AAObject.hh | |
 AcousticDataFilter.cpp | |
 AcousticDataFilter.h | |
 Antares.hh | Optical properties of Antares deep-sea site |
 Ars.cc | |
 Ars.hh | |
 Audio_Structures.h | |
 clb_common_header.hh | |
 clb_datagram.cc | |
 clb_datagram.hh | |
 clb_replay.cpp | |
 clb_simu.cpp | |
 clb_swiss_knife.cpp | |
 DataQueue/build/CMakeFiles/ | |
 MonRouter/build/CMakeFiles/ | |
 configure.hh | |
 crypt.cc | |
 daq_common_header.hh | |
 daq_parser.cpp | |
 data_input_interface.hh | |
 DataQueue.cc | |
 datatypes.cpp | |
 DataTypes.hh | |
 datatypespec.hh | |
 debug_abrt.hh | |
 DFInterface.cc | |
 DFInterface.hh | |
 diff-Tuna.sh | |
 dom_map.cpp | |
 DomCrossing.hh | |
 doxygen.sh | |
 dqdumpfile.hh | |
 dump_file.hh | |
 elog-version.h | |
 elog.cc | |
 elogd.h | |
 EventPreamble.hh | |
 Evt.hh | |
 Exception.hh | |
 file-Tuna.sh | |
 fitparameters.hh | |
 frame.hh | |
 frame_farm.cc | |
 frame_farm.hh | |
 frame_generator.cc | |
 frame_generator.hh | |
 FramePreamble.hh | |
 getAAnetFiles.cc | Auxiliary program to select Monte Carlo files according generator |
 getCookie.cc | Auxiliary program to print cookie file name |
 getDetector.cc | Auxiliary program to get serial number or object identifier of detector from database |
 getGITTags.cc | Auxiliary program to print GIT tags |
 getLivetime.cc | Auxiliary program to print live time of data taking |
 getLivetime.sh | |
 getLocation.cc | Auxiliary program to print module location for a given module identifier |
 getModule.cc | Auxiliary program to print module identifier for a given module location |
 getModule.sh | |
 getPMT.cc | Auxiliary program to print module identifier for a given PMT identifier |
 getPMTStatus.cc | Auxiliary program to print module location for a given module iddentifier |
 getShell.cc | Example program to print shell |
 getTimestamp.cc | |
 getUTC.cc | Auxiliary program to print UTC start and stop time of data taking run |
 git-revision.h | |
 gui.cpp | |
 gzstream.h | |
 Head.hh | |
 Hit.hh | |
 include.cc | Auxiliary program to check for include file within Jpp framework |
 infoword.hh | |
 input_buffer_collector.hh | |
 input_channel_handler.hh | |
 io.cc | |
 io_ascii.hh | |
 io_online.hh | |
 JAAnet.cc | Example program to analyse track fit results from AAnet formatted data |
 JAAnet.sh | |
 JAAnetPreprocessor.cc | Auxiliary program to preprocess an aanet file |
 JAAnetTestkit.hh | |
 JAAnetToolkit.hh | Definition of hit and track types and auxiliary methods for handling Monte Carlo data |
 JABCnet.cc | Example program to read Monte Carlo events |
 JAbstractClass.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JAbstractClass class |
 JAbstractClass.hh | |
 JAbstractCollection.hh | |
 JAbstractFile.hh | |
 JAbstractHistogram.hh | |
 JAbstractIO.hh | |
 JAbstractMedium.hh | |
 JAbstractMultiMap.hh | |
 JAbstractObjectIterator.hh | |
 JAbstractObjectReader.hh | |
 JAbstractObjectStatus.hh | |
 JAbstractObjectWriter.hh | |
 JAbstractPMT.hh | |
 JAbstractPointer.hh | |
 JAbstractSoundVelocity.hh | Abstract sound velocity |
 JAbstractStreamer.hh | This file contains the basic interface for ASCII I/O of ROOT objects |
 JAcceptanceTest.sh | |
 JAccessible.hh | |
 JAccessibleBinaryStream.hh | |
 JAccessibleStream.hh | |
 JAcousticsEventBuilder.cc | Example program to trigger acoustic data |
 JAcousticsEventBuilder.sh | |
 JAcousticsSupportkit.hh | Acoustics toolkit |
 JAcousticsToolkit.hh | Acoustics toolkit |
 JAddHDE.cc | Program to add 5-dimensional histograms of shower light |
 JAddHDE.sh | |
 JAddHDF.cc | Program to add multi-dimensional histograms of muon light |
 JAddHDG.cc | Program to add multi-dimensional histograms of shower light |
 JAddPDF.cc | Auxiliary program to add PDF tables of the arrival time of the Cherenkov light from a muon |
 JAddPDF.sh | |
 JAddPDG.cc | Auxiliary program to add PDF tables of the arrival time of the Cherenkov light from an EM-shower |
 JAddPDG.sh | |
 JADF.sh | |
 JAHRS.hh | |
 JAlgorithm.hh | Algorithms for hit clustering and sorting |
 JAllocator.cc | Auxiliary program to test speed of JLANG::JObjectAllocator class |
 JAllocator.hh | Auxiliary class to speed up new/delete operations of any class |
 JAllParams.hh | |
 JAnchor.hh | |
 JAngle2D.hh | |
 JAngle3D.hh | |
 JAngleRange.hh | |
 JAnyType.hh | |
 JARCAMuonReconstruction.sh | |
 JArgs.hh | |
 JArray.cc | Example program to test JTOOLS::JArray class |
 JArray.hh | |
 JAsciiDB.cc | Auxiliary program to convert data from data base into ASCII format |
 JASCIIFileReader.hh | |
 JASCIIFileWriter.hh | |
 JAssembler.hh | |
 JAssert.hh | |
 JAstronomy.hh | Interface methods for slalib and auxiliary classes and methods for astronomy |
 JAstronomyToolkit.hh | |
 JAutoMap.cc | Example program to test JTOOLS::JAutoMap class |
 JAutoMap.hh | |
 JAutoTreeScanner.hh | |
 JAutoTreeWriter.hh | |
 Jaws.cc | Example program to search for spurious hits |
 JAxis2D.hh | |
 JAxis3D.hh | |
 JBase.hh | Data structure for base module |
 JBaseClass.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JBaseClass class |
 JBaseClass.hh | Auxiliary class to identify common base class in type list |
 JBaseModuleWriter.cc | Auxiliary program to write base module data |
 JBeaconSimulator.cc | |
 JBeaconSimulator.sh | |
 JBidirectionalIterator.hh | |
 JBinaryFileReader.hh | |
 JBinaryFileWriter.hh | |
 JBinaryIO.hh | |
 JBind2nd.hh | |
 JBlurPDF.cc | Auxiliary program to apply the transition time spread (TTS) of the PMTs to interpolation tables of PDFs |
 JBool.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JBool class |
 JBool.hh | |
 JBufferedIO.hh | |
 JBuild.cc | Example program to test JTRIGGER::JBuildL0, JTRIGGER::JBuildL1 and JTRIGGER::JBuildL2 hit building with DAQ events |
 JBuild.hh | |
 JBuild.sh | |
 JBuildHelper.hh | |
 JBuildL0.hh | |
 JBuildL1.hh | |
 JBuildL2.hh | |
 JByteArrayIO.cc | Example program to test JIO::JByteArrayReader and JIO::JByteArrayWriter |
 JByteArrayIO.hh | |
 JCalculator.hh | |
 JCalibrateHeight.sh | |
 JCalibrateK40-PMT.sh | |
 JCalibrateK40.cc | Auxiliary program to determine PMT parameters from K40 data |
 JCalibrateK40.hh | |
 JCalibrateK40.sh | |
 JCalibrateMuon.cc | Program to perform detector calibration using reconstructed muon trajectories |
 JCalibrateNB.cc | |
 JCalibrateOrientation.sh | |
 JCalibratePMT.sh | |
 JCalibratePosition.sh | |
 JCalibrateStrings.sh | |
 JCalibrateTime.sh | |
 JCalibrateToT.cc | Monitoring of PMT time-over-threshold distributions |
 JCalibrateToT.hh | |
 JCalibrateToT.sh | |
 JDetector/JCalibration.hh | PMT calibration (including definition of sign of time offset) |
 JTrigger/JCalibration.hh | |
 JCanvas.hh | |
 JCategory.hh | |
 JCC.hh | Compiler version dependent expressions, macros, etc |
 JCDFTable.hh | |
 JCDFTable1D.hh | |
 JCDFTable2D.hh | |
 JChainReader.hh | TChain reading for template data type |
 JCharge.cc | Example program to histogram charge distributions |
 JCharge.sh | |
 JCheckHV.cc | Auxiliary program to check HV |
 JChecksum.cc | Example program to histogram KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTimeslice |
 JChecksum.hh | |
 JCheckTriggerParameters.cc | Auxiliary program to check trigger parameters in a given ROOT files against the values from the database |
 JCheckTriggerParameters.sh | |
 JCircle2D.hh | |
 JClass.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JClass class |
 JClass.hh | |
 JClassDef.hh | |
 JClassStreamer.hh | |
 JCLB.cc | Auxiliary program to convert CLB data to KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTimeslice data |
 JCLBDefaultSimulator.hh | |
 JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface.hh | |
 JCLBMap.hh | |
 JCLBRunByRunSimulator.hh | |
 JCLBSimulator.hh | |
 JClient.cc | |
 JClient.hh | |
 JClientList.hh | |
 JClonable.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JClonable class |
 JClonable.hh | |
 JClone.hh | |
 JCluster.hh | |
 JClusterBuilder.cc | Example program to demonstrate the usage of JClusterBuilder |
 JClusterBuilder.hh | |
 JCollection.cc | Example program to test JTOOLS::JCollection class |
 JCollection.hh | General purpose class for a collection of sorted elements |
 JColor.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JColor class |
 JColor.hh | I/O coloring auxiliaries |
 JColorFacet.cc | |
 JColorFacet.hh | |
 JCombinatorics.cc | Example program to test combinatorics of pairs of indices (class JTOOLS::JCombinatorics) |
 JCombinatorics.hh | |
 JComment.cc | Example program to test file name handling using JEEP::JComment |
 JComment.hh | |
 JCommunicator.hh | Switching on/off of standard and error output streams |
 JComparable.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JComparable class |
 JComparable.hh | |
 JComparator.cc | Auxiliary program to test JLANG::JComparator class and helper methods |
 JComparator.hh | |
