82 h_fifo_per_dom =
new TH2D (
" FIFO ; String ; Floor ; Number of slices with FIFO almost full x number of PMTs ",
83 *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 , modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 );
86 " Fraction of wrong DAQ Status [%]; String ; Floor ; Fraction of slices with wrong DAQ status of packets [%]",
87 *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 , modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 );
89 h_hrv_per_dom =
new TH2D (
"HRV ; String ; Floor ; Number of slices x number of PMTs in HRV",
90 *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 , modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 );
92 h_rate_summary =
new TH2D (
"Summary slices ; String ; Floor ; Mean rate over all summary slices [kHz]",
93 *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 , modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 );
95 h_pmt_rate_distribution =
new TH1D (
"PMT rate distribution from summary slices ; rate [kHz] ; Counts",
98 h_dom_rate_distribution =
new TH1D (
"DOM rate distribution from summary slices ; rate [kHz] ; Counts", 50 , log10(50) , log10(2000));
101 TH1D* h =
new TH1D(
" ; rate [kHz] ; # PMTs", 40 , 0 , log10(1000));
107 modules_per_string , 0.5 , 0.5 + modules_per_string));
109 TH2D* h_summary_rate_distribution =
new TH2D (
"Summaryslice ; TDC channel ; rate [kHz] ; counts",
void setLogarithmicX(TList *list)
Make x-axis of objects in list logarithmic (e.g. after using log10()).
void setLogarithmicY(TList *list)
Make y-axis of objects in list logarithmic (e.g. after using log10()).
static const int NUMBER_OF_PMTS
Total number of PMTs in module.