1 #ifndef __JRUNHISTOGRAMS__
2 #define __JRUNHISTOGRAMS__
27 #include "TProfile2D.h"
30 #include "TPaveText.h"
35 #include "TDirectory.h"
37 #include "TObjArray.h"
38 #include "TObjString.h"
41 using namespace KM3NETDAQ ;
42 using namespace JLANG ;
44 using namespace JSUPPORT ;
46 double binsToT[] = {-0.5 , 0.5 , 1.5 , 2.5 , 3.5 , 4.5 , 5.5 , 6.5 , 7.5 , 8.5 , 9.5 , 10.5 , 11.5 , 12.5 , 13.5 , 14.5 , 15.5 ,
47 16.5 , 17.5 , 18.5 , 19.5 , 20.5 , 21.5 , 22.5 , 23.5 , 24.5 , 25.5 , 26.5 , 27.5 , 28.5 , 30.5 , 32.5 , 34.5 ,
48 36.5 , 38.5 , 40.5 , 45.5 , 50.5 , 55.5 , 60.5 , 65.5 , 70.5 , 75.5 , 80.5 , 85.5 , 90.5 , 95.5 , 100.5 , 120.5 , 140.5 ,
49 160.5 , 180.5 , 200.5 , 254.5 , 255.5 , 256.5};
62 for(
int i=0 ; i < h->GetNbinsX() ; i++){
64 double width = h -> GetXaxis() -> GetBinWidth(i);
66 h -> SetBinContent(i , h -> GetBinContent(i) / width);
67 h -> SetBinError (i , h -> GetBinError(i) / width);
92 h_fifo_per_dom = NULL;
93 h_daq_status_per_dom = NULL;
95 h_rate_summary = NULL;
96 h_pmt_rate_distribution = NULL;
97 h_dom_rate_distribution = NULL;
98 m_mean_summary_rate = NULL;
99 m_mean_summary_rate_distribution = NULL;
100 m_summary_rate_distribution = NULL;
108 init_h_fifo_per_dom (du_ids , modules_per_string);
109 init_h_daq_status_per_dom (du_ids , modules_per_string);
110 init_h_hrv_per_dom (du_ids , modules_per_string);
111 init_h_rate_summary (du_ids , modules_per_string);
112 init_h_pmt_rate_distribution ();
113 init_h_dom_rate_distribution ();
114 init_m_mean_summary_rate (modules_per_string);
115 init_m_mean_summary_rate_distribution ();
116 init_m_summary_rate_distribution ();
128 string title =
" FIFO ; String ; Floor ; Number of slices with FIFO almost full x number of PMTs ");
130 h_fifo_per_dom =
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 , modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 );
142 string title =
" DAQ Status ; String ; Floor ; Number of slices with wrong DAQ status of packets ");
144 h_daq_status_per_dom =
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 , modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 );
156 string title =
"HRV ; String ; Floor ; Number of slices x number of PMTs in HRV");
158 h_hrv_per_dom =
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 , modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 );
170 string title =
"Summary slices ; String ; Floor ; Mean rate over all summary slices [kHz]");
172 h_rate_summary =
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 , modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 );
181 string title =
"PMT rate distribution from summary slices ; rate [kHz] ; Counts");
183 h_pmt_rate_distribution =
new TH1D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() ,
JDAQRate::getN(), JDAQRate::getData(1.0e-4));
193 string title =
"DOM rate distribution from summary slices ; rate [kHz] ; Counts");
195 h_dom_rate_distribution =
new TH1D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , 50 ,
log10(50) ,
210 string title =
" ; rate [kHz] ; # PMTs");
212 TH1D* h =
new TH1D(name.c_str() , title.c_str() , 40 , 0 ,
227 string title =
" ; TDC Channel ; Floor ; rate [kHz]");
239 string title =
"Summaryslice ; TDC channel ; rate [kHz] ; counts");
241 TH2D* h_summary_rate_distribution =
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str(),
243 100 , -1 ,
284 h_dom_mean_rates .resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL);
285 m_mean_ToT .resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL);
286 m_mean_ToT_distribution .resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL);
