953 for(
int k=1 ;
k <
j -> second -> GetNbinsX() ; ++
955 for(
int t=1 ; t <
j -> second -> GetNbinsY() ; ++t){
957 double width =
j -> second -> GetYaxis() -> GetBinWidth(t);
959 j -> second -> SetBinContent(
j -> second -> GetBinContent(
k,t) / width);
960 j -> second -> SetBinError(
j -> second -> GetBinError(
k,t) / width);
TH1D * h_pmt_distribution_snapshot_hits
TH2D * h_Snapshot_hits_per_module
then fatal No hydrophone data file $HYDROPHONE_TXT fi sort gr k
TH1D * h_pmt_distribution_triggered_hits
vector< JManager< string, TH2D > * > m_pmt_tot_distributions
JManager< string, TH1D > * m_mean_summary_rate_distribution
vector< TH2D * > h_dom_mean_rates
TH1D * h_Number_of_overlays
TH2D * h_Triggered_hits_per_module
TH2D * h_daq_status_per_dom
JManager< string, TH2D > * m_mean_summary_rate
TH1D * h_dom_rate_distribution
#define MAKE_STRING(A)
Make string.
void Fill_mean_ToT_histograms()
Auxiliary class to manage set of compatible ROOT objects (e.g. histograms) using unique keys...
TimesliceHistograms h_timeslice
TH1D * h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits
TriggerHistograms h_trigger
void Write_manager_table_in_key_dir(TFile &f, vector< JManager< T, V > * > table)
TH1D * h_pmt_rate_distribution
void Write_histogram_table_to_file(TFile &f, string dirname, vector< vector< T * > > table)
TH1D * h_Trigger_bit_event
vector< JManager< string, TH1D > * > m_mean_ToT_distribution
SummaryHistograms h_summary
JManager< string, TH2D > * m_summary_rate_distribution
void Write_manager_in_key_dir(TFile &f, JManager< T, V > *manager)
vector< JManager< string, TH2D > * > m_mean_ToT
vector< JManager< string, TH2D > * > m_pmt_rate_distributions
TH1D * h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits
TH1D * h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon
void normalizeBW1D(TH1D *h)
TH2D * h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon_per_module
JManager< string, TH2D > * m_Snapshot_hits_per_pmt
TH1D * h_Triggered_over_Snapshot_hits