20 namespace JPP {
using namespace JSUPPORT; }
34 template<class T, bool = JLANG::JConversion<T,JDAQPreamble>::is_derived>
59 using namespace KM3NETDAQ;
62 for (
JStreamReader& in = static_cast<JStreamReader&>(*
this); in >> preamble; ) {
66 this->setstate(ios::badbit);
70 }
else if (preamble.getDataType() == getDataType<T>()) {
72 buffer.resize(preamble.getLength());
Object reading from binary file.
virtual bool setObject(T &object)
Set object.
Interface for null access.
Binary input based on std::istream.
Implementation for null iteration.
Simple datastructure for the DAQ preamble without ROOT functionality.
std::vector< char > buffer
Interface for object iteration with named access.
DAQ object reading from binary file (i.e.
static int sizeOf()
Get size of object.