49 template<
class JHit_t>
54 const double dt = hit.getT() - vx.
56 const double u = dt / sigma;
58 return estimator->getRho(
u) * hit.getW();
Template definition of a data regressor of given model.
General purpose data regression method.
Data structure for vertex fit.
JLANG::JSharedPointer< JMEstimator > estimator
M-Estimator function.
double operator()(const JPoint4D &vx, const JHit_t &hit) const
The template JSharedPointer class can be used to share a pointer to an object.
double sigma
Time resolution [ns].
General purpose messaging.
Simple fit method based on Powell's algorithm, see reference: Numerical Recipes in C++...
JRegressor(double sigma)
double getT(const JVector3D &pos) const
Get arrival time of Cherenkov light at given position.
Abstract class for global fit method.
Maximum likelihood estimator (M-estimators).