9 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 # Utility script to test sea time calibration.
13 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 # all data related to intradom time calibration have to be set in the same directory
16 # When performing a time calibration between DOMs, some PMT time offsets must be kept fixed.
17 # for standard sea time calibration, the time offsets kept fixed are those of the
18 # reference PMTs. The identity of the reference PMT can be given in argument as an integer
19 # (since all DOMs are supposed to have the same reference PMT, 7 or 15 most of the time).
21 # In case of a time calibration after a threshold tuning, or in case of different
22 # reference PMT identity for each DOM, a file can be given as an argument. The file
23 # contains a list of DOM and PMT identities that must have a fix time offset.
25 if [ -z $JPP_DIR ];
26 echo "Variable JPP_DIR undefined."
30 source $JPP_DIR/setenv.sh $JPP_DIR
35 usage "$script <working directory> <detector file> <intra data directory> <reference PMTs>"
43 *) fatal
"wrong number of arguments!";;
46 if [[ ${
PMT} =~ ^[+-]?[0-9]+$ ]];
64 -
66 -
o calibrateK40_sea.root \
76 -
f calibrateK40_sea.root \
77 -
o mergecalibrateK40_sea.root
87 -
f mergecalibrateK40_sea.root \
89 -
o fitK40_pmt${pmtName}_sea.root \
JFitK40_t< TF2 > JFitK40
Type definition for backward compatibility.
static const JPBS_t PMT(3, 4, 2, 3)
PBS of photo-multiplier tube (PMT)
then usage $script< detector file >< inputfile > nUtility script to create PDF and CDF of transition time distribution fi case set_variable WORKDIR
static const double C
Physics constants.
then echo Variable JPP_DIR undefined exit fi source $JPP_DIR setenv sh $JPP_DIR &dev null set_variable
then usage $script< input_file >< detector_file > fi set_variable OUTPUT_DIR set_variable SELECTOR JDAQTimesliceL1 set_variable DEBUG case set_variable DEBUG
esac set_variable BASENAME
then fatal Wrong number of arguments fi set_variable DETECTOR $argv[1] set_variable INPUT_FILE $argv[2] eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O IDENTIFIER eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O SUMMARY source JAcoustics sh $DETECTOR_ID CHECK_EXIT_CODE typeset A TRIPODS get_tripods $WORKDIR tripod txt TRIPODS for EMITTER in
set_variable NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS set_variable EPSILON cat acoustics_fit_parameters txt<< EOF $CONFIGURATION[*]Nmin=3;sigma_s=100.0e-6;stdev=10.0;mestimator=0;fixStrings=0;EOF for STRING in $STRINGS[*];do#fit stretching and(z) position of given string set_variable DETECTOR_TMP/tmp/detector_A.datx JEditDetector-a $DETECTOR-o $DETECTOR_TMP-r $STRING JEditDetector-a $DETECTOR-o $DETECTOR-k $STRING for MUL in 0.005 0.001;do DX_M=0.2 for((N=0;$N< $NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS;++N));do CHI2[3]=$CHI2[1] fitPositionOfString $STRING Z $DX_M fitStretchingOfString $STRING $MUL if(($CHI2[3]-$CHI2[1]< $EPSILON));then break fi done if(($N >=$NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS));then printf"warning: reached maximum number of iterations %d - converenge %7.3f\n"$N $(($CHI2[3]-$CHI2[1])) fi done JMergeDetector-a $DETECTOR-a $DETECTOR_TMP-o $DETECTOR rm-f $DETECTOR_TMP JConvertDetectorFormat-a $DETECTOR-o $DETECTOR-r-d 0 > &dev null done
source $JPP_DIR setenv csh $JPP_DIR eval JShellParser o a A