1 #ifndef __JRUNHISTOGRAMS__
2 #define __JRUNHISTOGRAMS__
23 #include "TProfile2D.h"
26 #include "TPaveText.h"
31 #include "TDirectory.h"
33 #include "TObjArray.h"
34 #include "TObjString.h"
37 using namespace KM3NETDAQ ;
38 using namespace JLANG ;
40 using namespace JSUPPORT ;
50 TAxis *axis = h->GetXaxis();
52 int bins = axis->GetNbins();
54 Axis_t from = axis->GetXmin();
56 Axis_t to = axis->GetXmax();
58 Axis_t width = (to - from) / bins;
60 Axis_t *new_bins =
new Axis_t[bins + 1];
62 for (
int i = 0; i <= bins; i++) {
64 new_bins[i] = TMath::Power(10, from + i * width);
68 axis->Set(bins, new_bins);
83 h -> Scale(n / h -> Integral()) ;
135 h_fifo_per_dom = NULL ;
137 h_daq_status_per_dom = NULL ;
139 h_hrv_per_dom = NULL ;
141 h_rate_summary = NULL ;
143 h_pmt_rate_distribution = NULL ;
145 m_mean_summary_rate = NULL ;
147 m_summary_rate_vs_time = NULL ;
149 m_summary_rate_distribution = NULL ;
155 m_module_rates_vs_time = NULL ;
165 int first_frame = frame_index_range.
first ;
167 int last_frame = frame_index_range.
second ;
169 int n_frames = last_frame - first_frame + 1 ;
173 double min_time = -0.5 * frame_time_s ;
175 double max_time = (frame_index_range.
second - frame_index_range.
first + 0.5 ) * frame_time_s ;
177 init_h_fifo (n_frames , first_frame , last_frame) ;
179 init_h_daq_status (n_frames , first_frame , last_frame) ;
181 init_h_hrv (n_frames , first_frame , last_frame) ;
183 init_h_fifo_per_dom (du_ids , modules_per_string) ;
185 init_h_daq_status_per_dom (du_ids , modules_per_string) ;
187 init_h_hrv_per_dom (du_ids , modules_per_string) ;
189 init_h_rate_summary (du_ids , modules_per_string) ;
191 init_h_pmt_rate_distribution() ;
193 init_m_mean_summary_rate (modules_per_string) ;
195 init_m_summary_rate_vs_time (n_frames , min_time , max_time) ;
197 init_m_summary_rate_distribution () ;
199 init_m_fifo_full (n_frames , min_time , max_time) ;
201 init_m_hrv (n_frames , min_time , max_time) ;
203 init_m_module_rates_vs_time (n_frames , min_time , max_time) ;
205 init_h_rate (n_frames , first_frame , last_frame) ;
216 void init_h_fifo (
int n_frames ,
int first_frame ,
int last_frame){
220 string title =
"FIFO status ; slice number ; Average number of PMTs per module with FIFO almost full") ;
222 h_fifo =
new TH1D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , n_frames , -0.5 , last_frame - first_frame + 0.5 ) ;
237 string title =
"DAQ status ; slice number ; Number of DOMS with wrong DAQ status of packets") ;
239 h_daq_status =
new TH1D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , n_frames , -0.5 , last_frame - first_frame + 0.5 ) ;
250 void init_h_hrv (
int n_frames ,
int first_frame ,
int last_frame){
254 string title =
"High Rate Veto ; slice number ; Average number of PMTs per module in HRV regime") ;
256 h_hrv =
new TH1D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , n_frames , -0.5 , last_frame - first_frame + 0.5 ) ;
270 string title =
" FIFO ; String ; Floor ; Number of slices with FIFO almost full ") ;
272 h_fifo_per_dom =
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 , modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 ) ;
284 string name =
"h_daq_status_per_dom") ;
286 string title =
" DAQ Status ; String ; Floor ; Number of slices with wrong DAQ status of packets ") ;
288 h_daq_status_per_dom =
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 , modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 ) ;
302 string title =
" HRV ; String ; Floor ; Number of slices with at least 1 PMT in HRV ") ;
304 h_hrv_per_dom =
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 , modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 ) ;
318 string title =
" Summary slices ; String ; Floor ; Mean rate over all summary slices [kHz] ") ;
320 h_rate_summary =
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 , modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 ) ;
329 string name =
"h_pmt_rate_distribution") ;
331 string title =
" PMT rate distribution from summary slices ; rate [kHz] ; Counts ") ;
333 h_pmt_rate_distribution =
new TH1D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , 40 , 0 , log10(1000)) ;
