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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
oCJLANG::AND< JFirst_t, JSecond_t >Type definition of logical AND
oCARS_ItemARS item interface
oCAWF_SampleAnode waveform sample
oCJAANET::canThe cylinder used for photon tracking
oCJROOT::JClassDef< T >::check_type< C, C >
oCJDYNAMICS::JDynamics::coverage_typeData structure for coverage of dynamic calibrations
oCJAANET::cutGeneral purpose class of phase space generation
oCJAANET::DAQLivetime of DAQ data
oCDaqFramePreambleThis object holds the information from the 'preamble' of a data frame
oCJGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion3D::decompositionAuxiliary data structure for decomposition of quaternion in twist and swing quaternions
oCJAANET::detectorDetector file
oCDomCrossingClass to check whether a photon emitted from a position along the z-axis crosses a DOM (approximated by a disc) first, inefficient version
oCJAANET::end_eventEnd of event record
oCJACOUSTICS::JTransmission::equalsAuxiliary class to compare transmissions
oCJLANG::EQUALS< JFirst_t, JSecond_t >Type definition of logical EQUALS
oCJLANG::JEquation::equation_type< T >Auxiliary data structure for equation
oCJAANET::fixedcanThe fixed cylinder used for photon tracking
oCJAANET::fluxNeutrino flux
oCFreePathSolverFinds photon paths from a nanobeacon source to a target PMT that have a non-zero probability
oCJLANG::JComparison::geGreater equals
oCJAANET::generatorDescription of Monte Carlo event generation applications
oCJAANET::genhencutPhase space for incident neutrino
oCJAANET::genvolNeutrino vertex volume
oCJDATABASE::getSelector< T, JTable_t, is_same >Template definition for getting table specific selector
oCJDATABASE::getSelector< JRunSummaryNumbers >
oCJLANG::JComparison::gtGreater than
oChas_historyAuxiliary class to test whether given track has specified history
oCJACOUSTICS::JKatoomba_t::I_tIndices of H-equation in global model
oCJPARSER::initialisedEmpty structure for specification of parser element that is initialised (i.e. does not require input)
oCJFIT::JHistory::is_eventAuxiliary class to test history
oCJLANG::is_iterator< T >Data structure to check whether given data type is an iterator
oCJFIT::JHistory::is_not_eventAuxiliary class to test history
oCstd::iterator< Category, T, Distance, Pointer, Reference >
oCJTOOLS::JAbstractCollection< JAbscissa_t >Abstract interface for abscissa values of a collection of elements
oCJTOOLS::JAbstractCollection< JElement_t::abscissa_type >
oCJTOOLS::JAbstractCollection< T >
oCJPHYSICS::JAbstractLEDInterface for emission profile from LED
oCJPHYSICS::JAbstractMediumMedium interface
oCJTOOLS::JAbstractMultiMap< N, JAbscissa_t >Abstract interface for abscissa values of a multidimensional map
oCJTOOLS::JAbstractMultiMap< 0, JAbscissa_t >Terminator class of recursive class JAbstractMultiMap
oCJLANG::JAbstractObjectStatusInterface for status of object
oCJPHYSICS::JAbstractPMTPMT interface
oCJACOUSTICS::JAbstractSoundVelocityInterface for velocity of sound
oCJROOT::JAbstractStreamerForward declaration of writer object
oCJROOT::JAddress< JPointer_t >Simple address wrapper
oCJTOOLS::JRouter< JAddress_t, true >::JAddressSimple data structure for validation of address
oCJROOT::JAddress< char * >
oCJROOT::JAddress< const char * >
oCJDATABASE::JAHRSCalibrationValidityAuxiliary data structure to check validity of AHRS calibration data
oCJDATABASE::JAHRSValidityAuxiliary data structure to check validity of AHRS data
oCJLANG::JAllocatorBufferLow-level memory management
oCJLANG::JAnyTypeAuxiliary class for any type definition
oCJLANG::JAppend< JHead_t, JTail_t >Append to type list
oCJLANG::JAppend< JNullType, JNullType >Template specialisation of append to type list
oCJLANG::JAppend< JNullType, JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > >Template specialisation of append to type list
oCJLANG::JAppend< JNullType, T >Template specialisation of append to type list
oCJLANG::JAppend< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, T >Template specialisation of append to type list
oCJLANG::JArgument< T >Data structure for method argument types
oCJTOOLS::JArray< 1, const T >One dimensional read-only array of template objects with fixed length
oCJTOOLS::JArray< N, const T >One dimensional read-only array of template objects with fixed length
oCJTOOLS::JArrayIterator< N, T >ND array iterator
oCJTOOLS::JArrayIterator< 1, T >1D array iterator
oCJTOOLS::JAssembler< T, JType_t >Auxiliary class to check whether given template is a collection, i.e. has a defined type collection_type
oCJTOOLS::JAssembler< T, typename JVoid< typename T::collection_type >::type >Template specialisation of class JAssembler for classes with a defined type collection_type
oCJLANG::JAssert< bool >Generation of compiler error
oCJLANG::JAssert< true >Implementation of valid assertion
oCJLANG::JAssert<!JHasType< JTail_t, JHead_t >::value &&!JHasID< JTail_t, JTypeID< JHead_t >::ID >::value >
oCJTRIGGER::JAssertBit< N, is_valid >This class will generate a compiler error if trigger bit is out of range
oCJTRIGGER::JAssertBit< N, true >Implementation of a valid trigger bit
oCJLANG::JAssertConversion< JDerived_t, JBase_t, is_derived >Auxialiary class to assert type conversion
oCJLANG::JAssertConversion< JDerived_t, JBase_t, true >Implementation of a valid type conversion
oCJRECONSTRUCTION::JAtmosphericMuonAuxiliary class to evaluate atmospheric muon hypothesis
oCJACOUSTICS::JAttenuationLengthAuxiliary data structure for calculation of attenuation length
oCJTRIGGER::JAttributesModule attributes
oCJTOOLS::JAutomate< JElement_t >Auxiliary class for automatic element creation
oCJTOOLS::JAutomate< JAutoMap< JKey_t, JValue_t > >Specialisation of class JAutomate for class JAutoMap
oCJMATH::JAverage< JValue_t >Auxiliary class to determine average of set of values
oCJMATH::JAverage< JQuaternion3D >Template spacialisation for averaging quaternions
oCJLANG::JBaseClass< T >Template definition of class to look for base class in type list
oCJLANG::JBaseClass< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > >Template specialisation of class to look for base class in type list
oCJLANG::JBaseType< JBase_t, JHead_t, JTail_t, is_base >Template class to identify common base class
oCJLANG::JBaseType< JBase_t, JTypelist_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType >, false >Terminination class of resursive JBaseType class
oCJLANG::JBaseType< JBase_t, JTypelist_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, false >Resursive scan for base class
oCJLANG::JBaseType_t< JBase_t, JDerived_t >Template class to test for polymorphism
oCJLANG::JBaseType_t< JBase_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > >Terminator class of recursive JBaseType_t class
oCJLANG::JBaseType_t< JBase_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > >Template class to test for polymorphism
oCJSYNCHRONIZATION::JBasicScopedLock< Lockable >Scoped lock
oCJTagAvailable< T >::JBig
oCJROOT::JTreeParametersAvailable< T >::JBig
oCJLANG::JBinaryInputInterface for binary input
oCJLANG::JBinaryOutputInterface for binary output
oCJTRIGGER::JTriggerInterface::JBit< N >Auxiliary class for type definition of specific trigger bit
oCKM3NETDAQ::JBitAuxiliary data structure for single bit
oCKM3NETDAQ::JBitsAuxiliary data structure for range of bits
oCJLANG::JBool< __value__ >Auxiliary template class for type bool
oCJLANG::JBool< first &&second >
oCJLANG::JBool< first!=second >
oCJLANG::JBool< first==second >
oCJLANG::JBool< first||second >
oCJLANG::JBool<!__value__ >
oCJTRIGGER::JBuild< JHit_t >Auxiliary base class for hit building
oCJTRIGGER::JBuild< JHit >
oCJTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuild_t >Auxiliary class to extend hit building functionality to all DAQ data types
oCJTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuildL0< JHit_t > >
oCJTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuildL0< JHitL0 > >
oCJTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuildL0< JHitR0 > >
oCJTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuildL0< JHitR1 > >
oCJTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuildL1< JHit > >
oCJTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuildL1< JHit_t > >
oCJTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuildL1< JHitL1 > >
oCJTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuildL1< JHitR1 > >
oCJTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuildL2< JHit > >
oCJTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuildL2< JHit_t > >
oCJTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuildL2< JHitL2 > >
oCJTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuildL2< JHitR2 > >
oCJTRIGGER::JBuildL1ParametersAuxiliary data structure for L1 build parameters
oCJDETECTOR::JCalibrationData structure for time calibration
oCJDETECTOR::JCalibrator< T, is_primitive >Auxiliary class to apply (de-)calibration to template hit
oCJDETECTOR::JCalibrator< JHit_t, false >Template specialisation of JCalibrator for non-primitive data types
oCJDETECTOR::JCalibrator< T, true >Template specialisation of JCalibrator for primitive data types
oCJROOT::JCanvasData structure for size of TCanvas
oCJLANG::JCategory< T, is_constant >Auxiliary class to define value, reference and pointer types for given data type and category
oCJLANG::JCategory< T, false >Specialisation of JCategory for modifiable (i.e. non-constant) data type
oCJLANG::JCategory< T, true >Specialisation of JCategory for constant (i.e. non-modifiable) data type
oCJTRIGGER::JChecksumAuxiliary class to perform check-sum on raw data
oCJCOMPASS::JChi2Auxiliary data structure for chi2 evaluation
oCJLANG::JClass< T >Template for generic class types
oCJLANG::JClass< const T & >Specialisation of JClass for const reference class types
oCJLANG::JClass< const T * >Specialisation of JClass for const pointer class types
oCJLANG::JClass< const T *& >Specialisation of JClass for const pointer class types
oCJLANG::JClass< const T >Specialisation of JClass for const class types
oCJLANG::JClass< T & >Specialisation of JClass for reference class types
oCJLANG::JClass< T * >Specialisation of JClass for pointer class types
oCJLANG::JClass< T *& >Specialisation of JClass for pointer class types
oCJROOT::JClassDef< T >Test ROOT ClassDef
oCJROOT::JClassStreamer< T >Auxiliary class to add the I/O capabilities of the given template class to the general JRootDictionary class
oCJDATABASE::JCLBIDHelperAuxiliary class for mapping UPI of central-logic board to module identifier
oCJDETECTOR::JCLBSimulatorInterface for CLB simulation
oCKM3NETDAQ::JClientClient data structure
oCJLANG::JClonable< JClonable_t, JNullType >Template specialisation to define base class for interface of object cloning
oCJSUPERNOVA::JCoincidenceSNAuxiliary class to store reduced information of a coincidence on an optical module
oCJTOOLS::JCollectionElementTransformer< JElement_t >Interface for transformation of collection of elements
oCJTOOLS::JCombinatoricsAuxiliary class to convert pair of indices to unique index and back
oCJEEP::JCommunicatorAuxiliary class to control standard input and output
oCJLANG::JComparable< JFirst_t, JSecond_t >Template definition of auxiliary base class for comparison of data structures
oCJLANG::JComparable< JAbstractFile >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JClass_t, JNullType >General purpose specialisation of class JComparable for any data type
