Auxiliary classes and methods for detector calibration. More...
Classes | |
class | JAnchor |
Data structure for anchor position on sea bed. More... | |
struct | JBase |
Type definition of base module. More... | |
class | JCalibration |
Data structure for PMT calibration. More... | |
struct | JCalibrator |
Auxiliary class to apply (de-)calibration to template hit. More... | |
struct | JCalibrator< T, true > |
Template specialisation of JCalibrator for primitive data types. More... | |
struct | JCalibrator< JHit_t, false > |
Template specialisation of JCalibrator for non-primitive data types. More... | |
class | JTransferFunction1D |
Auxiliary class for a non-linear transfer function of TDC inside FPGA. More... | |
class | JCLBDefaultSimulator |
Default CLB simulation. More... | |
class | JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface |
Default CLB simulation. More... | |
struct | JCLBInput |
Wrapper for CLB input. More... | |
class | JCLBSimulator |
Interface for CLB simulation. More... | |
class | JCompass |
Data structure for comapss in three dimensions. More... | |
class | JCompassMatrix |
Compass matrix. More... | |
class | JDAQHitRouter |
Simple wrapper around JModuleRouter class for direct addressing of PMT data in detector data structure for DAQ hits. More... | |
class | JDetector |
Detector data structure. More... | |
class | JDetectorAddressMap |
Lookup table for PMT addresses in detector. More... | |
struct | JPPM_DU_t |
Type definitions for different detectors.PPM_DU. More... | |
struct | JKM3NeT_t |
KM3NeT. More... | |
struct | JMonteCarlo_t |
Monte Carlo .detx file. More... | |
struct | JObsolete_t |
obsolete detector More... | |
class | JTemplateDetectorAddressMap |
Template lookup table for PMT addresses in detector. More... | |
class | JTemplateDetectorAddressMap< JObsolete_t > |
Template specialisation of JTemplateDetectorAddressMap for obsolete detector. More... | |
class | JTemplateDetectorAddressMap< JPPM_DU_t > |
Template specialisation of JTemplateDetectorAddressMap for PPM_DU detector. More... | |
class | JTemplateDetectorAddressMap< JKM3NeT_t > |
Template specialisation of JTemplateDetectorAddressMap for KM3NeT detector. More... | |
class | JTemplateDetectorAddressMap< JMonteCarlo_t > |
Template specialisation of JTemplateDetectorAddressMap for Monte Carlo detector. More... | |
struct | JDetectorAddressMap_t |
Auxiliary class to extract detector address map from detector identifier. More... | |
struct | JDetectorAddressMap_t< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
struct | JDetectorAddressMap_t< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > |
struct | JPMTCalibration_t |
Auxiliary data structure for PMT time calibration. More... | |
struct | JHVCalibration_t |
Data structure for PMT high-voltage calibration. More... | |
struct | JModulePosition_t |
Auxiliary data structure for module position. More... | |
struct | JModuleRotation_t |
Auxiliary data structure for module rotation. More... | |
class | JDetectorHeader |
Data structure for detector header. More... | |
class | JDetectorParameters |
Data structure for parameters for detector geometry. More... | |
class | JDetectorParametersHelper |
Auxiliary class for I/O of JDetectorParameters data structure. More... | |
class | JDetectorSimulator |
Detector simulation. More... | |
class | JDetectorSubset_t |
Detector subset without binary search functionality. More... | |
class | JDetectorSubset |
Detector subset with binary search functionality. More... | |
struct | JRotation |
Auxiliary class to get rotation matrix between two optical modules. More... | |
struct | JDetectorVersion |
Detector version. More... | |
struct | JGetDetectorVersion |
Auxiliary class to map detector variant to detector version. More... | |
struct | JPutDetectorVersion |
Auxiliary class to map detector version to detector variant. More... | |
class | JK40DefaultSimulator |
Default implementation of the simulation of K40 background. More... | |
class | JK40DefaultSimulatorInterface |
Default K40 simulator interface. More... | |
struct | JK40Rates |
Auxiliary class for K40 rates. More... | |
class | JK40Simulator |
Interface for simulation of K40 background. More... | |
class | JLocation |
Logical location of module. More... | |
class | JModule |
Data structure for a composite optical module. More... | |
class | JModuleAddress |
Address of module in detector data structure. More... | |
struct | JPMTAddressTranslator |