335 BinLogX (h_pmt_rate_distribution) ;
337 h_pmt_rate_distribution -> SetMinimum(1) ;
348 string name =
"%/h_mean_summary_rate") ;
350 string title =
" ; PMT ; Floor ; rate [kHz] ") ;
367 string name =
"%/h_rate_vs_time_Summaryslice" ) ;
369 string title =
"Summary slices ; frame index ; TDC channel ; rate [Hz]") ;
381 string name =
"%/h_pmt_rate_distributions_Summaryslice") ;
383 string title =
"Summaryslice ; rate [kHz] ; TDC channel ; counts ") ;
385 TH2D* h_summary_rate_distribution =
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() ,
386 40 , 0 , log10(1000),
389 BinLogX (h_summary_rate_distribution) ;
406 string name =
"%/h_fifo_almost_full" ) ;
408 string title =
" ; frame index ; TDC channel ; FIFO almost full") ;
423 void init_m_hrv(
int n_frames ,
double first_frame ,
double last_frame){
427 string title =
" ; frame index ; TDC channel ; HRV ") ;
444 string name =
"%/h_module_rate_vs_time_Summaryslice") ;
446 string title =
"Summaryslice ; time since run start [s] ; rate [Hz]" ) ;
448 m_module_rates_vs_time =
new JManager < string , TProfile > (
new TProfile (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , int(n_frames/1) , min_time , max_time)) ;
461 void init_h_rate (
int n_frames ,
int first_frame ,
int last_frame){
463 string name =
"h_rate_Summaryslice") ;
465 string title =
"Average module rate (Summaryslice) ; slice number ; rate [Hz]") ;
467 h_rate =
new TProfile ( name.c_str() , title.c_str() , int(n_frames/600) , -0.5 , last_frame - first_frame + 0.5 ) ;
549 h_slice_start_time.resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL) ;
551 h_rate.resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL) ;
553 h_active_modules.resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL) ;
555 h_du_active_modules.resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL) ;
557 h_dom_mean_rates.resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL) ;
559 h_ToT_255_vs_time.resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL) ;
561 h_ToT_255_Floor_vs_time.resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL) ;
563 h_ToT_255_Floor_vs_time_2.resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL) ;
565 m_mean_ToT.resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL) ;
567 m_ToT_255.resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL) ;
569 m_module_rates_vs_time.resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL) ;
571 m_pmt_tot_distributions.resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL) ;
573 m_pmt_rate_distributions.resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL) ;
575 m_pmt_rates_vs_time.resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL) ;
577 m_pmt_tot_vs_time.resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL) ;
579 m_pmt_dt_consecutive_hits.resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL) ;
594 int first_frame = frame_index_range.
first ;
596 int last_frame = frame_index_range.
second ;
598 int n_frames = last_frame - first_frame + 1 ;
602 double min_time = -0.5 * frame_time_s ;
604 double max_time = (frame_index_range.
second - frame_index_range.
first + 0.5 ) * frame_time_s ;
606 init_h_slice_starting_time (ts_type , n_frames , first_frame , last_frame , ts_name) ;
608 init_h_rate (ts_type , n_frames , first_frame , last_frame , ts_name) ;
610 init_h_active_modules (ts_type , n_frames , first_frame , last_frame , ts_name) ;
612 init_h_du_active_modules (ts_type , du_ids , n_frames , first_frame , last_frame , ts_name) ;
614 init_h_dom_mean_rates (ts_type , du_ids , modules_per_string , ts_name) ;
616 init_h_ToT_255_vs_time (ts_type , ts_name) ;
618 init_h_ToT_255_Floor_vs_time (ts_type , modules_per_string , ts_name) ;
620 init_h_ToT_255_Floor_vs_time_2 (ts_type , modules_per_string , ts_name) ;
622 init_m_mean_ToT (ts_type , modules_per_string , ts_name) ;
624 init_m_ToT_255 (ts_type , modules_per_string , ts_name) ;
626 init_m_module_rates_vs_time (ts_type , n_frames , min_time , max_time , ts_name) ;
628 init_m_pmt_tot_distributions (ts_type , ts_name) ;
630 init_m_pmt_rate_distributions (ts_type , ts_name) ;
632 init_m_pmt_tot_vs_time (ts_type , n_frames , min_time , max_time , ts_name) ;
