Acoustic_Time_of_Arrival | |
 JLANG::AND< JFirst_t, JSecond_t > | Type definition of logical AND |
 array | |
  JMATH::JSVD3D::JQuaternion | Auxiliary class for quaternion computation |
 ARS_Item | ARS item interface |
  Status_Item | ARS STATUS |
   CRM_Item | ARS CRM |
   RTS_Item | ARS RTS |
   SPE_Item | ARS SPE |
    ARS_Hit< SPE_Item > | |
     SPE_Hit | SPE hit |
      TriggeredSPE_Hit | Triggered SPE hit |
    WF_Header | ARS WF header interface |
     WF_Item< T > | ARS waveform |
     WF_Item< AWF_Sample > | |
      AWF_Item | ARS Anode waveform |
       ARS_Hit< AWF_Item > | |
        AWF_Hit | AWF hit |
     WF_Item< DWF_Sample > | |
      DWF_Item | ARS Dynode waveform |
       ARS_Hit< DWF_Item > | |
        DWF_Hit | DWF hit |
 Audio_Header | |
 Audio_Time | |
 Audio_Word_Info | |
 AWF_Sample | Anode waveform sample |
  DWF_Sample | Dynode waveform sample |
 basic_iterator | |
  JSUPPORT::JTreeScannerInterface< JClass_t, JNullType >::iterator | STD compatible iterator |
  JSUPPORT::JTreeScannerInterface< JClass_t, JNullType >::reverse_iterator | STD compatible reverse iterator |
 binary_function | |
  JDATABASE::JAHRSCalibrationComparator | Auxiliary data structure for sorting of AHRS calibrations |
 JAANET::can | The cylinder used for photon tracking |
 JROOT::JClassDef< T >::check_type< C, C > | |
 benchmark::chronometrable | |
  CLBDataGram | |
  Frame< T > | Template Frame for ARS data |
  Frame< AWF_Item > | |
   AWF_Frame | AWF frame |
  Frame< CRM_Item > | |
   CRM_Frame | CRM frame |
  Frame< DWF_Item > | |
   DWF_Frame | DWF frame |
  Frame< RTS_Item > | |
   RTS_Frame | RTS frame |
  Frame< SPE_Item > | |
   SPE_Frame | SPE frame |
  Frame< Status_Item > | |
   Status_Frame | Status frame |
  PuzzledFrame | |
 CLBCommonHeader | |
 cluster | |
  JDAQStateMachine::state_Main::state_RunControl | |
  JDAQStateMachine::state_Main::state_RunControl::state_Operational | |
  JDAQStateMachine::state_root | |
 const_iterator | |
  KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent::const_iterator< T > | Template const_iterator |
  PhysicsEvent::const_iterator< T > | Template vector<T>::iterator |
 const_reverse_iterator | |
  KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent::const_reverse_iterator< T > | Template const_reverse_iterator |
 Log::Counter | |
 JDYNAMICS::JDynamics::coverage_type | Data structure for coverage of dynamic calibrations |
 ctype | |
  JLANG::JWhiteSpacesFacet | Auxiliary class to specify white space character(s) in currect locale |
 JAANET::cut | General purpose class of phase space generation |
  JAANET::cut_in | Phase space of incoming particle |
  JAANET::cut_nu | Phase space of incident neutrino |
  JAANET::cut_primary | Phase space of primary particle |
  JAANET::cut_seamuon | Phase space of atmospheric muon generation |
 JAANET::DAQ | Livetime of DAQ data |
 DAQ_Common_Header | |
 DAQCommonHeader | |
 DaqFramePreamble | This object holds the information from the 'preamble' of a data frame |
  Frame< T > | Template Frame for ARS data |
  Frame< AWF_Item > | |
  Frame< CRM_Item > | |
  Frame< DWF_Item > | |
  Frame< RTS_Item > | |
  Frame< SPE_Item > | |
  Frame< Status_Item > | |
 DAQHeaderPrinter | |
 DataInputInterface | |
 JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion3D::decomposition | Auxiliary data structure for decomposition of quaternion in twist and swing quaternions |
 JAANET::depth | Depth |
 JAANET::detector | Detector file |
 DFInterface | |
 DiffuseFlux | |
  JAANET::JDiffuseFlux | Low-level interface for diffuse fluxes |
 DomCrossing | Class to check whether a photon emitted from a position along the z-axis crosses a DOM (approximated by a disc) first, inefficient version |
 gui::domid_comparator | |
 DOMID_h | |
 DumpFile | |
 enable_shared_from_this | |
  KM3NeT_Acoustic_Link | |
 JAANET::end_event | End of event record |
 JLANG::JComparison::eq | Equal |
 JLANG::EQUALS< JFirst_t, JSecond_t > | Type definition of logical EQUALS |
 JACOUSTICS::JTransmission::equals | Auxiliary class to compare transmissions |
  JACOUSTICS::JTransmission::compare | Auxiliary class to compare transmissions |
 JLANG::JEquation::equation_type< T > | Auxiliary data structure for equation |
 JTRIGGER::JChecksum::error | Error |
 event | |
  JDAQStateMachine::ev_daq_event | |
   JDAQStateMachine::ev_check_event | |
   JDAQStateMachine::ev_configure_event | |
   JDAQStateMachine::ev_continue_event | |
   JDAQStateMachine::ev_init_event | |
   JDAQStateMachine::ev_input_event | |
   JDAQStateMachine::ev_off_event | |
   JDAQStateMachine::ev_pause_event | |
   JDAQStateMachine::ev_quit_event | |
   JDAQStateMachine::ev_recover_event | |
   JDAQStateMachine::ev_reset_event | |
   JDAQStateMachine::ev_start_event | |
   JDAQStateMachine::ev_stop_event | |
  JDAQStateMachine::ev_error_event | |
 exception | |
  Exception | General exception |
  JLANG::JException | General exception |
   JLANG::JCastException | Exception for cast operation |
   JLANG::JControlHostException | Exception for ControlHost |
   JLANG::JDatabaseException | Database exception |
   JLANG::JDictionaryDuplicateEntry | Exception for duplicate entry in dictionary |
   JLANG::JDictionaryEntryNotFound | Exception for missing entry in dictionary |
   JLANG::JDivisionByZero | Exception for division by zero |
   JLANG::JEmptyCollection | Exception for an empty collection |
   JLANG::JEndOfFile | Exception for end of file |
   JLANG::JFileOpenException | Exception for opening of file |
   JLANG::JFileReadException | Exception for reading of file |
   JLANG::JFileRecoveryException | Exception for recovery of file |
   JLANG::JForkException | Exception for creation of fork |
   JLANG::JFunctionalException | Exception for a functional operation |
   JLANG::JIndexOutOfRange | Exception for accessing an index in a collection that is outside of its range |
   JLANG::JIOException | Exception for I/O |
   JLANG::JMallocException | Exception for failure of memory allocation |
   JLANG::JNewException | Exception for failure of memory allocation |
   JLANG::JNoValue | Exception for missing value |
   JLANG::JNullPointerException | Exception for null pointer operation |
   JLANG::JNumericalPrecision | Exception for numerical precision error |
   JLANG::JParseError | Exception for parsing value |
   JLANG::JParserException | Exception when parsing a value |
   JLANG::JPipeOpenException | Exception for opening of pipe |
   JLANG::JPointerException | Exception for accessing an invalid pointer |
   JLANG::JPropertiesException | Exception when parsing a value |
   JLANG::JProtocolException | Protocol exception |
   JLANG::JRunTimeException | Run time exception |
   JLANG::JSelectException | Exception for select call |
   JLANG::JSocketChannelException | Exception for socket channel |
   JLANG::JSocketException | Exception for socket |
   JLANG::JSystemException | Exception for system call |
   JLANG::JTypeInformationException | Exception for absence of type information |
   JLANG::JValueOutOfRange | Exception for accessing a value in a collection that is outside of its range |
   JTRIGGER::JTriggerException | General exception |
  KM3NETDAQ::JDAQException | General exception |
 facet | |
  JLANG::JColorFacet | Facet interface to specify text color |
   JLANG::JColorFacetASCII | Facet class to specify text color for ASCII |
   JLANG::JColorFacetELcode | Facet class to specify text color for ELcode |
  JLANG::JStringFacet | Facet class to specify parsing of a JLANG::JString object |
   JLANG::JCppFacet | Facet class to specify parsing of a C[++] variable name |
   JLANG::JEquationFacet | Facet class to specify parsing of equations in currect locale (see class JLANG::JEquation) |
 fd_set | |
  JLANG::JFileDescriptorMask | Auxiliary class for method select |
 FilenameGenerator | |
 JAANET::fixedcan | The fixed cylinder used for photon tracking |
 JAANET::flux | Neutrino flux |
 FrameFarm | |
 FrameGenerator | |
 FreePathSolver | Finds photon paths from a nanobeacon source to a target PMT that have a non-zero probability |
 JLANG::JComparison::ge | Greater equals |
 JAANET::generator | Description of Monte Carlo event generation applications |
  JAANET::simul | Generator for simulation |
 JAANET::genhencut | Phase space for incident neutrino |
 JAANET::genvol | Neutrino vertex volume |
 JDATABASE::getSelector< T, JTable_t, is_same > | Template definition for getting table specific selector |
 JDATABASE::getSelector< JRunSummaryNumbers > | |
  JDATABASE::getSelector< T, JRunQuality, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
 JLANG::JComparison::gt | Greater than |
 has_history | Auxiliary class to test whether given track has specified history |
 JACOUSTICS::JModel::emitter_type::helper | Auxiliary class for multiple associative map operators |
 gui::hit_rate_comparator | |
 JACOUSTICS::JKatoomba< JType >::I_t | Indices of H-equation in global model |
 ID | |
 ifstream | |
  JIO::JFileStreamReader | Binary buffered file input |
  JLANG::JAccessibleInputStream | Accessible input stream |
   JLANG::JAccessibleBinaryInputStream | Accessible binary input stream |
    JIO::JBinaryFileReader< JPhotonPath > | |
     JMARKOV::JPhotonPathReader | |
    JIO::JBinaryFileReader< T > | Object reading from binary file |
     JSUPPORT::JDAQFileReader< T, true > | Template specialisation of JDAQFileReader for DAQ compatible data types |
   JLANG::JASCIIFileReader< T > | Object reading from ASCII file |
  JROOT::JASCIIFileReader< T > | Auxiliary class to read objects with ROOT dictionary from ASCII formatted file |
 InBufferCollector | |
 InChannelHandler | |
 Info_Word | |
 Info_Word::Info_Word_Bitfield | |
 JPARSER::initialised | Empty structure for specification of parser element that is initialised (i.e. does not require input) |
 ios | |
  gzstreambase | |
   igzstream | |
    JLANG::JGZFileReader< T > | Object reading from gzipped file |
   ogzstream | |
    JLANG::JGZFileWriter< T > | Object reading from gzipped file |
 iostream | |
  JLANG::JFileStream | Streaming of input and output |
   JSYSTEM::JShell | The JShell clas can be used to interact with the shell via I/O streams |
 JFIT::JHistory::is_event | Auxiliary class to test history |
 JLANG::is_iterator< T > | Data structure to check whether given data type is an iterator |
 JFIT::JHistory::is_not_event | Auxiliary class to test history |
 istream | |
  igzstream | |
  JLANG::JFileInputStream | Streaming of input |
  JLANG::JNullStream | Streaming of input |
  JROOT::JRootReader | Implementation for ASCII input of objects with ROOT dictionary |
   JDATABASE::JDBReader< T > | Auxiliary class to read object with ROOT dictionary from database |
 DumpFile::iterator | |
 std::iterator< Category, T, Distance, Pointer, Reference > | |
 iterator_base | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JDistance_t >::iterator_helper< first_iterator, second_iterator > | Helper class for multidimensional iterator |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JDistance_t >::reverse_iterator_helper< first_iterator, second_iterator > | Helper class for multidimensional reverse iterator |
 iterator_helper | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JLANG::JNullType >, JDistance_t >::super_const_iterator | Terminator class of multidimensional const_iterator |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JLANG::JNullType >, JDistance_t >::super_const_reverse_iterator | Terminator class of multidimensional const_iterator |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JLANG::JNullType >, JDistance_t >::super_iterator | Terminator class of multidimensional iterator |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JLANG::JNullType >, JDistance_t >::super_reverse_iterator | Terminator class of multidimensional reverse iterator |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JDistance_t >::super_const_iterator | Multidimensional const_iterator |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JDistance_t >::super_iterator | Multidimensional iterator |
 JTOOLS::JAbstractCollection< JAbscissa_t > | Abstract interface for abscissa values of a collection of elements |
  JTOOLS::JCollection< JElement2D< JKey_t, JHistogram_t >, JDistance_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JGridCollection< JElement2D< JKey_t, JHistogram_t >, JDistance_t > | |
    JTOOLS::JGridMap< JKey_t, JHistogram_t, JDistance_t > | |
     JTOOLS::JHistogramMap< JKey_t, JHistogram_t, JGridMap, JDistance_t > | |
      JTOOLS::JHistogramGridMap_t< JKey_t, JHistogram_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a JHistogramMap based on JGridMap implementation |
   JTOOLS::JMap< JKey_t, JHistogram_t, JDistance_t > | |
    JTOOLS::JHistogramMap< JKey_t, JHistogram_t, JMap, JDistance_t > | |
     JTOOLS::JHistogramMap_t< JKey_t, JHistogram_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a JHistogramMap based on JMap implementation |
  JTOOLS::JCollection< JElement2D< JKey_t, JValue_t >, JDistance_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JGridCollection< JElement2D< JKey_t, JValue_t >, JDistance_t > | |
    JTOOLS::JGridMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > | Map of equidistant pair-wise elements |
     JTOOLS::JSplineMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JGridMap, JResultDerivative< JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | |
      JTOOLS::JSplineFunctionalGridMapH< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a spline interpolation based on a JGridMap implementation |
     JTOOLS::JSplineMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JGridMap, JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type, JDistance_t > | |
      JTOOLS::JSplineFunctionalGridMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a spline interpolation based on a JGridMap implementation |
   JTOOLS::JMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > | Map of pair-wise elements |
    JTOOLS::JSplineMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JMap, JResultDerivative< JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | |
     JTOOLS::JSplineFunctionalMapH< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a spline interpolation based on a JMap implementation |
    JTOOLS::JSplineMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JMap, JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type, JDistance_t > | |
     JTOOLS::JSplineFunctionalMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a spline interpolation based on a JMap implementation |
  JTOOLS::JCollection< JElement2D_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JQuadrature | Type definition for numerical integration |
    JTOOLS::JBitangent | Numerical integrator for for and for |
    JTOOLS::JCotangent | Numerical integrator for |
    JTOOLS::JGaussHermite | Numerical integrator for |
    JTOOLS::JGaussLaguerre | Numerical integrator for |
    JTOOLS::JGaussLegendre | Numerical integrator for |
     JPHYSICS::JPDF | Low level interface for the calculation of the Probability Density Functions (PDFs) of the arrival time of Cherenkov light from a muon or an EM-shower on a photo-multiplier tube (PMT) |
      JPHYSICS::JAbstractPDF | Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT with an implementation for the JDispersionInterface interface |
       JPHYSICS::JPDF_C | Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT with an implementation of the JAbstractPMT and JAbstractMedium interfaces via C-like methods |
    JTOOLS::JHenyeyGreenstein | Numerical integrator for , where |
    JTOOLS::JRayleigh | Numerical integrator for , where |
  JTOOLS::JGrid< JAbscissa_t > | Simple data structure for an abstract collection of equidistant abscissa values |
   JOSCPROB::JOscillogramAxis | Auxiliary class for defining an oscillogram axis |
  JTOOLS::JSet< JAbscissa_t > | Simple data structure for an abstract collection of non-equidistant abscissa values |
 JTOOLS::JAbstractCollection< double > | |
  JTOOLS::JGrid< double > | |
 JTOOLS::JAbstractCollection< JElement_t::abscissa_type > | |
  JTOOLS::JCollection< JElement_t, JDistance_t > | General purpose class for collection of elements, see:
Collection of elements.
   JTOOLS::JGridCollection< JElement_t, JDistance_t > | General purpose class for collection of equidistant elements |
    JTOOLS::JMapCollection< JGridMap >::collection_type< JElement_t, JDistance_t > | Collection of elements |
   JTOOLS::JMapCollection< JMap >::collection_type< JElement_t, JDistance_t > | Collection of elements |
 JTOOLS::JAbstractCollection< T > | |
 JPHYSICS::JAbstractLED | Interface for emission profile from LED |
  JPHYSICS::JLED | Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT |
   JPHYSICS::JLED_C | Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT (C-like interface) |
  LED | Light yield from LED (number of p.e |
 JPHYSICS::JAbstractMedium | Medium interface |
  JPHYSICS::JLED | Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT |
  JPHYSICS::JPDF | Low level interface for the calculation of the Probability Density Functions (PDFs) of the arrival time of Cherenkov light from a muon or an EM-shower on a photo-multiplier tube (PMT) |
 JTOOLS::JAbstractMultiMap< N, JAbscissa_t > | Abstract interface for abscissa values of a multidimensional map |
  JTOOLS::JMultiGrid< N, JAbscissa_t > | Simple data structure for an abstract multidimensional map of equidistant elements |
  JTOOLS::JMultiSet< N, JAbscissa_t > | Simple data structure for an abstract multidimensional map of equidistant elements |
 JTOOLS::JAbstractMultiMap< 0, JAbscissa_t > | Terminator class of recursive class JAbstractMultiMap |
 JLANG::JAbstractObjectStatus | Interface for status of object |
  JIO::JReader | Interface for binary input |
   JIO::JBufferedReader | Buffered binary input |
    JIO::JFileStreamReader | Binary buffered file input |
   JIO::JByteArrayReader | Byte array binary input |
    JNET::JSocketInputChannel< JPrefix_t > | Socket input channel |
   JIO::JFileReader | Binary input based on a file descriptor |
   JIO::JStreamReader | Binary input based on std::istream |
    JIO::JBinaryFileReader< JPhotonPath > | |
    JIO::JBinaryFileReader< T > | Object reading from binary file |
  JIO::JWriter | Interface for binary output |
   JIO::JBufferedWriter | Buffered binary output |
    JIO::JFileStreamWriter | Binary buffered file output |
   JIO::JByteArrayWriter | Byte array binary output |
    JNET::JSocketOutputChannel< JPrefix_t > | Socket output channel |
   JIO::JFileWriter | Binary output based on a file descriptor |
   JIO::JStreamWriter | Binary output based on std::ostream |
    JIO::JBinaryFileWriter< JPhotonPath > | |
     JMARKOV::JPhotonPathWriter | |
    JIO::JBinaryFileWriter< T > | Object(s) writing to binary file |
    JSUPPORT::JDAQFileWriter< T > | Object(s) writing to binary file (i.e. .dat) |
  JLANG::JObjectStatus | Auxiliary class for status of object |
  JLANG::JRedirectStream | This class can be used to temporarily redirect one output (input) stream to another output (input) stream |
  JLANG::JRedirectString | This class can be used to temporarily redirect an input stream to an input string |
  JPARSER::JCounter | Auxiliary class to handle multiple boolean-like I/O |
  JSYSTEM::JShell | The JShell clas can be used to interact with the shell via I/O streams |
  JSYSTEM::JStat | Auxiliary class for file status |
 JPHYSICS::JAbstractPMT | PMT interface |
  JPHYSICS::JLED | Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT |
  JPHYSICS::JPDF | Low level interface for the calculation of the Probability Density Functions (PDFs) of the arrival time of Cherenkov light from a muon or an EM-shower on a photo-multiplier tube (PMT) |
 JACOUSTICS::JAbstractSoundVelocity | Interface for depth dependend velocity of sound |
  JACOUSTICS::JSoundVelocity | Implementation for depth dependend velocity of sound |
 JROOT::JAbstractStreamer | Forward declaration of writer object |
  JROOT::JObjectStreamer< T > | JObjectStreamer class |
 JPHYSICS::JACoeffInterface | Interface for calculation of ionization constant |
  JPHYSICS::JACoeffSource | Implementation for calculation of ionization constant |
 JROOT::JAddress< JPointer_t > | Simple address wrapper |
  JROOT::JRootAddressableClass< JPointer_t > | Auxiliary class to manage access to base classes and data members of ROOT class objects |
 JTOOLS::JRouter< JAddress_t, true >::JAddress | Simple data structure for validation of address |
 JROOT::JAddress< char * > | |
  JROOT::JRootAddressableClass< char * > | |
   JROOT::JRootReadableClass | ROOT class for reading object |
 JROOT::JAddress< const char * > | |
  JROOT::JRootAddressableClass< const char * > | |
   JROOT::JRootWritableClass | ROOT class for writing object |
 JDATABASE::JAHRSCalibrationValidity | Auxiliary data structure to check validity of AHRS calibration data |
 JDATABASE::JAHRSValidity | Auxiliary data structure to check validity of AHRS data |
 JLANG::JAllocatorBuffer | Low-level memory management |
 JDETECTOR::JAntares_t | Antares |
 JLANG::JAnyType | Auxiliary class for any type definition |
 JLANG::JAppend< JHead_t, JTail_t > | Append to type list |
 JLANG::JAppend< JNullType, JNullType > | Template specialisation of append to type list |
 JLANG::JAppend< JNullType, JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisation of append to type list |
 JLANG::JAppend< JNullType, T > | Template specialisation of append to type list |
 JLANG::JAppend< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, T > | Template specialisation of append to type list |
 JLANG::JArgument< T > | Data structure for method argument types |
 JTOOLS::JArray< 1, const T > | One dimensional read-only array of template objects with fixed length |
 JTOOLS::JArray< N, const T > | One dimensional read-only array of template objects with fixed length |
 JTOOLS::JArrayIterator< N, T > | ND array iterator |
 JTOOLS::JArrayIterator< 1, T > | 1D array iterator |
 JTOOLS::JAssembler< T, JType_t > | Auxiliary class to check whether given template is a collection, i.e. has a defined type collection_type |
 JTOOLS::JAssembler< T, typename JVoid< typename T::collection_type >::type > | Template specialisation of class JAssembler for classes with a defined type collection_type |
 JLANG::JAssert< bool, T > | Generation of compiler error |
 JLANG::JAssert< true, T > | Implementation of valid assertion |
 JLANG::JAssert<!JHasType< JTail_t, JHead_t >::value &&!JHasID< JTail_t, JTypeID< JHead_t >::ID >::value > | |
  JLANG::JEnumeration< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Enumeration of multiple data types |
 JTRIGGER::JAssertBit< N, is_valid > | This class will generate a compiler error if trigger bit is out of range |
 JTRIGGER::JAssertBit< N, true > | Implementation of a valid trigger bit |
 JLANG::JAssertConversion< JDerived_t, JBase_t, is_derived > | Auxialiary class to assert type conversion |
 JLANG::JAssertConversion< JDerived_t, JBase_t, true > | Implementation of a valid type conversion |
 JRECONSTRUCTION::JAtmosphericMuon | Auxiliary class to evaluate atmospheric muon hypothesis |
 JACOUSTICS::JAttenuationLength | Auxiliary data structure for calculation of attenuation length |
 JTRIGGER::JAttributes | Module attributes |
 JAttributes_t | |
  JDETECTOR::JModuleAttributes< JAttributes_t > | Data structure for module address and module attributes |
 JTOOLS::JAutomate< JElement_t > | Auxiliary class for automatic element creation |
 JTOOLS::JAutomate< JAutoMap< JKey_t, JValue_t > > | Specialisation of class JAutomate for class JAutoMap |
 JMATH::JAverage< JValue_t > | Auxiliary class to determine average of set of values |
 JMATH::JAverage< JQuaternion3D > | Template spacialisation for averaging quaternions |
 JLANG::JBaseClass< T > | Template definition of class to look for base class in type list |
 JLANG::JBaseClass< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisation of class to look for base class in type list |
 JLANG::JBaseType< JBase_t, JHead_t, JTail_t, is_base > | Template class to identify common base class |
 JLANG::JBaseType< JBase_t, JTypelist_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType >, false > | Terminination class of resursive JBaseType class |
 JLANG::JBaseType< JBase_t, JTypelist_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, false > | Resursive scan for base class |
 JLANG::JBaseType_t< JBase_t, JDerived_t > | Template class to test for polymorphism |
 JLANG::JBaseType_t< JBase_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JBaseType_t class |
 JLANG::JBaseType_t< JBase_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template class to test for polymorphism |
 JSYNCHRONIZATION::JBasicScopedLock< Lockable > | Scoped lock |
 JTagAvailable< T >::JBig | |
 JROOT::JTreeParametersAvailable< T >::JBig | |
 JLANG::JBinaryInput | Interface for binary input |
  JIO::JReader | Interface for binary input |
  JLANG::JFile | Extends the JAbstractFile class |
   JNET::JSocket | Socket class |
    JNET::JClient | ControlHost client manager |
    JNET::JServerSocket | TCP Server socket |
     JNET::JControlHostServer | Light-weight wrapper class around server socket |
     JNET::JLigierObjectIterator< T > | Object iteration through ControlHost server |
    JNET::JSocketBlocking | Blocking socket I/O |
     JNET::JControlHost | ControlHost class |
      JNET::JControlHostObjectOutput< JHead_t > | |
       JNET::JControlHostObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JControlHostObjectOutput class |
       JNET::JControlHostObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object output for multiple data types |
      JNET::JControlHostObjectOutput< JTail_t > | |
       JNET::JControlHostObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object output for multiple data types |
      JLOGGER::JControlHostLogger | Message logging based on ControlHost |
      JNET::JControlHostObjectIterator< T > | Object iteration through ControlHost |
      JNET::JControlHostObjectOutput< T > | Implemenation of object output through ControlHost |
     KM3NETDAQ::JTarget | Data structure for configuration of JDataFilter |
    JNET::JSocketNonblockingReader | Non-blocking socket reader |
     JNET::JSocketInputChannel< JPrefix_t > | Socket input channel |
    JNET::JSocketNonblockingWriter | Non-blocking socket writer |
     JNET::JSocketOutputChannel< JPrefix_t > | Socket output channel |
    JNET::JUDPSocket | Server socket |
 JLANG::JBinaryOutput | Interface for binary output |
  JIO::JWriter | Interface for binary output |
  JLANG::JFile | Extends the JAbstractFile class |
 JTRIGGER::JTriggerInterface::JBit< N > | Auxiliary class for type definition of specific trigger bit |
 KM3NETDAQ::JBit | Auxiliary data structure for single bit |
 KM3NETDAQ::JBits | Auxiliary data structure for range of bits |
 JLANG::JBool< __value__ > | Auxiliary template class for type bool |
 JLANG::JBool< first &&second > | |
  JLANG::AND< JBool< first >, JBool< second > > | Template specialisation for logical AND |
 JLANG::JBool< first!=second > | |
  JLANG::XOR< JBool< first >, JBool< second > > | Template specialisation for logical XOR |
 JLANG::JBool< first==second > | |
  JLANG::EQUALS< JBool< first >, JBool< second > > | Template specialisation for logical EQUALS |
 JLANG::JBool< first||second > | |
  JLANG::OR< JBool< first >, JBool< second > > | Template specialisation for logical OR |
 JLANG::JBool<!__value__ > | |
  JLANG::NOT< JBool< __value__ > > | Template specialisation for logical NOT |
 JTRIGGER::JBuild< JHit_t > | Auxiliary base class for hit building |
  JTRIGGER::JBuildL0< JHit_t > | Template L0 hit builder |
  JTRIGGER::JBuildL1< JHit_t > | Template L1 hit builder |
   JTRIGGER::JBuildL2< JHit_t > | Template L2 builder |
 JTRIGGER::JBuild< JHit > | |
  JTRIGGER::JBuildL1< JHit > | |
   JTRIGGER::JBuildL2< JHit > | |
    JTRIGGER::JBuildL2< JHitL2 > | Template specialisation of L2 builder for JHitL2 data type |
    JTRIGGER::JBuildL2< JHitR2 > | Template specialisation of L2 builder for JHitR2 data type |
   JTRIGGER::JBuildL1< JHitL1 > | Template specialisation of L1 builder for JHitL1 data type |
    JMONITOR::JClusterBuilder | Local coincidence cluster builder |
   JTRIGGER::JBuildL1< JHitR1 > | Template specialisation of L1 builder for JHitR1 data type |
  JTRIGGER::JBuildL0< JHitL0 > | Template specialisation of L0 builder for JHitL0 data type |
  JTRIGGER::JBuildL0< JHitR0 > | Template specialisation of L0 builder for JHitR0 data type |
  JTRIGGER::JBuildL0< JHitR1 > | Template specialisation of L0 builder for JHitR1 data type |
 JTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuild_t > | Auxiliary class to extend hit building functionality to all DAQ data types |
 JTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuildL0< JHit_t > > | |
  JTRIGGER::JBuildL0< JHit_t > | Template L0 hit builder |
 JTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuildL0< JHitL0 > > | |
  JTRIGGER::JBuildL0< JHitL0 > | Template specialisation of L0 builder for JHitL0 data type |
 JTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuildL0< JHitR0 > > | |
  JTRIGGER::JBuildL0< JHitR0 > | Template specialisation of L0 builder for JHitR0 data type |
 JTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuildL0< JHitR1 > > | |
  JTRIGGER::JBuildL0< JHitR1 > | Template specialisation of L0 builder for JHitR1 data type |
 JTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuildL1< JHit > > | |
  JTRIGGER::JBuildL1< JHit > | |
 JTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuildL1< JHit_t > > | |
  JTRIGGER::JBuildL1< JHit_t > | Template L1 hit builder |
 JTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuildL1< JHitL1 > > | |
  JTRIGGER::JBuildL1< JHitL1 > | Template specialisation of L1 builder for JHitL1 data type |
 JTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuildL1< JHitR1 > > | |
  JTRIGGER::JBuildL1< JHitR1 > | Template specialisation of L1 builder for JHitR1 data type |
 JTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuildL2< JHit > > | |
  JTRIGGER::JBuildL2< JHit > | |
 JTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuildL2< JHit_t > > | |
  JTRIGGER::JBuildL2< JHit_t > | Template L2 builder |
 JTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuildL2< JHitL2 > > | |
  JTRIGGER::JBuildL2< JHitL2 > | Template specialisation of L2 builder for JHitL2 data type |
 JTRIGGER::JBuildHelper< JBuildL2< JHitR2 > > | |
  JTRIGGER::JBuildL2< JHitR2 > | Template specialisation of L2 builder for JHitR2 data type |
 JTRIGGER::JBuildL1Parameters | Auxiliary data structure for L1 build parameters |
  JTRIGGER::JBuildL1< JHit > | |
  JTRIGGER::JBuildL1< JHit_t > | Template L1 hit builder |
 JDETECTOR::JCalibration | Data structure for time calibration |
  JDETECTOR::JModule | Data structure for a composite optical module |
   JCALIBRATE::JFitK40_t< JNullType > | Template specialisation of two-fold coincidence rate due to K40 and other radioactive decays |
   JMONITOR::JClusterBuilder | Local coincidence cluster builder |
  JDETECTOR::JModuleCalibration_t | Auxiliary data structure for module time calibration |
  JDETECTOR::JPMT | Data structure for PMT geometry, calibration and status |
  JDETECTOR::JPMTCalibration_t | Auxiliary data structure for PMT time calibration |
  JTRIGGER::JFrame< JElement_t, JAllocator_t > | Data frame for calibrated hits of one PMT |
 JDETECTOR::JCalibrator< T, is_primitive > | Auxiliary class to apply (de-)calibration to template hit |
 JDETECTOR::JCalibrator< JHit_t, false > | Template specialisation of JCalibrator for non-primitive data types |
 JDETECTOR::JCalibrator< T, true > | Template specialisation of JCalibrator for primitive data types |
 JROOT::JCanvas | Data structure for size of TCanvas |
 JLANG::JCategory< T, is_constant > | Auxiliary class to define value, reference and pointer types for given data type and category |
 JLANG::JCategory< T, false > | Specialisation of JCategory for modifiable (i.e. non-constant) data type |
 JLANG::JCategory< T, true > | Specialisation of JCategory for constant (i.e. non-modifiable) data type |
 JTRIGGER::JChecksum | Auxiliary class to perform check-sum on raw data |
 JCOMPASS::JChi2 | Auxiliary data structure for chi2 evaluation |
 JLANG::JClass< T > | Template for generic class types |
 JLANG::JClass< const T & > | Specialisation of JClass for const reference class types |
 JLANG::JClass< const T * > | Specialisation of JClass for const pointer class types |
 JLANG::JClass< const T *& > | Specialisation of JClass for const pointer class types |
 JLANG::JClass< const T > | Specialisation of JClass for const class types |
 JLANG::JClass< T & > | Specialisation of JClass for reference class types |
 JLANG::JClass< T * > | Specialisation of JClass for pointer class types |
 JLANG::JClass< T *& > | Specialisation of JClass for pointer class types |
 JClass_t | |
  JTOOLS::JList< 1, T, JClass_t > | Terminator class of recursive template class |
 JROOT::JClassDef< T > | Test ROOT ClassDef |
 JROOT::JClassStreamer< T > | Auxiliary class to add the I/O capabilities of the given template class to the general JRootDictionary class |
 JDETECTOR::JCLBSimulator | Interface for CLB simulation |
  JDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface | Default CLB simulation |
   JDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulator | Default CLB simulation |
    JTRIGGER::JCLBRunByRunSimulator | CLB simulation based on run-by-run information |
  JDETECTOR::JDetectorSimulator | Detector simulation |
 KM3NETDAQ::JClient | Client data structure |
 JClonable | |
  __A__ | |
  __B__< T > | |
  __C__ | |
 JLANG::JClonable< JClonable_t, JNullType > | Template specialisation to define base class for interface of object cloning |
 JSUPERNOVA::JCoincidenceSN | Auxiliary class to store reduced information of a coincidence on an optical module |
 JCollection_t | |
  JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineCollection< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JDistance_t > | Template base class spline interpolations |
   JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultDerivative< typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for spline interpolation method with returning JResultDerivative data structure |
   JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultPDF< typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for spline interpolation method with returning JResultPDF data structure |
   JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction< JElement_t, JCollection_t, typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for functional collection with spline interpolation |
  JTOOLS::JPolfitFunction< N, M, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Functional collection with Legendre polynomial interpolation |
   JTOOLS::JPolfitFunction1D< N, M, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Template class for polynomial interpolation in 1D |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< 0, JElement_t, JCollection_t, typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for zero-degree polynomial interpolation method |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< 1, JElement_t, JCollection_t, typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for first-degree polynomial interpolation method |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultPDF< typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for polynomial interpolation method with returning JResultPDF data structure |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for functional collection with polynomial interpolation |
  JTOOLS::JSplineCollection< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JDistance_t > | Template base class for spline interpolations |
   JTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultDerivative< typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for spline interpolation method with returning JResultDerivative data structure |
   JTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultPDF< typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for spline interpolation method with returning JResultPDF data structure |
   JTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JElement_t, JCollection_t, typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for functional collection with spline interpolation |
 JTOOLS::JCollectionElementTransformer< JElement_t > | Interface for transformation of collection of elements |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMapGetTransformer< N, JElement_t > | Auxiliary class to convert JMultiMapTransformer to JCollectionElementTransformer |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMapPutTransformer< N, JElement_t > | Auxiliary class to convert JMultiMapTransformer to JCollectionElementTransformer |
 JTOOLS::JCombinatorics | Auxiliary class to convert pair of indices to unique index and back |
  JCALIBRATE::JFitK40_t< JNullType > | Template specialisation of two-fold coincidence rate due to K40 and other radioactive decays |
 JEEP::JCommunicator | Auxiliary class to control standard input and output |
 JLANG::JComparable< JFirst_t, JSecond_t > | Template definition of auxiliary base class for comparison of data structures |
  JACOUSTICS::JTransmission_t | Acoustic transmission identifier |
  JDATABASE::JDBAPIVersion | Auxiliary data structure for I/O of database API versions |
  JDATABASE::JLocation_t | Auxiliary data structure for location of product in detector |
  JDATABASE::JRun_t | Auxiliary class for detector/run comparisons |
  JDATABASE::JRun_t | Auxiliary class for detector/run comparisons |
  JDATABASE::JRun_t | Auxiliary class for detector/run comparisons |
  JDETECTOR::JDetectorParameters | Data structure for parameters for detector geometry |
  JDETECTOR::JLocation | Logical location of module |
   JACOUSTICS::JGEOMETRY::JDetector::module_type | Auxiliary data structure for module location and position |
   JACOUSTICS::JHit< JPDF_t > | Acoustics hit |
   JDETECTOR::JHydrophone | Type definition of hydrophone |
   JDETECTOR::JModule | Data structure for a composite optical module |
   JDETECTOR::JPMTChannel | Auxiliary class to uniquely identify PMT readout channel |
   JDETECTOR::JTransmitter | Type definition of transmitter |
  JDETECTOR::JPMTAddress | Address of PMT in detector data structure |
  JDETECTOR::JPMTPhysicalAddress | Data structure for PMT physical address |
   JDETECTOR::JPMTAddressTranslator | Data structure to translate PMT physical to readout address |
  JDETECTOR::JVersion | Auxiliary class for version identifier |
   JDETECTOR::JDetectorVersion | Detector version |
    JDETECTOR::JDetector | Detector data structure |
     JDETECTOR::JMonteCarloDetector | Monte Carlo detector (i.e. so-called .det file) |
     JDYNAMICS::JDynamics | Dynamic detector calibration |
  JEEP::JDate< JSeparator_t > | Auxiliary class for simple date |
   JDATABASE::JDateAndTime_t | Date and time |
   JDATABASE::JDatim_t | Auxiliairy data structure for date and time |
  JEEP::JTime< JSeparator_t > | Auxiliary class for simple time |
   JDATABASE::JDateAndTime_t | Date and time |
   JDATABASE::JDatim_t | Auxiliairy data structure for date and time |
  JEEP::JVersion | Auxiliary data structure for general purpose version number |
   JDATABASE::JDBAPIVersion | Auxiliary data structure for I/O of database API versions |
  JFIT::JEnergy | Data structure for fit of energy |
   JFIT::JLine3EZ | Data structure for fit of straight line in positive z-direction with energy |
   JFIT::JModel< JEnergy > | Template specialisation of class JModel to match hit with muon energy |
   JFIT::JShower3EZ | Data structure for fit of straight line in positive z-direction with energy |
   JFIT::JShowerEH | Data structure for fit of straight line in positive z-direction with energy |
  JMATH::JNumber< T > | Simple wrapper around template data type to ensure that zero is the default value |
  JPARSER::JCounter | Auxiliary class to handle multiple boolean-like I/O |
  JPARSER::JCounter | Auxiliary class to handle multiple boolean-like I/O |
  JSUPPORT::JLimit | Auxiliary class for defining the range of iterations of objects |
   JSUPPORT::JMultipleFileScanner< JNullType > | Template specialisation of JMultipleFileScanner for undefined type |
   JSUPPORT::JSingleFileScanner< JNullType > | Template specialisation of JSingleFileScanner for undefined type |
   JSUPPORT::JTreeScannerInterface< JClass_t, JNullType > | Specialiation of interface JTreeScannerInterface for unordered direct access of elements in ROOT TChain |
  JSUPPORT::JLimit | Auxiliary class for defining the range of iterations of objects |
  JTOOLS::JMultiKey< N, JKey_t > | Multidimensional key |
  JTOOLS::JMultiKey< 1, JKey_t > | One-dimensional key |
  JTOOLS::JMultiKey< 2, JKey_t > | Two-dimensional key |
  JTOOLS::JTuple< T > | Template data structure |
  JTOOLS::JTuple< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisation of JTuple for multiple data types |