 JCompareDetector.cc | Auxiliary program to find differences between two detector files |
 JComparison.hh | |
 JComparisonAvailable.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JComparisonAvailable and JLANG::JComparable classes |
 JComparisonAvailable.hh | |
 JComparisonToolkit.hh | |
 JCompass.cc | Example compass operations |
 JCompass.hh | |
 JCompassMatrix.hh | |
 JCompress.sh | |
 JConstantFunction1D.hh | |
 JConstants.hh | Constants |
 JConstructDetector.cc | Auxiliary program to compose detector from separate calibrations |
 JConstructor.hh | |
 JContainer.hh | Container I/O |
 JControlHost.cc | Example program to test JNET::JControlHost |
 JControlHost.hh | |
 JControlHostLogger.hh | |
 JControlHostObjectIterator.cc | Example program to test JNET::JControlHostObjectIterator |
 JControlHostObjectIterator.hh | |
 JControlHostObjectOutput.hh | |
 JControlHostServer.hh | |
 JControlHostSSHTunnel.sh | |
 JConversion.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JConversion class |
 JConversion.hh | |
 JConversionIterator.hh | |
 JConvert.cc | Auxiliary program to convert data formats |
 JConvert.sh | |
 JConvertDB.cc | Auxiliary program to convert data from data base into ROOT format |
 JConvertDB.sh | |
 JConvertDetectorFormat.cc | Auxiliary program to convert format of detector files |
 JConvertDetectorFormat.sh | |
 JConvertDusj.cc | |
 JConvertDusj.sh | |
 JConvertEvt.cc | |
 JConvertEvt.sh | |
 JConvertToPDF1D.cc | Auxiliary program to convert 1D histograms to PDFs |
 JConvertToPDF2D.cc | Auxiliary program to convert 2D histograms to PDFs |
 JConvexHull2D.cc | Example program to test convex hull and enclosing circle |
 JCookie.sh | |
 JAcoustics/JCounter.hh | Acoustic counter |
 JROOT/JCounter.hh | Type definition for counter for ROOT TTree and auxiliary methods |
 JCppFacet.cc | |
 JCppFacet.hh | |
 JCSV.cc | Example program to test assignment of comma separated values (see JCSV.hh) |
 JCSV.hh | Utility method to assign multiple values to STD container |
 JCSVPlot.sh | |
 JCylinder3D.cc | Example program to test intersection of straight line with cylinder |
 JCylinder3D.hh | |
 JDAQ.cc | |
 JDAQ.hh | KM3NeT DAQ constants, bit handling, etc |
 JDAQAbstractPreamble.cc | |
 JDAQAbstractPreamble.hh | |
 JDAQChronometer.hh | |
 JDAQChronometerIO.hh | |
 JDAQCHSM.cc | |
 JDAQCHSM.chsm | |
 JDAQCHSM.hh | |
 JDAQClient.hh | |
 JDAQClientStarter.cc | Auxiliary program to start (remote) run control client |
 JDAQClock.hh | |
 JDAQDataTypes.hh | |
 JDAQDemoClient.cc | Run control demo client class |
 JDAQDemoClient.sh | |
 JDAQDriver.cc | Run control driver program |
 JDAQDriver.hh | |
 JDAQDriver.sh | |
 JDAQEvaluator.hh | |
 externals/km3net-dataformat/src/JDAQEvent.cc | |
 examples/JDAQ/JDAQEvent.cc | Example program to analyse KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent |
 JDAQEvent.hh | |
 JDAQEvent.sh | |
 JDAQEventHeader.hh | |
 JDAQEventHeaderIO.hh | |
 JDAQEventIO.hh | |
 JDAQException.hh | |
 JDAQFileReader.hh | |
 JDAQFileWriter.hh | |
 JDAQFilter.cc | Example program to select events based on hits in strings |
 JDAQFrame.hh | |
 JDAQFrameIO.hh | |
 JDAQFrameStatus.hh | |
 JDAQFrameStatusIO.hh | |
 JDAQHeader.hh | |
 JDAQHeaderIO.hh | |
 JDAQHit.cc | |
 JDAQHit.hh | |
 JDAQHitIO.hh | |
 JDAQHitRouter.cc | Example program to histogram string and floor hits |
 JDAQHitRouter.hh | Direct access to PMT data in detector data structure for DAQ hits |
 JDAQHitRouter.sh | |
 JDAQHitSelector.cc | Example program to test DAQ hit selection using JTRIGGER::JBuildL0 |
 JDAQHitSelector.hh | |
 JDAQHitToTSelector.hh | |
 JDAQKeyHit.cc | |
 JDAQKeyHit.hh | |
 JDAQKeyHitIO.hh | |
 JDAQModuleIdentifier.cc | |
 JDAQModuleIdentifier.hh | |
 JDAQModuleIdentifierIO.hh | |
 JDAQModuleRouter.cc | Example program to histogram string and floor rates |
 JDAQPMTIdentifier.cc | |
 JDAQPMTIdentifier.hh | |
 JDAQPMTIdentifierIO.hh | |
 JDAQPreamble.cc | |
 JDAQPreamble.hh | |
 JDAQPreambleIO.hh | |
 JDAQPrint.hh | |
 JDAQProfile.cc | Example program to histogram various data profiles |
 JDAQProfile.sh | |
 JDAQRoot.hh | |
 JDAQSizeof.hh | |
 JDAQSnapshot.cc | Program to plot snapshot data |
 JDAQSplit.cc | Auxiliary program to split data |
 JDAQStatus.cc | Example program to histogram KM3NETDAQ::JDAQSummaryslice |
 JDAQSummaryFrame.cc | |
 JDAQSummaryFrame.hh | |
 JDAQSummaryFrameIO.hh | |
 JDAQSummaryslice.cc | Example program to histogram KM3NETDAQ::JDAQSummaryslice |
 JDAQSummaryslice.hh | |
 JDAQSummaryslice.sh | |
 JDAQSummarysliceHeader.hh | |
 JDAQSummarysliceHeaderIO.hh | |
 JDAQSummarysliceIO.hh | |
 JDAQSuperFrame.hh | |
 JDAQSuperFrameHeader.hh | |
 JDAQSuperFrameHeaderIO.hh | |
 JDAQSuperFrameIO.hh | |
 JDAQTags.hh | Fixed parameters andd ControlHost tags for KM3NeT DAQ |
 JDAQTestkit.hh | |
 externals/km3net-dataformat/src/JDAQTimeslice.cc | |
 examples/JDAQ/JDAQTimeslice.cc | Example program to histogram KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTimeslice |
 JDAQTimeslice.hh | |
 JDAQTimeslice.sh | |
 JDAQTimesliceHeader.hh | |
 JDAQTimesliceHeaderIO.hh | |
 JDAQTimesliceIO.hh | |
 JDAQTimesliceSelector.cc | Example program to histogram KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTimeslice |
 JDAQTimesliceSelector.sh | |
 JDAQToolkit.hh | |
 JDAQTriggerCounter.hh | |
 JDAQTriggerCounterIO.hh | |
 JDAQTriggeredHit.cc | |
 JDAQTriggeredHit.hh | |
 JDAQTriggeredHitIO.hh | |
 JDAQTriggerMask.hh | |
 JDAQTriggerMaskIO.hh | |
 JDAQUTCExtended.hh | |
 JDAQUTCExtendedIO.hh | |
 JDatabaseObjectIterator.hh | |
 JDataFilter.cc | Application for real-time filtering of data |
 software/JDataFilter/JDataFilter.sh | |
 examples/JDataFilter/JDataFilter.sh | |
 JDatalog.hh | |
 JDatalogNumbers.hh | |
 JDataMonitor.cc | Auxiliary program to plot data from data base |
 JDataMonitor.sh | |
 JDataPostfit.cc | Program to histogram fit results from reconstructed data |
 JDataQuality.cc | Example program to plot quality data from data base |
 JDataQuality.sh | |
 JDataWriter.cc | Application for writing real-time data to disk |
 software/JDataWriter/JDataWriter.sh | |
 examples/JDataWriter/JDataWriter.sh | |
 JDate.cc | Example program to show system time |
 Jeep/JDate.hh | |
 JSystem/JDate.hh | Date and time functions |
 JDB.hh | |
 JDBincludes.hh | This file is automatically created by make |
 JDBReader.hh | |
 JDBString.hh | |
 JDBSupportkit.hh | |
 JDBToolkit.hh | |
 JDBTypes.hh | This file is automatically created by make |
 JDefault.hh | |
 JDeltaRays.cc | Program to determine the energy loss due to visible delta-rays |
 JDeltaRays.sh | |
 JDemoPDF.cc | Demonstration program to plot RMS of arrival time of first hit as a function of the minimal distance of approach of a muon to the PMT |
 JDepthDependence.cc | Auxiliary program to find depth dependence of multiplicity rates |
 JDestructDetector.cc | Auxiliary program to decompose detector to separate calibrations |
 JDetector.cc | Auxiliary program to generate detector files |
 JDetector.hh | Data structure for detector geometry and calibration |
 JDetector.sh | |
 JDetectorAddressMap.hh | |
 JDetectorAddressMapToolkit.hh | Detector specific mapping between logical positions and readout channels of PMTs in optical modules |
 JDetectorCalibration.hh | |
 JDetectorDB.cc | Auxiliary program to print detector from database |
 JDetectorHeader.hh | |
 JDetectorIntegration.cc | Example program to build detector from database |
 JDetectorIntegration.hh | |
 JDetectorIntegration_t.hh | |
 JDetectorParameters.hh | |
 JDetectors.hh | |
 JDetectorSimulator.hh | |
 JDetectorSubset.hh | Auxiliary class to extract a subset of optical modules from a detector |
 JDetectorToNTuple.cc | Program to convert detector to ntuples |
 JDetectorToNTuple.sh | |
 JDetectorToolkit.hh | |
 JDetectorVersion.hh | Data structure for detector version |
 JDiffPDF.cc | Auxiliary program to compare PDF tables of the arrival time of the Cherenkov light from a muon |
 JDiffPDG.cc | Auxiliary program to compare PDF tables of the arrival time of the Cherenkov light from a shower |
 JDirection2D.hh | |
 JDirection3D.hh | |
 JDispersion.hh | |
 JDispersionInterface.hh | |
 JDistance.hh | |
 JDistributer.cc | Example program to distribute data through control host |
 JDomAnalyser.cc | |
 JDOMDAQDriver.sh | |
 JDomino.cc | Example program to verify Monte Carlo data |
 JDomino.sh | |
 JDOMSimulator.cc | Program for real-time simulation of optical modules |
 JDOMToPMTMaskMap.hh | |
 JDrawDetector2D.cc | Auxiliary program to draw the footprint of detector(s) |
 JDrawDetector3D.cc | Auxiliary program to draw the detector in 3D |
 JDrawK40.cc | Auxiliary program to draw K40 fit function |
 JDrawLED.cc | Example program to draw PDF from LED beacon |
 JDrawLED.sh | |
 JDrawModule3D.cc | Auxiliary program to draw a given module in 3D |
 JDrawPD0.cc | Auxiliary program to draw PDF of Cherenkov light from bright point |
 JDrawPD0.sh | |
