18 namespace JPP {
using namespace JFIT; }
126 inline double getH0(
const size_t M)
138 inline double getH1(
const double E_GeV)
145 return (this->
getY1() +
160 double getP(
const double E_GeV,
const bool hit)
173 double getChi2(
const double E_GeV,
const bool hit)
double z
position along muon path [m]
double getH1(const double E_GeV) const
Expected number of photo-electrons for muon hypothesis as a function of muon energy.
double getY0() const
Get expectation value for number of single hits.
double getYB() const
Get light yield due to bremsstrahlung.
static const double MASS_MUON
muon mass [GeV]
static const double INDEX_OF_REFRACTION_WATER
Average index of refraction of water corresponding to the group velocity.
static const JGeaneWater gWater
Function object for energy loss of muon in sea water.
Auxiliary class for converting various rates to expectation values of the number of hits within a giv...
JNPE(const JK40 &k40, const double y1, const double yA, const double yB, const double z)
double yB
light yield due to bremsstrahlung [npe/GeV]
double getYA() const
Get light yield due to delta-rays.
double getY1() const
Get light yield due to muon itself.
double getY1(const size_t M) const
Get expectation value for number of multiple hits.
double getH0() const
Expected number of photo-electrons for random background hypothesis.
double getP(const double E_GeV, const bool hit) const
Get probability for observing a hit or not as a function of muon energy.
Auxiliary class for handling various light yields.
double getP(const double expval, bool hit)
Get Poisson probability to observe a hit or not for given expectation value for the number of hits...
double getH0(const size_t M) const
Expected number of photo-electrons for random background hypothesis.
double y1
light yield due to minimum ionizing particle [npe]
virtual double getE(const double E, const double dx) const override
Get energy of muon after specified distance.
Default constructor.
double yA
light yield due to delta-rays [npe*m/GeV]
double getDeltaRaysFromMuon(const double E)
Equivalent EM-shower energy due to delta-rays per unit muon track length.
double getChi2(const double E_GeV, const bool hit) const
Get chi2 for observing a hit or not as a function of muon energy.
double getChi2(const double P)
Get chi2 corresponding to given probability.
double getZ() const
Get position along muon path.