  JTOOLS::JTuple< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTypeList< JTail_t, JNullType > > > | Template specialisation of JTuple for two data types |
  JTOOLS::JTuple< JHead_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JTuple< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JTuple class |
  JTOOLS::JTuple< JTail_t > | |
 JComparable | |
  __A__ | |
  __A__ | |
  __B__< T > | |
  __B__< T > | |
  __B__< T > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JAbstractFile > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractFile | Encapsulates the c-style file descriptor |
   JLANG::JFile | Extends the JAbstractFile class |
 JLANG::JComparable< JClass_t, JNullType > | General purpose specialisation of class JComparable for any data type |
 JLANG::JComparable< JCounter > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JCounter, int > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JDate< JSeparator_t > > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JDBAPIVersion > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JDetectorParameters > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JEnergy > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JLimit > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JLimit, counter_type > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JLocation > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JLocation_t > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JMultiKey< 1, JKey_t > > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JMultiKey< 2, JKey_t > > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JMultiKey< N, JKey_t > > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JNumber< T > > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JObjectID > | |
  JLANG::JObjectID | Auxiliary class for object identification |
   JACOUSTICS::JEKey | Emitter key |
   JACOUSTICS::JEmitter | Acoustic emitter |
    JACOUSTICS::JHit< JPDF_t > | Acoustics hit |
    JACOUSTICS::JTransceiver | Acoustic transceiver |
   JACOUSTICS::JReceiver | Acoustic receiver |
    JACOUSTICS::JTransceiver | Acoustic transceiver |
   JCOMPASS::JHit | Hit |
   JDETECTOR::JAnchor | Data structure for anchor position on sea bed |
   JDETECTOR::JCompassRotation_t | Auxiliary data structure for compass rotation |
   JDETECTOR::JDetector | Detector data structure |
   JDETECTOR::JModule | Data structure for a composite optical module |
   JDETECTOR::JModuleCalibration_t | Auxiliary data structure for module time calibration |
   JDETECTOR::JModuleGeometry | Module geometry |
   JDETECTOR::JModuleMap_t | Auxiliary data structure for module address map |
   JDETECTOR::JModulePosition_t | Auxiliary data structure for module position |
   JDETECTOR::JModuleRotation_t | Auxiliary data structure for module rotation |
   JDETECTOR::JModuleStatus_t | Auxiliary data structure for module status |
   JDETECTOR::JMonteCarloDetector::LCM_logic | Auxiliary class for LCM logic parameters |
   JDETECTOR::JMonteCarloDetector::LCM_reverse_logic | Auxiliary class for LCM logic parameters |
   JDETECTOR::JMonteCarloDetector::OM | Auxiliary class for OM |
   JDETECTOR::JMonteCarloDetector::OM_cluster | Auxiliary class for OM cluster parameters |
   JDETECTOR::JMonteCarloDetector::OM_cluster_data | Auxiliary class for OM cluster data |
   JDETECTOR::JMonteCarloDetector::OM_position | Auxiliary class for OM position |
   JDETECTOR::JMonteCarloDetector::String | Auxiliary class for string parameters |
   JDETECTOR::JPMT | Data structure for PMT geometry, calibration and status |
   JDETECTOR::JPMTCalibration_t | Auxiliary data structure for PMT time calibration |
   JDETECTOR::JPMTIdentifier | PMT identifier |
   JDETECTOR::JPMTStatus_t | Auxiliary data structure for PMT status |
   JDETECTOR::JTransmitter | Type definition of transmitter |
   JDETECTOR::JTripod | Data structure for tripod |
   JSIRENE::JPulse | Auxiliary class for a time-over-threshold pulse from a PMT |
 JLANG::JComparable< JObjectID, int > | |
  JLANG::JObjectID | Auxiliary class for object identification |
 JLANG::JComparable< JOscChannel > | |
  JOSCPROB::JOscChannel | Neutrino oscillation channel |
 JLANG::JComparable< JParameter< double > > | |
  JLANG::JParameter< double > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JParameter< int > > | |
  JLANG::JParameter< int > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JParameter< JGrid< double > > > | |
  JLANG::JParameter< JGrid< double > > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JParameter< JKey_t > > | |
  JLANG::JParameter< JKey_t > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JParameter< T > > | |
  JLANG::JParameter< T > | Parameter class |
 JLANG::JComparable< JParameter< unsigned int > > | |
  JLANG::JParameter< unsigned int > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JPMTAddress > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JPMTPhysicalAddress > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JRun_t > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JRun_t, JRunQuality > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JRun_t, JRuns > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JTime< JSeparator_t > > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JTimeval > | |
  JLANG::JTimeval | Auxiliary class for time values |
   JNET::JControlHostObjectIterator< T > | Object iteration through ControlHost |
 JLANG::JComparable< JTransmission_t > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JTuple< JHead_t > > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JTuple< JTail_t > > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JTuple< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JTuple< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTypeList< JTail_t, JNullType > > > > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JTuple< T > > | |
 JLANG::JComparable< JTypeInfo > | |
  JLANG::JTypeInfo | This class is a wrapper around the STL type_info class |
 JLANG::JComparable< JUUID > | |
  JLANG::JUUID | Simple wrapper for UUID |
 JLANG::JComparable< JVersion > | |
 KM3NETDAQ::JClientList::JComparator | Auxiliary class for comparing clients |
 JLANG::JComparator< JTypename_t, JComparator_t > | Template definition of auxiliary class to compare objects |
  JDETECTOR::JModuleComparator3D_t | Module comparator according its distance to origin |
  JDETECTOR::JModuleComparator3Z_t | Module comparator according its z-position |
 JTOOLS::JCollection< JElement_t, JDistance_t >::JComparator | Auxiliary class for ordering of objects in the collection by their abscissa values |
 JTOOLS::JHashSet< JElement_t, JEvaluator_t >::JComparator | Auxiliary class for ordering of objects in the set by the hash value |
 JLANG::JComparator< const T &(T::*)() const, JComparator_t > | Template specialisation of JComparator for comparison between return values of member methods |
 JLANG::JComparator< JResult_t T::*, JComparator_t > | Template specialisation of JComparator for comparison between values of data members |
 JLANG::JComparator< JResult_t(T::*)() const, JComparator_t > | Template specialisation of JComparator for comparison between return values of member methods |
 JGEOMETRY2D::JSmallestDistance2D::JCompareX | Auxiliary class for sorting elements |
 JGEOMETRY2D::JSmallestDistance2D::JCompareY | Auxiliary class for sorting elements |
 JGEOMETRY3D::JSmallestDistance3D::JCompareZ | Auxiliary class for sorting elements |
 JLANG::JComparison | Functional implementations of comparison operators |
 JLANG::JLOCAL::JComparisonAvailable< T, typename JVoid< typename T::second_type >::type > | Test availability of comparison operators of data types which have a type definitions for first_type and second_type |
 JTOOLS::JCompiler | Functional object compiler |
 JContainer_t | |
  JEEP::JContainer< JContainer_t > | Auxiliary wrapper for I/O of container with optional comment (see JComment) |
  JTOOLS::JHistogram1D< JElement_t, JContainer_t, JDistance_t > | Histogram in 1D |
  JTOOLS::JHistogram1D< JBin2D< JAbscissa_t, JContents_t >, JContainer_t, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation if JHistogram1D class with bin centering |
 JTOOLS::JContent< JElement_t > | Auxiliary class for merging of consecutive bins until minimal content is reached |
 JLANG::JConversion< JDerived_t, JBase_t > | Template class test for polymorphism |
 JLANG::JConversion< T, T > | Specialisation of JConversion for identical types |
 JGEOMETRY2D::JConvexHull2D | Auxiliary class for convex hull determination in X-Y plane |
 JACOUSTICS::JCounter | Acoustic counter |
  JACOUSTICS::JEKey | Emitter key |
  JACOUSTICS::JEvent | Acoustic event |
  JACOUSTICS::JHit< JPDF_t > | Acoustics hit |
 JPARSER::JCSV< JType_t > | Auxiliary class to assign the remainder of a sequence of Comma Separated Values |
 JTOOLS::JCumulator | Functional histogram cumulator |
 KM3NETDAQ::JDAQAbstractPreamble | Simple data structure for the DAQ preamble required for a correct calculation of the object size for binary I/O |
  KM3NETDAQ::JDAQPreamble | DAQ preamble |
   KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent | DAQ Event |
    JTRIGGER::JTriggeredEvent | Auxiliary class to build JDAQEvent for a triggered event |
   KM3NETDAQ::JDAQSummaryslice | Data summary slice |
    KM3NETDAQ::JSummaryslice | Auxiliary class to create summary data |
     JTRIGGER::JSummaryRouter | Router for fast addressing of summary data in JDAQSummaryslice data structure as a function of the optical module identifier |
   KM3NETDAQ::JDAQSuperFrame | Data frame of one optical module |
   KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTimeslice | Data time slice |
    KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTimesliceL0 | Timeslice data structure for L0 data |
     KM3NETDAQ::JTimesliceL0 | Base class class for generation of time slice data |
      KM3NETDAQ::JEventTimeslice | Timeslice with Monte Carlo event |
      KM3NETDAQ::JRandomTimeslice | Timeslice with random data |
    KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTimesliceL1 | Timeslice data structure for L1 data |
    KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTimesliceL2 | Timeslice data structure for L2 data |
    KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTimesliceSN | Timeslice data structure for SN data |
 KM3NETDAQ::JDAQChronometer | DAQ chronometer |
  JTRIGGER::JEvent | Triggered event |
  JTRIGGER::JModuleHeader | Header for Module |
   JTRIGGER::JSuperFrame1D< JElement_t > | |
   JTRIGGER::JSuperFrame2D< JElement_t > | |
   JTRIGGER::JSuperFrame1D< JElement_t, JAllocator_t > | 1-dimensional frame with time calibrated data from one optical module |
   JTRIGGER::JSuperFrame2D< JElement_t, JAllocator_t > | 2-dimensional frame with time calibrated data from one optical module |
   JTRIGGER::JSuperFrameClone1D< JElement_t > | Clone of JSuperFrame1D |
   JTRIGGER::JSuperFrameClone2D< JElement_t > | Clone of JSuperFrame2D |
  JTRIGGER::JPMTHeader | Header for PMT |
   JTRIGGER::JFrame< JElement_t, JAllocator_t > | Data frame for calibrated hits of one PMT |
   JTRIGGER::JFrameClone< JElement_t, JAllocator_t > | Clone of JFrame |
  JTRIGGER::JTimeslice< JElement_t > | Time slice with calibrated data |
  JTRIGGER::JTriggerInput | Data structure for input to trigger algorithm |
  KM3NETDAQ::JDAQHeader | DAQ header |
   KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEventHeader | JDAQ event header |
    KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent | DAQ Event |
   KM3NETDAQ::JDAQSummarysliceHeader | JDAQ summaryslice header |
    KM3NETDAQ::JDAQSummaryslice | Data summary slice |
   KM3NETDAQ::JDAQSuperFrameHeader | DAQ super frame header |
    KM3NETDAQ::JDAQSuperFrame | Data frame of one optical module |
   KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTimesliceHeader | JDAQ timeslice header |
    KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTimeslice | Data time slice |
 KM3NETDAQ::JDAQClient_t | Auxiliary data structure for DAQ client data |
  KM3NETDAQ::JDAQClient | Control unit client base class |
   AcousticDataFilter | |
   JDAQDemoClient | |
   KM3NETDAQ::DataQueue | |
   KM3NETDAQ::JDAQDriver | Simple driver for run control clients |
   KM3NETDAQ::JDataFilter | Main class for real-time filtering of data |
   KM3NETDAQ::JDataWriter | Runcontrol client to write data to disk |
   KM3NETDAQ::JDOMSimulator | Runcontrol client to simulate DOM |
   KM3NETDAQ::JEventGenerator | Runcontrol client to simulate data filter(s) |
   KM3NETDAQ::MonitorRouter | |
 KM3NETDAQ::JDAQClock | Auxiliary class to set DAQ system clock parameters |
 KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvaluator | Auxiliary class to determine value of DAQ objects |
 JSUPPORT::JDAQFileReader< T, bool > | DAQ object reading from binary file (i.e. .dat) |
 KM3NETDAQ::JDAQFrame | Data frame |
  KM3NETDAQ::JDAQSuperFrame | Data frame of one optical module |
 KM3NETDAQ::JDAQFrameStatus | DAQ frame status |
  KM3NETDAQ::JDAQSummaryFrame | Data storage class for rate measurements of all PMTs in one module |
  KM3NETDAQ::JDAQSuperFrameHeader | DAQ super frame header |
 KM3NETDAQ::JDAQFrameSubset | Subset of data frame |
 KM3NETDAQ::JDAQHit | Hit data structure |
  KM3NETDAQ::JDAQKeyHit | DAQ key hit |
   KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTriggeredHit | DAQ triggered hit |
 JDAQHitSelector | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JDAQHitSelector > | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JDAQHitSelector, JDAQHitDefaultSelector > | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JDAQHitSelector, JDAQHitToTSelector > | |
 KM3NETDAQ::JDAQModuleComparator | Auxiliary class to compare modules |
 KM3NETDAQ::JDAQModuleIdentifier | Module identifier |
  JFIT::JK40Hit | Auxiliary class for simultaneously handling light yields and response of module |
  JTRIGGER::JHitL1 | Data structure for L1 hit |
   JMONITOR::JCluster | A JHitL1 with a multiplicity |
  JTRIGGER::JHitR1 | Reduced data structure for L1 hit |
  JTRIGGER::JModuleHeader | Header for Module |
  KM3NETDAQ::JDAQKeyHit | DAQ key hit |
  KM3NETDAQ::JDAQPMTIdentifier | PMT identifier |
   JTRIGGER::JHitL0 | Data structure for L0 hit |
    JRECONSTRUCTION::JHitW0 | Auxiliary class for a hit with background rate value |
   JTRIGGER::JPMTHeader | Header for PMT |
   JTRIGGER::JTriggeredHit | Data structure for triggered hit |
  KM3NETDAQ::JDAQSummaryFrame | Data storage class for rate measurements of all PMTs in one module |
  KM3NETDAQ::JDAQSuperFrameHeader | DAQ super frame header |
 KM3NETDAQ::JDAQRate | Data storage class for rate measurement of one PMT |
 KM3NETDAQ::JDAQRun | Simple data structure for DAQ run |
 JDAQTimeslice_t | |
  JTRIGGER::JTimesliceL1< JDAQTimeslice_t > | Auxiliary class to build JDAQTimeslice for L1 timeslice |
 KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTriggerCounter | Auxiliary class to count triggers |
  KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEventHeader | JDAQ event header |
 KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTriggerMask | Auxiliary class for trigger mask |
  JTRIGGER::JEvent | Triggered event |
  JTRIGGER::JTriggeredHit | Data structure for triggered hit |
  KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEventHeader | JDAQ event header |
  KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTriggeredHit | DAQ triggered hit |
 KM3NETDAQ::JDAQType< T > | Auxiliary class for a DAQ type holder |
 KM3NETDAQ::JDAQUTCExtended | Data structure for UTC time |
  JDETECTOR::JModuleGeometry | Module geometry |
 JSUPPORT::JDAQWriterObjectOutput< T, bool > | Auxiliary class for DAQ object writing to binary stream |
 JSUPPORT::JDAQWriterObjectOutput< JHead_t > | |
  JSUPPORT::JDAQWriter< JHead_t > | |
   JSUPPORT::JDAQWriter< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JDAQWriter class |
   JSUPPORT::JDAQWriter< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object output to binary file for multiple data types |
 JSUPPORT::JDAQWriterObjectOutput< JTail_t > | |
  JSUPPORT::JDAQWriter< JTail_t > | |
   JSUPPORT::JDAQWriter< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object output to binary file for multiple data types |
 JSUPPORT::JDAQWriterObjectOutput< T > | |
  JSUPPORT::JDAQWriter< T > | Implementation of object output to binary file for single data type |
   JSUPPORT::JDAQFileWriter< T > | Object(s) writing to binary file (i.e. .dat) |
 JSYSTEM::JDateAndTime | Auxililary class to get date and time |
 JDATABASE::JDBTestTypesTuneHV | Table listing HV-tuning database test types |
 JDATABASE::JDBToolkit | Wrapper data structure for initialisation of fuction objects |
 JLANG::JDefault< T > | Simple default class |
 JLANG::JDefault< JObjectSelector< JHead_t > > | |
  JLANG::JObjectSelector< JHead_t > | |
   JLANG::JObjectSelector< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JObjectSelector class |
   JLANG::JObjectSelector< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Interface for multiple selection of objects |
    JLANG::JTypeSelector< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Auxiliary class for selection of multiple data types |
   JLANG::JTypeSelector< JHead_t > | |
    JLANG::JTypeSelector< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JTypeSelector class |
    JLANG::JTypeSelector< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Auxiliary class for selection of multiple data types |
 JLANG::JDefault< JObjectSelector< JTail_t > > | |
  JLANG::JObjectSelector< JTail_t > | |
   JLANG::JObjectSelector< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Interface for multiple selection of objects |
   JLANG::JTypeSelector< JTail_t > | |
    JLANG::JTypeSelector< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Auxiliary class for selection of multiple data types |
 JLANG::JDefault< JObjectSelector< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > > | |
  JLANG::JObjectSelector< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Interface for multiple selection of objects |
 JLANG::JDefault< JObjectSelector< T > > | |
  JLANG::JObjectSelector< T > | Interface for selection of objects |
   JLANG::JTypeSelector< T > | Auxiliary class for selection of data type |
 JLANG::JDefault< JRegulator > | |
  JLANG::JRegulator | Interface for controlling object throughput |
 JLANG::JDefault< JValve< JDerived_t > > | |
  JLANG::JValve< JDerived_t > | |
 JLANG::JDefault< JValve< JHead_t > > | |
  JLANG::JValve< JHead_t > | |
   JLANG::JValve< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JValve class |
   JLANG::JValve< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Auxiliary class for selection of multiple data types |
 JLANG::JDefault< JValve< JTail_t > > | |
  JLANG::JValve< JTail_t > | |
   JLANG::JValve< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Auxiliary class for selection of multiple data types |
 JLANG::JDefault< JValve< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > > | |
  JLANG::JValve< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Auxiliary class for selection of multiple data types |
 JLANG::JDefault< JValve< T > > | |
  JLANG::JValve< T > | Auxiliary class for selection of data type |
 JDETECTOR::JDetectorAddressMap | Lookup table for PMT addresses in detector |
  JDETECTOR::JTemplateDetectorAddressMap< JKM3NeT_t > | Template specialisation of JTemplateDetectorAddressMap for KM3NeT detector |
   JDETECTOR::JTemplateDetectorAddressMap< JKM3NeTDB_t > | Template specialisation of JTemplateDetectorAddressMap for KM3NeT detector |
  JDETECTOR::JTemplateDetectorAddressMap< JMonteCarlo_t > | Template specialisation of JTemplateDetectorAddressMap for Monte Carlo detector |
  JDETECTOR::JTemplateDetectorAddressMap< JObsolete_t > | Template specialisation of JTemplateDetectorAddressMap for obsolete detector |
  JDETECTOR::JTemplateDetectorAddressMap< JPPM_DU_t > | Template specialisation of JTemplateDetectorAddressMap for PPM_DU detector |
 JDETECTOR::JDetectorAddressMap_t< T > | Auxiliary class to extract detector address map from detector identifier |
 JDETECTOR::JDetectorAddressMap_t< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | |
 JDETECTOR::JDetectorAddressMap_t< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | |
 JDiffuseFlux | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JDiffuseFlux, JEvtWeightFactorFunction< JDiffuseFluxFunction_t, JDiffuseFlux > > | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JDiffuseFlux, JEvtWeightFactorFunction< pDiffuseFlux, JDiffuseFlux > > | |
 JPHYSICS::JDIS | Deep-inelastic muon-nucleon scattering |
  JPHYSICS::JDISSource | Implementation for calculation of inverse interaction length and shower energy due to deep-inelastic muon-nucleon scattering |
 JPHYSICS::JDIS::JDIS_t | Auxiliary helper class for kinematics of deep-inelastic muon-nucleon scattering at fixed muon energy |
 JPHYSICS::JDispersionInterface | Light dispersion inteface |
  JPHYSICS::JDispersion | Implementation of dispersion for water in deep sea |
   JPHYSICS::JAbstractPDF | Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT with an implementation for the JDispersionInterface interface |
   JPHYSICS::JLED_C | Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT (C-like interface) |
  JPHYSICS::JLED | Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT |
  JPHYSICS::JPDF | Low level interface for the calculation of the Probability Density Functions (PDFs) of the arrival time of Cherenkov light from a muon or an EM-shower on a photo-multiplier tube (PMT) |
 JTOOLS::JDistance< JAbscissa_t > | Template class for distance evaluation |
 JTOOLS::JDistance< typename JElement2D_t::abscissa_type > | |
 JTOOLS::JDriver< JClass_t > | Auxiliary class to load and store objects |
 JTOOLS::JDriver< JDerived_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JAutoPointer< JDerived_t, JBase_t > | Template class for loading and storing of objects |
 JEEPZ | Auxiliary data structure for streaming of STL containers |
 MONITORL1DT::JElement | Data structure for hit time and DOM identifier |
 JTOOLS::JElement< T > | Auxiliary class to convert value to element |
 JTOOLS::JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t > | 2D Element |
  JTOOLS::JBin2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t > | 2D Binned element |
  JTOOLS::JPolintElement2S< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t > | 2D Element for polynomial interpolations |
  JTOOLS::JSplineElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t > | 2D Element for spline interpolations |
   JTOOLS::JSplineElement2S< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t > | 2D Element for spline interpolations |
 JTOOLS::JElement3D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t > | 3D Element |
 JEllipse | Auxiliary data structure for ellipse |
 JLANG::JEndOfLine | Auxiliary class for end of line |
 JSUPPORT::JTreeScanner< JAssertConversion< JDerived_t, JBase_t >, JEvaluator_t >::JEntry_t | Auxiliary data structure for sorting of objects in TChain |
 JLANG::JEnumeration< T > | Enumeration of single data type |
 JLANG::JEnumeration< JHead_t > | |
  JLANG::JEnumeration< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JEnumeration class |
  JLANG::JEnumeration< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Enumeration of multiple data types |
 JLANG::JEnumeration< JTail_t > | |
  JLANG::JEnumeration< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Enumeration of multiple data types |
 JEquals | |
  __A__ | |
  __A__ | |
  __A__ | |
  __B__< T > | |
  __B__< T > | |
  __B__< T > | |
  __C__ | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JFirst_t, JSecond_t > | Template definition of auxiliary base class for comparison of data structures |
  JACOUSTICS::JModel | Model for fit to acoustics data |
  JACOUSTICS::JMODEL::JEmitter | Emitter parameters |
   JACOUSTICS::JKatoomba< JType >::H_t | H-equation as per hit |
  JACOUSTICS::JMODEL::JString | String parameters |
   JACOUSTICS::JKatoomba< JType >::H_t | H-equation as per hit |
  JTOOLS::JArray< NUMBER_OF_DIMENSIONS, abscissa_type > | |
  JTOOLS::JArray< NUMBER_OF_DIMENSIONS, argument_type > | |
  JDATABASE::JMACAddress | MAC address |
  JDETECTOR::JCompass | Data structure for compass in three dimensions |
  JDETECTOR::JDetectorHeader | Data structure for detector header |
   JDETECTOR::JDetector | Detector data structure |
  JDETECTOR::JModuleAddress | Address of module in detector data structure |
   JDETECTOR::JModuleAttributes< JAttributes_t > | Data structure for module address and module attributes |
   JDETECTOR::JPMTAddress | Address of PMT in detector data structure |
  JEEP::JStatus | Auxiliary class for handling status |
   JDETECTOR::JModule | Data structure for a composite optical module |
   JDETECTOR::JModuleStatus_t | Auxiliary data structure for module status |
   JDETECTOR::JPMT | Data structure for PMT geometry, calibration and status |
   JDETECTOR::JPMTStatus_t | Auxiliary data structure for PMT status |
  JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion3D | Data structure for unit quaternion in three dimensions |
   JCOMPASS::JHit | Hit |
   JDETECTOR::JCompassRotation_t | Auxiliary data structure for compass rotation |
   JDETECTOR::JModule | Data structure for a composite optical module |
   JDETECTOR::JModuleRotation_t | Auxiliary data structure for module rotation |
  JMATH::JGauss_t | Gauss model |
   JMATH::JGauss | Gauss function object |
    JACOUSTICS::JPDFGauss | Custom probability density function of time-of-arrival |
  JMATH::JMatrix1D | 1 x 1 matrix |
   JMATH::JMatrix1S | 1 x 1 symmetric matrix |
  JMATH::JMatrix2D | 2 x 2 matrix |
   JGEOMETRY2D::JRotation2D | Rotation matrix |
    JGEOMETRY3D::JRotation3X | Rotation around X-axis |
    JGEOMETRY3D::JRotation3Y | Rotation around Y-axis |
    JGEOMETRY3D::JRotation3Z | Rotation around Z-axis |
   JMATH::JMatrix2S | 2 x 2 symmetric matrix |
  JMATH::JMatrix3D | 3 x 3 matrix |
   JGEOMETRY3D::JRotation3D | Rotation matrix |
    JDETECTOR::JRotation | Auxiliary class to get rotation matrix between two optical modules |
    JGEOMETRY3D::JEulerMatrix3D | Euler matrix |
    JGEOMETRY3D::JTransformation3D | Transformation |
   JMATH::JMatrix3S | 3 x 3 symmetric matrix |
  JMATH::JMatrix4D | 4 x 4 matrix |
   JMATH::JMatrix4S | 4 x 4 symmetric matrix |
  JMATH::JMatrix5D | 5 x 5 matrix |
   JMATH::JMatrix5S | 5 x 5 symmetric matrix |
  JMATH::JMatrixND | NxN matrix |
   JMATH::JMatrixNS | N x N symmetric matrix |
    JFIT::JMatrixNZ | Determination of the co-variance matrix of hits for a track along z-axis (JFIT::JLine1Z) |
  JMATH::JPolynome_t | Polynome model |
   JMATH::JPolynome | Polynome function object |
  JOSCPROB::JOscParametersInterface< double > | |
   JOSCPROB::JOscParameters | Data structure for single set of oscillation parameters |
  JOSCPROB::JOscParametersInterface< JGrid< double > > | |
   JOSCPROB::JOscParametersGrid | Data structure for oscillation parameter grids |
  JOSCPROB::JOscParametersInterface< T > | Abstract base class for sets of oscillation parameters |
  JTOOLS::JRange< counter_type > | |
  JTOOLS::JRange< double > | |
   JAANET::JRange_t | Type definition of range |
   JRECONSTRUCTION::JRange_t | Type definition of range |
   JTOOLS::JQuantiles | Quantile calculator for a given function |
  JTOOLS::JRange< int > | |
  JTOOLS::JRange< JAbscissa_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JAbstractHistogram< JAbscissa_t > | Simple data structure for histogram binning |
  JTOOLS::JRange< JDAQHit::JTOT_t > | |
  JROOT::JRootClass | Auxiliary class to manage access to base classes and data members of ROOT class |
   JROOT::JRootAddressableClass< JPointer_t > | Auxiliary class to manage access to base classes and data members of ROOT class objects |
   JROOT::JRootAddressableClass< char * > | |
   JROOT::JRootAddressableClass< const char * > | |
  JSUPPORT::JTreeScanner< JAssertConversion< JDerived_t, JBase_t >, JNullType > | Specialiation of class JTreeScanner for unordered direct access of elements in ROOT TChain |
   JSUPPORT::JTreeScanner< JAssertConversion< JDerived_t, JBase_t >, JEvaluator_t > | Specialiation of class JTreeScanner for ordered direct access of elements in ROOT TChain |
  JSUPPORT::JTreeScannerInterface< JClass_t, JNullType >::basic_iterator< T > | Base class for STD compatible iterator |
  JTOOLS::JArray< N, T > | One dimensional array of template objects with fixed length |
  JTOOLS::JArray< 1, T > | One dimensional array of template objects with fixed length |
  JTOOLS::JHashMap< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType >, JValue_t, JEvaluator_t >::super_const_iterator | Terminator class of multidimensional const_iterator |
  JTOOLS::JHashMap< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType >, JValue_t, JEvaluator_t >::super_iterator | Terminator class of multidimensional iterator |
  JTOOLS::JHashMap< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JValue_t, JEvaluator_t >::super_const_iterator | Multidimensional const_iterator |
  JTOOLS::JHashMap< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JValue_t, JEvaluator_t >::super_iterator | Multidimensional iterator |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JLANG::JNullType >, JDistance_t >::iterator_helper< iterator_type, ordinate_type > | Helper class for multidimensional iterator |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JLANG::JNullType >, JDistance_t >::super_const_iterator | Terminator class of multidimensional const_iterator |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JLANG::JNullType >, JDistance_t >::super_const_reverse_iterator | Terminator class of multidimensional const_iterator |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JDistance_t >::iterator_base< first_iterator, second_iterator > | Base class for multidimensional iterator |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JDistance_t >::super_const_iterator | Multidimensional const_iterator |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JDistance_t >::super_const_reverse_iterator | Multidimensional const reverse iterator |
  JTOOLS::JRange< T, JComparator_t > | Range of values |
   JDETECTOR::JPMTRateRange | Data structure for range of PMT rates |
   JSUPPORT::JLimit | Auxiliary class for defining the range of iterations of objects |
   JTRIGGER::JDAQHitToTSelector | Auxiliary class to select DAQ hits based on time-over-treshold value |
   JUTC::JUTCTimeRange | UTC time range [s] |
    JDETECTOR::JDetectorHeader | Data structure for detector header |
    JDYNAMICS::JDynamics::JUTCTracker | Auxiliary data structure to track applicability period of calibration data |
     JDYNAMICS::JDynamics::JOrientation | Dynamic orientation calibration |
     JDYNAMICS::JDynamics::JPosition | Dynamic position calibration |
  JUTM::JUTMGrid | Data structure for UTM grid |
   JDETECTOR::JDetectorHeader | Data structure for detector header |
 JLANG::JEquals< iterator_base< first_iterator, second_iterator > > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< iterator_helper< iterator_type, ordinate_type > > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< const JDAQTimeslice > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< const JDAQTimeslice > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< const JDAQTimeslice > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< const TFormula > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< const TFormula > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< const TFormula > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< const TFormula, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< const TFormula > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JAbstractAutoPointer< JBase_t > > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JAbstractAutoPointer< JBase_t > > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JAbstractAutoPointer< JBase_t > > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JAbstractAutoPointer< JBase_t >, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JAbstractAutoPointer< JBase_t > > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JDAQSummaryslice > > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JDAQSummaryslice > > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JDAQSummaryslice > > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JDAQSummaryslice >, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JDAQSummaryslice > > | |
      JLANG::JAccessibleObjectReader< JDAQSummaryslice > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JHead_t > > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JHead_t > > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JHead_t > > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JHead_t >, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JHead_t > > | |
      JLANG::JAccessibleObjectReader< JHead_t > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JNullType > > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JNullType > > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JNullType > > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JNullType >, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JNullType > > | |
      JLANG::JAccessibleObjectReader< JNullType > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JTail_t > > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JTail_t > > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JTail_t > > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JTail_t >, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JTail_t > > | |
      JLANG::JAccessibleObjectReader< JTail_t > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< KM3NETDAQ::KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent > > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< KM3NETDAQ::KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent > > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< KM3NETDAQ::KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent > > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JAccessibleObjectIterator< KM3NETDAQ::KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent >, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< KM3NETDAQ::KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent > > | |
      JLANG::JAccessibleObjectReader< KM3NETDAQ::KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< T > > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< T > > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< T > > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JAccessibleObjectIterator< T >, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< T > > | |
      JLANG::JAccessibleObjectReader< T > | Auxiliary class for object reading with named access |
       JSUPPORT::JFileScanner< JDAQSummaryslice > | |
       JSUPPORT::JFileScanner< JHead_t > | |
       JSUPPORT::JFileScanner< JNullType > | |
       JSUPPORT::JFileScanner< JTail_t > | |
       JSUPPORT::JFileScanner< KM3NETDAQ::KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent > | |
       JSUPPORT::JFileScanner< T > | Object reading from file |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JAccessibleObjectOutput< T > > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JAccessibleObjectOutput< T > > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JAccessibleObjectOutput< T > > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JAccessibleObjectOutput< T >, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JAccessibleObjectOutput< T > > | |
      JLANG::JAccessibleObjectWriter< T > | Auxiliary class for object writing with named access |
       JSUPPORT::JFileRecorder< T > | Object writing to file |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JBase_t > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JBase_t > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JBase_t > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JBase_t, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JBase_t > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JBuildL1_t > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JBuildL1_t > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JBuildL1_t > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JBuildL1_t, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSinglePointer< JBuildL1_t > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JBuildL2_t > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JBuildL2_t > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JBuildL2_t > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JBuildL2_t, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSinglePointer< JBuildL2_t > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JChainReader< JClass_t > > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JChainReader< JClass_t > > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JChainReader< JClass_t > > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JChainReader< JDerived_t > > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JChainReader< JDerived_t > > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JChainReader< JDerived_t > > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JClass_t > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JClass_t > | Template interface for pointer to object(s) |
   JLANG::JPointer< JClass_t > | Template implementation of class that holds pointer to object(s) |
    JFIT::JShowerEnergyCorrection | Auxiliary class for correction of energy determined by JShowerEnergy.cc |
    JGIZMO::JRootObject | Auxiliary data structure for TObject with a user defined label |
    JLANG::JMultiPointer< JClass_t > | General purpose class for multiple pointers |
    JLANG::JStorage< JClass_t, JMemory_t > | Template storage class |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JClass_t, JMemory_t > | The template JSharedPointer class can be used to share a pointer to an object |
      JAANET::JEvtWeightFactorHelper< JEvtWeightFactor_t > | Helper class for event-weight factor |
      JAANET::JEvtWeightFactorHelper< JDiffuseFlux > | Explicit emplate specialization of event-weight factor helper for diffuse flux objects |
       JAANET::JOscFlux | Implementation of oscillated neutrino flux |
        JAANET::JFluxAtmosphericNeutrino | Implementation of atmospheric neutrino flux using official KM3NeT atmospheric flux function |
      JAANET::JEvtWeightHelper | Helper class for event weighing |
       JSUPPORT::JEvtWeightFileScanner< JFileScanner_t > | Template event-weighter-associated file scanner |
      JEEP::JPropertiesElement | The property value class |
      JAANET::JEvtWeightFactorHelper< JEvtWeightFactor > | |
       JAANET::JEvtWeightMupage | Implementation of event weighing for MUPAGE data |
      JAANET::JEvtWeightFactorHelper< JFlux > | |
       JAANET::JEvtWeightCorsika | Implementation of event weighting for Corsika data |
       JAANET::JEvtWeightGSeaGen | Implementation of event weighting for GSeaGen data |
       JAANET::JEvtWeightKM3BUU | Implementation of event weighting for KM3BUU data |
      JFIT::JEnergyCorrection | Auxiliary class for correction of energy determined by JEnergy.cc |
      JOSCPROB::JOscProbHelper | Helper class for oscillation probabilities |
       JAANET::JOscFlux | Implementation of oscillated neutrino flux |
      JPARSER::JParserElement | Auxiliary class to handle pointer to JPARSER::JParserElementInterface |
      JPHYSICS::JACoeffSource | Implementation for calculation of ionization constant |
      JPHYSICS::JRadiationSource | Implementation for calculation of inverse interaction length and shower energy |
      JTOOLS::JAbstractAutoPointer< JBase_t > | Abstract class of an automatic pointer |
       JTOOLS::JAutoPointer< JDerived_t, JBase_t > | Template class for loading and storing of objects |
      JTOOLS::JAutoElement< JBase_t > | Handler class for automatic pointer |
      JTOOLS::JFunctional< JArgument_t, JResult_t >::JSupervisor | Place holder for exception handler |
     JLANG::JSinglePointer< JClass_t, JMemory_t > | The template JSinglePointer class can be used to hold a pointer to an object |
     JROOT::JRootFile | ROOT file |
      JROOT::JRootInputFile | ROOT input file |
       JROOT::JRootFileReader< T, false > | Tempate specialisation of JRootFileReader for TTree incompatible iteration |
      JROOT::JRootOutputFile | ROOT output file |
       JSUPPORT::JAutoTreeWriter< JNET::JTag > | |
       JROOT::JRootFileWriter< T > | ROOT file object output |
       JSUPPORT::JAutoTreeWriter< JKey_t > | Auxiliary class to copy input data to corresponding TTree |
       JSUPPORT::JTreeRecorder< T > | ROOT TTree object output |
       JSUPPORT::JTreeRecorder< JDAQTimesliceTypes_t > | |
        KM3NETDAQ::JDataFilter::JCircularBuffer_t | Circular buffer |
    JROOT::JAbstractTreeReader | Interface for TTree reading |
     JROOT::JTreeReader< T > | Auxiliary class for template TTree reading |
      JROOT::JTreeReaderObjectIterator< T > | JTreeReader object iterator |
