struct | AND |
| Type definition of logical AND. More...
struct | AND< JBool< first >, JBool< second > > |
| Template specialisation for logical AND. More...
struct | array_type |
| Auxiliary data structure for return type of make methods. More...
struct | EQUALS |
| Type definition of logical EQUALS. More...
struct | EQUALS< JBool< first >, JBool< second > > |
| Template specialisation for logical EQUALS. More...
struct | is_iterator |
| Data structure to check whether given data type is an iterator. More...
struct | JAbstractAccessibleObjectReader |
| Abstract interface for object reading with named access. More...
struct | JAbstractAccessibleObjectWriter |
| Abstract interface for object writing with named access. More...
struct | JAbstractClass |
| Template class test for abstractness. More...
class | JAbstractFile |
| The JAbstractFile class encapsulates the c-style file descriptor. More...
class | JAbstractObjectIterator |
| Abstract object iterator. More...
struct | JAbstractObjectReader |
| Abstract interface for object reading. More...
struct | JAbstractObjectStatus |
| Interface for status of object. More...
struct | JAbstractObjectWriter |
| Abstract interface for object writing. More...
struct | JAbstractObjectWriter< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > |
| Terminator class of recursive JAbstractObjectWriter class. More...
struct | JAbstractObjectWriter< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Abstract interface for object writing for multiple data types. More...
class | JAbstractPointer |
| Template interface for pointer to object(s). More...
struct | JAbstractRewindableObjectReader |
| Abstract interface for object reading with rewinding. More...
class | JAccessible |
| Interface for named access of a device. More...
class | JAccessibleAbstractObjectIterator |
| Abstract object iterator with named access. More...
class | JAccessibleBinaryInputStream |
| Accessible binary input stream. More...
class | JAccessibleBinaryOutputStream |
| Accessible output stream. More...
class | JAccessibleInputStream |
| Accessible input stream. More...
class | JAccessibleObjectIterator |
| Interface for object iteration with named access. More...
class | JAccessibleObjectOutput |
| Interface for object output with named access. More...
struct | JAccessibleObjectReader |
| Auxiliary class for object reading with named access. More...
struct | JAccessibleObjectWriter |
| Auxiliary class for object writing with named access. More...
class | JAccessibleOutputStream |
| Accessible output stream. More...
class | JAllocator |
| Memory management for small objects. More...
struct | JAllocatorBuffer |
| Low-level memory management. More...
struct | JAnyType |
| Auxiliary class for any type definition. More...
struct | JAppend |
| Append to type list. More...
struct | JAppend< JNullType, JNullType > |
| Template specialisation of append to type list. More...
struct | JAppend< JNullType, JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Template specialisation of append to type list. More...
struct | JAppend< JNullType, T > |
| Template specialisation of append to type list. More...
struct | JAppend< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, T > |
| Template specialisation of append to type list. More...
struct | JArgument |
| Data structure for method argument types. More...
struct | JArgument< bool > |
| Specialisations of JArgument for primitive types. More...
struct | JArgument< char > |
struct | JArgument< double > |
struct | JArgument< float > |
struct | JArgument< int > |
struct | JArgument< long double > |
struct | JArgument< long int > |
struct | JArgument< long long int > |
struct | JArgument< short > |
struct | JArgument< unsigned char > |
struct | JArgument< unsigned int > |
struct | JArgument< unsigned long int > |
struct | JArgument< unsigned long long int > |
struct | JArgument< unsigned short > |
class | JASCIIFileReader |
| Object reading from ASCII file. More...
class | JASCIIFileWriter |
| Object(s) writing to ASCII file. More...
struct | JAssert |
| Generation of compiler error. More...
struct | JAssert< true, T > |
| Implementation of valid assertion. More...
class | JAssertConversion |
| Auxialiary class to assert type conversion. More...
class | JAssertConversion< JDerived_t, JBase_t, true > |
| Implementation of a valid type conversion. More...
class | JAssignSequence |
| Auxiliary class to assign a sequence of Comma Separated Values (CSV). More...
struct | JBaseClass |
| Template definition of class to look for base class in type list. More...
struct | JBaseClass< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Template specialisation of class to look for base class in type list. More...
struct | JBaseType |
| Template class to identify common base class. More...
struct | JBaseType< JBase_t, JTypelist_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType >, false > |
| Terminination class of resursive JBaseType class. More...
struct | JBaseType< JBase_t, JTypelist_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, false > |
| Resursive scan for base class. More...
struct | JBaseType_t |
| Template class to test for polymorphism. More...
struct | JBaseType_t< JBase_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > |
| Terminator class of recursive JBaseType_t class. More...
struct | JBaseType_t< JBase_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Template class to test for polymorphism. More...
class | JBidirectionalIterator |
| Template interface for method bool decrement(). More...
class | JBinaryInput |
| Interface for binary input. More...
class | JBinaryOutput |
| Interface for binary output. More...