oCJLANG::JComparable< JCounter >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JCounter, int >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JDate< JSeparator_t > >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JDBAPIVersion >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JDetectorParameters >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JEnergy >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JLimit >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JLimit, counter_type >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JLocation >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JLocation_t >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JMultiKey< 1, JKey_t > >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JMultiKey< 2, JKey_t > >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JMultiKey< N, JKey_t > >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JNumber< T > >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JObjectID >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JObjectID, int >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JParameter< double > >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JParameter< int > >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JParameter< JKey_t > >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JParameter< T > >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JParameter< unsigned int > >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JPMTAddress >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JPMTPhysicalAddress >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JRun_t >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JRun_t, JRunQuality >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JRun_t, JRuns >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JTime< JSeparator_t > >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JTimeval >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JTuple< JHead_t > >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JTuple< JTail_t > >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JTuple< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JTuple< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTypeList< JTail_t, JNullType > > > >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JTuple< T > >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JTypeInfo >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JUUID >
oCJLANG::JComparable< JVersion >
oCKM3NETDAQ::JClientList::JComparatorAuxiliary class for comparing clients
oCJLANG::JComparator< JTypename_t, JComparator_t >Template definition of auxiliary class to compare objects
oCJTOOLS::JCollection< JElement_t, JDistance_t >::JComparatorAuxiliary class for ordering of objects in the collection by their abscissa values
oCJTOOLS::JHashSet< JElement_t, JEvaluator_t >::JComparatorAuxiliary class for ordering of objects in the set by the hash value
oCJLANG::JComparator< const T &(T::*)() const, JComparator_t >Template specialisation of JComparator for comparison between return values of member methods
oCJLANG::JComparator< JResult_t T::*, JComparator_t >Template specialisation of JComparator for comparison between values of data members
oCJLANG::JComparator< JResult_t(T::*)() const, JComparator_t >Template specialisation of JComparator for comparison between return values of member methods
oCJGEOMETRY2D::JSmallestDistance2D::JCompareXAuxiliary class for sorting elements
oCJGEOMETRY2D::JSmallestDistance2D::JCompareYAuxiliary class for sorting elements
oCJGEOMETRY3D::JSmallestDistance3D::JCompareZAuxiliary class for sorting elements
oCJLANG::JComparisonFunctional implementations of comparison operators
oCJLANG::JLOCAL::JComparisonAvailable< T, typename JVoid< typename T::second_type >::type >Test availability of comparison operators of data types which have a type definitions for first_type and second_type
oCJTOOLS::JCompilerFunctional object compiler
oCJTOOLS::JContent< JElement_t >Auxiliary class for merging of consecutive bins until minimal content is reached
oCJLANG::JConversion< JDerived_t, JBase_t >Template class test for polymorphism
oCJLANG::JConversion< T, T >Specialisation of JConversion for identical types
oCJGEOMETRY2D::JConvexHull2DAuxiliary class for convex hull determination in X-Y plane
oCJACOUSTICS::JCounterAcoustic counter
oCJPARSER::JCSV< JType_t >Auxiliary class to assign the remainder of a sequence of Comma Separated Values
oCJTOOLS::JCumulatorFunctional histogram cumulator
oCKM3NETDAQ::JDAQAbstractPreambleSimple data structure for the DAQ preamble required for a correct calculation of the object size for binary I/O
oCKM3NETDAQ::JDAQChronometerDAQ chronometer
oCKM3NETDAQ::JDAQClient_tAuxiliary data structure for DAQ client data
oCKM3NETDAQ::JDAQClockAuxiliary class to set DAQ system clock parameters
oCKM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvaluatorAuxiliary class to determine value of DAQ objects
oCJSUPPORT::JDAQFileReader< T, bool >DAQ object reading from binary file (i.e. .dat)
oCKM3NETDAQ::JDAQFrameData frame
oCKM3NETDAQ::JDAQFrameStatusDAQ frame status
oCKM3NETDAQ::JDAQFrameSubsetSubset of data frame
oCKM3NETDAQ::JDAQHitHit data structure
oCKM3NETDAQ::JDAQModuleComparatorAuxiliary class to compare modules
oCKM3NETDAQ::JDAQModuleIdentifierModule identifier
oCKM3NETDAQ::JDAQRateData storage class for rate measurement of one PMT
oCKM3NETDAQ::JDAQRunSimple data structure for DAQ run
oCKM3NETDAQ::JDAQTriggerCounterAuxiliary class to count triggers
oCKM3NETDAQ::JDAQTriggerMaskAuxiliary class for trigger mask
oCKM3NETDAQ::JDAQType< T >Auxiliary class for a DAQ type holder
oCKM3NETDAQ::JDAQUTCExtendedData structure for UTC time
oCJSUPPORT::JDAQWriterObjectOutput< T, bool >Auxiliary class for DAQ object writing to binary stream
oCJSUPPORT::JDAQWriterObjectOutput< JHead_t >
oCJSUPPORT::JDAQWriterObjectOutput< JTail_t >
oCJSUPPORT::JDAQWriterObjectOutput< T >
oCJSYSTEM::JDateAndTimeAuxililary class to get date and time
oCJDATABASE::JDBTestTypesTuneHVTable listing HV-tuning database test types
oCJDATABASE::JDBToolkitWrapper data structure for initialisation of fuction objects
oCJLANG::JDefault< T >Simple default class
oCJLANG::JDefault< JObjectSelector< JHead_t > >
oCJLANG::JDefault< JObjectSelector< JTail_t > >
oCJLANG::JDefault< JObjectSelector< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > >
oCJLANG::JDefault< JObjectSelector< T > >
oCJLANG::JDefault< JRegulator >
oCJLANG::JDefault< JValve< JDerived_t > >
oCJLANG::JDefault< JValve< JHead_t > >
oCJLANG::JDefault< JValve< JTail_t > >
oCJLANG::JDefault< JValve< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > >
oCJLANG::JDefault< JValve< T > >
oCJDETECTOR::JDetectorAddressMapLookup table for PMT addresses in detector
oCJDETECTOR::JDetectorAddressMap_t< T >Auxiliary class to extract detector address map from detector identifier
oCJDETECTOR::JDetectorAddressMap_t< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > >
oCJDETECTOR::JDetectorAddressMap_t< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > >
oCJDATABASE::JDetectorsHelperAuxiliary class for mapping serial number and object identifier of detectors
oCJPHYSICS::JDispersionInterfaceLight dispersion inteface
oCJTOOLS::JDistance< JAbscissa_t >Template class for distance evaluation
oCJTOOLS::JDistance< typename JElement2D_t::abscissa_type >
oCJTOOLS::JDriver< JClass_t >Auxiliary class to load and store objects
oCJTOOLS::JDriver< JDerived_t >
oCJEEPZAuxiliary data structure for streaming of STL containers
oCJTOOLS::JElement< T >Auxiliary class to convert value to element
oCMONITORL1DT::JElementData structure for hit time and DOM identifier
oCJTOOLS::JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >2D Element
oCJTOOLS::JElement3D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >3D Element
oCJEllipseAuxiliary data structure for ellipse
oCJLANG::JEndOfLineAuxiliary class for end of line
oCJSUPPORT::JTreeScanner< JAssertConversion< JDerived_t, JBase_t >, JEvaluator_t >::JEntry_tAuxiliary data structure for sorting of objects in TChain
oCJLANG::JEnumeration< T >Enumeration of single data type
oCJLANG::JEnumeration< JHead_t >
oCJLANG::JEnumeration< JTail_t >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JFirst_t, JSecond_t >Template definition of auxiliary base class for comparison of data structures
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< const JDAQTimeslice > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< const TFormula > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JAbstractAutoPointer< JBase_t > > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JDAQSummaryslice > > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JHead_t > > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JNullType > > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JTail_t > > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JTypeList< JDAQEvent, JTypelist_t > > > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< KM3NETDAQ::KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent > > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< T > > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JAccessibleObjectOutput< T > > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JBase_t > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JBuildL1_t > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JBuildL2_t > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JChainReader< JClass_t > > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JChainReader< JDerived_t > > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JClass_t > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JControlHost_t > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JDAQSummaryslice > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface::JStateMachine > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface::JTDC > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JDETECTOR::JCLBSimulator > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JDETECTOR::JK40Simulator > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JDETECTOR::JPMTSimulator > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JExceptionHandler > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JFIT::JMEstimator > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JFlux > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JHead_t > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JIO::JReader > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JIO::JWriter > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JLANG::JMultiPipe< T, N > > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JLOGGER::JLogger > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JModuleRouter > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JNET::JControlHost > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JObjectIterator< T > > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JObjectOutput< JHead_t > > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JObjectOutput< JTail_t > > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JObjectOutput< T > > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JParserElementInterface > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JPHYSICS::JRadiation > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JPropertiesElementInterface > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JRewindableObjectIterator< const T > > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JRewindableObjectIterator< JHead_t > > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JRewindableObjectIterator< JTail_t > > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JRewindableObjectIterator< T > > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JServerSocket > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JTail_t > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JTimesliceRouter > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JTOOLS::JFunction1D > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JTOOLS::JMultiMapTransformer > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JTrigger3DMuon > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JTrigger3DShower > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JTRIGGER::JDAQHitSelector > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JTRIGGER::JMatch > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JTriggerMXShower > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JTriggerNB > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JTypeList< JDAQEvent, JTypelist_t > > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JValue_t > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JWeightEvent > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< match_type > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< T > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< TFile > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< TObject > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< TTree > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JArray< 1, T > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JArray< N, abscissa_type > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JArray< N, argument_type > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JArray< N, T > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JClass_t, JNullType >General purpose specialisation of class JEquals for any data type
oCJLANG::JEquals< JCompass >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JDetectorHeader >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JEmitter >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JGauss_t >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JMACAddress >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JMatrix1D >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JMatrix2D >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JMatrix3D >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JMatrix4D >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JMatrix5D >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JMatrixND >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JModel >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JModuleAddress >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JPolynome_t >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JQuaternion3D >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JRange< counter_type > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JRange< double > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JRange< int > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JRange< JAbscissa_t > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JRange< JDAQHit::JTOT_t > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JRange< T > >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JRootClass >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JStatus >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JString >
oCJLANG::JEquals< JUTMGrid >
oCJLANG::JEquals< super_const_iterator >
oCJLANG::JEquals< super_const_reverse_iterator >
oCJLANG::JEquals< super_iterator >
oCJLANG::JEquals< super_reverse_iterator >
oCJLANG::JEquals< T >
oCJLANG::JEquationGeneral purpose equation class
oCJLANG::JEquationParametersSimple data structure to support I/O of equations (see class JLANG::JEquation)
oCJFIT::JEstimator< JModel_t >Template definition of linear fit
oCJFIT::JEstimator< JLine1Z >
oCJACOUSTICS::JEvent::JEvaluatorAuxiliary class to determine value of acoustic events
oCJACOUSTICS::JEvt::JEvaluatorAuxiliary class to determine value of acoustic events
oCJFIT::JEventAuxiliary class for historical event
oCJEventData structure for start_event tag
oCKM3NETDAQ::JEvent_tAuxiliary class for handling event name and optional number
oCJACOUSTICS::JEventOverlapMatch of two events considering overlap in time
oCJTRIGGER::JEventOverlapMatch of two events considering overlap in time
oCJAANET::JEvtEvaluatorAuxiliary class to determine value of Evt objects
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JArgument_t, JResult_t >::JExceptionHandlerException handler for functional object
oCJLANG::JTest::JFalseDefinition of false
oCJEEP::JProperties::JFileReaderAuxiliary class to handle input from file
oCJLANG::JFind_if< JTypename_t, JPredicate_t >Template definition of auxiliary class to select objects
oCJLANG::JFind_if< JResult_t T::*, JPredicate_t >Template specialisation of JFind_if for selection of objects via data member
oCJLANG::JFind_if< JResult_t(T::*)() const, JPredicate_t >Template specialisation of JFind_if for selection of objects via member method
oCJCALIBRATE::JFitK40_t< JFunction_t >Template definition of two-fold coincidence rate due to K40 and other radioactive decays
oCJCALIBRATE::JFitK40ParametersFit parameters for two-fold coincidence rate due to K40
oCJROOT::JFitParameter_tAuxiliary data structure for a parameter index and its value
oCJCALIBRATE::JFitToTParametersFit parameters for two-fold coincidence rate due to K40
oCJFormat_tData structure for format specifications
oCJLANG::JForwardIterator< T >Template interface for method bool increment()
oCJLANG::JForwardIterator< super_const_iterator >
oCJLANG::JForwardIterator< super_const_reverse_iterator >
oCJLANG::JForwardIterator< super_iterator >
oCJLANG::JForwardIterator< super_reverse_iterator >
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JArgument_t, JResult_t >Template definition of function object interface
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type, double >
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type, JResultDerivative< double > >
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >::abscissa_type, JResult_t >
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >::abscissa_type, typename JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >::ordinate_type >
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JDistance_t >
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JResult_t >
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JResultDerivative< JResultType< JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JResultHesse< JResultType< JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JResultPDF< JResultType< JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JResultPolynome< N, JResultType< JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JResultType< JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JKey_t, JResult_t >
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JKey_t, JResultDerivative< JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JKey_t, JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type >
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JNullType, JNullType >Template specialisation of compilable function object
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JPolintElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type, JResultPDF< double > >
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >::abscissa_type, result_type >
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JSplineElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type, double >
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JSplineElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >::abscissa_type, JResult_t >
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JSplineElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type, JResultDerivative< double > >
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JSplineElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type, JResultPDF< double > >
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JTOOLS::JElement2D< double, JTDC_t >::abscissa_type, JTDC_t >
oCJTOOLS::JFunctional< JTOOLS::JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >::abscissa_type, JOrdinate_t >
oCJTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JFunctionalMap_t >Auxiliary class to define corresponding one-dimensional function interpolator function_type
oCJTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JPolint0FunctionalGridMap >Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JPolint0FunctionalGridMap
oCJTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JPolint0FunctionalMap >Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JPolint0FunctionalMap
oCJTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JPolint1FunctionalGridMap >Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JPolint1FunctionalGridMap
oCJTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JPolint1FunctionalMap >Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JPolint1FunctionalMap
oCJTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JPolint2FunctionalGridMap >Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JPolint2FunctionalGridMap
oCJTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JPolint2FunctionalMap >Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JPolint2FunctionalMap
oCJTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JPolint3FunctionalGridMap >Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JPolint3FunctionalGridMap
oCJTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JPolint3FunctionalMap >Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JPolint3FunctionalMap
oCJTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JSplineFunctionalGridMap >Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JSplineFunctionalGridMap
oCJTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JSplineFunctionalMap >Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JSplineFunctionalMap
oCJPHYSICS::JGeaneInterface for muon energy loss
oCJPHYSICS::JGeanxProbability density function of photon emission from EM-shower as a function of cosine of the emission angle
oCJPHYSICS::JGeanzFunction object for longitudinal profile of EM-shower
oCJMARKOV::JGeneratorAbstract interface for the generation of points in 3D space
oCJASTRONOMY::JGeographicalLocationLocation of detector
oCJROOT::JGraph_tData structure for graph data
oCJLANG::JGroup< T >Auxiliary class for a fixed group of objects
oCJTOOLS::JHashEvaluatorAuxiliary class for default hash key evaluation
oCJACOUSTICS::JModel::emitter_type::JHashMapHelperAuxiliary class for multiple associative map operators
oCJTOOLS::JHashMapToolkitToolkit for JHashMap
oCJLANG::JHasID< T, ID >Test presence of data type identifier in labelled type list
oCJLANG::JHasID< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, ID >Recursive test of presence data type identifier in labelled type list
oCJLANG::JHasType< JTypeList_t, T >Test presence of data type in type list
oCJLANG::JHasType< JNullType, T >Termination of recursive test of presence data type in type list
oCJLANG::JHasType< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, T >Recursive test of presence data type in type list
oCJLANG::JHasType< JTypeList< T, JTail_t >, T >Identify presence data type in type list
oCJLANG::JHasType< T, T >Specialisation of JHasType for single class type
oCJACOUSTICS::JHeadAcoustic event header
oCJTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t >Template definition for functional collection with spline interpolation
oCJTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction< JElement_t, JGridCollection, JDistance_t, JDistance< typename JElement_t::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction< JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >, JMapCollection< JMap_t >::template collection_type, result_type, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction< JSplineElement2D< double, double >, JCollection, double, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction< JSplineElement2D< double, double >, JGridCollection, double, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JCollection, JResultDerivative< double >, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JCollection, JResultPDF< double >, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JGridCollection, JResultDerivative< double >, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JHistogram< JAbscissa_t, JContents_t >Template definition of histogram object interface
oCMONITORL1DT::JHistogramAuxiliary data structure for histogram management
oCJTOOLS::JHistogram< JAbscissa_t, JContents_t::contents_type >
oCJTOOLS::JHistogram< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JElement_t::ordinate_type >
oCJTOOLS::JHistogram< JKey_t, JHistogram_t::contents_type >
oCJTRIGGER::JHitHit data structure
oCJAANET::JHit_tAuxiliary class to set-up Hit
oCJRECONSTRUCTION::JHitL0ComparatorAuxiliary class for permutations of L0 hits
oCJRECONSTRUCTION::JHitL1ComparatorAuxiliary class for permutations of L1 hits
oCJTRIGGER::JHitToolkit< JHit_t, isPrimitive >Template definition of hit toolkit
oCJTRIGGER::JHitToolkit< JContainer_t::value_type >
oCJTRIGGER::JHitToolkit< JDAQHit, false >Template specialisation of hit toolkit for JDAQHit class
oCJTRIGGER::JHitToolkit< JElement_t >
oCJTRIGGER::JHitToolkit< JFrame< JElement_t, JAllocator_t >::value_type >
oCJTRIGGER::JHitToolkit< JHit >
oCJTRIGGER::JHitToolkit< JHit, false >Template specialisation of hit toolkit for JHit class
oCJTRIGGER::JHitToolkit< JHit_t >
oCJTRIGGER::JHitToolkit< JHit_t, true >Template specialisation of hit toolkit for any primitive data type
oCJTRIGGER::JHitToolkit< JSuperFrame1D< JElement_t >::value_type >
oCJNET::JHostnameAuxiliary data structure for hostname and port number
oCJCALIBRATE::JHVInterpolatorAuxiliary data structure to store high-voltage versus gain data and interpolate the nominal high-voltage
oCJLANG::JIndexOf< JTypeList_t, T >Indexing of data type in type list
oCJLANG::JIndexOf< JNullType, T >Termination of recursive indexing of data type in type list
oCJLANG::JIndexOf< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, T >Recursive indexing of data type in type list
oCJLANG::JIndexOf< JTypeList< T, JTail_t >, T >Identify indexi of data type in type list
oCJFIT::JK40Auxiliary class for converting various rates to expectation values of the number of hits within a given time interval
oCJPHYSICS::JK40RatesAuxiliary class for K40 rates
oCJDETECTOR::JK40SimulatorInterface for simulation of K40 background
oCJACOUSTICS::JKatoomba< JMinimiser_t >Template definition of fit function of acoustic model
oCJSYSTEM::JKeypressEnable unbuffered terminal input
oCJLabel< __ID, __getName, __getVersion >Auxiliary data structure to label data types within a type list
oCJLabel< 0 >
oCJLabel< 1 >
oCJLabel< 2 >
oCJLabel< 3 >
oCJLabel< 4 >
oCJLabel< T::ID >
oCJLabel< T::ID,&JLANG::getDefaultName,&T::getVersion >
oCJLabel< T::ID,&T::getName >
oCJLabel< T::ID,&T::getName,&T::getVersion >
oCJLANG::JLabel_tAuxiliary data structure to label data types within a type list
oCJMATH::JLegendre< JOrdinate_t, N >Template definition for function evaluation of Legendre polynome
oCJLANG::JLength< JTypeList_t >Length of type list
oCJLANG::JLength< JNullType >Terminator class of length of type list
oCJLANG::JLength< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > >Recursive length of type list
oCJSUPERNOVA::JLightCurveBackgroundGeneratorClass to emulate L0 background for an arbitrarily sized detector
oCJMATH::JLimits< T, __is_specialized__ >Auxiliary class for minimum and maximum values for any class
oCJMATH::JLimits< T, false >Template spacialisation of JMATH::JRandom for other data types
oCJMATH::JLimits< T, true >Template spacialisation of JMATH::JLimits for numerical values
oCJLineAuxiliary data structure for line
oCJTOOLS::JList< N, T, JClass_t >Recursive template class
oCJTOOLS::JList< 0, T, JClass_t >Template specialisation of obsolete JList<unsigned int, ...> class
oCJSYSTEM::JLocalTimeAuxililary class to local get time in micro seconds
oCJLOGGER::JLoggerInterface for logging messages
oCJGEOMETRY2D::JConvexHull2D::JLowerHullAuxiliary class for sorting elements
oCJLANG::JMalloc< JClass_t >Memory management class for create/release policy based on malloc()/free()
oCJLANG::JMalloc< T >
oCJTOOLS::JMapCollection< JMap_t >Template class to define the corresponding JCollection for a given template JMap
oCJTOOLS::JMapCollection< JGridMap >Specialisation of JMapCollection for JGridMap
oCJTOOLS::JMapCollection< JMap >Specialisation of JMapCollection for JMap
oCJTOOLS::JMapLength< JMaplist_t >Length of map list
oCJTOOLS::JMapLength< JMapList< JHead_t, JNullType > >Terminator class of length of map list
oCJTOOLS::JMapLength< JMapList< JHead_t, JTail_t > >Recursive length of map list
oCJTOOLS::JMapList< JHead_t, JTail_t >Map list
oCJTOOLS::JMAPLIST< A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z >Auxiliary class for recursive map list generation
oCJTOOLS::JMAPLIST< A, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap >Template specialisation to terminate recursive map list generation
oCJTOOLS::JMapList< JHead_t, JNullType >Terminator class of map list
oCJTOOLS::JMappable< T >Auxiliary class to define JMappableCollection for given template
oCJTOOLS::JMappableCollection< JKey_t, JValue_t >Template interface definition for associative collection of elements
oCJTOOLS::JMappableCollection< int, function_type >
oCJTOOLS::JMappableCollection< int, int >
oCJTOOLS::JMappableCollection< int, JFloor >
oCJTOOLS::JMappableCollection< int, JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion3D >
oCJTOOLS::JMappableCollection< int, JModuleAnalogueSignalProcessor >
oCJTOOLS::JMappableCollection< int, JString >
oCJTOOLS::JMappableCollection< JEKey, JEmitter >
oCJTOOLS::JMappableCollection< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JElement_t::ordinate_type >
oCJTOOLS::JMappableCollection< JHead_t, JHashMap< JTail_t, JValue_t, JEvaluator_t > >
oCJTOOLS::JMappableCollection< JHead_t, JValue_t >
oCJMARKOV::JMarkovIntegratorAbstract base class for calculating the total probability (/m^2 target cross-section) for a photon from the source to hit the target (with a given, fixed number of scatterings) by Monte Carlo sampling the available nscat*3 dimensional phase space
oCJMARKOV::JMarkovPathGeneratorThe JMarkovPathGenerator generates ensembles of photon paths using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
oCJMARKOV::JMarkovPhotonTrackerThe JMarkovPhotonTracker generates ensembles of photon paths by tracking photons from a source to a target
oCJLANG::JMaskAuxiliary class to ensure that the mask set is defined prior to the ctype<>() constructor call
oCJSUPERNOVA::JMatchVetoAuxiliary class-operator to match a JVeto with a JCoincidenceSN object Provides an operator to test if a coincidence is vetoed
oCJMATH::JMath< JFirst_t, JSecond_t >Auxiliary base class for aritmetic operations of derived class types
oCJMATH::JMath< H_t >
oCJMATH::JMath< JAngle2D >
oCJMATH::JMath< JAngle3D >
oCJMATH::JMath< JArray< 1, T > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JArray< N, abscissa_type > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JArray< N, argument_type > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JArray< N, T > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JBin2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JCollection< JElement_t, JDistance_t > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JEmitter >
oCJMATH::JMath< JEnergy >
oCJMATH::JMath< JEulerAngle3D >
oCJMATH::JMath< JGauss_t >
oCJMATH::JMath< JHistogram1D< JBin2D< JAbscissa_t, JContents_t >, JContainer_t, JDistance_t > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JHistogram1D< JElement_t, JContainer_t, JDistance_t > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JLine3EZ >
oCJMATH::JMath< JLine3Z >
oCJMATH::JMath< JMap< JKey_t, JHistogram_t, JDistance_t > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JMatrix1D >
oCJMATH::JMath< JMatrix2D >
oCJMATH::JMath< JMatrix3D >
oCJMATH::JMath< JMatrix4D >
oCJMATH::JMath< JMatrix5D >
oCJMATH::JMath< JMatrixND >
oCJMATH::JMath< JModel >
oCJMATH::JMath< JModel_t >
oCJMATH::JMath< JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JLANG::JNullType >, JDistance_t > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JDistance_t > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JNumber< T > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JPBSSequences >
oCJMATH::JMath< JPolynome_t >
oCJMATH::JMath< JQuantile >
oCJMATH::JMath< JQuaternion3D >
oCJMATH::JMath< JQuaternion3D, JQuaternion3X >
oCJMATH::JMath< JQuaternion3D, JQuaternion3Y >
oCJMATH::JMath< JQuaternion3D, JQuaternion3Z >
oCJMATH::JMath< JRange< counter_type > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JRange< double > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JRange< int > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JRange< JAbscissa_t > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JRange< JDAQHit::JTOT_t > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JRange< T > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JResultDerivative< JResult_t > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JResultHesse< JResult_t > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JResultPDF< JResult_t > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JResultPolynome< N, JResult_t > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JRotation3D >
oCJMATH::JMath< JSelector >
oCJMATH::JMath< JShower3EZ >
oCJMATH::JMath< JShower3Z >
oCJMATH::JMath< JShowerEH >
oCJMATH::JMath< JString >
oCJMATH::JMath< JSubscriptionList >
oCJMATH::JMath< JTable2D< NX, NY, JData_t > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JTuple< JHead_t > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JTuple< JTail_t > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JTuple< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JTuple< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTypeList< JTail_t, JNullType > > > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JTuple< T > >
oCJMATH::JMath< JUTMPosition >
oCJMATH::JMath< JVector2D >
oCJMATH::JMath< JVector3D >
oCJMATH::JMath< JVersor3D >
oCJMATH::JMath< JVersor3Z >
oCJMATH::JMath< JVertex3D >
oCJMATH::JMath< T, JNullType >Template base class for data structures with arithmetic capabilities
oCJMATH::JMath_tAuxiliary class to hide data type specific methods
oCJDETECTOR::JMaximalDistanceAuxiliary class to match modules according maximal distance
oCJACOUSTICS::JMechanicsAuxiliary data structure for parameters of mechanical model
oCJLANG::JPrintHelper::JMemberMethod< T, true >Specialisation of JMemberMethod for primitive data types
oCJTOOLS::JMergeSort< JElement_t >This class implements a merge and sort algorithm based on the divide-and-conquer concept
oCJEEP::JMessage< T >Auxiliary class for handling debug parameter within a class
oCJEEP::JMessage< JAbstractMinimiser< JEnergy > >
oCJEEP::JMessage< JAbstractMinimiser< JModel > >
oCJEEP::JMessage< JAbstractMinimiser< JModel_t > >