 JDrawPDE.cc | Auxiliary program to draw PDF of Cherenkov light from EM-shower including shower profile |
 JDrawPDF.cc | Auxiliary program to draw PDF of Cherenkov light from muon |
 JDrawPDF.sh | |
 JDrawPDG.cc | Auxiliary program to draw PDF of Cherenkov light from EM-shower |
 JDrawPDG.sh | |
 JDriver.hh | |
 JEarth.cc | Mickey-mouse program to propagate neutrinos through the Earth |
 JEarth.sh | |
 JEcho.cc | Auxiliary program to echo (reverted) string |
 JEditDetector.cc | Auxiliary program to modify detector calibration |
 JEditEnergyCorrection.cc | Example program to edit energy correction |
 JEditPMTParametersMap.cc | Auxiliary program to edit PMT parameters map |
 Jeep.cc | Example program to test file name handling using Jeep/JeepToolkit.hh |
 JeepToolkit.hh | Auxiliary methods for handling file names, type names and environment |
 JEigenValues2D.cc | Example program to print eigen values in 2D |
 JEigenValues2D.hh | |
 JEigenValues3D.cc | Example program to print eigen values in 3D |
 JEigenValues3D.hh | |
 JEKey.hh | Emitter hash key |
 JElement.hh | The elements in a collection are sorted according to their abscissa values and a given distance operator |
 JEmitter.hh | Acoustic emitter |
 JEMShower.cc | Auxiliary program to draw npe as a function of EM-energy |
 JEMShower.sh | |
 JEnergy.hh | |
 JEnergyCorrection.cc | Example program to histogram energy corrections |
 JEnergyCorrection.hh | |
 JEnergyCorrection.sh | |
 JEnergyRegressor.hh | Data regression method for JFIT::JEnergy |
 JEnumeration.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JEnumeration class |
 JEnumeration.hh | |
 JEquals.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JComparible class |
 JEquals.hh | |
 JEquation.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JEquation class |
 JEquation.hh | |
 JEquation.sh | |
 JEquationFacet.hh | |
 JEquationParameters.hh | |
 JEstimator.hh | Linear fit methods |
 JEulerAngle3D.hh | |
 JEulerMatrix3D.hh | |
 JAcoustics/JEvent.hh | Acoustic event |
 JTrigger/JEvent.hh | |
 JEventGenerator.cc | Program for real-time simulation of data |
 JAcoustics/JEventOverlap.hh | |
 JTrigger/JEventOverlap.hh | |
 JEventProcessor.sh | |
 JEventTable.hh | |
 JEventTimeslice.hh | |
 JEventTimesliceWriter.cc | Auxiliary program to convert multiple Monte Carlo events to DAQ timeslices |
 JEventToolkit.hh | |
 JEvt.cc | |
 JEvt.hh | |
 JEvtEvaluator.hh | |
 JEvtToolkit.hh | |
 JException.hh | Exceptions |
 JF1.cc | Auxiliary program to write ROOT function |
 JFile.hh | |
 JFileDescriptorMask.hh | |
 JFileIO.hh | |
 JFilenameSupportkit.hh | Specifications of file name extensions |
 JFileRecorder.hh | Recording of objects on file according a format that follows from the file name extension |
 JFileScanner.hh | |
 JFileStream.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JFileStream class |
 JFileStream.hh | |
 JFileStreamBuffer.hh | |
 JFileStreamIO.hh | |
 JFileTuna.cc | Auxiliary program to write test criteria to file |
 JFilter.cc | Example program to test performance of various hit filters based on JTRIGGER::clusterize method |
 JFilter.sh | |
 JFind_if.cc | Auxiliary program to test JLANG::JPredicate class and helper methods |
 JFind_if.hh | |
 JFit.cc | General purpose fit program using ROOT |
 JFit2D.cc | General purpose fit program using ROOT |
 JFitEfficiency.cc | Example program to histogram fit efficiency |
 JFitK40.cc | Auxiliary program to fit PMT parameters from JMergeCalibrateK40.cc output |
 JFitK40.hh | |
 JFitL1dt.cc | Auxiliary program to find the detector time offsets from FitL1dtSlices output |
 JFitL1dt.sh | |
 JFitL1dtSlices.cc | Auxiliary program to fit L1dt output data to an L1dt model, both created with JMonitorL1dt |
 JFitMultiplicity.cc | Auxiliary program to fit multiplicity rates from JMonitorMultiplicity output |
 JFitSinglesRates.cc | Auxiliary program to fit singles rate distributions |
 JFitStatus.hh | Definition for fit results, A good fit should hold: OKAY |
 JFitToolkit.hh | Auxiliary methods to evaluate Poisson probabilities and chi2 |
 JFitToT.cc | Auxiliary program to fit time-over-threshold distributions |
 JFitToT.hh | |
 JFitVolume.sh | |
 JFixedCan.cc | Auxiliary program to shift the tracks to a given vector (horizontal shifts only!) |
 JForwardIterator.hh | |
 JFrame.hh | |
 JFrameClone.hh | |
 JFrodo.cc | Fit time-slewing histogram in output of JGandalf.cc in calibration mode |
 JFrodo.sh | |
 JFunction1D_t.hh | |
 JFunctionAdaptor.hh | |
 JFunctional.hh | |
 JFunctionalMap.hh | |
 JFunctionalMap_t.hh | Various implementations of functional maps |
 JFunctionObject1D.hh | |
 JGandalf.hh | |
 JGandalfFitAlaMinuitToGauss.cc | Program to test JFIT::JGandalf algorithm |
 JGandalfFitToGauss.cc | Program to test JFIT::JGandalf algorithm |
 JGandalfFitToGauss.sh | |
 JGarbageCollection.hh | |
 JGauss.hh | |
 JGeane.cc | Example program to histogram muon energy loss |
 JGeane.hh | Energy loss of muon |
 JGeane.sh | |
 JGeant.hh | Photon emission profile EM-shower |
 JGeant_t.hh | Base class for photon emission profile EM-shower |
 JGeanx.cc | Example program to histogram photon emission profile from showers using JPHYSICS::JGeanx |
 JGeanx.hh | Photon emission profile EM-shower |
 JGeanx.sh | |
 JGeanz.cc | Example program to histogram longitudinal shower profile using JPHYSICS::JGeanz |
 JGeanz.hh | Longitudinal emission profile EM-shower |
 JGeanz.sh | |
 JGeometry.hh | Acoustic geometries |
 JGeometry2DTestkit.hh | |
 JGeometry2DToolkit.hh | |
 JGeometry3D.cc | Example program to test rotations in 3D |
 JGeometry3DTestkit.hh | |
 JGeometry3DToolkit.hh | |
 JGetData.cc | Auxiliary program to receive messages from ControlHost server |
 JGetMessage.cc | Auxiliary program to receive messages from ControlHost server |
 JGetRiseTime.hh | Rise time evaluation |
 JGetSmallestDistance2D.cc | Example program to find smallest distance between two points |
 JGetSmallestDistance3D.cc | Example program to find smallest distance between two points |
 JGITTags.hh | Dates GIT tags |
 JGizmoToolkit.hh | |
 JGlow.cc | Auxiliary program to test simulation of L0 background |
 JGraph.cc | Auxiliary program to create TGraph from input file with ASCII data |
 JGraph.sh | |
 JGraph2D.cc | Auxiliary program to create TGraph2D from input file with ASCII data |
 JGrid.hh | |
 JGridCollection.hh | |
 JGridMap.hh | |
 JGroup.hh | |
 JGZFileReader.hh | |
 JGZFileWriter.hh | |
 JHalibut.cc | Example program to determine N-fold coincidence rates |
 JHashCollection.cc | Example program to test JTOOLS::JHashCollection class |
 JHashCollection.hh | General purpose class for a hash collection of unique elements |
 JHashEvaluator.hh | |
 JHashMap.cc | Example program to test JTOOLS::JHashMap class |
 JHashMap.hh | General purpose class for hash map of unique elements |
 JHashMapToolkit.hh | Arithmetic toolkit for hash maps |
 JHashSet.cc | Example program to test JTOOLS::JHashSet class |
 JHashSet.hh | General purpose class for a hash set of sorted elements |
 JHead.cc | |
 JHead.hh | |
 JHeadToolkit.hh | |
 JHermiteSpline.hh | |
 JHesseMatrix.hh | |
 JHighRateVeto.cc | Example program to print high-rate veto related quantities |
 JHighRateVeto.hh | |
 JHistHDE.cc | Program to histogram event-by-event and track-by-track for making PDFs of lights of individual particles |
 JHistHDE.sh | |
 JHistHDF.cc | Program to histogram event-by-event data of muon light for making PDFs |
 JHistHDG.cc | Program to histogram event-by-event data of shower light for making PDFs |
 JHistogram.hh | |
 JGizmo/JHistogram1D.cc | Program to create TH1D and fill according given formula |
 JTools/JHistogram1D.cc | Example program to test JTOOLS::JHistogram1D |
 JHistogram1D.hh | |
 JGizmo/JHistogram1D.sh | |
 JTools/JHistogram1D.sh | |
 JHistogram1D_t.hh | |
 JGizmo/JHistogram2D.cc | Program to create TH1D and fill according given formula |
 JTools/JHistogram2D.cc | Example program to test JTOOLS::JMultiHistogram |
 JGizmo/JHistogram2D.sh | |
 JTools/JHistogram2D.sh | |
 JHistogram3D.cc | Example program to test JTOOLS::JMultiHistogram |
 JHistogram3D.sh | |
 JHistogramMap.hh | |
 JHistogramMap_t.hh | |
 JHistory.cc | Example program to test application history |
 JHistory.hh | |
 JAcoustics/JHit.hh | Acoustic hit |
 JTrigger/JHit.hh | Basic data structure for time and time over threshold information of hit |
 JHit_t.hh | |
 JHitL0.hh | Basic data structure for L0 hit |
 JHitL1.cc | Example program to determine time slewing of L1 hits |
 JHitL1.hh | Basic data structure for L1 hit |
 JHitL1.sh | |
 JHitL2.hh | Basic data structure for L2 hit |
 JHitR0.hh | Basic data structure for L0 hit |
 JHitR1.hh | Reduced data structure for L1 hit |
 JHitR2.hh | Basic data structure for R2 hit |
 JHitToolkit.hh | Tools for handling different hit types |
 JHitW0.hh | |
 JHobbit.cc | Fit time-residuals histogram in output of JGandalf.cc in calibration mode |
