233 gStyle->SetLegendBorderSize(0);
234 struct timeval startTimeTv;
235 gettimeofday(&startTimeTv, NULL);
236 time_t startTime = (time_t)startTimeTv.tv_sec;
237 tm* startGmTime = gmtime(&startTime);
238 const string startUTCTime = asctime(startGmTime);
261 zap[
'T'] =
make_field(testType) =
266 catch(
const exception& error) {
267 FATAL(error.what() << endl);
275 FATAL(
"No trigger parameters from input:" << error.
what() << endl);
290 const int runNb = vInputFiles.size();
293 const double diffHVMax = 250;
295 string cookiesContent;
296 ifstream incookies(mycookies.c_str(), ofstream::in);
297 getline(incookies, cookiesContent);
307 string streamName =
308 string location =
309 AccessDB(vvvupi, vvvHv, cookiesContent, usr, pwd, streamName, detid,
"-2", lineIds, location);
310 streamName =
311 AccessDB(vvvupi, vvvHv, cookiesContent, usr, pwd, streamName, detid,
"-1", lineIds, location);
317 vhToTReducedChi2.resize(runNb);
318 for (
int run = 0; run < runNb; ++run) {
319 ostringstream plotname;
320 plotname <<
"hToTReducedChi2-run" << run + 1;
321 vhToTReducedChi2[run] =
new TH1D(plotname.str().c_str(), plotname.str().c_str(), 101, -0.05, 10.05);
322 for (
int line = 0; line < lineNb; ++line) {
323 for (
int dom = 0; dom < domNb; ++dom) {
324 for (
int pmt = 0; pmt < pmtNb; ++pmt) {
327 plotname <<
"hToT-run" << run + 1 <<
"-line" << line + 1 <<
"-dom" << dom + 1 <<
"-pmt" << pmt;
328 vhToT[run][line][dom][pmt] =
new TH1D(plotname.str().c_str(), plotname.str().c_str(), 301, -0.5, 300.5);
341 for ( ; in.hasNext() && counter != vInputFiles.getLimit(); ++counter) {
344 if (newRun != oldRun) {
345 streamName =
346 stringstream runIdSStr;
348 const string newRunStr = runIdSStr.str();
349 AccessDB(vvvupi, vvvRunHv[runCounter], cookiesContent, usr, pwd, streamName, detid, newRunStr, lineIds, location);
351 runList.push_back(newRun);
354 for (JDAQTimeslice::const_iterator super_frame = timeslice->begin(); super_frame != timeslice->end(); ++super_frame) {
355 const int domId = super_frame->getModuleID();
356 const JModule module = moduleRouter.getModule(domId);
357 const int lineIndex = module.
getString() - 1;
358 const int domIndex = module.
getFloor() - 1;
360 const double hitToT = hit->getToT();
361 const int pmtIndex = hit->getPMT();
363 const string pmtIdDBStr = vvvupi[lineIndex][domIndex][pmtIndex].substr(22);
364 const int pmtIdDB = atoi(pmtIdDBStr.c_str());
365 if (pmtId != pmtIdDB) {
366 DEBUG(
"mismatch between pmt ids of detector file " << pmtId <<
" and database "
367 << vvvupi[lineIndex][domIndex][pmtIndex] << endl);
370 vhToT[runCounter - 1][lineIndex][domIndex][pmtIndex]->Fill(hitToT);
377 for (
int line = 0; line < lineNb; ++line) {
378 for (
int dom = 0; dom < domNb; ++dom) {
380 for (
int pmt = 0; pmt < pmtNb; ++pmt) {
381 vgToTvsHV[line][dom][pmt] =
new TGraphErrors();
382 int localCounter = 0;
383 for (
int run = 0; run < runNb; ++run) {
384 if (vvvRunHv[run][line][dom][pmt] == 0)
385 FillGraph(vgToTvsHV[line][dom][pmt], vhToTReducedChi2[run], vhToT[run][line][dom][pmt], vvvRunHv[run][line][dom][pmt] - vvvHv[line][dom][pmt], localCounter);
387 if ((localCounter < runNb) && (localCounter > 0))
388 DEBUG(
"only " << localCounter <<
" runs out of " << runNb <<
" have ToT data for line " << line + 1 <<
" - dom " << dom + 1 <<
" - pmt " << pmt << endl);
389 if (localCounter == 0) ++fullDom;
392 DEBUG(fullDom <<
" pmt do not have data in dom " << dom + 1 <<
" of line " << line + 1 << endl);
397 fstream outCalibXml(outXMLFile.c_str(), ofstream::out);
