Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef H_MARKOV_GENERATOR
67 JUniformGenerator(
double xmin,
double ymin,
double zmin,
double xmax,
double ymax,
double zmax ) : posmin(xmin,ymin,zmin), posmax(xmax,ymax,zmax) {
80 double x = gRandom->Uniform( posmin.getX(), posmax.getX() ) ;
81 double y = gRandom->Uniform( posmin.getY(), posmax.getY() ) ;
82 double z = gRandom->Uniform( posmin.getZ(), posmax.getZ() ) ;
87 if( pos.
getX() < posmin.getX() || pos.
getX() > posmax.getX() )
return 0.0 ;
88 if( pos.
getY() < posmin.getY() || pos.
getY() > posmax.getY() )
return 0.0 ;
89 if( pos.
getZ() < posmin.getZ() || pos.
getZ() > posmax.getZ() )
return 0.0 ;
96 V = (posmax.getX()-posmin.getX())*(posmax.getY()-posmin.getY())*(posmax.getZ()-posmin.getZ()) ;
121 double rcube = gRandom->Uniform(0,Rcube) ;
122 double r = pow(rcube,1.0/3.0) ;
124 gRandom->Sphere(x,y,z,
r) ;
160 double xi = gRandom->Uniform() ;
161 double r = -lambda*log(1-xi) ;
163 gRandom->Sphere(x,y,z,
r) ;
169 return lambda*exp(-
r*4*M_PI) ;
193 const int nbins = 1000 ;
194 const double xmax = 100 ;
195 const int nsamples = 10000000 ;
196 h =
new TH1F(
"",nbins,0,xmax) ;
197 for(
int i=0 ; i<nsamples ; ++i ) {
203 h->Scale( 1.0/h->Integral(
"width") ) ;
211 double r = h->GetRandom() ;
213 gRandom->Sphere(x,y,z,
r) ;
219 Int_t bin = h->FindBin(
r) ;
220 return h->GetBinContent(bin)/(
r) ;
246 double r = gRandom->Uniform(0,R) ;
248 gRandom->Sphere(x,y,z,
r) ;
286 r1(_r1), r2(_r2), L(_L)
289 ximin = getIntegrand(r1) ;
290 ximax = getIntegrand(r2) ;
301 gRandom->Sphere(x,y,z,
r) ;
307 double xi = gRandom->Uniform(ximin,ximax) ;
309 return getInvertedIntegrand(xi) ;
313 return exp(-
r/L) /
C ;
320 return -4*M_PI*L*exp(-
r) ;
325 const double precision = 1e-10 ;
328 double vl = getIntegrand(rl)-x ;
330 double vr = getIntegrand(rr)-x ;
334 while( rr-rl > precision ) {
336 vc = getIntegrand(rc)-x ;
337 if( (vc>0) == (vr>0) ) {
371 C = 1.0 / ( 2*M_PI*sqrt(2*M_PI) * sigma * sigma * sigma ) ;
375 double x = gRandom->Gaus(0,sigma) ;
376 double y = gRandom->Gaus(0,sigma) ;
377 double z = gRandom->Gaus(0,sigma) ;
420 if( gRandom->Uniform()<
p1 ) {
421 return g1->getPosition() ;
423 return g2->getPosition() ;
428 double w1 =
g1->getWeight(pos) ;
429 double w2 = g2->getWeight(pos) ;
430 return p1*w1 + p2*w2 ;
464 gsub(
g1,c2,g2), g(
c1+c2,&gsub,c3,g3) {}
494 g(_g), shift(_shift) {}
501 return g->getWeight( pos-shift ) ;
528 hx = (TH1*) _hx->Clone( _hx->GetName() ) ;
529 hy = (TH1*) _hy->Clone( _hy->GetName() ) ;
530 hz = (TH1*) _hz->Clone( _hz->GetName() ) ;
532 hx->Scale( 1.0/hx->Integral(
"width") ) ;
533 hy->Scale( 1.0/hy->Integral(
"width") ) ;
534 hz->Scale( 1.0/hz->Integral(
"width") ) ;
544 double x = hx->GetRandom() ;
545 double y = hy->GetRandom() ;
546 double z = hz->GetRandom() ;
554 bin = hx->GetXaxis()->FindBin( pos.
getX() ) ;
555 if( bin==0 || bin==hx->GetNbinsX()+1 )
return 0.0 ;
556 w *= hx->GetBinContent(bin) ;
558 bin = hy->GetXaxis()->FindBin( pos.
getY() ) ;
559 if( bin==0 || bin==hy->GetNbinsX()+1 )
return 0.0 ;
560 w *= hy->GetBinContent(bin) ;
562 bin = hz->GetXaxis()->FindBin( pos.
getZ() ) ;
563 if( bin==0 || bin==hz->GetNbinsX()+1 )
return 0.0 ;
564 w *= hz->GetBinContent(bin) ;
597 h = (TH2*) _h->Clone( _h->GetName() ) ;
599 if( h->GetXaxis()->GetXmin()<-1 || h->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()>1 ) {
600 cerr <<
"FATAL ERROR in JSphereGenerator. Invalid x-axis range." << endl ;
603 if( h->GetYaxis()->GetXmin() < -M_PI || h->GetYaxis()->GetXmax() > M_PI ) {
604 cerr <<
"FATAL ERROR in JSphereGenerator. Invalid y-axis range." << endl ;
608 h->Scale( 1.0/h->Integral(
"width") ) ;
609 h->SetOption(
"colz") ;
618 if(
r==0 )
return x0 ;
620 double costheta, phi ;
621 h->GetRandom2(costheta,phi) ;
626 if(
r==0 )
return 1 ;
629 const double tolerance = 1e-5 ;
635 double ct = dir.