Data structure to translate PMT physical to readout address. More... | |
class | JModuleAddressMap |
Lookup table for PMT addresses in optical module. More... | |
struct | JModuleComparator3Z_t |
Module comparator according its z-position. More... | |
struct | JModuleComparator3D_t |
Module comparator according its distance to origin. More... | |
class | JModuleGeometry |
Module geometry. More... | |
struct | JUTCDistance |
Auxiliary class for distance beteen UTC times. More... | |
struct | JModuleAttributes |
Data structure for module address and module attributes. More... | |
struct | JMaximalDistance |
Auxiliary class to match modules according maximal distance. More... | |
class | JModuleMapper |
Mapper for directly addressing of associated modules in the detector data structure. More... | |
class | JModuleRouter |
Router for direct addressing of module data in detector data structure. More... | |
class | JMonteCarloDetector |
Monte Carlo detector (i.e. so-called .det file). More... | |
class | JPMT |
Data structure for PMT geometry and calibration. More... | |
class | JPMTAddress |
Address of PMT in detector data structure. More... | |
struct | JPMTAnalogueSignalProcessor |
PMT analogue signal processor. More... | |
class | JPMTChannel |
Auxiliary class to uniquely identify PMT readout channel. More... | |
struct | JModuleSignalProcessor |
Auxiliary container for PMT signal processors in same optical module. More... | |
class | JPMTDefaultSimulator |
Default PMT simulation. More... | |
class | JPMTDefaultSimulatorInterface |
Default PMT simulation interface. More... | |
class | JPMTIdentifier |
PMT identifier. More... | |
class | JPMTParameters |
Data structure for PMT parameters. More... | |
class | JPMTParametersMap |
Auxiliary class for map of PMT parameters. More... | |
class | JPMTPhysicalAddress |
Data structure for PMT physical address. More... | |
struct | JPMTRateRange |
Data structure for range of PMT rates. More... | |
class | JPMTReadoutAddress |
Data structure for PMT readout address. More... | |
class | JPMTRouter |
Router for direct addressing of PMT data in detector data structure. More... | |
class | JPMTSignalProcessorInterface |
PMT signal processor interface. More... | |
struct | JPhotoElectron |
Data structure for single photo-electron. More... | |
struct | JPMTSignal |
Data structure for PMT analogue signal. More... | |
struct | JPMTPulse |
Data structure for PMT digital pulse. More... | |
class | JPMTData |
Template data structure for PMT I/O. More... | |
class | JModuleData |
Data structure for PMT data corresponding to a detector module. More... | |
class | JPMTSimulator |
Interface for PMT simulation. More... | |
class | JTransitionTimeGenerator |
Auxiliary class to generate PMT transition times based on measurements by Oleg Kalekin et al. More... | |
class | JTransitionTimeProbability |
Probability distibution of the PMT transition times based on measurements by Oleg Kalekin et al. More... | |
class | JTransitionTimeProbability2D |
Auxiliary class to generate twofold PMT transition times. More... | |
struct | JStatus |
Auxiliary class for controlling PMT status. More... | |
struct | JGetPMTStatusBit |
Auxiliary class to map key to PMT status bit. More... | |
struct | JPutPMTStatusBit |
Auxiliary class to map PMT status bit to key. More... | |
struct | JStringCounter |
Auxiliary class for counting unique strings. More... | |
class | JTripod |
Data structure for tripod. More... | |
struct | JVersion |
Auxiliary class for version identifier. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef JPMTData< JPMTPulse > | JPMTOutput |
Type definition of PMT base output. More... | |
typedef JTYPELIST< JPPM_DU_t, JKM3NeT_t, JMonteCarlo_t > ::typelist | JDetectorTypes_t |
Type list of detector types. More... | |
typedef std::vector < JHVCalibration_t > | JHVCalibration |
PMT high voltage calibration. More... | |
typedef std::vector < JPMTCalibration_t > | JPMTCalibration |
PMT time calibration. More... | |
typedef std::vector < JModulePosition_t > | JModulePosition |
Module position. More... | |
typedef std::vector < JModuleRotation_t > | JModuleRotation |
Module rotation. More... | |
typedef double | JRateL0_t |
Type definition of singles rate [Hz]. More... | |
typedef std::vector< double > | JRateL1_t |
Type definition of count rate as a function of multiplicty [Hz] The multiples rate start counting at two-fold coincidences. More... | |
typedef size_t | multiplicity_type |
