Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef __JCALIBRATE__JFITTOT__
10 #include "TFitResult.h"
196 Double_t x0 = numeric_limits<Double_t>::max();
200 for (Int_t i = 1; i <= h1.GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); ++i) {
202 const Double_t x = h1.GetBinCenter (i);
203 const Double_t y = h1.GetBinContent(i);
205 if (x >= this->
Xmin &&
227 this->SetRange(xmin, xmax);
242 const TFitResultPtr
result = h1.Fit(
this, option.c_str());
258 static Double_t
const Double_t* x,
const Double_t* par)
260 static const int NPE = 1;
262 const Double_t
W = par[0];
266 const Double_t tot_ns = x[0];
JFitToT(const JPMTParameters ¶meters, const double xmin, const double xmax)
static const double FITTOT_GAINSPREAD_MIN
Minimal gain spread [unit].
static Double_t getValue(const Double_t *x, const Double_t *par)
Get rate as a function of the fit parameters.
Specification for time-over-threshold corresponding to a one photo-electron pulse.
void setPMTParameters(const JPMTParameters ¶meters)
Set PMT parameters.
JFitParameter_t getModelParameter(Double_t JFitToTParameters::*p) const
Get model parameter.
double gainSpread
gain spread [unit]
This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).
Double_t * getModelParameters()
Get model parameters.
static const double FITTOT_GAIN_MAX
Maximal gain [unit].
JFitToTParameters(const Double_t *data)
Copy constructor.
Double_t gainSpread
PMT gain spread.
static const double FITTOT_GAIN_MIN
Minimal gain [unit].
static Int_t getNumberOfModelParameters()
Get number of model parameters.
bool setParLimits(TF1 &f1, const Int_t index, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax)
Set fit parameter limits.
JFitToTParameters(const JPMTParameters ¶meters)
virtual double getProbability(const double npe, const int NPE) const
Get probability for given charge.
static const double FITTOT_GAINSPREAD_MAX
Maximal gain spread [unit].
double getNPE(const double tot_ns, const double eps=1.0e-3) const
Get number of photo-electrons.
bool setParameter(TF1 &f1, const JFitParameter_t ¶meter)
Set fit parameter.
Parametrisation of time-over-threshold distribution.
Auxiliary data structure for a parameter index and its value.
virtual double getDerivative(const double npe) const
Get derivative of number of photo-electrons to time-over-threshold.
static JPMTAnalogueSignalProcessor & getInstance()
Get unique instance of PMT analogue signal processor.
Data structure for PMT parameters.
const Double_t * getModelParameters() const
Get model parameters.
void setModelParameters(const Double_t *data)
Set model parameters.
const Double_t getModelParameter(const int i) const
Get model parameter.
static const double FITTOT_TOT_MIN_NS
Minimal time-over-threshold [ns].
TFitResultPtr operator()(TH1 &h1, const std::string &option)
Fit histogram.
Fit parameters for two-fold coincidence rate due to K40.
PMT analogue signal processor.