       JROOT::JTreeReaderAccessibleObjectIterator< T > | JTemplateTreeReader object iterator |
        JROOT::JRootFileReader< T, true > | Tempate specialisation of JRootFileReader for TTree compatible iteration |
    JROOT::JManager< JKey_t, JValue_t > | Auxiliary class to manage set of compatible ROOT objects (e.g. histograms) using unique keys |
    JSUPPORT::JTreeScanner_t< JClass_t > | Base class for JTreeScanner |
    JSUPPORT::JTreeScanner_t< JDerived_t > | |
     JSUPPORT::JTreeScanner< JAssertConversion< JDerived_t, JBase_t >, JNullType > | Specialiation of class JTreeScanner for unordered direct access of elements in ROOT TChain |
    JTRIGGER::JTimesliceRouter | Router for fast addressing of hits in KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTimeslice data structure as a function of the optical module identifier and time |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JControlHost_t > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JControlHost_t > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JControlHost_t > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JControlHost_t, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSinglePointer< JControlHost_t > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JDAQSummaryslice > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JDAQSummaryslice > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JDAQSummaryslice > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface::JStateMachine > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface::JStateMachine > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface::JStateMachine > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface::JStateMachine, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSinglePointer< JDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface::JStateMachine > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface::JTDC > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface::JTDC > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface::JTDC > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface::JTDC, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSinglePointer< JDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface::JTDC > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JDETECTOR::JCLBSimulator > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JDETECTOR::JCLBSimulator > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JDETECTOR::JCLBSimulator > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JDETECTOR::JCLBSimulator, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSinglePointer< JDETECTOR::JCLBSimulator > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JDETECTOR::JK40Simulator > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JDETECTOR::JK40Simulator > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JDETECTOR::JK40Simulator > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JDETECTOR::JK40Simulator, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSinglePointer< JDETECTOR::JK40Simulator > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JDETECTOR::JPMTSimulator > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JDETECTOR::JPMTSimulator > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JDETECTOR::JPMTSimulator > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JDETECTOR::JPMTSimulator, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSinglePointer< JDETECTOR::JPMTSimulator > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JDiffuseFlux > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JDiffuseFlux > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JDiffuseFlux > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JDiffuseFlux, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JDiffuseFlux > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JEvtWeight > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JEvtWeight > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JEvtWeight > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JEvtWeight, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JEvtWeight > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JEvtWeightFactor > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JEvtWeightFactor > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JEvtWeightFactor > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JEvtWeightFactor, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JEvtWeightFactor > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JEvtWeightFactor_t > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JEvtWeightFactor_t > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JEvtWeightFactor_t > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JEvtWeightFactor_t, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JEvtWeightFactor_t > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JExceptionHandler > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JExceptionHandler > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JExceptionHandler > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JExceptionHandler, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JExceptionHandler > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JFIT::JMEstimator > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JFIT::JMEstimator > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JFIT::JMEstimator > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JFIT::JMEstimator, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JFIT::JMEstimator > | |
     JLANG::JSinglePointer< JFIT::JMEstimator > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JFlux > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JFlux > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JFlux > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JFlux, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JFlux > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JHead_t > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JHead_t > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JHead_t > | |
    JLANG::JMultiPointer< JHead_t > | |
     JLANG::JMultiPointer< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JMultiPointer class |
     JLANG::JMultiPointer< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of multiple pointers for multiple data types |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JIO::JReader > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JIO::JReader > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JIO::JReader > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JIO::JReader, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSinglePointer< JIO::JReader > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JIO::JWriter > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JIO::JWriter > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JIO::JWriter > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JIO::JWriter, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSinglePointer< JIO::JWriter > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JLANG::JMultiPipe< T, N > > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JLANG::JMultiPipe< T, N > > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JLANG::JMultiPipe< T, N > > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JLANG::JMultiPipe< T, N >, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSinglePointer< JLANG::JMultiPipe< T, N > > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JLOGGER::JLogger > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JLOGGER::JLogger > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JLOGGER::JLogger > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JLOGGER::JLogger, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JLOGGER::JLogger > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JModuleRouter > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JModuleRouter > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JModuleRouter > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JModuleRouter, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSinglePointer< JModuleRouter > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JNET::JControlHost > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JNET::JControlHost > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JNET::JControlHost > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JNET::JControlHost, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JNET::JControlHost > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JObjectIterator< T > > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JObjectIterator< T > > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JObjectIterator< T > > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JObjectIterator< T >, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JObjectIterator< T > > | |
      JLANG::JObjectReader< T > | Auxiliary class for object reading |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JObjectOutput< JHead_t > > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JObjectOutput< JHead_t > > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JObjectOutput< JHead_t > > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JObjectOutput< JHead_t >, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JObjectOutput< JHead_t > > | |
      JLANG::JObjectWriter< JHead_t > | |
       JLANG::JSTDObjectWriter< JHead_t > | |
        JLANG::JSTDObjectWriter< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JSTDObjectWriter class |
        JLANG::JSTDObjectWriter< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object output from STD container for multiple data types |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JObjectOutput< JTail_t > > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JObjectOutput< JTail_t > > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JObjectOutput< JTail_t > > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JObjectOutput< JTail_t >, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JObjectOutput< JTail_t > > | |
      JLANG::JObjectWriter< JTail_t > | |
       JLANG::JSTDObjectWriter< JTail_t > | |
        JLANG::JSTDObjectWriter< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object output from STD container for multiple data types |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JObjectOutput< T > > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JObjectOutput< T > > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JObjectOutput< T > > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JObjectOutput< T >, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JObjectOutput< T > > | |
      JLANG::JObjectWriter< T > | Auxiliary class for object writing to a named device |
       JLANG::JSTDObjectWriter< T > | Implementation of object output from STD container |
        JLANG::JAssignSequence< T > | Auxiliary class to assign a sequence of Comma Separated Values (CSV) |
        JLANG::JAssignSequence< T >::JCSV | Auxiliary class to assign the remainder of a sequence of Comma Separated Values |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JOscProb > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JOscProb > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JOscProb > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JOscProb, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JOscProb > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JParserElementInterface > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JParserElementInterface > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JParserElementInterface > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JParserElementInterface, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JParserElementInterface > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JPropertiesElementInterface > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JPropertiesElementInterface > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JPropertiesElementInterface > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JPropertiesElementInterface, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JPropertiesElementInterface > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JRadiation > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JRadiation > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JRadiation > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JRadiation, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JRadiation > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JRewindableObjectIterator< const T > > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JRewindableObjectIterator< const T > > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JRewindableObjectIterator< const T > > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JRewindableObjectIterator< const T >, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JRewindableObjectIterator< const T > > | |
      JLANG::JRewindableObjectReader< const T > | |
       JLANG::JSTDObjectReader< const T > | Specialisation of object iteration from STD container for constant data |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JRewindableObjectIterator< JHead_t > > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JRewindableObjectIterator< JHead_t > > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JRewindableObjectIterator< JHead_t > > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JRewindableObjectIterator< JHead_t >, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JRewindableObjectIterator< JHead_t > > | |
      JLANG::JRewindableObjectReader< JHead_t > | |
       JLANG::JSTDObjectReader< JHead_t > | |
        JLANG::JSTDObjectReader< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JSTDObjectReader class |
        JLANG::JSTDObjectReader< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object iteration from STD container for multiple data types |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JRewindableObjectIterator< JTail_t > > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JRewindableObjectIterator< JTail_t > > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JRewindableObjectIterator< JTail_t > > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JRewindableObjectIterator< JTail_t >, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JRewindableObjectIterator< JTail_t > > | |
      JLANG::JRewindableObjectReader< JTail_t > | |
       JLANG::JSTDObjectReader< JTail_t > | |
        JLANG::JSTDObjectReader< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object iteration from STD container for multiple data types |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JRewindableObjectIterator< T > > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JRewindableObjectIterator< T > > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JRewindableObjectIterator< T > > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JRewindableObjectIterator< T >, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JRewindableObjectIterator< T > > | |
      JLANG::JRewindableObjectReader< T > | Auxiliary class for object reading with rewinding |
       JLANG::JSTDObjectReader< T > | Implementation of object iteration from STD container |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JServerSocket > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JServerSocket > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JServerSocket > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JServerSocket, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSinglePointer< JServerSocket > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JTail_t > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JTail_t > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JTail_t > | |
    JLANG::JMultiPointer< JTail_t > | |
     JLANG::JMultiPointer< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of multiple pointers for multiple data types |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JTimesliceRouter > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JTimesliceRouter > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JTimesliceRouter > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JTimesliceRouter, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSinglePointer< JTimesliceRouter > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JTOOLS::JFunction1D > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JTOOLS::JFunction1D > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JTOOLS::JFunction1D > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JTOOLS::JFunction1D, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSinglePointer< JTOOLS::JFunction1D > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JTOOLS::JMultiMapTransformer > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JTOOLS::JMultiMapTransformer > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JTOOLS::JMultiMapTransformer > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JTOOLS::JMultiMapTransformer, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JTOOLS::JMultiMapTransformer > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JTrigger3DMuon > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JTrigger3DMuon > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JTrigger3DMuon > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JTrigger3DMuon, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSinglePointer< JTrigger3DMuon > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JTrigger3DShower > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JTrigger3DShower > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JTrigger3DShower > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JTrigger3DShower, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSinglePointer< JTrigger3DShower > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JTRIGGER::JDAQHitSelector > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JTRIGGER::JDAQHitSelector > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JTRIGGER::JDAQHitSelector > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JTRIGGER::JDAQHitSelector, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JTRIGGER::JDAQHitSelector > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JTRIGGER::JMatch > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JTRIGGER::JMatch > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JTRIGGER::JMatch > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JTRIGGER::JMatch, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< JTRIGGER::JMatch > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JTriggerMXShower > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JTriggerMXShower > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JTriggerMXShower > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JTriggerMXShower, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSinglePointer< JTriggerMXShower > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JTriggerNB > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JTriggerNB > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JTriggerNB > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< JTriggerNB, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSinglePointer< JTriggerNB > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JTypeList< JDAQEvent, JTypelist_t > > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JTypeList< JDAQEvent, JTypelist_t > > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JTypeList< JDAQEvent, JTypelist_t > > | |
    JLANG::JMultiPointer< JTypeList< JDAQEvent, JTypelist_t > > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< JValue_t > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< JValue_t > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< JValue_t > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< match_type > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< match_type > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< match_type > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< match_type, JNew > | |
     JLANG::JSharedPointer< match_type > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< T > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< T > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< T > | |
    JLANG::JMultiPointer< T > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< TFile > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< TFile > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< TFile > | |
    JLANG::JStorage< TFile > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< TObject > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< TObject > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< TObject > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JAbstractPointer< TTree > > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractPointer< TTree > | |
   JLANG::JPointer< TTree > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JArray< 1, T > > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JArray< N, abscissa_type > > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JArray< N, argument_type > > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JArray< N, T > > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JClass_t, JNullType > | General purpose specialisation of class JEquals for any data type |
 JLANG::JEquals< JCompass > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JDetectorHeader > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JEmitter > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JGauss_t > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JMACAddress > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JMatrix1D > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JMatrix2D > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JMatrix3D > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JMatrix4D > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JMatrix5D > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JMatrixND > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JModel > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JModuleAddress > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JOscParametersInterface< double > > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JOscParametersInterface< JGrid< double > > > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JOscParametersInterface< T > > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JPolynome_t > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JQuaternion3D > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JRange< counter_type > > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JRange< double > > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JRange< int > > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JRange< JAbscissa_t > > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JRange< JDAQHit::JTOT_t > > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JRange< T > > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JRootClass > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JStatus > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JString > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JTreeScanner< JAssertConversion< JDerived_t, JBase_t >, JNullType > > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< JUTMGrid > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< super_const_iterator > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< super_const_iterator, super_iterator > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< super_const_reverse_iterator, super_reverse_iterator > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< super_iterator > | |
 JLANG::JEquals< T > | |
 JLANG::JEquation | General purpose equation class |
  JLANG::JEquation_t | Auxiliary data structure to read equations |
 JLANG::JEquationParameters | Simple data structure to support I/O of equations (see class JLANG::JEquation) |
  JEEP::JProperties | Utility class to parse parameter values |
   JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JResultTitle | Class dedicated to standardize the title of the graphical objects produced by the JTest_t() derived classes |
   JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestSummary::JTestSummaryHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of test result message |
   JDETECTOR::JDetectorHeader::JDetectorHeaderHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of detector header |
   JDETECTOR::JDetectorParametersHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of JDetectorParameters data structure |
   JDETECTOR::JPMTParameters::JPMTParametersHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of PMT parameters |
   JOSCPROB::JOscChannel::JOscChannelHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of oscillation channel |
   JOSCPROB::JOscParametersInterface< T >::JOscParametersHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of oscillation parameters |
  JLANG::JEquationFacet | Facet class to specify parsing of equations in currect locale (see class JLANG::JEquation) |
 JFIT::JEstimator< JModel_t > | Template definition of linear fit |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JMuonPrefit | Wrapper class to make pre-fit of muon trajectory |
 JFIT::JEstimator< JLine1Z > | |
 JACOUSTICS::JEvent::JEvaluator | Auxiliary class to determine value of acoustic events |
 JACOUSTICS::JEvt::JEvaluator | Auxiliary class to determine value of acoustic events |
 JEvent | Data structure for start_event tag |
 JFIT::JEvent | Auxiliary class for historical event |
 KM3NETDAQ::JEvent_t | Auxiliary class for handling event name and optional number |
 JACOUSTICS::JEventOverlap | Match of two events considering overlap in time |
 JTRIGGER::JEventOverlap | Match of two events considering overlap in time |
 JAANET::JEvtEvaluator | Auxiliary class to determine value of Evt objects |
 JEvtWeight | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JEvtWeight > | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JEvtWeight, JEvtWeightCorsika > | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JEvtWeight, JEvtWeightDAQ > | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JEvtWeight, JEvtWeightGSeaGen > | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JEvtWeight, JEvtWeightKM3BUU > | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JEvtWeight, JEvtWeightMupage > | |
 JEvtWeightFactor | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JEvtWeightFactor > | |
 JEvtWeightFactor_t | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JEvtWeightFactor_t, JEvtWeightFactorFunction< JFunction_t, JEvtWeightFactor_t > > | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JEvtWeightFactor_t, JEvtWeightFactorFunction< pEvtWeightFactor, JEvtWeightFactor_t > > | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JEvtWeightFactor_t, JEvtWeightFactorMultiParticle< JEvtWeightFactor_t > > | |
 JAANET::JEvtWeightInterface | Low-level interface for event weighing |
  JAANET::JEvtWeight | Abstract base class for event weighing |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JArgument_t, JResult_t >::JExceptionHandler | Exception handler for functional object |
  JTOOLS::JFunctional< JArgument_t, JResult_t >::JDefaultResult | Exception handler for functional object using default result |
 JLANG::JTest::JFalse | Definition of false |
 JEEP::JProperties::JFileReader | Auxiliary class to handle input from file |
 JFileReader_t | |
  JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloFileReader< Evt, JFileReader_t > | Template specialisation of JMonteCarloFileReader for Event |
  JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloFileReader< Head, JFileReader_t > | Template specialisation of JMonteCarloFileReader for Head |
 JFileScanner_t | |
  JSUPPORT::JParallelFileScanner< JHead_t, JFileScanner_t > | |
   JSUPPORT::JParallelFileScanner< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType >, JFileScanner_t > | Terminator class of recursive JParallelFileScanner class |
   JSUPPORT::JParallelFileScanner< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JFileScanner_t > | Template specialisation of JParallelFileScanner for multiple data types |
  JSUPPORT::JParallelFileScanner< JTail_t, JFileScanner_t > | |
   JSUPPORT::JParallelFileScanner< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JFileScanner_t > | Template specialisation of JParallelFileScanner for multiple data types |
  JSUPPORT::JParallelFileScanner< JTypeList< JDAQEvent, JTypelist_t >, JFileScanner_t > | |
   JSUPPORT::JTriggeredFileScanner< JTypelist_t, JFileScanner_t > | Auxiliary class to synchronously read DAQ events and Monte Carlo events (and optionally other events) |
  JSUPPORT::JEvtWeightFileScanner< JFileScanner_t > | Template event-weighter-associated file scanner |
  JSUPPORT::JParallelFileScanner< T, JFileScanner_t > | General purpose class for parallel reading of objects from a single file or multiple files |
 JLANG::JFind_if< JTypename_t, JPredicate_t > | Template definition of auxiliary class to select objects |
 JLANG::JFind_if< JResult_t T::*, JPredicate_t > | Template specialisation of JFind_if for selection of objects via data member |
 JLANG::JFind_if< JResult_t(T::*)() const, JPredicate_t > | Template specialisation of JFind_if for selection of objects via member method |
 JCALIBRATE::JFitK40_t< JFunction_t > | Template definition of two-fold coincidence rate due to K40 and other radioactive decays |
 JCALIBRATE::JFitK40_t<> | |
  JCALIBRATE::JFitK40_t< TF1 > | Template specialisation of two-fold coincidence rate due to K40 and other radioactive decays |
  JCALIBRATE::JFitK40_t< TF2 > | Template specialisation of two-fold coincidence rate due to K40 and other radioactive decays |
 JCALIBRATE::JFitK40Parameters | Fit parameters for two-fold coincidence rate due to K40 |
  JCALIBRATE::JFitK40_t< JNullType > | Template specialisation of two-fold coincidence rate due to K40 and other radioactive decays |
 JROOT::JFitParameter_t | Auxiliary data structure for a parameter index and its value |
 JCALIBRATE::JFitToTParameters | Fit parameters for two-fold coincidence rate due to K40 |
  JCALIBRATE::JFitToT | Parametrisation of time-over-threshold distribution |
 JACOUSTICS::JGEOMETRY::JFloor | Floor geometry |
 JFlux | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JFlux, JOscFlux > | |
 JFormat_t | Data structure for format specifications |
  JFormat | Auxiliary class to temporarily define format specifications |
 JLANG::JForwardIterator< T > | Template interface for method bool increment() |
  JLANG::JBidirectionalIterator< T > | Template interface for method bool decrement() |
   JSUPPORT::JTreeScannerInterface< JClass_t, JNullType >::basic_iterator< T > | Base class for STD compatible iterator |
  JTOOLS::JHashMap< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType >, JValue_t, JEvaluator_t >::super_const_iterator | Terminator class of multidimensional const_iterator |
  JTOOLS::JHashMap< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType >, JValue_t, JEvaluator_t >::super_iterator | Terminator class of multidimensional iterator |
  JTOOLS::JHashMap< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JValue_t, JEvaluator_t >::super_const_iterator | Multidimensional const_iterator |
  JTOOLS::JHashMap< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JValue_t, JEvaluator_t >::super_iterator | Multidimensional iterator |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JLANG::JNullType >, JDistance_t >::iterator_helper< iterator_type, ordinate_type > | Helper class for multidimensional iterator |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JDistance_t >::iterator_helper< first_iterator, second_iterator > | Helper class for multidimensional iterator |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JDistance_t >::reverse_iterator_helper< first_iterator, second_iterator > | Helper class for multidimensional reverse iterator |
 JLANG::JForwardIterator< iterator_helper< first_iterator, second_iterator > > | |
 JLANG::JForwardIterator< iterator_helper< iterator_type, ordinate_type > > | |
 JLANG::JForwardIterator< reverse_iterator_helper< first_iterator, second_iterator > > | |
 JLANG::JForwardIterator< super_const_iterator > | |
 JLANG::JForwardIterator< super_iterator > | |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JArgument_t, JResult_t > | Template definition of function object interface |
  JPHYSICS::JCDFTable< JFunction1D_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | Multi-dimensional CDF table for arrival time of Cherenkov light |
  JTOOLS::JFunction< JArgument_t, JResult_t > | Template definition of function object interface in multidimensions |
   JTOOLS::JFunction1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t > | Template definition of function object interface in one dimension |
    JTOOLS::JConstantFunction1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t > | Template implementation of function object in one dimension returning a constant value |
    JTOOLS::JExternalFunction1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t > | Template implementation of function object in one dimension using an external function |
    JTOOLS::JFunctionObject1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t > | Template implementation of function object in one dimension |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JArgument_t, JMap_t< JArgument_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t >::result_type > | |
  JTOOLS::JFunction< JArgument_t, JMap_t< JArgument_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t >::result_type > | |
   JTOOLS::JFunction1D< JArgument_t, JMap_t< JArgument_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t >::result_type > | |
    JTOOLS::JMultiFunction< JConstantFunction1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JMapList< JMap_t >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation of JMultiFunction for a JConstantFunction |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type, double > | |
  JTOOLS::JFunction< JElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type, double > | |
   JTOOLS::JFunction1D< JElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type, double > | |
    JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< N, JElement2D< double, double >, JCollection, double > | |
     JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D_t< 0 > | |
      JTOOLS::JPolint0Function1D_t | Type definition of a zero degree polynomial interpolation with result type double |
     JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D_t< 1 > | |
      JTOOLS::JPolint1Function1D_t | Type definition of a 1st degree polynomial interpolation with result type double |
       JPHYSICS::JPetzhold | Measurement of light scattering in water |
     JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D_t< 2 > | |
      JTOOLS::JPolint2Function1D_t | Type definition of a 2nd degree polynomial interpolation with result type double |
     JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D_t< 3 > | |
      JTOOLS::JPolint3Function1D_t | Type definition of a 3rd degree polynomial interpolation with result type double |
     JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D_t< N > | Polynomial interpolation method with result type double |
    JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< N, JElement2D< double, double >, JGridCollection, double > | |
     JTOOLS::JGridPolintFunction1D_t< 0 > | |
      JTOOLS::JGridPolint0Function1D_t | Type definition of a zero degree polynomial interpolation based on a JGridCollection with result type double |
     JTOOLS::JGridPolintFunction1D_t< 1 > | |
      JTOOLS::JGridPolint1Function1D_t | Type definition of a 1st degree polynomial interpolation based on a JGridCollection with result type double |
       JASTRONOMY::JStarTrek | Auxiliary class for source tracking |
       JCOMPASS::JNOAAFunction1D_t | Auxiliary base class for interpolation of magnetic declination data obtained from website of NOAA |
        JCOMPASS::JARCAMagneticDeclination | Interpolation of magnetic declination data at ARCA site |
        JCOMPASS::JORCAMagneticDeclination | Interpolation of magnetic declination data at ORCA site |
        JCOMPASS::JZEROMagneticDeclination | Fall back class for zero magnetic declination |
       JPHYSICS::JGeant_t | Base class for the probability density function of photon emission from EM-shower as a function of the index of refraction and the cosine of the emission angle |
        JPHYSICS::JGeant | Function object for the probability density function of photon emission from EM-shower as a function of the index of refraction and the cosine of the emission angle |
     JTOOLS::JGridPolintFunction1D_t< 2 > | |
      JTOOLS::JGridPolint2Function1D_t | Type definition of a 2nd degree polynomial interpolation based on a JGridCollection with result type double |
     JTOOLS::JGridPolintFunction1D_t< 3 > | |
      JTOOLS::JGridPolint3Function1D_t | Type definition of a 3rd degree polynomial interpolation based on a JGridCollection with result type double |
     JTOOLS::JGridPolintFunction1D_t< N > | Polynomial interpolation method based on a JGridCollection with result type double |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type, JResultDerivative< double > > | |
  JTOOLS::JFunction< JElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type, JResultDerivative< double > > | |
   JTOOLS::JFunction1D< JElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type, JResultDerivative< double > > | |
    JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< N, JElement2D< double, double >, JCollection, JResultDerivative< double > > | |
     JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1H_t< 1 > | |
      JTOOLS::JPolint1Function1H_t | Type definition of a 1st degree polynomial interpolation with result type JResultDerivative |
     JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1H_t< 2 > | |
      JTOOLS::JPolint2Function1H_t | Type definition of a 2nd degree polynomial interpolation with result type JResultDerivative |
     JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1H_t< 3 > | |
      JTOOLS::JPolint3Function1H_t | Type definition of a 3rd degree polynomial interpolation with result type JResultDerivative |
     JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1H_t< N > | Polynomial interpolation method with result type JResultDerivative |
    JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< N, JElement2D< double, double >, JGridCollection, JResultDerivative< double > > | |
     JTOOLS::JGridPolintFunction1H_t< 2 > | |
      JTOOLS::JGridPolint1Function1H_t | Type definition of a 1st degree polynomial interpolation with result type JResultDerivative |
      JTOOLS::JGridPolint2Function1H_t | Type definition of a 2nd degree polynomial interpolation with result type JResultDerivative |
     JTOOLS::JGridPolintFunction1H_t< 3 > | |
      JTOOLS::JGridPolint3Function1H_t | Type definition of a 3rd degree polynomial interpolation with result type JResultDerivative |
     JTOOLS::JGridPolintFunction1H_t< N > | Polynomial interpolation method based on a JGridCollection with result type JResultDerivative |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >::abscissa_type, JResult_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JFunction< JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >::abscissa_type, JResult_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JFunction1D< JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >::abscissa_type, JResult_t > | |
    JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 0, JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
     JTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JPolint0FunctionalMap >::function_type< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Corresponding one-dimensional function interpolator |
    JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 0, JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JGridCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
     JTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JPolint0FunctionalGridMap >::function_type< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Corresponding one-dimensional function interpolator |
    JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 1, JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
     JTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JPolint1FunctionalMap >::function_type< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Corresponding one-dimensional function interpolator |
    JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 1, JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JGridCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
     JTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JPolint1FunctionalGridMap >::function_type< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Corresponding one-dimensional function interpolator |
    JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 2, JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
     JTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JPolint2FunctionalMap >::function_type< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Corresponding one-dimensional function interpolator |
    JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 2, JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JGridCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
     JTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JPolint2FunctionalGridMap >::function_type< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Corresponding one-dimensional function interpolator |
    JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 3, JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
     JTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JPolint3FunctionalMap >::function_type< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Corresponding one-dimensional function interpolator |
    JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 3, JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JGridCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
     JTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JPolint3FunctionalGridMap >::function_type< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Corresponding one-dimensional function interpolator |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >::abscissa_type, typename JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >::ordinate_type > | |
  JTOOLS::JFunction< JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >::abscissa_type, typename JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >::ordinate_type > | |
   JTOOLS::JFunction1D< JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >::abscissa_type, typename JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >::ordinate_type > | |
    JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 1, JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JGridCollection > | |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JFunction< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JDistance_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JFunction1D< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JDistance_t > | |
    JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction1D< JElement_t, JGridCollection, JDistance_t > | |
     JTOOLS::JGridHermiteSplineFunction1D< JElement_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a spline interpolation based on a JGridCollection |
    JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 0, JElement_t, JCollection, JDistance_t > | |
     JTOOLS::JPolint0Function1D< JElement_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a zero degree polynomial interpolation |
    JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 1, JElement_t, JCollection, JDistance_t > | |
     JTOOLS::JPolint1Function1D< JElement_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a 1st degree polynomial interpolation |
    JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 2, JElement_t, JCollection, JDistance_t > | |
     JTOOLS::JPolint2Function1D< JElement_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a 2nd degree polynomial interpolation |
    JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 3, JElement_t, JCollection, JDistance_t > | |
     JTOOLS::JPolint3Function1D< JElement_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a 3rd degree polynomial interpolation |
    JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JElement_t, JGridCollection, JDistance_t > | |
     JTOOLS::JGridSplineFunction1D< JElement_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a spline interpolation based on a JGridCollection |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JResult_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JFunction< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JResult_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JFunction1D< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JResult_t > | |
    JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction1D< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Template class for spline interpolation in 1D |
    JTOOLS::JPolfitFunction1D< N, M, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Template class for polynomial interpolation in 1D |
    JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Template class for polynomial interpolation in 1D |
     JPHYSICS::JCDFTable1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t > | Custom class for CDF table in 1 dimension |
    JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Template class for spline interpolation in 1D |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JResultDerivative< JResultType< JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JFunction< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JResultDerivative< JResultType< JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type > > | |
   JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultDerivative< typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for spline interpolation method with returning JResultDerivative data structure |
   JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultDerivative< typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for polynomial interpolation method with returning JResultDerivative data structure |
   JTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultDerivative< typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for spline interpolation method with returning JResultDerivative data structure |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JResultHesse< JResultType< JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JFunction< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JResultHesse< JResultType< JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type > > | |
   JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultHesse< typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for polynomial interpolation method with returning JResultHesse data structure |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JResultPDF< JResultType< JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JFunction< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JResultPDF< JResultType< JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type > > | |
   JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultPDF< typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for spline interpolation method with returning JResultPDF data structure |
   JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultPDF< typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for polynomial interpolation method with returning JResultPDF data structure |
   JTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultPDF< typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for spline interpolation method with returning JResultPDF data structure |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JResultPolynome< N, JResultType< JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JFunction< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JResultPolynome< N, JResultType< JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type > > | |
   JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultPolynome< M, typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for polynomial interpolation method with returning JResultPolynome data structure |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JResultType< JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type > | |
  JTOOLS::JFunction< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JResultType< JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type > | |
   JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction< JElement_t, JCollection_t, typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for functional collection with spline interpolation |
   JTOOLS::JPolfitFunction< N, M, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Functional collection with Legendre polynomial interpolation |
   JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< 0, JElement_t, JCollection_t, typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for zero-degree polynomial interpolation method |
   JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< 1, JElement_t, JCollection_t, typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for first-degree polynomial interpolation method |
   JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for functional collection with polynomial interpolation |
   JTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JElement_t, JCollection_t, typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for functional collection with spline interpolation |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JKey_t, JResult_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JFunction< JKey_t, JResult_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JMap_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Functional map with spline interpolation |
   JTOOLS::JSplineMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JMap_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Functional map with spline interpolation |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JKey_t, JResultDerivative< JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JFunction< JKey_t, JResultDerivative< JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type > > | |
   JTOOLS::JSplineMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JGridMap, JResultDerivative< JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JSplineMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JMap, JResultDerivative< JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JKey_t, JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type > | |
  JTOOLS::JFunction< JKey_t, JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type > | |
   JTOOLS::JSplineMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JGridMap, JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type, JDistance_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JSplineMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JMap, JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type, JDistance_t > | |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JNullType, JNullType > | Template specialisation of compilable function object |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JPolintElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type, JResultPDF< double > > | |
  JTOOLS::JFunction< JPolintElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type, JResultPDF< double > > | |
   JTOOLS::JFunction1D< JPolintElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type, JResultPDF< double > > | |
    JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< N, JPolintElement2S< double, double >, JCollection, JResultPDF< double > > | |
     JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1S_t< 1 > | |
      JTOOLS::JPolint1Function1S_t | Type definition of a 1st degree polynomial interpolation with result type JResultPDF |
     JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1S_t< 2 > | |
      JTOOLS::JPolint2Function1S_t | Type definition of a 2nd degree polynomial interpolation with result type JResultPDF |
     JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1S_t< 3 > | |
      JTOOLS::JPolint3Function1S_t | Type definition of a 3rd degree polynomial interpolation with result type JResultPDF |
     JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1S_t< N > | Polynomial interpolation method with result type JResultPDF |
    JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< N, JPolintElement2S< double, double >, JGridCollection, JResultPDF< double > > | |
     JTOOLS::JGridPolintFunction1S_t< 1 > | |
      JTOOLS::JGridPolint1Function1S_t | Type definition of a 1st degree polynomial interpolation with result type JResulPDF |
     JTOOLS::JGridPolintFunction1S_t< 2 > | |
      JTOOLS::JGridPolint2Function1S_t | Type definition of a 2nd degree polynomial interpolation with result type JResulPDF |
     JTOOLS::JGridPolintFunction1S_t< 3 > | |
      JTOOLS::JGridPolint3Function1S_t | Type definition of a 3rd degree polynomial interpolation with result type JResulPDF |
     JTOOLS::JGridPolintFunction1S_t< N > | Polynomial interpolation method with result type JResultPDF |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >::abscissa_type, result_type > | |
  JTOOLS::JFunction< JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >::abscissa_type, result_type > | |
   JTOOLS::JFunction1D< JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >::abscissa_type, result_type > | |
    JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >, JMapCollection< JMap_t >::template collection_type, result_type > | |
    JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >, JMapCollection< JGridMap >::template collection_type, result_type > | |
    JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >, JMapCollection< JMap >::template collection_type, result_type > | |
    JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >, JMapCollection< JMap_t >::template collection_type, result_type > | |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JSplineElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type, double > | |
  JTOOLS::JFunction< JSplineElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type, double > | |
   JTOOLS::JFunction1D< JSplineElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type, double > | |
    JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2D< double, double >, JCollection, double > | |
     JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction1D_t | Type definition of a spline interpolation method based on a JCollection with double result type |
    JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2D< double, double >, JGridCollection, double > | |
     JTOOLS::JGridHermiteSplineFunction1D_t | Type definition of a spline interpolation based on a JGridCollection with result type double |
      JDETECTOR::JTransitionTimeGenerator_t | Auxiliary base class to generate PMT transition times based on measurements |
       JDETECTOR::JTransitionTimeGenerator | Implementation to generate PMT transition times based on measurements by Oleg Kalekin et al. (see also examples/JDetector/JTTS.cc) |
       JDETECTOR::JTransitionTimeGenerator38 | Implementation to generate PMT transition times based on measurements |
       JDETECTOR::JTransitionTimeGenerator41 | Implementation to generate PMT transition times based on measurements |
       JDETECTOR::JTransitionTimeGenerator67 | Implementation to generate PMT transition times based on measurements |
       JDETECTOR::JTransitionTimeGeneratorXX | Implementation to generate PMT transition times based on measurements |
    JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2D< double, double >, JCollection, double > | |
     JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D_t | Type definition of a spline interpolation method based on a JCollection with double result type |
    JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2D< double, double >, JGridCollection, double > | |
     JTOOLS::JGridSplineFunction1D_t | Type definition of a spline interpolation based on a JGridCollection with result type double |
      JDETECTOR::JTransitionTimeProbability2D | Auxiliary class to generate twofold PMT transition times |
      JDETECTOR::JTransitionTimeProbability_t | Auxiliary base class for probability distibution of the PMT transition times based on measurements |
       JDETECTOR::JTransitionTimeProbability | Implementation of probability distibution of the PMT transition times based on measurements by Oleg Kalekin et al |
       JDETECTOR::JTransitionTimeProbability38 | Implementation of probability distibution of the PMT transition times based on measurements |
       JDETECTOR::JTransitionTimeProbability41 | Implementation of probability distibution of the PMT transition times based on measurements |
       JDETECTOR::JTransitionTimeProbability67 | Implementation of probability distibution of the PMT transition times based on measurements |
       JDETECTOR::JTransitionTimeProbabilityXX | Implementation of probability distibution of the PMT transition times based on measurements |
      JPHYSICS::JAbsorptionLengthOfPureWater | Absorption length of pure water |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JSplineElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >::abscissa_type, JResult_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JFunction< JSplineElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >::abscissa_type, JResult_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JFunction1D< JSplineElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >::abscissa_type, JResult_t > | |
    JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
     JTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JSplineFunctionalMap >::function_type< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Corresponding one-dimensional function interpolator |
    JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JGridCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
     JTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JSplineFunctionalGridMap >::function_type< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Corresponding one-dimensional function interpolator |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JSplineElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type, JResultDerivative< double > > | |
  JTOOLS::JFunction< JSplineElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type, JResultDerivative< double > > | |
   JTOOLS::JFunction1D< JSplineElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type, JResultDerivative< double > > | |
    JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JCollection, JResultDerivative< double > > | |
     JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction1H_t | Type definition of a spline interpolation method based on a JCollection with JResultDerivative result type |
    JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JGridCollection, JResultDerivative< double > > | |
     JTOOLS::JGridHermiteSplineFunction1H_t | Type definition of a spline interpolation based on a JGridCollection with JResultDerivative result type |
    JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JCollection, JResultDerivative< double > > | |
     JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1H_t | Type definition of a spline interpolation method based on a JCollection with JResultDerivative result type |
    JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JGridCollection, JResultDerivative< double > > | |
     JTOOLS::JGridSplineFunction1H_t | Type definition of a spline interpolation based on a JGridCollection with JResultDerivative result type |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JSplineElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type, JResultPDF< double > > | |
  JTOOLS::JFunction< JSplineElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type, JResultPDF< double > > | |
   JTOOLS::JFunction1D< JSplineElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type, JResultPDF< double > > | |
    JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JCollection, JResultPDF< double > > | |
     JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction1S_t | Type definition of a spline interpolation method based on a JCollection with JResultPDF result type |
    JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JCollection, JResultPDF< double > > | |
     JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1S_t | Type definition of a spline interpolation method based on a JCollection with JResultPDF result type |
    JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JGridCollection, JResultPDF< double > > | |
     JTOOLS::JGridSplineFunction1S_t | Type definition of a spline interpolation based on a JGridCollection with JResultPDF result type |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JTOOLS::JElement2D< double, JTDC_t >::abscissa_type, JTDC_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JFunction< JTOOLS::JElement2D< double, JTDC_t >::abscissa_type, JTDC_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JFunction1D< JTOOLS::JElement2D< double, JTDC_t >::abscissa_type, JTDC_t > | |
    JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 0, JTOOLS::JElement2D< double, JTDC_t >, JTOOLS::JGridCollection, JTDC_t > | |
     JDETECTOR::JTransferFunction1D< double, JTDC_t > | |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional< JTOOLS::JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >::abscissa_type, JOrdinate_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JFunction< JTOOLS::JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >::abscissa_type, JOrdinate_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JFunction1D< JTOOLS::JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >::abscissa_type, JOrdinate_t > | |
    JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 0, JTOOLS::JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JTOOLS::JGridCollection, JOrdinate_t > | |
     JDETECTOR::JTransferFunction1D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t > | Auxiliary class for a non-linear transfer function of TDC inside FPGA |
 JTOOLS::JFunctional<> | |
  JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineCollection< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JDistance_t > | Template base class spline interpolations |
  JTOOLS::JSplineCollection< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JDistance_t > | Template base class for spline interpolations |
 JTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JFunctionalMap_t > | Auxiliary class to define corresponding one-dimensional function interpolator function_type |
 JTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JPolint0FunctionalGridMap > | Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JPolint0FunctionalGridMap |
 JTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JPolint0FunctionalMap > | Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JPolint0FunctionalMap |
 JTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JPolint1FunctionalGridMap > | Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JPolint1FunctionalGridMap |
 JTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JPolint1FunctionalMap > | Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JPolint1FunctionalMap |
 JTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JPolint2FunctionalGridMap > | Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JPolint2FunctionalGridMap |
 JTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JPolint2FunctionalMap > | Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JPolint2FunctionalMap |
 JTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JPolint3FunctionalGridMap > | Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JPolint3FunctionalGridMap |
 JTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JPolint3FunctionalMap > | Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JPolint3FunctionalMap |
 JTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JSplineFunctionalGridMap > | Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JSplineFunctionalGridMap |
 JTOOLS::JFunctionalMap< JSplineFunctionalMap > | Specialisation of JFunctionalMap for JSplineFunctionalMap |
 JACOUSTICS::JGandalf< T > | |
 JPHYSICS::JGeane | Interface for muon energy loss |
  JPHYSICS::JGeane_t | Function object for the energy loss of the muon |
  JPHYSICS::JGeaneWater | Function object for energy dependent energy loss of the muon |
 JPHYSICS::JGeanx | Probability density function of photon emission from EM-shower as a function of cosine of the emission angle |
 JPHYSICS::JGeanz | Function object for longitudinal profile of EM-shower |
 JMARKOV::JGenerator | Abstract interface for the generation of points in 3D space |
  JMARKOV::J3DhistGenerator | Implementation of the JGenerator interface |
  JMARKOV::JBallGenerator | Implementation of the JGenerator interface |
  JMARKOV::JCombinedGenerator | Implementation of the JGenerator interface |
  JMARKOV::JExponentialGenerator | Implementation of the JGenerator interface |
  JMARKOV::JExpRsqInvGenerator | Implementation of the JGenerator interface |
  JMARKOV::JGaussianGenerator | Implementation of the JGenerator interface |
  JMARKOV::JHistGenerator | Implementation of the JGenerator interface |
  JMARKOV::JMagicalDistribution | The 'magical distributions' are a class of distributions |
  JMARKOV::JShiftedGenerator | Implementation of the JGenerator interface |
  JMARKOV::JSingularityGenerator | Implementation of the JGenerator interface |
  JMARKOV::JSphereGenerator | Implementation of the JGenerator interface |
  JMARKOV::JTripleGenerator | Implementation of the JGenerator interface |
  JMARKOV::JUniformGenerator | Implementation of the JGenerator interface |
 JASTRONOMY::JGeographicalLocation | Location of detector |
  JASTRONOMY::JAstronomy | Auxiliary class to make coordinate transformations for a specific geographical location of the detector |
 JMATH::JSVD3D::JGivens | Givens quaternion |
 JROOT::JGraph2D_t | Data structure for graph data |
 JROOT::JGraph2DErrors_t | Data structure for graph data |
 JROOT::JGraph_t | Data structure for graph data |
 JROOT::JGraphErrors_t | Data structure for graph data |
 JLANG::JGroup< T > | Auxiliary class for a fixed group of objects |
 JTOOLS::JHashEvaluator | Auxiliary class for default hash key evaluation |
  JTOOLS::JHashMapEvaluator< JHashEvaluator > | |
 JLANG::JHasID< T, ID > | Test presence of data type identifier in labelled type list |
 JLANG::JHasID< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, ID > | Recursive test of presence data type identifier in labelled type list |
 JLANG::JHasType< JTypeList_t, T > | Test presence of data type in type list |
 JLANG::JHasType< JNullType, T > | Termination of recursive test of presence data type in type list |
 JLANG::JHasType< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, T > | Recursive test of presence data type in type list |
 JLANG::JHasType< JTypeList< T, JTail_t >, T > | Identify presence data type in type list |
 JLANG::JHasType< T, T > | Specialisation of JHasType for single class type |
 JACOUSTICS::JHead | Acoustic event header |
  JACOUSTICS::JEvt | Acoustic event fit |
 JHead_t | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JLANG::JNullType >, JDistance_t > | Terminator class of recursive JMultiMap class |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation of JMultiMap for map list with at least one map |
 JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Template definition for functional collection with spline interpolation |
  JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction1D< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Template class for spline interpolation in 1D |
 JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction< JElement_t, JGridCollection, JDistance_t, JDistance< typename JElement_t::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction1D< JElement_t, JGridCollection, JDistance_t > | |
 JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction< JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >, JMapCollection< JMap_t >::template collection_type, result_type, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >, JMapCollection< JMap_t >::template collection_type, result_type > | |
 JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction< JSplineElement2D< double, double >, JCollection, double, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2D< double, double >, JCollection, double > | |
 JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction< JSplineElement2D< double, double >, JGridCollection, double, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2D< double, double >, JGridCollection, double > | |
 JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JCollection, JResultDerivative< double >, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JCollection, JResultDerivative< double > > | |
 JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JCollection, JResultPDF< double >, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JCollection, JResultPDF< double > > | |
 JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JGridCollection, JResultDerivative< double >, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JGridCollection, JResultDerivative< double > > | |
 MONITORL1DT::JHistogram | Auxiliary data structure for histogram management |
 JTOOLS::JHistogram< JAbscissa_t, JContents_t > | Template definition of histogram object interface |
  JTOOLS::JHistogram1D< JBin2D< JAbscissa_t, JContents_t >, JContainer_t, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation if JHistogram1D class with bin centering |
 JTOOLS::JHistogram< JAbscissa_t, JContents_t::contents_type > | |
  JTOOLS::JHistogramMap< JAbscissa_t, JContents_t, JMap_t, JDistance_t > | Histogram map |
 JTOOLS::JHistogram< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JElement_t::ordinate_type > | |
  JTOOLS::JHistogram1D< JElement_t, JContainer_t, JDistance_t > | Histogram in 1D |
 JTOOLS::JHistogram< JKey_t, JHistogram_t::contents_type > | |
  JTOOLS::JHistogramMap< JKey_t, JHistogram_t, JGridMap, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JHistogramMap< JKey_t, JHistogram_t, JMap, JDistance_t > | |
 JTRIGGER::JHit | Hit data structure |
  JTRIGGER::JHitL0 | Data structure for L0 hit |
  JTRIGGER::JHitR0 | Reduced data structure for L0 hit |
  JTRIGGER::JHitR1 | Reduced data structure for L1 hit |
  JTRIGGER::JTriggeredHit | Data structure for triggered hit |
 JSIRENE::JHit_t | Auxiliary class to set-up Hit |
 JTRIGGER::JHitToolkit< JHit_t, isPrimitive > | Template definition of hit toolkit |
 JTRIGGER::JHitToolkit< JContainer_t::value_type > | |
  JTRIGGER::JClone< JContainer_t > | Clone of a container |
 JTRIGGER::JHitToolkit< JDAQHit, false > | Template specialisation of hit toolkit for JDAQHit class |
 JTRIGGER::JHitToolkit< JElement_t > | |
  JTRIGGER::JFrame_t< JElement_t, std::allocator< JElement_t > > | |
   JTRIGGER::JSuperFrame1D< JElement_t > | |
  JTRIGGER::JFrame_t< JElement_t, JAllocator_t > | Data frame with end marker |
   JTRIGGER::JFrame< JElement_t, JAllocator_t > | Data frame for calibrated hits of one PMT |
   JTRIGGER::JSuperFrame1D< JElement_t, JAllocator_t > | 1-dimensional frame with time calibrated data from one optical module |
  JTRIGGER::JSuperFrameClone2D< JElement_t > | Clone of JSuperFrame2D |
  JTRIGGER::JTimesliceClone< JElement_t > | Clone of JTimeslice |
 JTRIGGER::JHitToolkit< JFrame< JElement_t, JAllocator_t >::value_type > | |
  JTRIGGER::JClone< JFrame< JElement_t, JAllocator_t > > | |
   JTRIGGER::JFrameClone< JElement_t, JAllocator_t > | Clone of JFrame |
 JTRIGGER::JHitToolkit< JHit > | |
  JTRIGGER::JBuildL1< JHit > | |
  JTRIGGER::JTriggerInput | Data structure for input to trigger algorithm |
 JTRIGGER::JHitToolkit< JHit, false > | Template specialisation of hit toolkit for JHit class |
  JTRIGGER::JHitToolkit< JHitR0, false > | Template specialisation of hit toolkit for JHitR0 class |
 JTRIGGER::JHitToolkit< JHit_t > | |
  JTRIGGER::JBuildL1< JHit_t > | Template L1 hit builder |
 JTRIGGER::JHitToolkit< JHit_t, true > | Template specialisation of hit toolkit for any primitive data type |
 JTRIGGER::JHitToolkit< JSuperFrame1D< JElement_t >::value_type > | |
  JTRIGGER::JClone< JSuperFrame1D< JElement_t > > | |
   JTRIGGER::JSuperFrameClone1D< JElement_t > | Clone of JSuperFrame1D |
 JNET::JHostname | Auxiliary data structure for hostname and port number |
  KM3NETDAQ::JDAQProcess | Auxiliary class for itemization of process list |
 JCALIBRATE::JHVInterpolator | Auxiliary data structure to store high-voltage versus gain data and interpolate the nominal high-voltage |
 JLANG::JIndexOf< JTypeList_t, T > | Indexing of data type in type list |
 JLANG::JIndexOf< JNullType, T > | Termination of recursive indexing of data type in type list |
 JLANG::JIndexOf< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, T > | Recursive indexing of data type in type list |
 JLANG::JIndexOf< JTypeList< T, JTail_t >, T > | Identify indexi of data type in type list |
 JFIT::JK40 | Auxiliary class for handling light yields due to K40 decays |
  JFIT::JK40Hit | Auxiliary class for simultaneously handling light yields and response of module |
  JFIT::JNPE | Auxiliary class for handling various light yields |
   JFIT::JNPEHit | Auxiliary class for simultaneously handling light yields and response of PMT |
  JFIT::JShowerNPE | Auxiliary class for handling EM shower light yield |
   JFIT::JShowerNPEHit | Auxiliary class for simultaneously handling light yields and response of PMT |
 JPHYSICS::JK40Rates | Auxiliary class for K40 rates |
  JDETECTOR::JK40DefaultSimulator | Default implementation of the simulation of K40 background |
   JTRIGGER::JK40RunByRunSimulator | K40 simulation based on run-by-run information |
 JDETECTOR::JK40Simulator | Interface for simulation of K40 background |
  JDETECTOR::JDetectorSimulator | Detector simulation |
  JDETECTOR::JK40DefaultSimulatorInterface | Default K40 simulator interface |
   JDETECTOR::JK40DefaultSimulator | Default implementation of the simulation of K40 background |
 JACOUSTICS::JKatoomba< JMinimiser_t > | Template definition of fit function of acoustic model |
 JACOUSTICS::JKatoomba< JACOUSTICS::JGandalf > | |
 JACOUSTICS::JKatoomba< JFIT::JAbstractMinimiser > | |
 JACOUSTICS::JKatoomba< JFIT::JEstimator > | |
 JACOUSTICS::JKatoomba<> | |
  JACOUSTICS::JKatoomba< JAbstractMinimiser > | Template specialisation of fit function of acoustic model based on JAbstractMinimiser minimiser |
  JACOUSTICS::JKatoomba< JEstimator > | Template specialisation of fit function of acoustic model based on linear approximation |
  JACOUSTICS::JKatoomba< JGandalf > | Template specialisation of fit function of acoustic model based on JGandalf minimiser |
  JACOUSTICS::JKatoomba< JSimplex > | Template specialisation of fit function of acoustic model based on JSimplex minimiser |
 JACOUSTICS::JKatoomba_t | Worker class for fit function of acoustic model |
 JSYSTEM::JKeypress | Enable unbuffered terminal input |
 JDETECTOR::JKM3NeTDB_t | KM3NeT with cable swaps according database (see JPMTSwapDB.cc) |
 JLabel< __ID, __getName, __getVersion > | Auxiliary data structure to label data types within a type list |
 JLabel< 0 > | |
  JTypeID< JLANG::JNullType > | Template specialisation of class JTypeID for class JLANG::JNullType |
 JLabel< 1 > | |
  JTypeID< int > | |
  JTypeID< long int > | |
 JLabel< 2 > | |
  JTypeID< std::string > | |
 JLabel< 3 > | |
  JTypeID< double > | |
 JLabel< 4 > | |
  JTypeID< __A__ > | |
 JLabel< T::ID > | |
  JTypeID< T, false, false > | Template specialisation of class without name and version |
 JLabel< T::ID,&JLANG::getDefaultName,&T::getVersion > | |
  JTypeID< T, false, true > | Template specialisation of class without name and with version |
 JLabel< T::ID,&T::getName > | |
  JTypeID< T, true, false > | Template specialisation of class with name and without version |
 JLabel< T::ID,&T::getName,&T::getVersion > | |
  JTypeID< T, true, true > | Template specialisation of class with name and version |
 JLANG::JLabel_t | Auxiliary data structure to label data types within a type list |
 JMATH::JLegendre< JOrdinate_t, N > | Template definition for function evaluation of Legendre polynome |
  JFIT::JEstimator< JLegendre< JOrdinate_t, N > > | Linear fit of Legendre polynomial |
 JLANG::JLength< JTypeList_t > | Length of type list |
 JLANG::JLength< JNullType > | Terminator class of length of type list |
 JLANG::JLength< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Recursive length of type list |
 JSUPERNOVA::JLightCurveBackgroundGenerator | Class to emulate L0 background for an arbitrarily sized detector |
 JMATH::JLimits< T, __is_specialized__ > | Auxiliary class for minimum and maximum values for any class |
 JMATH::JLimits< T, false > | Template spacialisation of JMATH::JRandom for other data types |
 JMATH::JLimits< T, true > | Template spacialisation of JMATH::JLimits for numerical values |
 JLine | Auxiliary data structure for line |
 JTOOLS::JList< N, T, JClass_t > | Recursive template class |
 JTOOLS::JList< 0, T, JClass_t > | Template specialisation of obsolete JList<unsigned int, ...> class |
 JSYSTEM::JLocalTime | Auxililary class to local get time in micro seconds |
 JLOGGER::JLogger | Interface for logging messages |
  JLOGGER::JControlHostLogger | Message logging based on ControlHost |
  JLOGGER::JMessageLogger | Message logger |
   JLOGGER::JMessageLoggerThreadSafe | Thread-safe message logger |
   JLOGGER::JMessageScheduler | Message logger with time scheduler |
  JLOGGER::JStreamLogger | Message logging based on std::ostream |
 JGEOMETRY2D::JConvexHull2D::JLowerHull | Auxiliary class for sorting elements |
 JLANG::JMalloc< JClass_t > | Memory management class for create/release policy based on malloc()/free() |
 JLANG::JMalloc< T > | |
  JNET::JMemory_t< T > | |
 JTOOLS::JMapCollection< JMap_t > | Template class to define the corresponding JCollection for a given template JMap |
 JTOOLS::JMapCollection< JGridMap > | Specialisation of JMapCollection for JGridMap |
 JTOOLS::JMapCollection< JMap > | Specialisation of JMapCollection for JMap |
 JTOOLS::JMapLength< JMaplist_t > | Length of map list |
 JTOOLS::JMapLength< JMapList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of length of map list |
 JTOOLS::JMapLength< JMapList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Recursive length of map list |
 JTOOLS::JMapList< JHead_t, JTail_t > | Map list |
 JTOOLS::JMAPLIST< A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z > | Auxiliary class for recursive map list generation |
 JTOOLS::JMAPLIST< A, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap, JNullMap > | Template specialisation to terminate recursive map list generation |
 JTOOLS::JMapList< JHead_t, JNullType > | Terminator class of map list |
 JTOOLS::JMappable< T > | Auxiliary class to define JMappableCollection for given template |
 JTOOLS::JMappableCollection< JKey_t, JValue_t > | Template interface definition for associative collection of elements |
  JTOOLS::JCollection< JElement2D< JKey_t, JHistogram_t >, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JCollection< JElement2D< JKey_t, JValue_t >, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JCollection< JElement2D_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JGarbageCollection< JKey_t, JValue_t > | Garbage collection |
  JTOOLS::JHashMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JEvaluator_t > | General purpose class for hash map of unique keys |
   JACOUSTICS::JModel::hash_map< int, JString > | |
    JACOUSTICS::JModel::string_type | Map string identifier to model parameters of string |
   JACOUSTICS::JModel::hash_map< JACOUSTICS::JEKey, JACOUSTICS::JMODEL::JEmitter > | |
   JACOUSTICS::JModel::hash_map< JEKey, JEmitter > | |
    JACOUSTICS::JModel::emitter_type | Map emitter key to model parameters of emitter |
   JACOUSTICS::JGEOMETRY::JDetector | Detector geometry |
    JACOUSTICS::JKatoomba< JType > | Auxiliary base class for fit function of acoustic model |
   JACOUSTICS::JModel::hash_map< key_type, value_type > | Auxiliary data structure with extended functionality of hash-map |
   JDETECTOR::JPMTDefaultSimulator | Default PMT simulation |
    JTRIGGER::JPMTRunByRunSimulator | PMT simulation based on run-by-run information |
 JTOOLS::JMappableCollection< int, function_type > | |
  JTOOLS::JHashMap< int, function_type > | |
 JTOOLS::JMappableCollection< int, int > | |
  JTOOLS::JHashMap< int, int > | |
 JTOOLS::JMappableCollection< int, JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion3D > | |
  JTOOLS::JHashMap< int, JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion3D > | |
 JTOOLS::JMappableCollection< int, JModuleAnalogueSignalProcessor > | |
  JTOOLS::JHashMap< int, JModuleAnalogueSignalProcessor > | |
 JTOOLS::JMappableCollection< int, JString > | |
  JTOOLS::JHashMap< int, JString > | |
 JTOOLS::JMappableCollection< JACOUSTICS::JEKey, JACOUSTICS::JMODEL::JEmitter > | |
 JTOOLS::JMappableCollection< JEKey, JEmitter > | |
  JTOOLS::JHashMap< JEKey, JEmitter > | |
 JTOOLS::JMappableCollection< JElement_t::abscissa_type, JElement_t::ordinate_type > | |
  JTOOLS::JCollection< JElement_t, JDistance_t > | General purpose class for collection of elements, see:
Collection of elements.