Type definition of multiplicity. More... | |
typedef JLANG::JComparator < double(JVector3D::*)() const > | JModuleComparator |
Type definition of a module comparator using 3D position information. More... | |
typedef JLANG::JObjectID | JModuleIdentifier |
typedef std::map < JPMTIdentifier, JPMTParameters > | JPMTParametersMap_t |
Type definition of map PMT identifier to PMT parameters. More... | |
Functions | |
bool | operator< (const JAnchor &first, const JAnchor &second) |
Sort anchors in ascending distance from (0,0). More... | |
template<class T > | |
double | getTime (const T &t1, const JCalibration &cal) |
Get calibrated time. More... | |
template<class T > | |
double | putTime (const T &t1, const JCalibration &cal) |
Get de-calibrated time. More... | |
template<class T > | |
double | getToT (const T &tot, const JCalibration &cal) |
Get calibrated time-over-threshold of hit. More... | |
template<class T > | |
double | putToT (const T &tot, const JCalibration &cal) |
Get de-calibrated time-over-threshold of hit. More... | |
bool | hasDetector (JType< JPPM_DU_t > type, const int id) |
Check validity of detector identifier. More... | |
bool | hasDetector (JType< JKM3NeT_t > type, const int id) |
bool | hasDetector (JType< JMonteCarlo_t > type, const int id) |
template<class JDetector_t > | |
JDetectorAddressMap & | getDetectorAddressMap () |
Get detector address map. More... | |
template<class JDetector_t > | |
JModuleAddressMap & | getModuleAddressMap (int id) |
Get module address map. More... | |
template<class JDetector_t > | |
const JPMTAddressTranslator & | getPMTAddressTranslator (int id, int tdc) |
Get PMT address translator for given module identifier and TDC channel. More... | |
template<class JDetector_t > | |
int | getPMTLogicalIndex (int id, int tdc) |
Get PMT logical index for given module identifier and TDC channel. More... | |
JDetectorAddressMap & | getDetectorAddressMap (const int id) |
Get detector address map. More... | |
bool | hasDetectorAddressMap (const int id) |
Check if detector address map is available. More... | |
bool | is_valid (const json &js) |
Check validity of JSon data. More... | |
std::string | get_date_string (const std::time_t &time) |
Create ISO 8601 date string for output file header. More... | |
template<class T > | |
std::vector< std::string > | get_string_array (T value) |
Cast single value to array of strings, conform the DB-format. More... | |
double | retrieve_value (std::vector< std::string > string_value_array) |
Retrieve value from json array of strings. More... | |
void | to_json (json &js, const JPMTCalibration_t &object) |
Convert PMT time calibration to JSon. More... | |
void | from_json (const json &js, JPMTCalibration_t &object) |
Convert JSon to PMT time calibration. More... | |
void | to_json (json &js, const JHVCalibration_t &object) |
Convert PMT high-voltage calibration to JSon. More... | |
void | from_json (const json &js, JHVCalibration_t &object) |
Convert JSon to PMT high-voltage calibration. More... | |
void | to_json (json &js, const JModulePosition_t &object) |
Convert module position to JSon. More... | |
void | from_json (const json &js, JModulePosition_t &object) |
Convert JSon to module position. More... | |
void | to_json (json &js, const JModuleRotation_t &object) |
Convert module rotation to JSon. More... | |
void | from_json (const json &js, JModuleRotation_t &object) |
Convert JSon to module rotation. More... | |
JDetectorHeader | getARCADetectorHeader () |
Get detector header for ARCA. More... | |
JDetectorHeader | getORCADetectorHeader () |
Get detector header for ORCA. More... | |
double | getMaximalDistance (const JDetector &detector) |
Get maximal distance between modules in detector. More... | |
double | GetXrotationG4 (const JVersor3D dir) |
Get rotation over X axis in Geant4 coordinate system. More... | |
double | GetYrotationG4 (const JVersor3D dir) |
Get rotation over Y axis in Geant4 coordinate system. More... | |
void | read_gdml (std::istream &, const JDetector &) |
void | write_gdml (std::ostream &out, const JDetector &detector) |
Writes KM3Sim GDML input file from detector. More... | |
double | getMaximalTime (const JDetector &detector) |
Get maximal time between modules in detector following causality. More... | |
double | getMaximalTime (const JDetector &detector, const double roadWidth_m) |
Get maximal time between modules in detector following causality. More... | |
JTimeRange | getTimeRange (const JTimeRange &timeRange, const JModule &module) |
