142 std::string server(
143 std::string logger(
144 std::string client_name(
148 po::options_description desc(
150 (
"Print this help and exit.")
151 (
"Print the version and exit.")
154 , po::value<std::string>(&server)->default_value(server)
155 ,
"Set the address of the SM server."
159 , po::value<std::string>(&logger)->default_value(logger)
160 ,
"Set the address of the logger server."
164 , po::value<std::string>(&client_name)->default_value(client_name)
165 ,
"Set the address of the client name."
169 , po::value<int>(&port)->required()
170 ,
"Set the UDP port to read data from"
174 , po::value<int>(&debug)->default_value(debug)
175 ,
"Set the debug level."
179 po::variables_map vm;
181 po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).
185 if (vm.count(
"help")) {
186 std::cout << desc << std::endl;
190 if (vm.count(
"version")) {
196 }
catch (
const po::error& e) {
197 std::cerr <<
"MonRouter: Error: " << e.what() <<
198 << desc << std::endl;
200 }
catch (
const std::runtime_error& e) {
201 std::cerr <<
"MonRouter: Error: " << e.what() <<
202 << desc << std::endl;
then cat $TRIPOD_INITIAL<< EOF1 256877.5 4743716.7-2438.42 256815.5 4743395.0-2435.53 257096.2 4743636.0-2439.5EOFfiJEditDetector-a $DETECTOR_INITIAL-s"-1 addz -6.9"-o $DETECTOReval`JPrintDetector-a $DETECTOR-O SUMMARY`for STRING in ${STRINGS[*]};do set_variable MODULE`getModule-a $DETECTOR-L"$STRING 0"`JEditDetector-a $DETECTOR-M"$MODULE setz -2.9"-o $DETECTORdonecp-p $TRIPOD_INITIAL $TRIPODJAcoustics.sh $DETECTOR_IDcat > acoustics_trigger_parameters txt<< EOFQ=0.0;TMax_s=0.020;numberOfHits=90;EOFJAcousticsEventBuilder.sh $DETECTOR $RUNS[*]INPUT_FILES=(`ls KM3NeT_ ${(l:8::0::0:) DETECTOR_ID}_0 *${^RUNS}_event.root`) cd $WORKDIRif[!$HOMEDIR-ef $WORKDIR];then cp-p $HOMEDIR/$DETECTOR $WORKDIR cp-p $HOMEDIR/$TRIPOD $WORKDIR cp-p $HOMEDIR/${^INPUT_FILES}$WORKDIR cp-p $HOMEDIR/{acoustics_fit_parameters, acoustics_trigger_parameters, disable, hydrophone, mechanics, sound_velocity, tripod, waveform}.txt $WORKDIRfisource $JPP_DIR/examples/JAcoustics/acoustics-fit-toolkit.shtimer_startinitialise stage_1B > &stage log
Message logging based on ControlHost.
then usage $script[port]< option > nPossible options
void store(const std::string &file_name, const JDetector &detector)
Store detector to output file.