 JHobbit.sh | |
 JHostname.hh | |
 JHVTuning.cc | Program for production of the xml file with nominal high voltage values |
 JIOToolkit.hh | Auxiliary methods for binary I/O |
 JK40.hh | |
 JK40DefaultSimulator.hh | |
 JK40DefaultSimulatorInterface.hh | |
 JK40Hit.hh | |
 JK40Rates.cc | Example program to check background calculation |
 JK40Rates.hh | |
 JK40RunByRunSimulator.hh | |
 JK40Simulator.hh | |
 JKatoomba.cc | Example application to test fit of model to acoustic data |
 JKatoomba.hh | Fit functions of acoustic model |
 JKatoomba.sh | |
 JKexing.cc | |
 JKexing2D.cc | |
 JKexing2D.hh | |
 JKeypress.cc | Example program to test key board pressings (class JSYSTEM::JKeypress) |
 JKeypress.hh | Keyboard settings for unbuffered input |
 JL0BackgroundSimulator.hh | This file provides a class to emulate an L0 background on the ms time scale for an arbitrarily sized detector |
 JLangToolkit.hh | |
 JLED.hh | |
 JLegend.hh | |
 JLegolas.cc | Auxiliary program to model transition time distribution generator from data |
 JLegolas.sh | |
 JLib.hh | |
 JLight.cc | Auxiliary program histogram plot absorption and scattering lengths as well as dispersion |
 JLight.sh | |
 JLigier-local.sh | |
 JLigier.cc | ControlHost server |
 JLigier.sh | |
 JLigierObjectIterator.cc | Example program to test JNET::JLigierObjectIterator |
 JLigierObjectIterator.hh | |
 JLimit.hh | Auxiliaries for defining the range of iterations of objects |
 JLimits.cc | Example program to test zero values (JMATH::zero) |
 JLimits.hh | Definition of minimum and maximum values for any class |
 JLine1Z.cc | Test program for JFIT::JEstimator<JLine1Z> fit |
 JLine1Z.hh | |
 JLine1ZEstimator.hh | Linear fit of JFIT::JLine1Z |
 JLine3EZ.hh | |
 JLine3Z.hh | |
 JLine3ZRegressor.hh | Data regression method for JFIT::JLine3Z |
 JLineAttributes.hh | |
 JList.hh | |
 JLocation.hh | Logical location of module |
 jlog.cc | |
 JLogger.cc | Auxiliary program to save logger messages from ControlHost server |
 JLogger.hh | |
 software/JLogger/JLogger.sh | |
 examples/JLogger/JLogger.sh | |
 JLs.cc | Example program to use JSYSTEM::ls |
 JMakeCDF.cc | Main program to create table of CDFs from table of PDFs for Cherenkov light from muon |
 JMakeCDG.cc | Main program to create table of CDFs from table of PDFs for Cherenkov light from EM-shower |
 JMakeHDE.cc | Program to convert 5-dimensional histograms of shower light to multi-dimensional PDFs |
 JMakeHDE.sh | |
 JMakeHDF.cc | Program to convert multi-dimensional histograms of muon light to multi-dimensional PDFs |
 JMakeHDF.sh | |
 JMakeHDG.cc | Program to convert multi-dimensional histograms of shower light to multi-dimensional PDFs |
 JMakePD0.cc | Program to create interpolation tables of the PDF of the arrival time of the Cherenkov light from a bright point |
 JMakePDF.cc | Program to create interpolation tables of the PDF of the arrival time of the Cherenkov light from a muon |
 JMakePDF.sh | |
 JMakePDG.cc | Program to create interpolation tables of the PDF of the arrival time of the Cherenkov light from a shower |
 JManager.cc | Example program to test JGIZMO::JManager class |
 JManager.hh | Dynamic ROOT object management |
 JMantisShrimp.cc | |
 JMap.hh | |
 JMapCollection.hh | |
 JMapList.hh | |
 JMappableCollection.hh | |
 JMarkerAttributes.hh | |
 JMarkovGenerator.hh | |
 JMarkovIntegrator.hh | |
 JMarkovPathDisplayer.cc | |
 JMarkovPathGenerator.cc | |
 JMarkovPathGenerator.hh | |
 JMarkovPathIntegrator.cc | |
 JMarkovPathReader.cc | |
 JMarkovPathSelecter.cc | |
 JMarkovPhotonTracker.hh | |
 JMatch.hh | Base class for match operations for cluster and hit-preprocessing methods |
 JMatch1D.hh | Match operator for Cherenkov light from muon with given direction |
 JMatch3B.hh | Match operator for Cherenkov light from muon in any direction |
 JMatch3D.hh | Match operator for Cherenkov light from muon in any direction |
 JMatch3G.hh | Match operator for Cherenkov light from shower in any direction |
 JMatchFixer.hh | Match fixer |
 JMatchL0.hh | Match operator for consecutive hits |
 JMath.cc | Example program to test user class with arithmetic capabilities (based on class JMATH::JMath) |
 JMath.hh | Base class for data structures with artithmetic capabilities |
 JMath/JMathSupportkit.hh | |
 JROOT/JMathSupportkit.hh | |
 JMathTestkit.hh | |
 JMathToolkit.hh | Auxiliary methods for geometrical methods |
 JMatrix1D.hh | |
 JMatrix1S.cc | Example program to test inversion of symmetric matrix |
 JMatrix1S.hh | |
 JGeometry2D/JMatrix2D.hh | |
 JMath/JMatrix2D.hh | |
 JMatrix2S.cc | Example program to test inversion of symmetric matrix |
 JMatrix2S.hh | |
 JGeometry3D/JMatrix3D.hh | |
 JMath/JMatrix3D.hh | |
 JMatrix3S.cc | Example program to test inversion of symmetric matrix |
 JMatrix3S.hh | |
 JMatrix4D.hh | |
 JMatrix4S.cc | Example program to test inversion of symmetric matrix |
 JMatrix4S.hh | |
 JMatrix5D.hh | |
 JMatrix5S.cc | Example program to test inversion of symmetric matrix |
 JMatrix5S.hh | |
 JMatrixND.cc | Example program to test matrix operations |
 JMatrixND.hh | |
 JMatrixNS.cc | Example program to test inversion of symmetric matrix |
 JMatrixNS.hh | |
 JMatrixNZ.cc | Example program to test chi2 calculations based on JFIT::JMatrixNZ |
 JMatrixNZ.hh | |
 JMatrixNZ.sh | |
 JMemory.hh | Base class for memory management |
 JMemoryUsage.cc | Example program to show memory usage |
 JMergeCalibrateK40.cc | |
 JMergeCalibrateToT.cc | |
 JMergeDetector.cc | Auxiliary program to merge detector files |
 JMergeFit.cc | Program to merge different files with JFIT::JEvt data |
 JMergePDF.cc | Program to merge interpolation tables of muon light for PDFs |
 JMergePDG.cc | Program to merge interpolation tables of shower light for PDFs |
 JMergeSort.cc | Example program to test performance of JTOOLS::JMergeSort |
 JMergeSort.hh | |
 JMessage.hh | General purpose messaging |
 JMessageLogger.cc | Example program to test message logging |
 JMessageLogger.hh | General purpose message reporting |
 JMessageScheduler.cc | Example program to test message scheduling |
 JMessageScheduler.hh | |
 JMessageStream.hh | Message reporting compatible with STL output stream operations |
 JMEstimator.cc | Example program to plot various M-Estimators |
 JMEstimator.hh | Maximum likelihood estimator (M-estimators) |
 JMEstimator.sh | |
 JMeta.cc | Example program to test JSUPPORT::JMeta class |
 JMeta.hh | ROOT I/O of application specific meta data |
 JAcoustics/JModel.hh | Model for fit to acoutsics data |
 JFit/JModel.hh | |
 JMath/JModel.hh | |
 JModK40.cc | Auxiliary program to add noise to Monte Carlo event |
 JModule.hh | Data structure for a composite optical module |
 JModuleAddress.hh | |
 JModuleAddressMap.cc | Example program to print PMT logical addressing |
 JModuleAddressMap.hh | |
 JModuleComparator.hh | Auxiliary classes to compare modules |
 JModuleCounter.hh | |
 JModuleGeometry.hh | |
 JModuleHeader.hh | |
 JModuleIdentifier.hh | |
 JModuleMapper.cc | Example program to test JDETECTOR::JModuleMapper |
 JModuleMapper.hh | Map of associated modules in detector |
 JModuleMapper.sh | |
 JModuleRouter.hh | Direct access to module in detector data structure |
 JMonitorDOM.cc | Auxiliary program to monitor optical module response |
 JMonitorL1dt.cc | Auxiliary program to plot L1 time difference correlations between DOMs |
 JMonitorMultiplicity.cc | Auxiliary program to analyse coincidence multiplicity; |
 JMonitorSinglesRates.cc | Monitoring of PMT time over threshold distributions |
 JMonopole.cc | Example program to analyse summary data |
 JMonteCarloDetector.hh | |
 JMonteCarloFileReader.hh | |
 JMonteCarloFileSupportkit.hh | |
 JMonteCarloFileWriter.hh | |
 JMonteCarloFileWriter.sh | |
 JMultiComparable.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JComparible class |
 JMultiComparable.hh | |
 JMultiEquals.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JMultiEquals class |
 JMultiEquals.hh | |
 JMultiFunction.hh | |
 JMultiFunction1D.cc | Example program to create 1D function interpolator from multi-dimensional interpolator |
 JMultiFunction2D.cc | Example program to create 2D function interpolator from multi-dimensional interpolator |
 JMultiGrid.hh | |
 JMultiHashMap.hh | General purpose class for multidimensional hash maps |
 JMultiHistogram.hh | |
 JMultiKey.cc | Example program to test JTOOLS::JMultiKey class |
 JMultiKey.hh | |
 JMultiMap.cc | Example program to test JTOOLS::JMultiMap |
 JMultiMap.hh | JMultiMap is a general purpose multidimensional map based on a type list of maps |
 JMultiMapTransformer.hh | |
 JMultiPair.hh | |
 JMultiPDF.cc | Example program to test conditional probability density function using JTOOLS::JMultiPDF and JTOOLS::JMultiFunction |
 JMultiPDF.hh | |
 JMultiPDF.sh | |
 JMultipleFileSampler.hh | |
