |
►CJMapCollection< JMap > | Specialisation of JMapCollection for JMap |
Ccollection_type | Collection of elements |
CJMapCollection | Template class to define the corresponding JCollection for a given template JMap |
CJMapList | Map list |
CJMapList< JHead_t, JNullType > | Terminator class of map list |
CJMapLength | Length of map list |
CJMapLength< JMapList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Recursive length of map list |
CJMapLength< JMapList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of length of map list |
CJNullMap | Auxiliary class for no map definition |
CJMAPLIST | Auxiliary class for recursive map list generation |
CJMAPLIST< A, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap > | Template specialisation to terminate recursive map list generation |
CJMappableCollection | Template interface definition for associative collection of elements |
CJMappable | Auxiliary class to define JMappableCollection for given template |
CJMergeSort | This class implements a merge and sort algorithm based on the divide-and-conquer concept |
CJMultiFunction | Multidimensional interpolation method |
CJMultiFunction< JConstantFunction1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JMapList< JMap_t >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation of JMultiFunction for a JConstantFunction |
CJMultiFunction< JConstantFunction1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation of JMultiFunction for a JConstantFunction |
CJMultiGrid | Simple data structure for an abstract multidimensional map of equidistant elements |
CJMultiGrid< 0, JAbscissa_t > | Terminator class of recursive class JMultiGrid |
►CJHashMap< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JValue_t, JEvaluator_t > | Multi-dimensional hash map |
Csuper_const_iterator | Multidimensional const_iterator |
Csuper_iterator | Multidimensional iterator |
►CJHashMap< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType >, JValue_t, JEvaluator_t > | Terminator class of recursive class JHashMap |
Csuper_const_iterator | Terminator class of multidimensional const_iterator |
Csuper_iterator | Terminator class of multidimensional iterator |
CJMultiHistogram | Multidimensional histogram |
CJMultiKey | Multidimensional key |
CJMultiKey< 2, JKey_t > | Two-dimensional key |
CJMultiKey< 1, JKey_t > | One-dimensional key |
CJMultiKey< 0, JKey_t > | Empty key |
CJMultiMap | Multidimensional map |
►CJMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation of JMultiMap for map list with at least one map |
►Citerator_base | Base class for multidimensional iterator |
Cpointer_type | Auxiliary class for smart pointer |
Citerator_helper | Helper class for multidimensional iterator |
Creverse_iterator_helper | Helper class for multidimensional reverse iterator |
Csuper_const_iterator | Multidimensional const_iterator |
Csuper_const_reverse_iterator | Multidimensional const reverse iterator |
Csuper_iterator | Multidimensional iterator |
Csuper_reverse_iterator | Multidimensional reverse iterator |
►CJMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JLANG::JNullType >, JDistance_t > | Terminator class of recursive JMultiMap class |
►Citerator_helper | Helper class for multidimensional iterator |
Cpointer_type | Auxiliary class for pair via smart pointer |
Csuper_const_iterator | Terminator class of multidimensional const_iterator |
Csuper_const_reverse_iterator | Terminator class of multidimensional const_iterator |
Csuper_iterator | Terminator class of multidimensional iterator |
Csuper_reverse_iterator | Terminator class of multidimensional reverse iterator |
►CJMultiMapTransformer | Interface for weight application and coordinate transformation of function |
CJMultiMapDefaultTransformer | Default implementation of weight application and coordinate transformation of function |
CJMultiMapPutTransformer | Auxiliary class to convert JMultiMapTransformer to JCollectionElementTransformer |
CJMultiMapGetTransformer | Auxiliary class to convert JMultiMapTransformer to JCollectionElementTransformer |
CJTransformable | Abstract interface for transformable multidimensional map |
CJMultiPair | Multidimensional pair |
CJMultiPair< 2, JKey_t, JValue_t > | Two-dimensional pair |
CJMultiPair< 1, JKey_t, JValue_t > | One-dimensional pair |
CJMultiPair< 0, JKey_t, JValue_t > | Empty pair |
CJMultiPDF | General purpose class for multi-dimensional probability density function (PDF) |