 JTOOLS::JMappableCollection< JHead_t, JHashMap< JTail_t, JValue_t, JEvaluator_t > > | |
  JTOOLS::JHashMap< JHead_t, JHashMap< JTail_t, JValue_t, JEvaluator_t >, JEvaluator_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JHashMap< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JValue_t, JEvaluator_t > | Multi-dimensional hash map |
 JTOOLS::JMappableCollection< JHead_t, JValue_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JHashMap< JHead_t, JValue_t, JEvaluator_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JHashMap< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType >, JValue_t, JEvaluator_t > | Terminator class of recursive class JHashMap |
 JTOOLS::JMappableCollection< key_type, value_type > | |
  JTOOLS::JHashMap< key_type, value_type > | |
 JMARKOV::JMarkovIntegrator | Abstract base class for calculating the total probability (/m^2 target cross-section) for a photon from the source to hit the target (with a given, fixed number of scatterings) by Monte Carlo sampling the available nscat*3 dimensional phase space |
  JMARKOV::JExperimentalIntegrator | In this implementation of the JMarkovIntegrator interface, the sample distribution is built up out of correlated path vertices |
  JMARKOV::JMarkovEnsembleIntegrator | Abstract base class for implementations of the JMarkovIntegrator interface, where the sample distribution is based on histograms filled from an ensemble of representative paths |
   JMARKOV::JMarkovEnsembleIntegrator1D | Implementation of JMarkovEnsembleIntegrator interface with 1D histograms |
   JMARKOV::JMarkovEnsembleIntegrator3D | This implementation of the JMarkovIntegrator interface generates 'natural' looking paths that might sample the phase space well in some cases |
  JMARKOV::JMarkovUniformIntegrator | In this implementation of the JMarkovIntegrator interface, the sample distribution is a flat distribution |
  JMARKOV::JSourceTargetIntegrator | In this implementation of the JMarkovIntegrator interface, the sample distribution is built up out of three components: |
 JMARKOV::JMarkovPathGenerator | The JMarkovPathGenerator generates ensembles of photon paths using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) |
 JMARKOV::JMarkovPhotonTracker | The JMarkovPhotonTracker generates ensembles of photon paths by tracking photons from a source to a target |
 JLANG::JMask | Auxiliary class to ensure that the mask set is defined prior to the ctype<>() constructor call |
  JLANG::JWhiteSpacesFacet | Auxiliary class to specify white space character(s) in currect locale |
 JMatch | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JMatch< JHit_t > > | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JMatch< JHit_t >, JMatch1D< JHit_t > > | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JMatch< JHit_t >, JMatch3B< JHit_t > > | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JMatch< JHit_t >, JMatch3D< JHit_t > > | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JMatch< JHit_t >, JMatch3G< JHit_t > > | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JMatch< JHit_t >, JMatchHelper< JHit_t > > | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JMatch< JHit_t >, JMatchL0< JHit_t > > | |
 JSUPERNOVA::JMatchVeto | Auxiliary class-operator to match a JVeto with a JCoincidenceSN object Provides an operator to test if a coincidence is vetoed |
 JMATH::JMath< JFirst_t, JSecond_t > | Auxiliary base class for aritmetic operations of derived class types |
  JACOUSTICS::JKatoomba< JType >::H_t | H-equation as per hit |
  JACOUSTICS::JModel | Model for fit to acoustics data |
  JACOUSTICS::JMODEL::JEmitter | Emitter parameters |
  JACOUSTICS::JMODEL::JString | String parameters |
  JTOOLS::JArray< NUMBER_OF_DIMENSIONS, abscissa_type > | |
  JTOOLS::JArray< NUMBER_OF_DIMENSIONS, argument_type > | |
  JTOOLS::JCollection< JElement2D< JKey_t, JHistogram_t >, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JCollection< JElement2D< JKey_t, JValue_t >, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JCollection< JElement2D_t > | |
  JCOMPASS::JModel | Model |
  JDATABASE::JPBSSequences | Auxiliary data structure for set of PBS sequences |
  JDATABASE::JSelector | Auxiliary class for specifying selection of database data |
   JDATABASE::getSelector< T, JAHRS, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
   JDATABASE::getSelector< T, JAHRSDetectorCalibration, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
   JDATABASE::getSelector< T, JAllParams, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
   JDATABASE::getSelector< T, JCLBID, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
   JDATABASE::getSelector< T, JCLBMap, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
   JDATABASE::getSelector< T, JDatalogNumbers, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
   JDATABASE::getSelector< T, JDetectorIntegration, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
   JDATABASE::getSelector< T, JDetectors, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
   JDATABASE::getSelector< T, JPersons, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
   JDATABASE::getSelector< T, JPMTHVRunSettings, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
   JDATABASE::getSelector< T, JPMTHVSettings, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
   JDATABASE::getSelector< T, JRuns, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
   JDATABASE::getSelector< T, JRunsetupParams, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
   JDATABASE::getSelector< T, JRunSummaryNumbers, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
   JDATABASE::getSelector< T, JToAshort, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
   JDATABASE::getSelector< T, JUPI, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
   JDATABASE::getSelector< T, JVendorHV, true > | Template specialisation for getting table specific selector |
  JFIT::JEnergy | Data structure for fit of energy |
  JFIT::JLine3EZ | Data structure for fit of straight line in positive z-direction with energy |
  JFIT::JLine3Z | Data structure for fit of straight line in positive z-direction |
   JFIT::JLine3EZ | Data structure for fit of straight line in positive z-direction with energy |
  JFIT::JShower3EZ | Data structure for fit of straight line in positive z-direction with energy |
  JFIT::JShower3Z | Data structure for cascade in positive z-direction |
   JFIT::JShower3EZ | Data structure for fit of straight line in positive z-direction with energy |
   JFIT::JShowerEH | Data structure for fit of straight line in positive z-direction with energy |
  JFIT::JShowerEH | Data structure for fit of straight line in positive z-direction with energy |
  JGEOMETRY2D::JAngle2D | Data structure for angle in two dimensions |
  JGEOMETRY2D::JVector2D | Data structure for vector in two dimensions |
   JGEOMETRY2D::JCenter2D | Center |
   JGEOMETRY2D::JPosition2D | Data structure for position in two dimensions |
    JDETECTOR::JAnchor | Data structure for anchor position on sea bed |
    JGEOMETRY2D::JAxis2D | Axis object |
    JGEOMETRY2D::JCircle2D | Data structure for circle in two dimensions |
     JGEOMETRY3D::JCylinder3D | Cylinder object |
  JGEOMETRY3D::JAngle3D | Data structure for angles in three dimensions |
  JGEOMETRY3D::JEulerAngle3D | Data structure for Euler angles in three dimensions |
   JDETECTOR::JModuleGeometry | Module geometry |
  JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion3D | Data structure for unit quaternion in three dimensions |
  JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion3D | Data structure for unit quaternion in three dimensions |
  JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion3D | Data structure for unit quaternion in three dimensions |
  JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion3D | Data structure for unit quaternion in three dimensions |
  JGEOMETRY3D::JRotation3D | Rotation matrix |
  JGEOMETRY3D::JVector3D | Data structure for vector in three dimensions |
   JGEOMETRY3D::JPosition3D | Data structure for position in three dimensions |
    JACOUSTICS::hit_type | Acoustic hit |
    JACOUSTICS::JEmitter | Acoustic emitter |
    JACOUSTICS::JGEOMETRY::JDetector::module_type | Auxiliary data structure for module location and position |
    JACOUSTICS::JGEOMETRY::JString | String geometry |
    JACOUSTICS::JReceiver | Acoustic receiver |
    JDETECTOR::JHydrophone | Type definition of hydrophone |
    JDETECTOR::JModule | Data structure for a composite optical module |
    JDETECTOR::JModuleGeometry | Module geometry |
    JDETECTOR::JModulePosition_t | Auxiliary data structure for module position |
    JDETECTOR::JTransmitter | Type definition of transmitter |
    JFIT::JPoint3D | Data structure for position fit |
     JFIT::JEstimator< JPoint3D > | Linear fit of crossing point (position) between axes (objects with position and direction) |
    JGEOMETRY3D::JAxis3D | Axis object |
     JDETECTOR::JPMT | Data structure for PMT geometry, calibration and status |
     JFIT::JPMTW0 | Auxiliary class for handling PMT geometry, rate and response |
     JGEOMETRY3D::JTrack3D | 3D track |
      JGEOMETRY3D::JTrack3E | 3D track with energy |
       JGEOMETRY3D::JTrack3EY | 3D track with energy and Bjorken Y |
     JTRIGGER::JHitL0 | Data structure for L0 hit |
     JTRIGGER::JPMTHeader | Header for PMT |
    JGEOMETRY3D::JCenter3D | Center |
    JGEOMETRY3D::JSphere3D | 3D sphere |
    JGEOMETRY3D::JTransformation3D | Transformation |
    JGEOMETRY3D::JVertex3D | 3D vertex |
     JFIT::JLine1Z | Data structure for fit of straight line paralel to z-axis |
      JFIT::JEstimator< JLine1Z > | Linear fit of straight line parallel to z-axis to set of hits (objects with position and time) |
      JFIT::JLine3Z | Data structure for fit of straight line in positive z-direction |
      JFIT::JModel< JLine1Z > | Template specialisation of class JModel to match hit with muon trajectory along z-axis |
     JFIT::JPoint4D | Data structure for vertex fit |
      JFIT::JEstimator< JPoint4D > | Linear fit of bright point (position and time) between hits (objects with position and time) |
      JFIT::JModel< JPoint4D > | Template specialisation of class JModel to match hit with bright point |
      JFIT::JShower3Z | Data structure for cascade in positive z-direction |
    JGEOMETRY3D::JWeighedCenter3D | Weighed center |
    JSIRENE::JPoint | Point along muon trajectory |
     JSIRENE::JVertex | Vertex of energy loss of muon |
    JTRIGGER::JHitR1 | Reduced data structure for L1 hit |
    JTRIGGER::JModuleHeader | Header for Module |
  JGEOMETRY3D::JVersor3D | Data structure for normalised vector in three dimensions |
   JGEOMETRY3D::JDirection3D | Data structure for direction in three dimensions |
    JGEOMETRY3D::JAxis3D | Axis object |
  JGEOMETRY3D::JVersor3Z | Data structure for normalised vector in positive z-direction |
   JFIT::JLine3Z | Data structure for fit of straight line in positive z-direction |
   JFIT::JShower3Z | Data structure for cascade in positive z-direction |
   JSIRENE::JVertex | Vertex of energy loss of muon |
  JGEOMETRY3D::JVertex3D | 3D vertex |
  JTOOLS::JMap< JKey_t, JHistogram_t, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JRange< counter_type > | |
  JTOOLS::JRange< double > | |
  JTOOLS::JRange< int > | |
  JTOOLS::JRange< JAbscissa_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JRange< JDAQHit::JTOT_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JTable2D< N, N, JData_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JHesseMatrix< N, JData_t > | Hessian matrix |
  JTOOLS::JArray< N, T > | One dimensional array of template objects with fixed length |
  JTOOLS::JArray< 1, T > | One dimensional array of template objects with fixed length |
  JTOOLS::JBin2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t > | 2D Binned element |
  JTOOLS::JCollection< JElement_t, JDistance_t > | General purpose class for collection of elements, see:
Collection of elements.
  JTOOLS::JHistogram1D< JElement_t, JContainer_t, JDistance_t > | Histogram in 1D |
  JTOOLS::JHistogram1D< JBin2D< JAbscissa_t, JContents_t >, JContainer_t, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation if JHistogram1D class with bin centering |
  JTOOLS::JMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > | Map of pair-wise elements |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JLANG::JNullType >, JDistance_t > | Terminator class of recursive JMultiMap class |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation of JMultiMap for map list with at least one map |
  JTOOLS::JQuantile | Auxiliary data structure for running average, standard deviation and quantiles |
  JTOOLS::JRange< T, JComparator_t > | Range of values |
  JTOOLS::JResultDerivative< JResult_t > | Data structure for result including value and first derivative of function |
   JTOOLS::JResultHesse< JResult_t > | Data structure for result including value and first derivative of function |
  JTOOLS::JResultHesse< JResult_t > | Data structure for result including value and first derivative of function |
  JTOOLS::JResultPDF< JResult_t > | Data structure for result including value, first derivative and integrals of function |
  JTOOLS::JResultPolynome< N, JResult_t > | Data structure for result including value and N derivatives of function |
  JTOOLS::JTable2D< NX, NY, JData_t > | 2D table with arithmetic capabilities |
  JTOOLS::JTuple< T > | Template data structure |
  JTOOLS::JTuple< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisation of JTuple for multiple data types |
  JTOOLS::JTuple< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTypeList< JTail_t, JNullType > > > | Template specialisation of JTuple for two data types |
  JTOOLS::JTuple< JHead_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JTuple< JTail_t > | |
  JUTM::JUTMPosition | Data structure for UTM position |
   JDETECTOR::JDetectorHeader | Data structure for detector header |
   JDETECTOR::JTripod | Data structure for tripod |
 JMATH::JMath< H_t > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JAngle2D > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JAngle3D > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JArray< 1, T > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JArray< N, abscissa_type > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JArray< N, argument_type > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JArray< N, T > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JBin2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JCollection< JElement_t, JDistance_t > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JEmitter > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JEnergy > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JEulerAngle3D > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JGauss_t > | |
  JMATH::JGauss_t | Gauss model |
 JMATH::JMath< JHistogram1D< JBin2D< JAbscissa_t, JContents_t >, JContainer_t, JDistance_t > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JHistogram1D< JElement_t, JContainer_t, JDistance_t > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JLine3EZ > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JLine3Z > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JMap< JKey_t, JHistogram_t, JDistance_t > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JMatrix1D > | |
  JMATH::JMatrix1D | 1 x 1 matrix |
 JMATH::JMath< JMatrix2D > | |
  JMATH::JMatrix2D | 2 x 2 matrix |
 JMATH::JMath< JMatrix3D > | |
  JMATH::JMatrix3D | 3 x 3 matrix |
 JMATH::JMath< JMatrix4D > | |
  JMATH::JMatrix4D | 4 x 4 matrix |
 JMATH::JMath< JMatrix5D > | |
  JMATH::JMatrix5D | 5 x 5 matrix |
 JMATH::JMath< JMatrixND > | |
  JMATH::JMatrixND | NxN matrix |
 JMATH::JMath< JModel > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JModel_t > | |
  JMATH::JModel_t | Fit model |
 JMATH::JMath< JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JLANG::JNullType >, JDistance_t > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JDistance_t > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JNumber< T > > | |
  JMATH::JNumber< T > | Simple wrapper around template data type to ensure that zero is the default value |
 JMATH::JMath< JPBSSequences > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JPolynome_t > | |
  JMATH::JPolynome_t | Polynome model |
 JMATH::JMath< JQuantile > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JQuaternion3D > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JQuaternion3D, JQuaternion3X > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JQuaternion3D, JQuaternion3Y > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JQuaternion3D, JQuaternion3Z > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JRange< counter_type > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JRange< double > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JRange< int > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JRange< JAbscissa_t > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JRange< JDAQHit::JTOT_t > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JRange< T > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JResultDerivative< JResult_t > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JResultHesse< JResult_t > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JResultPDF< JResult_t > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JResultPolynome< N, JResult_t > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JRotation3D > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JSelector > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JShower3EZ > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JShower3Z > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JShowerEH > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JString > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JSubscriptionList > | |
  JNET::JSubscriptionList | Subscription list |
 JMATH::JMath< JTable2D< NX, NY, JData_t > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JTuple< JHead_t > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JTuple< JTail_t > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JTuple< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JTuple< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTypeList< JTail_t, JNullType > > > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JTuple< T > > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JUTMPosition > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JVector2D > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JVector3D > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JVersor3D > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JVersor3Z > | |
 JMATH::JMath< JVertex3D > | |
 JMATH::JMath< T, JNullType > | Template base class for data structures with arithmetic capabilities |
 JMATH::JMath_t | Auxiliary class to hide data type specific methods |
 JMATH::JMatrixND_t | Basic NxN matrix |
  JMATH::JMatrixND | NxN matrix |
 JDETECTOR::JMaximalDistance | Auxiliary class to match modules according maximal distance |
 JACOUSTICS::JMechanics | Auxiliary data structure for parameters of mechanical model |
 JLANG::JPrintHelper::JMemberMethod< T, true > | Specialisation of JMemberMethod for primitive data types |
 JMemory_t | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JClass_t, JMemory_t > | Template storage class |
 JTOOLS::JMergeSort< JElement_t, JAllocator_t > | This class implements a merge and sort algorithm based on the divide-and-conquer concept |
 JTOOLS::JMergeSort< JElement_t > | |
 JEEP::JMessage< T > | Auxiliary class for handling debug parameter within a class |
  JFIT::JAbstractMinimiser< JEnergy > | |
   JFIT::JAbstractRegressor< JEnergy > | |
    JFIT::JRegressor< JEnergy > | Regressor function object for fit of muon energy |
  JFIT::JAbstractMinimiser< JModel > | |
  JFIT::JAbstractMinimiser< JModel_t > | Abstract minimiser |
   JACOUSTICS::JKatoomba< JAbstractMinimiser > | Template specialisation of fit function of acoustic model based on JAbstractMinimiser minimiser |
  JFIT::JGandalf< JModel_t > | Fit method based on the Levenberg-Marquardt method |
  JFIT::JSimplex< JModel_t > | Simple fit method based on Powell's algorithm, see reference: Numerical Recipes in C++, W.H |
   JACOUSTICS::JKatoomba< JSimplex > | Template specialisation of fit function of acoustic model based on JSimplex minimiser |
  JFIT::JGandalf< JLine3Z > | |
   JFIT::JAbstractRegressor< JLine3Z, JGandalf > | |
    JFIT::JRegressor< JLine3Z, JGandalf > | Regressor function object for JLine3Z fit using JGandalf minimiser |
  JFIT::JGandalf< JPoint4D > | |
   JFIT::JAbstractRegressor< JPoint4D, JGandalf > | |
    JFIT::JRegressor< JPoint4D, JGandalf > | Regressor function object for JPoint4D fit using JGandalf minimiser |
  JFIT::JGandalf< JShower3EZ > | |
   JFIT::JAbstractRegressor< JShower3EZ, JGandalf > | |
    JFIT::JRegressor< JShower3EZ, JGandalf > | Regressor function object for JShower3EZ fit using JGandalf minimiser |
  JOSCPROB::JOscProbInterpolator< JCollection_t, JFunction1D_t, JFunctionalMaplist_t > | Template definition of a multi-dimensional oscillation probability interpolation table |
  JPARSER::JParser< JKey_t > | Utility class to parse command line options |
  JFIT::JSimplex< JEnergy > | |
   JFIT::JAbstractRegressor< JEnergy, JSimplex > | |
    JFIT::JRegressor< JEnergy, JSimplex > | Regressor function object for JShower3EZ fit using JSimplex minimiser |
  JFIT::JSimplex< JLine3Z > | |
   JFIT::JAbstractRegressor< JLine3Z, JSimplex > | |
    JFIT::JRegressor< JLine3Z, JSimplex > | Regressor function object for JLine3Z fit using JSimplex minimiser |
  JFIT::JSimplex< JModel > | |
  JFIT::JSimplex< JPoint4D > | |
   JFIT::JAbstractRegressor< JPoint4D, JSimplex > | |
    JFIT::JRegressor< JPoint4D, JSimplex > | Regressor function object for JPoint4D fit using JSimplex minimiser |
  JFIT::JSimplex< JShower3EZ > | |
   JFIT::JAbstractRegressor< JShower3EZ, JSimplex > | |
    JFIT::JRegressor< JShower3EZ, JSimplex > | Regressor function object for JShower3EZ fit using JSimplex minimiser |
  JFIT::JSimplex< JShowerEH > | |
   JFIT::JAbstractRegressor< JShowerEH, JSimplex > | |
    JFIT::JRegressor< JShowerEH, JSimplex > | Regressor function object for JShowerEH fit using JSimplex minimiser |
  JSUPPORT::JTreeScanner< JNullType, JNullType > | Auxiliary base class for reporting messages |
 JEEP::JMessage< JAbstractMinimiser< JEnergy > > | |
 JEEP::JMessage< JAbstractMinimiser< JModel > > | |
 JEEP::JMessage< JAbstractMinimiser< JModel_t > > | |
 JEEP::JMessage< JGandalf< JLine3Z > > | |
 JEEP::JMessage< JGandalf< JModel_t > > | |
 JEEP::JMessage< JGandalf< JPoint4D > > | |
 JEEP::JMessage< JGandalf< JShower3EZ > > | |
 JEEP::JMessage< JOSCPROB::JOscProbInterpolator< JCollection_t, JFunction1D_t, JFunctionalMaplist_t > > | JMessage template specialization for oscillation probability interpolators |
 JEEP::JMessage< JOscProbInterpolator< JCollection_t, JFunction1D_t, JFunctionalMaplist_t > > | |
 JEEP::JMessage< JParser< JKey_t > > | |
 JEEP::JMessage< JProperties > | |
  JEEP::JProperties | Utility class to parse parameter values |
 JEEP::JMessage< JSimplex< JEnergy > > | |
 JEEP::JMessage< JSimplex< JLine3Z > > | |
 JEEP::JMessage< JSimplex< JModel > > | |
 JEEP::JMessage< JSimplex< JModel_t > > | |
 JEEP::JMessage< JSimplex< JPoint4D > > | |
 JEEP::JMessage< JSimplex< JShower3EZ > > | |
 JEEP::JMessage< JSimplex< JShowerEH > > | |
 JEEP::JMessage< JTreeScanner<> > | |
 JFIT::JMEstimator | Interface for maximum likelihood estimator (M-estimator) |
  JFIT::JMEstimatorLinear | Linear M-estimator |
  JFIT::JMEstimatorLorentzian | Lorentzian M-estimator |
  JFIT::JMEstimatorNormal | Normal M-estimator |
  JFIT::JMEstimatorNormalWithBackground | Normal M-estimator with background |
  JFIT::JMEstimatorNull | Null M-estimator |
  JFIT::JMEstimatorTukey | Tukey's biweight M-estimator |
 JMinimiser_t | |
  JFIT::JAbstractRegressor< JModel_t, JMinimiser_t > | Abstract class for global fit method |
 JPHYSICS::JMobley | Auxiliary data structure for scattering lengths of deep-sea water |
 JFIT::JModel< JModel_t > | Auxiliary class to match data points with given model |
 JTRIGGER::JModuleCounter | Auxiliary class for counting unique modules |
 JDETECTOR::JMonteCarlo_t | Monte Carlo |
 JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloFileReader< T, JFileReader_t > | Template definition of Monte Carlo object reader |
 JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloFileReader< Evt, JASCIIFileReader > | |
  JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloASCIIFileReader< Evt > | Template implementation of Monte Carlo object reader for ASCII formatted file (i.e. '.evt') |
 JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloFileReader< Evt, JGZFileReader > | |
  JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloGZFileReader< Evt > | Template implementation of Monte Carlo object reader for gzipped ASCII formatted file (i.e. '.gz') |
 JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloFileReader< Head, JASCIIFileReader > | |
  JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloASCIIFileReader< Head > | Template implementation of Monte Carlo object reader for ASCII formatted file (i.e. '.evt') |
 JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloFileReader< Head, JGZFileReader > | |
  JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloGZFileReader< Head > | Template implementation of Monte Carlo object reader for gzipped ASCII formatted file (i.e. '.gz') |
 JLANG::JMultiComparable< JClass_t, JTypelist_t > | Template definition of auxiliary base class for composite data structures composed of base classes with comparisons capabilities |
  JACOUSTICS::JEKey | Emitter key |
  JDATABASE::JDateAndTime_t | Date and time |
  JDATABASE::JDatim_t | Auxiliairy data structure for date and time |
 JMultiComparable | |
  __C__ | |
 JLANG::JMultiComparable< JDateAndTime_t, JTYPELIST< JDate_t, JTime_t >::typelist > | |
 JLANG::JMultiComparable< JDatim_t, JTYPELIST< JDate_t, JTime_t >::typelist > | |
 JLANG::JMultiComparable< JEKey, JLANG::JTYPELIST< JObjectID, JCounter >::typelist > | |
 JLANG::JMultiEquals< JClass_t, JType_t > | Template definition of auxiliary base class for data structures composed of multiple base classes with equality evaluations capabilities |
  JDETECTOR::JDetector | Detector data structure |
  JDETECTOR::JPMT | Data structure for PMT geometry, calibration and status |
  JDETECTOR::JTransmitter | Type definition of transmitter |
  JSUPPORT::JMultipleFileScanner< JNullType > | Template specialisation of JMultipleFileScanner for undefined type |
  JSUPPORT::JSingleFileScanner< JNullType > | Template specialisation of JSingleFileScanner for undefined type |
 JMultiEquals | |
  __C__ | |
 JLANG::JMultiEquals< JClass_t, JTypeList< head_type, tail_type > > | Template specialisation of auxiliary base class for data structures composed of multiple base classes with equality evaluations capabilities |
 JLANG::JMultiEquals< JDetector, JTYPELIST< JDetectorID, JVersion >::typelist > | |
 JLANG::JMultiEquals< JMultipleFileScanner< JNullType >, JTYPELIST< JLimit, JMultipleFileScanner_t >::typelist > | |
 JLANG::JMultiEquals< JPMT, JObjectID > | |
 JLANG::JMultiEquals< JSingleFileScanner< JNullType >, JTYPELIST< JSingleFileScanner_t, JLimit >::typelist > | |
 JLANG::JMultiEquals< JTransmitter, JObjectID > | |
 JTOOLS::JMultiGrid< 0, JAbscissa_t > | Terminator class of recursive class JMultiGrid |
 JTOOLS::JMultiKey< 0, JKey_t > | Empty key |
 JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | Multidimensional map |
 JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JConstantFunction1D< double, double >::argument_type, JConstantFunction1D< double, double >, JNPEMaplist_t, JTOOLS::JDistance< double > > | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiFunction< JConstantFunction1D< double, double >, JNPEMaplist_t, JTOOLS::JDistance< double > > | |
 JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JConstantFunction1D< double, double >::argument_type, JConstantFunction1D< double, double >, JNPEMapList_t2, JTOOLS::JDistance< double > > | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiFunction< JConstantFunction1D< double, double >, JNPEMapList_t2, JTOOLS::JDistance< double > > | |
 JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JConstantFunction1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >::argument_type, JConstantFunction1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiFunction< JConstantFunction1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | |
 JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JConstantFunction1D_t::argument_type, JConstantFunction1D_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiFunction< JConstantFunction1D_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | |
 JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JFunction1D_t::argument_type, JFunction1D_t, JFunctionalMaplist_t, JDistance< typename JFunction1D_t::argument_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiFunction< JFunction1D_t, JFunctionalMaplist_t > | |
 JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JFunction1D_t::argument_type, JFunction1D_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiFunction< JFunction1D_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JTransformableMultiFunction< JFunction1D_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | |
 JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JFunction1D_t::argument_type, JFunction1D_t, JPDFMaplist_t, JTOOLS::JDistance< typename JFunction1D_t::argument_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiFunction< JFunction1D_t, JPDFMaplist_t, JTOOLS::JDistance< typename JFunction1D_t::argument_type > > | |
   JTOOLS::JTransformableMultiFunction< JFunction1D_t, JPDFMaplist_t, JTOOLS::JDistance< typename JFunction1D_t::argument_type > > | |
 JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JFunction1D_t::argument_type, JFunction1D_t, JPDFMapList_t, JTOOLS::JDistance< typename JFunction1D_t::argument_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiFunction< JFunction1D_t, JPDFMapList_t, JTOOLS::JDistance< typename JFunction1D_t::argument_type > > | |
   JTOOLS::JTransformableMultiFunction< JFunction1D_t, JPDFMapList_t, JTOOLS::JDistance< typename JFunction1D_t::argument_type > > | |
 JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JFunction1D_t::argument_type, JFunction1D_t, JTOOLS::JMapList< JTOOLS::JPolint1FunctionalGridMap >, JDistance< typename JFunction1D_t::argument_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiFunction< JFunction1D_t, JTOOLS::JMapList< JTOOLS::JPolint1FunctionalGridMap > > | |
 JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JFunction_t::argument_type, JFunction_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiFunction< JFunction_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | Multidimensional interpolation method |
   JPHYSICS::JNPETable< double, double, JNPEMaplist_t > | |
   JPHYSICS::JNPETable< double, double, JNPEMapList_t2 > | |
   JOSCPROB::JOscProbInterpolator< JCollection_t, JFunction1D_t, JFunctionalMaplist_t > | Template definition of a multi-dimensional oscillation probability interpolation table |
   JPHYSICS::JCDFTable2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t > | Custom class for CDF table in 2 dimensions |
   JPHYSICS::JNPETable< JArgument_t, JResult_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | Custom class for integrated values of the PDF of the arrival time of Cherenkov light |
   JTOOLS::JTransformableMultiFunction< JFunction_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | Transformable multidimensional function |
    JPHYSICS::JPDFTable< JFunction1D_t, JPDFMaplist_t > | |
    JPHYSICS::JPDFTable< JFunction1D_t, JPDFMapList_t > | |
    JPHYSICS::JPDFTable< JFunction1D_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | Multi-dimensional PDF table for arrival time of Cherenkov light |
    JTOOLS::JMultiPDF< JFunction_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | General purpose class for multi-dimensional probability density function (PDF) |
   KM3NET2D::JPhotocathodeArea2D | Effective photo-cathode area of PMT |
 JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JGridPolint1Function1D_t::argument_type, JGridPolint1Function1D_t, JMapList< JPolint1FunctionalGridMap >, JDistance< typename JGridPolint1Function1D_t::argument_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiFunction< JGridPolint1Function1D_t, JMapList< JPolint1FunctionalGridMap > > | |
 JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JHistogram_t::abscissa_type, JHistogram_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiHistogram< JHistogram_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | Multidimensional histogram |
   JTOOLS::JTransformableMultiHistogram< JHistogram_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | Transformable multidimensional histogram |
 JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JMultiFunction< JConstantFunction1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JMaplist_t::tail_type, JDistance_t >::argument_type, JMultiFunction< JConstantFunction1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JMaplist_t::tail_type, JDistance_t >, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiFunction< JMultiFunction< JConstantFunction1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JMaplist_t::tail_type, JDistance_t >, JMaplist_t::head_list, JDistance_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JMultiFunction< JConstantFunction1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation of JMultiFunction for a JConstantFunction |
 JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JPolintFunction1D< 1, JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JGridCollection >::argument_type, JPolintFunction1D< 1, JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JGridCollection >, JMapList< JPolint1FunctionalGridMap >, JDistance< typename JPolintFunction1D< 1, JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JGridCollection >::argument_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiFunction< JPolintFunction1D< 1, JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JGridCollection >, JMapList< JPolint1FunctionalGridMap > > | |
 JMultiMapTransformer | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JMultiMapTransformer< N, JArgument_t > > | |
 JTOOLS::JMultiPair< N, JKey_t, JValue_t > | Multidimensional pair |
 JTOOLS::JMultiPair< 0, JKey_t, JValue_t > | Empty pair |
 JTOOLS::JMultiPair< 1, JKey_t, JValue_t > | One-dimensional pair |
 JTOOLS::JMultiPair< 1, key_type, value_type > | |
 JTOOLS::JMultiPair< 2, JKey_t, JValue_t > | Two-dimensional pair |
 JTOOLS::JMultipleMap< N, JMap_t > | List of identical maps |
 JTOOLS::JMultipleMap< 1, JMap_t > | Terminator class of list of identical maps |
 JLANG::JMultipleType< N, T > | List of identical types |
 JLANG::JMultipleType< 1, T > | Terminator class of list of identical types |
 JTOOLS::JMultiSet< 0, JAbscissa_t > | Terminator class of recursive class JMultiSet |
 JMuonNPE_t | |
 JMuonPDF_t | Auxiliary data structure for muon PDF |
 JACOUSTICS::JNarrabri | Dynamic position calibration |
 JASTRONOMY::JNeutrinoDirection | Direction of incident neutrino |
 JLANG::JNew< JClass_t > | Memory management class for create/release policy based on new/delete |
