78 const double epsilon = 1.0e-10;
87 bool overwriteDetector;
111 JParser<> zap(
"Auxiliary program to fit PMT parameters from JMergeCalibrateK40 output.");
114 zap[
'f'] =
"input file (output from JMergeCalibrateK40).");
116 zap[
'a'] =
"detector file.");
117 zap[
'P'] =
"specify PMT file name that can be given to JTriggerEfficiency.") =
119 "Fix time offset(s) of PMT(s) of certain module(s), e.g."
120 "\n-! \"808969848 0 808982077 23\" will fix offset of PMT 0 of module 808969848 and of PMT 23 of module 808982077."
121 "\nSame PMT offset can be fixed for all optical modules, e.g."
122 "\n-! \"-1 0 -1 23\" will fix offsets of PMTs 0 and 23 for all optical modules.")
124 zap[
'r'] =
"reverse TDC constraints due to option -! <TDC>.");
125 zap[
'A'] =
"overwrite detector file provided through '-a' with correct time offsets.");
126 zap[
'w'] =
"write fit results.");
127 zap[
'D'] =
"fit angular distribution; fix normalisation.");
128 zap[
'M'] =
"fit angular distribution; fix PMT QEs = 1.0.");
129 zap[
'E'] =
"expectation value for npe given two-fold coincidence") = 0.0;
130 zap[
'x'] =
"ROOT fit range (PMT pairs).") = JRange_t();
131 zap[
'y'] =
"ROOT fit range (time residual).") = JRange_t();
132 zap[
'O'] =
"ROOT fit option, see TH1::Fit.") =
137 catch(
const exception &error) {
138 FATAL(error.what() << endl);
142 ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::SetDefaultMaxFunctionCalls(1000000);
162 parameters.
176 const range_type range = TDC.equal_range(-1);
178 if (range.first != range.second) {
180 const JTDC_t buffer(range.first, range.second);
182 TDC.erase(range.first, range.second);
184 for (JDetector::iterator module =
detector.begin(); module !=
detector.end(); ++module) {
186 for (JTDC_t::const_iterator i = buffer.begin(); i != buffer.end(); ++i) {
192 if (i->second == -1) {
195 TDC.insert(make_pair(module->getID(), pmt));
200 TDC.insert(make_pair(module->getID(), i->second));
215 for (JTDC_t::const_iterator __p = TDC.begin(); __p != TDC.end(); ) {
217 JTDC_t::const_iterator __q = __p;
219 for ( ; __q != TDC.end() && __q->first == __p->first; ++__q) {}
223 JTDC_t::const_iterator __i = __p;
225 for ( ; __i != __q && __i->second != i; ++__i) {}
228 buffer.insert(std::make_pair(__p->first,i));
238 for (JTDC_t::const_iterator tdc = TDC.begin(); tdc != TDC.end(); ++tdc) {
239 DEBUG(
"PMT " << setw(10) << tdc->first <<
' ' << setw(2) << tdc->second <<
" constrain t0." << endl);
242 for (JTDC_t::const_iterator tdc = TDC.begin(); tdc != TDC.end(); ++tdc) {
243 if (tdc->first < 0) {
244 FATAL(
"Illegal module identifier: " << tdc->first << endl);
247 FATAL(
"Illegal TDC (= readout channel) identifier: " << tdc->second <<
" {0, .., " <<
"}" << endl);
252 if (option.find(
'O') == string::npos) { option +=
'0'; }
253 if (option.find(
'S') == string::npos) { option +=
'S'; }
257 TFile* in = TFile::Open(inputFile.c_str(),
259 if (in == NULL || !in->IsOpen()) {
260 FATAL(
"File: " << inputFile <<
" not opened." << endl);
265 TH1D hc(
"chi2", NULL, 500, 0.0, 5.0);
267 TH1D
"p1", NULL, 501, -5.0, +5.0);
268 TH1D p2(
"p2", NULL, 501, -5.0, +5.0);
269 TH1D p3(
"p3", NULL, 501, -5.0, +5.0);
270 TH1D p4(
"p4", NULL, 501, -5.0, +5.0);
271 TH1D bg(
"bg", NULL, 501, -0.1, +0.1);
272 TH1D
"cc", NULL, 501, -0.1, +0.1);
281 for (JDetector::iterator module =
detector.begin(); module !=
detector.end(); ++module) {
"Module " << setw(10) << module->getID() << endl);
291 if (h2s == NULL || h2s->GetEntries() == 0) {
"No data for module " << module->getID() <<
"; set corresponding QEs to 0." << endl);
306 const range_type range = TDC.equal_range(module->getID());
313 h2s->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),
314 h2s->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(),
315 h2s->GetYaxis()->GetXmin(),
316 h2s->GetYaxis()->GetXmax(),
317 range.first == range.second);
321 for (JTDC_t::const_iterator i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i) {
322 fixParameter(fit, fit.getModelParameter(i->second, &JPMTParameters_t::t0));
327 fixParameter(fit, fit.getModelParameter(pmt, &JPMTParameters_t::QE));
332 fixParameter(fit, fit.getModelParameter(&JFitK40::Rate_Hz));
348 for (
int ix = 1; ix <= h2s->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); ++ix) {
350 Double_t value = 0.0;
351 Double_t error = 0.0;
353 for (
int iy = 1; iy <= h2s->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); ++iy) {
354 value += h2s->GetBinContent(ix,iy);
355 error += h2s->GetBinError(ix,iy) * h2s->GetBinError(ix,iy);
360 if (value < MINIMAL_RATE_HZ + STDEV*error) {
364 buffer[
pair.first] += 1;
365 buffer[
pair.second] += 1;
"PMT " << setw(10) << module->getID() <<
' ' << setw(2) << pmt <<
" too low a rate; switch off." << endl);
"Skip fit for module " << module->getID() <<
"; set corresponding QEs to 0." << endl);
394 if (X != JRange_t()) {
395 h2s->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(max(X.getLowerLimit(), h2s->GetXaxis()->GetXmin()),
396 min(X.getUpperLimit(), h2s->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()));
398 if (Y != JRange_t()) {
399 h2s->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(max(Y.getLowerLimit(), h2s->GetYaxis()->GetXmin()),
400 min(Y.getUpperLimit(), h2s->GetYaxis()->GetXmax()));
404 TFitResultPtr
result = fit(*h2s, option);
416 if (!