CJMultipleMap | List of identical maps |
CJMultipleMap< 1, JMap_t > | Terminator class of list of identical maps |
CJMultiSet | Simple data structure for an abstract multidimensional map of equidistant elements |
CJMultiSet< 0, JAbscissa_t > | Terminator class of recursive class JMultiSet |
CJPair | Template specialisation for a pair of values |
CJPair< JKey_t &, JValue_t & > | Template specialisation for a pair of references |
CJPair< const JKey_t &, JValue_t & > | Template specialisation for a mixed pair of const and non-const references |
CJPair< const JKey_t &, const JValue_t & > | Template specialisation for a pair of const references |
CJPolfitFunction | Functional collection with Legendre polynomial interpolation |
CJPolfitFunction1D | Template class for polynomial interpolation in 1D |
CJPolintFunction | Template definition for functional collection with polynomial interpolation |
CJPolintFunction< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for functional collection with polynomial interpolation |
CJPolintFunction< 0, JElement_t, JCollection_t, typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for zero-degree polynomial interpolation method |
CJPolintFunction< 1, JElement_t, JCollection_t, typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for first-degree polynomial interpolation method |
CJPolintFunction< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultPDF< typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for polynomial interpolation method with returning JResultPDF data structure |
CJPolintCollection | Template definition of base class for polynomial interpolations with polynomial result |
CJPolintFunction< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultPolynome< M, typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for polynomial interpolation method with returning JResultPolynome data structure |
CJPolintFunction< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultDerivative< typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for polynomial interpolation method with returning JResultDerivative data structure |
CJPolintFunction< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultHesse< typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for polynomial interpolation method with returning JResultHesse data structure |
CJPolintFunction1D | Template class for polynomial interpolation in 1D |
CJPolintMap | Functional map with polynomial interpolation |
CJQuadrature | Type definition for numerical integration |
CJGaussLegendre | Numerical integrator for ![]() |
CJGaussLaguerre | Numerical integrator for ![]() |
CJGaussHermite | Numerical integrator for ![]() |
CJHenyeyGreenstein | Numerical integrator for ![]() ![]() |
CJRayleigh | Numerical integrator for ![]() ![]() |
CJCotangent | Numerical integrator for ![]() |
CJBitangent | Numerical integrator for ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
CJQuantile | Auxiliary data structure for running average, standard deviation and quantiles |
CJQuantiles | Quantile calculator for a given function |
CJRange | Range of values |
CJResultDerivative | Data structure for result including value and first derivative of function |
CJResultHesse | Data structure for result including value and first derivative of function |
CJResultPDF | Data structure for result including value, first derivative and integrals of function |
CJResultPolynome | Data structure for result including value and N derivatives of function |
CJResultEvaluator | Auxiliary class to recursively evaluate to a result |
CJResultEvaluator< JResultDerivative< T > > | Template specialisation of JResultEvaluator for JResultDerivative |
CJResultEvaluator< JResultHesse< T > > | Template specialisation of JResultEvaluator for JResultHesse |
CJResultEvaluator< JResultPDF< T > > | Template specialisation of JResultEvaluator for JResultPDF |
CJResultEvaluator< JResultPolynome< N, T > > | Template specialisation of JResultEvaluator for JResultPolynome |
CJResultEvaluator< JResultPolynome< 0, T > > | Template specialisation of JResultEvaluator for JResultPolynome |
CJResultTransformer | Auxiliary class to handle multidimensional map transformations for given result type |
CJResultTransformer< JResultHesse< JResult_t > > | Auxiliary class to handle multidimensional map transformations for given result type |
