12 #include "TFitResult.h"
27 const char* h2_t =
29 const char* gauss_t =
30 const char* emg_t =
44 Double_t getRisetime(Double_t* x, Double_t* parameters)
46 const double t0 = parameters[0];
47 const double p1 = parameters[1];
48 const double t1 = parameters[2];
50 const double npe = cpu.
52 double ts = t0 + cpu.
getRiseTime(npe) + t1 * (1.0 - exp(-npe*
64 int main(
int argc,
char **argv)
85 JParser<> zap(
"Program to fit time-slewing histogram in output of JGandalf.cc in calibration mode.");
87 zap[
'f'] =
"input files (output from JGandalf -c).");
89 zap[
'F'] =
"fit function") = gauss_t, emg_t;
90 zap[
'T'] =
"ROOT fit range around maximum [ns].") = JRange_t(-7.5,+7.5);
91 zap[
'w'] =
"write fit results.");
93 zap[
'x'] =
"ROOT fit range for time-over threshold") = JRange_t(0.0, 256.0);
94 zap[
'O'] =
"ROOT fit option, see TH1::Fit.") =
99 catch(
const exception &error) {
100 FATAL(error.what() << endl);
106 if (!T_ns.is_valid()) {
107 FATAL(
"Invalid fit range [ns] " << T_ns << endl);
112 if (option.find(
'S') == string::npos) { option +=
'S'; }
117 const Double_t x[] = {
118 -0.5, 3.5, 6.5, 9.5, 12.5, 15.5, 18.5,
119 20.5, 21.5, 22.5, 23.5, 24.5, 25.5, 26.5, 27.5, 28.5, 29.5,
120 30.5, 31.5, 32.5, 33.5, 34.5, 35.5, 36.5, 37.5, 38.5, 39.5,
121 40.5, 42.5, 44.5, 46.5, 48.5,
122 50.5, 52.5, 54.5, 56.5, 58.5,
127 100.5, 120.5, 140.5, 160.5, 180.5, 200.5, 250.5
130 const int N =
"Processing " << *i << endl);
138 TFile in(i->c_str(),
141 FATAL(
"File " << *i <<
" not opened." << endl);
144 TH2D* p = dynamic_cast<TH2D*>(in.Get(h2_t));
147 FATAL(
"File " << *i <<
" has no histogram <" << h2_t <<
">." << endl);
151 h2 = (TH2D*) p->Clone();
161 FATAL(
"No histogram <" << h2_t <<
">." << endl);
166 TH1D h0(
"h0", NULL, N-1, x);
170 for (
int i = 1; i <= h0.GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); ++i) {
172 const Int_t imin = h2->GetXaxis()->FindBin(h0.GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(i));
173 const Int_t imax = h2->GetXaxis()->FindBin(h0.GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge (i));
175 TH1D h1(
".1D"), NULL, h2->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(), h2->GetYaxis()->GetXmin(), h2->GetYaxis()->GetXmax());
181 Double_t sigma = 3.5;
183 for (
int iy = 1; iy <= h2->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); ++iy) {
185 Double_t x = h1.GetBinCenter (iy);
188 for (
int ix = imin; ix != imax; ++ix) {
189 y += h2->GetBinContent(ix,iy);
192 h1.SetBinContent(iy, y);
203 if (
function == gauss_t) {
205 f1 =
new TF1(
"[0]*TMath::Gaus(x,[1],[2]) + [3]");
207 f1->SetParameter(0, ymax);
208 f1->SetParameter(1, x0);
209 f1->SetParameter(2, sigma);
210 f1->SetParameter(3, 0.0);
212 f1->SetParLimits(3, 0.0, ymax);
214 }
else if (
function == emg_t) {
216 f1 =
new TF1(
"[0]*TMath::Exp(0.5*[3]*(2.0*[1]+[3]*[2]*[2]-2.0*x))*TMath::Erfc(([1]+[3]*[2]*[2]-x)/(TMath::Sqrt(2.0)*[2])) +[4]");
218 f1->SetParameter(0, ymax);
219 f1->SetParameter(1, x0 - 0.5*sigma);
220 f1->SetParameter(2, sigma);
221 f1->SetParameter(3, 0.04);
222 f1->SetParameter(4, 0.0);
224 f1->SetParLimits(4, 0.0, ymax);
228 FATAL(
"Unknown fit function " <<
function << endl);
233 Double_t xmin = x0 + T_ns.getLowerLimit();
234 Double_t xmax = x0 + T_ns.getUpperLimit();
236 if (xmin < h1.GetXaxis()->GetXmin()) { xmin = h1.GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); }
237 if (xmax > h1.GetXaxis()->GetXmax()) { xmax = h1.GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); }
239 TFitResultPtr
result = h1.Fit(f1, option.c_str(),
"same", xmin, xmax);
243 << setw(4) << i <<
' '
244 <<
FIXED(7,3) << f1->GetParameter(1) <<
" +/- "
245 <<
FIXED(7,3) << f1->GetParError (1) <<
' '
248 << (
result->IsValid() ?
"" :
"failed") << endl;
252 h0.SetBinContent(i, f1->GetParameter(1));
253 h0.SetBinError (i, f1->GetParError (1));
265 TF1 f1(
"f1", getRisetime, x[0], x[N-1], 3);
267 f1.SetParameter(0, 0.0);
268 f1.SetParameter(1, 2.0e-2);
269 f1.FixParameter(2, -7.0);
271 TFitResultPtr
result = h0.Fit(&f1,
"same", X.constrain(x[0]), X.constrain(x[N-1]));
274 cout <<
"Time-slewing correction" << endl;
277 << (
result->IsValid() ?
"" :
"failed") << endl;
279 for (
int i = 0; i != f1.GetNpar(); ++i) {
280 cout <<
"parameter[" << i <<
"] = " <<
FIXED(8,4) << f1.GetParameter(i) <<
" +/- " <<
FIXED(8,4) << f1.GetParError (i) << endl;
284 cout <<
"// Produced by JFrodo.cc; to be included on JGetRiseTime.hh." << endl;
288 for (
int i = 0; i != 256; ++i) {
289 cout <<
"this->push_back(" <<
FIXED(6,2) << f1.Eval((Double_t) i) - t0 <<
");" << endl;