Jpp test-rotations-old
the software that should make you happy
NANTARES | Name space for Antares |
Napplications | |
Nbenchmark | |
Ncreate_update_issues | |
Ndaqdatatypes | |
Ndetail | |
Nfitparameters | |
Nget_convergence_angle | |
Ngui | |
Nio_stringutil | |
NJAANET | Extensions to Evt data format |
▼NJACOUSTICS | Auxiliary classes and methods for acoustic position calibration |
NJGEOMETRY | Auxiliary namespace to encapsulate different geometries |
NJMODEL | Auxiliary namespace to encapsulate different model parameters |
NJCALIBRATE | Auxiliary classes and methods for PMT calibration |
NJCOMPASS | Auxiliary classes and methods for orientation calibration based on compasses |
▼NJDATABASE | Auxiliary classes and methods for database I/O |
NAPIV2 | |
NPBS | Namespace for predefined PBS values |
NJDB | |
NJDETECTOR | File Auxiliary data structures and methods for detector calibration |
NJDYNAMICS | Main namespace for dynamic position and orientation calibration |
NJEEP | General puprpose classes and methods |
▼NJFIT | Auxiliary classes and methods for linear and iterative data regression |
NJGEOMETRY2D | Auxiliary classes and methods for 2D geometrical objects and operations |
NJGEOMETRY3D | Auxiliary classes and methods for 3D geometrical objects and operations |
NJGIZMO | Auxiliary applications for use of ROOT and more |
NJIO | Auxiliary classes and methods for binary I/O |
▼NJLANG | Auxiliary classes and methods for language specific functionality |
NJLANG_LOCAL | Local namespace for fallback implementations for comparison operators |
NJLOGGER | Message logging |
NJMATH | Auxiliary classes and methods for mathematical operations |
NJPARSER | Local namespace for command line parser |
NJPHYSICS | Auxiliary methods for light properties of deep-sea water |
NJPP | This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES) |
NJRECONSTRUCTION | Model fits to data |
NJROOT | Auxiliary classes and methods for ROOT I/O |
NJSIRENE | Detector simulations |
NJSON | Auxiliary classes and methods for detector calibration |
NJSUPPORT | Support classes and methods for experiment specific I/O |
NJSYSTEM | Auxiliary classes and methods for operating system calls |
NJTOOLS | Auxiliary classes and methods for multi-dimensional interpolations and histograms |
NJTRIGGER | Auxiliary classes and methods for triggering |
NJUTC | Auxiliaries for handling universal time coordinate (UTC) |
NJUTM | Auxiliaries for handling universal transverse mercator coordinate system (UTM) |
▼NKM3 | |
NKM3NET | Name space for KM3NeT |
▼NKM3NeT | |
NDB | |
NKM3NET2D | Name space for KM3NeT with 2D function for angular acceptance and QE of PMTs |
NKM3NET_HIGHQE | Name space for KM3NeT with high-QE PMTs |
NKM3NETDAQ | KM3NeT DAQ data structures and auxiliaries |
Nligier | |
NLog | |
Nmakedeclinationtable | |
Nmc_keys | |
Nmc_usr_keys | |
Nmodule_status | |
Npmt_status | |
Nreconstruction | |
Nroot | |
Nrun_tests | |
Nstd | |
Ntest_head | |
Ntrigger | |
Ntrkmembers | |
Nw2list_genhen | |
Nw2list_gseagen | |
Nw2list_km3buu | |
Nweightlist |