Get de-calibrated time range. More... | |
int | getNumberOfPMTs (const JModule &module) |
Get number of PMTs. More... | |
int | getNumberOfPMTs (const JDetector &detector) |
Get number of PMTs. More... | |
std::set< int > | getStringIDs (const JDetector &detector) |
Get list of strings IDs. More... | |
int | getNumberOfFloors (const JDetector &detector) |
Get number of floors. More... | |
int | getNumberOfModules (const JDetector &detector) |
Get number of modules. More... | |
void | load (const JString &file_name, JDetector &detector) |
Load detector from input file. More... | |
void | store (const JString &file_name, const JDetector &detector) |
Store detector to output file. More... | |
const JModule & | getModule (const JModuleAddressMap &memo, const int id, const JLocation &location=JLocation()) |
Get module according module address map. More... | |
const JModule & | getModule (const int id, const JLocation &location=JLocation()) |
Get module corresponding to Antares storey. More... | |
JPosition3D | getPosition (const JModule &first, const JModule &second) |
Get position to go from first to second module. More... | |
JCalibration | getCalibration (const JCalibration &first, const JCalibration &second) |
Get calibration to go from first to second calibration. More... | |
std::vector< std::string > | getDetectorVersions (const JType< std::string > &type) |
Get detector versions. More... | |
std::vector < JDetectorVersion::JVersion_t > | getDetectorVersions (const JType< JDetectorVersion::JVersion_t > &type) |
Get detector versions. More... | |
template<class T > | |
std::vector< T > | getDetectorVersions () |
Get detector versions. More... | |
std::string | getLabel (const JLocation &location) |
Get module label for monitoring and other applications. More... | |
template<class JAttributes_t > | |
void | setAttributes (const JModule &first, const JModule &second, JAttributes_t &attributes) |
Template method to set module attributes. More... | |
template<> | |
void | setAttributes< JNullType > (const JModule &first, const JModule &second, JNullType &attributes) |
Template specialisation to set no attributes for the default empty object. More... | |
bool | operator< (const JPMTIdentifier &first, const JPMTIdentifier &second) |
Less than operator for PMT identifiers. More... | |
bool | operator== (const JPMTIdentifier &first, const JPMTIdentifier &second) |
Equal operator for PMT identifiers. More... | |
std::string | getLabel (const JPMTIdentifier &id) |
Get PMT label for monitoring and other applications. More... | |
double | getSurvivalProbability (const JPMTParameters ¶meters) |
Get model dependent probability that a one photo-electron hit survives the simulation of the PMT assuming QE = 1. More... | |
double | getHitProbability (const double QE, const double mu) |
Get ratio of hit probabilities for given QE and expectation value of the number of photo-electrons. More... | |
double | getMaximalHitProbability (const double mu) |
Get maximal ratio of hit probabilities for given QE and expectation value of the number of photo-electrons. More... | |
double | getQE (const double R, const double mu) |
Get QE for given ratio of hit probabilities and expectation value of the number of photo-electrons. More... | |
bool | operator< (const JPhotoElectron &first, const JPhotoElectron &second) |
Less than operator for photo-elecrons. More... | |
bool | operator< (const JPMTSignal &first, const JPMTSignal &second) |
Less than operator for PMT signals. More... | |
bool | operator< (const JPMTPulse &first, const JPMTPulse &second) |
Less than operator for PMT pulses. More... | |
JTimeRange | getTimeRange (const JPMTData< JPMTSignal > &input) |
Get time range (i.e. earlist and latest hit time) of PMT data. More... | |
JTimeRange | getTimeRange (const JModuleData &input) |
Get time range (i.e. earlist and latest hit time) of module data. More... | |
std::vector< std::string > | getPMTStatusBits (const JType< std::string > &type) |
Get PMT status bits. More... | |
std::vector < JStatus::JPMTStatusBits_t > | getPMTStatusBits (const JType< JStatus::JPMTStatusBits_t > &type) |
Get PMT status bits. More... | |
template<class T > | |
std::vector< T > | getPMTStatusBits () |
Get PMT status bits. More... | |
bool | operator< (const JVersion &first, const JVersion &second) |
Less-than operator for versions. More... | |
Variables | |
const double | TIME_OVER_THRESHOLD_NS = 25.62 |