struct | JBool |
| Auxiliary template class for type bool. More...
class | JCastException |
| Exception for cast operation. More...
struct | JCategory |
| Auxiliary class to define value, reference and pointer types for given data type and category. More...
struct | JCategory< T, false > |
| Specialisation of JCategory for modifiable (i.e. non-constant) data type. More...
struct | JCategory< T, true > |
| Specialisation of JCategory for constant (i.e. non-modifiable) data type. More...
struct | JClass |
| Template for generic class types. More...
struct | JClass< const T & > |
| Specialisation of JClass for const reference class types. More...
struct | JClass< const T * > |
| Specialisation of JClass for const pointer class types. More...
struct | JClass< const T *& > |
| Specialisation of JClass for const pointer class types. More...
struct | JClass< const T > |
| Specialisation of JClass for const class types. More...
struct | JClass< T & > |
| Specialisation of JClass for reference class types. More...
struct | JClass< T * > |
| Specialisation of JClass for pointer class types. More...
struct | JClass< T *& > |
| Specialisation of JClass for pointer class types. More...
struct | JClonable |
| Template class for object cloning. More...
struct | JClonable< JClonable_t, JNullType > |
| Template specialisation to define base class for interface of object cloning. More...
struct | JColorFacet |
| Facet interface to specify text color. More...
struct | JColorFacetASCII |
| Facet class to specify text color for ASCII. More...
struct | JColorFacetELcode |
| Facet class to specify text color for ELcode. More...
struct | JColorFacetMap_t |
| Auxiliary map for color facets. More...
struct | JComparable |
| Template definition of auxiliary base class for comparison of data structures. More...
struct | JComparable< JClass_t, JNullType > |
| General purpose specialisation of class JComparable for any data type. More...
class | JComparator |
| Template definition of auxiliary class to compare objects. More...
class | JComparator< const T &(T::*)() const, JComparator_t > |
| Template specialisation of JComparator for comparison between return values of member methods. More...
class | JComparator< JResult_t T::*, JComparator_t > |
| Template specialisation of JComparator for comparison between values of data members. More...
class | JComparator< JResult_t(T::*)() const, JComparator_t > |
| Template specialisation of JComparator for comparison between return values of member methods. More...
struct | JComparison |
| Functional implementations of comparison operators. More...
class | JConstructor |
| Template class test for availability of a suitable constructor JType_t(const JArgument_t) . More...
class | JControlHostException |
| Exception for ControlHost. More...
struct | JConversion |
| Template class test for polymorphism. More...
struct | JConversion< T, T > |
| Specialisation of JConversion for identical types. More...
class | JConversionIterator |
| Interface for object iteration with type conversion. More...
class | JCppFacet |
| Facet class to specify parsing of a C[++] variable name. More...
struct | JCRC_t |
| Helper template data structure to evaluate CRC. More...
struct | JCRC_t< size, size, T > |
| Termination class for recursive JCRC_t class. More...
class | JDatabaseException |
| Database exception. More...
struct | JDefault |
| Simple default class. More...
class | JDictionaryDuplicateEntry |
| Exception for duplicate entry in dictionary. More...
class | JDictionaryEntryNotFound |
| Exception for missing entry in dictionary. More...
class | JDivisionByZero |
| Exception for division by zero. More...
class | JEmptyCollection |
| Exception for an empty collection. More...
class | JEndOfFile |
| Exception for end of file. More...
struct | JEndOfLine |
| Auxiliary class for end of line. More...
struct | JEnumeration |
| Enumeration of single data type. More...
struct | JEnumeration< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > |
| Terminator class of recursive JEnumeration class. More...
struct | JEnumeration< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Enumeration of multiple data types. More...
struct | JEquals |
| Template definition of auxiliary base class for comparison of data structures. More...
struct | JEquals< JClass_t, JNullType > |
| General purpose specialisation of class JEquals for any data type. More...
class | JEquation |
| General purpose equation class. More...
struct | JEquation_t |
| Auxiliary data structure to read equations. More...
class | JEquationFacet |
| Facet class to specify parsing of equations in currect locale (see class JLANG::JEquation). More...
class | JEquationParameters |
| Simple data structure to support I/O of equations (see class JLANG::JEquation). More...
class | JException |
| General exception. More...
class | JFile |
| The JFile class extends the JAbstractFile class. More...
class | JFileDescriptorMask |
| Auxiliary class for method select. More...
class | JFileInputStream |
| Streaming of input. More...
class | JFileInputStreamBuffer |
| Input file stream buffer. More...
class | JFileOpenException |
| Exception for opening of file. More...
class | JFileOutputStream |
| Streaming of output. More...
class | JFileOutputStreamBuffer |
| Output file stream buffer. More...
class | JFileReadException |
| Exception for reading of file. More...
class | JFileRecoveryException |
| Exception for recovery of file. More...
class | JFileStream |
| Streaming of input and output. More...
class | JFileStreamBuffer |
| Input and output file stream buffer. More...