 JMultipleFileScanner.hh | Scanning of objects from multiple files according a format that follows from the extension of each file name |
 JMultipleMap.hh | |
 JMultiplicityK40.cc | Example program to calculate multiples rate |
 JMultiplicityK40.sh | |
 JMultiPMT.cc | Auxiliary program to determine L0 and L1 hit probability as a function of the minimal distance of approach of a muon to a PMT |
 JMultiPMT.sh | |
 JMultiPointer.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JMultiPointer class |
 JMultiPointer.hh | |
 JMultiSet.hh | |
 JMuonEnergy.cc | Program to perform JFIT::JRegressor<JEnergy, JGandalf> fit using I/O of JFIT::JEvt data |
 JMuonEnergyParameters_t.cc | |
 JMuonEnergyParameters_t.hh | |
 JMuonGandalf.cc | Program to perform JFIT::JRegressor<JFIT::JLine3Z,JFIT::JGandalf> fit with I/O of JFIT::JEvt data |
 JMuonGandalf.hh | |
 JMuonGandalfParameters_t.cc | |
 JMuonGandalfParameters_t.hh | |
 JMuonMCEvt.cc | Auxiliary program to store Monte Carlo true muon in JFIT::JEvt format |
 JMuonMCEvt.sh | |
 JMuonParameters.cc | |
 JMuonParameters.hh | |
 JMuonPath.cc | Program to perform JFIT::JRegressor<JLine3Z,JGandalf> fit with I/O of JFIT::JEvt data |
 JMuonPDF.cc | Program to evaluate hit probabilities |
 JMuonPDF.sh | |
 JMuonPostfit.cc | Example program to histogram fit results for the muon reconstruction chain |
 JMuonPostfit.sh | |
 JMuonPrefit.cc | Program to perform linear fits JFIT::JEstimator<JFIT::JLine1Z> covering the solid angle producing JFIT::JEvt data |
 JMuonPrefit.hh | |
 JMuonPrefitParameters_t.cc | |
 JMuonPrefitParameters_t.hh | |
 JMuonSimplex.cc | Program to perform JFIT::JRegressor<JFIT::JLine3Z,JFIT::JSimplex> fit with I/O of JFIT::JEvt data |
 JMuonSimplex.hh | |
 JMuonSimplexParameters_t.cc | |
 JMuonSimplexParameters_t.hh | |
 JMuonStart.cc | Program to determine start position of muon trajectory |
 JMuonStartParameters_t.cc | |
 JMuonStartParameters_t.hh | |
 JMuonVeto.cc | Program to determine veto of muon trajectory |
 JMutex.cc | |
 JMutex.hh | Very basic lock facilities to be used in multithreaded programs |
 JNetwork.cc | Example program to print IP address |
 JNetwork.hh | Hostname and IP address functions |
 JNeutrino.cc | Example program to histogram neutrino interaction cross sections |
 JNeutrino.hh | |
 JNeutrino.sh | |
 JNPE.cc | Auxiliary program to print number of photo-electrons |
 JNPE.hh | |
 JNPE_t.hh | |
 JNPEHit.hh | |
 JNPETable.hh | |
 JNPETable1D.hh | |
 JNTupleToDetector.cc | Program to convert ntuples to detector |
 JNullStream.cc | Example program to test JANG::JFileSream and JLANG::JNullStream classes |
 JNullStream.hh | |
 JNullStreamBuffer.hh | |
 JNullType.hh | |
 JLang/JNumber.hh | |
 JMath/JNumber.hh | Definition of number value for any class |
 JObject.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JObject class |
 JObject.hh | |
 JObjectAllocator.hh | Auxiliary base class to speed up new/delete operations of any class |
 JObjectBinaryIO.hh | |
 JObjectDemultiplexer.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JObjectMultiplexer and JLANG::JObjectDemultiplexer classes |
 JObjectDemultiplexer.hh | |
 JObjectID.hh | |
 JObjectIO.hh | General methods for loading and storing a single object from and to a file, respectively |
 JObjectIterator.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JObjectIterator class |
 JObjectIterator.hh | |
 JObjectMultiplexer.hh | |
 JObjectOutput.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JObjectOutput class |
 JObjectOutput.hh | |
 JObjectReader.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JObjectReader class |
 JObjectReader.hh | |
 JObjectReader.sh | |
 JObjectSampler.hh | |
 JObjectSelector.hh | |
 JObjectStatus.hh | |
 JObjectStreamIO.hh | |
 JObjectWriter.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JObjectWriter class |
 JObjectWriter.hh | |
 JOmega2D.cc | Example program to test JGEOMETRY2D::JOmega2D class |
 JOmega2D.hh | |
 JOmega2D.sh | |
 JOmega3D.cc | Example program to test JGEOMETRY3D::JOmega3D class |
 JOmega3D.hh | |
 JOmega3D.sh | |
 JOpera1D.cc | Auxiliary program for operations on 1D histograms |
 JOpera2D.cc | Auxiliary program for operations on 2D histograms |
 JORCAMuonReconstruction.sh | |
 JORCAShowerReconstruction.sh | |
 JPair.hh | |
 JParallelFileScanner.hh | Parallel scanning of objects from a single file or multiple files according a format that follows from the file name extension |
 JParameter.hh | |
 JParametersHelper.hh | |
 JParser-string.cc | Example program to test JPARSER::JParser |
 JParser-string.sh | |
 JParser.cc | Example program to test JPARSER::JParser |
 JParser.csh | |
 JParser.hh | Utility class to parse command line options |
 JParser.sh | |
 JParticleTypes.hh | Definition of particle types |
 JPath.sh | |
 JPBS.hh | |
 JPDB.hh | |
 JPDF.hh | |
 JPDF_t.hh | |
 JPDFTable.hh | |
 JPDFToolkit.hh | Auxiliary methods for PDF calculations |
 JPDFTransformer.hh | |
 JPDFTypes.hh | Numbering scheme for PDF types |
 JPermutation.cc | Example program to test permutations (JTOOLS::next_permutation) |
 JPermutation.hh | |
 JPermutation.sh | |
 JPersons.hh | |
 JPhotonPath.hh | |
 JPhotonPathIO.cc | |
 JPhotonPathReader.hh | |
 JPhotonPathWriter.hh | |
 JPhysicsToolkit.hh | |
 JPipe.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JPipe class |
 JPipe.hh | Implementation of pipe operation for object iterators |
 JPizza.cc | Example program to verify generator data |
 JPizza.sh | |
 JPlot1D.cc | General purpose plot program for 1D ROOT objects |
 JPlot2D.cc | General purpose plot program for 2D ROOT objects |
 JPlotCDF.cc | Program to verify generation of arrival times of Cherenkov photons from a muon using tabulated CDF |
 JPlotCDG.cc | Program to verify generation of arrival times of Cherenkov photons from a shower using tabulated CDF |
 JPlotK40.cc | Auxiliary plot fit function of JFitK40.cc |
 JPlotNPE-PDG.cc | Program to compare integrals of PDF of Cherenkov light from EM-shower using interpolation tables |
 JPlotNPE-PDG.sh | |
 JPlotNPE.cc | Program to plot PDF of Cherenkov light from EM-shower using interpolation tables |
 JPlotNPE.sh | |
 JPlotNPE1D.cc | Program to plot PDF of Cherenkov light from EM-shower using interpolation tables |
 JPlotNPE1D.sh | |
 JPlotPD0.cc | Program to plot PDF of Cherenkov light from bright point using interpolation tables |
 JPlotPD0.sh | |
 JPlotPDF.cc | Program to plot PDF of Cherenkov light from muon using interpolation tables |
 JPlotPDF.sh | |
 JPlotPDG.cc | Program to plot PDF of Cherenkov light from EM-shower using interpolation tables |
 JPlotPDG.sh | |
 JPlotPMTParameters.cc | Auxiliary application to plot PMT parameters |
 JPlotPMTParameters2D.cc | Auxiliary application to plot PMT parameters |
 JPlotPMTSystematics.cc | Auxiliary application to convert PMT parameters text file to ROOT histograms |
 JPMT-PDF.sh | |
 JPMT.cc | Auxiliary program to plot QE and angular acceptance of PMT |
 JPMT.hh | Data structure for PMT geometry and calibration |
 JPMT.sh | |
 JPMTAddress.hh | |
 JPMTAnalogueSignalProcessor.hh | PMT analogue signal processor |
 JPMTAngularAcceptance.cc | |
 JPMTAngularAcceptance.sh | |
 JPMTBestHVSettings.hh | |
 JPMTChannel.hh | Data structure to uniquely identify PMT readout channel |
 JPMTDefaultSimulator.hh | |
 JPMTDefaultSimulatorInterface.hh | |
 JPMTHeader.hh | |
 JPMTHVRunSettings.hh | |
 JPMTHVSettings.hh | |
 JPMTIdentifier.hh | |
 JPMTIdentifier_t.hh | |
 JPMTMask.hh | |
 JPMTParameters.hh | |
 JPMTParametersMap.cc | Example program to create PMT parameters map |
 JPMTParametersMap.hh | |
 JPMTParametersToolkit.hh | |
 JPMTPhysicalAddress.hh | |
 JPMTRateRange.hh | |
 JPMTReadoutAddress.hh | |
 JPMTRouter.cc | Example program to determine speed of JDETECTOR::JPMTRouter |
 JPMTRouter.hh | Direct access to PMT in detector data structure |
 JPMTRouter.sh | |
 JPMTRunByRunSimulator.hh | |
 JPMTSelector.hh | |
 JPMTSignalProcessor.cc | Example program to test PMT signal processor probability |
 JPMTSignalProcessorInterface.hh | |
 JPMTSimulator.cc | Example program to histogram PMT simulator features |
 JPMTSimulator.hh | |
 JPMTSimulator.sh | |
 JPMTStatusBits.cc | Example program to test PMT status bits |
 JPMTTransitTimeGenerator.hh | |
 JPMTTransitTimeProbability.hh | |
 JPMTW0.hh | |
 JPoint3D.cc | Test program for JFIT::JEstimator<JPoint3D> fit |
 JPoint3D.hh | |
 JPoint3DEstimator.hh | Linear fit of JFIT::JPoint3D |
 JPoint4D.cc | Test program for JFIT::JEstimator<JPoint4D> fit |
 JPoint4D.hh | |
 JPoint4DEstimator.hh | Linear fit of JFIT::JPoint4D |
 JPoint4DRegressor.hh | |
 JPointer.hh | |
 JPolint.hh | |
 JPolyline3D.cc | Example program for the JGEOMETRY::JPolyline3D class |
 JPolyline3D.hh | |
 JPolynome.cc | Example program to test polynome |
 JPolynome.hh | |
 JPolynome1D.cc | Example program to test 1D interpolation of a polynome |
 JPolynome1D.sh | |