 JLANG::JNew< const TFormula > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< const TFormula, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JAbstractAutoPointer< JBase_t > > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JAbstractAutoPointer< JBase_t >, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JDAQSummaryslice > > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JDAQSummaryslice >, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JHead_t > > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JHead_t >, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JNullType > > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JNullType >, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JTail_t > > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JTail_t >, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JAccessibleObjectIterator< KM3NETDAQ::KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent > > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JAccessibleObjectIterator< KM3NETDAQ::KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent >, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JAccessibleObjectIterator< T > > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JAccessibleObjectIterator< T >, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JAccessibleObjectOutput< T > > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JAccessibleObjectOutput< T >, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JBase_t > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JBase_t, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JBuildL1_t > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JBuildL1_t, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JBuildL2_t > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JBuildL2_t, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JControlHost_t > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JControlHost_t, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface::JStateMachine > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface::JStateMachine, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface::JTDC > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface::JTDC, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JDETECTOR::JCLBSimulator > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JDETECTOR::JCLBSimulator, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JDETECTOR::JK40Simulator > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JDETECTOR::JK40Simulator, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JDETECTOR::JPMTSimulator > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JDETECTOR::JPMTSimulator, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JDiffuseFlux > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JDiffuseFlux, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JEvtWeight > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JEvtWeight, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JEvtWeightFactor > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JEvtWeightFactor, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JEvtWeightFactor_t > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JEvtWeightFactor_t, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JExceptionHandler > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JExceptionHandler, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JFIT::JMEstimator > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JFIT::JMEstimator, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JFlux > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JFlux, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JIO::JReader > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JIO::JReader, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JIO::JWriter > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JIO::JWriter, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JLANG::JMultiPipe< T, N > > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JLANG::JMultiPipe< T, N >, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JLOGGER::JLogger > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JLOGGER::JLogger, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JModuleRouter > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JModuleRouter, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JNET::JControlHost > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JNET::JControlHost, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JObjectIterator< T > > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JObjectIterator< T >, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JObjectOutput< JHead_t > > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JObjectOutput< JHead_t >, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JObjectOutput< JTail_t > > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JObjectOutput< JTail_t >, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JObjectOutput< T > > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JObjectOutput< T >, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JOscProb > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JOscProb, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JParserElementInterface > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JParserElementInterface, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JPropertiesElementInterface > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JPropertiesElementInterface, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JRadiation > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JRadiation, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JRewindableObjectIterator< const T > > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JRewindableObjectIterator< const T >, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JRewindableObjectIterator< JHead_t > > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JRewindableObjectIterator< JHead_t >, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JRewindableObjectIterator< JTail_t > > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JRewindableObjectIterator< JTail_t >, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JRewindableObjectIterator< T > > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JRewindableObjectIterator< T >, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JServerSocket > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JServerSocket, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JTimesliceRouter > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JTimesliceRouter, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JTOOLS::JFunction1D > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JTOOLS::JFunction1D, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JTOOLS::JMultiMapTransformer > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JTOOLS::JMultiMapTransformer, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JTrigger3DMuon > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JTrigger3DMuon, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JTrigger3DShower > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JTrigger3DShower, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JTRIGGER::JDAQHitSelector > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JTRIGGER::JDAQHitSelector, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JTRIGGER::JMatch > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JTRIGGER::JMatch, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JTriggerMXShower > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JTriggerMXShower, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< JTriggerNB > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< JTriggerNB, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< match_type > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< match_type, JNew > | |
 JLANG::JNew< TFile > | |
  JLANG::JStorage< TFile > | |
 JLANG::JNewCArray< JClass_t > | Memory management class for create/release policy based on new []/delete [] |
 JLANG::JLOCAL::JNoequals< T > | Template base class for data structures without equality capability |
 JTOOLS::JNullMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > | Auxiliary class for no map definition |
 JLANG::JNullType | Auxiliary class for no type definition |
 JLANG::JNumber< N > | Wrapper class for integer value |
 JLANG::JObject< T > | Auxiliary base class for inline creation of a static value or clone from a temporary object |
 JLANG::JObject< JSTDObjectOutput< JOutputIterator_t > > | |
  JLANG::JSTDObjectOutput< JOutputIterator_t > | Implementation of object output for STD compatible output iterator |
 JLANG::JObjectAllocator< T, JAllocator_t > | Base class for customized new/delete operators |
 JLANG::JObjectAllocator< __A__, JLANG::JAllocator > | |
  __B__< T > | |
 JLANG::JObjectAllocator< __A__, JLANG::JRAM > | |
  __C__ | |
 JIO::JObjectBinaryIO< T > | Auxiliary base class for storing and loading a single object to and from a binary file, respectively |
  JPHYSICS::JPDFTable< JFunction1D_t, JPDFMaplist_t > | |
  JPHYSICS::JPDFTable< JFunction1D_t, JPDFMapList_t > | |
  JPHYSICS::JCDFTable< JFunction1D_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | Multi-dimensional CDF table for arrival time of Cherenkov light |
  JPHYSICS::JPDFTable< JFunction1D_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | Multi-dimensional PDF table for arrival time of Cherenkov light |
  JTOOLS::JMultiPDF< JFunction_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | General purpose class for multi-dimensional probability density function (PDF) |
 JIO::JObjectBinaryIO< JCDFTable< JFunction1D_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > > | |
 JIO::JObjectBinaryIO< JMultiPDF< JFunction_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > > | |
 JIO::JObjectBinaryIO< JPDFTable< JFunction1D_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > > | |
 JIO::JObjectBinaryIO< JPDFTable< JFunction1D_t, JPDFMaplist_t, JTOOLS::JDistance< typename JFunction1D_t::argument_type > > > | |
 JIO::JObjectBinaryIO< JPDFTable< JFunction1D_t, JPDFMapList_t, JTOOLS::JDistance< typename JFunction1D_t::argument_type > > > | |
 JObjectID | |
  __A__ | |
 JLANG::JObjectIterator< T > | Interface of object iteration for a single data type |
  JDATABASE::JDatabaseObjectIterator< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object iterator for multiple data types |
  JLANG::JAbstractObjectIterator< T > | Abstract object iterator |
   JDATABASE::JDatabaseObjectIterator< T > | Object iteration from database |
   JDATABASE::JDatabaseObjectIterator< JHead_t > | |
    JDATABASE::JDatabaseObjectIterator< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JDatabaseObjectIterator class |
    JDATABASE::JDatabaseObjectIterator< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object iterator for multiple data types |
   JDATABASE::JDatabaseObjectIterator< JTail_t > | |
    JDATABASE::JDatabaseObjectIterator< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object iterator for multiple data types |
   JIO::JReaderObjectIterator< T > | JReader object iterator |
    JIO::JBinaryFileReader< T > | Object reading from binary file |
   JLANG::JAccessibleAbstractObjectIterator< T > | Abstract object iterator with named access |
   JLANG::JRewindableAbstractObjectIterator< T > | Abstract object iterator with rewinding |
    JSUPPORT::JMultipleFileScanner< Head > | Template specialisation of JMultipleFileScanner for Monte Carlo header |
    JSUPPORT::JMultipleFileScanner< JTriggerParameters > | Template specialisation of JMultipleFileScanner for trigger parameters |
   JLANG::JStreamObjectIterator< T > | Stream object iterator |
    JLANG::JASCIIFileReader< T > | Object reading from ASCII file |
    JLANG::JGZFileReader< T > | Object reading from gzipped file |
   JNET::JControlHostObjectIterator< T > | Object iteration through ControlHost |
   JNET::JLigierObjectIterator< T > | Object iteration through ControlHost server |
   JIO::JReaderObjectIterator< JPhotonPath > | |
    JIO::JBinaryFileReader< JPhotonPath > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractObjectReader< T > | Abstract interface for object reading |
   JLANG::JAbstractAccessibleObjectReader< T > | Abstract interface for object reading with named access |
    JLANG::JAccessibleObjectReader< T > | Auxiliary class for object reading with named access |
   JLANG::JAbstractRewindableObjectReader< T > | Abstract interface for object reading with rewinding |
    JLANG::JRewindableObjectReader< T > | Auxiliary class for object reading with rewinding |
   JLANG::JObjectReader< T > | Auxiliary class for object reading |
  JLANG::JAccessibleObjectIterator< T > | Interface for object iteration with named access |
   JIO::JBinaryFileReader< JPhotonPath > | |
   JIO::JBinaryFileReader< T > | Object reading from binary file |
   JLANG::JAbstractAccessibleObjectReader< T > | Abstract interface for object reading with named access |
   JLANG::JAccessibleAbstractObjectIterator< T > | Abstract object iterator with named access |
   JLANG::JAccessibleObjectReader< T > | Auxiliary class for object reading with named access |
   JLANG::JASCIIFileReader< T > | Object reading from ASCII file |
   JLANG::JGZFileReader< T > | Object reading from gzipped file |
   JROOT::JRootFileReader< T, false > | Tempate specialisation of JRootFileReader for TTree incompatible iteration |
   JROOT::JTreeReaderAccessibleObjectIterator< T > | JTemplateTreeReader object iterator |
   JSUPPORT::JDAQFileReader< T, false > | Template specialisation of JDAQFileReader for DAQ incompatible data types |
   JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloASCIIFileReader< T > | Template definition of Monte Carlo object reader for ASCII formatted file (i.e. '.evt') |
   JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloGZFileReader< T > | Template definition of Monte Carlo object reader for gzipped ASCII formatted file (i.e. '.gz') |
  JLANG::JNullIterator< T > | Implementation for null iteration |
   JSUPPORT::JDAQFileReader< T, false > | Template specialisation of JDAQFileReader for DAQ incompatible data types |
   JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloASCIIFileReader< T > | Template definition of Monte Carlo object reader for ASCII formatted file (i.e. '.evt') |
   JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloGZFileReader< T > | Template definition of Monte Carlo object reader for gzipped ASCII formatted file (i.e. '.gz') |
  JLANG::JObjectReader< T > | Auxiliary class for object reading |
  JLANG::JObjectSampler< T, JSampler_t > | Auxiliary class to sample objects from a JRewindableObjectIterator |
   JSUPPORT::JMultipleFileSampler< JDAQSummaryslice, JRandomSampler > | |
    JSUPPORT::JRunByRun | Auxiliary class to select summary data (KM3NETDAQ::JDAQSummaryslice) from the specified raw data file(s) |
   JSUPPORT::JMultipleFileSampler< T, JSampler_t > | Auxiliary class to sample from a list of files |
   JSUPPORT::JTreeSampler< T, JSampler_t > | Auxiliary class to sample from a list of files |
  JLANG::JPipe< T > | Auxiliary class for object iteration via pipe, i.e. operator: |
   JLANG::JMultiPipe< T, N > | Auxiliary class for object iteration via multiple pipes, e.g. operator: |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< T > | Interface for object iteration with rewinding |
   JLANG::JAbstractRewindableObjectReader< T > | Abstract interface for object reading with rewinding |
   JLANG::JRewindableAbstractObjectIterator< T > | Abstract object iterator with rewinding |
   JLANG::JRewindableObjectReader< T > | Auxiliary class for object reading with rewinding |
   JLANG::JSTDObjectReader< T > | Implementation of object iteration from STD container |
   JSUPPORT::JMultipleFileScanner< JDAQSummaryslice > | |
   JSUPPORT::JMultipleFileScanner< JHead_t > | |
    JSUPPORT::JMultipleFileScanner< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JMultipleFileScanner class |
    JSUPPORT::JMultipleFileScanner< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object reading for multiple data types from a list of file names |
   JSUPPORT::JMultipleFileScanner< JTail_t > | |
    JSUPPORT::JMultipleFileScanner< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object reading for multiple data types from a list of file names |
   JSUPPORT::JMultipleFileScanner< KM3NETDAQ::KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent > | |
   JSUPPORT::JMultipleFileScanner<> | |
    JSUPPORT::JMultipleFileScanner< Head > | Template specialisation of JMultipleFileScanner for Monte Carlo header |
    JSUPPORT::JMultipleFileScanner< JTriggerParameters > | Template specialisation of JMultipleFileScanner for trigger parameters |
    JSUPPORT::JMultipleFileScanner< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object reading for multiple data types from a list of file names |
   JROOT::JLineAttributes | Auxiliary class to set line attributes |
   JROOT::JMarkerAttributes | Auxiliary class to set marker attributes |
   JROOT::JRootFileReader< T, false > | Tempate specialisation of JRootFileReader for TTree incompatible iteration |
   JROOT::JTreeReaderObjectIterator< T > | JTreeReader object iterator |
   JSUPPORT::JSingleFileScanner< JHead_t > | |
    JSUPPORT::JSingleFileScanner< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JSingleFileScanner class |
    JSUPPORT::JSingleFileScanner< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisation of JSingleFileScanner for single data types |
   JSUPPORT::JSingleFileScanner< JTail_t > | |
    JSUPPORT::JSingleFileScanner< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisation of JSingleFileScanner for single data types |
   JSUPPORT::JSingleFileScanner<> | |
    JSUPPORT::JSingleFileScanner< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisation of JSingleFileScanner for single data types |
   JSUPPORT::JMultipleFileScanner< T > | General purpose class for object reading from a list of file names |
   JSUPPORT::JMultipleFileScanner< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object reading for multiple data types from a list of file names |
   JSUPPORT::JSingleFileScanner< T > | Object reading from a list of files |
   JSUPPORT::JSingleFileScanner< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisation of JSingleFileScanner for single data types |
   JSUPPORT::JTreeScannerInterface< JClass_t, JNullType > | Specialiation of interface JTreeScannerInterface for unordered direct access of elements in ROOT TChain |
 JLANG::JObjectIterator< const T > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractObjectReader< const T > | |
   JLANG::JAbstractRewindableObjectReader< const T > | |
    JLANG::JRewindableObjectReader< const T > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< const T > | |
   JLANG::JAbstractRewindableObjectReader< const T > | |
   JLANG::JRewindableObjectReader< const T > | |
 JLANG::JObjectIterator< Head > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractObjectIterator< Head > | |
   JLANG::JRewindableAbstractObjectIterator< Head > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< Head > | |
   JLANG::JRewindableAbstractObjectIterator< Head > | |
 JLANG::JObjectIterator< JBase_t > | |
  JLANG::JObjectMultiplexer< JDerived_t, JBase_t > | Auxiliary class for multiplexing object iterators |
  JLANG::JObjectMultiplexer< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JBase_t > | Template specialisation of JObjectMultiplexer for multiple object iterators |
  JLANG::JObjectMultiplexer< JHead_t, JBase_t > | |
   JLANG::JObjectMultiplexer< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType >, JBase_t > | Terminator class of recursive JObjectMultiplexer class |
   JLANG::JObjectMultiplexer< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JBase_t > | Template specialisation of JObjectMultiplexer for multiple object iterators |
  JLANG::JObjectMultiplexer< JTail_t, JBase_t > | |
   JLANG::JObjectMultiplexer< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JBase_t > | Template specialisation of JObjectMultiplexer for multiple object iterators |
 JLANG::JObjectIterator< JCategory< T::value_type, JClass< T::reference >::is_constant >::value_type > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< JCategory< T::value_type, JClass< T::reference >::is_constant >::value_type > | |
   JLANG::JSTDObjectIterator< T > | Implementation of object iteration from STD container |
 JLANG::JObjectIterator< JClass_t > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< JClass_t > | |
 JLANG::JObjectIterator< JDAQSummaryslice > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractObjectReader< JDAQSummaryslice > | |
   JLANG::JAbstractAccessibleObjectReader< JDAQSummaryslice > | |
    JLANG::JAccessibleObjectReader< JDAQSummaryslice > | |
  JLANG::JAccessibleObjectIterator< JDAQSummaryslice > | |
   JLANG::JAbstractAccessibleObjectReader< JDAQSummaryslice > | |
   JLANG::JAccessibleObjectReader< JDAQSummaryslice > | |
  JLANG::JObjectSampler< JDAQSummaryslice, JRandomSampler > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< JDAQSummaryslice > | |
 JLANG::JObjectIterator< JHead_t > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractObjectIterator< JHead_t > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractObjectReader< JHead_t > | |
   JLANG::JAbstractAccessibleObjectReader< JHead_t > | |
    JLANG::JAccessibleObjectReader< JHead_t > | |
   JLANG::JAbstractRewindableObjectReader< JHead_t > | |
    JLANG::JRewindableObjectReader< JHead_t > | |
  JLANG::JAccessibleObjectIterator< JHead_t > | |
   JLANG::JAbstractAccessibleObjectReader< JHead_t > | |
   JLANG::JAccessibleObjectReader< JHead_t > | |
  JLANG::JObjectIterator< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JObjectIterator class |
  JLANG::JObjectIterator< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object iterator for multiple data types |
   JLANG::JPipe< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object iterator for multiple data types |
   JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | |
    JLANG::JSTDObjectReader< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object iteration from STD container for multiple data types |
  JLANG::JPipe< JHead_t > | |
   JLANG::JPipe< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JPipe class |
   JLANG::JPipe< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object iterator for multiple data types |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< JHead_t > | |
   JLANG::JAbstractRewindableObjectReader< JHead_t > | |
   JLANG::JRewindableObjectReader< JHead_t > | |
   JLANG::JSTDObjectReader< JHead_t > | |
 JLANG::JObjectIterator< JInput_t > | |
 JLANG::JObjectIterator< JNullType > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractObjectReader< JNullType > | |
   JLANG::JAbstractAccessibleObjectReader< JNullType > | |
    JLANG::JAccessibleObjectReader< JNullType > | |
  JLANG::JAccessibleObjectIterator< JNullType > | |
   JLANG::JAbstractAccessibleObjectReader< JNullType > | |
   JLANG::JAccessibleObjectReader< JNullType > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< JNullType > | |
 JLANG::JObjectIterator< JOutput_t > | |
  JLANG::JConversionIterator< JInput_t, JOutput_t > | Interface for object iteration with type conversion |
 JLANG::JObjectIterator< JPhotonPath > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractObjectIterator< JPhotonPath > | |
  JLANG::JAccessibleObjectIterator< JPhotonPath > | |
 JLANG::JObjectIterator< JTail_t > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractObjectIterator< JTail_t > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractObjectReader< JTail_t > | |
   JLANG::JAbstractAccessibleObjectReader< JTail_t > | |
    JLANG::JAccessibleObjectReader< JTail_t > | |
   JLANG::JAbstractRewindableObjectReader< JTail_t > | |
    JLANG::JRewindableObjectReader< JTail_t > | |
  JLANG::JAccessibleObjectIterator< JTail_t > | |
   JLANG::JAbstractAccessibleObjectReader< JTail_t > | |
   JLANG::JAccessibleObjectReader< JTail_t > | |
  JLANG::JObjectIterator< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object iterator for multiple data types |
  JLANG::JPipe< JTail_t > | |
   JLANG::JPipe< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object iterator for multiple data types |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< JTail_t > | |
   JLANG::JAbstractRewindableObjectReader< JTail_t > | |
   JLANG::JRewindableObjectReader< JTail_t > | |
   JLANG::JSTDObjectReader< JTail_t > | |
 JLANG::JObjectIterator< JTriggerParameters > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractObjectIterator< JTriggerParameters > | |
   JLANG::JRewindableAbstractObjectIterator< JTriggerParameters > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< JTriggerParameters > | |
   JLANG::JRewindableAbstractObjectIterator< JTriggerParameters > | |
 JLANG::JObjectIterator< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | |
 JLANG::JObjectIterator< KM3NETDAQ::KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractObjectReader< KM3NETDAQ::KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent > | |
   JLANG::JAbstractAccessibleObjectReader< KM3NETDAQ::KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent > | |
    JLANG::JAccessibleObjectReader< KM3NETDAQ::KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent > | |
  JLANG::JAccessibleObjectIterator< KM3NETDAQ::KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent > | |
   JLANG::JAbstractAccessibleObjectReader< KM3NETDAQ::KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent > | |
   JLANG::JAccessibleObjectReader< KM3NETDAQ::KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< KM3NETDAQ::KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent > | |
 JLANG::JObjectIterator< TAttLine > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< TAttLine > | |
 JLANG::JObjectIterator< TAttMarker > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< TAttMarker > | |
 JLANG::JObjectIterator< value_type > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< value_type > | |
 JObjectOutput | |
  JAnalysis | Example class for data analysis |
 JLANG::JObjectOutput< T > | Template interface of object output for single data type |
  JIO::JWriterObjectOutput< T > | Implementation of object output using JIO::JWriter for single data type |
   JIO::JBinaryFileWriter< T > | Object(s) writing to binary file |
   JSUPPORT::JDAQWriterObjectOutput< T, true > | Implementation of object output for DAQ compatible data types |
  JIO::JWriterObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object output for multiple data types |
  JLANG::JAbstractObjectWriter< T > | Abstract interface for object writing |
   JLANG::JAbstractAccessibleObjectWriter< T > | Abstract interface for object writing with named access |
    JLANG::JAccessibleObjectWriter< T > | Auxiliary class for object writing with named access |
   JLANG::JObjectWriter< T > | Auxiliary class for object writing to a named device |
  JLANG::JAccessibleObjectOutput< T > | Interface for object output with named access |
   JIO::JBinaryFileWriter< JPhotonPath > | |
   JIO::JBinaryFileWriter< T > | Object(s) writing to binary file |
   JLANG::JAbstractAccessibleObjectWriter< T > | Abstract interface for object writing with named access |
   JLANG::JAccessibleObjectWriter< T > | Auxiliary class for object writing with named access |
   JLANG::JASCIIFileWriter< T > | Object(s) writing to ASCII file |
   JLANG::JGZFileWriter< T > | Object reading from gzipped file |
   JLANG::JNullAccessibleOutput< T > | Implementation for null output with null access |
   JROOT::JRootFileWriter< T > | ROOT file object output |
   JSUPPORT::JDAQFileWriter< T > | Object(s) writing to binary file (i.e. .dat) |
   JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloFileWriter< T > | Object(s) writing to Monte Carlo ASCII file (i.e. .evt) |
   JSUPPORT::JTreeRecorder< T > | ROOT TTree object output |
   JSUPPORT::JTreeRecorder< JDAQTimesliceTypes_t > | |
  JLANG::JNullOutput< T > | Implementation of null output for single data type |
   JLANG::JNullAccessibleOutput< T > | Implementation for null output with null access |
   JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloStreamObjectOutput< JHead_t > | |
    JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloStreamObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JMonteCarloStreamObjectOutput class |
    JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloStreamObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisation of Monte Carlo stream object output for multiple data types |
   JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloStreamObjectOutput< JTail_t > | |
    JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloStreamObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisation of Monte Carlo stream object output for multiple data types |
   JSUPPORT::JDAQWriterObjectOutput< T, false > | Implementation of object output for DAQ incompatible data types |
   JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloStreamObjectOutput< T > | Template definition of Monte Carlo stream output for single data type |
    JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloFileWriter< T > | Object(s) writing to Monte Carlo ASCII file (i.e. .evt) |
  JLANG::JObjectWriter< T > | Auxiliary class for object writing to a named device |
  JLANG::JSTDObjectWriter< T > | Implementation of object output from STD container |
  JLANG::JStreamObjectOutput< T > | Template implementation of stream output for single data type |
   JLANG::JASCIIFileWriter< T > | Object(s) writing to ASCII file |
   JLANG::JGZFileWriter< T > | Object reading from gzipped file |
   JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloStreamObjectOutput< Evt > | Template specialisation of JMonteCarloStreamObjectOutput for Evt |
   JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloStreamObjectOutput< Head > | Template specialisation of JMonteCarloStreamObjectOutput for Head |
  JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloStreamObjectOutput< JHead_t > | |
  JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloStreamObjectOutput< JTail_t > | |
  JNET::JControlHostObjectOutput< T > | Implemenation of object output through ControlHost |
  JROOT::JRootFileObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object output to ROOT file for multiple data types |
  JROOT::JRootObjectOutput< T, false > | Implementation of object output using TDirectory::WriteTObject method |
  JROOT::JRootStreamObjectOutput< T > | Template implementation of stream output for single data type based on ROOT dictionary |
  JROOT::JRootStreamObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisationimplementation of stream object output for multiple data types |
  JROOT::JSonObjectOutput< T > | Template implementation of stream output for single data type |
  JROOT::JSonObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisationimplementation of stream object output for multiple data types |
  JROOT::JTreeWriterObjectOutput< T > | JTreeWriter object output |
   JROOT::JRootObjectOutput< T, true > | Implementation of object output using TTree |
   JSUPPORT::JTreeRecorder< T > | ROOT TTree object output |
   JSUPPORT::JTreeRecorder< JDAQTimesliceTypes_t > | |
  JROOT::JTreeWriterObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of JTreeWriterObjectOutput for multiple data types |
  JROOT::JRootStreamObjectOutput< JHead_t > | |
   JROOT::JRootStreamObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JRootStreamObjectOutput class |
   JROOT::JRootStreamObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisationimplementation of stream object output for multiple data types |
  JROOT::JRootStreamObjectOutput< JTail_t > | |
   JROOT::JRootStreamObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisationimplementation of stream object output for multiple data types |
  JROOT::JSonObjectOutput< JHead_t > | |
   JROOT::JSonObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JSonObjectOutput class |
   JROOT::JSonObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisationimplementation of stream object output for multiple data types |
  JROOT::JSonObjectOutput< JTail_t > | |
   JROOT::JSonObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisationimplementation of stream object output for multiple data types |
  JSUPPORT::JDAQWriter< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object output to binary file for multiple data types |
  JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloStreamObjectOutput< T > | Template definition of Monte Carlo stream output for single data type |
  JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloStreamObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisation of Monte Carlo stream object output for multiple data types |
  JROOT::JTreeWriterObjectOutput< JDAQTimesliceTypes_t > | |
  JROOT::JTreeWriterObjectOutput< JHead_t > | |
   JROOT::JTreeWriterObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JTreeWriterObjectOutput class |
   JROOT::JTreeWriterObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of JTreeWriterObjectOutput for multiple data types |
  JROOT::JTreeWriterObjectOutput< JTail_t > | |
   JROOT::JTreeWriterObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of JTreeWriterObjectOutput for multiple data types |
  JIO::JWriterObjectOutput< JHead_t > | |
   JIO::JWriterObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JWriterObjectOutput class |
   JIO::JWriterObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object output for multiple data types |
  JIO::JWriterObjectOutput< JPhotonPath > | |
   JIO::JBinaryFileWriter< JPhotonPath > | |
  JIO::JWriterObjectOutput< JTail_t > | |
   JIO::JWriterObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object output for multiple data types |
 JLANG::JObjectOutput< Evt > | |
  JLANG::JStreamObjectOutput< Evt > | |
 JLANG::JObjectOutput< Head > | |
  JLANG::JStreamObjectOutput< Head > | |
 JLANG::JObjectOutput< JBase_t > | |
  JLANG::JObjectDemultiplexer< JBase_t, JDerived_t > | Auxiliary class for demultiplexing object outputs |
  JLANG::JObjectDemultiplexer< JBase_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisation of JObjectDemultiplexer for multiple object outputs |
  JLANG::JObjectDemultiplexer< JBase_t, JHead_t > | |
   JLANG::JObjectDemultiplexer< JBase_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JObjectDemultiplexer class |
   JLANG::JObjectDemultiplexer< JBase_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisation of JObjectDemultiplexer for multiple object outputs |
  JLANG::JObjectDemultiplexer< JBase_t, JTail_t > | |
   JLANG::JObjectDemultiplexer< JBase_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisation of JObjectDemultiplexer for multiple object outputs |
 JLANG::JObjectOutput< JDAQTimesliceTypes_t > | |
  JLANG::JAccessibleObjectOutput< JDAQTimesliceTypes_t > | |
 JLANG::JObjectOutput< JDerived_t > | |
 JLANG::JObjectOutput< JHead_t > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractObjectWriter< JHead_t > | |
   JLANG::JAbstractObjectWriter< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JAbstractObjectWriter class |
   JLANG::JAbstractObjectWriter< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Abstract interface for object writing for multiple data types |
   JLANG::JObjectWriter< JHead_t > | |
  JNET::JControlHostObjectOutput< JHead_t > | |
  JLANG::JObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JObjectOutput class |
  JLANG::JObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object output for multiple data types |
   JLANG::JAbstractObjectWriter< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Abstract interface for object writing for multiple data types |
   JLANG::JSTDObjectWriter< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object output from STD container for multiple data types |
   JLANG::JStreamObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisationimplementation of stream object output for multiple data types |
   JNET::JControlHostObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object output for multiple data types |
  JLANG::JNullOutput< JHead_t > | |
   JLANG::JNullOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JNullOutput class |
   JLANG::JNullOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implemenatation of null output for multiple data types |
  JLANG::JObjectWriter< JHead_t > | |
  JLANG::JSTDObjectWriter< JHead_t > | |
  JLANG::JStreamObjectOutput< JHead_t > | |
   JLANG::JStreamObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JStreamObjectOutput class |
   JLANG::JStreamObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisationimplementation of stream object output for multiple data types |
 JLANG::JObjectOutput< JOutputIterator_t::container_type::value_type > | |
  JLANG::JSTDObjectOutput< JOutputIterator_t > | Implementation of object output for STD compatible output iterator |
 JLANG::JObjectOutput< JPhotonPath > | |
  JLANG::JAccessibleObjectOutput< JPhotonPath > | |
 JLANG::JObjectOutput< JTail_t > | |
  JLANG::JAbstractObjectWriter< JTail_t > | |
   JLANG::JAbstractObjectWriter< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Abstract interface for object writing for multiple data types |
   JLANG::JObjectWriter< JTail_t > | |
  JNET::JControlHostObjectOutput< JTail_t > | |
  JLANG::JObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object output for multiple data types |
  JLANG::JNullOutput< JTail_t > | |
   JLANG::JNullOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implemenatation of null output for multiple data types |
  JLANG::JObjectWriter< JTail_t > | |
  JLANG::JSTDObjectWriter< JTail_t > | |
  JLANG::JStreamObjectOutput< JTail_t > | |
   JLANG::JStreamObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisationimplementation of stream object output for multiple data types |
 JLANG::JObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | |
 JLANG::JObjectStreamIO< T > | Auxiliary base class for storing and loading a single object to and from an ASCII file, respectively |
  JDATABASE::JAHRSCalibration_t | Auxiliary class to map module identifier to AHRS calibration |
  JDETECTOR::JPMTParametersMap | Auxiliary class for map of PMT parameters |
  JEEP::JContainer< JContainer_t > | Auxiliary wrapper for I/O of container with optional comment (see JComment) |
  JOSCPROB::JOscParametersInterface< double > | |
  JOSCPROB::JOscParametersInterface< JGrid< double > > | |
  JOSCPROB::JOscParametersInterface< T > | Abstract base class for sets of oscillation parameters |
 JLANG::JObjectStreamIO< JAHRSCalibration_t > | |
 JLANG::JObjectStreamIO< JContainer< JContainer_t > > | |
 JLANG::JObjectStreamIO< JOscParametersInterface< double > > | |
 JLANG::JObjectStreamIO< JOscParametersInterface< JGrid< double > > > | |
 JLANG::JObjectStreamIO< JOscParametersInterface< T > > | |
 JLANG::JObjectStreamIO< JPMTParametersMap > | |
 JDETECTOR::JObsolete_t | Obsolete detector |
 JGIZMO::JOpera | Auxiliary data structure for JOpera1D.cc and JOpera2D.cc applications |
 JPARSER::JOption< T > | Auxiliary class to handle optional I/O |
 JOSCPROB::JOscillogram | Auxiliary class for creating oscillograms |
 JOscProb | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JOscProb > | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JOscProb, JOscProbFunction< JFunction_t > > | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JOscProb, JOscProbFunction< pOscProb > > | |
 JOscProbInterpolatorInterface | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JOscProbInterpolatorInterface > | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JOscProbInterpolatorInterface, JOscProbInterpolator< JCollection_t, JFunction1D_t, JFunctionalMaplist_t > > | |
