18 namespace JPP {
using namespace JFIT; }
72 double getP(
const bool hit)
JK40(const double y0)
double getH0() const
Expected number of photo-electrons for random background hypothesis.
double getY0() const
Get light yield due to random background.
double getChi2(const bool hit) const
Get chi2 for observing a hit or not.
Auxiliary class for handling light yields due to K40 decays.
double getP(const bool hit) const
Get probability for observing a hit or not.
Default constructor.
double getP(const double expval, bool hit)
Get Poisson probability to observe a hit or not for given expectation value for the number of hits...
double y0
light yield due to random background [npe]
double getChi2(const double P)
Get chi2 corresponding to given probability.