634 init_m_pmt_rates_vs_time (ts_type , n_frames , min_time , max_time , ts_name) ;
636 init_m_pmt_dt_consecutive_hits(ts_type , ts_name) ;
651 for (
typename vector <
JManager < string , TH2D >* >::const_iterator it = m_pmt_tot_distributions.begin() ; it != m_pmt_tot_distributions.end() ; ++it , ++i){
659 TPRegexp r (
"(\\w+)/(\\DU)(\\d+)/(F)(\\d+)") ;
661 TObjArray* o = r.MatchS(s) ;
663 int String = ((TObjString *)o->At(3))->GetString().Atoi();
665 int Floor = ((TObjString *)o->At(5))->GetString().Atoi();
667 for (
int pmt = 1 ; pmt <= (j -> second) -> GetYaxis() -> GetNbins() ; pmt++){
669 (*m_mean_ToT[i])[
"Detector/DU" +
to_string(String))] -> Fill(Floor , (j->second) -> GetYaxis() -> GetBinCenter(pmt) , (j -> second) -> ProjectionX (
"" , pmt , pmt) -> GetMean () ) ;
692 string name =
"h_slice_starting_time_" + ts_name ) ;
694 string title =
"Slice Starting Time (" + ts_name +
"); slice number ; time since first slice [s]") ;
696 h_slice_start_time[ts_type] =
new TH1D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , n_frames , -0.5 , last_frame - first_frame + 0.5 ) ;
709 void init_h_rate (
int ts_type ,
int n_frames ,
int first_frame ,
int last_frame , std::string ts_name){
713 string title =
"Average module rate ("+ts_name+
") ; slice number ; rate [Hz]") ;
715 h_rate[ts_type] =
new TProfile ( name.c_str() , title.c_str() , int(n_frames/600) , -0.5 , last_frame - first_frame + 0.5 ) ;
730 string name =
"h_active_DOMS_" + ts_name) ;
732 string title =
" Active modules (" + ts_name +
"); slice number ; fraction of active modules") ;
734 h_active_modules[ts_type] =
new TProfile ( name.c_str() , title.c_str() , int(n_frames/600) , -0.5 , last_frame - first_frame + 0.5 ) ;
750 string name =
"h_du_active_DOMS_" + ts_name) ;
752 string title =
"Active modules in DU (" + ts_name +
"); slice number ; DU number ; number of active modules") ;
754 h_du_active_modules[ts_type] =
new TProfile2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , int(n_frames/600) , -0.5 , last_frame - first_frame + 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 ) ;
767 string name =
"h_mean_dom_rates_" + ts_name) ;
769 string title =
MAKE_STRING (ts_name +
" ; Floor number ; DU number ; time slice averaged rate [Hz]") ;
771 h_dom_mean_rates[ts_type] =
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 , modules_per_string , 0.5 , 0.5 + modules_per_string) ;
783 string name =
"h_ToT_255_vs_time_" + ts_name) ;
785 string title =
" (" + ts_name +
") Hits with ToT = 255 ns. All PMTs, all timeslices ; Time since beginning of slice [ns] ; counts ") ;
787 h_ToT_255_vs_time[ts_type] =
new TH1D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , 100 , 0 , log10(
getFrameTime())) ;
789 BinLogX (h_ToT_255_vs_time[ts_type]) ;
802 string name =
"h_ToT_255_Floor_vs_time_" + ts_name) ;
804 string title =
" (" + ts_name +
") Hits with ToT = 255 ns. All DUs , all timeslices ; Time since beginning of slice [ns] ; Floor number ; counts ") ;
806 h_ToT_255_Floor_vs_time[ts_type] =
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , 100 , 0 , log10(
getFrameTime()) , modules_per_string , 0.5 , 0.5 + modules_per_string) ;
808 BinLogX(h_ToT_255_Floor_vs_time[ts_type]) ;
821 string name =
"h_ToT_255_Floor_vs_time_2_" + ts_name) ;
823 string title =
" (" + ts_name +
") Hits with ToT = 255 ns. All DUs , all timeslices ; Time since beginning of slice [ns] ; Floor number ; counts ") ;
825 h_ToT_255_Floor_vs_time_2[ts_type] =
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , 100 , 0 ,
getFrameTime() , modules_per_string , 0.5 , 0.5 + modules_per_string) ;
838 string name =
"%/h_mean_ToT_" + ts_name) ;
840 string title =
MAKE_STRING (ts_name +
" ; Floor number ; TDC channel ; mean ToT over all timeslices [ns] ") ;
842 m_mean_ToT[ts_type] =
new JManager < string , TH2D > (
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , modules_per_string , 0.5 , 0.5 + modules_per_string ,
NUMBER_OF_PMTS , -0.5 , NUMBER_OF_PMTS - 0.5)) ;
855 string name =
"%/h_ToT_255_" + ts_name) ;
857 string title =
MAKE_STRING (ts_name +
" ; Floor number ; TDC channel ; number of hits with ToT = 255 ns ") ;
859 m_ToT_255[ts_type] =