287 m_pmt_tot_distributions .resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL);
288 m_pmt_rate_distributions .resize (number_of_timeslice_types , NULL);
301 init_h_dom_mean_rates (ts_type , du_ids , modules_per_string , ts_name);
302 init_m_mean_ToT (ts_type , modules_per_string , ts_name);
303 init_m_mean_ToT_distribution (ts_type , ts_name);
304 init_m_pmt_tot_distributions (ts_type , ts_name);
305 init_m_pmt_rate_distributions (ts_type , ts_name);
319 for (
typename vector <
JManager < string , TH2D >* >::const_iterator it = m_pmt_tot_distributions.begin() ; it != m_pmt_tot_distributions.end() ; ++it , ++i){
326 TPRegexp
r (
328 TObjArray*
o = r.MatchS(s);
330 int String = ((TObjString *)o->At(3))->GetString().Atoi();
331 int Floor = ((TObjString *)o->At(5))->GetString().Atoi();
333 for (
int pmt = 1 ; pmt <= (
j -> second) -> GetXaxis() -> GetNbins() ; pmt++){
335 (*m_mean_ToT[i])[
"Detector/DU" +
to_string(String))] -> Fill((
j->second) -> GetXaxis() -> GetBinCenter(pmt) , Floor , (
j -> second) -> ProjectionY (
"" , pmt , pmt) -> GetMean () );
336 (*m_mean_ToT_distribution[i])[
"Detector/DU" +
to_string(String))] -> Fill((
j -> second) -> ProjectionY (
"" , pmt , pmt) -> GetMean () );
353 string title =
MAKE_STRING (ts_name +
" ; DU number ; Floor number ; time slice averaged rate [Hz]");
355 h_dom_mean_rates[ts_type] =
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 , modules_per_string , 0.5 , 0.5 + modules_per_string);
368 string title =
MAKE_STRING (ts_name +
" ; TDC channel ; Floor number ; mean ToT [ns] ");
383 string title =
MAKE_STRING (ts_name +
" ; ToT [ns] ; # PMTS ");
385 m_mean_ToT_distribution[ts_type] =
new JManager < string , TH1D > (
new TH1D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , 255 , 0.5 , 255.5));
397 string title =
MAKE_STRING (ts_name +
" ; TDC channel ; ToT [ns] ; counts");
416 string title =
MAKE_STRING (ts_name +
" ; TDC channel ; rate [kHz] ; counts ");
418 TH2D* h_pmt_rate_distributions =
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str(),
420 60 , -6 ,
457 h_Trigger_bit_event = NULL;
458 h_Trigger_bit_hit = NULL;
459 h_Snapshot_hits = NULL;
460 h_Triggered_hits = NULL;
461 h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon = NULL;
462 h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon_per_module = NULL;
463 h_Triggered_over_Snapshot_hits = NULL;
464 h_Number_of_overlays = NULL;
465 h_Snapshot_hits_per_module = NULL;
466 h_Triggered_hits_per_module = NULL;
467 m_Snapshot_hits_per_pmt = NULL;
468 h_pmt_distribution_triggered_hits = NULL;
469 h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits = NULL;
470 h_pmt_distribution_snapshot_hits = NULL;
471 h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits = NULL;
482 init_h_Trigger_bit_event ();
483 init_h_Trigger_bit_hit ();
484 init_h_Snapshot_hits ();
485 init_h_Triggered_hits ();
486 init_h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon ();
487 init_h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon_per_module (modules_per_string , du_ids);
488 init_h_Triggered_over_Snapshot_hits ();
489 init_h_Number_of_overlays ();
490 init_h_Snapshot_hits_per_module (modules_per_string , du_ids);
491 init_h_Triggered_hits_per_module (modules_per_string , du_ids);
492 init_m_Snapshot_hits_per_pmt (modules_per_string);
493 init_h_pmt_distribution_triggered_hits ();
494 init_h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits ();
495 init_h_pmt_distribution_snapshot_hits ();
496 init_h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits ();
505 string title =
"Number of events as a function of trigger bit in event ; Trigger Bit ; Counts ");