class | JFind_if |
| Template definition of auxiliary class to select objects. More...
class | JFind_if< JResult_t T::*, JPredicate_t > |
| Template specialisation of JFind_if for selection of objects via data member. More...
class | JFind_if< JResult_t(T::*)() const, JPredicate_t > |
| Template specialisation of JFind_if for selection of objects via member method. More...
class | JForkException |
| Exception for creation of fork. More...
class | JForwardIterator |
| Template interface for method bool increment(). More...
class | JFunctionalException |
| Exception for a functional operation. More...
struct | JGroup |
| Auxiliary class for a fixed group of objects. More...
class | JGZFileReader |
| Object reading from gzipped file. More...
class | JGZFileWriter |
| Object reading from gzipped file. More...
struct | JHasID |
| Test presence of data type identifier in labelled type list. More...
struct | JHasID< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, ID > |
| Recursive test of presence data type identifier in labelled type list. More...
struct | JHasType |
| Test presence of data type in type list. More...
struct | JHasType< JNullType, T > |
| Termination of recursive test of presence data type in type list. More...
struct | JHasType< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, T > |
| Recursive test of presence data type in type list. More...
struct | JHasType< JTypeList< T, JTail_t >, T > |
| Identify presence data type in type list. More...
struct | JHasType< T, T > |
| Specialisation of JHasType for single class type. More...
struct | JIndexOf |
| Indexing of data type in type list. More...
struct | JIndexOf< JNullType, T > |
| Termination of recursive indexing of data type in type list. More...
struct | JIndexOf< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, T > |
| Recursive indexing of data type in type list. More...
struct | JIndexOf< JTypeList< T, JTail_t >, T > |
| Identify indexi of data type in type list. More...
class | JIndexOutOfRange |
| Exception for accessing an index in a collection that is outside of its range. More...
class | JIOException |
| Exception for I/O. More...
struct | JLabel_t |
| Auxiliary data structure to label data types within a type list. More...
struct | JLength |
| Length of type list. More...
struct | JLength< JNullType > |
| Terminator class of length of type list. More...
struct | JLength< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Recursive length of type list. More...
class | JLoadProperty |
| Data structure for object properties which require reloading whenever the property is reread. More...
class | JMalloc |
| Memory management class for create/release policy based on malloc()/free(). More...
class | JMallocException |
| Exception for failure of memory allocation. More...
class | JMask |
| Auxiliary class to ensure that the mask set is defined prior to the ctype<>() constructor call. More...
struct | JMultiComparable |
| Template definition of auxiliary base class for composite data structures composed of base classes with comparisons capabilities. More...
struct | JMultiEquals |
| Template definition of auxiliary base class for data structures composed of multiple base classes with equality evaluations capabilities. More...
struct | JMultiEquals< JClass_t, JTypeList< head_type, tail_type > > |
| Template specialisation of auxiliary base class for data structures composed of multiple base classes with equality evaluations capabilities. More...
class | JMultiPipe |
| Auxiliary class for object iteration via multiple pipes, e.g. operator: More...
struct | JMultipleType |
| List of identical types. More...
struct | JMultipleType< 1, T > |
| Terminator class of list of identical types. More...
struct | JMultiPointer |
| General purpose class for multiple pointers. More...
struct | JMultiPointer< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > |
| Terminator class of recursive JMultiPointer class. More...
struct | JMultiPointer< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Implementation of multiple pointers for multiple data types. More...
class | JNew |
| Memory management class for create/release policy based on new/delete. More...
class | JNewCArray |
| Memory management class for create/release policy based on new []/delete []. More...
class | JNewException |
| Exception for failure of memory allocation. More...
class | JNoValue |
| Exception for missing value. More...
class | JNullAccess |
| Interface for null access. More...
struct | JNullAccessibleOutput |
| Implementation for null output with null access. More...
struct | JNullIterator |
| Implementation for null iteration. More...
struct | JNullOutput |
| Implementation of null output for single data type. More...
struct | JNullOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > |
| Terminator class of recursive JNullOutput class. More...
struct | JNullOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Implemenatation of null output for multiple data types. More...
class | JNullPointerException |
| Exception for null pointer operation. More...
class | JNullStream |
| Streaming of input. More...
class | JNullStreamBuffer |
| Null stream buffer. More...
struct | JNullType |
| Auxiliary class for no type definition. More...
struct | JNumber |
| Wrapper class for integer value. More...
class | JNumericalPrecision |
| Exception for numerical precision error. More...
struct | JObject |
| Auxiliary base class for inline creation of a static value or clone from a temporary object. More...
class | JObjectAllocator |
| Base class for customized new/delete operators. More...
struct | JObjectDemultiplexer |
| Auxiliary class for demultiplexing object outputs. More...
struct | JObjectDemultiplexer< JBase_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > |
| Terminator class of recursive JObjectDemultiplexer class. More...
