15 namespace JPP {
using namespace JPHYSICS; }
25 static const double C = 0.299792458;
28 static const double H = 4.13566733e-15;
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_OMEGA_C
Omega_c_0 mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_CHARGED_KAON
K^+/- mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_CHARGED_OMEGA_B
Omega_b^+/- mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_LAMBDA_B
Lambda_b^0 mass [GeV].
static const double COS_THETA_C_WATER
Average cosine corresponding to the group velocity.
static const double MASS_CHARGED_B
B^+/- mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_ELECTRON_NEUTRINO
electron neutrino mass [GeV]
static const double MASS_TAU_NEUTRINO
tau neutrino mass [GeV]
double getKappaC()
Get average R-dependence of arrival time of Cherenkov light (a.k.a.
static const double EULER
Euler number.
double getIndexOfRefraction()
Get average index of refraction of water corresponding to group velocity.
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_KAON
K_0 mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_CHARGED_XI
Xi^+/- mass [GeV].
static const double SALINITY_SEA_WATER
Salinity of sea water.
static const double MASS_MUON
muon mass [GeV]
static const double INDEX_OF_REFRACTION_WATER
Average index of refraction of water corresponding to the group velocity.
static const double H
Planck constant [eV s].
static const double AVOGADRO
Avogadro's number [gr^-1].
static const double DENSITY_SEA_WATER
Fixed environment values.
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_XI_C
Xi_c_0 mass [GeV].
static const double TAN_THETA_C_WATER
Derived quantities of optical medium.
static const double MASS_NEUTRON
neutron mass [GeV]
static const double HBARC
Planck constant [eV m].
double getCosThetaC()
Get average cosine of Cherenkov angle of water corresponding to group velocity.
static const double C
Physics constants.
static const double MASS_CHARGED_D_S
D_s^+/- mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_CHARGED_SIGMA
Sigma^+/- mass [GeV].
static const double HBAR
Planck constant [eV s].
static const double MASS_CHARGED_LAMBDA_C
Lambda_c^+/- mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_CHARGED_RHO
rho^+/- mass [GeV]
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_B_S
B_s^0 mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_TAU
tau mass [GeV]
static const double MASS_LAMBDA
Lambda mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_SIGMA_C
Sigma_c_0 mass [GeV].
static const double KAPPA_WATER
Average R-dependence of arrival time of Cherenkov light.
static const double MASS_CHARGED_PION
pi^+/- mass [GeV]
static const double MASS_CHARGED_B_C
B_c^+/- mass [GeV].
static const double PI
Mathematical constants.
static const double THETA_MCS
Multiple Coulomb scattering constant [GeV].
static const double MASS_MUON_NEUTRINO
muon neutrino mass [GeV]
static const double MASS_ELECTRON
electron mass [GeV]
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_D
D_0 mass [GeV].
double getIndexOfRefractionPhase()
Get average index of refraction of water corresponding to phase velocity.
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_XI
Xi_0 mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_SIGMA
Sigma_0 mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_CHARGED_SIGMA_C
Sigma_c^+/- mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_RHO
rho_0 mass [GeV]
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_PION
pi_0 mass [GeV]
static const double MASS_CHARGED_XI_C
Xi_c^+/- mass [GeV].
const double getSpeedOfLight()
Get speed of light.
static const double MASS_CHARGED_OMEGA
Omega^+/- mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_DELTA_1232
Delta (1232) mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_XI_B
Xi_b^0 mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_CHARGED_XI_B
Xi_b^+/- mass [GeV].
const double getInverseSpeedOfLight()
Get inverse speed of light.
static const double MASS_PROTON
proton mass [GeV]
static const double ALPHA_ELECTRO_MAGNETIC
Electro-Magnetic coupling constant.
static const double X0_WATER_M
Radiation length pure water [m].
static const double C_INVERSE
Inverse speed of light in vacuum [ns/m].
double getTanThetaC()
Get average tangent of Cherenkov angle of water corresponding to group velocity.
static const double MASS_PHOTON
Particle masses.
static const double SIN_THETA_C_WATER
Average sine corresponding to the group velocity.
static const double DENSITY_ROCK
Density of rock [g/cm^3].
static const double MASS_NEUTRAL_B
B_0 mass [GeV].
static const double MASS_DOUBLYCHARGED_SIGMA_C
Sigma_c^++/– mass [GeV].
double getSinThetaC()
Get average sine of Cherenkov angle of water corresponding to group velocity.
static const double MASS_CHARGED_D
D^+/- mass [GeV].