Specification for time-over-threshold corresponding to a one photo-electron pulse. More... | |
const double | NOMINAL_GAIN = 1.0 |
Specification for normalized gain corresponding to a one photo-electron pulse. More... | |
static const std::string | User_t = "User" |
Detector calibration key words for JSON I/O. More... | |
static const std::string | Location_t = "Location" |
static const std::string | StartTime_t = "StartTime" |
static const std::string | EndTime_t = "EndTime" |
static const std::string | Comment_t = "Comment" |
static const std::string | Type_t = "Type" |
static const std::string | Parameters_t = "Parameters" |
static const std::string | Tests_t = "Tests" |
static const std::string | Data_t = "Data" |
static const std::string | RunNumber_t = "RUN_NUMBER" |
static const std::string | Name_t = "Name" |
static const std::string | Unit_t = "Unit" |
static const std::string | Values_t = "Values" |
static const std::string | PMTT0s_t = "PMTT0s" |
static const std::string | PMTSupplyVoltage_t = "PMT_Supply_Voltage" |
static const std::string | PMTGain_t = "PMT_Gain" |
static const std::string | DOMPositions_t = "DOMPositions" |
static const std::string | DOMRotations_t = "DOMRotations" |
static const std::string | Test_t = "Test" |
static const std::string | Target_t = "Target" |
static const std::string | Outcome_t = "Outcome" |
static const std::string | UPI_t = "UPI" |
static const std::string | PBS_t = "PBS" |
static const std::string | Variant_t = "Variant" |
static const std::string | PMTSerial_t = "PMTSerial" |
static const std::string | DOMSerial_t = "DOMSerial" |
static const std::string | DOMId_t = "DOMId" |
static const std::string | T0_t = "T0" |
static const std::string | PX_t = "PX" |
static const std::string | PY_t = "PY" |
static const std::string | PZ_t = "PZ" |
static const std::string | Q0_t = "Q0" |
static const std::string | QX_t = "QX" |
static const std::string | QY_t = "QY" |
static const std::string | QZ_t = "QZ" |
static const std::string | Unitless_t = "-" |
static const std::string | Volt_t = "V" |
static const std::string | Result_t = "Result" |
static const std::string | OK_t = "OK" |
static const std::string | Failed_t = "FAILED" |
static const char *const | GENDET_DETECTOR_FILE_FORMAT = ".det" |
File name extensions. More... | |
static const char *const | BINARY_DETECTOR_FILE_FORMAT = ".dat" |
JIO binary file format. More... | |
static const char *const | KM3NET_DETECTOR_FILE_FORMAT = ".detx" |
KM3NeT standard ASCII format. More... | |
static const char *const | ZIPPED_DETECTOR_FILE_FORMAT = ".gz" |
zipped KM3NeT standard ASCII format More... | |
static const char *const | GDML_DETECTOR_FILE_FORMAT = ".gdml" |
KM3Sim input format. More... | |
static const char *const | GDML_SCHEMA = getenv("GDML_SCHEMA_DIR") |
directory necessary for correct GDML header output More... | |
static const char *const | CAN_MARGIN = getenv("CAN_MARGIN") |
extension of the detector size to comply with the can definition More... | |
static const char *const | G4GDML_DEFAULT_SCHEMALOCATION = "" |
static JRotation | getRotation |
Function object to get rotation matrix to go from first to second module. More... | |
static const JGetDetectorVersion | getDetectorVersion |
Function object to map detector variant to detector version. More... | |
static const JPutDetectorVersion | putDetectorVersion (getDetectorVersion) |
Function object to map detector version to detector variant. More... | |
static const int | LED_BEACON_PMT_TYPE = 2 |
PMT type of LED beacon. More... | |
static const JTransitionTimeGenerator | getTransitionTime |
Function object to generate transition time. More... | |
static const JTransitionTimeProbability | getTransitionTimeProbability |
Function object of transition time prabability. More... | |
static const JTransitionTimeProbability2D | getTransitionTimeProbability2D |
Function object of twofold transition time prabability. More... | |
static const JGetPMTStatusBit | getPMTStatusBit |
Function object to map key to PMT status bit. More... | |
static const JPutPMTStatusBit | putPMTStatusBit (getPMTStatusBit) |
Function object to map PMT status bit to key. More... | |
static const JStringCounter | getNumberOfStrings |
Function object to count unique strings. More... | |
Auxiliary classes and methods for detector calibration.
Auxiliary classes and methods for detector calibration and simulation.
typedef JPMTData<JPMTPulse> JDETECTOR::JPMTOutput |
Type definition of PMT base output.