struct | JObjectDemultiplexer< JBase_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Template specialisation of JObjectDemultiplexer for multiple object outputs. More...
class | JObjectID |
| Auxiliary class for object identification. More...
class | JObjectIterator |
| Interface of object iteration for a single data type. More...
class | JObjectIterator< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > |
| Terminator class of recursive JObjectIterator class. More...
class | JObjectIterator< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Implementation of object iterator for multiple data types.
class | JObjectMultiplexer |
| Auxiliary class for multiplexing object iterators. More...
class | JObjectMultiplexer< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType >, JBase_t > |
| Terminator class of recursive JObjectMultiplexer class. More...
class | JObjectMultiplexer< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JBase_t > |
| Template specialisation of JObjectMultiplexer for multiple object iterators. More...
class | JObjectOutput |
| Template interface of object output for single data type. More...
class | JObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > |
| Terminator class of recursive JObjectOutput class. More...
class | JObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Implementation of object output for multiple data types.
struct | JObjectReader |
| Auxiliary class for object reading. More...
class | JObjectSampler |
| Auxiliary class to sample objects from a JRewindableObjectIterator. More...
class | JObjectSelector |
| Interface for selection of objects. More...
class | JObjectSelector< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > |
| Terminator class of recursive JObjectSelector class. More...
class | JObjectSelector< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Interface for multiple selection of objects. More...
struct | JObjectStatus |
| Auxiliary class for status of object. More...
struct | JObjectStreamIO |
| Auxiliary base class for storing and loading a single object to and from an ASCII file, respectively. More...
struct | JObjectWriter |
| Auxiliary class for object writing to a named device. More...
class | JParameter |
| Parameter class. More...
class | JParseError |
| Exception for parsing value. More...
class | JParserException |
| Exception when parsing a value. More...
class | JPipe |
| Auxiliary class for object iteration via pipe, i.e. operator: More...
class | JPipe< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > |
| Terminator class of recursive JPipe class. More...
class | JPipe< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Implementation of object iterator for multiple data types. More...
class | JPipeOpenException |
| Exception for opening of pipe. More...
class | JPointer |
| Template implementation of class that holds pointer to object(s). More...
class | JPointerException |
| Exception for accessing an invalid pointer. More...
class | JPredicate |
| Template definition of auxiliary class to select objects. More...
class | JPredicate< JResult_t T::*, JComparator_t > |
| Template specialisation of JPredicate for selection of objects via data member. More...
class | JPredicate< JResult_t(T::*)() const, JComparator_t > |
| Template specialisation of JPredicate for selection of objects via member method. More...
struct | JPrimitive |
| Data structure for primitive types. More...
struct | JPrinter |
| Auxiliary class to temporarily replace std::ostream. More...
class | JPrintHelper |
| Auxiliary class to print via member method const char* str() const; . More...
class | JPropertiesException |
| Exception when parsing a value. More...
class | JProtocolException |
| Protocol exception. More...
class | JRAM |
| Memory management for small objects. More...
class | JRedirectStream |
| This class can be used to temporarily redirect one output (input) stream to another output (input) stream. More...
class | JRedirectString |
| This class can be used to temporarily redirect an input stream to an input string. More...
class | JReference |
| The template JReference class can be used to reference an object. More...
class | JReference< const JClass_t > |
| Template specialisation of JReference class for const data type. More...
class | JReference< JClass_t *const > |
| Template specialisation of JReference class for pointer type. More...
class | JRegulator |
| Interface for controlling object throughput. More...
struct | JRemove |
| Removal of data type from type list. More...
struct | JRemove< JNullType, T > |
| Template specialisation of removal of data type from type list. More...
struct | JRemove< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, T > |
| Template specialisation of removal of data type from type list. More...
struct | JRemove< JTypeList< JHead_t1, JTail_t1 >, JTypeList< JHead_t2, JNullType > > |
| Template specialisation of removal of type list from type list. More...
struct | JRemove< JTypeList< JHead_t1, JTail_t1 >, JTypeList< JHead_t2, JTail_t2 > > |
| Template specialisation of removal of type list from type list. More...
struct | JRemove< JTypeList< T, JTail_t >, T > |
| Template specialisation of removal of data type from type list. More...
class | JResolve |
| Test existence of class T. More...
struct | JResolveTypeList |
| Resolve template class to JTypeList. More...
struct | JResolveTypeList< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Resolve JTypeList to JTypeList. More...
class | JRewindable |
| Template interface of rewindable object. More...
class | JRewindableAbstractObjectIterator |
| Abstract object iterator with rewinding. More...
class | JRewindableObjectIterator |
| Interface for object iteration with rewinding. More...
struct | JRewindableObjectReader |
| Auxiliary class for object reading with rewinding. More...
class | JRunTimeException |
| Run time exception. More...
struct | JSampler |
| Template class for sampling from a JRewindableObjectIterator. More...
class | JSelectException |
| Exception for select call. More...
class | JSharedCounter |
| Shared counter. More...
