Class dedicated to the nanobeacon analyses, where the Modules in the detector are not regarded as single entities.
| NBRun () |
| Default constructor. More...
| NBRun (string filename_, JDetector detector_, int string_, int pmt_top, int pmt_bottom, int max_distance_) |
| Constructor. More...
| ~NBRun () |
| Destructor. More...
void | computeMeanToTs () |
| Loops over all the SUPERMODULES to compute the mean ToT of the hits from the different nanobeacon pulses recorded by the different PMTs. More...
void | find_good_couples () |
| Loops over all the SUPERMODULES. More...
void | analyze (int option) |
| Loops over all the SUPERMODULES. More...
void | readFile () |
| Reads a .root file containing the nanobeacon pulses observed by the different PMTs in the detector. More...
void | findSrcs (SuperModule *sm, TFile *file) |
| Searches in the .root file for histograms corresponding to pulses produced in one target supermodule, by all the possible sources. More...
void | setSrcs (TFile *file) |
| Loops over all the SuoperModules in the DU. More...
void | setRefs (TFile *file) |
| Loops over all the SuoperModules in the DU. More...
void | findRefs (SuperModule *sm, TFile *file) |
| Searches in the .root file for histograms corresponding to pulses produced in one supermodule, by its own nanobeacon. More...
vector< SuperModule * > | getSuperModules () |
| Get the SuperModules in the DU. More...
void | setPMTs (int top_option, int bottom_option) |
| Select the PMTs in the upper and lower hemispheres of a DOM. More...
void | initializeSuperModules () |
| Sets the references between the different SuperModules in the DU. More...
void | setDetector (JDetector detector_) |
| Sets the detector. More...
JDetector | getDetector () |
| Get the detector. More...
void | readBasicInfo (TFile *file) |
| Reads the basic info from the .root file such as the run number and the nanobeacon voltage. More...
int | getRunNumber () |
| Get run number. More...
double | getVoltage () |
| Get nanobeacon voltage. More...
Class dedicated to the nanobeacon analyses, where the Modules in the detector are not regarded as single entities.
- Author
- rgruiz Instead, they are related to the rest of the DOMs in a DU through the emission of the nanobeacon pulses. A DOM can be emitter (source) of light that is detected by other DOMS, and it can also be a receiver (target) of the light emitted by the other DOMS. The SUPERRUN class is meant to own the different SUPERMODULEs in a DU, to coherently set their mutual rerefences and to analyze the signal produced by the different nanobeacons in the different PMTs of the DU.
Definition at line 24 of file NBRun.hh.