32 public JClonable<JEvtWeight, JEvtWeightGSeaGen>,
80 this->norm =
99 if (
check(header) && Nevents > 0.0 && dt > 0.0) {
101 norm = 1.0 / Nevents / dt;
105 THROW(
"JEvtWeightGSeaGen::configure(): Provided header is inconsistent with GSeaGen.");
134 }
else if (evt.
w.size() > 2) {
136 return evt.
w[2] * norm;
143 THROW(
"JEvtWeightGSeaGen::getWeight(): Empty " << (evt.
w.size() < 3 ?
"w2-" :
"w3-") <<
JEvtWeightFactorHelper< JFlux > JFluxHelper_t
bool is_gseagen(const JHead &header)
Check for generator.
double numberOfEvents
Number of events.
#define THROW(JException_t, A)
Marco for throwing exception with std::ostream compatible message.
void configure(const JHead &header) override
Weight normalisation configuration.
std::vector< double > w
MC: Weights w[0]=w1, w[1]=w2, w[2]=w3 (see e.g. Tag list)
bool is_valid() const
Check validity of pointer.
double getFactor(const Evt &evt) const
Get weight-factor of given event.
Exception for null pointer operation.
Implementation of event weighting for GSeaGen data.
Template class for object cloning.
Helper class for event-weight factor.
void configure(const JFlux &factor)
Configure event-weight factor.
JEvtWeightGSeaGen(const JHead &header, const JFlux &flux)
Low-level interface for retrieving the flux corresponding to a given event.
JEvtWeightGSeaGen(const JEvtWeightGSeaGen &object)
Copy constructor.
bool check(const JHead &header) const override
Check whether header is consistent with this event weighter.
Exception for accessing a value in a collection that is outside of its range.
double getWeight(const Evt &evt) const override
Get weight of given event.
Exception for accessing an index in a collection that is outside of its range.
double numberOfSeconds
Time in seconds.
JEvtWeightGSeaGen(const JHead &header)
Default Constructor.
The Evt class respresent a Monte Carlo (MC) event as well as an offline event.