class | JSharedPointer |
| The template JSharedPointer class can be used to share a pointer to an object. More...
class | JSinglePointer |
| The template JSinglePointer class can be used to hold a pointer to an object. More...
struct | JSingleton |
| Simple singleton class. More...
class | JSocketChannelException |
| Exception for socket channel. More...
class | JSocketException |
| Exception for socket. More...
struct | JStatic |
| Template data structure for static member declaration. More...
struct | JStatic< T *, N > |
| Template specialisation of JStatic for static member declaration of pointer. More...
struct | JSTDObjectIterator |
| Implementation of object iteration from STD container. More...
class | JSTDObjectOutput |
| Implementation of object output for STD compatible output iterator. More...
struct | JSTDObjectReader |
| Implementation of object iteration from STD container. More...
struct | JSTDObjectReader< const T > |
| Specialisation of object iteration from STD container for constant data. More...
struct | JSTDObjectReader< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > |
| Terminator class of recursive JSTDObjectReader class. More...
struct | JSTDObjectReader< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Implementation of object iteration from STD container for multiple data types. More...
class | JSTDObjectWriter |
| Implementation of object output from STD container. More...
struct | JSTDObjectWriter< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > |
| Terminator class of recursive JSTDObjectWriter class. More...
struct | JSTDObjectWriter< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Implementation of object output from STD container for multiple data types. More...
class | JStorage |
| Template storage class. More...
class | JStreamInput |
| Interface for ASCII input using standard streams. More...
class | JStreamObjectIterator |
| Stream object iterator. More...
class | JStreamObjectOutput |
| Template implementation of stream output for single data type. More...
class | JStreamObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > |
| Terminator class of recursive JStreamObjectOutput class. More...
class | JStreamObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Template specialisationimplementation of stream object output for multiple data types. More...
class | JStreamOutput |
| Interface for ASCII output using standard streams. More...
class | JStreamState |
| This class can be used to temporarily exchange the states between streams. More...
class | JStreamSuffixOutput |
| Interface for ASCII output with prefix and postfix using standard streams. More...
class | JString |
| Wrapper class around STL string class. More...
class | JStringFacet |
| Facet class to specify parsing of a JLANG::JString object. More...
class | JStringStream |
| Wrapper class around STL stringstream class to facilitate optional loading of data from file. More...
class | JSwitch |
| Template selection of type specifier. More...
class | JSwitch< true, A, B > |
| Template specialisation of selection of type specifier. More...
class | JSystemException |
| Exception for system call. More...
struct | JTemplate |
| Auxiliary class for managing multiple objects. More...
struct | JTemplate< JTypeList< JHead_t > > |
| Auxiliary class for managing multiple objects. More...
struct | JTemplate< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Auxiliary class for managing multiple objects. More...
struct | JTemplateReader |
| Template definition of auxiliary base class for composite data types which derive from one or more base classes for which the redirect operator << is defined. More...
struct | JTemplateReader< JReader_t, JClass_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Specialisation of class JTemplateReader for composite data type. More...
struct | JTemplateReader< JReader_t, JNullType, JNullType > |
| Specialisation of class JTemplateReader for general purpose write methods. More...
struct | JTemplateWriter |
| Template definition of auxiliary base class for composite data types which derive from one or more base classes for which the redirect operator << is defined. More...
struct | JTemplateWriter< JWriter_t, JClass_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Specialisation of class JTemplateWriter for composite data type. More...
struct | JTemplateWriter< JWriter_t, JNullType, JNullType > |
| Specialisation of class JTemplateWriter for general purpose write methods. More...
struct | JTest |
| Auxiliary base class for compile time evaluation of test. More...
class | JThrow |
| Auxiliary base class for controling the throwing of exceptions. More...
class | JTimeval |
| Auxiliary class for time values. More...
class | JTitle |
| Auxiliary class for title. More...
class | JToken |
| Wrapper class around string. More...
struct | JType |
| Auxiliary class for a type holder. More...
struct | JTypeAt |
| Extraction of data type from type list. More...
struct | JTypeAt< JNullType, index, false > |
| Termination of recursive extraction of data type from type list. More...
struct | JTypeAt< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, 0, range_check > |
| Termination of recursive extraction of data type from type list. More...
struct | JTypeAt< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, index, range_check > |
| Recursive extraction of data type from type list. More...
class | JTypeID_t |
| Test availability of static member methods for labelling data types in a type list. More...
class | JTypeInfo |
| This class is a wrapper around the STL type_info class. More...
class | JTypeInformationException |
| Exception for absence of type information. More...
struct | JTYPELIST |
| Auxiliary class for recursive type list generation. More...
struct | JTypeList |
| Type list. More...
struct | JTYPELIST< JNullType > |
| Termination class for type list generation. More...
struct | JTYPELIST< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType >, T, Args... > |
| Template specialisation for expanding type list. More...
struct | JTYPELIST< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Template specialisation for expanding type list. More...