new JManager < string , TH2D > (
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , modules_per_string , 0.5 , 0.5 + modules_per_string ,
NUMBER_OF_PMTS , -0.5 , NUMBER_OF_PMTS - 0.5)) ;
873 string name =
"%/h_module_rate_vs_time_" + ts_name ) ;
875 string title =
MAKE_STRING (ts_name +
" ; time since run start [s] ; rate [Hz]" ) ;
877 m_module_rates_vs_time[ts_type] =
new JManager < string , TProfile > (
new TProfile (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , int(n_frames/600) , min_time , max_time)) ;
889 string name =
"%_" + ts_name +
"_2SToT") ;
891 string title =
MAKE_STRING (ts_name +
" ; TDC channel ; ToT [ns] ; counts") ;
895 max_ToT - min_ToT + 1 , min_ToT - 0.5 , max_ToT + 0.5)) ;
907 string name =
"%/h_pmt_rate_distributions_" + ts_name) ;
909 string title =
MAKE_STRING (ts_name +
" ; rate [kHz] ; TDC channel ; counts ") ;
911 TH2D* h_pmt_rate_distributions =
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() ,
915 BinLogX (h_pmt_rate_distributions) ;
932 string name =
"%/ToT_vs_time_" + ts_name) ;
934 string title =
MAKE_STRING (ts_name +
" ; time [s] ; TDC channel ; ToT [ns]") ;
951 string name =
"%/h_rate_vs_time_" + ts_name ) ;
953 string title =
MAKE_STRING (ts_name +
" ; time since run start [s] ; TDC channel ; rate [Hz]") ;
967 string name =
"%/h_dt_consecutive_hits_" + ts_name) ;
969 string title =
MAKE_STRING (ts_name +
" ; log(dt [ns]) ; TDC channel ; counts") ;
1021 h_Trigger_bit_event = NULL ;
1023 h_Trigger_bit_hit = NULL ;
1025 h_Snapshot_hits = NULL ;
1027 h_Triggered_hits = NULL ;
1029 h_Snapshot_hits_per_module = NULL ;
1031 h_Triggered_hits_per_module = NULL ;
1033 h_Trigger_map = NULL ;
1035 m_trigger_rates = NULL ;
1037 m_Snapshot_hits_per_pmt = NULL ;
1039 m_Trigger_map = NULL ;
1041 h_pmt_distribution_triggered_hits = NULL ;
1043 h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits = NULL ;
1045 h_pmt_distribution_snapshot_hits = NULL ;
1047 h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits = NULL ;
1049 h_n_triggered_hits_distribution = NULL ;
1061 int first_frame = frame_index_range.
first ;
1063 int last_frame = frame_index_range.
second ;
1065 int n_frames = last_frame - first_frame + 1 ;
1067 int n_pmts = du_ids.size() * modules_per_string *
1069 init_h_Trigger_bit_event () ;
1071 init_h_Trigger_bit_hit () ;
1073 init_h_Snapshot_hits () ;
1075 init_h_Triggered_hits () ;
1077 init_h_Snapshot_hits_per_module (modules_per_string , du_ids) ;
1079 init_h_Triggered_hits_per_module (modules_per_string , du_ids) ;
1081 init_m_trigger_rates(first_frame , last_frame) ;
1083 init_m_Snapshot_hits_per_pmt (modules_per_string) ;
1085 init_m_Trigger_map (modules_per_string , n_frames , first_frame , last_frame) ;
1087 init_h_Trigger_map (modules_per_string , n_frames , first_frame , last_frame) ;
1089 init_h_pmt_distribution_triggered_hits() ;
1091 init_h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits() ;
1093 init_h_pmt_distribution_snapshot_hits() ;
1095 init_h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits() ;
1097 init_h_n_triggered_hits_distribution (n_pmts) ;
1106 string name =
"h_Trigger_bit_event") ;
1108 string title =
"Number of events as a function of trigger bit in event ; Trigger Bit ; Counts ") ;
1116 h_Trigger_bit_event -> GetXaxis() -> SetBinLabel(i+1 ,
getTriggerName(i) ) ;
1120 h_Trigger_bit_event -> GetXaxis() -> SetBinLabel(i+1 ,
"" ) ;
1126 h_Trigger_bit_event -> GetXaxis() -> LabelsOption(
"v") ;
1137 string title =
"Number of hits per event as a function of trigger bit in hit ; Trigger Bit ; #Events ") ;
1145 h_Trigger_bit_hit -> GetXaxis() -> SetBinLabel(i+1 ,
getTriggerName(i) ) ;
1149 h_Trigger_bit_hit -> GetXaxis() -> SetBinLabel(i+1 ,
"" ) ;
1155 h_Trigger_bit_hit -> GetXaxis() -> LabelsOption(
"v") ;
1166 string title =
" Snapshot hits ; Number of hits ; Counts/#Events ") ;
1168 h_Snapshot_hits =
new TH1D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , 50, 0, 4 ) ;
1181 string title =
" Triggered hits ; Number of hits ; Counts/#Events ") ;
1183 h_Triggered_hits =
new TH1D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , 50 , 0, 4 ) ;
1196 string name =
"h_Snapshot_hits_per_module") ;
1198 string title =