398 struct timeval endTimeTv;
399 gettimeofday(&endTimeTv, NULL);
400 time_t endTime = (time_t)endTimeTv.tv_sec;
401 tm* endGmTime = gmtime(&endTime);
402 const string endUTCTime = asctime(endGmTime);
404 ostringstream endTimeStr;
405 endTimeStr << 1900 + endGmTime->tm_year <<
"-" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill(
406 << endGmTime->tm_mon + 1 <<
"-" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill(
407 << endGmTime->tm_mday <<
"T" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill(
408 << endGmTime->tm_hour <<
":" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill(
409 << endGmTime->tm_min <<
":" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill(
410 << endGmTime->tm_sec <<
"." << std::setw(6) << std::setfill(
411 << endTimeTv.tv_usec <<
412 ostringstream startTimeStr;
413 startTimeStr << 1900 + startGmTime->tm_year <<
"-" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill(
414 << startGmTime->tm_mon + 1 <<
"-" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill(
415 << startGmTime->tm_mday <<
"T" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill(
416 << startGmTime->tm_hour <<
":" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill(
417 << startGmTime->tm_min <<
":" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill(
418 << startGmTime->tm_sec <<
"." << std::setw(6) << std::setfill(
419 << startTimeTv.tv_usec <<
420 outCalibXml <<
421 outCalibXml <<
"\t<User>" << usr <<
422 outCalibXml <<
"\t<Location>" << location <<
423 outCalibXml <<
"\t<StartTime>" << startTimeStr.str() <<
424 outCalibXml <<
"\t<EndTime>" << endTimeStr.str() <<
425 outCalibXml <<
"\t<TestType>" << testType <<
426 outCalibXml <<
427 TCanvas* cToTvsHV =
new TCanvas(
"cToTvsHV", 800, 600);
428 TH1D* hToTvsHVReducedChi2 =
new TH1D(
"hToTvsHVReducedChi2", 101, -0.05, 10.05);
429 TH1D* hToTExpected =
new TH1D(
"hToTExpected", 100001, -0.0005, 100.0005);
430 bool firstEvent =
436 int counterLinear = 0;
437 int counter2Order = 0;
438 int counter2OrderPos = 0;
439 int counter2OrderNeg = 0;
441 double aveLinearSlope = 0;
442 for (
int line = 0; line < lineNb; ++line) {
443 for (
int dom = 0; dom < domNb; ++dom) {
444 for (
int pmt = 0; pmt < pmtNb; ++pmt) {
445 stringstream filename;
448 filename <<
"ToTvsHV-line" << line + 1 <<
"-dom" << dom + 1 <<
"-pmt" << pmt;
449 vgToTvsHV[line][dom][pmt]->SetName(filename.str().c_str());
450 const int pointNb = vgToTvsHV[line][dom][pmt]->GetN();
453 vgToTvsHV[line][dom][pmt]->SetLineColor(line*18 + dom*31 + pmt);
454 vgToTvsHV[line][dom][pmt]->SetMarkerColor(line*18 + dom*31 + pmt);
455 vgToTvsHV[line][dom][pmt]->SetMarkerStyle(2);
456 vgToTvsHV[line][dom][pmt]->SetMarkerSize(1);
457 if (firstEvent ==
true) {
459 vgToTvsHV[line][dom][pmt]->SetTitle(
460 vgToTvsHV[line][dom][pmt]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"HV_{offset} [V]");
461 vgToTvsHV[line][dom][pmt]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
462 vgToTvsHV[line][dom][pmt]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2);
463 vgToTvsHV[line][dom][pmt]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-200, +200);
464 vgToTvsHV[line][dom][pmt]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"ToT values [ns]");
465 vgToTvsHV[line][dom][pmt]->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
466 vgToTvsHV[line][dom][pmt]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2);
467 vgToTvsHV[line][dom][pmt]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 80);
