4 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 # Steering script for the global-fit-of-global-fits procedure of the D0ARCA009 (94) detector.
8 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 if [ -z $JPP_DIR ];
11 echo "Variable JPP_DIR undefined."
15 source $JPP_DIR/setenv.sh $JPP_DIR >& /dev/
18 set_array
RUNS 11342 11345 11347 11374 11376
19 #set_variable: STAGES ACOUSTICS_STAGES 1 2 3
22 usage "$script [<detector file> <tripod file>] [user directory]"\
23 "\nThe user directory should be specified when this script is submitted in a batch queue."\
24 "\nThe optional detector file and tripod file correspond to a pre-calibrated sub-detector."
36 *) fatal
"Wrong number of arguments."
48 if [[ ! -
57 if [[ ! -
60 # Very preliminary acoustic emitter positions from survey
61 2 +256815.500 +4743395.000 -2436.677
62 3 +257096.200 +4743636.000 -2439.354
63 4 +256919.238 +4743354.178 -2439.354
68 # Apply modifications to the
detector and tripod file,
if any.
71 -
74 if [[ -
n "$DETECTOR" ]];
88 if [[ -
n "$TRIPOD" ]];
90 source JAcoustics.sh --
96 typeset -
100 cp -p $TRIPOD_INITIAL tripod.txt
102 for ID in ${(@
103 if [[ -
n "$TRIPODS[$ID]" ]];
104 JEditTripod -
f tripod.txt -
T "$ID set $TRIPODS[$ID]"
111 cp -p $TRIPOD_INITIAL tripod.txt
118 JAcoustics.sh $DETECTOR_ID
133 for ((
RUN = ${RANGE%%-*}; $RUN <= ${RANGE##*-};
RUN += 1 ));
138 JAcoustics.sh $DETECTOR_ID
151 unset_variable ACOUSTICS_STRINGS
152 unset_variable ACOUSTICS_TRIPODS
then fatal No hydrophone data file $HYDROPHONE_TXT fi sort gr k
then JLigier sh continue fi cat
then usage $script[< detector file >< tripod file >][user directory] nThe user directory should be specified when this script is submitted in a batch queue nThe optional detector file and tripod file correspond to a pre calibrated sub detector fi set_variable WORKDIR pwd set_variable HOMEDIR $WORKDIR case set_variable HOMEDIR
do JCanberra a $DETECTOR f $INPUT_FILE o $WORKDIR canberra[${EMITTER}\] root T $WORKDIR tripod txt V $WORKDIR sound_velocity txt M $WORKDIR mechanics txt H $WORKDIR hydrophone txt E $EMITTER $DISABLE d $DEBUG!done kill_child_processes_at_exit attach getModule a $DETECTOR typeset Z STRING typeset Z FLOOR for STRING in $STRINGS[*]
do for((RUN=${RANGE%%-*};$RUN<=${RANGE##*-};RUN+=1))
*fatal invalid stage $STAGE(possible stages:1, 2, 3, A, D)"
then echo Variable JPP_DIR undefined exit fi source $JPP_DIR setenv sh $JPP_DIR &dev null if do_usage *then usage $script< detector identifier > fi case set_variable DETECTOR_ID
then fatal Detector file should be binary format fi eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O IDENTIFIER typeset a INPUT_FILES for RANGE in $RUNS[*]
then echo Variable JPP_DIR undefined exit fi source $JPP_DIR setenv sh $JPP_DIR &dev null set_variable
then rm i $OUTPUT_FILE fi let RUN
then error Missing CDF files error Run
then usage $script< detector specific acoustics-fit script >< option > nAuxiliary script to make scan of pre stretching of detector strings(see JEditDetector)." "\nPossible options