CJResultTransformer< JResultPDF< JResult_t > > | Auxiliary class to handle multidimensional map transformations for given result type |
CJRouter | Direct addressing of elements with unique identifiers |
CJRouter< JAddress_t, false > | Template specialisation of JRouter without default address comparison |
►CJRouter< JAddress_t, true > | Template specialisation of JRouter with default address comparison |
CJAddress | Simple data structure for validation of address |
CJAbstractAutoPointer | Abstract class of an automatic pointer |
CJAutoPointer | Template class for loading and storing of objects |
CJAutoElement | Handler class for automatic pointer |
CJSelector | Template selector class |
CJSet | Simple data structure for an abstract collection of non-equidistant abscissa values |
CJSplineBounds | Auxiliary class to define first derivates of the spline function at the two extrema |
CJSplineCollection | Template base class for spline interpolations |
CJSplineFunction | Template definition for functional collection with spline interpolation |
CJSplineFunction< JElement_t, JCollection_t, typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for functional collection with spline interpolation |
CJSplineFunction< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultDerivative< typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for spline interpolation method with returning JResultDerivative data structure |
CJSplineFunction< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultPDF< typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for spline interpolation method with returning JResultPDF data structure |
CJSplineFunction1D | Template class for spline interpolation in 1D |
CJSplineMap | Functional map with spline interpolation |
CJTable2D | 2D table with arithmetic capabilities |
CJTransformableMultiFunction | Transformable multidimensional function |
CJTransformableMultiHistogram | Transformable multidimensional histogram |
CJCollectionElementTransformer | Interface for transformation of collection of elements |
CJTuple | Template data structure |
CJTuple< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisation of JTuple for multiple data types |
CJTuple< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTypeList< JTail_t, JNullType > > > | Template specialisation of JTuple for two data types |
CJTuple< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JTuple class |
CJWeight | Weight calculator |
CJElement | Auxiliary class to convert value to element |
►NJTRIGGER | Auxiliary classes and methods for triggering |
Cclusterize | Anonymous structure for clustering of hits |
Creverse_clusterize | Anonymous structure for reverse clustering of hits |
CclusterizeWeight | Anonymous struct for weighed clustering of hits |
CJBinder2nd | Auxiliary class to convert binary JMatch operator and given hit to unary match operator |
CJBuild | Auxiliary base class for hit building |
CJBuildHelper | Auxiliary class to extend hit building functionality to all DAQ data types |
CJBuildL0 | Template L0 hit builder |
CJBuildL0< JHitL0 > | Template specialisation of L0 builder for JHitL0 data type |
CJBuildL0< JHitR0 > | Template specialisation of L0 builder for JHitR0 data type |
CJBuildL0< JHitR1 > | Template specialisation of L0 builder for JHitR1 data type |
CJBuildL1Parameters | Auxiliary data structure for L1 build parameters |
CJBuildL1 | Template L1 hit builder |
CJBuildL1< JHitL1 > | Template specialisation of L1 builder for JHitL1 data type |
CJBuildL1< JHitR1 > | Template specialisation of L1 builder for JHitR1 data type |
CJBuildL2 | Template L2 builder |
CJBuildL2< JHitL2 > | Template specialisation of L2 builder for JHitL2 data type |
CJBuildL2< JHitR2 > | Template specialisation of L2 builder for JHitR2 data type |
►CJChecksum | Auxiliary class to perform check-sum on raw data |
Cerror | Error |
Cresult_type | Auxiliary data structure for result of checksum |
CJCLBRunByRunSimulator | CLB simulation based on run-by-run information |
CJClone | Clone of a container |
CJDAQHitSelector | Auxiliary class to select DAQ hits |
CJDAQHitDefaultSelector | Default class to select DAQ hits |
CJDAQHitToTSelector | Auxiliary class to select DAQ hits based on time-over-treshold value |
CJEvent | Triggered event |
CJEventOverlap | Match of two events considering overlap in time |
CJFrame | Data frame for calibrated hits of one PMT |
