12 namespace JDETECTOR {}
13 namespace JPP {
using namespace JDETECTOR; }
46 cpu(calibration, input, output);
Interface for PMT simulation.
Enable (disable) use of this PMT if this status bit is 0 (1);.
Auxiliary class for controlling PMT status.
Data structure for PMT calibration.
esac $JPP_DIR examples JDetector JTransitTime o $OUTPUT_FILE n N $NPE T $TTS_NS d $DEBUG for HISTOGRAM in tts tt2 pmt
JTimeRange getTimeRange(const Evt &event)
Get time range (i.e. time between earliest and latest hit) of Monte Carlo event.
virtual const JPMTSignalProcessorInterface & getPMTSignalProcessor(const JPMTIdentifier &pmt) const
Get PMT signal processor.
virtual void processHits(const JPMTIdentifier &id, const JCalibration &calibration, const JStatus &status, const JPMTData< JPMTSignal > &input, JPMTData< JPMTPulse > &output) const
Process hits.
PMT signal processor interface.
virtual bool getPMTStatus(const JPMTIdentifier &id, const JTimeRange &window, const JStatus &status) const
Get PMT status.
Template data structure for PMT I/O.
bool has(const JPMTStatusBits_t bit) const
Test PMT status.
Default PMT simulation interface.