oCJEEP::JMessage< JGandalf< JLine3Z > >
oCJEEP::JMessage< JGandalf< JModel_t > >
oCJEEP::JMessage< JGandalf< JPoint4D > >
oCJEEP::JMessage< JGandalf< JShower3EZ > >
oCJEEP::JMessage< JParser< JKey_t > >
oCJEEP::JMessage< JProperties >
oCJEEP::JMessage< JSimplex< JEnergy > >
oCJEEP::JMessage< JSimplex< JLine3Z > >
oCJEEP::JMessage< JSimplex< JModel > >
oCJEEP::JMessage< JSimplex< JModel_t > >
oCJEEP::JMessage< JSimplex< JPoint4D > >
oCJEEP::JMessage< JSimplex< JShower3EZ > >
oCJEEP::JMessage< JSimplex< JShowerEH > >
oCJEEP::JMessage< JTreeScanner<> >
oCJFIT::JMEstimatorInterface for maximum likelihood estimator (M-estimator)
oCJFIT::JModel< JModel_t >Auxiliary class to match data points with given model
oCJTRIGGER::JModuleCounterAuxiliary class for counting unique modules
oCJDETECTOR::JMonteCarlo_tMonte Carlo
oCJSUPPORT::JMonteCarloFileReader< T, JFileReader_t >Template definition of Monte Carlo object reader
oCJSUPPORT::JMonteCarloFileReader< Evt, JASCIIFileReader >
oCJSUPPORT::JMonteCarloFileReader< Evt, JGZFileReader >
oCJSUPPORT::JMonteCarloFileReader< Head, JASCIIFileReader >
oCJSUPPORT::JMonteCarloFileReader< Head, JGZFileReader >
oCJLANG::JMultiComparable< JClass_t, JTypelist_t >Template definition of auxiliary base class for composite data structures composed of base classes with comparisons capabilities
oCJLANG::JMultiComparable< JDatim_t, JTYPELIST< JDate_t, JTime_t >::typelist >
oCJLANG::JMultiComparable< JEKey, JLANG::JTYPELIST< JObjectID, JCounter >::typelist >
oCJLANG::JMultiEquals< JClass_t, JType_t >Template definition of auxiliary base class for data structures composed of multiple base classes with equality evaluations capabilities
oCJLANG::JMultiEquals< JClass_t, JTypeList< head_type, tail_type > >Template specialisation of auxiliary base class for data structures composed of multiple base classes with equality evaluations capabilities
oCJLANG::JMultiEquals< JDetector, JTYPELIST< JDetectorID, JVersion >::typelist >
oCJLANG::JMultiEquals< JMultipleFileScanner< JNullType >, JTYPELIST< JLimit, JMultipleFileScanner_t >::typelist >
oCJLANG::JMultiEquals< JPMT, JObjectID >
oCJLANG::JMultiEquals< JSingleFileScanner< JNullType >, JTYPELIST< JSingleFileScanner_t, JLimit >::typelist >
oCJTOOLS::JMultiGrid< 0, JAbscissa_t >Terminator class of recursive class JMultiGrid
oCJTOOLS::JMultiKey< 0, JKey_t >Empty key
oCJTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t >Multidimensional map
oCJTOOLS::JMultiMap< JConstantFunction1D< double, double >::argument_type, JConstantFunction1D< double, double >, JNPEMaplist_t, JTOOLS::JDistance< double > >
oCJTOOLS::JMultiMap< JConstantFunction1D< double, double >::argument_type, JConstantFunction1D< double, double >, JNPEMapList_t2, JTOOLS::JDistance< double > >
oCJTOOLS::JMultiMap< JConstantFunction1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >::argument_type, JConstantFunction1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t >
oCJTOOLS::JMultiMap< JConstantFunction1D_t::argument_type, JConstantFunction1D_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t >
oCJTOOLS::JMultiMap< JFunction1D_t::argument_type, JFunction1D_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t >
oCJTOOLS::JMultiMap< JFunction1D_t::argument_type, JFunction1D_t, JPDFMaplist_t, JTOOLS::JDistance< typename JFunction1D_t::argument_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JMultiMap< JFunction1D_t::argument_type, JFunction1D_t, JPDFMapList_t, JTOOLS::JDistance< typename JFunction1D_t::argument_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JMultiMap< JFunction1D_t::argument_type, JFunction1D_t, JTOOLS::JMapList< JTOOLS::JPolint1FunctionalGridMap >, JDistance< typename JFunction1D_t::argument_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JMultiMap< JFunction_t::argument_type, JFunction_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t >
oCJTOOLS::JMultiMap< JGridPolint1Function1D_t::argument_type, JGridPolint1Function1D_t, JMapList< JPolint1FunctionalGridMap >, JDistance< typename JGridPolint1Function1D_t::argument_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JMultiMap< JHistogram_t::abscissa_type, JHistogram_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t >
oCJTOOLS::JMultiMap< JMultiFunction< JConstantFunction1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JMaplist_t::tail_type, JDistance_t >::argument_type, JMultiFunction< JConstantFunction1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JMaplist_t::tail_type, JDistance_t >, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t >
oCJTOOLS::JMultiMap< JPolintFunction1D< 1, JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JGridCollection >::argument_type, JPolintFunction1D< 1, JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JGridCollection >, JMapList< JPolint1FunctionalGridMap >, JDistance< typename JPolintFunction1D< 1, JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JGridCollection >::argument_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JMultiPair< N, JKey_t, JValue_t >Multidimensional pair
oCJTOOLS::JMultiPair< 0, JKey_t, JValue_t >Empty pair
oCJTOOLS::JMultiPair< 1, JKey_t, JValue_t >One-dimensional pair
oCJTOOLS::JMultiPair< 1, key_type, value_type >
oCJTOOLS::JMultiPair< 2, JKey_t, JValue_t >Two-dimensional pair
oCJTOOLS::JMultipleMap< N, JMap_t >List of identical maps
oCJTOOLS::JMultipleMap< 1, JMap_t >Terminator class of list of identical maps
oCJLANG::JMultipleType< N, T >List of identical types
oCJLANG::JMultipleType< 1, T >Terminator class of list of identical types
oCJTOOLS::JMultiSet< 0, JAbscissa_t >Terminator class of recursive class JMultiSet
oCJMuonPDF_tAuxiliary data structure for muon PDF
oCJACOUSTICS::JNarrabriDynamic position calibration
oCJASTRONOMY::JNeutrinoDirectionDirection of incident neutrino
oCJLANG::JNew< JClass_t >Memory management class for create/release policy based on new/delete
oCJLANG::JNew< const TFormula >
oCJLANG::JNew< JAbstractAutoPointer< JBase_t > >
oCJLANG::JNew< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JDAQSummaryslice > >
oCJLANG::JNew< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JHead_t > >
oCJLANG::JNew< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JNullType > >
oCJLANG::JNew< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JTail_t > >
oCJLANG::JNew< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JTypeList< JDAQEvent, JTypelist_t > > >
oCJLANG::JNew< JAccessibleObjectIterator< KM3NETDAQ::KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent > >
oCJLANG::JNew< JAccessibleObjectIterator< T > >
oCJLANG::JNew< JAccessibleObjectOutput< T > >
oCJLANG::JNew< JBase_t >
oCJLANG::JNew< JBuildL1_t >
oCJLANG::JNew< JBuildL2_t >
oCJLANG::JNew< JControlHost_t >
oCJLANG::JNew< JDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface::JStateMachine >
oCJLANG::JNew< JDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface::JTDC >
oCJLANG::JNew< JDETECTOR::JK40Simulator >
oCJLANG::JNew< JExceptionHandler >
oCJLANG::JNew< JFIT::JMEstimator >
oCJLANG::JNew< JFlux >
oCJLANG::JNew< JIO::JReader >
oCJLANG::JNew< JIO::JWriter >
oCJLANG::JNew< JLANG::JMultiPipe< T, N > >
oCJLANG::JNew< JModuleRouter >
oCJLANG::JNew< JNET::JControlHost >
oCJLANG::JNew< JObjectIterator< T > >
oCJLANG::JNew< JObjectOutput< JHead_t > >
oCJLANG::JNew< JObjectOutput< JTail_t > >
oCJLANG::JNew< JObjectOutput< T > >
oCJLANG::JNew< JParserElementInterface >
oCJLANG::JNew< JPHYSICS::JRadiation >
oCJLANG::JNew< JPropertiesElementInterface >
oCJLANG::JNew< JRewindableObjectIterator< const T > >
oCJLANG::JNew< JRewindableObjectIterator< JHead_t > >
oCJLANG::JNew< JRewindableObjectIterator< JTail_t > >
oCJLANG::JNew< JRewindableObjectIterator< T > >
oCJLANG::JNew< JServerSocket >
oCJLANG::JNew< JTimesliceRouter >
oCJLANG::JNew< JTOOLS::JFunction1D >
oCJLANG::JNew< JTOOLS::JMultiMapTransformer >
oCJLANG::JNew< JTrigger3DMuon >
oCJLANG::JNew< JTrigger3DShower >
oCJLANG::JNew< JTriggerMXShower >
oCJLANG::JNew< JTriggerNB >
oCJLANG::JNew< JWeightEvent >
oCJLANG::JNew< match_type >
oCJLANG::JNew< TFile >
oCJLANG::JNewCArray< JClass_t >Memory management class for create/release policy based on new []/delete []
oCJLANG::JLOCAL::JNoequals< T >Template base class for data structures without equality capability
oCJTOOLS::JNullMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t >Auxiliary class for no map definition
oCJLANG::JNullTypeAuxiliary class for no type definition
oCJLANG::JNumber< N >Wrapper class for integer value
oCJLANG::JObject< T >Auxiliary base class for inline creation of a static value or clone from a temporary object
oCJLANG::JObject< JSTDObjectOutput< JOutputIterator_t > >
oCJLANG::JObjectAllocator< T, JAllocator_t >Base class for customized new/delete operators
oCJLANG::JObjectAllocator< __A__, JLANG::JAllocator >
oCJLANG::JObjectAllocator< __A__, JLANG::JRAM >
oCJIO::JObjectBinaryIO< T >Auxiliary base class for storing and loading a single object to and from a binary file, respectively
oCJIO::JObjectBinaryIO< JCDFTable< JFunction1D_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > >
oCJIO::JObjectBinaryIO< JMultiPDF< JFunction_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > >
oCJIO::JObjectBinaryIO< JPDFTable< JFunction1D_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > >
oCJIO::JObjectBinaryIO< JPDFTable< JFunction1D_t, JPDFMaplist_t, JTOOLS::JDistance< typename JFunction1D_t::argument_type > > >
oCJIO::JObjectBinaryIO< JPDFTable< JFunction1D_t, JPDFMapList_t, JTOOLS::JDistance< typename JFunction1D_t::argument_type > > >
oCJLANG::JObjectIterator< T >Interface of object iteration for a single data type
oCJLANG::JObjectIterator< const T >
oCJLANG::JObjectIterator< Head >
oCJLANG::JObjectIterator< JBase_t >
oCJLANG::JObjectIterator< JCategory< T::value_type, JClass< T::reference >::is_constant >::value_type >
oCJLANG::JObjectIterator< JClass_t >
oCJLANG::JObjectIterator< JDAQSummaryslice >
oCJLANG::JObjectIterator< JHead_t >
oCJLANG::JObjectIterator< JInput_t >
oCJLANG::JObjectIterator< JNullType >
oCJLANG::JObjectIterator< JOutput_t >
oCJLANG::JObjectIterator< JPhotonPath >
oCJLANG::JObjectIterator< JTail_t >
oCJLANG::JObjectIterator< JTriggerParameters >
oCJLANG::JObjectIterator< JTypeList< JDAQEvent, JTypelist_t > >
oCJLANG::JObjectIterator< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > >
oCJLANG::JObjectIterator< TAttLine >
oCJLANG::JObjectIterator< TAttMarker >
oCJLANG::JObjectIterator< value_type >
oCJLANG::JObjectOutput< T >Template interface of object output for single data type
oCJLANG::JObjectOutput< Evt >
oCJLANG::JObjectOutput< Head >
oCJLANG::JObjectOutput< JBase_t >
oCJLANG::JObjectOutput< JDAQTimesliceTypes_t >
oCJLANG::JObjectOutput< JDerived_t >
oCJLANG::JObjectOutput< JHead_t >
oCJLANG::JObjectOutput< JOutputIterator_t::container_type::value_type >
oCJLANG::JObjectOutput< JPhotonPath >
oCJLANG::JObjectOutput< JTail_t >
oCJLANG::JObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > >
oCJLANG::JObjectStreamIO< T >Auxiliary base class for storing and loading a single object to and from an ASCII file, respectively
oCJLANG::JObjectStreamIO< JAHRSCalibration_t >
oCJLANG::JObjectStreamIO< JContainer< JContainer_t > >
oCJLANG::JObjectStreamIO< JPMTParametersMap >
oCJDETECTOR::JObsolete_tObsolete detector
oCJGIZMO::JOperaAuxiliary data structure for and applications
oCJPARSER::JOption< T >Auxiliary class to handle optional I/O
oCJTOOLS::JPair< JKey_t, JValue_t >Template specialisation for a pair of values
oCJTOOLS::JPair< const JKey_t &, const JValue_t & >Template specialisation for a pair of const references
