17 namespace JPP {
using namespace JFIT; }
31 public JMath<JShower3EZ>
68 const double By = 1.0):
173 in >>
189 out << static_cast<const JShower3Z&>(object);
190 out << static_cast<const JEnergy&>(object);
Auxiliary base class for aritmetic operations of derived class types.
Data structure for vertex fit.
JShower3EZ & sub(const JShower3EZ &value)
Subtraction operator.
Default constructor.
JShower3EZ(const JShower3Z &line, const JEnergy &x, const double By=1.0)
JShower3Z & sub(const JShower3Z &value)
Subtraction operator.
JEnergy & sub(const JEnergy &value)
Subtraction operator.
friend std::istream & operator>>(std::istream &in, JShower3EZ &object)
Read object from input.
Data structure for fit of straight line in positive z-direction with energy.
JShower3Z & mul(const double value)
Multiplication operator.
JEnergy & div(const double value)
Division operator.
JShower3EZ(const JPoint4D &point, const JVersor3Z &dir, const JEnergy &x, const double By=1.0)
JEnergy & negate()
Prefix unary minus.
double JEnergy::* parameter_type
static parameter_type pBy()
double JShower3EZ::* parameter_type
JShower3Z & negate()
Prefix unary minus.
Data structure for cascade in positive z-direction.
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const JShower3EZ &object)
Write object to output.
JShower3EZ & add(const JShower3EZ &value)
Addition operator.
JShower3Z & add(const JShower3Z &value)
Addition operator.
double getBy() const
Get bjorken y.
Base class for data structures with artithmetic capabilities.
Data structure for fit of energy.
JShower3EZ & div(const double value)
Division operator.
JShower3EZ & negate()
Prefix unary minus.
JShower3EZ & mul(const double value)
Multiplication operator.
Data structure for normalised vector in positive z-direction.
then fatal Wrong number of arguments fi set_variable DETECTOR $argv[1] set_variable INPUT_FILE $argv[2] eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O IDENTIFIER eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O SUMMARY source JAcoustics sh $DETECTOR_ID typeset A TRIPODS get_tripods $WORKDIR tripod txt TRIPODS for EMITTER in
JEnergy & mul(const double value)
Multiplication operator.
JEnergy & add(const JEnergy &value)
Addition operator.
JShower3Z & div(const double value)
Divison operator.