468 vgToTvsHV[line][dom][pmt]->Draw(
470 vgToTvsHV[line][dom][pmt]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-200, +200);
471 vgToTvsHV[line][dom][pmt]->Draw(
475 string functionFormula =
478 const string pol2Name =
481 const string pol1Name =
484 const string sqrtName =
"[0] + sqrt([1] - [2]*x)";
487 const double testChi2 = min({fabs(vParameterPol1[0] - 1), fabs(vParameterPol2[0] - 1), fabs(vParameterSqrt[0] - 1)});
488 if (testChi2 == fabs(vParameterPol1[0] - 1)) {
489 vParameter = vParameterPol1;
490 functionFormula = pol1Name;
491 aveLinearSlope += vParameterPol1[2];
493 }
else if (testChi2 == fabs(vParameterPol2[0] - 1)) {
494 vParameter = vParameterPol2;
495 functionFormula = pol2Name;
497 if (vParameterPol2[3] > 0) ++counter2OrderPos;
498 else ++counter2OrderNeg;
499 }
else if (testChi2 == fabs(vParameterSqrt[0] - 1)) {
500 vParameter = vParameterSqrt;
501 functionFormula = sqrtName;
504 DEBUG(
"problem in the function definition, check the code at about line 500");
506 vgToTvsHV[line][dom][pmt]->Fit(functionFormula.c_str(),
507 hToTvsHVReducedChi2->Fill(vParameter[0]);
508 if (vParameter[0] > redChi2Max)
"ToTvsHV fit may be bad for pmt " << pmt <<
" of dom " << dom + 1 <<
" of line " << line + 1 <<
", the reduced chi square is " << vParameter[0] << endl);
509 hvAndToTOpt =
Solve(vParameter, functionFormula, tot);
510 if ((hvAndToTOpt.first == -1) && (hvAndToTOpt.second == -1))
511 DEBUG(
"function used for fitting " << functionFormula <<
" is not handled by the code. Change the code or use a predefined function such as pol1 or pol2" << endl);
512 if ((fabs(vParameter[2]) > slopeMax) && ((functionFormula ==
"pol1") || (functionFormula ==
513 DEBUG(
"ToTvsHV fit may be bad for pmt " << pmt <<
" of dom " << dom + 1 <<
" of line " << line + 1 <<
", the slope at 0 is " << vParameter[2] << endl);
514 hToTExpected->Fill(hvAndToTOpt.second);
516 if (fabs(hvAndToTOpt.first) > diffHVMax) hvAndToTOpt.first = 0;
517 vvvHvOpt[line][dom][pmt] = hvAndToTOpt.first;
518 outCalibXml <<
519 outCalibXml <<
"\t\t\t<UPI>" << vvvupi[line][dom][pmt] <<
520 outCalibXml <<
521 outCalibXml <<
522 outCalibXml <<
523 outCalibXml <<
524 outCalibXml <<
525 outCalibXml <<
"\t\t\t\t\t\t<string>" << hvAndToTOpt.first + vvvHv[line][dom][pmt] <<
526 outCalibXml <<
527 outCalibXml <<
528 outCalibXml <<
529 outCalibXml <<
530 outCalibXml <<
531 for (
int run = 0; run < runNb; ++run) {
532 outCalibXml <<
"\t\t\t\t\t\t<string>" << runList[run] <<
534 outCalibXml <<
535 outCalibXml <<
536 outCalibXml <<
537 outCalibXml <<
538 outCalibXml <<
539 outCalibXml <<
"\t\t\t\t\t\t<string>" << tot*1e-9 <<
540 outCalibXml <<
541 outCalibXml <<
542 outCalibXml <<
543 outCalibXml <<
547 cout <<
"linear:" << counterLinear <<
" - 2nd order (pos, neg):" << counter2Order
548 <<
"(" << counter2OrderPos <<
"," << counter2OrderNeg <<
549 <<
" - sqrt:" << counterSqrt <<
" - linear slope average: "
550 << aveLinearSlope/counterLinear << endl;
551 outCalibXml <<
552 outCalibXml <<
554 cToTvsHV->SaveAs(
555 cToTvsHV->SaveAs(
557 ostringstream osstxt;
560 osstxt <<
"results/HVTuning-det" << detid <<
562 ofstream outHv(osstxt.str().c_str(), ofstream::out);
563 for (
int line = 0; line < lineNb; ++line) {
564 for (
int dom = 0; dom < domNb; ++dom) {
565 for (
int pmt = 0; pmt < pmtNb; ++pmt) {
566 outHv << line + 1 <<
' ' << dom + 1 <<
' ' << pmt <<
' ' << vvvupi[line][dom][pmt] <<
' ' << vvvHv[line][dom][pmt] <<
' ' << vvvHvOpt[line][dom][pmt] + vvvHv[line][dom][pmt] << endl;