513 h_Trigger_bit_event -> GetXaxis() -> SetBinLabel(i+1 ,
getTriggerName(i) );
517 h_Trigger_bit_event -> GetXaxis() -> SetBinLabel(i+1 ,
"" );
521 h_Trigger_bit_event -> GetXaxis() -> LabelsOption(
531 string title =
"Number of hits per event as a function of trigger bit in hit ; Trigger Bit ; #Events ");
539 h_Trigger_bit_hit -> GetXaxis() -> SetBinLabel(i+1 ,
getTriggerName(i) );
542 h_Trigger_bit_hit -> GetXaxis() -> SetBinLabel(i+1 ,
"" );
546 h_Trigger_bit_hit -> GetXaxis() -> LabelsOption(
556 string title =
" ; Number of snapshot hits; Events ");
558 h_Snapshot_hits =
new TH1D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , 50, 0, 4 );
569 string title =
" ; Number of triggered hits; Events ");
571 h_Triggered_hits =
new TH1D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , 50 , 0, 4 );
582 string title =
" ; Number of triggered hits for JTRIGGER3DMUON; Events ");
584 h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon =
new TH1D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , 50 , 0, 3 );
595 string title =
"Number of triggered hits for JTRIGGER3DMUON; String ; Floor ; Number of JTRIGGER3DMUON hits");
597 h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon_per_module =
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 , modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 );
607 string title =
" ; Triggered/Snapshot hits; Events ");
609 h_Triggered_over_Snapshot_hits =
new TH1D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , 100 , 0, 0.5 );
619 string title =
" ; Number of overlays; Events ");
621 int MAX_OVERLAYS = 1000;
623 h_Number_of_overlays =
new TH1D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() , MAX_OVERLAYS , -0.5, MAX_OVERLAYS - 0.5 );
634 string title =
" ; String ; Floor ; Number of snapshot hits ");
636 h_Snapshot_hits_per_module =
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() ,
637 *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 ,
638 modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 );
649 string title =
" ; String ; Floor ; Number of triggered hits ");
651 h_Triggered_hits_per_module =
new TH2D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() ,
652 *du_ids.rbegin() , 0.5 , *du_ids.rbegin() + 0.5 ,
653 modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 );
664 string title =
" ; TDC Channel ; Floor ; Number of snapshot hits ");
667 modules_per_string , 0.5 , modules_per_string + 0.5 ) );
678 string title =
" ; TDC Channel ; Counts [a.u.]");
689 string title =
" ; ToT [ns] ; Counts [a.u.]");
691 h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits =
new TH1D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() ,
nbinsToT ,
701 string title =
" ; TDC Channel ; Counts [a.u.]");
713 string title =
" ; ToT [ns] ; Counts [a.u.]");
715 h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits =
new TH1D (name.c_str() , title.c_str() ,
nbinsToT ,
751 h_summary.initialize(du_ids , modules_per_string);
764 const string prefix =
765 string ts_name = T::Class_Name();
766 string::size_type pos = ts_name.find(prefix);
768 if (pos != string::npos) ts_name.replace(ts_name.find(prefix) , prefix.length() ,
770 h_timeslice.initialize(du_ids , modules_per_string , index , ts_name);
778 h_trigger.initialize (du_ids , modules_per_string);
791 if(f.GetDirectory(dirname.c_str()) == 0) f.mkdir (dirname.c_str());
793 f.cd (dirname.c_str());
795 for (
int i=0 ; i < (int)table.size(); i++){
797 for (
int j=0 ;
j< (int)table[i].size();
799 if (table[i][
j]) table [i][
j] -> Write();
814 if(f.GetDirectory(dirname.c_str()) == 0) f.mkdir (dirname.c_str());