Definition at line 27 of file JCLBSimulator.hh.
typedef JTYPELIST<JPPM_DU_t, JKM3NeT_t, JMonteCarlo_t>::typelist JDETECTOR::JDetectorTypes_t |
Type list of detector types.
Definition at line 42 of file JDetectorAddressMapToolkit.hh.
PMT high voltage calibration.
Definition at line 415 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
PMT time calibration.
Definition at line 416 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
Module position.
Definition at line 417 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
Module rotation.
Definition at line 418 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
typedef double JDETECTOR::JRateL0_t |
Type definition of singles rate [Hz].
Definition at line 21 of file JK40Rates.hh.
typedef std::vector<double> JDETECTOR::JRateL1_t |
Type definition of count rate as a function of multiplicty [Hz] The multiples rate start counting at two-fold coincidences.
Definition at line 27 of file JK40Rates.hh.
typedef size_t JDETECTOR::multiplicity_type |
Type definition of multiplicity.
Definition at line 33 of file JK40Rates.hh.
typedef JLANG::JComparator<double (JVector3D::*)() const> JDETECTOR::JModuleComparator |
Type definition of a module comparator using 3D position information.
Definition at line 22 of file JModuleComparator.hh.
Definition at line 16 of file JModuleIdentifier.hh.
Type definition of map PMT identifier to PMT parameters.
Definition at line 47 of file JPMTParametersMap.hh.
Sort anchors in ascending distance from (0,0).
first | first anchor |
second | second anchor |
Definition at line 99 of file JAnchor.hh.
inline |
Get calibrated time.
t1 | time [ns] |
cal | calibration |
Definition at line 208 of file JDetector/JCalibration.hh.
inline |
Get de-calibrated time.
t1 | time [ns] |
cal | calibration |
Definition at line 222 of file JDetector/JCalibration.hh.
inline |
Get calibrated time-over-threshold of hit.
tot | time-over-threshold [ns] |
cal | calibration |
Definition at line 236 of file JDetector/JCalibration.hh.
inline |
Get de-calibrated time-over-threshold of hit.
tot | time-over-threshold [ns] |
cal | calibration |
Definition at line 250 of file JDetector/JCalibration.hh.
inline |
Check validity of detector identifier.
type | detector type |
id | detector identifier |
Definition at line 52 of file JDetectorAddressMapToolkit.hh.
inline |
Definition at line 53 of file JDetectorAddressMapToolkit.hh.
inline |
Definition at line 54 of file JDetectorAddressMapToolkit.hh.
inline |
Get detector address map.
Definition at line 363 of file JDetectorAddressMapToolkit.hh.
inline |
Get module address map.
id | module identifier |
Definition at line 378 of file JDetectorAddressMapToolkit.hh.
inline |
Get PMT address translator for given module identifier and TDC channel.
id | module identifier |
tdc | TDC |
Definition at line 392 of file JDetectorAddressMapToolkit.hh.
inline |
Get PMT logical index for given module identifier and TDC channel.
id | module identifier |
tdc | TDC |
Definition at line 406 of file JDetectorAddressMapToolkit.hh.
inline |
Get detector address map.
id | detector identifier |
Definition at line 487 of file JDetectorAddressMapToolkit.hh.
inline |
Check if detector address map is available.
id | detector identifier |
Definition at line 499 of file JDetectorAddressMapToolkit.hh.
inline |
Check validity of JSon data.
js | JSon data |
Definition at line 101 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
inline |
Create ISO 8601 date string for output file header.
time | Unix timestamp |
Definition at line 113 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
inline |
Cast single value to array of strings, conform the DB-format.
value | value |
Definition at line 134 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
inline |
Retrieve value from json array of strings.
string_value_array | array of string-casted values |
Definition at line 148 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
inline |
Convert PMT time calibration to JSon.
js | json |
object | PMT time calibration |
Definition at line 188 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
inline |
Convert JSon to PMT time calibration.
js | json |
object | PMT time calibration |
Definition at line 201 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
inline |
Convert PMT high-voltage calibration to JSon.
js | json |
object | PMT high-voltage calibration |
Definition at line 256 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
inline |
Convert JSon to PMT high-voltage calibration.
js | json |
object | PMT high-voltage calibration |
Definition at line 282 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
inline |
Convert module position to JSon.
js | json |
object | module position |
Definition at line 331 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
inline |
Convert JSon to module position.
js | json |
object | module position |
Definition at line 346 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
inline |
Convert module rotation to JSon.
js | json |
object | module rotation |
Definition at line 389 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
inline |
Convert JSon to module rotation.
js | json |
object | module rotation |
Definition at line 405 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
inline |
Get detector header for ARCA.
