#include <ostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
#include <TROOT.h>
#include <TObject.h>
#include "DataTypes.hh"
#include "Ars.hh"
#include "EventPreamble.hh"
Go to the source code of this file.
equal operator for SPE hit.
- Parameters
first | SPE hit |
second | SPE hit |
- Returns
- true if first equals second; else false
Definition at line 362 of file PhysicsEvent.hh.
367 first.
tvc == second.
tvc &&
unsigned char tvc
ARS Time to Voltage Convertor.
unsigned char avc
ARS Analogue to Voltage Convertor.
unsigned int timestamp
ARS timestamp (24 bits)
unsigned short lcm_id
LCM identifier.
unsigned char ars_id
ARS identifier.
not-equal operator for SPE hit.
- Parameters
first | SPE hit |
second | SPE hit |
- Returns
- true if first not equals second; else false
Definition at line 378 of file PhysicsEvent.hh.
383 first.
tvc != second.
tvc ||
unsigned char tvc
ARS Time to Voltage Convertor.
unsigned char avc
ARS Analogue to Voltage Convertor.
unsigned int timestamp
ARS timestamp (24 bits)
unsigned short lcm_id
LCM identifier.
unsigned char ars_id
ARS identifier.
equal operator for physics event.
- Parameters
first | physics event |
second | physics event |
- Returns
- true if first equals second; else false
Definition at line 395 of file PhysicsEvent.hh.
397 return (first.
MinT() < second.
MaxT() &&
const double MinT() const
time of first hit in event
const double MaxT() const
time of last hit in event
not-equal operator for physics event.
- Parameters
first | physics event |
second | physics event |
- Returns
- true if first not equals second; else false
Definition at line 408 of file PhysicsEvent.hh.
410 return (first.
MinT() > second.
MaxT() ||
const double MinT() const
time of first hit in event
const double MaxT() const
time of last hit in event
Comparator for physics event; earliest event first.
- Parameters
first | physics event |
second | physics event |
- Returns
- true if first earlier than second; else false
Definition at line 421 of file PhysicsEvent.hh.
423 return first.
MinT() < second.
const double MinT() const
time of first hit in event
Specialisation of STL distance.
- Parameters
first | first position |
second | last position |
- Returns
- distance
Definition at line 434 of file PhysicsEvent.hh.
std::vector< T >::difference_type distance(typename std::vector< T >::const_iterator first, typename PhysicsEvent::const_iterator< T > second)
Specialisation of STL distance.
then echo The file $DIR KM3NeT_00000001_00000000 root already please rename or remove it first