set_variable NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS set_variable EPSILON cat acoustics_fit_parameters txt<< EOF $CONFIGURATION[*]Nmin=3;sigma_s=100.0e-6;stdev=10.0;mestimator=0;fixStrings=0;EOF for STRING in $STRINGS[*];do#fit stretching and(z) position of given string set_variable DETECTOR_TMP ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/detector_A.datx JEditDetector-a $DETECTOR-o $DETECTOR_TMP-r $STRING JEditDetector-a $DETECTOR-o $DETECTOR-k $STRING for MUL in 0.005 0.001;do DX_M=0.2 for((N=0;$N< $NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS;++N));do CHI2[3]=$CHI2[1] fitPositionOfString $STRING Z $DX_M fitStretchingOfString $STRING $MUL if(($CHI2[3]-$CHI2[1]< $EPSILON));then break fi done if(($N >=$NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS));then printf"warning: reached maximum number of iterations %d - converenge %7.3f\n"$N $(($CHI2[3]-$CHI2[1])) fi done JMergeDetector-a $DETECTOR-a $DETECTOR_TMP-o $DETECTOR rm-f $DETECTOR_TMP JConvertDetectorFormat-a $DETECTOR-o $DETECTOR-r-d 0 > &dev null done
then echo Variable JPP_DIR undefined exit fi source $JPP_DIR setenv sh $JPP_DIR if do_usage *then usage $script[(input file)+] fi set_variable DEBUG set_variable WORKDIR TMPDIR
then echo Variable JPP_DIR undefined exit fi source $JPP_DIR setenv sh $JPP_DIR &dev null set_variable DEBUG set_variable WORKDIR
then JConvertDetectorFormat a $DETECTOR[1] o
then set_variable MODULE getModule a $DETECTOR L $STRING $FLOOR JEditDetector a $DETECTOR M $MODULE add $X o $DETECTOR else echo No update of detector $DETECTOR
do set_variable INPUT_FILE $WORKDIR KM3NeT_
do set_variable DETECTOR_TXT $WORKDIR detector
then fatal Not enough tripods
then fatal Wrong number of arguments fi set_variable DETECTOR $argv[1] set_variable INPUT_FILE $argv[2] eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O IDENTIFIER eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O SUMMARY source JAcoustics sh $DETECTOR_ID CHECK_EXIT_CODE typeset A TRIPODS get_tripods $WORKDIR tripod txt TRIPODS for EMITTER in
source $JPP_DIR setenv csh $JPP_DIR &dev null eval JShellParser o a A
do echo Generating $dir eval D
then cat $TRIPOD_INITIAL<< EOF1 256877.5 4743716.7-2438.42 256815.5 4743395.0-2435.53 257096.2 4743636.0-2439.5EOFfiJEditDetector-a $DETECTOR_INITIAL-@"z = -2441.5"-s"-1 mul $MUL"-o $DETECTORcp-p $TRIPOD_INITIAL $TRIPODJAcoustics.sh $DETECTOR_IDJAcousticsEventBuilder.sh $DETECTOR $RUNS[*]cd $WORKDIRif[!$HOMEDIR-ef $WORKDIR];then cp-p $HOMEDIR/$TRIPOD $WORKDIR cp-p $HOMEDIR/$DETECTOR $WORKDIR for RANGE in $RUNS[*];do for((RUN=${RANGE%%-*};$RUN<=${RANGE##*-};RUN+=1));do cp-p $HOMEDIR/KM3NeT_ ${(l:8::0::0:) DETECTOR_ID}_ ${(l:8::0::0:) RUN}_event.root $WORKDIR done done JAcoustics.sh $DETECTOR_IDfifor STAGE in`echo $STAGES`;do $JPP_DIR/examples/JAcoustics/acoustics-fit.sh $DETECTOR $TRIPOD $STAGE $WORKDIR/KM3NeT_ ${(l:8::0::0:) DETECTOR_ID}_ *event.root > $HOMEDIR stage
then fatal Invalid tripod $TRIPOD
esac $JPP_BIN JLogger sh $LOGGER until pgrep JGetMessage</dev/null > dev null