oCJTOOLS::JPair< const JKey_t &, JValue_t & >Template specialisation for a mixed pair of const and non-const references
oCJTOOLS::JPair< counter_type, counter_type >
oCJTOOLS::JPair< double, double >
oCJTOOLS::JPair< int, int >
oCJTOOLS::JPair< JAbscissa_t, JAbscissa_t >
oCJTOOLS::JPair< JKey_t &, JValue_t & >Template specialisation for a pair of references
oCJTOOLS::JPair< T, T >
oCJCALIBRATE::JPairwiseComparatorAuxiliary class to sort pairs of PMT addresses within optical module
oCJCALIBRATE::JParametersAuxiliary class for PMT parameters including threshold
oCJTRIGGER::JTrigger3D::JParametersTrigger parameters
oCJTRIGGER::JTrigger3DMuon_t::JParametersTrigger parameters
oCJTRIGGER::JTrigger3DShower_t::JParametersTrigger parameters
oCJTRIGGER::JTrigger3N::JParametersTrigger parameters
oCJTRIGGER::JTriggerMXShower_t::JParametersTrigger parameters
oCJTRIGGER::JTriggerNB_t::JParametersTrigger parameters
oCJTRIGGER::JParametersHelper< JParameters_t >Wrapper class to share parameters
oCJPARSER::JParserTemplateElement< JType_t, has_eq >Template class holder for I/O of parser element
oCJPARSER::JParserTemplateElement< JType_t >
oCJAANET::JParticleAuxiliary class to handle particle name, codes and mass
oCJPDFAuxiliary data structure for muon PDF
oCJPHYSICS::JPDFTransformer< N, JArgument_t >Template definition of transformer of the probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT
oCJDETECTOR::JPhotoElectronData structure for single photo-electron
oCJTRIGGER::JPMTMaskAuxiliary class for pmt mask
oCJDETECTOR::JPMTParametersData structure for PMT parameters
oCJCALIBRATE::JPMTParameters_tFit parameters for single PMT
oCJDETECTOR::JPMTParametersMap::JPMTParametersMapHelperAuxiliary class for I/O of PMT parameters map
oCJDETECTOR::JPMTPulseData structure for PMT digital pulse
oCJDETECTOR::JPMTReadoutAddressData structure for PMT readout address
oCJDETECTOR::JPMTSignalData structure for PMT analogue signal
oCJDETECTOR::JPMTSignalProcessorInterfacePMT signal processor interface
oCJDETECTOR::JPMTSimulatorInterface for PMT simulation
oCJRECONSTRUCTION::JPointingAuxiliary class to compare fit results with respect to a reference direction (e.g. true muon)
oCJTOOLS::JPolintCollection< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t >Template definition of base class for polynomial interpolations with polynomial result
oCJTOOLS::JPolintCollection< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultPolynome< 1, JResultType< JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t >
oCJTOOLS::JPolintCollection< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultPolynome< 2, JResultType< JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t >
oCJTOOLS::JPolintCollection< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultPolynome< M, JResultType< JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t >
oCJTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t >Template definition for functional collection with polynomial interpolation
oCJTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< double, double >, JCollection, double, JDistance< typename JElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< double, double >, JCollection, JResultDerivative< double >, JDistance< typename JElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< double, double >, JGridCollection, double, JDistance< typename JElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< double, double >, JGridCollection, JResultDerivative< double >, JDistance< typename JElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JContents_t >, JMapCollection< JGridMap >::template collection_type, JResultHesse< JResultType< JContents_t >::result_type >, JDistance_t >
oCJTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t >
oCJTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JGridCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t >
oCJTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JGridCollection, typename JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >::ordinate_type, JDistance< typename JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JMapCollection< JGridMap >::template collection_type, JResultHesse< JResultType< JResult_t >::result_type >, JDistance_t >
oCJTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< JKey_t, JValue_t >, JMapCollection< JGridMap >::template collection_type, JResultDerivative< JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type >, JDistance_t >
oCJTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< JKey_t, JValue_t >, JMapCollection< JGridMap >::template collection_type, JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type, JDistance_t >
oCJTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< JKey_t, JValue_t >, JMapCollection< JMap >::template collection_type, JResultDerivative< JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type >, JDistance_t >
oCJTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< JKey_t, JValue_t >, JMapCollection< JMap >::template collection_type, JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type, JDistance_t >
oCJTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< JKey_t, JValue_t >, JMapCollection< JMap_t >::template collection_type, JResult_t, JDistance_t >
oCJTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement_t, JCollection, JDistance_t, JDistance< typename JElement_t::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JPolintElement2S< double, double >, JCollection, JResultPDF< double >, JDistance< typename JPolintElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JPolintElement2S< double, double >, JGridCollection, JResultPDF< double >, JDistance< typename JPolintElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JTOOLS::JElement2D< double, JTDC_t >, JTOOLS::JGridCollection, JTDC_t, JDistance< typename JTOOLS::JElement2D< double, JTDC_t >::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JTOOLS::JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JTOOLS::JGridCollection, JOrdinate_t, JDistance< typename JTOOLS::JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >::abscissa_type > >
oCJRECONSTRUCTION::JPositionAuxiliary class to compare fit results with respect to a reference position (e.g. true muon)
oCJMATH::JPowerPower law function object
oCJDETECTOR::JPPM_DU_tType definitions for different detectors.PPM_DU
oCJLANG::JPredicate< JTypename_t, JComparator_t >Template definition of auxiliary class to select objects
oCJLANG::JPredicate< JResult_t T::*, JComparator_t >Template specialisation of JPredicate for selection of objects via data member
oCJLANG::JPredicate< JResult_t(T::*)() const, JComparator_t >Template specialisation of JPredicate for selection of objects via member method
oCJLANG::JPrimitive< T >Data structure for primitive types
oCJLANG::JPrimitive< bool >
oCJLANG::JPrimitive< char >
oCJLANG::JPrimitive< double >
oCJLANG::JPrimitive< float >
oCJLANG::JPrimitive< int >
oCJLANG::JPrimitive< long double >
oCJLANG::JPrimitive< long int >
oCJLANG::JPrimitive< long long int >
oCJLANG::JPrimitive< short >
oCJLANG::JPrimitive< unsigned char >
oCJLANG::JPrimitive< unsigned int >
oCJLANG::JPrimitive< unsigned long int >
oCJLANG::JPrimitive< unsigned long long int >
oCJLANG::JPrimitive< unsigned short >
oCJLANG::JPrinterAuxiliary class to temporarily replace std::ostream
oCJLANG::JPrintHelperAuxiliary class to print via member method const char* str() const;
oCJSYSTEM::JProcessStreaming of input and output from Linux command
oCJDATABASE::JProductIntegration_tAuxiliary class for product integration data
oCJSIRENE::JPythiaAuxiliary class to determine EM-equivalent energy as a function of PDG particle code and energy
oCJGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion2DThis class represents a rotation
oCJPHYSICS::JRadiationAuxiliary class for the calculation of the muon radiative cross sections
oCJPHYSICS::JRadiationInterfaceInterface for calculation of inverse interaction length and shower energy
oCJMATH::JRandom< T, is_specialized >Template definition of random value generator
oCJMATH::JRandom< T, false >Template spacialisation of JMATH::JRandom for non-numerical data types
oCJMATH::JRandom< T, true >Template spacialisation of JMATH::JRandom for numerical values
oCJSUPPORT::JRandomSampler< T >Template class for randomly sampling from a JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator using a JLANG::JObjectSampler
oCJSUPPORT::JRandomSampler< JDAQSummaryslice >
oCJTOOLS::JRebin< JElement_t >Auxiliary class for merging of fixed number of consecutive bins
oCJLANG::JReference< JClass_t >The template JReference class can be used to reference an object
oCJLANG::JReference< const JClass_t >Template specialisation of JReference class for const data type
oCJLANG::JReference< const JDetector >
oCJLANG::JReference< JClass_t *const >Template specialisation of JReference class for pointer type
oCJFIT::JRegressor< JModel_t, JMinimiser_t >Template definition of a data regressor of given model
oCJFIT::JRegressor< JEnergy, JSimplex >
oCJFIT::JRegressor< JLine3Z, JGandalf >
oCJFIT::JRegressor< JLine3Z, JSimplex >
oCJFIT::JRegressor< JPoint4D, JGandalf >
oCJFIT::JRegressor< JPoint4D, JSimplex >
oCJFIT::JRegressor< JShower3EZ, JGandalf >
oCJFIT::JRegressor< JShower3EZ, JSimplex >
oCJFIT::JRegressor< JShowerEH, JSimplex >
oCJLANG::JRemove< JTypelist_t, T >Removal of data type from type list
oCJLANG::JRemove< JNullType, T >Template specialisation of removal of data type from type list
oCJLANG::JRemove< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, T >Template specialisation of removal of data type from type list
oCJLANG::JRemove< JTypeList< JHead_t1, JTail_t1 >, JTypeList< JHead_t2, JNullType > >Template specialisation of removal of type list from type list
oCJLANG::JRemove< JTypeList< JHead_t1, JTail_t1 >, JTypeList< JHead_t2, JTail_t2 > >Template specialisation of removal of type list from type list
oCJLANG::JRemove< JTypeList< T, JTail_t >, T >Template specialisation of removal of data type from type list
oCJLANG::JResolve< T, JBool_t >Test exitence of class T
oCJLANG::JResolve< T, JBool< sizeof(T) > >Template specialisation of class JResolve for existing implementation of given class T
oCJLANG::JResolveTypeList< T >Resolve template class to JTypeList
oCJLANG::JResolveTypeList< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > >Resolve JTypeList to JTypeList
oCJRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerEnergyPrefit::JResultAuxiliary class for energy estimation
oCJTOOLS::JResultEvaluator< T >Auxiliary class to recursively evaluate to a result
oCJTOOLS::JResultEvaluator< JResultDerivative< T > >Template specialisation of JResultEvaluator for JResultDerivative
oCJTOOLS::JResultEvaluator< JResultHesse< T > >Template specialisation of JResultEvaluator for JResultHesse
oCJTOOLS::JResultEvaluator< JResultPDF< T > >Template specialisation of JResultEvaluator for JResultPDF
oCJTOOLS::JResultEvaluator< JResultPolynome< 0, T > >Template specialisation of JResultEvaluator for JResultPolynome
oCJTOOLS::JResultEvaluator< JResultPolynome< N, T > >Template specialisation of JResultEvaluator for JResultPolynome
oCJResultMessageClass dedicated to standardize the title of the graphical objects produced by the JTest_t() derived classes
oCJTOOLS::JResultTransformer< JResult_t >Auxiliary class to handle multidimensional map transformations for given result type
oCJTOOLS::JResultTransformer< JResultHesse< JResult_t > >Auxiliary class to handle multidimensional map transformations for given result type
