19 #include "TPolyLine3D.h"
20 #include "TPolyMarker3D.h"
41 int main(
int argc,
char** argv ) {
42 cout <<
"JMarkovPathDisplayer" << endl
43 <<
"Written by Martijn Jongen" << endl
45 cout <<
"Type '" << argv[0] <<
" -h!' to display the command-line options." << endl ;
49 string ofname =
"out.root" ;
54 zap[
"f"] =
"input file name (binary file containing JPhotonPaths)") ;
55 zap[
"o"] =
"output file name") ;
56 zap[
"n"] =
"max number of paths to draw") = 200 ;
58 if (zap.
read(argc, argv) != 0) {
62 catch(
const exception &error) {
68 cout <<
"Reading files." << endl ;
71 cout <<
"Reading '" << *it <<
"'." << endl ;
74 reader.
open(it->c_str()) ;
76 cerr <<
"FATAL ERROR: unable to open input file '" << *it <<
"'." << endl ;
81 while( reader.
hasNext() && nread_total<=npaths_to_draw ) {
87 cout <<
"--> read " << nread <<
" paths." << endl ;
91 cout <<
"Done reading paths." << endl ;
94 if( nread_total == 0 ) {
95 cerr <<
"FATAL ERROR: could not read any JPhotonPaths from the file(s)." << endl ;
99 cout <<
"Done reading files. Read " << nread_total <<
" paths from it." << endl ;
103 double xmin = 1.0/0.0 ;
104 double xmax = -1.0/0.0 ;
105 double ymin = 1.0/0.0 ;
106 double ymax = -1.0/0.0 ;
107 double zmin = 1.0/0.0 ;
108 double zmax = -1.0/0.0 ;
114 TRandom3* ran =
new TRandom3(0) ;
117 npaths_to_draw = min(npaths_to_draw,nread_total) ;
120 for(
int i=0 ; i<npaths_to_draw ; ++i ) {
121 int nvert = paths[i].size() ;
124 TPolyLine3D* pl =
new TPolyLine3D(nvert) ;
125 pl->SetLineWidth(1) ;
126 pl->SetLineColor(kCyan) ;
127 to_draw.push_back(pl) ;
129 for(
int j=0 ;
j<nvert ; ++
j ) {
130 double x = paths[i][
j].getX() ;
131 double y = paths[i][
j].getY() ;
132 double z = paths[i][
j].getZ() ;
133 if( x>xmax ) xmax = x ;
134 if( y>ymax ) ymax = y ;
135 if( x<xmin ) xmin = x ;
136 if( y<ymin ) ymin = y ;
137 if( z<zmin ) zmin = z ;
138 if( z>zmax ) zmax = z ;
139 pl->SetPoint(
j, x, y, z ) ;
141 xsource = paths[i][0] ;
142 xtarget = paths[i][nvert-1] ;
148 if( xmax-xmin > range ) range = xmax-xmin ;
149 if( ymax-ymin > range ) range = ymax-ymin ;
150 if( zmax-zmin > range ) range = zmax-zmin ;
154 extra = 0.5*(range-xmax-xmin) ;
158 extra = 0.5*(range-ymax-ymin) ;
162 extra = 0.5*(range-zmax-zmin) ;
166 cout <<
"DIMENSIONS: " << endl
167 <<
"x = [ " << xmin <<
" , " << xmax <<
" ] [m]" << endl
168 <<
"y = [ " << ymin <<
" , " << xmax <<
" ] [m]" << endl
169 <<
"z = [ " << zmin <<
" , " << xmax <<
" ] [m]" << endl ;
173 cout <<
"Creating and filling TH3F" << endl ;
175 TH3F* h3 =
new TH3F(
176 "Local path density;X [m];Y [m];Z [m]",
179 nbinsh3,zmin,zmax ) ;
180 h3->SetOption(
"colz") ;
181 for( Int_t zbin=1 ; zbin<=nbinsh3 ; ++zbin ) {
182 double z = h3->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter(zbin) ;
183 for(
int i=0 ; i<nread_total ; ++i ) {
186 h3->Fill( it->getX(), it->getY(), it->getZ() ) ;
190 cout <<
"TH3F filled!" << endl ;
194 cout <<
"Creating and filling TH3F" << endl ;
195 TH3F* h3X =
new TH3F(
196 "Local path density;X [m];Y [m];Z [m]",
199 nbinsh3,zmin,zmax ) ;
200 h3X->SetOption(
"colz") ;
201 for( Int_t xbin=1 ; xbin<=nbinsh3 ; ++xbin ) {
202 double x = h3X->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(xbin) ;
203 for(
int i=0 ; i<nread_total ; ++i ) {
206 h3X->Fill( it->getX(), it->getY(), it->getZ() ) ;
210 cout <<
"TH3F filled!" << endl ;
243 double csize = 2048 ;
244 TCanvas* cDisplay =
new TCanvas(
"Display",10,10,csize,csize) ;
245 TPad* pad1 =
new TPad(
"pad1",0,0,1,1,kBlue+4) ;
248 TView3D* view = (TView3D*)TView::CreateView(1) ;
250 view->SetRange(xmin,ymin,zmin,
256 TPolyMarker3D* pm =
new TPolyMarker3D(2,1) ;
257 pm->SetPoint(0, xsource.
getX(), xsource.
getY(), xsource.
getZ() ) ;
258 pm->SetPoint(1, xtarget.
getX(), xtarget.
getY(), xtarget.
getZ() ) ;
259 pm->SetMarkerSize(2) ;
260 pm->SetMarkerColor(kRed) ;
261 pm->SetMarkerStyle(20) ;
268 cDisplay->SaveAs(
"display.png") ;
269 cDisplay->SaveAs(
"display.pdf") ;
270 cout <<
"Output in 'display.png'." << endl ;
289 TFile* fout =
new TFile(ofname.c_str(),
"recreate") ;
295 cout <<
"Output written to '" << ofname <<
"'." << endl ;
297 cout <<
"Done!" << endl ;
Utility class to parse command line options.
virtual const pointer_type & next()
Get next element.
#define make_field(A,...)
macro to convert parameter to JParserTemplateElement object
double getY() const
Get y position.
int read(const int argc, const char *const argv[])
Parse the program's command line options.
Utility class to parse command line options.
double getX() const
Get x position.
virtual bool hasNext()
Check availability of next element.
Data structure for position in three dimensions.
double getZ() const
Get z position.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])