 JPolynome1P.cc | Example program to test 1D interpolation of a polynome |
 JPolynome3D+2D.cc | Example program to test multi-dimensional interpolation with multi-dimensional function objects |
 JPolynome3D.cc | Example program to test multi-dimensional interpolation |
 JPolynome3G.cc | Example program to test multi-dimensional integration |
 JPolynome3H.cc | Example program to test multi-dimensional interpolation with derivatives |
 JPolynome5D.cc | Example program to test multi-dimensional interpolation |
 JPosition2D.hh | |
 JPosition3D.hh | |
 JPostfit2F.cc | Example program to compare fit results from two files |
 JPostfit2F.sh | |
 JPower.hh | |
 Jpp.hh | Jpp environment information |
 JPredicate.cc | Auxiliary program to test JLANG::JPredicate class and helper methods |
 JPredicate.hh | |
 JPrefix.hh | |
 JPreprocessor.cc | Example program to test JTRIGGER::JPreprocessor |
 JPreprocessor.hh | Auxiliaries for pre-processing of hits |
 JPreprocessor.sh | |
 JPrescaler.hh | |
 JPrimitiveTypes.hh | |
 software/JGizmo/JPrint.cc | Auxiliary program to print 'any' data |
 examples/Jeep/JPrint.cc | Example program to test print auxiliaries |
 JPrint.hh | I/O formatting auxiliaries |
 JPrintAcousticsEvent.cc | Auxiliary program to print acoustic events |
 JPrintChain.cc | Auxiliary program to print ROOT TChain information |
 JPrintChain.sh | |
 JPrintDAQHeader.cc | Auxiliary program to print DAQ header data |
 JPrintDB.cc | Auxiliary program to print data from data base |
 JPrintDetector.cc | Auxiliary program to print detector file in human friendly format |
 JPrintDetector.sh | |
 JPrintDomino.cc | Auxiliary program to print JDomino.cc statistics |
 JPrintEvt.cc | |
 JPrintFit.cc | Auxiliary program to print ROOT fit results |
 JPrintHeader.cc | Auxiliary program to print sum of Monte Carlo run headers |
 JPrintHeader.sh | |
 JPrintHeaderFromFilelist.sh | |
 JPrintHelper.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JPrintHelper class |
 JPrintHelper.hh | |
 JPrintLargestOverlay.cc | Example program to find the largest event in a file |
 JPrintMeta.cc | Auxiliary program to print Jpp meta data |
 JPrintPDB.cc | Auxiliary program to print particle codes and masses |
 JPrintPDF.sh | |
 JPrintPDG.sh | |
 JPrintRandom.cc | Auxiliary program to print ROOT TRandom seed |
 JPrintRange1D.cc | Auxiliary program to print the ranges of x and y values of 1D ROOT objects |
 JPrintRange2D.cc | Auxiliary program to print the ranges of x, y and z values of 2D ROOT objects |
 JPrintResult.cc | Auxiliary program to print result from ROOT histograms |
 JPrintRMS.cc | Auxiliary program to print RMS of acoustic events |
 JPrintRootClass.cc | Auxiliary program to print class information |
 JPrintRootVersion.cc | Auxiliary program to print ROOT class version information |
 JPrintRootVersion.sh | |
 JPrintRunsetup.cc | Auxiliary program to print run setup data |
 JPrintSirene.cc | Auxiliary program to print JSirene.cc job statistics |
 JPrintTitle.cc | Auxiliary program to print title of ROOT objects |
 JPrintTree.cc | Auxiliary program to print ROOT TTree information |
 JPrintTree.sh | |
 JPrintTreeScanner.cc | Program to test ordered reading using JSUPPORT::JTreeScanner |
 JPrintTriggerParameters.cc | Auxiliary program to print trigger parameters |
 JPrintTuna.cc | Auxiliary program to print slow control parameters |
 JProcess.cc | Example for testing inter-process communication |
 JProcess.hh | |
 JProcess.sh | |
 JProcessKexing2D.cc | Auxiliary program to build supernova background from JKexing2D output |
 JProductIntegration.hh | |
 JProductRouter.hh | |
 JProfiler.cc | Auxiliary program to monitor memory and CPU usage of process |
 JProject2D.cc | Auxiliary program to project 2D histograms |
 JProperties-sed.cc | Example program to test JPROPERTIES::JProperties class |
 JProperties-setValue.cc | Example program to test JPROPERTIES::JProperties class |
 JProperties.cc | Example program to test JPROPERTIES::JProperties class |
 JProperties.hh | Utility class to parse parameter values |
 JProperties.sh | |
 JPulsar.cc | Application for dark room time calibration |
 JPulsar.sh | |
 JPulse.hh | Time-over-threshold (ToT) pulse from a PMT |
 JPutData.cc | Auxiliary program to send messages to ControlHost server |
 JPutMessage.cc | Auxiliary program to send message to ControlHost server |
 JPythia.cc | Auxiliary program histogram plot EM-equivalent energy for hadrons |
 JPythia.hh | |
 JPythia.sh | |
 JQAQC.sh | |
 JQuadrature.hh | Auxiliary classes for numerical integration |
 JQuality.cc | Auxiliary program to sum fit quality |
 JQuantile.cc | Example program to test JTOOLS::JQuantile calculation |
 JQuantile.hh | |
 JQuantiles.cc | Example program to test JTOOLS::JQuantiles calculation of a function |
 JQuantiles.hh | |
 JQuantiles1D.cc | Auxiliary program to print quantiles from 1D histogram |
 JQuantiles2D.cc | Auxiliary program to extract quantiles from 2D histogram |
 JQuaternion3D.hh | |
 JRadiation.cc | Example program to histogram radiation cross sections, shower energy, range and b(E) as a function of the muon energy |
 JRadiation.hh | Muon radiative cross sections |
 JRadiation.sh | |
 JRadiationSource.hh | |
 JRAM.hh | Auxiliary class to speed up new/delete operations of any class |
 JRandom.hh | Definition of random value generator |
 JRandomEvent.sh | |
 JRandomEventRunByRun.sh | |
 JRandomL1.cc | Example program to test JTRIGGER::JBuildL1 and JTRIGGER::JBuildL2 hit coincidence building with random data |
 JRandomL1.sh | |
 JRandomSampler.hh | |
 JRandomTimeslice.hh | |
 software/JTimeslice/JRandomTimesliceWriter.cc | Auxiliary program to write KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTimeslice with random data |
 examples/JTimeslice/JRandomTimesliceWriter.cc | Auxiliary program to generate KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTimeslice with random data |
 software/JTimeslice/JRandomTimesliceWriter.sh | |
 examples/JTimeslice/JRandomTimesliceWriter.sh | |
 JRandomTimesliceWriterRunByRun.sh | |
 JRange.cc | Example program to test JTOOLS::JRange operations |
 JRange.hh | Auxiliary class to define a range between two values |
 JRate.cc | Example program to plot event rates using JASTRONOMY::JStarTrek |
 JRate.sh | |
 JRateK40.cc | Example program to calculate singles rate |
 JReaderObjectIterator.hh | |
 JRebin1D.cc | Auxiliary program to rebin ROOT histograms |
 JReceiver.hh | Acoustic receiver |
 JReconstructDetector.sh | |
 JRedirectStream.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JRedirectStream class |
 JRedirectStream.hh | |
 JRedirectString.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JRedirectString class |
 JRedirectString.hh | |
 JReference.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JReference class |
 JReference.hh | |
 JRegressor.hh | General purpose data regression method |
 JRegulator.hh | |
 JRegurgitate.cc | Auxiliary program to send objects to JLigier.cc server |
 JRegurgitate.sh | |
 JRemovePMT.cc | Example program to remove PMT(s) from data (and set corresponding rate to 0) |
 JResolve.cc | Test of class JLANG::JResolve |
 JResolve.hh | |
 JResult.hh | This include file containes various data structures that can be used as specific return types for the interpolating methods |
 JResultHesse3D.cc | Example program to test multi-dimensional interpolation |
 JResultPDF.cc | Example program to test interpolations for PDF |
 JResultPDF.sh | |
 JResultTransformer.hh | |
 JRewindable.hh | |
 JRipple.cc | |
 JRipple.hh | |
 JRoot.cc | Auxiliary program to convert binary data to ROOT formatted data |
 JRoot.hh | This include file serves the purpose of hiding ROOT dependencies and circumphere namespace problems when using rootcint |
 JRootAddress.hh | |
 JRootClass.cc | Program to test JROOT::JRootClass |
 JRootClass.hh | |
 JROOTClassSelector.hh | |
 JRootDictionary.hh | |
 JRootDictionary_t.hh | |
 JRootFile.hh | |
 JRootFileReader.hh | |
 JRootFileWriter.hh | |
 JRootFit.cc | Program to test ROOT fit |
 JRootFitToGauss.cc | Program to test ROOT fit |
 JRootFitToGauss.sh | |
 JRootLabel.hh | |
 JRootObject.hh | |
 JRootObjectID.hh | |
 JRootPrinter.hh | Print objects in ASCII format using ROOT dictionary |
 JRootStreamer.hh | ASCII I/O of objects with ROOT dictionary |
 JRootStreamObjectOutput.hh | |
 JRootSupportkit.hh | Data type dependent action methods for customised ROOT version management |
 JRootToolkit.hh | |
 JRotation2D.hh | |
 JRotation3D.hh | |
 JRotator2D.hh | |
 JRotator3D.hh | |
 JRouter.cc | Example program to test JTOOLS::JRouter class |
 JRouter.hh | |
 JRunAnalyzer.cc | |
 JRunAnalyzer.sh | |
 JRunByRun.hh | |
 JRuncontrolToolkit.hh | |
 JRunHistograms.hh | |
 JRunQuality.cc | |
 JRunQuality.hh | |
 JRunrange.sh | |
 JRuns.cc | Example program to print data from data base |
 JRuns.hh | |
 JRuns.sh | |
 JRunsetupParams.hh | |
 JRunsetups.hh | |
