75 JObject& mul(
const double factor)
96 out << showpos <<
FIXED(5,2) <<
object.x <<
' '
97 << showpos <<
FIXED(5,2) <<
object.y <<
' '
98 << showpos <<
FIXED(5,2) <<
126 JParser<> zap(
"Example program to test user class with arithmetic capabilities.");
133 catch(
const exception &error) {
134 FATAL(error.what() << endl);
142 const Double_t xmin = -1.0;
143 const Double_t xmax = +1.0;
146 const JObject A(gRandom->Uniform(xmin, xmax),
147 gRandom->Uniform(xmin, xmax),
148 gRandom->Uniform(xmin, xmax));
150 const JObject B(gRandom->Uniform(xmin, xmax),
151 gRandom->Uniform(xmin, xmax),
152 gRandom->Uniform(xmin, xmax));
154 cout <<
"A " << A << endl;
155 cout <<
"B " << B << endl;
156 cout <<
"interpolate " <<
interpolate(A, B, alpha) << endl;
158 cout <<
"A + B = " << A + B << endl;
160 cout <<
"A * " << noshowpos <<
FIXED(5,2) << alpha <<
" = " << A * alpha << endl;