struct | JTYPELIST< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, T, Args... > |
| Template specialisation for expanding type list. More...
struct | JTYPELIST< T > |
| Termination class for type list generation. More...
struct | JTypeSelector |
| Auxiliary class for selection of data type. More...
struct | JTypeSelector< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > |
| Terminator class of recursive JTypeSelector class. More...
struct | JTypeSelector< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Auxiliary class for selection of multiple data types. More...
struct | JUUID |
| Simple wrapper for UUID. More...
class | JValue |
| Wrapper class around template object. More...
class | JValueInput |
| Wrapper class around template object. More...
class | JValueOutOfRange |
| Exception for accessing a value in a collection that is outside of its range. More...
class | JValueOutput |
| Forward declaration for friend declaration of JValueOutput inside JValueInput. More...
class | JValve |
| Auxiliary class for selection of data type. More...
class | JValve< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > |
| Terminator class of recursive JValve class. More...
class | JValve< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Auxiliary class for selection of multiple data types. More...
struct | JVoid |
| Auxiliary class for void type definition. More...
class | JWhiteSpacesFacet |
| Auxiliary class to specify white space character(s) in currect locale. More...
struct | NOT |
| Type definition of logical NOT. More...
struct | NOT< JBool< __value__ > > |
| Template specialisation for logical NOT. More...
struct | OR |
| Type definition of logical OR. More...
struct | OR< JBool< first >, JBool< second > > |
| Template specialisation for logical OR. More...
struct | XOR |
| Type definition of logical XOR. More...
struct | XOR< JBool< first >, JBool< second > > |
| Template specialisation for logical XOR. More...
template<bool __value__> |
static JBool<!__value__ > | c_not (const JBool< __value__ > &value) |
| Make logical NOT.
template<bool __first__, bool __second__> |
JBool< __first__==__second__ > | c_equals (const JBool< __first__ > &first, const JBool< __second__ > &second) |
| Make logical EQUALS.
template<bool __first__, bool __second__> |
JBool< __first__==__second__ > | c_and (const JBool< __first__ > &first, const JBool< __second__ > &second) |
| Make logical AND.
template<bool __first__, bool __second__> |
JBool< __first__==__second__ > | c_or (const JBool< __first__ > &first, const JBool< __second__ > &second) |
| Make logical OR.
template<bool __first__, bool __second__> |
JBool< __first__==__second__ > | c_xor (const JBool< __first__ > &first, const JBool< __second__ > &second) |
| Make logical XOR.
template<class T , class JResult_t > |
JComparator< JResult_t T::*, JComparison::lt > | make_comparator (JResult_t T::*member) |
| Helper method to create comparator between values of data member.
template<class T , class JResult_t , class JComparator_t > |
JComparator< JResult_t T::*, JComparator_t > | make_comparator (JResult_t T::*member, const JComparator_t &comparator) |
| Helper method to create comparator between values of data member.
template<class T , class JResult_t > |
JComparator< JResult_t(T::*)() const, JComparison::lt > | make_comparator (JResult_t(T::*function)() const) |
| Helper method to create comparator between return values of member method.
template<class T , class JResult_t , class JComparator_t > |
JComparator< JResult_t(T::*)() const, JComparator_t > | make_comparator (JResult_t(T::*function)() const, const JComparator_t &comparator) |
| Helper method to create comparator between return values of member method.
template<std::size_t N> |
constexpr size_t | crc (const char(&buffer)[N]) |
| Get CRC value at compile time.
size_t | crc (const std::string &buffer) |
| Get CRC value at runpile time.
template<class JOutputIterator_t > |
JAssignSequence< typename JOutputIterator_t::container_type::value_type > | iter_assign (const JOutputIterator_t &out) |
| Helper method to assign sequence of Comma Separated Values to output iterator.
template<class JContainer_t > |
JAssignSequence< typename JContainer_t::value_type > | assign (JContainer_t &out) |
| Helper method to assign sequence of Comma Separated Values to output container.
template<class JOutputIterator_t > |
JAssignSequence< typename JOutputIterator_t::container_type::value_type > | assign (const JOutputIterator_t &out) |
| Helper method to assign sequence of Comma Separated Values to output iterator.
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &in, const JLANG::JEquationFacet &facet) |
| Parse facet.