 JRunsetups.sh | |
 JRunSummaryNumbers.hh | |
 JSampler.cc | Program to test sampling of summary data using the JSUPPORT::JMultipleFileSampler class |
 JSampler.hh | |
 JSampler.sh | |
 JScale.cc | Example program to test JEEP::JScale_t enumeration |
 JScale.hh | Enumeration for scaling of quantity |
 JScale1D.cc | Auxiliary program to scale ROOT histograms |
 JScatteringModel.hh | |
 JSeaWater.hh | |
 JSegment2D.hh | |
 JSegment3D.hh | |
 JSelect.hh | |
 JDB/JSelector.hh | |
 JTools/JSelector.hh | |
 JSelectorSupportkit.hh | |
 JSelectReader.hh | |
 JSelectWriter.hh | |
 JSerialisable.hh | |
 JServerSocket.hh | |
 JSet.hh | |
 JSetize.cc | Example program to test JLANG::make_set method |
 JShadowPDF.sh | |
 JSharedCounter.hh | |
 JSharedPointer.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JSharedPointer class |
 JSharedPointer.hh | |
 JShell.cc | Example program to test shell I/O (class JSYSTEM::JShell) |
 JShell.hh | Shell interaction via I/O streams |
 JShellParser.cc | Auxiliary program to interface JPARSER::JParser to command line of shell scripts |
 JShellParser.csh | |
 JShellParser.sh | |
 JShower3D.hh | |
 JShower3E.hh | |
 JShower3EZ.hh | |
 JShower3EZRegressor.hh | Data regression method for JFIT::JShower3Z |
 JShower3Z.hh | |
 JShowerBrightPointRegressor.hh | Data regression method for JFIT::JPoint4D from a bright point isoptropic emission PDF |
 JShowerDirectionPrefit.cc | Program to perform EM Shower Fit for ORCA with I/O of JFIT::JEvt data |
 JShowerDirectionPrefit.hh | |
 JShowerDirectionPrefitParameters_t.cc | |
 JShowerDirectionPrefitParameters_t.hh | |
 JShowerEnergyCorrection.hh | |
 JShowerEnergyPrefit.cc | Program to perform EM Shower Fit for ORCA with I/O of JFIT::JEvt data |
 JShowerEnergyPrefit.hh | |
 JShowerEnergyPrefitParameters_t.cc | |
 JShowerEnergyPrefitParameters_t.hh | |
 JShowerEnergyRegressor.hh | Data regression method for JFIT::JShower3EZ only focused on the energy estimation from a bright point emission PDF and considering the hit/non hit information for each PMT |
 JShowerFit.cc | Program to perform EM Shower Fit for ORCA with I/O of JFIT::JEvt data |
 JShowerFit.hh | |
 JShowerFitParameters_t.cc | |
 JShowerFitParameters_t.hh | |
 JShowerMCEvt.cc | Auxiliary program to store Monte Carlo information from a neutrino or the primary electron in JFIT::JEvt format |
 JShowerNPE.cc | Program to plot PDF of Cherenkov light from EM-shower using interpolation tables |
 JShowerNPE.hh | |
 JShowerNPE.sh | |
 JShowerNPEHit.hh | |
 JShowerParameters.cc | |
 JShowerParameters.hh | |
 JShowerPointSimplex.cc | Program to perform EM Shower Fit for ORCA with I/O of JFIT::JEvt data |
 JShowerPointSimplex.hh | |
 JShowerPointSimplexParameters_t.cc | |
 JShowerPointSimplexParameters_t.hh | |
 JShowerPositionFit.cc | Program to perform EM Shower Second Position Fit for ORCA with I/O of JFIT::JEvt data |
 JShowerPositionFit.hh | |
 JShowerPositionFitParameters_t.cc | |
 JShowerPositionFitParameters_t.hh | |
 JShowerPostfit.cc | Example program to histogram shower fit results: it handles both neutrino and muon productions |
 JShowerPostfit.sh | |
 JShowerPrefit.cc | |
 JShowerPrefit.hh | |
 JShowerPrefitParameters_t.cc | |
 JShowerPrefitParameters_t.hh | |
 JSignalL1.cc | Example program to test JTRIGGER::JBuildL1 and JTRIGGER::JBuildL2 hit coincidence building with Monte Carlo events |
 JSignalL1.sh | |
 JSimbad.cc | Example program to simulate summary data |
 JSimplex.hh | |
 JSimplexFitToGauss.cc | Program to test JFIT::JSimplex algorithm |
 JSimplexFitToGauss.sh | |
 JSingleFileScanner.hh | Scanning of objects from a single file according a format that follows from the extension of each file name |
 JSinglePointer.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JSinglePointer class |
 JSinglePointer.hh | |
 JSingleton.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JSingleton class |
 JSingleton.hh | |
 JSirene.cc | Main program to simulate detector response to muons and showers |
 JSirene.sh | |
 JSireneToolkit.hh | |
 JSize.cc | Example program to test JLANG::getSize method |
 JSlewing.cc | Example program to histogram time over threshold as a function of number of photo-electrons |
 JSlewing.sh | |
 JSlewingK40.cc | Auxiliary program to determine time slewing from K40 data |
 JSlewingK40.sh | |
 JSocket.hh | |
 JSocketAddress.hh | |
 JSocketBlocking.hh | |
 JSocketChannel.hh | |
 JSocketNonblocking.hh | |
 JSocketStatus.hh | |
 JSon.hh | |
 JSoundVelocity.hh | Sound velocity |
 JSoundVelocity.sh | |
 JSphere3D.cc | Example program to test 3D integration of sphere |
 JSphere3D.hh | |
 JSphereND.cc | Example program to test integration of sphere in any number of dimensions |
 JSpline.hh | |
 JStack1D.cc | Auxiliary program to make stack of ROOT histograms |
 JStart.hh | Auxiliary method to locate start and end point of muon trajectory |
 JStat.cc | Example program to print status of file |
 JStat.hh | File status |
 JStatus.hh | |
 JStdev1D.cc | Auxiliary program to determine standard deviation of a set of 1D histograms |
 JSTDIO.hh | STD extensions for binary I/O |
 JSTDObjectIterator.hh | |
 JSTDObjectOutput.hh | |
 JSTDObjectReader.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JSTDObjectReader class |
 JSTDObjectReader.hh | |
 JSTDObjectWriter.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JSTDObjectWriter class |
 JSTDObjectWriter.hh | |
 JSTDToolkit.hh | |
 JSTDTypes.hh | Forward declarations of STD containers |
 JStingray.cc | Auxiliary program to manipulate MUPAGE data |
 JStopDAQ.sh | |
 JStorage.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JStorage class |
 JStorage.hh | |
 JStreamAvailable.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JStreamAvailable class |
 JStreamAvailable.hh | |
 JStreamIO.hh | |
 JStreamLogger.hh | |
 JStreamObjectIterator.hh | |
 JStreamObjectOutput.hh | |
 JStreamState.hh | |
 JStreamToolkit.hh | |
 JString.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JString class |
 JString.hh | |
 JStringCounter.hh | |
 JStringFacet.cc | |
 JStringFacet.hh | |
 JStringStream.hh | |
 JStyle.hh | |
 JSubscription.cc | Example program to test JNET::JSubscription |
 JSum1D.cc | Auxiliary program to make cumulative ROOT histogram |
 JSummary.cc | Auxiliary program to blend and write summary data |
 JSummary.sh | |
 JSummaryFileRouter.hh | |
 JSummaryMonitor.cc | Auxiliary program to monitor summary data |
 JSupport/JSummaryRouter.hh | |
 JTrigger/JSummaryRouter.hh | |
 JSummaryslice.hh | Auxiliaries for creation of summary data |
 JSummaryWriter.cc | Auxiliary program to write summary data |
 JSummaryWriter.sh | |
 JSuperFrame1D.hh | |
 JSuperFrame2D.hh | |
 JSuperFrameClone1D.hh | |
 JSuperFrameClone2D.hh | |
 JSupernova.hh | |
 JSupernovaL0.cc | |
 JSupernovaMonitor.cc | Online supernova monitor |
 JAcoustics/JSupport.hh | ROOT TTree parameter settings |
 JDB/JSupport.hh | ROOT TTree parameter settings |
 JSupport/JSupport.hh | ROOT TTree parameter settings |
 JSupportToolkit.hh | Support methods |
 JSwitch.hh | |
 JSwordfish.cc | Example program to resize coordinate system of Monte Carlo events |
 JSysinfo.cc | Example program to print system information |
 JSysinfo.hh | System information |
 JSystemToolkit.hh | System calls via shell interactions |
 JTable2D.cc | Example program to test interpolation between 2D tables |
 JTable2D.hh | |
 JTag.hh | |
 JTemplate.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JTemplate class |
 JTemplate.hh | Auxiliary class to alleviate the so-called diamond problem due to multiple inheritance |
 JTemplateIO.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JTemplateReader and JLANG::JTemplateWriter classes |
 JTemplateReader.hh | |
 JTemplateWriter.hh | |
 JTest.hh | |
 JTest_t.hh | |
 JTestChi2.cc | Auxiliary program for chi2 test of 1D histograms |
 JTestChi2_1D.hh | |
 JTestChi2_2D.hh | |
 JTestChi2_Bin.hh | |
 JTestChi2_t.hh | |
 JTestFit.cc | Auxiliary program to test ROOT fit results |
 JTestKolmogorov_1D.hh | |
 JTestKolmogorov_2D.hh | |
 JTestKolmogorov_t.hh | |
 JTestL1.cc | Example program to test JTRIGGER::JBuildL1 and JTRIGGER::JBuildL2 hit coincidence building with user data |
 JTestNBTrigger.cc | |
 JTestRange1D.cc | Auxiliary program for y-range test of 1D histograms |
 JTestRange2D.cc | Auxiliary program for y-range test of 1D histograms |
 JTestRuns_1D.hh | |
 JTestRuns_2D.hh | |
 JTestRuns_t.hh | |
 JTestTuna.cc | Auxiliary program to apply test criteria to file |
 JTestZero.hh | |
 JTestZero_t.hh | |
 JThrow.hh | Exception handling |
 JTime.cc | Example program to show system time |
 Jeep/JTime.hh | |
 JGeometry3D/JTime.hh | |
 JSystem/JTime.hh | System time information |
 JTimeConverter.cc | Example program to test conversion between Monte Carlo and DAQ times |
 JTimeConverter.hh | |
 JTimeConverter.sh | |
 JTimekeeper.cc | Example program to test JEEP::JTimekeeper class |