" ; String ; Floor ; Number of snapshot hits ") ;
1200 h_Snapshot_hits_per_module =
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() ,
1201 *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 ,
1202 modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 ) ;
1213 string name =
"h_Triggered_hits_per_module") ;
1215 string title =
" ; String ; Floor ; Number of triggered hits ") ;
1217 h_Triggered_hits_per_module =
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() ,
1218 *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 ,
1219 modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 ) ;
1234 string title =
" ; Frame index ; DOM ; Number of triggered hits ") ;
1236 h_Trigger_map =
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , n_frames , -0.5 , last_frame - first_frame + 0.5 ,
1237 modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 ) ;
1250 int frames_per_bin = seconds_per_bin /
getFrameTime() / 1e-9 ;
1252 int n_bins = (last_frame - first_frame) / frames_per_bin ;
1254 string title =
" ; Frame Index ; rate [Hz] ") ;
1256 m_trigger_rates =
new JManager <string , TH1D> (
new TH1D(
"h_rate_%" , title.c_str() , n_bins , -0.5 , last_frame - first_frame + 0.5)) ;
1267 string name =
"%/h_Snapshot_hits_per_pmt") ;
1269 string title =
" ; PMT ; Floor ; Number of snapshot hits ") ;
1272 modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 ) ) ;
1287 string title =
" ; Frame index ; DOM ; Mean number of triggered hits per event") ;
1289 m_Trigger_map =
new JManager < string , TH2D > (
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , int(n_frames/600) , -0.5 , last_frame - first_frame + 0.5 ,
1290 modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5)) ;
1301 string name =
"h_pmt_distribution_triggered_hits") ;
1303 string title =
" ; PMT number ; Counts [a.u.]") ;
1314 string name =
"h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits") ;
1316 string title =
" ; ToT [ns] ; Counts [a.u.]") ;
1318 h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits =
new TH1D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , 255 , 0.5 , 255.5 ) ;
1327 string name =
"h_pmt_distribution_snapshot_hits") ;
1329 string title =
" ; PMT number ; Counts [a.u.]") ;
1340 string name =
"h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits") ;
1342 string title =
" ; ToT [ns] ; Counts [a.u.]") ;
1344 h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits =
new TH1D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , 255 , 0.5 , 255.5 ) ;
1355 string name =
"h_n_triggered_hits_distribution") ;
1357 string title =
" ; Number of hits ; Counts") ;
1359 h_n_triggered_hits_distribution =
new TH1D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , n_pmts , 0.5 , n_pmts + 0.5 ) ;
1409 h_summary.initialize(du_ids , modules_per_string , range) ;
1423 const string prefix =
1425 string ts_name = T::Class_Name() ;
1427 string::size_type pos = ts_name.find(prefix);
1429 if (pos != string::npos) ts_name.replace(ts_name.find(prefix) , prefix.length() ,
"") ;
1431 h_timeslice.initialize(du_ids , modules_per_string , range , index , ts_name) ;
1440 h_trigger.initialize (du_ids , range , modules_per_string) ;
1454 if(f.GetDirectory(dirname.c_str()) == 0) f.mkdir (dirname.c_str()) ;
1456 f.cd (dirname.c_str()) ;
1458 for (
int i=0 ; i < (int)table.size() ; i++){
1460 for (
int j=0 ; j< (int)table[i].size() ; j++){
1462 if (table[i][j]) table [i][j] -> Write() ;
1480 if(f.GetDirectory(dirname.c_str()) == 0) f.mkdir (dirname.c_str()) ;
1482 f.cd (dirname.c_str()) ;
1484 for (
int i=0 ; i < (int)table.size() ; i++){
1486 if (table[i]) table[i] -> Write() ;
1499 template <
class T ,
class V>
1502 if(f.GetDirectory(dirname.c_str()) == 0) f.mkdir (dirname.c_str()) ;
1504 f.cd (dirname.c_str()) ;
1508 i -> second -> Write() ;
1519 template <
class T ,
class V>
1524 if (i -> second -> GetTitle()){
1526 std::string buffer = i -> second -> GetTitle() ;
1528 string::size_type ipos = buffer.find(wc) ;
1530 if (ipos!=std::string::npos){
1536 buffer.replace(ipos, 1, os.str());
1538 i -> second -> SetTitle(buffer.c_str()) ;
1553 template <
class T ,
class V >
1558 std::string fullpath =