816 f.cd (dirname.c_str());
818 for (
int i=0 ; i < (int)table.size(); i++){
820 if (table[i]) table[i] -> Write();
831 template <
class T ,
class V>
834 if(f.GetDirectory(dirname.c_str()) == 0) f.mkdir (dirname.c_str());
836 f.cd (dirname.c_str());
840 i -> second -> Write();
849 template <
class T ,
class V>
854 if (i -> second -> GetTitle()){
856 std::string buffer = i -> second -> GetTitle();
857 string::size_type ipos = buffer.find(wc);
859 if (ipos!=std::string::npos){
865 buffer.replace(ipos, 1, os.str());
867 i -> second -> SetTitle(buffer.c_str());
878 template <
class T ,
class V >
883 std::string fullpath =
885 int pos = fullpath.rfind (
886 std::string
name = fullpath.substr (pos + 1);
887 std::string
path = fullpath.substr (0 , pos);
889 if (f.GetDirectory(path.c_str()) == 0) f.mkdir (path.c_str());
893 i -> second -> SetName(name.c_str());
894 i -> second -> Write();
903 template <
class T ,
class V >
912 std::string fullpath =
j-> second -> GetName());
914 int pos = fullpath.rfind (
915 std::string
name = fullpath.substr (pos + 1);
916 std::string
path = fullpath.substr (0 , pos);
918 if (f.GetDirectory(path.c_str()) == 0) f.mkdir (path.c_str());
922 j -> second -> SetName(name.c_str());
923 j -> second -> Write();
938 if (h_summary.h_fifo_per_dom) h_summary.h_fifo_per_dom -> Write();
939 if (h_summary.h_daq_status_per_dom) h_summary.h_daq_status_per_dom -> Write();
940 if (h_summary.h_hrv_per_dom) h_summary.h_hrv_per_dom -> Write();
941 if (h_summary.h_rate_summary) h_summary.h_rate_summary -> Write();
942 if (h_summary.h_pmt_rate_distribution) h_summary.h_pmt_rate_distribution -> Write();
943 if (h_summary.h_dom_rate_distribution) h_summary.h_dom_rate_distribution -> Write();
945 Write_histogram_table_to_file(f ,
"Detector"), h_timeslice.h_dom_mean_rates);
947 for (
typename vector <
JManager < string , TH2D >* >::const_iterator i = h_timeslice.m_pmt_tot_distributions.begin() ; i != h_timeslice.m_pmt_tot_distributions.end() ; ++i){
953 for(
int k=1 ;
k <
j -> second -> GetNbinsX() ; ++
955 for(
int t=1 ; t <
j -> second -> GetNbinsY() ; ++t){
957 double width =
j -> second -> GetYaxis() -> GetBinWidth(t);
959 j -> second -> SetBinContent(
j -> second -> GetBinContent(
k,t) / width);
960 j -> second -> SetBinError(
j -> second -> GetBinError(
k,t) / width);
967 Write_manager_table_in_key_dir (f , h_timeslice.m_pmt_tot_distributions);
968 Write_manager_table_in_key_dir (f , h_timeslice.m_pmt_rate_distributions);
969 if (h_summary.m_summary_rate_distribution) Write_manager_in_key_dir (f , h_summary.m_summary_rate_distribution);
971 if (h_summary.m_mean_summary_rate) Write_manager_in_key_dir( f , h_summary.m_mean_summary_rate);
972 if (h_summary.m_mean_summary_rate_distribution) Write_manager_in_key_dir( f , h_summary.m_mean_summary_rate_distribution);
974 h_timeslice.Fill_mean_ToT_histograms();
976 Write_manager_table_in_key_dir (f , h_timeslice.m_mean_ToT);
977 Write_manager_table_in_key_dir (f , h_timeslice.m_mean_ToT_distribution);
982 if (h_trigger.h_Trigger_bit_event) h_trigger.h_Trigger_bit_event -> Write();
983 if (h_trigger.h_Trigger_bit_hit) h_trigger.h_Trigger_bit_hit -> Write();
984 if (h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits) h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits -> Write();
985 if (h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon) h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon -> Write();
986 if (h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon_per_module) h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon_per_module -> Write();
