19 namespace JPP {
using namespace JPHYSICS; }
61 const double x = n*lambda;
77 static const double a = 3.186e-01;
78 static const double b = 3.384e-01;
79 static const double c = -2.759e-02;
80 static const double d = 1.630e-03;
81 static const double Emin = 0.13078;
85 const double x = log10(E);
86 const double y = a + x*(b + x*(c + x*(
105 static const double a = -2.374e-01;
106 static const double b = 5.143e-01;
107 static const double c = -4.213e-02;
108 static const double d = 1.804e-03;
109 static const double Emin = 2.19500;
113 const double x = log10(E);
114 const double y = a + x*(b + x*(c + x*(
133 static const double d = 0.36;
134 static const double U =
135 static const double V = d*d*d*d*d*
137 const double W = (n*n - 1.0) / (n*n + 2.0);
138 const double sigma = 1.0e-14 * U*V*W*W / (lambda*lambda*lambda*lambda);
154 static const double amu = 18.01528;
195 (*this)[0.200e3] = 3.07;
196 (*this)[0.205e3] = 2.53;
197 (*this)[0.210e3] = 1.99;
198 (*this)[0.215e3] = 1.65;
199 (*this)[0.220e3] = 1.31;
200 (*this)[0.225e3] = 1.1185;
201 (*this)[0.230e3] = 0.927;
202 (*this)[0.235e3] = 0.8235;
203 (*this)[0.240e3] = 0.72;
204 (*this)[0.245e3] = 0.6395;
205 (*this)[0.250e3] = 0.559;
206 (*this)[0.255e3] = 0.508;
207 (*this)[0.260e3] = 0.457;
208 (*this)[0.265e3] = 0.415;
209 (*this)[0.270e3] = 0.373;
210 (*this)[0.275e3] = 0.3305;
211 (*this)[0.280e3] = 0.288;
212 (*this)[0.285e3] = 0.2515;
213 (*this)[0.290e3] = 0.215;
214 (*this)[0.295e3] = 0.178;
215 (*this)[0.300e3] = 0.141;
216 (*this)[0.305e3] = 0.123;
217 (*this)[0.310e3] = 0.105;
218 (*this)[0.315e3] = 0.0947;
219 (*this)[0.320e3] = 0.0844;
220 (*this)[0.325e3] = 0.0761;
221 (*this)[0.330e3] = 0.0678;
222 (*this)[0.335e3] = 0.06195;
223 (*this)[0.340e3] = 0.0325;
224 (*this)[0.345e3] = 0.02645;
225 (*this)[0.350e3] = 0.0204;
226 (*this)[0.355e3] = 0.018;
227 (*this)[0.360e3] = 0.0156;
228 (*this)[0.365e3] = 0.0135;
229 (*this)[0.370e3] = 0.0114;
230 (*this)[0.375e3] = 0.011385;
231 (*this)[0.380e3] = 0.01137;
232 (*this)[0.385e3] = 0.00941;
233 (*this)[0.390e3] = 0.00851;
234 (*this)[0.395e3] = 0.00813;
235 (*this)[0.400e3] = 0.00663;
236 (*this)[0.405e3] = 0.0053;
237 (*this)[0.410e3] = 0.00473;
238 (*this)[0.415e3] = 0.00444;
239 (*this)[0.420e3] = 0.00454;
240 (*this)[0.425e3] = 0.00478;
241 (*this)[0.430e3] = 0.00495;
242 (*this)[0.435e3] = 0.0053;
243 (*this)[0.440e3] = 0.00635;
244 (*this)[0.445e3] = 0.00751;
245 (*this)[0.450e3] = 0.00922;
246 (*this)[0.455e3] = 0.00962;
247 (*this)[0.460e3] = 0.00979;
248 (*this)[0.465e3] = 0.01011;
249 (*this)[0.470e3] = 0.0106;
250 (*this)[0.475e3] = 0.0114;
251 (*this)[0.480e3] = 0.0127;
252 (*this)[0.485e3] = 0.0136;
253 (*this)[0.490e3] = 0.015;
254 (*this)[0.495e3] = 0.0173;
255 (*this)[0.500e3] = 0.0204;
256 (*this)[0.505e3] = 0.0256;
257 (*this)[0.510e3] = 0.0325;
258 (*this)[0.515e3] = 0.0396;
259 (*this)[0.520e3] = 0.0409;
260 (*this)[0.525e3] = 0.0417;
261 (*this)[0.530e3] = 0.0434;
262 (*this)[0.535e3] = 0.0452;
263 (*this)[0.540e3] = 0.0474;
264 (*this)[0.545e3] = 0.0511;
265 (*this)[0.550e3] = 0.0565;
266 (*this)[0.555e3] = 0.0596;
267 (*this)[0.560e3] = 0.0619;
268 (*this)[0.565e3] = 0.0642;
269 (*this)[0.570e3] = 0.0695;
270 (*this)[0.575e3] = 0.0772;
271 (*this)[0.580e3] = 0.0896;
272 (*this)[0.585e3] = 0.11;
273 (*this)[0.590e3] = 0.1351;
274 (*this)[0.595e3] = 0.1672;
275 (*this)[0.600e3] = 0.2224;
276 (*this)[0.605e3] = 0.2577;
277 (*this)[0.610e3] = 0.2644;
278 (*this)[0.615e3] = 0.2678;
279 (*this)[0.620e3] = 0.2755;
280 (*this)[0.625e3] = 0.2834;
281 (*this)[0.630e3] = 0.2916;
282 (*this)[0.635e3] = 0.3012;
283 (*this)[0.640e3] = 0.3108;
284 (*this)[0.645e3] = 0.325;
285 (*this)[0.650e3] = 0.34;
286 (*this)[0.655e3] = 0.371;
287 (*this)[0.660e3] = 0.41;
288 (*this)[0.665e3] = 0.429;
289 (*this)[0.670e3] = 0.439;
290 (*this)[0.675e3] = 0.448;
291 (*this)[0.680e3] = 0.465;
292 (*this)[0.685e3] = 0.486;
293 (*this)[0.690e3] = 0.516;
294 (*this)[0.695e3] = 0.559;
295 (*this)[0.700e3] = 0.624;
Interface for binary output.
static const JAbsorptionLengthOfPureWater getAbsorptionLengthOfPureWater
Function object for absorption length of pure water.
double operator()(const double lambda) const
Absorption length of pure water.
double getDeltaRaysFromTau(const double E)
Equivalent EM-shower energy due to delta-rays per unit tau track length.
static const double AVOGADRO
Avogadro's number [gr^-1].
static const double DENSITY_SEA_WATER
Fixed environment values.
double getMinimalWavelength()
Get minimal wavelength for PDF evaluations.
const double getRayleighScatteringLength(const double n, const double lambda)
Rayleigh scattering length.
const double getRayleighCrossSection(const double n, const double lambda)
Rayleigh cross section.
Compiler version dependent expressions, macros, etc.
Absorption length of pure water.
double getMaximalWavelength()
Get maximal wavelength for PDF evaluations.
static const double PI
Mathematical constants.
Interface for binary input.
double cherenkov(const double lambda, const double n)
Number of Cherenkov photons per unit track length and per unit wavelength.
alias put_queue eval echo n
static const double ALPHA_ELECTRO_MAGNETIC
Electro-Magnetic coupling constant.
double getDeltaRaysFromMuon(const double E)
Equivalent EM-shower energy due to delta-rays per unit muon track length.
then usage $script[input file[working directory[option]]] nWhere option can be E