572 TCanvas* cToTs[lineNb][domNb];
573 for (
int line = 0; line < lineNb; ++line) {
574 for (
int dom = 0; dom < domNb; ++dom) {
578 iss <<
"cToTs-line" << line + 1 <<
"-dom" << dom + 1;
579 cToTs[line][dom] =
new TCanvas(iss.str().c_str(), iss.str().c_str(), 800, 600);
580 cToTs[line][dom]->Divide(8,4);
581 for (
int pmt = 0; pmt < pmtNb; ++pmt) {
582 cToTs[line][dom]->cd(pmt + 1);
584 for (
int run = 0; run < runNb; ++run) {
585 vhToT[run][line][dom][pmt]->SetLineColor(run + 1);
586 if (vhToT[run][line][dom][pmt]->GetMaximum() > localMax) localMax = vhToT[run][line][dom][pmt]->GetMaximum();
588 vhToT[run][line][dom][pmt]->SetTitle(
589 vhToT[run][line][dom][pmt]->SetStats(0);
590 vhToT[run][line][dom][pmt]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"ToT values [ns]");
591 vhToT[run][line][dom][pmt]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
592 vhToT[run][line][dom][pmt]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2);
593 vhToT[run][line][dom][pmt]->GetXaxis()->SetRange(0, 100);
594 vhToT[run][line][dom][pmt]->Draw();
596 vhToT[run][line][dom][pmt]->Draw(
600 vhToT[0][line][dom][pmt]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.1, 2*localMax);
604 iss <<
"figs/cToTs-line" << line + 1 <<
"-dom" << dom + 1 <<
605 cToTs[line][dom]->SaveAs(iss.str().c_str());
608 iss <<
"figs/cToTs-line" << line + 1 <<
"-dom" << dom + 1 <<
609 cToTs[line][dom]->SaveAs(iss.str().c_str());
613 TCanvas* cToTReducedChi2 =
new TCanvas(
"cToTReducedChi2", 800, 600);
614 for (
int run = 0; run < runNb; ++run) {
616 vhToTReducedChi2[run]->SetTitle(
617 vhToTReducedChi2[run]->SetStats(0);
618 vhToTReducedChi2[run]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"reduced #chi^{2}");
619 vhToTReducedChi2[run]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
620 vhToTReducedChi2[run]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2);
621 vhToTReducedChi2[run]->Draw();
623 vhToTReducedChi2[run]->Draw(
625 vhToTReducedChi2[run]->SetLineColor(run + 1);
627 cToTReducedChi2->SetLogy();
628 cToTReducedChi2->SaveAs(
629 cToTReducedChi2->SaveAs(
631 TCanvas* cToTvsHVReducedChi2 =
new TCanvas(
"cToTvsHVReducedChi2", 800, 600);
632 hToTvsHVReducedChi2->SetTitle(
633 hToTvsHVReducedChi2->SetStats(0);
634 hToTvsHVReducedChi2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"reduced #chi^{2}");
635 hToTvsHVReducedChi2->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
636 hToTvsHVReducedChi2->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2);
637 hToTvsHVReducedChi2->Draw();
638 cToTvsHVReducedChi2->SetLogy();
639 cToTvsHVReducedChi2->SaveAs(
640 cToTvsHVReducedChi2->SaveAs(
642 TCanvas* cToTExpected =
new TCanvas(
"cToTExpected", 800, 600);
643 hToTExpected->SetTitle(
644 hToTExpected->SetStats(0);
645 hToTExpected->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"Expected ToT value [ns]");
646 hToTExpected->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
647 hToTExpected->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2);
648 hToTExpected->Draw();
650 cToTExpected->SaveAs(
651 cToTExpected->SaveAs(
653 const int lineId1 = 0;
654 const int domId1 = 2;
655 const int pmtId1 = 5;
656 const int lineId2 = 0;
657 const int domId2 = 5;
658 const int pmtId2 = 7;
659 ostringstream issTemp;
660 issTemp <<
"cToTsdom" << domId1 + 1 <<
"pmt" << pmtId1;
661 TCanvas* cToTsdomxpmtx =
new TCanvas(issTemp.str().c_str(), issTemp.str().c_str(), 800, 600);
663 TLegend* leg1 =
new TLegend(0.70,0.55,0.90,0.90);
664 leg1->SetFillStyle(0);