getDZ() ;
636 double phi = dir.
getPhi() ;
638 if( ct < h->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() || ct >=h->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() )
return 0.0 ;
639 if( phi< h->GetYaxis()->GetXmin() || phi>=h->GetYaxis()->GetXmax() )
return 0.0 ;
641 Int_t bin = h->FindBin(ct,phi) ;
642 return h->GetBinContent(bin) / (
r) ;
667 h = (TH3*) _h->Clone( _h->GetName() ) ;
669 h->Scale( 1.0/h->Integral(
"width") ) ;
678 h->GetRandom3(x,y,z) ;
684 if( pos.
getX()<h->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() || pos.
getX()>=h->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() )
return 0.0 ;
685 if( pos.
getY()<h->GetYaxis()->GetXmin() || pos.
getY()>=h->GetYaxis()->GetXmax() )
return 0.0 ;
686 if( pos.
getZ()<h->GetZaxis()->GetXmin() || pos.
getZ()>=h->GetZaxis()->GetXmax() )
return 0.0 ;
688 Int_t bin = h->FindBin( pos.
getX(), pos.
getY(), pos.
getZ() ) ;
689 return h->GetBinContent(bin) ;
double getDZ() const
Get z direction.
Implementation of the JGenerator interface.
JPosition3D getPosition()
Return a randomly generated position.
double getLengthSquared() const
Get length squared.
Implementation of the JGenerator interface.
double getWeight(JPosition3D pos)
return the weight (=probability density dP/dV) for the given position.
Double_t g1(const Double_t x)
Abstract interface for the generation of points in 3D space.
JPosition3D getPosition()
Return a randomly generated position.
double getWeight(JPosition3D pos)
return the weight (=probability density dP/dV) for the given position.
double getWeight(JPosition3D pos)
return the weight (=probability density dP/dV) for the given position.
double getZ() const
Get z position.
double getWeight(JPosition3D pos)
return the weight (=probability density dP/dV) for the given position.
JPosition3D getPosition()
Return a randomly generated position.
JSphereGenerator(const JPosition3D &_x0, double _r=0, TH2 *_h=NULL)
TCanvas * c1
Global variables to handle mouse events.
JExponentialGenerator(double _r1, double _r2, double _L)
Implementation of the JGenerator interface.
double getDistance(const JVector3D &pos) const
Get distance to point.
JSingularityGenerator(double _R, JPosition3D _x0)
JPosition3D getPosition()
Return a randomly generated position.
Data structure for normalised vector in three dimensions.
double getWeight(JPosition3D pos)
return the weight (=probability density dP/dV) for the given position.
double getIntegrand(double r)
JMagicalDistribution(unsigned int _N, double _lambda)
JPosition3D getPosition()
Return a randomly generated position.
JPosition3D getPosition()
Return a randomly generated position.
double getWeight(JPosition3D pos)
return the weight (=probability density dP/dV) for the given position.
double getWeight(JPosition3D pos)
return the weight (=probability density dP/dV) for the given position.
This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).
JGaussianGenerator(double _sigma)
JHistGenerator(TH1 *_hx, TH1 *_hy, TH1 *_hz)
Implementation of the JGenerator interface.
JExpRsqInvGenerator(double _lambda)
Implementation of the JGenerator interface.
Data structure for vector in three dimensions.
JShiftedGenerator(JGenerator *_g, JPosition3D _shift)
J3DhistGenerator(TH3 *_h)
double getWeight(JPosition3D pos)
return the weight (=probability density dP/dV) for the given position.
Data structure for position in three dimensions.
Implementation of the JGenerator interface.
Implementation of the JGenerator interface.
Implementation of the JGenerator interface.
double getInvertedIntegrand(double x)
return value y such that getIntegrand(y) = x
The 'magical distributions' are a class of distributions.
JBallGenerator(double _R)
JCombinedGenerator(double _c1, JGenerator *_g1, double _c2, JGenerator *_g2)
double getWeight(double r)
JPosition3D getPosition()
Return a randomly generated position.
JPosition3D getPosition()
Return a randomly generated position.
Data structure for angles in three dimensions.
const JPosition3D & getPosition() const
Get position.
double getWeight(JPosition3D pos)
return the weight (=probability density dP/dV) for the given position.
JPosition3D getPosition(const Vec &v)
Get position.
double getWeight(JPosition3D pos)
return the weight (=probability density dP/dV) for the given position.
Implementation of the JGenerator interface.
double getY() const
Get y position.
JPosition3D getPosition()
Return a randomly generated position.
Implementation of the JGenerator interface.
double getWeight(JPosition3D pos)
return the weight (=probability density dP/dV) for the given position.
Auxiliary classes and methods for 3D geometrical objects and operations.
double getWeight(JPosition3D pos)
return the weight (=probability density dP/dV) for the given position.
JTripleGenerator(double c1, JGenerator *g1, double c2, JGenerator *g2, double c3, JGenerator *g3)
double getX() const
Get x position.
JPosition3D getPosition()
Return a randomly generated position.
JPosition3D getPosition()
Return a randomly generated position.
JPosition3D getPosition()
Return a randomly generated position.
double getLength() const
Get length.
Implementation of the JGenerator interface.
double getPhi() const
Get phi angle.