987 if (h_trigger.h_Snapshot_hits) h_trigger.h_Snapshot_hits -> Write();
988 if (h_trigger.h_Triggered_over_Snapshot_hits) h_trigger.h_Triggered_over_Snapshot_hits -> Write();
989 if (h_trigger.h_Number_of_overlays) h_trigger.h_Number_of_overlays -> Write();
990 if (h_trigger.h_pmt_distribution_triggered_hits) {h_trigger.h_pmt_distribution_triggered_hits -> Write();}
991 if (h_trigger.h_pmt_distribution_snapshot_hits) {h_trigger.h_pmt_distribution_snapshot_hits -> Write();}
992 if (h_trigger.h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits) {
normalizeBW1D (h_trigger.h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits) ; h_trigger.h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits-> Write();}
993 if (h_trigger.h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits) {
normalizeBW1D (h_trigger.h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits) ; h_trigger.h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits -> Write();}
994 if (h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits_per_module) { h_trigger.h_Triggered_hits_per_module-> Write();}
995 if (h_trigger.h_Snapshot_hits_per_module) { h_trigger.h_Snapshot_hits_per_module -> Write();}
996 if (h_trigger.m_Snapshot_hits_per_pmt) Write_manager_in_key_dir(f , h_trigger.m_Snapshot_hits_per_pmt);
TH1D * h_pmt_distribution_snapshot_hits
void init_h_dom_mean_rates(int ts_type, std::set< int > du_ids, int modules_per_string, std::string ts_name)
TH2D * h_Snapshot_hits_per_module
then fatal No hydrophone data file $HYDROPHONE_TXT fi sort gr k
void init_h_rate_summary(set< int > &du_ids, int modules_per_string)
void init_h_fifo_per_dom(std::set< int > &du_ids, int modules_per_string)
ROOT TTree parameter settings of various packages.
static const unsigned int NUMBER_OF_TRIGGER_BITS
Number of trigger bits.
TH1D * h_pmt_distribution_triggered_hits
vector< JManager< string, TH2D > * > m_pmt_tot_distributions
JManager< string, TH1D > * m_mean_summary_rate_distribution
void Write_histogram_table_to_file(TFile &f, string dirname, vector< T * > table)
vector< TH2D * > h_dom_mean_rates
void init_h_Trigger_bit_event()
TH1D * h_Number_of_overlays
void init_h_Triggered_hits_per_module(int modules_per_string, std::set< int > &du_ids)
TH2D * h_Triggered_hits_per_module
void init_h_Snapshot_hits_per_module(int modules_per_string, std::set< int > &du_ids)
std::set< int > getStringIDs(const JDetector &detector)
Get list of strings identifiers.
void initialize(std::set< int > &du_ids, int modules_per_string)
then echo Enter input within $TIMEOUT_S seconds echo n User name
void init_h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon()
void init_h_Triggered_over_Snapshot_hits()
void initialize(std::set< int > &du_ids, int modules_per_string)
TH2D * h_daq_status_per_dom
Dynamic ROOT object management.
void initialize_summary_histograms()
JManager< string, TH2D > * m_mean_summary_rate
void init_m_mean_ToT_distribution(int ts_type, string ts_name)
then echo The file $DIR KM3NeT_00000001_00000000 root already please rename or remove it first
TH1D * h_dom_rate_distribution
#define MAKE_STRING(A)
Make string.
void Fill_mean_ToT_histograms()
void init_h_pmt_distribution_snapshot_hits()
void Write_to_file(TFile &f)
void init_m_summary_rate_distribution()
void init_h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits()
Auxiliary class to manage set of compatible ROOT objects (e.g. histograms) using unique keys...
TimesliceHistograms h_timeslice
void init_m_mean_summary_rate(int modules_per_string)
void setLogarithmicX(TList *list)
Make x-axis of objects in list logarithmic (e.g. after using log10()).