 JOSCPROB::JOscVars | Auxiliary data structure to hold oscillation variable names |
 JTOOLS::JPair< JKey_t, JValue_t > | Template specialisation for a pair of values |
  JTOOLS::JRange< counter_type > | |
  JTOOLS::JRange< double > | |
  JTOOLS::JRange< int > | |
  JTOOLS::JRange< JAbscissa_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JRange< JDAQHit::JTOT_t > | |
 JTOOLS::JPair< const JKey_t &, const JValue_t & > | Template specialisation for a pair of const references |
 JTOOLS::JPair< const JKey_t &, JValue_t & > | Template specialisation for a mixed pair of const and non-const references |
 JTOOLS::JPair< const key_type, second_iterator & > | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JDistance_t >::iterator_base< first_iterator, second_iterator >::pointer_type | Auxiliary class for smart pointer |
 JTOOLS::JPair< const key_type, value_type > | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JLANG::JNullType >, JDistance_t >::iterator_helper< iterator_type, ordinate_type >::pointer_type | Auxiliary class for pair via smart pointer |
 JTOOLS::JPair< counter_type, counter_type > | |
 JTOOLS::JPair< double, double > | |
 JTOOLS::JPair< int, int > | |
 JTOOLS::JPair< JAbscissa_t, JAbscissa_t > | |
 JTOOLS::JPair< JDAQHit::JTOT_t, JDAQHit::JTOT_t > | |
 JTOOLS::JPair< JKey_t &, JValue_t & > | Template specialisation for a pair of references |
 JTOOLS::JPair< T, T > | |
  JTOOLS::JRange< T, JComparator_t > | Range of values |
 JCALIBRATE::JPairwiseComparator | Auxiliary class to sort pairs of PMT addresses within optical module |
 JCALIBRATE::JParameters | Auxiliary class for PMT parameters including threshold |
 JSIRENE::JParameters | Detector simulation parameters |
 JParameters | |
  JTRIGGER::JParametersHelper< JParameters > | |
 JTRIGGER::JTrigger3D::JParameters | Trigger parameters |
 JTRIGGER::JTrigger3DMuon_t::JParameters | Trigger parameters |
 JTRIGGER::JTrigger3DShower_t::JParameters | Trigger parameters |
 JTRIGGER::JTrigger3N::JParameters | Trigger parameters |
 JTRIGGER::JTriggerMXShower_t::JParameters | Trigger parameters |
 JTRIGGER::JTriggerNB_t::JParameters | Trigger parameters |
 JTRIGGER::JParametersHelper< JParameters_t > | Wrapper class to share parameters |
 JPARSER::JParserTemplateElement< JType_t, has_eq > | Template class holder for I/O of parser element |
 JPARSER::JParserTemplateElement< JType_t > | |
 JAANET::JParticle | Auxiliary class to handle particle name, codes and mass |
 JPDF | Auxiliary data structure for muon PDF |
 JPDF_t | |
  JACOUSTICS::JHit< JPDF_t > | Acoustics hit |
 JPHYSICS::JPDFTransformer< N, JArgument_t > | Template definition of transformer of the probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT |
 JDETECTOR::JPhotoElectron | Data structure for single photo-electron |
 JTRIGGER::JPMTMask | Auxiliary class for PMT mask |
 JDETECTOR::JPMTParameters | Data structure for PMT parameters |
  JDETECTOR::JPMTAnalogueSignalProcessor | PMT analogue signal processor |
 JCALIBRATE::JPMTParameters_t | Fit parameters for single PMT |
 JDETECTOR::JPMTParametersMap::JPMTParametersMapHelper | Auxiliary class for I/O of PMT parameters map |
 JDETECTOR::JPMTPulse | Data structure for PMT digital pulse |
 JDETECTOR::JPMTReadoutAddress | Data structure for PMT readout address |
  JDETECTOR::JPMTAddressTranslator | Data structure to translate PMT physical to readout address |
  JDETECTOR::JPMTChannel | Auxiliary class to uniquely identify PMT readout channel |
  JDETECTOR::JPMTIdentifier | PMT identifier |
 JDETECTOR::JPMTSignal | Data structure for PMT analogue signal |
 JDETECTOR::JPMTSignalProcessorInterface | PMT signal processor interface |
  JDETECTOR::JPMTAnalogueSignalProcessor | PMT analogue signal processor |
 JDETECTOR::JPMTSimulator | Interface for PMT simulation |
  JDETECTOR::JDetectorSimulator | Detector simulation |
  JDETECTOR::JPMTDefaultSimulatorInterface | Default PMT simulation interface |
   JDETECTOR::JPMTDefaultSimulator | Default PMT simulation |
 JRECONSTRUCTION::JPointing | Auxiliary class to compare fit results with respect to a reference direction (e.g. true muon) |
 JTOOLS::JPolintCollection< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Template definition of base class for polynomial interpolations with polynomial result |
 JTOOLS::JPolintCollection< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultPolynome< 1, JResultType< JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultDerivative< typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for polynomial interpolation method with returning JResultDerivative data structure |
 JTOOLS::JPolintCollection< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultPolynome< 2, JResultType< JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultHesse< typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for polynomial interpolation method with returning JResultHesse data structure |
 JTOOLS::JPolintCollection< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultPolynome< M, JResultType< JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultPolynome< M, typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | Template specialisation for polynomial interpolation method with returning JResultPolynome data structure |
 JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Template definition for functional collection with polynomial interpolation |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Template class for polynomial interpolation in 1D |
 JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< double, double >, JCollection, double, JDistance< typename JElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< N, JElement2D< double, double >, JCollection, double > | |
 JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< double, double >, JCollection, JResultDerivative< double >, JDistance< typename JElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< N, JElement2D< double, double >, JCollection, JResultDerivative< double > > | |
 JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< double, double >, JGridCollection, double, JDistance< typename JElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< N, JElement2D< double, double >, JGridCollection, double > | |
 JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< double, double >, JGridCollection, JResultDerivative< double >, JDistance< typename JElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< N, JElement2D< double, double >, JGridCollection, JResultDerivative< double > > | |
 JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JContents_t >, JMapCollection< JGridMap >::template collection_type, JResultHesse< JResultType< JContents_t >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintMap< N, JAbscissa_t, JContents_t, JGridMap, JResultHesse< JResultType< JContents_t >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | |
 JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 0, JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 1, JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 2, JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 3, JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
 JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JGridCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 0, JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JGridCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 1, JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JGridCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 2, JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JGridCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 3, JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JGridCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
 JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JGridCollection, typename JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >::ordinate_type, JDistance< typename JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 1, JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JGridCollection > | |
 JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JMapCollection< JGridMap >::template collection_type, JResultHesse< JResultType< JResult_t >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintMap< N, JArgument_t, JResult_t, JGridMap, JResultHesse< JResultType< JResult_t >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | |
 JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< JKey_t, JValue_t >, JMapCollection< JGridMap >::template collection_type, JResultDerivative< JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintMap< 0, JKey_t, JValue_t, JGridMap, JResultDerivative< JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JPolint0FunctionalGridMapH< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a zero degree polynomial interpolation based on a JGridMap implementation |
  JTOOLS::JPolintMap< 1, JKey_t, JValue_t, JGridMap, JResultDerivative< JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JPolint1FunctionalGridMapH< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a 1st degree polynomial interpolation based on a JGridMap implementation |
  JTOOLS::JPolintMap< 2, JKey_t, JValue_t, JGridMap, JResultDerivative< JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JPolint2FunctionalGridMapH< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a 2nd degree polynomial interpolation based on a JGridMap implementation |
  JTOOLS::JPolintMap< 3, JKey_t, JValue_t, JGridMap, JResultDerivative< JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JPolint3FunctionalGridMapH< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a 3rd degree polynomial interpolation based on a JGridMap implementation |
 JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< JKey_t, JValue_t >, JMapCollection< JGridMap >::template collection_type, JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintMap< 0, JKey_t, JValue_t, JGridMap, JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type, JDistance_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JPolint0FunctionalGridMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a zero degree polynomial interpolation based on a JGridMap implementation |
  JTOOLS::JPolintMap< 1, JKey_t, JValue_t, JGridMap, JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type, JDistance_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JPolint1FunctionalGridMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a 1st degree polynomial interpolation based on a JGridMap implementation |
  JTOOLS::JPolintMap< 2, JKey_t, JValue_t, JGridMap, JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type, JDistance_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JPolint2FunctionalGridMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a 2nd degree polynomial interpolation based on a JGridMap implementation |
  JTOOLS::JPolintMap< 3, JKey_t, JValue_t, JGridMap, JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type, JDistance_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JPolint3FunctionalGridMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a 3rd degree polynomial interpolation based on a JGridMap implementation |
 JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< JKey_t, JValue_t >, JMapCollection< JMap >::template collection_type, JResultDerivative< JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintMap< 0, JKey_t, JValue_t, JMap, JResultDerivative< JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JPolint0FunctionalMapH< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a zero degree polynomial interpolation based on a JMap implementation |
  JTOOLS::JPolintMap< 1, JKey_t, JValue_t, JMap, JResultDerivative< JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JPolint1FunctionalMapH< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a 1st degree polynomial interpolation based on a JMap implementation |
  JTOOLS::JPolintMap< 2, JKey_t, JValue_t, JMap, JResultDerivative< JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JPolint2FunctionalMapH< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a 2nd degree polynomial interpolation based on a JMap implementation |
  JTOOLS::JPolintMap< 3, JKey_t, JValue_t, JMap, JResultDerivative< JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type >, JDistance_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JPolint3FunctionalMapH< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a 3rd degree polynomial interpolation based on a JMap implementation |
 JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< JKey_t, JValue_t >, JMapCollection< JMap >::template collection_type, JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintMap< 0, JKey_t, JValue_t, JMap, JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type, JDistance_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JPolint0FunctionalMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a zero degree polynomial interpolation based on a JMap implementation |
  JTOOLS::JPolintMap< 1, JKey_t, JValue_t, JMap, JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type, JDistance_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JPolint1FunctionalMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a 1st degree polynomial interpolation based on a JMap implementation |
  JTOOLS::JPolintMap< 2, JKey_t, JValue_t, JMap, JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type, JDistance_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JPolint2FunctionalMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a 2nd degree polynomial interpolation based on a JMap implementation |
  JTOOLS::JPolintMap< 3, JKey_t, JValue_t, JMap, JResultType< JValue_t >::result_type, JDistance_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JPolint3FunctionalMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t > | Type definition of a 3rd degree polynomial interpolation based on a JMap implementation |
 JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement2D< JKey_t, JValue_t >, JMapCollection< JMap_t >::template collection_type, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintMap< N, JKey_t, JValue_t, JMap_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Functional map with polynomial interpolation |
 JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement_t, JCollection, JDistance_t, JDistance< typename JElement_t::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 0, JElement_t, JCollection, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 1, JElement_t, JCollection, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 2, JElement_t, JCollection, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 3, JElement_t, JCollection, JDistance_t > | |
 JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JPolintElement2S< double, double >, JCollection, JResultPDF< double >, JDistance< typename JPolintElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< N, JPolintElement2S< double, double >, JCollection, JResultPDF< double > > | |
 JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JPolintElement2S< double, double >, JGridCollection, JResultPDF< double >, JDistance< typename JPolintElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< N, JPolintElement2S< double, double >, JGridCollection, JResultPDF< double > > | |
 JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JTOOLS::JElement2D< double, JTDC_t >, JTOOLS::JGridCollection, JTDC_t, JDistance< typename JTOOLS::JElement2D< double, JTDC_t >::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 0, JTOOLS::JElement2D< double, JTDC_t >, JTOOLS::JGridCollection, JTDC_t > | |
 JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JTOOLS::JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JTOOLS::JGridCollection, JOrdinate_t, JDistance< typename JTOOLS::JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JPolintFunction1D< 0, JTOOLS::JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JTOOLS::JGridCollection, JOrdinate_t > | |
 JRECONSTRUCTION::JPosition | Auxiliary class to compare fit results with respect to a reference position (e.g. true muon) |
 JMATH::JPower | Power law function object |
 JDETECTOR::JPPM_DU_t | Type definitions for different detectors.PPM_DU |
 JLANG::JPredicate< JTypename_t, JComparator_t > | Template definition of auxiliary class to select objects |
 JLANG::JPredicate< JResult_t T::*, JComparator_t > | Template specialisation of JPredicate for selection of objects via data member |
 JLANG::JPredicate< JResult_t(T::*)() const, JComparator_t > | Template specialisation of JPredicate for selection of objects via member method |
 JLANG::JPrimitive< T > | Data structure for primitive types |
 JLANG::JPrimitive< bool > | |
  JLANG::JArgument< bool > | Specialisations of JArgument for primitive types |
 JLANG::JPrimitive< char > | |
  JLANG::JArgument< char > | |
 JLANG::JPrimitive< double > | |
  JLANG::JArgument< double > | |
 JLANG::JPrimitive< float > | |
  JLANG::JArgument< float > | |
 JLANG::JPrimitive< int > | |
  JLANG::JArgument< int > | |
 JLANG::JPrimitive< long double > | |
  JLANG::JArgument< long double > | |
 JLANG::JPrimitive< long int > | |
  JLANG::JArgument< long int > | |
 JLANG::JPrimitive< long long int > | |
  JLANG::JArgument< long long int > | |
 JLANG::JPrimitive< short > | |
  JLANG::JArgument< short > | |
 JLANG::JPrimitive< unsigned char > | |
  JLANG::JArgument< unsigned char > | |
 JLANG::JPrimitive< unsigned int > | |
  JLANG::JArgument< unsigned int > | |
 JLANG::JPrimitive< unsigned long int > | |
  JLANG::JArgument< unsigned long int > | |
 JLANG::JPrimitive< unsigned long long int > | |
  JLANG::JArgument< unsigned long long int > | |
 JLANG::JPrimitive< unsigned short > | |
  JLANG::JArgument< unsigned short > | |
 JLANG::JPrinter | Auxiliary class to temporarily replace std::ostream |
 JLANG::JPrintHelper | Auxiliary class to print via member method const char* str() const; |
 JSYSTEM::JProcess | Streaming of input and output from Linux command |
  JSYSTEM::JShell | The JShell clas can be used to interact with the shell via I/O streams |
 JDATABASE::JProductIntegration_t | Auxiliary class for product integration data |
 JSIRENE::JPythia | Auxiliary class to determine EM-equivalent energy as a function of PDG particle code and energy |
 JCOMPASS::JQuaternion | Quaternion |
  JCOMPASS::JOrientation | Orientation of module |
 JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion2D | This class represents a rotation |
  JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion3X | This class represents a rotation around the x-axis |
  JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion3Y | This class represents a rotation around the y-axis |
  JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion3Z | This class represents a rotation around the z-axis |
 JRA_Histograms | |
 JPHYSICS::JRadiation | Auxiliary class for the calculation of the muon radiative cross sections |
  JPHYSICS::JRadiationFunction | Fast implementation of class JRadiation |
 JPHYSICS::JRadiationInterface | Interface for calculation of inverse interaction length and shower energy |
  JPHYSICS::JDISSource | Implementation for calculation of inverse interaction length and shower energy due to deep-inelastic muon-nucleon scattering |
  JPHYSICS::JRadiationSource | Implementation for calculation of inverse interaction length and shower energy |
 JPHYSICS::JRadiationSource_t | Auxiliary data structure for handling member methods of class JRadiation |
  JPHYSICS::JRadiationSource | Implementation for calculation of inverse interaction length and shower energy |
 JMATH::JRandom< T, is_specialized > | Template definition of random value generator |
 JMATH::JRandom< T, false > | Template spacialisation of JMATH::JRandom for non-numerical data types |
 JMATH::JRandom< T, true > | Template spacialisation of JMATH::JRandom for numerical values |
 JSUPPORT::JRandomSampler< T > | Template class for randomly sampling from a JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator using a JLANG::JObjectSampler |
 JSUPPORT::JRandomSampler< JDAQSummaryslice > | |
 JTOOLS::JRebin< JElement_t > | Auxiliary class for merging of fixed number of consecutive bins |
 JLANG::JReference< JClass_t > | The template JReference class can be used to reference an object |
  JDETECTOR::JModuleRouter | Router for direct addressing of module data in detector data structure |
   JDETECTOR::JDAQHitRouter | Simple wrapper around JModuleRouter class for direct addressing of PMT data in detector data structure for DAQ hits |
   JDETECTOR::JModuleMapper< JAttributes_t > | Mapper for directly addressing of associated modules in the detector data structure |
   JDETECTOR::JModuleMapper< JAttributes > | |
  JDETECTOR::JPMTRouter | Router for direct addressing of PMT data in detector data structure |
   JDETECTOR::JDetectorSimulator | Detector simulation |
 JLANG::JReference< const JClass_t > | Template specialisation of JReference class for const data type |
 JLANG::JReference< const JDetector > | |
 JLANG::JReference< JClass_t *const > | Template specialisation of JReference class for pointer type |
 JFIT::JRegressor< JModel_t, JMinimiser_t > | Template definition of a data regressor of given model |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JMuonEnergy | Auxiliary class to to determine muon energy |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JMuonGandalf | Wrapper class to make final fit of muon trajectory |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JMuonSimplex | Wrapper class to make intermediate fit of muon trajectory |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JMuonStart | Auxiliary class to determine start and end position of muon trajectory |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerBjorkenY | Class to handle the direction fit of the shower reconstruction, mainly dedicated for ORCA |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerDirectionPrefit | Class to handle the direction fit of the shower reconstruction, mainly dedicated for ORCA |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerEnergyPrefit | Class to handle the third step of the shower reconstruction, mainly dedicated for ORCA |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerFit | Class to handle the direction fit of the shower reconstruction, mainly dedicated for ORCA |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerPointSimplex | Class to handle the second position fit of the shower reconstruction, mainly dedicated for ORCA |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerPositionFit | Class to handle the second position fit of the shower reconstruction, mainly dedicated for ORCA |
 JFIT::JRegressor< JEnergy > | |
 JFIT::JRegressor< JEnergy, JSimplex > | |
 JFIT::JRegressor< JLine3Z, JGandalf > | |
 JFIT::JRegressor< JLine3Z, JSimplex > | |
 JFIT::JRegressor< JPoint4D, JGandalf > | |
 JFIT::JRegressor< JPoint4D, JSimplex > | |
 JFIT::JRegressor< JShower3EZ, JGandalf > | |
 JFIT::JRegressor< JShower3EZ, JSimplex > | |
 JFIT::JRegressor< JShowerEH, JSimplex > | |
 JLANG::JRemove< JTypelist_t, T > | Removal of data type from type list |
 JLANG::JRemove< JNullType, T > | Template specialisation of removal of data type from type list |
 JLANG::JRemove< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, T > | Template specialisation of removal of data type from type list |
 JLANG::JRemove< JTypeList< JHead_t1, JTail_t1 >, JTypeList< JHead_t2, JNullType > > | Template specialisation of removal of type list from type list |
 JLANG::JRemove< JTypeList< JHead_t1, JTail_t1 >, JTypeList< JHead_t2, JTail_t2 > > | Template specialisation of removal of type list from type list |
 JLANG::JRemove< JTypeList< T, JTail_t >, T > | Template specialisation of removal of data type from type list |
 JLANG::JResolve< T, JBool_t > | Test exitence of class T |
 JLANG::JResolve< T, JBool< sizeof(T) > > | Template specialisation of class JResolve for existing implementation of given class T |
 JLANG::JResolveTypeList< T > | Resolve template class to JTypeList |
 JLANG::JResolveTypeList< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Resolve JTypeList to JTypeList |
 JRECONSTRUCTION::JMuonEnergy::JResult | Auxiliary class for energy estimation |
 JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerEnergyPrefit::JResult | Auxiliary class for energy estimation |
 JTOOLS::JResultEvaluator< T > | Auxiliary class to recursively evaluate to a result |
 JTOOLS::JResultEvaluator< JResultDerivative< T > > | Template specialisation of JResultEvaluator for JResultDerivative |
 JTOOLS::JResultEvaluator< JResultHesse< T > > | Template specialisation of JResultEvaluator for JResultHesse |
 JTOOLS::JResultEvaluator< JResultPDF< T > > | Template specialisation of JResultEvaluator for JResultPDF |
 JTOOLS::JResultEvaluator< JResultPolynome< 0, T > > | Template specialisation of JResultEvaluator for JResultPolynome |
 JTOOLS::JResultEvaluator< JResultPolynome< N, T > > | Template specialisation of JResultEvaluator for JResultPolynome |
 JTOOLS::JResultTransformer< JResult_t > | Auxiliary class to handle multidimensional map transformations for given result type |
 JTOOLS::JResultTransformer< JResultHesse< JResult_t > > | Auxiliary class to handle multidimensional map transformations for given result type |
 JTOOLS::JResultTransformer< JResultPDF< JResult_t > > | Auxiliary class to handle multidimensional map transformations for given result type |
 JTOOLS::JResultType< JClass_t, JResultType_t > | Auxiliary class to evaluate result type |
 JTOOLS::JResultType< JClass_t, typename JVoid< typename JClass_t::result_type >::type > | Auxiliary class to evaluate result type |
 JTOOLS::JResultType< ordinate_type > | |
 JLANG::JRewindable< T > | Template interface of rewindable object |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< T > | Interface for object iteration with rewinding |
 JLANG::JRewindable< const T > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< const T > | |
 JLANG::JRewindable< Head > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< Head > | |
 JLANG::JRewindable< JCategory< T::value_type, JClass< T::reference >::is_constant >::value_type > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< JCategory< T::value_type, JClass< T::reference >::is_constant >::value_type > | |
 JLANG::JRewindable< JClass_t > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< JClass_t > | |
 JLANG::JRewindable< JDAQSummaryslice > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< JDAQSummaryslice > | |
 JLANG::JRewindable< JHead_t > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< JHead_t > | |
 JLANG::JRewindable< JNullType > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< JNullType > | |
 JLANG::JRewindable< JTail_t > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< JTail_t > | |
 JLANG::JRewindable< JTriggerParameters > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< JTriggerParameters > | |
 JLANG::JRewindable< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | |
 JLANG::JRewindable< KM3NETDAQ::KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< KM3NETDAQ::KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent > | |
 JLANG::JRewindable< TAttLine > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< TAttLine > | |
 JLANG::JRewindable< TAttMarker > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< TAttMarker > | |
 JLANG::JRewindable< value_type > | |
  JLANG::JRewindableObjectIterator< value_type > | |
 JPHYSICS::JPDF::JRoot | Auxiliary class to find solution(s) to of the square root expression:
where is the index of refraction |
 JROOT::JRootAddress< T > | Auxiliary classd for address handling within TTree or TChain |
  JROOT::JChainReader< T > | Auxiliary class for template TChain reading |
  JROOT::JTreeReader< T > | Auxiliary class for template TTree reading |
 JROOT::JRootAddress< JClass_t > | |
  JROOT::JChainReader< JClass_t > | |
 JROOT::JRootAddress< JDerived_t > | |
  JROOT::JChainReader< JDerived_t > | |
 JROOT::JRootFileReader< T, bool > | ROOT file reader |
 JROOT::JRootLabel< __ID, T > | Replica of structure JLANG::JLabel for data types with ROOT I/O |
 JROOT::JRootLabel< 11, KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTimeslice > | |
  JTypeID< KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTimeslice > | |
 JGIZMO::JRootObjectID | Auxiliary class to handle file name, ROOT directory and object name |
 JROOT::JRootObjectOutput< T, bool > | Template definition of ROOT object output |
 JROOT::JRootObjectOutput< JHead_t > | |
  JROOT::JRootFileObjectOutput< JHead_t > | |
   JROOT::JRootFileObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > | Terminator class of recursive JRootObjectOutput class |
   JROOT::JRootFileObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object output to ROOT file for multiple data types |
 JROOT::JRootObjectOutput< JTail_t > | |
  JROOT::JRootFileObjectOutput< JTail_t > | |
   JROOT::JRootFileObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Implementation of object output to ROOT file for multiple data types |
 JROOT::JRootObjectOutput< T > | |
  JROOT::JRootFileObjectOutput< T > | Implementation of object output to ROOT file for single data type |
   JROOT::JRootFileWriter< T > | ROOT file object output |
 JROOT::JRootPrinter | Auxiliary class for printing objects in ASCII format using JRootWriter |
 JROOT::JRootStreamer< T > | Auxiliary template class to define default implementation of the ROOT streamer |
 JTOOLS::JRouter< JAddress_t, has_eq > | Direct addressing of elements with unique identifiers |
 JTOOLS::JRouter< int > | |
  JTOOLS::JHashCollection< JElement_t, JEvaluator_t >::router_type | Internal router |
 JTOOLS::JRouter< JDETECTOR::JModuleAddress > | |
 JTOOLS::JRouter< JDETECTOR::JPMTAddress > | |
 JRunAnalyzer | Class dedicated to the analysis of KM3NeT runs |
 JDATABASE::JRunsetup_t | Auxiliary data structure for run setup information |
 JLANG::JSampler< T > | Template class for sampling from a JRewindableObjectIterator |
 JMARKOV::JScatteringModel | Virtual base class for a scattering model |
  JMARKOV::JCombinedScattering | Implementation of the JScatteringModel interface with that combines two scattering models into one effective model |
  JMARKOV::JHenyeyGreensteinScattering | Implementation of the JScatteringModel interface with scattering according to the Henyey-Greenstein function |
  JMARKOV::JIsotropicScattering | Implementation of the JScatteringModel interface with isotropic scattering |
  JMARKOV::JRayleighScattering | Implementation of the JScatteringModel interface with Rayleigh scattering |
 JSIRENE::JSeaWater | Sea water composition |
 JNET::JSelectReader | Wrapper class for select call |
  JNET::JSelect | Wrapper class for select call |
 JNET::JSelectWriter | Wrapper class for select call |
  JNET::JSelect | Wrapper class for select call |
 JIO::JSerialisable | Forward declaration of binary output |
  JDETECTOR::JDetector | Detector data structure |
  JMARKOV::JPhotonPath | A photon path |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMapTransformer< 1, JArgument_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMapTransformer< 2, JArgument_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMapTransformer< 3, JArgument_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMapTransformer< 4, JArgument_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMapTransformer< 5, JArgument_t > | |
  JOSCPROB::JOscParametersInterface< double > | |
  JOSCPROB::JOscParametersInterface< JGrid< double > > | |
  JOSCPROB::JBaselineCalculator | Auxiliary data structure for storing and calculating baselines |
  JOSCPROB::JOscParametersInterface< T > | Abstract base class for sets of oscillation parameters |
  JOSCPROB::JOscProbInterpolatorInterface | Low-level interface for oscillation probability tables |
  JPHYSICS::JPDFTable< JFunction1D_t, JPDFMaplist_t > | |
  JPHYSICS::JPDFTable< JFunction1D_t, JPDFMapList_t > | |
  JPHYSICS::JCDFTable< JFunction1D_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | Multi-dimensional CDF table for arrival time of Cherenkov light |
  JPHYSICS::JPDFTable< JFunction1D_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | Multi-dimensional PDF table for arrival time of Cherenkov light |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMapTransformer< N, JArgument_t > | Interface for weight application and coordinate transformation of function |
   JPHYSICS::JPD0Transformer_t< JArgument_t > | Transformer for the 1D probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT due to a point source |
   JPHYSICS::JPDFTransformer< 2, JArgument_t > | Template specialisation of transformer of the 2D probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT due to a bright point |
   JPHYSICS::JPDFTransformer< 3, JArgument_t > | Template specialisation of transformer of the 3D probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT due to a muon |
   JPHYSICS::JPDFTransformer< 4, JArgument_t > | Template specialisation of transformer of the 4D probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT due to an EM shower |
   JPHYSICS::JPDFTransformer< 5, JArgument_t > | Template specialisation of transformer of the 5D probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT due to an EM shower |
   JPHYSICS::JPDFTransformer_t< JArgument_t > | Transformer for the 1D probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT to a muon |
   JPHYSICS::JPDGTransformer_t< JArgument_t > | Transformer for the 2D probability density function (PDF) of the time response of a PMT due to an EM shower |
   JTOOLS::JMultiMapTransformer< N, JArgument_t >::JMultiMapDefaultTransformer | Default implementation of weight application and coordinate transformation of function |
 JLANG::JSharedCounter | Shared counter |
  JEEP::JFunctionAdaptorHelper< __pF__ > | Auxiliary base class for function adaptor |
  JEEP::JFunctionAdaptorHelper< bool(*)(const JFit &, const JFit &)> | |
   JEEP::JFunctionAdaptor< bool, const JFit &, const JFit & > | |
  JEEP::JFunctionAdaptorHelper< JReturn_t(*)(JFirst_t)> | |
   JEEP::JFunctionAdaptor< JReturn_t, JFirst_t, void > | Function adaptor for function with one argument |
  JEEP::JFunctionAdaptorHelper< JReturn_t(*)(JFirst_t, JSecond_t)> | |
   JEEP::JFunctionAdaptor< JReturn_t, JFirst_t, JSecond_t > | Function adaptor |
    JRECONSTRUCTION::JQualitySorter | General purpose sorter of fit results |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JClass_t, JMemory_t > | The template JSharedPointer class can be used to share a pointer to an object |
  JNET::JDispatch | Data structure of a ControlHost message |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< const TFormula > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JAbstractAutoPointer< JBase_t > > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JDAQSummaryslice > > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JHead_t > > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JNullType > > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< JTail_t > > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< KM3NETDAQ::KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent > > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JAccessibleObjectIterator< T > > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JAccessibleObjectOutput< T > > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JBase_t > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JDiffuseFlux > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JEvtWeight > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JEvtWeightFactor > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JEvtWeightFactor_t > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JExceptionHandler > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JFIT::JMEstimator > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JFlux > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JLOGGER::JLogger > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JNET::JControlHost > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JObjectIterator< T > > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JObjectOutput< JHead_t > > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JObjectOutput< JTail_t > > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JObjectOutput< T > > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JOscProb > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JParserElementInterface > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JPropertiesElementInterface > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JRadiation > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JRewindableObjectIterator< const T > > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JRewindableObjectIterator< JHead_t > > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JRewindableObjectIterator< JTail_t > > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JRewindableObjectIterator< T > > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JTOOLS::JMultiMapTransformer > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JTRIGGER::JDAQHitSelector > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< JTRIGGER::JMatch > | |
  JLANG::JSharedPointer< match_type > | |
 JShowerNPE_t | Auxiliary data structure for shower PDF |
 JShowerPDF_t | Auxiliary data structure for shower PDF |
 JLANG::JSingleton< T > | Simple singleton class |
  JDATABASE::JDBReader< T > | Auxiliary class to read object with ROOT dictionary from database |
  JDATABASE::JNullResultSet | Auxiliary class for invalid result set |
  JROOT::JRootDictionary | Default implementation of ROOT based dictionary for ASCII I/O |
