4 #include <sys/select.h>
19 namespace JPP {
using namespace JNET; }
107 nfds = ::select(nfds, &
readerMask, NULL, NULL, timeout);
112 if (errno != EINTR) {
int operator()(timeval *timeout=NULL)
Select call.
bool operator()(JTimeval timeout)
Select call.
bool has(const int file_descriptor) const
Has file descriptor.
void set(const int file_descriptor)
Set file descriptor.
#define THROW(JException_t, A)
Marco for throwing exception with std::ostream compatible message.
JFileDescriptorMask & getReaderMask()
Get reader mask.
Exception for select call.
Auxiliary class for time values.
void setReaderMask(const JAbstractFile &file)
Set reader mask.
void reset(const bool option=true)
Reset mask.
Auxiliary class for method select.
Wrapper class for select call.
The JAbstractFile class encapsulates the c-style file descriptor.
int getNumberOfFileDescriptors() const
Get number of file descriptors.
JFileDescriptorMask readerMask
Default constructor.
bool hasReaderMask(const JAbstractFile &file) const
Has reader file.
then usage $script< string identifier >< detectorfile > event file(toashort file)+" "\nNote that the event files and toashort files should be one-to-one related." fi if (( $