TH1D * h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits
void init_h_Number_of_overlays()
TriggerHistograms h_trigger
set_variable E_E log10(E_{fit}/E_{#mu})"
void Replace_wildcard_in_name(JManager< T, V > *manager, char wc= '%')
void Write_manager_table_in_key_dir(TFile &f, vector< JManager< T, V > * > table)
JRA_Histograms(const JDetector &detector)
void init_m_pmt_rate_distributions(int ts_type, string ts_name)
TH1D * h_pmt_rate_distribution
void init_h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon_per_module(int modules_per_string, std::set< int > &du_ids)
$WORKDIR driver txt done cat $WORKDIR driver txt<< EOFprocess ${DATAFILTER}$FILTER_HOST csh-c '(setenv ROOTSYS $ROOTSYS &&source $JPP_DIR/setenv.csh $JPP_DIR &&(JDataFilter-H\$SERVER\$-M\$LOGGER\$-d $DEBUG-u ${DATAFILTER}-P $PORT</dev/null > &/dev/null &))';process ${DATAWRITER}$WRITER_HOST csh-c '(setenv ROOTSYS $ROOTSYS &&source $JPP_DIR/setenv.csh $JPP_DIR &&(JDataWriter-H\$SERVER\$-M\$LOGGER\$-d $DEBUG-u ${DATAWRITER}</dev/null > &/dev/null &))';print enterevent ev_init{RC_CMD}event ev_reset{RC_CMD}event ev_init{RC_CMD}event ev_configure{RC_DFLTR%<$WORKDIR/ev_configure_datafilter.txt > RC_DOM<$WORKDIR/ev_configure_domsimulator.txt > RC_DWRT path
void Write_histogram_table_to_file(TFile &f, string dirname, vector< vector< T * > > table)
then JConvertDetectorFormat a $DETECTOR[1] o
TH1D * h_Trigger_bit_event
void init_h_Snapshot_hits()
static const JStringCounter getNumberOfStrings
Function object to count unique strings.
void init_m_Snapshot_hits_per_pmt(int modules_per_string)
vector< JManager< string, TH1D > * > m_mean_ToT_distribution
void setLogarithmicY(TList *list)
Make y-axis of objects in list logarithmic (e.g. after using log10()).
void init_h_Triggered_hits()
SummaryHistograms h_summary
Direct access to module in detector data structure.
void init_m_mean_ToT(int ts_type, int modules_per_string, string ts_name)
void init_h_dom_rate_distribution()
JManager< string, TH2D > * m_summary_rate_distribution
const char * getTriggerName(JTriggerbit_t bit)
Get trigger name.
void Write_manager_in_key_dir(TFile &f, JManager< T, V > *manager)
General purpose string class.
std::string to_string(const T &value)
Convert value to string.
vector< JManager< string, TH2D > * > m_mean_ToT
vector< JManager< string, TH2D > * > m_pmt_rate_distributions
void init_h_tot_distribution_snapshot_hits()
TH1D * h_tot_distribution_triggered_hits
void init_h_pmt_distribution_triggered_hits()
TH1D * h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon
void normalizeBW1D(TH1D *h)
void initialize(std::set< int > du_ids, int modules_per_string, int ts_type, std::string ts_name)
void init_m_mean_summary_rate_distribution()
TH2D * h_Triggered_hits_3dmuon_per_module
Indexing of data type in type list.
KM3NeT DAQ constants, bit handling, etc.
static const int NUMBER_OF_PMTS
Total number of PMTs in module.
void init_h_daq_status_per_dom(std::set< int > &du_ids, int modules_per_string)
int getNumberOfModules(const JDetector &detector)
Get number of modules.
void init_h_Trigger_bit_hit()
void initialize_trigger_histograms()
void init_h_hrv_per_dom(set< int > &du_ids, int modules_per_string)
JManager< string, TH2D > * m_Snapshot_hits_per_pmt
void initialize_timeslice_histograms()
void Write_manager_to_file(TFile &f, string dirname, JManager< T, V > *table)
TH1D * h_Triggered_over_Snapshot_hits
void init_h_pmt_rate_distribution()
void init_m_pmt_tot_distributions(int ts_type, string ts_name)