MAKE_STRING(i-> second -> GetName()) ;
1560 int pos = fullpath.rfind (
1562 std::string name = fullpath.substr (pos + 1) ;
1564 std::string path = fullpath.substr (0 , pos) ;
1566 if (f.GetDirectory(path.c_str()) == 0) f.mkdir (path.c_str()) ;
1568 f.cd(path.c_str()) ;
1570 i -> second -> SetName(name.c_str()) ;
1572 i -> second -> Write() ;
1583 template <
class T ,
class V >
1592 std::string fullpath =
MAKE_STRING(j-> second -> GetName()) ;
1594 int pos = fullpath.rfind (
1596 std::string name = fullpath.substr (pos + 1) ;
1598 std::string path = fullpath.substr (0 , pos) ;
1600 if (f.GetDirectory(path.c_str()) == 0) f.mkdir (path.c_str()) ;
1602 f.cd(path.c_str()) ;
1604 j -> second -> SetName(name.c_str()) ;
1606 j -> second -> Write() ;
1622 f.mkdir(
"Detector") ;
1626 if (h_summary.h_fifo) h_summary.h_fifo -> Write() ;
1628 if (h_summary.h_daq_status) h_summary.h_daq_status -> Write() ;
1630 if (h_summary.h_hrv) h_summary.h_hrv -> Write() ;
1632 if (h_summary.h_fifo_per_dom) h_summary.h_fifo_per_dom -> Write() ;
1634 if (h_summary.h_daq_status_per_dom) h_summary.h_daq_status_per_dom -> Write() ;
1636 if (h_summary.h_hrv_per_dom) h_summary.h_hrv_per_dom -> Write() ;
1638 if (h_summary.h_rate_summary) h_summary.h_rate_summary -> Write() ;
1640 if (h_summary.h_pmt_rate_distribution) h_summary.h_pmt_rate_distribution -> Write() ;
1642 Write_histogram_table_to_file(f ,
"Detector/ToT_255_vs_time") , h_timeslice.h_ToT_255_vs_time) ;
1644 Write_histogram_table_to_file(f ,
"Detector/ToT_255_Floor_vs_time") , h_timeslice.h_ToT_255_Floor_vs_time) ;
1646 Write_histogram_table_to_file(f ,
"Detector/ToT_255_Floor_vs_time") , h_timeslice.h_ToT_255_Floor_vs_time_2) ;
1648 Write_histogram_table_to_file(f ,
"Detector/slice_start_time") , h_timeslice.h_slice_start_time) ;
1650 Write_histogram_table_to_file(f ,
"Detector/Rate") , h_timeslice.h_rate) ;
1652 Write_histogram_table_to_file(f ,
"Detector/Active_modules_detector") , h_timeslice.h_active_modules) ;
1654 Write_histogram_table_to_file(f ,
"Detector/Active_modules_du") , h_timeslice.h_du_active_modules) ;
1656 Write_histogram_table_to_file(f ,
"Detector/DOM_mean_rates") , h_timeslice.h_dom_mean_rates) ;
1658 Write_manager_table_in_key_dir (f , h_timeslice.m_pmt_tot_distributions) ;
1660 Write_manager_table_in_key_dir (f , h_timeslice.m_pmt_rate_distributions) ;
1662 Write_manager_table_in_key_dir (f , h_timeslice.m_pmt_tot_vs_time) ;
1664 Write_manager_table_in_key_dir (f , h_timeslice.m_pmt_rates_vs_time) ;
1666 Write_manager_in_key_dir (f , h_summary.m_summary_rate_vs_time) ;
1668 Write_manager_in_key_dir (f , h_summary.m_summary_rate_distribution) ;
1670 Write_manager_in_key_dir (f , h_summary.m_fifo_full) ;
1672 Write_manager_in_key_dir (f , h_summary.m_hrv) ;
1674 Write_manager_in_key_dir (f , h_summary.m_module_rates_vs_time) ;
1676 Write_manager_in_key_dir (f , h_trigger.m_Trigger_map) ;
1678 Write_manager_table_in_key_dir (f , h_timeslice.m_pmt_dt_consecutive_hits) ;
1680 Write_manager_table_in_key_dir (f , h_timeslice.m_ToT_255) ;
1682 Write_manager_table_in_key_dir (f , h_timeslice.m_module_rates_vs_time) ;
1684 if (h_summary.m_mean_summary_rate) Write_manager_in_key_dir( f , h_summary.m_mean_summary_rate) ;
1686 h_timeslice.Fill_mean_ToT_histograms() ;
1688 Write_manager_table_in_key_dir (f , h_timeslice.m_mean_ToT) ;
1692 f.cd (
"JDAQEvent") ;
1694 if (h_trigger.h_Trigger_bit_event) h_trigger.h_Trigger_bit_event -> Write() ;
1696 if (h_trigger.h_Trigger_bit_hit) h_trigger.h_Trigger_bit_hit -> Write() ;
1698 f.mkdir (
"JDAQEvent/hits_per_event").c_str() ) ;
1700 f.cd (
"JDAQEvent/hits_per_event") ;
1702 if (h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits) h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits -> Write() ;
1704 if (h_trigger.h_Snapshot_hits) h_trigger.h_Snapshot_hits -> Write() ;
1706 f.mkdir (
"JDAQEvent/hits_pmt_distributions").c_str() ) ;
1708 f.cd (
"JDAQEvent/hits_pmt_distributions") ;
1710 if (h_trigger.h_pmt_distribution_triggered_hits) {
normalize (h_trigger.h_pmt_distribution_triggered_hits) ; h_trigger.h_pmt_distribution_triggered_hits -> Write() ; }
1712 if (h_trigger.h_pmt_distribution_snapshot_hits) {
