23 namespace JPP {
using namespace JMARKOV; }
157 return r + 2.0 / (3.0*sqrt(3.0))*
getR0() ;
162 if( sqrt(3.0)*rprime <
getR0() )
return rprime*rprime*rprime/(
getR0()) ;
163 return rprime - 2.0/(3.0*sqrt(3.0))*
getR0() ;
173 return xprev + (rprime/
r)*(x-xprev) ;
183 return xprev + (r/rprime)*(xprime-xprev) ;
189 for(
int i=1; i<(int)pprime.size()-1; ++i ) {
198 for(
int i=1; i<(int)p.size()-1; ++i ) {
227 if( sqrt(3.0)*rprime >=
getR0() ) {
230 return r*r/(rprime*rprime) ;
247 for(
int i=1; i<(int)p.size()-1; ++i ) {
270 int nv = gRandom->Integer(nscat)+1 ;
273 double r = p[nv-1].getDistance(p[nv]) ;
275 if( gRandom->Uniform() > 0.5 ) {
289 gRandom->Sphere( _x, _y, _z, _r ) ;
291 double dr = _rnew -
r ;
302 double theta = gRandom->Exp(_stepsize_angle) ;
303 double phi = gRandom->Uniform(2.0*M_PI) ;
304 JVersor3D dir( sin(theta)*cos(phi), sin(theta)*sin(phi), cos(theta) ) ;
307 dir = dir.rotate_back(rot) ;
316 while( ct<=-1 ) ct = 1-gRandom->Exp(dct) ;
317 double theta = acos(ct) ;
318 double phi = gRandom->Uniform(2*M_PI) ;
322 new_dir = new_dir.rotate_back(R) ;
335 double dist = testpath[0].getDistanceSquared(src->
getPosition()) ;
337 cerr <<
"ERROR in generateEnsemble: testpath position " << testpath[0]
338 <<
"does not match source position " << src->
getPosition() <<
"!" << endl ;
344 cerr <<
"ERROR in generateEnsemble: testpath probability density = 0" << endl ;
354 while( i!=nsteps_burn_in ) {
368 while( j!=nsteps_save ) {
377 result.push_back( testpath ) ;
387 if( nscat == 0 && !trg->
getRadius()>0 ) {
405 if( rhoBefore == 0 ) {
406 cerr <<
"FATAL ERROR: starting probability density = 0" << endl ;
426 if( rhoAfter > rhoBefore ) {
434 double P = rhoAfter/rhoBefore ;
435 if( gRandom->Uniform()<
P ) {
Data structure for angles in three dimensions.
JPhotonPath getRemappedPhotonPath(const JPhotonPath &p)
returns a remapped version of the photon path
The JMarkovPathGenerator generates ensembles of photon paths using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)...
const JPosition3D & getPosition() const
bool apply_coordinate_remapping
int getNsteps()
get the number of Markov steps taken in the last call to generateEnsemble (after burn-in) ...
double getUnmappedDistance(double rprime)
inverse of getRemappedDistance
double getDistance(const JVector3D &pos) const
Get distance to point.
void setCoordinateRemapping(bool val=true)
activate or deactive coordinate remapping
int getNacceptedSteps()
get the number of accepted steps taken during the last call to generateEnsemble (after burn-in) ...
bool doMarkovStep(JSourceModel *src, JScatteringModel *sm, JTargetModel *trg, double lambda_abs, JPhotonPath &p)
make one Markov chain step for a path
void setTangentialStepSize_deg(double val)
Set the average step size theta in degrees for steps in the tangential direction for the scattering v...
const JPosition3D & getPosition() const
std::vector< JPhotonPath > generateEnsemble(int n, const JPhotonPath &start_path, JSourceModel *src, JScatteringModel *sm, JTargetModel *trg, double lambda_abs, int nsteps_burn_in, int nsteps_save)
Generate an ensemble of n paths with a fixed number of scatterings by MCMC-sampling the given scatter...
Data structure for vector in three dimensions.
JPosition3D getRemappedPosition(const JPosition3D &xprev, const JPosition3D &x)
Return the remapped vertex position of x.
double getRemappingCorrection(const JPhotonPath &p, const JPhotonPath &pprime)
Return the remapping correction for an entire photon path (product of the remapping correction for th...
double getFractionAccepted_radial()
get the fraction of steps that were accepted when a radial step was performed during the last call to...
double getFractionAccepted()
get the fraction of accepted steps during the last call to generateEnsemble (after burn-in) ...
double stepsize_angle_target
Virtual base class for a light source.
T pow(const T &x, const double y)
Power .
bool getCoordinateRemapping()
returns true when coordinate remapping is activated, false otherwise
then usage $script[distance] fi case set_variable R
double getR0()
return R0; the length scale used in the coordinate remapping
double getFractionAccepted_tangential()
get the fraction of steps that were accepted when a tangential step was performed during the last cal...
JPhotonPath getUnmappedPhotonPath(const JPhotonPath &pprime)
inverse of getRemappedPhotonPath
JPosition3D getUnmappedPosition(const JPosition3D &xprev, const JPosition3D &xprime)
Inverse of getRemappedPosition.
double getRemappedDistance(double r)
return the distance between the remapped vertex and the previous vertex given the distance between th...
alias put_queue eval echo n
standard constructor
int getNrejectedSteps()
get the number of rejected steps during the last call to generateEnsemble (after burn-in) ...
void copy(const Head &from, JHead &to)
Copy header from from to to.
Virtual base class for a scattering model.
Virtual base class for a light detector ("photon target").
Data structure for position in three dimensions.
void setRadialStepSize_m(double val)
set the average step size in [m] in the radial direction for the scattering vertices ...
Data structure for normalised vector in three dimensions.
virtual int randomPathChange(JPhotonPath &p, JTargetModel *trg)
double getPhotonPathProbabilityDensity(JPhotonPath &p, JSourceModel *src, JScatteringModel *sm, JTargetModel *trg, double lambda_abs)
Return the probability density for a photon path with the given ingredients.
double getRemappingCorrection(const JPosition3D &xprev, const JPosition3D &xprime)
Returns the conversion factor J needed to compute the path probability density in the remapped coordi...
void setTargetStepSize_deg(double val)
set the average step size in degrees for the impact point on the target