Definition at line 223 of file JDetectorHeader.hh.
inline |
Get detector header for ORCA.
Definition at line 235 of file JDetectorHeader.hh.
inline |
Get maximal distance between modules in detector.
detector | detector |
Definition at line 81 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
inline |
Get rotation over X axis in Geant4 coordinate system.
dir | direction |
Definition at line 103 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
inline |
Get rotation over Y axis in Geant4 coordinate system.
dir | direction |
Definition at line 122 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
inline |
Definition at line 128 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
inline |
Writes KM3Sim GDML input file from detector.
out | output stream |
detector | detector |
Definition at line 138 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
inline |
Get maximal time between modules in detector following causality.
detector | detector |
Definition at line 310 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
inline |
Get maximal time between modules in detector following causality.
The road width corresponds to the maximal distance traveled by the light.
detector | detector |
roadWidth_m | road width [m] |
Definition at line 324 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
inline |
Get de-calibrated time range.
The de-calibrated time range is corrected for minimal and maximal time offset of PMTs in given module.
timeRange | time range [ns] |
module | module |
Definition at line 343 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
inline |
Get number of PMTs.
module | module |
Definition at line 372 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
inline |
Get number of PMTs.
detector | detector |
Definition at line 384 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
Get list of strings IDs.
detector | detector |
Definition at line 402 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
inline |
Get number of floors.
detector | detector |
Definition at line 420 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
inline |
Get number of modules.
detector | detector |
Definition at line 438 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
Load detector from input file.
Supported file formats:
file_name | file name |
detector | detector |
Definition at line 462 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
Store detector to output file.
Supported file formats:
file_name | file name |
detector | detector |
Definition at line 538 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
inline |
Get module according module address map.
memo | module address map |
id | module identifier |
location | module location |
Definition at line 590 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
inline |
Get module corresponding to Antares storey.
id | module identifier |
location | module location |
Definition at line 653 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
inline |
Get position to go from first to second module.
first | first module |
second | second module |
Definition at line 820 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
inline |
Get calibration to go from first to second calibration.
first | first calibration |
second | second calibration |
Definition at line 833 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
inline |
Get detector versions.
Note that the order of the versions is descending.
type | type |
Definition at line 253 of file JDetectorVersion.hh.
inline |
Get detector versions.
Note that the order of the versions is descending.
type | type |
Definition at line 267 of file JDetectorVersion.hh.
inline |
Get detector versions.
Definition at line 279 of file JDetectorVersion.hh.
inline |
Get module label for monitoring and other applications.
The format is "(XXXX,YY)", where XXXX is the string number and YY the floor.
location | module location |
Definition at line 246 of file JLocation.hh.
void JDETECTOR::setAttributes | ( | const JModule & | first, |
const JModule & | second, | ||
JAttributes_t & | attributes | ||
) |
Template method to set module attributes.
This method should be overloaded for each type of module attributes.
first | first module |
second | second module |
attributes | module attributes |
void JDETECTOR::setAttributes< JNullType > | ( | const JModule & | first, |
const JModule & | second, | ||
JNullType & | attributes | ||
) |
Template specialisation to set no attributes for the default empty object.
first | first module |
second | second module |
attributes | module attributes |
Definition at line 48 of file JModuleMapper.hh.
inline |
Less than operator for PMT identifiers.
first | PMT identifier |
second | PMT identifier |
Definition at line 154 of file JPMTIdentifier.hh.
inline |
Equal operator for PMT identifiers.
first | PMT identifier |
second | PMT identifier |
Definition at line 170 of file JPMTIdentifier.hh.
inline |
Get PMT label for monitoring and other applications.
The format is "(XXXXXXXXXX,YY)", where XXXXXXXXXX is the module idetifier and YY the PMT readout channel.
id | PMT identifier |
Definition at line 184 of file JPMTIdentifier.hh.
inline |
Get model dependent probability that a one photo-electron hit survives the simulation of the PMT assuming QE = 1.
parameters | PMT parameters |
Definition at line 32 of file JPMTParametersToolkit.hh.
inline |
Get ratio of hit probabilities for given QE and expectation value of the number of photo-electrons.