CJFrame_t | Data frame with end marker |
CJFrameClone | Clone of JFrame |
CJGetRiseTime | Auxiliary class for rise time evaluation |
CJHit | Hit data structure |
►CJHitL0 | Data structure for L0 hit |
Ccompare | Auxiliary data structure for sorting of hits |
►CJHitL1 | Data structure for L1 hit |
Ccompare | Auxiliary data structure for sorting of hits |
►CJHitR0 | Reduced data structure for L0 hit |
Ccompare | Auxiliary data structure for sorting of hits |
►CJHitR1 | Reduced data structure for L1 hit |
Ccompare | Auxiliary data structure for sorting of hits |
CJHitToolkit | Template definition of hit toolkit |
CJHitToolkit< JHit, false > | Template specialisation of hit toolkit for JHit class |
CJHitToolkit< JDAQHit, false > | Template specialisation of hit toolkit for JDAQHit class |
CJHitToolkit< JHitR0, false > | Template specialisation of hit toolkit for JHitR0 class |
CJHitToolkit< JHit_t, true > | Template specialisation of hit toolkit for any primitive data type |
CJK40RunByRunSimulator | K40 simulation based on run-by-run information |
CJMatch | Function object interface for hit matching |
CJMatchHelper | Auxiliary class to handle pointer to match function |
CJMatch1D | 1D match criterion |
CJMatch3B | 3D match criterion with road width |
CJMatch3D | 3D match criterion |
CJMatch3G | 3G match criterion |
CJMatchFixer | Auxiliary class to fix match |
CJMatchL0 | L0 match criterion |
CJModuleCounter | Auxiliary class for counting unique modules |
CJModuleHeader | Header for Module |
CJParametersHelper | Wrapper class to share parameters |
CJPMTHeader | Header for PMT |
CJPMTIdentifier_t | |
CJPMTMask | Auxiliary class for PMT mask |
CJPMTRunByRunSimulator | PMT simulation based on run-by-run information |
CJPMTSelector | Auxiliary data structure for set of PMT identifiers |
CJPreprocessor | Auxiliary class for specifying the way of pre-processing of hits |
CJPrescaler | Auxiliary class for prescaling |
CJSummaryRouter | Router for fast addressing of summary data in JDAQSummaryslice data structure as a function of the optical module identifier |
CJSuperFrame1D | 1-dimensional frame with time calibrated data from one optical module |
CJSuperFrame2D | 2-dimensional frame with time calibrated data from one optical module |
CJSuperFrameClone1D | Clone of JSuperFrame1D |
CJSuperFrameClone2D | Clone of JSuperFrame2D |
CJTimeslice | Time slice with calibrated data |
CJTimesliceClone | Clone of JTimeslice |
CJTimesliceL1 | Auxiliary class to build JDAQTimeslice for L1 timeslice |
CJTimesliceRouter_t | Auxiliary base class for JTimesliceRouter |
►CJTimesliceRouter | Router for fast addressing of hits in KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTimeslice data structure as a function of the optical module identifier and time |
Cpair_type | Auxiliary structure for indexing hits in a data frame |
►CJTrigger3D | General purpose majority trigger |
CJParameters | Trigger parameters |
CJTrigger3DMuon | Muon trigger |
►CJTrigger3DMuon_t | Muon trigger parameters |
CJParameters | Trigger parameters |
CJTrigger3DShower | Shower trigger |
►CJTrigger3DShower_t | Shower trigger parameters |
CJParameters | Trigger parameters |
►CJTrigger3N | General purpose muon trigger |
CJParameters | Trigger parameters |
CJTriggeredEvent | Auxiliary class to build JDAQEvent for a triggered event |
CJTriggeredHit | Data structure for triggered hit |
CJTriggerException | General exception |
CJTriggerInput | Data structure for input to trigger algorithm |
►CJTriggerInterface | Trigger interface |
CJBit | Auxiliary class for type definition of specific trigger bit |
CJTriggerBit | This class is used to map trigger class to trigger bit |
CJAssertBit | This class will generate a compiler error if trigger bit is out of range |
CJAssertBit< N, true > | Implementation of a valid trigger bit |
CJAttributes | Module attributes |
CJTriggerMXShower | Shower trigger |
►CJTriggerMXShower_t | Shower trigger parameters |
CJParameters | Trigger parameters |
CJTriggerNB | Nano-beacon trigger |
►CJTriggerNB_t | Nano-beacon trigger parameters |
CJParameters | Trigger parameters |
CJTriggerOutput | Set of triggered events |
CJL2Parameters | Data structure for L2 parameters |
CJTriggerParameters | Data structure for all trigger parameters |
►NJUTC | Auxiliaries for handling universal time coordinate (UTC) |
CJUTCTimeRange | UTC time range [s] |