oCJTOOLS::JResultTransformer< JResultPDF< JResult_t > >Auxiliary class to handle multidimensional map transformations for given result type
oCJTOOLS::JResultType< JClass_t, JResultType_t >Auxiliary class to evaluate result type
oCJTOOLS::JResultType< JClass_t, typename JVoid< typename JClass_t::result_type >::type >Auxiliary class to evaluate result type
oCJTOOLS::JResultType< ordinate_type >
oCJLANG::JRewindable< T >Template interface of rewindable object
oCJLANG::JRewindable< const T >
oCJLANG::JRewindable< Head >
oCJLANG::JRewindable< JCategory< T::value_type, JClass< T::reference >::is_constant >::value_type >
oCJLANG::JRewindable< JClass_t >
oCJLANG::JRewindable< JDAQSummaryslice >
oCJLANG::JRewindable< JHead_t >
oCJLANG::JRewindable< JNullType >
oCJLANG::JRewindable< JTail_t >
oCJLANG::JRewindable< JTriggerParameters >
oCJLANG::JRewindable< JTypeList< JDAQEvent, JTypelist_t > >
oCJLANG::JRewindable< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > >
oCJLANG::JRewindable< TAttLine >
oCJLANG::JRewindable< TAttMarker >
oCJLANG::JRewindable< value_type >
oCJPHYSICS::JPDF::JRootAuxiliary class to find solution(s) to $z$ of the square root expression:

\begin{eqnarray*} ct(z=0) & = & z + n \sqrt(z^2 + R^2) \end{eqnarray*}

where $n = 1/\cos(\theta_{c})$ is the index of refraction

oCJROOT::JRootAddress< T >Auxiliary classd for address handling within TTree or TChain
oCJROOT::JRootAddress< JClass_t >
oCJROOT::JRootAddress< JDerived_t >
oCJROOT::JRootFileReader< T, bool >ROOT file reader
oCJROOT::JRootLabel< __ID, T >Replica of structure JLANG::JLabel for data types with ROOT I/O
oCJROOT::JRootLabel< 11, KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTimeslice >
oCJGIZMO::JRootObjectIDAuxiliary class to handle file name, ROOT directory and object name
oCJROOT::JRootObjectOutput< T, bool >Template definition of ROOT object output
oCJROOT::JRootObjectOutput< JHead_t >
oCJROOT::JRootObjectOutput< JTail_t >
oCJROOT::JRootObjectOutput< T >
oCJROOT::JRootPrinterAuxiliary class for printing objects in ASCII format using JRootWriter
oCJROOT::JRootStreamer< T >Auxiliary template class to define default implementation of the ROOT streamer
oCJTOOLS::JRouter< JAddress_t, has_eq >Direct addressing of elements with unique identifiers
oCJTOOLS::JRouter< int >
oCJTOOLS::JRouter< JDETECTOR::JModuleAddress >
oCJLANG::JSampler< T >Template class for sampling from a JRewindableObjectIterator
oCJMARKOV::JScatteringModelVirtual base class for a scattering model
oCJSIRENE::JSeaWaterSea water composition
oCJNET::JSelectReaderWrapper class for select call
oCJNET::JSelectWriterWrapper class for select call
oCJIO::JSerialisableForward declaration of binary output
oCJLANG::JSharedCounterShared counter
oCJShowerNPE_tAuxiliary data structure for shower PDF
oCJShowerPDF_tAuxiliary data structure for shower PDF
oCJLANG::JSingleton< T >Simple singleton class
oCJLANG::JSingleton< __A__ >
oCJLANG::JSingleton< JDBReader< T > >
oCJLANG::JSingleton< JMatrixND_t >
oCJLANG::JSingleton< JNullResultSet >
oCJLANG::JSingleton< JRootDictionary >
oCJTagAvailable< T >::JSmall
oCJROOT::JTreeParametersAvailable< T >::JSmall
oCJGEOMETRY2D::JSmallestDistance2DAuxiliary class for determination of smallest distance between pair of 2D points
oCJGEOMETRY3D::JSmallestDistance3DAuxiliary class for determination of smallest distance between pair of 3D points
oCJSUPERNOVA::JSNFilterInterface for SN filter operator
oCJNET::JSocketChannelAuxiliary class for socket channel
oCJNET::JSocketStatusAuxiliary class for non-blocking socket I/O
oCJASTRONOMY::JSourceLocationLocation of astrophysical source
oCJMARKOV::JSourceModelVirtual base class for a light source
oCJTOOLS::JSplineBounds< JOrdinate_t >Auxiliary class to define first derivates of the spline function at the two extrema
oCJTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t >Template definition for functional collection with spline interpolation
oCJTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JElement_t, JGridCollection, JDistance_t, JDistance< typename JElement_t::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >, JMapCollection< JGridMap >::template collection_type, result_type, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >, JMapCollection< JMap >::template collection_type, result_type, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >, JMapCollection< JMap_t >::template collection_type, result_type, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JSplineElement2D< double, double >, JCollection, double, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JSplineElement2D< double, double >, JGridCollection, double, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JSplineElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t >
oCJTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JSplineElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JGridCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t >
oCJTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JCollection, JResultDerivative< double >, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JCollection, JResultPDF< double >, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JGridCollection, JResultDerivative< double >, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type > >
oCJTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JGridCollection, JResultPDF< double >, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type > >
oCJRECONSTRUCTION::JStartAuxiliary class for start or end point evaluation
oCJDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface::JStateMachineInterface to mimic hit ordering effects due to state machine inside CLB
oCJPHYSICS::JSterStruct for the Sternheimer coefficients
oCSTREAM::JStreamAuxiliary class for format stream
oCJEEPZ::JStreamAuxiliary class for format STL containers
oCJLANG::JStreamInputInterface for ASCII input using standard streams
oCJLANG::JStreamOutputInterface for ASCII output using standard streams
oCJLANG::JStreamStateThis class can be used to temporarily exchange the states between streams
oCJLANG::JStreamSuffixOutputInterface for ASCII output with prefix and postfix using standard streams
oCJDETECTOR::JStringCounterAuxiliary class for counting unique strings
oCJSUPPORT::JSummaryRouterRouter for fast addressing of summary data in JDAQSummaryslice data structure as a function of the optical module identifier and PMT address
oCJLANG::JSwitch< bool, A, B >Template selection of type specifier
oCJLANG::JSwitch< true, A, B >Template specialisation of selection of type specifier
oCJNET::JTagControlHost tag
oCJTagAvailable< T >Test availability of JNET::JTag value for given class
oCJMARKOV::JTargetModelVirtual base class for a light detector ("photon target")
oCJDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface::JTDCInterface for TDC
oCJLANG::JTemplate< JType_t >Auxiliary class for managing multiple objects
oCJLANG::JTemplate< JHead_t >
oCJLANG::JTemplate< JMultipleFileScanner< JDAQSummaryslice > >
oCJLANG::JTemplate< JMultipleFileScanner< T > >
oCJLANG::JTemplate< JTail_t >
oCJDETECTOR::JTemplateDetectorAddressMap< JDetector_t >Template lookup table for PMT addresses in detector
oCJLANG::JTemplateReader< JReader_t, JClass_t, JTypelist_t >Template definition of auxiliary base class for composite data types which derive from one or more base classes for which the redirect operator << is defined
oCJLANG::JTemplateReader< JReader_t >
oCJLANG::JTemplateReader< JReader_t, JNullType, JNullType >Specialisation of class JTemplateReader for general purpose write methods
oCJLANG::JTemplateWriter< JWriter_t, JClass_t, JTypelist_t >Template definition of auxiliary base class for composite data types which derive from one or more base classes for which the redirect operator << is defined
oCJLANG::JTemplateWriter< JWriter_t >
oCJLANG::JTemplateWriter< JWriter_t, JNullType, JNullType >Specialisation of class JTemplateWriter for general purpose write methods
oCJLANG::JTestAuxiliary base class for compile time evaluation of test
oCJTest_tInterface to read input and write output for TObject tests
oCJTestChi2_tImplementation of the different Chi2-related tests
oCJTestIdentical_tImplementation test that verify if two histograms are the same
oCJTestKolmogorov_tImplementation of the different Kolmogorov-related tests
oCJTestResultStructure containing the result of the test
oCJTestRuns_tImplementation of the different Runs-related tests
oCJTestZero_tImplementation of the Zeros test for histograms with expected low bin contents
oCJLANG::JThrow< T >Auxiliary base class for controling the throwing of exceptions
oCJLANG::JThrow< JAccessible >
oCJLANG::JThrow< JControlHost >
oCJLANG::JThrow< JPMTParametersMap >
oCJEEP::JTimekeeperTime keeper
oCJTRIGGER::JTimesliceRouter_tAuxiliary base class for JTimesliceRouter
oCJLANG::JTitleAuxiliary class for title
oCJTOOLS::JTransformable< N, JArgument_t >Abstract interface for transformable multidimensional map
oCJTOOLS::JTransformable< JMapLength< JMaplist_t >::value, JFunction1D_t::argument_type >
oCJTOOLS::JTransformable< JMapLength< JMaplist_t >::value, JFunction_t::argument_type >
oCJTOOLS::JTransformable< JMapLength< JMaplist_t >::value, JHistogram_t::abscissa_type >
oCJTOOLS::JTransformable< JMapLength< JPDFMapList_t >::value, JFunction1D_t::argument_type >
oCJTOOLS::JTransformable< JMapLength< JPDFMaplist_t >::value, JFunction1D_t::argument_type >
oCJROOT::JTreeParametersData structure for TTree parameters
oCJROOT::JTreeParametersAvailable< T >Test availability of TTree parameters for given class
oCJSUPPORT::JTreeScanner< JClass_t, JEvaluator_t >Template definition for direct access of elements in ROOT TChain
oCJSUPPORT::JTreeScanner< Evt >
oCJSUPPORT::JTreeScanner< JAssertConversion< JClass_t, JClass_t >, JNullType >
oCJSUPPORT::JTreeScanner< JDAQSummaryslice, JDAQEvaluator >
oCJSUPPORT::JTreeScannerInterface< T, JEvaluator_t >Auxiliary interface for direct access of elements in ROOT TChain
oCJSUPPORT::JTreeScannerInterface< JBase_t >
oCJSUPPORT::JTreeScannerInterface< JBase_t, JEvaluator_t >
oCJTRIGGER::JTrigger3DMuon_tMuon trigger parameters
oCJTRIGGER::JTrigger3DShower_tShower trigger parameters
oCJTRIGGER::JTriggerBit< JTrigger_t >This class is used to map trigger class to trigger bit
oCJTRIGGER::JTriggerInterfaceTrigger interface
oCJTRIGGER::JTriggerMXShower_tShower trigger parameters
oCJTRIGGER::JTriggerNB_tNano-beacon trigger parameters
oCJMATH::JTrigonometricTrigonometric function object for sin and cos
oCJLANG::JTest::JTrueDefinition of true
oCJLANG::JType< T >Auxiliary class for a type holder
oCJLANG::JTypeAt< JTypelist_t, index, range_check >Extraction of data type from type list
oCJLANG::JTypeAt< JNullType, index, false >Termination of recursive extraction of data type from type list
oCJLANG::JTypeAt< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, 0, range_check >Termination of recursive extraction of data type from type list
oCJLANG::JTypeAt< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, index, range_check >Recursive extraction of data type from type list
oCJLANG::JTest::JTypecheck< U, U >Auxiliary class for type checking
oCJTypeID< T, bool, bool >Template definition of policy class to label data types in a type list
oCJLANG::JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >Type list
oCJLANG::JTYPELIST< T, Args >Auxiliary class for recursive type list generation
oCJLANG::JTypeList< JDAQEvent, JTypelist_t >
oCJLANG::JTYPELIST< JNullType >Termination class for type list generation
oCJLANG::JTYPELIST< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType >, T, Args...>Template specialisation for expanding type list