The ratio corresponds to the hit probability with given QE divided by that with QE = 1.
The expectation value is defined for a two-fold (or higher) coincidence.
QE | QE |
mu | expectation value |
Definition at line 52 of file JPMTParametersToolkit.hh.
inline |
Get maximal ratio of hit probabilities for given QE and expectation value of the number of photo-electrons.
The ratio corresponds to the hit probability with infinite QE divided by that with QE = 1.
The expectation value is defined for a two-fold (or higher) coincidence.
mu | expectation value |
Definition at line 69 of file JPMTParametersToolkit.hh.
inline |
Get QE for given ratio of hit probabilities and expectation value of the number of photo-electrons.
The ratio corresponds to the hit probability with given QE divided by that with QE = 1.
The expectation value is defined for a two-fold (or higher) coincidence.
R | ratio |
mu | expectation value |
Definition at line 89 of file JPMTParametersToolkit.hh.
inline |
Less than operator for photo-elecrons.
first | first photo-electron |
second | second photo-electron |
Definition at line 68 of file JPMTSimulator.hh.
inline |
Less than operator for PMT signals.
first | first PMT signal |
second | second PMT signal |
Definition at line 112 of file JPMTSimulator.hh.
Less than operator for PMT pulses.
first | first PMT pulse |
second | second PMT pulse |
Definition at line 156 of file JPMTSimulator.hh.
inline |
Get time range (i.e. earlist and latest hit time) of PMT data.
input | PMT data |
Definition at line 285 of file JPMTSimulator.hh.
inline |
Get time range (i.e. earlist and latest hit time) of module data.
input | module data |
Definition at line 303 of file JPMTSimulator.hh.
inline |
Get PMT status bits.
type | type |
Definition at line 307 of file JStatus.hh.
inline |
Get PMT status bits.
type | type |
Definition at line 319 of file JStatus.hh.
inline |
Get PMT status bits.
Definition at line 331 of file JStatus.hh.
Less-than operator for versions.
first | first version |
second | second version |
Definition at line 181 of file JVersion.hh.
const double JDETECTOR::TIME_OVER_THRESHOLD_NS = 25.62 |
Specification for time-over-threshold corresponding to a one photo-electron pulse.
Definition at line 29 of file JDetector/JCalibration.hh.
const double JDETECTOR::NOMINAL_GAIN = 1.0 |
Specification for normalized gain corresponding to a one photo-electron pulse.
Definition at line 34 of file JDetector/JCalibration.hh.
static |
Detector calibration key words for JSON I/O.
Definition at line 39 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 40 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 41 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 42 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 43 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 46 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 47 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 48 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 49 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 50 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 51 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 52 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 53 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 56 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 57 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 58 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 59 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 60 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 63 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 64 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 65 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 68 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 69 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 70 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 71 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 72 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 73 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 76 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 77 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 78 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 79 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 80 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 81 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 82 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 83 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 86 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 87 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 90 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 91 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
Definition at line 92 of file JDetectorCalibration.hh.
static |
static |
JIO binary file format.
Definition at line 66 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
static |
KM3NeT standard ASCII format.
Definition at line 67 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
static |
zipped KM3NeT standard ASCII format
Definition at line 68 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
static |
KM3Sim input format.
Definition at line 69 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
static |
directory necessary for correct GDML header output
Definition at line 70 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
static |
extension of the detector size to comply with the can definition
Definition at line 71 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
static |
Definition at line 72 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
static |
Function object to get rotation matrix to go from first to second module.
Definition at line 810 of file JDetectorToolkit.hh.
static |
Function object to map detector variant to detector version.
Definition at line 236 of file JDetectorVersion.hh.
static |
Function object to map detector version to detector variant.
static |
PMT type of LED beacon.
Definition at line 37 of file JMonteCarloDetector.hh.
static |
Function object to generate transition time.
Definition at line 1071 of file JPMTTransitTimeGenerator.hh.
static |
Function object of transition time prabability.
Definition at line 1046 of file JPMTTransitTimeProbability.hh.
static |
Function object of twofold transition time prabability.
Definition at line 1096 of file JPMTTransitTimeProbability.hh.
static |
Function object to map key to PMT status bit.
Definition at line 292 of file JStatus.hh.
static |
Function object to map PMT status bit to key.
static |
Function object to count unique strings.
Definition at line 95 of file JStringCounter.hh.