665 double localMaxTemp = 0;
666 if ((lineId1 > lineNb - 1) || (domId1 > domNb - 1) || (pmtId1 > pmtNb - 1))
668 if (pmtTest ==
false) {
669 DEBUG(
"wrong PMT1 identification for sample plot");
671 ostringstream plotname0;
672 for (
int run = 0; run < runNb; ++run) {
673 vhToT[run][lineId1][domId1][pmtId1]->SetLineColor(run + 1);
674 if (vhToT[run][lineId1][domId1][pmtId1]->GetMaximum() > localMaxTemp) localMaxTemp = vhToT[run][lineId1][domId1][pmtId1]->GetMaximum();
676 vhToT[run][lineId1][domId1][pmtId1]->SetTitle(
677 vhToT[run][lineId1][domId1][pmtId1]->SetStats(0);
678 vhToT[run][lineId1][domId1][pmtId1]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"ToT values [ns]");
679 vhToT[run][lineId1][domId1][pmtId1]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
680 vhToT[run][lineId1][domId1][pmtId1]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2);
681 vhToT[run][lineId1][domId1][pmtId1]->GetXaxis()->SetRange(0, 100);
682 vhToT[run][lineId1][domId1][pmtId1]->Draw();
684 vhToT[run][lineId1][domId1][pmtId1]->Draw(
688 plotname0 <<
"HV: " << setprecision(2) << fixed
689 << vvvRunHv[run][lineId1][domId1][pmtId1] <<
690 leg1->AddEntry(vhToT[run][lineId1][domId1][pmtId1], plotname0.str().c_str(),
693 vhToT[0][lineId1][domId1][pmtId1]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.1, 2*localMaxTemp);
697 issTemp <<
"figs/cToTs-line" << lineId1 + 1 <<
"-dom" << domId1 + 1 <<
"-pmt" << pmtId1 <<
698 cToTsdomxpmtx->SaveAs(issTemp.str().c_str());
701 issTemp <<
"figs/cToTs-line" << lineId1 + 1 <<
"-dom" << domId1 + 1 <<
"-pmt" << pmtId1 <<
702 cToTsdomxpmtx->SaveAs(issTemp.str().c_str());
707 issTemp <<
"cToTsdom" << domId2 + 1 <<
"pmt" << pmtId2;
708 TCanvas* cToTsdomxpmty =
new TCanvas(issTemp.str().c_str(), issTemp.str().c_str(), 800, 600);
710 TLegend* leg2 =
new TLegend(0.70,0.55,0.90,0.90);
711 if ((lineId2 > lineNb - 1) || (domId2 > domNb - 1) || (pmtId2 > pmtNb - 1))
713 if (pmtTest ==
false) {
714 DEBUG(
"wrong PMT2 identification for sample plot");
716 ostringstream plotname0;
717 for (
int run = 0; run < runNb; ++run) {
718 vhToT[run][lineId2][domId2][pmtId2]->SetLineColor(run + 1);
719 if (vhToT[run][lineId2][domId2][pmtId2]->GetMaximum() > localMaxTemp) localMaxTemp = vhToT[run][lineId2][domId2][pmtId2]->GetMaximum();
721 vhToT[run][lineId2][domId2][pmtId2]->SetTitle(
722 vhToT[run][lineId2][domId2][pmtId2]->SetStats(0);
723 vhToT[run][lineId2][domId2][pmtId2]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"ToT values [ns]");
724 vhToT[run][lineId2][domId2][pmtId2]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
725 vhToT[run][lineId2][domId2][pmtId2]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2);
726 vhToT[run][lineId2][domId2][pmtId2]->GetXaxis()->SetRange(0, 100);
727 vhToT[run][lineId2][domId2][pmtId2]->Draw();
729 vhToT[run][lineId2][domId2][pmtId2]->Draw(
733 plotname0 <<
"HV: " << setprecision(2) << fixed
734 << vvvRunHv[run][lineId2][domId2][pmtId2] <<
735 leg2->AddEntry(vhToT[run][lineId2][domId2][pmtId2], plotname0.str().c_str(),
738 vhToT[0][lineId2][domId2][pmtId2]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.1, 2*localMaxTemp);
742 issTemp <<
"figs/cToTs-line" << lineId2 + 1 <<
"-dom" << domId2 + 1 <<
"-pmt" << pmtId2 <<
743 cToTsdomxpmty->SaveAs(issTemp.str().c_str());
746 issTemp <<
"figs/cToTs-line" << lineId2 + 1 <<
"-dom" << domId2 + 1 <<
"-pmt" << pmtId2 <<
747 cToTsdomxpmty->SaveAs(issTemp.str().c_str());
750 DEBUG(
"analysis duration: " << difftime(endTime, startTime) << endl);