normalize (h_trigger.h_pmt_distribution_snapshot_hits) ; h_trigger.h_pmt_distribution_snapshot_hits -> Write() ; }
1714 f.mkdir (
"JDAQEvent/hits_tot_distributions").c_str() ) ;
1716 f.cd (
"JDAQEvent/hits_tot_distributions") ;
1718 if (h_trigger.h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits) {
normalize (h_trigger.h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits) ; h_trigger.h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits -> Write() ; }
1720 if (h_trigger.h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits) {
normalize (h_trigger.h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits) ; h_trigger.h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits -> Write() ; }
1722 f.mkdir (
"JDAQEvent/trigger_rates").c_str() ) ;
1724 f.cd (
"JDAQEvent/trigger_rates") ;
1726 if (h_trigger.m_trigger_rates){
1730 i -> second -> Scale (1./(i->second->GetBinWidth(1) *
getFrameTime() * 1e-9) ) ;
1732 i -> second -> Write() ;
1738 f.cd (
"JDAQEvent") ;
1742 if (h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits_per_module) { h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits_per_module -> Write() ; }
1744 if (h_trigger.h_Snapshot_hits_per_module) { h_trigger.h_Snapshot_hits_per_module -> Write() ; }
1746 if (h_trigger.h_n_triggered_hits_distribution) { h_trigger.h_n_triggered_hits_distribution -> Write() ; }
1748 if (h_trigger.m_Snapshot_hits_per_pmt) Write_manager_in_key_dir( f , h_trigger.m_Snapshot_hits_per_pmt) ;
TH1D * h_pmt_distribution_snapshot_hits
TH1D * h_n_triggered_hits_distribution
void init_h_dom_mean_rates(int ts_type, std::set< int > du_ids, int modules_per_string, std::string ts_name)
void initialize_trigger_histograms(JFrameIndexRange &range)
vector< JManager< string, TH2D > * > m_ToT_255
void init_h_Trigger_map(int modules_per_string, int n_frames, int first_frame, int last_frame)
void initialize_summary_histograms(JFrameIndexRange &range)
TH2D * h_Snapshot_hits_per_module
void init_h_rate_summary(set< int > &du_ids, int modules_per_string)
void init_h_fifo_per_dom(std::set< int > &du_ids, int modules_per_string)
static const unsigned int NUMBER_OF_TRIGGER_BITS
Number of trigger bits.
void init_h_ToT_255_vs_time(int ts_type, string ts_name)
JManager< string, TProfile2D > * m_hrv
TH1D * h_pmt_distribution_triggered_hits
vector< JManager< string, TH2D > * > m_pmt_tot_distributions
void initialize(std::set< int > &du_ids, JFrameIndexRange &frame_index_range, int modules_per_string)
void init_h_rate(int n_frames, int first_frame, int last_frame)
int getNumberOfStrings(const JDetector &detector)
Get number of strings.
void Write_histogram_table_to_file(TFile &f, string dirname, vector< T * > table)
void init_h_n_triggered_hits_distribution(int n_pmts)
vector< TH2D * > h_dom_mean_rates
JManager< string, TProfile2D > * m_summary_rate_vs_time
void init_h_Trigger_bit_event()
void init_h_Triggered_hits_per_module(int modules_per_string, std::set< int > &du_ids)
TH2D * h_Triggered_hits_per_module
void init_h_daq_status(int n_frames, int first_frame, int last_frame)
void init_m_module_rates_vs_time(int n_frames, double min_time, double max_time)
void init_h_Snapshot_hits_per_module(int modules_per_string, std::set< int > &du_ids)
void init_m_pmt_dt_consecutive_hits(int ts_type, string ts_name)
JManager< string, TH1D > * m_trigger_rates
std::set< int > getStringIDs(const JDetector &detector)
Get list of strings IDs.
void init_h_active_modules(int ts_type, int n_frames, int first_frame, int last_frame, std::string ts_name)
void init_m_pmt_tot_vs_time(int ts_type, int n_frames, double min_time, double max_time, string ts_name)
void init_m_pmt_rates_vs_time(int ts_type, int n_frames, double min_time, double max_time, string ts_name)
void init_h_slice_starting_time(int ts_type, int n_frames, int first_frame, int last_frame, std::string ts_name)
TH2D * h_daq_status_per_dom
JManager< string, TProfile > * m_module_rates_vs_time
Dynamic ROOT object management.
vector< TH2D * > h_ToT_255_Floor_vs_time_2
JManager< string, TH2D > * m_mean_summary_rate
void init_h_ToT_255_Floor_vs_time_2(int ts_type, int modules_per_string, string ts_name)
#define MAKE_STRING(A)
Make string.