result->IsParameterFixed(fit.getModelParameter(pmt, &JPMTParameters_t::QE)) && !
is_valid(values.getQE(pmt), errors.getQE(pmt))) {
"PMT " << setw(10) << module->getID() <<
' ' << setw(2) << pmt <<
' '
420 <<
FIXED(5,2) << values.getQE(pmt) <<
" +/- "
421 <<
FIXED(5,2) << errors.getQE(pmt)
422 <<
" compatible with zero -> set QE = 0 and t0 = 0; -> refit." << endl);
"Skip fit for module " << module->getID() <<
"; set corresponding QEs to 0." << endl);
444 result = fit(*h2s, option);
458 h2s->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(), h2s->GetXaxis()->GetXmin (), h2s->GetXaxis()->GetXmax (),
459 h2s->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(), h2s->GetYaxis()->GetXmin (), h2s->GetYaxis()->GetXmax ());
461 for (
int ix = 1; ix <= h2f.GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); ++ix) {
462 for (
int iy = 1; iy <= h2f.GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); ++iy) {
464 const Double_t x = h2f.GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(ix);
465 const Double_t y = h2f.GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(iy);
467 h2f.SetBinContent(ix, iy, fit.Eval(x,y));
468 h2f.SetBinError (ix, iy, 0.0);
475 cout <<
"Fit result chi2 / NDF " <<
result->Chi2() <<
' ' <<
result->Ndf() <<
' ' << (
result->IsValid() ?
"" :
"failed") << endl;
477 cout <<
"Rate_Hz= " <<
FIXED(8,4) << values.Rate_Hz << (
result->IsParameterFixed(fit.getModelParameter(&JFitK40::Rate_Hz)) ?
" *** fixed *** " :
"") << endl;
479 cout <<
"p1= " <<
FIXED(8,4) << values.p1 << (
JFitK40::p1)) ?
" *** fixed *** " :
"") << endl;
480 cout <<
"p2= " <<
FIXED(8,4) << values.p2 << (
result->IsParameterFixed(fit.getModelParameter(&JFitK40::p2)) ?
" *** fixed *** " :
"") << endl;
481 cout <<
"p3= " <<
FIXED(8,4) << values.p3 << (
result->IsParameterFixed(fit.getModelParameter(&JFitK40::p2)) ?
" *** fixed *** " :
"") << endl;
482 cout <<
"p4= " <<
FIXED(8,4) << values.p4 << (
result->IsParameterFixed(fit.getModelParameter(&JFitK40::p3)) ?
" *** fixed *** " :
"") << endl;
484 cout <<
"Background (correlated): " <<
FIXED(8,5) << values.bg << (
result->IsParameterFixed(fit.getModelParameter(&JFitK40::bg)) ?
" *** fixed *** " :
"") << endl;
485 cout <<
"Background (uncorrelated): " <<
FIXED(8,5) << values.cc << (
JFitK40::cc)) ?
" *** fixed *** " :
"") << endl;
487 cout <<
" PMT t0 [ns] TTS [ns] R" << endl;
494 << setw(2) << pmt <<
' '
495 <<
FIXED(7,2) << fit.getT0 (pmt) <<
' '
496 <<
FIXED(7,2) << fit.getTTS(pmt) <<
' '
497 <<
FIXED(7,3) << fit.getQE (pmt);
499 cout << (
result->IsParameterFixed(fit.getModelParameter(pmt, &JPMTParameters_t::QE)) ?
" *** fixed QE *** " :
500 cout << (
result->IsParameterFixed(fit.getModelParameter(pmt, &JPMTParameters_t::TTS)) ?
" *** fixed TTS *** " :
501 cout << (
result->IsParameterFixed(fit.getModelParameter(pmt, &JPMTParameters_t::t0)) ?
" *** fixed t0 *** " :
502 cout << (fit.is_disabled (pmt) ?
" (disabled)" :
503 cout << (fit.is_average_t0(pmt) ?
" (averaged)" :
506 Q[0].
put(fit.getT0 (pmt));
507 Q[1].
508 Q[2].
put(fit.getQE (pmt));
545 h1t.SetBinContent(pmt + 1, values.getT0 (pmt));
546 h1s.SetBinContent(pmt + 1, values.getTTS(pmt));
547 h1q.SetBinContent(pmt + 1, values.getQE (pmt));
549 h1t.SetBinError (pmt + 1, max(errors.getT0 (pmt), epsilon));
550 h1s.SetBinError (pmt + 1, max(errors.getTTS(pmt), epsilon));
551 h1q.SetBinError (pmt + 1, max(errors.getQE (pmt), epsilon));
554 out << h1t << h1s << h1q;
564 if (overwriteDetector) {
565 module->getPMT(pmt).addT0(fit.getT0(pmt));
572 out << hc <<
p1 << p2 << p3 << p4 << bg <<
578 if (overwriteDetector) {
"Store calibration data on file " << detectorFile << endl);
600 ofstream out(pmtFile.c_str());
602 out << parameters << endl;