Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef __JDAQUTCEXTENDED__
138 std::numeric_limits<JUINT32_t>::max());
192 const char c = out.fill();
293 return !(first == second);
void setTimeNanoSecond(const double utc_ns)
Set time.
Interface for binary input.
JDAQUTCExtended(const JUINT32_t seconds, const JUINT32_t cycles)
bool operator<(const JDAQHit &first, const JDAQHit &second)
Less than operator for DAQ hits.
static JUINT32_t getMask()
Get mask for seconds data.
Data structure for UTC time.
JUINT32_t getUTCseconds() const
Get time.
JUINT32_t UTC_16nanosecondcycles
virtual ~JDAQUTCExtended()
Virtual destructor.
friend JWriter & operator<<(JWriter &out, const JDAQUTCExtended &utc)
Write UTC to output.
Default constructor.
static int sizeOf()
Get size of object.
static JDAQUTCExtended max()
Get maximum possible value.
bool operator!=(const JDAQChronometer &first, const JDAQChronometer &second)
Not-equal operator for DAQ chronometers.
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const JDAQUTCExtended &utc)
Write UTC time.
Interface for binary output.
JUINT32_t getUTC16nanosecondcycles() const
Get time.
friend JReader & operator>>(JReader &in, JDAQUTCExtended &utc)
Read UTC from input.
bool operator==(const JDAQChronometer &first, const JDAQChronometer &second)
Equal operator for DAQ chronometers.
friend std::istream & operator>>(std::istream &in, JDAQUTCExtended &utc)
Read UTC time.
static JDAQUTCExtended min()
Get minimum possible value.
static double getTick()
Get number of nano-seconds per tick.
KM3NeT DAQ data structures and auxiliaries.
double getTimeNanoSecond() const
Get time (limited to 16 ns cycles).
JDAQUTCExtended(const double nanoseconds)
ClassDef(JDAQUTCExtended, 1)