void Fill_mean_ToT_histograms()
void init_h_pmt_distribution_snapshot_hits()
void init_m_module_rates_vs_time(int ts_type, int n_frames, double min_time, double max_time, string ts_name)
Auxiliary class to manage set of compatible ROOT objects (e.g.
void Write_to_file(TFile &f)
void init_m_summary_rate_distribution()
void init_h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits()
void initialize(std::set< int > &du_ids, int modules_per_string, JFrameIndexRange &frame_index_range)
TimesliceHistograms h_timeslice
void init_m_trigger_rates(int first_frame, int last_frame, int seconds_per_bin=30)
void init_m_mean_summary_rate(int modules_per_string)
void initialize_timeslice_histograms(JFrameIndexRange &range)
TH1D * h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits
vector< JManager< string, TProfile2D > * > m_pmt_rates_vs_time
void init_m_ToT_255(int ts_type, int modules_per_string, string ts_name)
void init_m_hrv(int n_frames, double first_frame, double last_frame)
TriggerHistograms h_trigger
void init_m_summary_rate_vs_time(int n_frames, double first_frame, double last_frame)
vector< TProfile2D * > h_du_active_modules
double getFrameTime()
Get frame time duration.
void Replace_wildcard_in_name(JManager< T, V > *manager, char wc= '%')
void Write_manager_table_in_key_dir(TFile &f, vector< JManager< T, V > * > table)
void init_h_ToT_255_Floor_vs_time(int ts_type, int modules_per_string, string ts_name)
void init_m_pmt_rate_distributions(int ts_type, string ts_name)
TH1D * h_pmt_rate_distribution
void init_h_du_active_modules(int ts_type, std::set< int > du_ids, int n_frames, int first_frame, int last_frame, std::string ts_name)
void init_h_rate(int ts_type, int n_frames, int first_frame, int last_frame, std::string ts_name)
void Write_histogram_table_to_file(TFile &f, string dirname, vector< vector< T * > > table)
TH1D * h_Trigger_bit_event
void init_h_Snapshot_hits()
void init_m_Snapshot_hits_per_pmt(int modules_per_string)
vector< JManager< string, TProfile2D > * > m_pmt_tot_vs_time
void normalize(T *h, double n=1.0)
void init_m_fifo_full(int n_frames, double first_frame, double last_frame)
void init_h_Triggered_hits()
SummaryHistograms h_summary
Direct access to module in detector data structure.
void init_m_mean_ToT(int ts_type, int modules_per_string, string ts_name)
vector< TH2D * > h_ToT_255_Floor_vs_time
vector< TProfile * > h_active_modules
JManager< string, TH2D > * m_summary_rate_distribution
const char * getTriggerName(JTriggerbit_t bit)
Get trigger name.
void Write_manager_in_key_dir(TFile &f, JManager< T, V > *manager)
General purpose string class.
ROOT TTree parameter settings.
std::string to_string(const T &value)
Convert value to string.
void init_h_fifo(int n_frames, int first_frame, int last_frame)
vector< JManager< string, TH2D > * > m_mean_ToT
vector< JManager< string, TH2D > * > m_pmt_rate_distributions
vector< JManager< string, TH2D > * > m_pmt_dt_consecutive_hits
void init_h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits()
TH1D * h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits
void init_h_pmt_distribution_triggered_hits()
vector< TH1D * > h_slice_start_time
void init_h_hrv(int n_frames, int first_frame, int last_frame)
vector< JManager< string, TProfile > * > m_module_rates_vs_time
Indexing of data type in type list.
KM3NeT DAQ constants, bit handling, etc.
static const int NUMBER_OF_PMTS
Total number of PMTs in module.
JRA_Histograms(JDetector &det)
void init_h_daq_status_per_dom(std::set< int > &du_ids, int modules_per_string)
vector< TH1D * > h_ToT_255_vs_time
int getNumberOfModules(const JDetector &detector)
Get number of modules.
void init_h_Trigger_bit_hit()
JManager< string, TH2D > * m_Trigger_map
vector< TProfile * > h_rate
void init_h_hrv_per_dom(set< int > &du_ids, int modules_per_string)
JManager< string, TProfile2D > * m_fifo_full
JManager< string, TH2D > * m_Snapshot_hits_per_pmt
void Write_manager_to_file(TFile &f, string dirname, JManager< T, V > *table)
void init_m_Trigger_map(int modules_per_string, int n_frames, int first_frame, int last_frame)
void initialize(std::set< int > du_ids, int modules_per_string, JFrameIndexRange &frame_index_range, int ts_type, std::string ts_name)
void init_h_pmt_rate_distribution()
void init_m_pmt_tot_distributions(int ts_type, string ts_name)