oCJLANG::JTYPELIST< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > >Template specialisation for expanding type list
oCJLANG::JTYPELIST< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, T, Args...>Template specialisation for expanding type list
oCJLANG::JTYPELIST< T >Termination class for type list generation
oCJLANG::JPrintHelper::JTypeoutPrint interface
oCJDATABASE::JUPIHelperAuxiliary class for mapping UPI of product to serial number
oCJGEOMETRY2D::JConvexHull2D::JUpperHullAuxiliary class for sorting elements
oCJDETECTOR::JUTCDistanceAuxiliary class for distance beteen UTC times
oCKM3NETDAQ::JDataWriter::JValue_tAuxiliary data structure for I/O of trigger parameters
oCJGEOMETRY2D::JVersor2DData structure for normalised vector in two dimensions
oCJSIRENE::JVertexVertex of energy loss of muon
oCJSUPERNOVA::JVetoAuxiliary class to define a veto time window on a set of optical modules
oCJLANG::JVoid< T >Auxiliary class for void type definition
oCJAANET::JVolumeAuxiliary class for histogramming of effective volume
oCJACOUSTICS::JWaveformUtility class for emitter power and frequency
oCJMATH::JZeroAuxiliary class to assign zero value
oCLAMBDAAuxiliary data structure to convert (lambda) function to printable object
oCJLANG::JComparison::leLess equals
oCLigierDataHandler< Consumer >
oCstd::list< JElement_t, JAllocator_t >
oCstd::list< ChList::const_iterator >
oCstd::list< KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTimesliceL0 >
oCJAANET::livetimeNormalisation of MUPAGE events
oCJLANG::JComparison::ltLess than
oCstd::map< JKey_t, JValue_t, JComparator_t, JAllocator_t >
oCstd::map< double, JGeane_t >
oCstd::map< double, JVector2D, std::greater< double > >
oCstd::map< double, JVector3D, std::greater< double > >
oCstd::map< frame_idx_t, PuzzledFrame * >
oCstd::map< int, float >
oCstd::map< int, int >
oCstd::map< int, JAHRSCalibration >
oCstd::map< int, JDATABASE::JUPI_t >
oCstd::map< int, JFluxHelper >
oCstd::map< int, JMechanics >
oCstd::map< int, JSter >
oCstd::map< int, JTest_t * >
oCstd::map< int, JValue_t >
oCstd::map< int, std::string >
oCstd::map< int, std::vector< int > >
oCstd::map< int, std::vector< std::string > >
oCstd::map< JDATABASE::JPBS_t, std::map< int, JDATABASE::JUPI_t > >
oCstd::map< JDATABASE::JUPI_t, int >
oCstd::map< JDetectorVersion::JVersion_t, std::string >
oCstd::map< JKey, JValue >
oCstd::map< JKey_t, JAutoElement< JBase_t > >
oCstd::map< JKey_t, JParserElement >
oCstd::map< JKey_t, JPointer< JValue_t > >
oCstd::map< JKey_t, JTreeCopyWriterInterface * >
oCstd::map< JKey_t, JValue_t >
oCstd::map< JModuleIdentifier, JPMTMask >
oCstd::map< JNET::JTag, JTreeCopyWriterInterface * >
oCstd::map< JPBS_t, JPBSSequences >
oCstd::map< JUPI_t, JLocation_t >
oCstd::map< std::size_t, pDOM >
oCstd::map< std::size_t, pProbe >
oCstd::map< std::size_t, std::size_t >
oCstd::map< std::string, int >
oCstd::map< std::string, is_head >
oCstd::map< std::string, JDAQStateMachine::ev_daq_event * >
oCstd::map< std::string, JDetectorVersion::JVersion_t >
oCstd::map< std::string, JLANG::JSharedPointer< JROOT::JAbstractStreamer > >
oCstd::map< std::string, JPropertiesElement >
oCstd::map< std::string, JSinglePointer< JColorFacet > >
oCstd::map< std::string, JSinglePointer< JTreeScannerInterface< JBase_t, JEvaluator_t > > >
oCstd::map< std::string, std::string >
oCstd::map< std::string, unsigned int >
oCstd::map< unsigned int, CLBDataGram * >
oCJMONITOR::JClusterBuilder::MinimalMultiplicityFunctorFunctor that compares the multiplicity of a JCluster to some fixed given multiplicity
oCstd::multimap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JComparator_t, JAllocator_t >
oCstd::multimap< double, double >
oCstd::multimap< int, int >
oCstd::multimap< JUPI_t, int >
oCstd::multimap< std::string, std::string >
oCstd::multiset< JElement_t, JComparator_t, JAllocator_t >
oCJLANG::JComparison::neNot equal
oCJAANET::normaNormlisation of CORSIKA events
oCJLANG::NOT< T >Type definition of logical NOT
oCJPARSER::not_initialisedEmpty structure for specification of parser element that is not initialised (i.e. does require input)
oCJLANG::OR< JFirst_t, JSecond_t >Type definition of logical OR
oCstd::pair< JFirst_t, JSecond_t >
oCstd::pair< bool, ordinate_type >
oCstd::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator >
oCstd::pair< const_reverse_iterator, const_reverse_iterator >
oCstd::pair< iterator, iterator >
oCstd::pair< JKey_t, JMultiKey< 1, JKey_t > >
oCstd::pair< JKey_t, JMultiKey< N-1, JKey_t > >
oCstd::pair< reverse_iterator, reverse_iterator >
oCstd::pair< T, T >
oCJTRIGGER::JTimesliceRouter::pair_typeAuxiliary structure for indexing hits in a data frame
oCpdg_typePDG particle type
oCJAANET::primaryPrimary particle
oCquality_sorter< reconstruction_type >Reconstruction type dependent comparison of track quality
oCJDETECTOR::JDetectorSubset< JComparator_t >::range_typeAuxiliary class for range of iterators
oCrec_stages_rangeRange of reconstruction stages
oCJFIT::JGandalf< JModel_t >::result_typeData structure for return value of fit function
oCRunAnalyzerClass dedicated to the analysis of KM3NeT runs
oCJAANET::seabottomThe bottom of the sea
oCstd::set< JElement_t, JComparator_t, JAllocator_t >
oCstd::set< int >
oCstd::set< JAbscissa_t >
oCstd::set< JNET::JTag >
oCstd::set< JROOTClassSelector >
oCstd::set< JSubscription >
oCstd::set< std::string >
oCJAANET::spectrumNeutrino energy spectrum
oCJAANET::start_runStart of run record
oCSTREAMAuxiliary data structure for handling std::ostream
oCJAANET::StringGeneral purpose string class
oCSummary_FrameSummary of Frame
oCJAANET::tgenTime duration of event generation
oCJDATABASE::JPMTThreshold::threshold_typeType definition of PMT threshold
oCtime_converterAuxiliary class to convert DAQ hit time to/from Monte Carlo hit time
oCJAANET::time_intervalUTC time interval for event generation
oCJPARSER::TStringHelper< option >Auxiliary class for handling I/O of TString depending on its existence
oCJPARSER::TStringHelper< false >Specialisation of TStringHelper if TString does not exist
oCJPARSER::TStringHelper< true >Specialisation of TStringHelper if TString exists
oCUdpDataHandler< Consumer >
oCJFIT::JMatrixNZ::varianceAuxiliary data structure for co-variance calculation
oCVecStraightforward 3-d vector, which also works in pyroot
oCstd::vector< JElement_t, JAllocator_t >
oCstd::vector< AWF_Frame >
oCstd::vector< AWF_Hit >
oCstd::vector< AWF_Item >
oCstd::vector< char >
oCstd::vector< CLBCommonHeader >
oCstd::vector< CRM_Frame >
oCstd::vector< CRM_Item >
oCstd::vector< double >
oCstd::vector< Double_t >
oCstd::vector< DWF_Frame >
oCstd::vector< DWF_Hit >
oCstd::vector< DWF_Item >
oCstd::vector< error >
oCstd::vector< ExtendedSummary_Frame >
oCstd::vector< h2d_t * >
oCstd::vector< Hit >
oCstd::vector< hit_type >
oCstd::vector< InChannelHandler * >
oCstd::vector< int >
oCstd::vector< JAANET::JAANET::detector >
oCstd::vector< JAANET::JAANET::flux >
oCstd::vector< JAANET::JAANET::physics >
oCstd::vector< JAANET::JAANET::simul >
oCstd::vector< JAllocatorBuffer >
oCstd::vector< JAngle2D >
oCstd::vector< JAngle3D >
oCstd::vector< JBuffer1D_t >
oCstd::vector< JClient >
oCstd::vector< JCluster >
oCstd::vector< JClusterSN >
oCstd::vector< JCoincidenceSN >
oCstd::vector< JDAQSummaryFrame >
oCstd::vector< JDAQSuperFrame >
oCstd::vector< JDETECTOR::JModuleAddressMap >
oCstd::vector< JDETECTOR::JPhotoElectron >
oCstd::vector< JElement_t >
oCstd::vector< JElement_t, std::allocator< JElement_t > >
oCstd::vector< JEnergy >
oCstd::vector< JEntry_t >
oCstd::vector< JEvent >
oCstd::vector< JFit >
oCstd::vector< JFIT::JMatrixNZ::variance >
oCstd::vector< JFrame< JElement_t, JAllocator_t > >
oCstd::vector< JFrame< JElement_t, std::allocator< JElement_t > > >
oCstd::vector< JFrameClone< JElement_t > >
oCstd::vector< JGEOMETRY3D::JPosition3D >
oCstd::vector< JGEOMETRY3D::JVector3D >
oCstd::vector< JHead >
oCstd::vector< JHit >
oCstd::vector< JHit_t >
oCstd::vector< JHitL0 >
oCstd::vector< JHitR1 >
oCstd::vector< JLine3Z >
oCstd::vector< JManager< string, TH1D > * >
oCstd::vector< JManager< string, TH2D > * >
oCstd::vector< JMARKOV::J3DhistGenerator * >
oCstd::vector< JMARKOV::JHistGenerator * >
oCstd::vector< JMARKOV::JPhotonPath >
oCstd::vector< JMARKOV::JSphereGenerator * >
oCstd::vector< JModel >
oCstd::vector< JModel_t >
oCstd::vector< JModule >
oCstd::vector< JOrdinate_t >
oCstd::vector< JParticle >
oCstd::vector< JPBS_t >
oCstd::vector< JPBSSequence >
oCstd::vector< JPHYSICS::JNPETable >
oCstd::vector< JPMT >
oCstd::vector< JPMTAddressTranslator >
oCstd::vector< JPMTAnalogueSignalProcessor >
oCstd::vector< JPMTData< JPMTSignal > >
oCstd::vector< JPMTIdentifier_t >
oCstd::vector< JPMTOutput >
oCstd::vector< JPoint4D >
oCstd::vector< JProductIntegration_t >
oCstd::vector< JQuaternion >
oCstd::vector< JQuaternion3D >
oCstd::vector< JROOT::JRootReadableClass >
oCstd::vector< JSharedPointer< JWeightEvent > >
oCstd::vector< JShower3EZ >
oCstd::vector< JShowerEH >
oCstd::vector< JSocketInputChannel_t >
oCstd::vector< JSuperFrame1D< JElement_t > >
oCstd::vector< JSuperFrameClone1D< JElement_t > >
oCstd::vector< JTestResult >
oCstd::vector< JTimeslice >
oCstd::vector< JTOOLS::JElement2D >
oCstd::vector< JTOOLS::JElement3D >
oCstd::vector< JTOOLS::JGridCollection >
oCstd::vector< JTransmission >
oCstd::vector< JTRIGGER::JHit >
oCstd::vector< JTRIGGER::JHitR1 >
oCstd::vector< JTRIGGER::JTriggeredHit >
oCstd::vector< JTriggeredHit >
oCstd::vector< JType_t >
oCstd::vector< JVertex >
oCstd::vector< JVeto >
oCstd::vector< JWeightFileScanner< JFileScanner_t > >
oCstd::vector< KM3NETDAQ::JDAQHit >
oCstd::vector< KM3NETDAQ::JDAQHit::JTDC_t >
oCstd::vector< KM3NETDAQ::JDAQKeyHit >
oCstd::vector< KM3NETDAQ::JDAQProcess >
oCstd::vector< KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTriggeredHit >
oCstd::vector< KM3NETDAQ::JSource >
oCstd::vector< KM3NETDAQ::JTarget >
oCstd::vector< parameter_type >
oCstd::vector< pLink >
oCstd::vector< Recipient * >
oCstd::vector< RTS_Frame >
oCstd::vector< RTS_Item >
oCstd::vector< Selector >
oCstd::vector< SPE_Frame >
oCstd::vector< SPE_Hit >
oCstd::vector< SPE_Item >
oCstd::vector< Status_Frame >
oCstd::vector< Status_Item >
oCstd::vector< std::pair >
oCstd::vector< std::pair< abscissa_type, result_type > >
oCstd::vector< std::pair< int, function_type > >
oCstd::vector< std::pair< int, int > >
oCstd::vector< std::pair< int, JFloor > >
oCstd::vector< std::pair< int, JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion3D > >
oCstd::vector< std::pair< int, JModuleAnalogueSignalProcessor > >
oCstd::vector< std::pair< int, JString > >
oCstd::vector< std::pair< JACOUSTICS::JEKey, JACOUSTICS::JMODEL::JEmitter > >
oCstd::vector< std::pair< JEKey, JEmitter > >
oCstd::vector< std::pair< JHead_t, JHashMap< JTail_t, JValue_t, JEvaluator_t > > >
oCstd::vector< std::pair< JHead_t, JValue_t > >
oCstd::vector< std::pair< JKey_t, JValue_t > >
oCstd::vector< std::size_t >
oCstd::vector< std::string >
oCstd::vector< std::vector >
oCstd::vector< std::vector< double > >
oCstd::vector< std::vector< int > >
oCstd::vector< std::vector< JMONITOR::JCluster >::std::iterator >
oCstd::vector< Summary_Frame >
oCstd::vector< T >
oCstd::vector< TAttLine >
oCstd::vector< TAttMarker >
oCstd::vector< TH2D * >
oCstd::vector< TriggeredSPE_Hit >
oCstd::vector< Trk >
oCstd::vector< unsigned char * >
oCstd::vector< unsigned char >
oCstd::vector< value_type >
oCstd::vector< void * >
oCWIDTHAuxiliary data structure for alignment of data
oCJLANG::XOR< JFirst_t, JSecond_t >Type definition of logical XOR