14 #include "TFitResult.h"
41 int main(
int argc,
char **argv) {
54 JParser<> zap(
"Auxiliary program to fit multiplicity rates from JMonitorMultiplicity output.");
56 zap[
'f'] =
"input file (output from JMonitorMultiplicity).");
58 zap[
'O'] =
"fitting option") =
59 zap[
'B'] =
"fit and subtract background instead of fitting signal");
64 catch(
const exception &error) {
65 FATAL(error.what() << endl);
68 TFile* in = TFile::Open(inputFile.c_str(),
70 if (in == NULL || !in->IsOpen()) {
"File: " << inputFile <<
" not opened." << endl);
80 const double xmin = -0.5;
81 const double xmax = nx - 0.5;
85 JManager_t HTF(
new TH1D(
"", nx, xmin, xmax));
89 JManager_t HTFE(
new TH1D(
"", nx, xmin, xmax));
97 if (hLiveTime == NULL) {
"File " << inputFile <<
" does not contain livetime histogram." << endl);
108 for (
int bin = 2; bin <= hLiveTime->GetNbinsX(); bin++) {
110 TString hLabel = hLiveTime->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(bin) + TString(
112 DEBUG(
"Reading livetime for " << hLabel << endl);
114 double T = hLiveTime->GetBinContent(bin);
118 TDirectory *cdir = out.mkdir(hLabel);
122 TH2D* hDOM = (TH2D*) in->Get(hLabel);
126 ERROR(
"Histogram " << hLabel <<
" not found, skipping DOM." << endl);
138 int Mbin = hDOM->GetXaxis()->FindBin(M);
140 TH1D* hM = hDOM->ProjectionY(hLabel + Form(
"_%d", M), Mbin, Mbin);
143 hI = (TH1D*) hM->Clone(hLabel +
148 if (hI->GetEntries() > 0) {
150 const double W = (hI->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() - hI->GetXaxis()->GetXmin());
151 const double N = hI->GetNbinsX();
152 const double V = W / N;
154 double inclusiveCountVal = 0, inclusiveCountErr = 0;
156 hIF = (TH1D*) hI->Clone(hLabel +
"IF" + Form(
"_%d", M)); hIF->Sumw2();
158 if (hIF->GetRMS() > 0.1) {
162 TF1 f1(
"[0]*exp(-0.5*(x-[1])*(x-[1])/([2]*[2]))/(TMath::Sqrt(2*TMath::Pi())*[2]) + [3]");
164 f1.SetParameter(0, hIF->GetMaximum());
165 f1.SetParameter(1, hIF->GetMean());
166 f1.SetParameter(2, hIF->GetRMS() * 0.25);
167 f1.SetParameter(3, hIF->GetMinimum());
169 hIF->Fit(&f1, option.c_str(),
171 double sg_v = f1.GetParameter(0);
172 double sg_e = f1.GetParError( 0);
174 double bg_v = f1.GetParameter(3);
175 double bg_e = f1.GetParError( 3);
178 if (bg_v / bg_e <= 2.0) { bg_v = bg_e = 0; }
179 if (sg_v / sg_e <= 2.0) { sg_v = sg_e = 0; }
181 double integral = hIF->GetSumOfWeights();
185 inclusiveCountVal = V * (integral - (bg_v * N));
186 inclusiveCountErr = V * bg_e * N;
190 inclusiveCountErr = sg_e;
191 inclusiveCountVal = sg_v;
196 hIF->Fit(&f1, option.c_str(),
201 if (inclusiveCountVal <= 0) { inclusiveCountVal = 0; }
213 int bin = HTF[hLabel]->FindBin(M);
215 HTF[hLabel]->SetBinContent(bin, inclusiveCountVal);
217 double binError = sqrt(inclusiveCountVal + pow(inclusiveCountErr, 2));
219 HTF[hLabel]->SetBinError(bin, binError);
225 double exclusiveCountVal = 0;
228 exclusiveCountVal = inclusiveCountVal;
230 int prevBin = HTF[hLabel]->GetXaxis()->FindBin(M+1);
231 exclusiveCountVal = inclusiveCountVal - HTF[hLabel]->GetBinContent(prevBin);
234 HTFE[hLabel]->SetBinContent(HTFE[hLabel]->FindBin(M), exclusiveCountVal);
243 HTFE[hLabel]->Sumw2();
245 HTF[hLabel ]->Scale(1.0 / T);
246 HTFE[hLabel]->Scale(1.0 / T);
Utility class to parse command line options.
Auxiliary class to manage set of histograms.
Dynamic ROOT object management.
I/O formatting auxiliaries.
#define make_field(A,...)
macro to convert parameter to JParserTemplateElement object
General purpose messaging.
Auxiliary class to define a range between two values.
Utility class to parse command line options.
KM3NeT DAQ constants, bit handling, etc.
static const int NUMBER_OF_PMTS
Total number of PMTs in module.
#define DEBUG(A)
Message macros.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])