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const JLANG::JEquationFacet &facet) |
| Parse facet.
std::ostream & | white_space (std::ostream &out) |
| Print white space.
std::ostream & | division (std::ostream &out) |
| Print division.
std::ostream & | separator (std::ostream &out) |
| Print separator.
std::ostream & | left_bracket (std::ostream &out) |
| Print left bracket.
std::ostream & | right_bracket (std::ostream &out) |
| Print right bracket.
template<class T , class JResult_t , class JPredicate_t > |
JFind_if< JResult_t T::*, JPredicate_t > | make_find_if (JResult_t T::*member, const JPredicate_t &predicate) |
| Helper method to create find_if for data member.
template<class T , class JResult_t , class JPredicate_t > |
JFind_if< JResult_t(T::*)() const, JPredicate_t > | make_find_if (JResult_t(T::*function)() const, const JPredicate_t &predicate) |
| Helper method to create find_if for return values of member method.
template<class T , size_t N> |
size_t | getSize (T(&array)[N]) |
| Get size of c-array.
template<class JFirst_t , class JSecond_t > |
bool | is_identical (JFirst_t &first, JSecond_t &second) |
| Check if two objects are indentical.
bool | is_integer (const std::string &buffer) |
| Check if string is an integer.
std::string | trim (const std::string &buffer) |
| Trim string.
std::string | trim (const std::string &buffer, const char c) |
| Trim string.
std::string | replace (const std::string &input, const std::string &target, const std::string &replacement) |
| Replace tokens in string.
std::string | replace (const std::string &input, const char target, const std::string &replacement) |
| Replace characters in string.
std::string | replace (const std::string &input, const char target, const char replacement) |
| Replace characters in string.
std::string | trim (const std::string &buffer, const std::string &target) |
| Trim string.
template<class T > |
std::string | to_string (const T &value) |
| Convert value to string.
template<class T > |
T | to_value (const std::string &input) |
| Convert string to value.
std::string | to_upper (const std::string &value) |
| Convert all character to upper case.
std::string | to_lower (const std::string &value) |
| Convert all character to lower case.
size_t | get_number_of_tokens (const std::string &buffer) |
| Count number of white space separated tokens.
bool | is_single_quoted (const std::string &value) |
| Check quotation.
bool | is_double_quoted (const std::string &value) |
| Check quotation.
std::string | single_quote (const std::string &value) |
| Quote string.
std::string | double_quote (const std::string &value) |
| Quote string.
int | getIndex () |
| Get index for user I/O manipulation.
template<class T > |
T & | getInstance (const T &object) |
| Get static instance from temporary object.
const JObjectID & | getUndefinedObjectID () |
| Get undefined object identifier.
template<class JReader_t > |
bool | getError (const JReader_t &reader) |
| Get error status of reader.
bool | getError (const std::ifstream &reader) |
| Get error status of reader.
template<class JReader_t , class T > |
void | load (const std::string &file_name, T &object) |
| Load object from input file.
template<class JWriter_t , class T > |
void | store (const std::string &file_name, const T &object) |
| Store object to output file.
template<class JReader_t , class T > |
void | load (const std::string &file_name, T &object, JType< JReader_t > type) |
| Load object from input file.
template<class JWriter_t , class T > |
void | store (const std::string &file_name, const T &object, JType< JWriter_t > type) |
| Store object to output file.
template<class T > |
void | load (const std::string &file_name, T &object) |
| Load object from input file.
template<class T > |
void | store (const std::string &file_name, const T &object) |
| Store object to output file.
const char * | getGITVersion () |
| Get GIT version.
const char * | getGITCommit () |
| Get GIT commit.
const char * | getGITDate () |
| Get GIT date.
const char * | getNamespace () |
| Get namespace.
const char * | getSource () |
| Get source.
template<class T , class JResult_t > |
JPredicate< JResult_t T::*, JComparison::eq > | make_predicate (JResult_t T::*member, const JResult_t value) |
| Helper method to create predicate for data member.
template<class T , class JResult_t , class JComparator_t > |
JPredicate< JResult_t T::*, JComparator_t > | make_predicate (JResult_t T::*member, const JResult_t value, const JComparator_t &comparator) |
| Helper method to create predicate for data member.
template<class T , class JResult_t > |
JPredicate< JResult_t(T::*)() const, JComparison::eq > | make_predicate (JResult_t(T::*function)() const, const JResult_t value) |
| Helper method to create predicate for return values of member method.
template<class T , class JResult_t > |
JPredicate< const JResult_t &(T::*)() const, JComparison::eq > | make_predicate (const JResult_t &(T::*function)() const, const JResult_t &value) |
| Helper method to create predicate for return values of member method.
template<class T , class JResult_t , class JComparator_t > |
JPredicate< JResult_t(T::*)() const, JComparator_t > | make_predicate (JResult_t(T::*function)() const, const JResult_t value, const JComparator_t &comparator) |
| Helper method to create predicate for return values of member method.
template<class T , class JResult_t , class JComparator_t > |
JPredicate< const JResult_t &(T::*)() const, JComparator_t > | make_predicate (const JResult_t &(T::*function)() const, const JResult_t &value, const JComparator_t &comparator) |
| Helper method to create predicate for return values of member method.
template<class JElement_t , class JAllocator_t > |
JSTDObjectOutput< std::back_insert_iterator< std::vector< JElement_t, JAllocator_t > > > | getObjectOutput (std::vector< JElement_t, JAllocator_t > &buffer) |
| Helper method to create STD compatible object output.