 JTimekeeper.hh | Scheduling of actions via fixed latency intervals |
 JTimer.hh | |
 JDetector/JTimeRange.hh | |
 JFit/JTimeRange.hh | |
 JTools/JTimeRange.hh | |
 JTimeslice.hh | |
 JTimesliceClone.hh | |
 JTimesliceL0.hh | Auxiliaries for creation of time slice data |
 JTimesliceL1.hh | |
 JTimesliceReprocessor.cc | Auxiliary program to re-process KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTimeslice data |
 JTimesliceReprocessor.sh | |
 JTimesliceRouter.hh | |
 JTimeval.hh | |
 JTitle.hh | |
 JToAshort.cc | Example program to test acoustic data |
 JToAshort.hh | |
 JToAshort.sh | |
 JToken.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JToken class |
 JToken.hh | |
 JToken.sh | |
 JToolsToolkit.hh | This include file contains various recursive methods to operate on multi-dimensional collections |
 JToT.cc | Example program to histogram time over threshold distributions |
 JToT.sh | |
 JTrack3D.cc | Example program to test angle of incidence of a photon from a muon on a PMT |
 JTrack3D.hh | |
 JTrack3E.hh | |
 JTransceiver.hh | Acoustic transceiver |
 JTransformableFunction.cc | Example program to test transformable function |
 JTransformableMultiFunction.hh | |
 JTransformableMultiHistogram.hh | |
 JTransformation3D.hh | |
 JTransformer.hh | |
 JTransitTime.cc | Example program to histogram PMT transit time distribution |
 JTransitTime.sh | |
 JTransitTimeGenerator.cc | Example program to test generation of transit times using PMT simulator |
 JTransitTimeGenerator.sh | |
 JTransitTimeProbablity.cc | Example program to determine PMT transit time probability |
 JTransmission.hh | Acoustic transmission |
 JTreeIterator.cc | Program to test iteration using JSUPPORT::JTreeScanner |
 JTreeIterator.sh | |
 JTreeParameters.hh | |
 JTreeReader.hh | TTree reading for template data type |
 JTreeReaderObjectIterator.hh | |
 JTreeRecorder.cc | Program to test ordered reading using JSUPPORT::JTreeRecorder |
 JTreeRecorder.hh | |
 JTreeScanner.cc | Program to test ordered reading using JSUPPORT::JTreeScanner |
 JTreeScanner.hh | |
 JTreeScanner.sh | |
 JTreeScannerInterface.hh | |
 JTreeWriter.hh | TTree writing for template data type |
 JTreeWriterObjectOutput.hh | |
 JTrigger3D.hh | |
 JTrigger3DMuon.hh | |
 JTrigger3DMuon_t.hh | |
 JTrigger3DShower.hh | |
 JTrigger3DShower_t.hh | |
 JTrigger3N.hh | |
 JTriggerBits.hh | Setting of trigger bits |
 JTriggeredEvent.hh | |
 JTriggeredFileScanner.hh | Synchronously read DAQ events and Monte Carlo events (and optionally other events) |
 JTriggeredHit.hh | |
 JTriggerEfficiency.cc | Auxiliary program to trigger Monte Carlo events |
 JTriggerEfficiency.sh | |
 JTriggerEfficiency1D.cc | Example program to histogram trigger efficiency |
 JTriggerEfficiency1D.sh | |
 JTriggerEfficiencyRunByRun.sh | |
 JTriggerException.hh | |
 JTriggerInput.hh | |
 JTriggerInterface.hh | |
 JTriggerMask.cc | Example program to test I/O of trigger mask |
 JTriggerMonitor.cc | Auxiliary program to histogram and print trigger statistics |
 JTriggerMXShower.hh | |
 JTriggerMXShower_t.hh | |
 JTriggerNB.hh | |
 JTriggerNB_t.hh | |
 JAcoustics/JTriggerOutput.hh | |
 JTrigger/JTriggerOutput.hh | |
 software/JAcoustics/JTriggerParameters.cc | |
 software/JTrigger/JTriggerParameters.cc | |
 examples/JTrigger/JTriggerParameters.cc | Example program to read trigger parameters |
 JAcoustics/JTriggerParameters.hh | Acoustic trigger parameters |
 JTrigger/JTriggerParameters.hh | |
 JTriggerParametersSupportkit.hh | |
 JTriggerProcessor.cc | Auxiliary program to trigger KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTimeslice data |
 JTriggerProcessor.sh | |
 JTriggerProfiler.sh | |
 JTriggerReprocessor.cc | Auxiliary program to re-trigger KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent data |
 JTriggerReprocessor.sh | |
 JTriggerTester.cc | Auxiliary program to verify processing of Monte Carlo events |
 JTriggerTestkit.hh | |
 JTriggerToolkit.hh | |
 JTrigonometric.hh | |
 JTrigonometric1D.cc | Example program to test 1D interpolation of a trigonometric function |
 JTripod.hh | Data structure for tripod |
 JTrk_t.hh | |
 JTTS.cc | Auxiliary program to model transition time distribution generator from data |
 JTTS.sh | |
 JTuna.cc | Auxiliary program to convert slow control data from the database to ROOT TTree |
 JTuna.sh | |
 JTuna2Graph.cc | Auxiliary program to convert ROOT TTree with slow control data to ROOT TGraph's |
 JTuneHV.cc | Example program to fit the gain to the high-voltage |
 JTuneHV.sh | |
 JTuple.cc | Example program to test JTOOLS::JTuple class |
 JTuple.hh | Data structure based on type list |
 JTurbot.cc | Example program to search for correlations between triggered events and time slice data |
 JTurbot.sh | |
 JTurbot2D.cc | Example program to search for out of sync shifts around integral timeslices evolving over time |
 JTurbot2D.sh | |
 JTurbotIter.cc | Example program to search for correlations between triggered events and timeslice data |
 JTurbotIter.sh | |
 JTwosome.hh | |
 JType.hh | |
 JTypedef.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JTypedef class |
 JTypeID.hh | |
 JTypeInfo.hh | |
 JTypeList.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JTypeList class |
 JTypeList.hh | |
 JTypeSelector.hh | |
 JUDPSocket.hh | |
 JUPI.hh | |
 JUTCProfile.cc | Example program to histogram UTC profiles |
 JUTCProfile.sh | |
 JUTCTimeRange.hh | |
 JUTMGrid.hh | |
 JUTMPosition.hh | |
 JUTSName.hh | System information |
 JValue.hh | |
 JValve.hh | |
 JVariance1D.cc | Auxiliary program to histogram bin-by-bin deviations of the contents of one (or more) 1D histogram(s) |
 JVariance2D.cc | Auxiliary program to histogram bin-by-bin deviations of the contents of one (or more) 1D histogram(s) |
 JVector2D.hh | |
 JVector3D.hh | |
 JVectorize.cc | Example program to test JLANG::make_array method |
 JVectorize.hh | Auxiliary methods to convert data members or return values of member methods of a set of objects to a single vector |
 JVectorND.hh | |
 JVectorNZ.hh | |
 JVendorHV.hh | |
 JVersion.hh | |
 JVersor2D.hh | |
 JVersor3D.hh | |
 JVersor3Z.hh | |
 JVertex3D.hh | |
 JVoid.hh | |
 JVolume.hh | |
 JVolume1D.cc | Example program to histogram neutrino effective volume for triggered events |
 JVolume1D.sh | |
 JWeight.hh | |
 JWeightDAQ.hh | |
 JWeightEvent.hh | |
 JWeightEventHelper.hh | |
 JWeightFileScanner.cc | |
 JWeightFileScanner.hh | |
 JWeightMupage.hh | |
 JWhereIs.cc | Example program to test JNET::JControlHost::WhereIs |
 JWhiteSpacesFacet.cc | Example program to test JLANG::JWhiteSpacesFacet class |
 JWhiteSpacesFacet.hh | |
 JWhiteSpacesFacet.sh | |
 JWriterObjectOutput.hh | |
 JZebraMantis.cc | Program to compare histograms in root files with same directory structure |
 JZero.cc | Example program to test zero values (JMATH::zero) |
 JZero.hh | Definition of zero value for any class |
 km3-opa_efrac.hh | |
 km3_toa_finder.cpp | |
 km3_toa_signal.cpp | |
 km3_toa_toainfo.cpp | |
 km3_toa_utils.cpp | |
 KM3NeT.hh | Optical properties of KM3NeT deep-sea site |
 KM3NeT_Acoustic_Link.cpp | |
 KM3NeT_Acoustic_Link.h | |
 KM3NeT_Audio_Channel.cpp | |
 KM3NeT_Audio_Channel.h | |
 KM3NeT_Audio_Data.cpp | |
 KM3NeT_Audio_Data.h | |
 KM3NeT_Debug.cpp | |
 KM3NeT_Debug.h | |
 KM3NeT_DOM.cpp | |
 KM3NeT_DOM.h | |
 ligier_helper.cpp | |
 software/JAAnet/LinkDef.hh | |
 software/JAcoustics/LinkDef.hh | |
 software/JDB/LinkDef.hh | |
 software/JMarkov/LinkDef.hh | |
 software/JReconstruction/LinkDef.hh | |
 software/JTrigger/LinkDef.hh | |
 externals/km3net-dataformat/src/LinkDef.hh | |
 externals/antares-dataformat/LinkDef.hh | |
 log.cc | |
 log.hh | |
 Main.cpp | |
 mkqueue.sh | |
 monrouter.cpp | |
 multi-plotk40.sh | |
 PhysicsEvent.cc | |
 PhysicsEvent.hh | |
 plot-BPS.sh | |
 plot-Domino.sh | |
 plot-EDFA.sh | |
 plot-height.sh | |
 plot-hobbit.sh | |
 plot-orientation.sh | |
 plot-PMTParameters.sh | |
 plot-PMTParameters1D.sh | |
 plot-PMTParameters2D.sh | |
 plot-position.sh | |
 plot-time.sh | |
 plot-Tuna.sh | |
 print.cpp | |
 ptr_dispatcher.hh | |
 puzzled_frame.cc | |
 puzzled_frame.hh | |
 pythia.hh | This file contains converted Fortran code from km3 |
 qlib.csh | |
 qlib.sh | |
 quality_sorter.cc | |
 raw_data_converter.cpp | |
 recipient.hh | |
 recipients_handler.cc | |
 recipients_handler.hh | |
 definitions/reconstruction.hh | |
 tools/reconstruction.hh | Auxiliary methods for selection of reconstructed tracks |
 regex.h | |
 RunAnalyzer.hh | |
 saDataQueue.cc | |
 strlcpy.cc | |
 strlcpy.h | |
 test-PMTParameters.sh | |
 test-tuna.sh | |
 test-Tuna.sh | |
 testk40.sh | |
 testToT.sh | |
 time_tracking.hh | |
 timer.cc | |
 timer.hh | |
 TimeSlice.cc | |
 TimeSlice.hh | |
 Timestamp.hh | |
 Toulon.hh | |
 trigger.hh | |
 Trk.hh | |
 ulonglong.hh | |
 utctime.hh | |
 Vec.hh | |
 w2list_genhen.hh | |
 w2list_gseagen.hh | |