►NJUTM | Auxiliaries for handling universal transverse mercator coordinate system (UTM) |
CJUTMGrid | Data structure for UTM grid |
CJUTMPosition | Data structure for UTM position |
►NKM3 | |
NKM3NET | Name space for KM3NeT |
►NKM3NeT | |
NDB | |
►NKM3NET2D | Name space for KM3NeT with 2D function for angular acceptance and QE of PMTs |
CJPhotocathodeArea2D | Effective photo-cathode area of PMT |
NKM3NET_HIGHQE | Name space for KM3NeT with high-QE PMTs |
►NKM3NETDAQ | KM3NeT DAQ data structures and auxiliaries |
CDataQueue | |
►CJDAQEvaluator | Auxiliary class to determine time of DAQ objects |
Cvalue_type | Type definition of time value |
►CJDataFilter | Main class for real-time filtering of data |
CJCircularBuffer_t | Circular buffer |
CJSource | Data structure for configuration of JDQSimulator |
CJTarget | Data structure for configuration of JDataFilter |
►CJDQSimulator | Runcontrol client to simulate data queue |
CJData | |
►CJDataWriter | Runcontrol client to write data to disk |
CJRunDB | Map run number to trigger parameters |
CJValue_t | Auxiliary data structure for I/O of trigger parameters |
CJEventGenerator | Runcontrol client to simulate data filter(s) |
CJClient | Client data structure |
►CJClientList | List of clients |
CJComparator | Auxiliary class for comparing clients |
CJDAQClient_t | Auxiliary data structure for DAQ client data |
CJDAQClient | Control unit client base class |
CJDAQDriver | Simple driver for run control clients |
CJEvent_t | Auxiliary class for handling event name and optional static information |
CJEventTable | Event table |
CJDAQRun | Simple data structure for DAQ run |
CJDAQProcess | Auxiliary class for itemization of process list |
CJSummaryslice | Auxiliary class to create summary data |
CJEventTimeslice | Timeslice with Monte Carlo event |
►CJRandomTimeslice | Timeslice with random data |
Crandom_indices_t | Auxiliary data structure for randomisation of indices |
CJTimesliceL0 | Base class class for generation of time slice data |
CMonitorRouter | |
CJBit | Auxiliary data structure for single bit |
CJBits | Auxiliary data structure for range of bits |
CJDAQAbstractPreamble | Simple data structure for the DAQ preamble required for a correct calculation of the object size for binary I/O |
CJDAQChronometer | DAQ chronometer |
CJDAQClock | Auxiliary class to set DAQ system clock parameters |
CJDAQType | Auxiliary class for a DAQ type holder |
►CJDAQEvent | DAQ Event |
Cconst_iterator | Template const_iterator |
Cconst_reverse_iterator | Template const_reverse_iterator |
CJDAQEventHeader | JDAQ event header |
CJDAQException | General exception |
CJDAQFrameSubset | Subset of data frame |
CJDAQFrame | Data frame |
CJDAQFrameStatus | DAQ frame status |
CJDAQHeader | DAQ header |
CJDAQHit | Hit data structure |
CJDAQKeyHit | DAQ key hit |
CJDAQModuleIdentifier | Module identifier |
CJDAQModuleComparator | Auxiliary class to compare modules |
CJDAQPMTIdentifier | PMT identifier |
CJDAQPreamble | DAQ preamble |
CJDAQRate | Data storage class for rate measurement of one PMT |
CJDAQSummaryFrame | Data storage class for rate measurements of all PMTs in one module |
CJDAQSummaryslice | Data summary slice |
CJDAQSummarysliceHeader | JDAQ summaryslice header |
CJDAQSuperFrame | Data frame of one optical module |
CJDAQSuperFrameHeader | DAQ super frame header |
CJDAQTimeslice | Data time slice |
CJDAQTimesliceL0 | Timeslice data structure for L0 data |
CJDAQTimesliceL1 | Timeslice data structure for L1 data |
CJDAQTimesliceL2 | Timeslice data structure for L2 data |
CJDAQTimesliceSN | Timeslice data structure for SN data |
CJDAQTimesliceHeader | JDAQ timeslice header |
CJDAQTriggerCounter | Auxiliary class to count triggers |
CJDAQTriggeredHit | DAQ triggered hit |
CJDAQTriggerMask | Auxiliary class for trigger mask |
CJDAQUTCExtended | Data structure for UTC time |
Nligier | |
►NLog | |
CLogger | |
CCounter | |
Nmakedeclinationtable | |
Nmc_keys | |
Nmc_usr_keys | |
Nmodule_status | |
CJElement | Data structure for hit time and DOM identifier |
CJHistogram | Auxiliary data structure for histogram management |
Npmt_status | |
Nreconstruction | |
Nroot | |
►Nrun_tests | |
CTestSuite | |
CTestCase | |
►Nstd | |
Cvector | |
Cset | |
Cmultiset | |
Cpair | |
Cmap | |
Cmultimap | |
Citerator | |
Clist | |
Cinitializer_list | |
Carray | |
Ntest_head | |
Ntrigger | |
Ntrkmembers | |
Nw2list_genhen | |
Nw2list_gseagen | |
Nw2list_km3buu | |
Nweightlist |