template<class JElement_t , class JAllocator_t > |
JSTDObjectOutput< std::back_insert_iterator< std::list< JElement_t, JAllocator_t > > > | getObjectOutput (std::list< JElement_t, JAllocator_t > &buffer) |
| Helper method to create STD compatible object output.
template<class JElement_t , class JComparator_t , class JAllocator_t > |
JSTDObjectOutput< std::insert_iterator< std::set< JElement_t, JComparator_t, JAllocator_t > > > | getObjectOutput (std::set< JElement_t, JComparator_t, JAllocator_t > &buffer) |
| Helper method to create STD compatible object output.
template<class JElement_t , class JComparator_t , class JAllocator_t > |
JSTDObjectOutput< std::insert_iterator< std::set< JElement_t, JComparator_t, JAllocator_t > > > | getObjectOutput (std::multiset< JElement_t, JComparator_t, JAllocator_t > &buffer) |
| Helper method to create STD compatible object output.
template<class JKey_t , class JValue_t , class JComparator_t , class JAllocator_t > |
JSTDObjectOutput< std::insert_iterator< std::map< JKey_t, JValue_t, JComparator_t, JAllocator_t > > > | getObjectOutput (std::map< JKey_t, JValue_t, JComparator_t, JAllocator_t > &buffer) |
| Helper method to create STD compatible object output.
template<class JKey_t , class JValue_t , class JComparator_t , class JAllocator_t > |
JSTDObjectOutput< std::insert_iterator< std::multimap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JComparator_t, JAllocator_t > > > | getObjectOutput (std::multimap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JComparator_t, JAllocator_t > &buffer) |
| Helper method to create STD compatible object output.
template<class JKey_t , class JValue_t , class JComparator_t , class JAllocator_t > |
const JValue_t & | getValue (const std::map< JKey_t, JValue_t, JComparator_t, JAllocator_t > &map, const JKey_t &key, const JValue_t &value) |
| Get value in map.
template<class JElement_t , class JAllocator_t > |
void | putEndMarker (std::vector< JElement_t, JAllocator_t > &buffer, const JElement_t &value) |
| Put end marker.
std::istream & | getline (std::istream &in, JString &object) |
| Read string from input stream until end of line.
template<class T > |
JType< T > | getType () |
| Get type.
const char * | getDefaultName () |
| Get default name of data type.
int | getDefaultVersion () |
| Get default version of data type.
template<class JObject_t , class JHead_t , class JTail_t > |
void | for_each (JObject_t &object, JType< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > typelist) |
| For each data type method.
template<class JObject_t , class T > |
void | for_each (JObject_t &object, JType< T > type) |
| For each data type method.
template<class JObject_t > |
void | for_each (JObject_t &object, JType< JNullType > type) |
| Termination method of for each data type method.
template<class JTypelist_t , class JObject_t > |
void | for_each (JObject_t &object) |
| For each data type method.
template<class T > |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &in, JValueInput< T > &object) |
| Read JStreamInput from input stream.
template<class T > |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const JValueOutput< T > &object) |
| Write JStreamOutput to output stream.
template<class JValue_t , size_t N> |
const array_type< JValue_t > & | make_array (const JValue_t(&array)[N]) |
| Method to create array of values.
template<class T > |
const array_type< typename std::iterator_traits< T >::value_type > & | make_array (T __begin, T __end) |
| Method to create array of values.
template<class T , class JType_t , class JValue_t > |
const array_type< typename JClass< JValue_t >::value_type > & | make_array (T __begin, T __end, JValue_t const JType_t::*value) |
| Method to create array of values of data member.
template<class T , class JType_t , class JValue_t > |
const array_type< typename JClass< JValue_t >::value_type > & | make_array (T __begin, T __end, JValue_t(JType_t::*function)() const) |
| Method to create array of return values of member method.
template<class JKey_t , class JValue_t , class JComparator_t , class JAllocator_t > |
const array_type< JKey_t > & | get_keys (const std::map< JKey_t, JValue_t, JComparator_t, JAllocator_t > &data) |
| Method to create array of keys of map.
template<class JKey_t , class JValue_t , class JComparator_t , class JAllocator_t > |
const array_type< JValue_t > & | get_values (const std::map< JKey_t, JValue_t, JComparator_t, JAllocator_t > &data) |
| Method to create array of values of map.
template<class T , class JResult_t , class JComparator_t > |
T | make_set (T __begin, T __end, JResult_t std::iterator_traits< T >::value_type::*value, const JComparator_t &comparator) |
| Method to exclude outliers from already sorted data.
template<class T > |
T | getMaximum (const array_type< T > &buffer, const T value) |
| Get maximum of values.
template<class T > |
T | getMinimum (const array_type< T > &buffer, const T value) |
| Get minimum of values.
template<class T , class JCompare_t > |
size_t | getCount (const array_type< T > &buffer, const JCompare_t &compare) |
| Count number of unique values.
template<class T > |
size_t | getCount (const array_type< T > &buffer) |
| Count number of unique values.