 JLANG::JSingleton< __A__ > | |
  __A__ | |
 JLANG::JSingleton< JDBReader< T > > | |
 JLANG::JSingleton< JNullResultSet > | |
 JLANG::JSingleton< JRootDictionary > | |
 JROOT::JTreeParametersAvailable< T >::JSmall | |
 JTagAvailable< T >::JSmall | |
 JGEOMETRY2D::JSmallestDistance2D | Auxiliary class for determination of smallest distance between pair of 2D points |
 JGEOMETRY3D::JSmallestDistance3D | Auxiliary class for determination of smallest distance between pair of 3D points |
 JSUPERNOVA::JSNFilter | Interface for SN filter operator |
  JSUPERNOVA::JSNFilterM | SN filter based on multiplicity selection optional suppression of multi-module coincidences WARNING: no minimum threshold for the veto |
  JSUPERNOVA::JSNFilterMV | SN filter based on veto window |
 JNET::JSocketChannel | Auxiliary class for socket channel |
  JNET::JSocketInputChannel< JPrefix_t > | Socket input channel |
  JNET::JSocketOutputChannel< JPrefix_t > | Socket output channel |
 JNET::JSocketStatus | Auxiliary class for non-blocking socket I/O |
  JNET::JSocketBuffer< JElement_t > | Auxiliary class for non-blocking socket I/O |
   JNET::JSocketNonblockingReader | Non-blocking socket reader |
   JNET::JSocketNonblockingWriter | Non-blocking socket writer |
 JASTRONOMY::JSourceLocation | Location of astrophysical source |
 JMARKOV::JSourceModel | Virtual base class for a light source |
  JMARKOV::JDirectedSource | Implementation of the JSourceModel class that represents a directed source with a flat intensity distribution |
  JMARKOV::JIsotropicSource | Implementation of the JSourceModel class that represents an isotropic source |
 JTOOLS::JSplineBounds< JOrdinate_t > | Auxiliary class to define first derivates of the spline function at the two extrema |
 JTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Template definition for functional collection with spline interpolation |
  JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | Template class for spline interpolation in 1D |
 JTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JElement_t, JGridCollection, JDistance_t, JDistance< typename JElement_t::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JElement_t, JGridCollection, JDistance_t > | |
 JTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >, JMapCollection< JGridMap >::template collection_type, result_type, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >, JMapCollection< JGridMap >::template collection_type, result_type > | |
 JTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >, JMapCollection< JMap >::template collection_type, result_type, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >, JMapCollection< JMap >::template collection_type, result_type > | |
 JTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >, JMapCollection< JMap_t >::template collection_type, result_type, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2D< argument_type, data_type >, JMapCollection< JMap_t >::template collection_type, result_type > | |
 JTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JSplineElement2D< double, double >, JCollection, double, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2D< double, double >, JCollection, double > | |
 JTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JSplineElement2D< double, double >, JGridCollection, double, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2D< double, double >::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2D< double, double >, JGridCollection, double > | |
 JTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JSplineElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
 JTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JSplineElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JGridCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JGridCollection, JResult_t, JDistance_t > | |
 JTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JCollection, JResultDerivative< double >, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JCollection, JResultDerivative< double > > | |
 JTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JCollection, JResultPDF< double >, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JCollection, JResultPDF< double > > | |
 JTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JGridCollection, JResultDerivative< double >, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JGridCollection, JResultDerivative< double > > | |
 JTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JGridCollection, JResultPDF< double >, JDistance< typename JSplineElement2S< double, double >::abscissa_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JSplineFunction1D< JSplineElement2S< double, double >, JGridCollection, JResultPDF< double > > | |
 JRECONSTRUCTION::JStart | Auxiliary class for start or end point evaluation |
 JDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface::JStateMachine | Interface to mimic hit ordering effects due to state machine inside CLB |
  JDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulator::JStateMachine | Auxiliary class to mimic hit ordering effects due to state machine inside CLB |
 JPHYSICS::JSter | Struct for the Sternheimer coefficients |
 JEEPZ::JStream | Auxiliary class for format STL containers |
 STREAM::JStream | Auxiliary class for format stream |
 JLANG::JStreamInput | Interface for ASCII input using standard streams |
  JEEP::JPropertiesElementInterface | Interface for I/O of properties element |
   JEEP::JPropertiesTemplateElement< T > | Template class for I/O of properties element |
   JEEP::JPropertiesTemplateElement< const T > | Template specialisation of JPropertiesTemplateElement for const data type |
   JEEP::JPropertiesTemplateElement< JProperties > | Template specialisation for JProperties |
   JEEP::JPropertiesTemplateElement< JProperties::JFileReader > | Template specialisation for JFileReader |
  JLANG::JValueInput< T > | Wrapper class around template object |
   JLANG::JValue< T > | Wrapper class around template object |
  JPARSER::JParserElementInterface | Interface for I/O of parser element |
   JPARSER::JParserTemplateElement< bool > | Template specialisation of JPARSER::JParserTemplateElement for type bool |
   JPARSER::JParserTemplateElement< JCounter > | Template specialisation of JPARSER::JParserTemplateElement for type JCounter |
   JPARSER::JParserTemplateElement< JType_t, false > | Template specialisation of JPARSER::JParserTemplateElement for data type without equal operator == |
    JPARSER::JParserTemplateElement< JType_t, true > | Template specialisation of JPARSER::JParserTemplateElement for data type with equal operator == |
  JTOOLS::JAbstractAutoPointer< JBase_t > | Abstract class of an automatic pointer |
 JLANG::JStreamOutput | Interface for ASCII output using standard streams |
  JEEP::JPropertiesElementInterface | Interface for I/O of properties element |
  JLANG::JValueOutput< T > | Forward declaration for friend declaration of JValueOutput inside JValueInput |
   JLANG::JValue< T > | Wrapper class around template object |
  JPARSER::JParserElementInterface | Interface for I/O of parser element |
  JTOOLS::JAbstractAutoPointer< JBase_t > | Abstract class of an automatic pointer |
 JLANG::JStreamState | This class can be used to temporarily exchange the states between streams |
  JLANG::JStringStream | Wrapper class around STL stringstream class to facilitate optional loading of data from file |
  JROOT::JRootReader | Implementation for ASCII input of objects with ROOT dictionary |
  JROOT::JRootWriter | Implementation for ASCII output of objects with ROOT dictionary |
   JAANET::JHeadWriter | Implementation for Head output of JHead objects with ROOT dictionary |
 JLANG::JStreamSuffixOutput | Interface for ASCII output with prefix and postfix using standard streams |
  JEEP::JPropertiesElementInterface | Interface for I/O of properties element |
 JDETECTOR::JStringCounter | Auxiliary class for counting unique strings |
 JSUPPORT::JSummaryRouter | Router for fast addressing of summary data in KM3NETDAQ::JDAQSummaryslice data structure as a function of the optical module identifier and PMT address |
  JSUPPORT::JSummaryFileRouter | File router for fast addressing of summary data |
 JMATH::JSVD3D | Singular value decomposition |
 JLANG::JSwitch< bool, A, B > | Template selection of type specifier |
 JLANG::JSwitch< true, A, B > | Template specialisation of selection of type specifier |
 JNET::JTag | ControlHost tag |
  JNET::JControlHostObjectOutput< JHead_t > | |
  JNET::JControlHostObjectOutput< JTail_t > | |
  JNET::JControlHostObjectOutput< T > | Implemenation of object output through ControlHost |
  JNET::JPrefix | ControlHost prefix |
   JNET::JDispatch | Data structure of a ControlHost message |
  JNET::JSubscription | ControlHost subscription |
   JNET::JSubscriptionAll | Auxiliary class for all subscription |
   JNET::JSubscriptionAny | Auxiliary class for any subscription |
 JTagAvailable< T > | Test availability of JNET::JTag value for given class |
 JMARKOV::JTargetModel | Virtual base class for a light detector ("photon target") |
  JMARKOV::JCosineTarget | Implementation of the JTargetModel class that represents a directed target with a cos(theta) acceptance |
  JMARKOV::JIsotropicTarget | Implementation of the JTargetModel class that represents a spherically symmetric target |
  JMARKOV::JPMTTarget | Implementation of the JTargetModel class that represents a single PMT on a DOM |
 JDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulatorInterface::JTDC | Interface for TDC |
  JDETECTOR::JCLBDefaultSimulator::JTDC | Implementation of non-linearity of TDC |
 JLANG::JTemplate< JType_t > | Auxiliary class for managing multiple objects |
  JSUPPORT::JMultipleFileSampler< JDAQSummaryslice, JRandomSampler > | |
  JSUPPORT::JMultipleFileSampler< T, JSampler_t > | Auxiliary class to sample from a list of files |
  JSUPPORT::JTreeSampler< T, JSampler_t > | Auxiliary class to sample from a list of files |
 JLANG::JTemplate< JHead_t > | |
  JLANG::JTemplate< JTypeList< JHead_t > > | Auxiliary class for managing multiple objects |
  JLANG::JTemplate< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Auxiliary class for managing multiple objects |
 JLANG::JTemplate< JMultipleFileScanner< JDAQSummaryslice > > | |
 JLANG::JTemplate< JMultipleFileScanner< T > > | |
 JLANG::JTemplate< JTail_t > | |
  JLANG::JTemplate< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Auxiliary class for managing multiple objects |
 JLANG::JTemplate< JTreeScanner< T > > | |
 JDETECTOR::JTemplateDetectorAddressMap< JDetector_t > | Template lookup table for PMT addresses in detector |
 JLANG::JTemplateReader< JReader_t, JClass_t, JTypelist_t > | Template definition of auxiliary base class for composite data types which derive from one or more base classes for which the redirect operator << is defined |
 JLANG::JTemplateReader< JReader_t > | |
  JLANG::JTemplateReader< JReader_t, JClass_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Specialisation of class JTemplateReader for composite data type |
 JLANG::JTemplateReader< JReader_t, JNullType, JNullType > | Specialisation of class JTemplateReader for general purpose write methods |
 JLANG::JTemplateWriter< JWriter_t, JClass_t, JTypelist_t > | Template definition of auxiliary base class for composite data types which derive from one or more base classes for which the redirect operator << is defined |
 JLANG::JTemplateWriter< JWriter_t > | |
  JLANG::JTemplateWriter< JWriter_t, JClass_t, JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Specialisation of class JTemplateWriter for composite data type |
 JLANG::JTemplateWriter< JWriter_t, JNullType, JNullType > | Specialisation of class JTemplateWriter for general purpose write methods |
 JLANG::JTest | Auxiliary base class for compile time evaluation of test |
  JLANG::JLOCAL::JComparisonAvailable< T::value_type > | |
   JLANG::JLOCAL::JComparisonAvailable< T, typename JVoid< typename T::value_type >::type > | Test availability of comparison operators of data types which have a type definition for value_type |
  JLANG::JAbstractClass< T > | Template class test for abstractness |
  JLANG::JConstructor< JType_t, JArgument_t > | Template class test for availability of a suitable constructor JType_t(const JArgument_t) |
  JLANG::JConversion< JDerived_t, JBase_t >::JLocal< derived_type, base_type > | Test convertibility of two classes |
  JLANG::JLOCAL::JComparisonAvailable< T, JType_t > | Test availability of comparison operators of non-composite data types |
  JLANG::JPrintHelper::JMemberMethod< T, is_primitive > | Test for availability of member method const char* str() const; |
  JLANG::JTypeID_t< T > | Test availability of static member methods for labelling data types in a type list |
  JROOT::JActionAtFileOpen< T > | Auxiliary class to handle version management of given class at opening of a ROOT file |
  JROOT::JActionAtFileRead< T > | Auxiliary class to handle version management of given class at reading from a ROOT file |
  JStreamAvailable< T, __str__ > | Test availability of stream operators |
  JStreamAvailable< T, true > | Specialisation of JStreamAvailable for class without member method __str__ |
 JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTest_t | Interface to read input and write output for TObject tests |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestChi2_1D | Implementation of the Chi2 test for 1D histograms |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestChi2_2D | Implementation of the Chi2 test for 2D histograms |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestChi2_Bin | Implementation of a bin-by-bin Chi2 test for 2D histograms |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestChi2R_1D | Implementation of the Chi2 test for 1D histograms |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestChi2R_2D | Implementation of the Chi2 test for 2D histograms |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestIdentical_1D | Implementation of the a test to check if two 1D histograms are the same |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestIdentical_2D | Implementation of the a test to check if two 2D histograms are the same |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestIdentical_3D | Implementation of the a test to check if two 3D histograms are the same |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestKolmogorov_1D | Implementation of the Kolmogorov test for 1D histograms |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestKolmogorov_2D | Implementation of the Kolmogorov test for 2D histograms |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestKolmogorovSlice | Implementation of the Kolmogorov test for 2D histograms |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestRuns_1D | Implementation of the Runs test for 1D histograms |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestRuns_2D | Implementation of the Chi2 test for 2D histograms |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestSignificance_1D | Significance test applied to 1D histograms |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestSignificance_2D | Significance test applied to 2D histograms |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestZero | Implementation of a bin-by-bin compatibility test for 2D histograms with low bin contents |
 JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestChi2_t | Implementation of the different Chi2-related tests |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestChi2_1D | Implementation of the Chi2 test for 1D histograms |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestChi2_2D | Implementation of the Chi2 test for 2D histograms |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestChi2_Bin | Implementation of a bin-by-bin Chi2 test for 2D histograms |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestChi2R_1D | Implementation of the Chi2 test for 1D histograms |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestChi2R_2D | Implementation of the Chi2 test for 2D histograms |
 JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestIdentical_t | Implementation test that verify if two histograms are the same |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestIdentical_1D | Implementation of the a test to check if two 1D histograms are the same |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestIdentical_2D | Implementation of the a test to check if two 2D histograms are the same |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestIdentical_3D | Implementation of the a test to check if two 3D histograms are the same |
 JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestKolmogorov_t | Implementation of the different Kolmogorov-related tests |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestKolmogorov_1D | Implementation of the Kolmogorov test for 1D histograms |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestKolmogorov_2D | Implementation of the Kolmogorov test for 2D histograms |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestKolmogorovSlice | Implementation of the Kolmogorov test for 2D histograms |
 JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestRuns_t | Implementation of the different Runs-related tests |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestRuns_1D | Implementation of the Runs test for 1D histograms |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestRuns_2D | Implementation of the Chi2 test for 2D histograms |
 JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestSignificance_t | |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestSignificance_1D | Significance test applied to 1D histograms |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestSignificance_2D | Significance test applied to 2D histograms |
 JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestSummary | Class dedicated to standardize the title of the graphical objects produced by the JTest_t() derived classes |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestResult | Structure containing the result of the test |
 JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestZero_t | Implementation of the Zeros test for histograms with expected low bin contents |
  JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestZero | Implementation of a bin-by-bin compatibility test for 2D histograms with low bin contents |
 JText | Auxiliary data structure for line |
 JLANG::JThrow< T > | Auxiliary base class for controling the throwing of exceptions |
  JDETECTOR::JPMTParametersMap | Auxiliary class for map of PMT parameters |
 JLANG::JThrow< JAccessible > | |
  JLANG::JAccessible | Interface for named access of a device |
   JLANG::JAccessibleObjectIterator< JDAQSummaryslice > | |
   JLANG::JAccessibleObjectIterator< JHead_t > | |
   JLANG::JAccessibleObjectIterator< JNullType > | |
   JLANG::JAccessibleObjectIterator< JPhotonPath > | |
   JLANG::JAccessibleObjectIterator< JTail_t > | |
   JLANG::JAccessibleObjectIterator< KM3NETDAQ::KM3NETDAQ::JDAQEvent > | |
   JLANG::JAccessibleObjectOutput< JDAQTimesliceTypes_t > | |
   JLANG::JAccessibleObjectOutput< JPhotonPath > | |
   JLANG::JAccessibleInputStream | Accessible input stream |
   JLANG::JAccessibleObjectIterator< T > | Interface for object iteration with named access |
   JLANG::JAccessibleObjectOutput< T > | Interface for object output with named access |
   JLANG::JAccessibleOutputStream | Accessible output stream |
    JLANG::JAccessibleBinaryOutputStream | Accessible output stream |
     JIO::JBinaryFileWriter< JPhotonPath > | |
     JIO::JBinaryFileWriter< T > | Object(s) writing to binary file |
     JSUPPORT::JDAQFileWriter< T > | Object(s) writing to binary file (i.e. .dat) |
    JLANG::JASCIIFileWriter< T > | Object(s) writing to ASCII file |
    JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloFileWriter< T > | Object(s) writing to Monte Carlo ASCII file (i.e. .evt) |
   JLANG::JNullAccess | Interface for null access |
    JLANG::JNullAccessibleOutput< T > | Implementation for null output with null access |
    JSUPPORT::JDAQFileReader< T, false > | Template specialisation of JDAQFileReader for DAQ incompatible data types |
    JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloASCIIFileReader< T > | Template definition of Monte Carlo object reader for ASCII formatted file (i.e. '.evt') |
    JSUPPORT::JMonteCarloGZFileReader< T > | Template definition of Monte Carlo object reader for gzipped ASCII formatted file (i.e. '.gz') |
   JROOT::JRootFile | ROOT file |
 JLANG::JThrow< JControlHost > | |
  JNET::JControlHost | ControlHost class |
 JLANG::JThrow< JPMTParametersMap > | |
 JGEOMETRY3D::JTime | Time |
  JGEOMETRY3D::JTrack3D | 3D track |
  JGEOMETRY3D::JVertex3D | 3D vertex |
  JSIRENE::JPoint | Point along muon trajectory |
 JEEP::JTimekeeper | Time keeper |
  JLOGGER::JMessageScheduler | Message logger with time scheduler |
 JTRIGGER::JTimesliceRouter_t | Auxiliary base class for JTimesliceRouter |
  JTRIGGER::JTimesliceRouter | Router for fast addressing of hits in KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTimeslice data structure as a function of the optical module identifier and time |
 JLANG::JTitle | Auxiliary class for title |
  JCOMPASS::JNOAAFunction1D_t | Auxiliary base class for interpolation of magnetic declination data obtained from website of NOAA |
  JEEP::JTimer | Auxiliary class for CPU timing and usage |
  JTOOLS::JQuantile | Auxiliary data structure for running average, standard deviation and quantiles |
  JTOOLS::JWeight | Weight calculator |
 JTOOLS::JTransformable< N, JArgument_t > | Abstract interface for transformable multidimensional map |
 JTOOLS::JTransformable< JMapLength< JMaplist_t >::value, JFunction1D_t::argument_type > | |
  JTOOLS::JTransformableMultiFunction< JFunction1D_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | |
 JTOOLS::JTransformable< JMapLength< JMaplist_t >::value, JFunction_t::argument_type > | |
  JTOOLS::JTransformableMultiFunction< JFunction_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | Transformable multidimensional function |
 JTOOLS::JTransformable< JMapLength< JMaplist_t >::value, JHistogram_t::abscissa_type > | |
  JTOOLS::JTransformableMultiHistogram< JHistogram_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t > | Transformable multidimensional histogram |
 JTOOLS::JTransformable< JMapLength< JPDFMaplist_t >::value, JFunction1D_t::argument_type > | |
  JTOOLS::JTransformableMultiFunction< JFunction1D_t, JPDFMaplist_t, JTOOLS::JDistance< typename JFunction1D_t::argument_type > > | |
 JTOOLS::JTransformable< JMapLength< JPDFMapList_t >::value, JFunction1D_t::argument_type > | |
  JTOOLS::JTransformableMultiFunction< JFunction1D_t, JPDFMapList_t, JTOOLS::JDistance< typename JFunction1D_t::argument_type > > | |
 JROOT::JTreeParameters | Data structure for TTree parameters |
  JROOT::JChainReader< JClass_t > | |
  JROOT::JChainReader< JDerived_t > | |
  JROOT::JChainReader< T > | Auxiliary class for template TChain reading |
  JROOT::JTreeReader< T > | Auxiliary class for template TTree reading |
  JROOT::JTreeWriter< T > | Auxiliary class for template TTree writing |
   JROOT::JTreeCopyWriter< T > | Implementation for template TTree writing and copying |
  JROOT::JTreeWriter< JDAQTimesliceTypes_t > | |
  JROOT::JTreeWriter< JHead_t > | |
  JROOT::JTreeWriter< JTail_t > | |
 JROOT::JTreeParametersAvailable< T > | Test availability of TTree parameters for given class |
 JSUPPORT::JTreeScanner< JClass_t, JEvaluator_t > | Template definition for direct access of elements in ROOT TChain |
 JSUPPORT::JTreeScanner< Evt > | |
 JSUPPORT::JTreeScanner< JAssertConversion< JClass_t, JClass_t >, JNullType > | |
  JSUPPORT::JTreeScanner< JClass_t, JNullType > | Specialiation of class JTreeScanner for unordered direct access of elements in ROOT TChain |
 JSUPPORT::JTreeScanner< JDAQSummaryslice, JDAQEvaluator > | |
  JSUPPORT::JSummaryFileRouter | File router for fast addressing of summary data |
 JSUPPORT::JTreeScanner< T > | |
 JSUPPORT::JTreeScanner<> | |
  JSUPPORT::JTreeScanner< JAssertConversion< JDerived_t, JBase_t >, JNullType > | Specialiation of class JTreeScanner for unordered direct access of elements in ROOT TChain |
 JSUPPORT::JTreeScannerInterface< T, JEvaluator_t > | Auxiliary interface for direct access of elements in ROOT TChain |
 JSUPPORT::JTreeScannerInterface< JBase_t > | |
  JSUPPORT::JTreeScanner< JAssertConversion< JDerived_t, JBase_t >, JNullType > | Specialiation of class JTreeScanner for unordered direct access of elements in ROOT TChain |
 JSUPPORT::JTreeScannerInterface< JBase_t, JEvaluator_t > | |
  JSUPPORT::JTreeScanner< JAssertConversion< JDerived_t, JBase_t >, JEvaluator_t > | Specialiation of class JTreeScanner for ordered direct access of elements in ROOT TChain |
 JTRIGGER::JTrigger3DMuon_t | Muon trigger parameters |
 JTRIGGER::JTrigger3DShower_t | Shower trigger parameters |
 JTRIGGER::JTriggerBit< JTrigger_t > | This class is used to map trigger class to trigger bit |
 JTRIGGER::JTriggerInterface | Trigger interface |
  JTRIGGER::JTrigger3D | General purpose majority trigger |
   JTRIGGER::JTrigger3DShower | Shower trigger |
  JTRIGGER::JTrigger3N | General purpose muon trigger |
   JTRIGGER::JTrigger3DMuon | Muon trigger |
  JTRIGGER::JTriggerMXShower | Shower trigger |
  JTRIGGER::JTriggerNB | Nano-beacon trigger |
 JTRIGGER::JTriggerMXShower_t | Shower trigger parameters |
  JTRIGGER::JTriggerMXShower | Shower trigger |
 JTRIGGER::JTriggerNB_t | Nano-beacon trigger parameters |
 JMATH::JTrigonometric | Trigonometric function object for sin and cos |
 JLANG::JTest::JTrue | Definition of true |
 JLANG::JType< T > | Auxiliary class for a type holder |
 JLANG::JTypeAt< JTypelist_t, index, range_check > | Extraction of data type from type list |
 JLANG::JTypeAt< JNullType, index, false > | Termination of recursive extraction of data type from type list |
 JLANG::JTypeAt< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, 0, range_check > | Termination of recursive extraction of data type from type list |
 JLANG::JTypeAt< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, index, range_check > | Recursive extraction of data type from type list |
 JLANG::JTest::JTypecheck< U, U > | Auxiliary class for type checking |
 JTypeID< T, bool, bool > | Template definition of policy class to label data types in a type list |
 JLANG::JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > | Type list |
 JLANG::JTYPELIST< T, Args > | Auxiliary class for recursive type list generation |
 JLANG::JTypeList< JDAQEvent, JTypelist_t > | |
 JLANG::JTYPELIST< JNullType > | Termination class for type list generation |
 JLANG::JTYPELIST< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType >, T, Args...> | Template specialisation for expanding type list |
 JLANG::JTYPELIST< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > | Template specialisation for expanding type list |
 JLANG::JTYPELIST< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, T, Args...> | Template specialisation for expanding type list |
 JLANG::JTYPELIST< T > | Termination class for type list generation |
 JLANG::JPrintHelper::JTypeout | Print interface |
  JLANG::JPrintHelper::JTypewriter< T > | Type writer implementation of interface JTypeout based on member method const char* str() const; |
 JGEOMETRY2D::JConvexHull2D::JUpperHull | Auxiliary class for sorting elements |
 JDETECTOR::JUTCDistance | Auxiliary class for distance beteen UTC times |
 KM3NETDAQ::JDataWriter::JValue_t | Auxiliary data structure for I/O of trigger parameters |
 JGEOMETRY2D::JVersor2D | Data structure for normalised vector in two dimensions |
  JGEOMETRY2D::JDirection2D | Data structure for direction in two dimensions |
   JGEOMETRY2D::JAxis2D | Axis object |
 JSUPERNOVA::JVeto | Auxiliary class to define a veto time window on a set of optical modules |
 JLANG::JVoid< T > | Auxiliary class for void type definition |
 JAANET::JVolume | Auxiliary class for histogramming of effective volume |
 JACOUSTICS::JWaveform | Utility class for emitter power and frequency |
 JMATH::JZero | Auxiliary class to assign zero value |
 KM3NeT_Audio_Channel | |
 KM3NeT_Audio_Data | |
 KM3NeT_Debug | |
 KM3NeT_DOM | |
 LAMBDA | Auxiliary data structure to convert (lambda) function to printable object |
 gui::last_view_comparator | |
 JLANG::JComparison::le | Less equals |
 LigierDataHandler< Consumer > | |
 std::list< JElement_t, JAllocator_t > | |
 std::list< ChList::const_iterator > | |
 JAANET::livetime | Normalisation of MUPAGE events |
 Log::Logger | |
 JLANG::JComparison::lt | Less than |
 machine | |
  JDAQCHSM | DAQ state machine interface |
   JDAQStateMachine | |
    KM3NETDAQ::JDAQClient | Control unit client base class |
  JDAQCHSM | DAQ state machine interface |
 std::map< JKey_t, JValue_t, JComparator_t, JAllocator_t > | |
  JCOMPASS::JPolicy | Auxiliary class to define policy for invalid modules |
  JDETECTOR::JPMTParametersMap | Auxiliary class for map of PMT parameters |
 std::map< double, JGeane_t > | |
  JPHYSICS::JGeaneWater | Function object for energy dependent energy loss of the muon |
 std::map< double, JVector2D, std::greater< double > > | |
  JGEOMETRY2D::JEigenValues2D | Eigen values in 2D |
 std::map< double, JVector3D, std::greater< double > > | |
  JGEOMETRY3D::JEigenValues3D | Eigen values in 3D |
 std::map< frame_idx_t, PuzzledFrame * > | |
 std::map< int, int > | |
  JACOUSTICS::JEmitterID | Auxiliary class for emitter identification |
 std::map< int, JAHRSCalibration > | |
  JDATABASE::JAHRSCalibration_t | Auxiliary class to map module identifier to AHRS calibration |
 std::map< int, JEvtWeightFactorHelper< JEvtWeightFactor_t > > | |
  JAANET::JEvtWeightFactorMultiParticle< JEvtWeightFactor_t > | Implementation of event-weight factor for multiple particle types |
 std::map< int, JMechanics > | |
  JACOUSTICS::JDetectorMechanics | Auxiliary data structure for mechanical model parameters of strings in a given detector |
 std::map< int, JRunsetup_t > | |
  JDATABASE::JRunsetups | Auxiliary class for run setup evaluation |
 std::map< int, JSter > | |
  JPHYSICS::JSterCoefficient | Auxiliary data structure Ster coefficients as a function of proton number |
 std::map< int, JTest_t * > | |
 std::map< int, JValue_t > | |
  KM3NETDAQ::JDataWriter::JRunDB | Map run number to trigger parameters |
 std::map< int, std::string > | |
  JEEP::JPutStatusBit | Auxiliary class to map status bit to key |
 std::map< int, std::vector< int > > | |
 std::map< int, std::vector< std::string > > | |
 std::map< JDetectorVersion::JVersion_t, std::string > | |
  JDETECTOR::JPutDetectorVersion | Auxiliary class to map numerical value to detector version |
 std::map< JKey, JValue > | |
 std::map< JKey_t, JAutoElement< JBase_t > > | |
  JTOOLS::JSelector< JKey_t, JBase_t > | Template selector class |
 std::map< JKey_t, JParserElement > | |
  JPARSER::JParser< JKey_t > | Utility class to parse command line options |
 std::map< JKey_t, JPointer< JValue_t > > | |
  JROOT::JManager< JKey_t, JValue_t > | Auxiliary class to manage set of compatible ROOT objects (e.g. histograms) using unique keys |
 std::map< JKey_t, JTreeCopyWriterInterface * > | |
  JTOOLS::JAutoMap< JKey_t, JTreeCopyWriterInterface * > | |
 std::map< JKey_t, JValue_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JAutoMap< JKey_t, JValue_t > | Wrapper class around std::map for automatic insertion of elements based on data types |
   JSUPPORT::JAutoTreeWriter< JNET::JTag > | |
   JSUPPORT::JAutoTreeScanner< JBase_t, JEvaluator_t > | Auxiliary class to select JTreeScanner based on ROOT class name |
   JSUPPORT::JAutoTreeWriter< JKey_t > | Auxiliary class to copy input data to corresponding TTree |
 std::map< JModuleIdentifier, JPMTMask > | |
 std::map< JNET::JTag, JTreeCopyWriterInterface * > | |
  JTOOLS::JAutoMap< JNET::JTag, JTreeCopyWriterInterface * > | |
 std::map< JPBS_t, JPBSSequences > | |
  JDATABASE::JGetPBSSequences | Auxiliary class to get PBS sequences as a function of PBS |
 std::map< JPBS_t, std::map< int, JUPI_t > > | |
  JDATABASE::JUPIHelper | Auxiliary class for mapping PBS and serial number of product to UPI |
 std::map< JUPI_t, JLocation_t > | |
  JDATABASE::JProductRouter | Auxiliary class to map UPI to location in detector |
 std::map< std::size_t, pDOM > | |
 std::map< std::size_t, pProbe > | |
 std::map< std::size_t, std::size_t > | |
 std::map< std::string, int > | |
  JDETECTOR::JModuleMap_t | Auxiliary data structure for module address map |
  JEEP::JGetStatusBit | Auxiliary class to map key to status bit |
   JDETECTOR::JGetModuleStatusBit | Auxiliary class to map key to module status bit |
   JDETECTOR::JGetPMTStatusBit | Auxiliary class to map key to PMT status bit |
  JDATABASE::JPMTRunsetupParams< int > | |
   JDATABASE::JPMTHV | Auxiliary class for PMT HVs |
   JDATABASE::JPMTThreshold | Auxiliary class for PMT thresholds |
 std::map< std::string, is_head > | |
  JAANET::JHeadHelper | Auxiliary map of application to check method |
 std::map< std::string, JDAQStateMachine::ev_daq_event * > | |
  KM3NETDAQ::JEventTable | Event table |
 std::map< std::string, JDetectorVersion::JVersion_t > | |
  JDETECTOR::JGetDetectorVersion | Auxiliary class to map detector version to numerical value |
 std::map< std::string, JLANG::JSharedPointer< JROOT::JAbstractStreamer > > | |
  JROOT::JRootDictionary_t | Type definition of ROOT based dictionary for ASCII I/O |
   JROOT::JRootDictionary | Default implementation of ROOT based dictionary for ASCII I/O |
 std::map< std::string, JPropertiesElement > | |
  JEEP::JProperties | Utility class to parse parameter values |
 std::map< std::string, JSinglePointer< JColorFacet > > | |
  JLANG::JColorFacetMap_t | Auxiliary map for color facets |
 std::map< std::string, JSinglePointer< JTreeScannerInterface< JBase_t, JEvaluator_t > > > | |
  JTOOLS::JAutoMap< std::string, JSinglePointer< JTreeScannerInterface< JBase_t, JEvaluator_t > > > | |
 std::map< std::string, JValue_t > | |
  JDATABASE::JPMTRunsetupParams< JValue_t > | Auxiliary class for PMT run setup parameters |
 std::map< std::string, std::string > | |
  Head | Reflects the header of Monte-Carlo event files, which consists of keys (also referred to as "tags") and values |
   JAANET::JHead | Monte Carlo run header |
    JAANET::JEvtWeightHelper | Helper class for event weighing |
  JSUPPORT::JMeta | Auxiliary class for ROOT I/O of application specific meta data |
   JSUPPORT::JMetaOld_t | Type definition of old meta data |
 std::map< std::string, unsigned int > | |
 std::map< unsigned int, CLBDataGram * > | |
 gui::match_comparator | |
 JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerPrefit::match_t | Auxiliary class to match hit to root hit |
 MD5_INDEX | |
 JMONITOR::JClusterBuilder::MinimalMultiplicityFunctor | Functor that compares the multiplicity of a JCluster to some fixed given multiplicity |
 MLSing | |
 std::multimap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JComparator_t, JAllocator_t > | |
 std::multimap< double, double > | |
 std::multimap< int, int > | |
  JCALIBRATE::JTDC_t | Auxiliary class for TDC constraints |
 std::multimap< JUPI_t, int > | |
 std::multimap< std::string, std::string > | |
 std::multiset< JElement_t, JComparator_t, JAllocator_t > | |
 gui::name_comparator | |
 JLANG::JComparison::ne | Not equal |
 JAANET::norma | Normlisation of CORSIKA events |
 JLANG::NOT< T > | Type definition of logical NOT |
 JPARSER::not_initialised | Empty structure for specification of parser element that is not initialised (i.e. does require input) |
 ofstream | |
  JIO::JFileStreamWriter | Binary buffered file output |
  JLANG::JAccessibleOutputStream | Accessible output stream |
  JROOT::JASCIIFileWriter< T > | Auxiliary class to write object with ROOT dictionary from ASCII formatted file |
 JLANG::OR< JFirst_t, JSecond_t > | Type definition of logical OR |
 ostream | |
  JLANG::JFileOutputStream | Streaming of output |
  JLANG::JNullStream | Streaming of input |
  JROOT::JRootWriter | Implementation for ASCII output of objects with ROOT dictionary |
  ogzstream | |
 ostringstream | |
  JLOGGER::JMessageStream | Message streamer |
   JLOGGER::JDebugStream | Level specific message streamers |
   JLOGGER::JErrorStream | |
   JLOGGER::JNoticeStream | |
   JLOGGER::JStatusStream | |
   JLOGGER::JWarningStream | |
 Packet | |
 std::pair< JFirst_t, JSecond_t > | |
  JGEOMETRY2D::JSegment2D | Line segment in two dimensions |
  JGEOMETRY3D::JSegment3D | Line segment in two dimensions |
 std::pair< bool, ordinate_type > | |
 std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > | |
 std::pair< first_iterator, first_iterator > | |
 std::pair< iterator, iterator > | |
 std::pair< iterator_type, iterator_type > | |
 std::pair< JKey_t, JMultiKey< 1, JKey_t > > | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiKey< 2, JKey_t > | Two-dimensional key |
 std::pair< JKey_t, JMultiKey< N-1, JKey_t > > | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiKey< N, JKey_t > | Multidimensional key |
 std::pair< T, T > | |
  Timestamp< T > | Auxiliary class to remove bit-flipped ARS data |
 JTRIGGER::JTimesliceRouter::pair_type | Auxiliary structure for indexing hits in a data frame |
 param_block | |
  JDAQStateMachine::ev_daq_event::param_block | |
   JDAQStateMachine::ev_check_event::param_block | |
   JDAQStateMachine::ev_configure_event::param_block | |
   JDAQStateMachine::ev_continue_event::param_block | |
   JDAQStateMachine::ev_init_event::param_block | |
   JDAQStateMachine::ev_input_event::param_block | |
   JDAQStateMachine::ev_off_event::param_block | |
   JDAQStateMachine::ev_pause_event::param_block | |
   JDAQStateMachine::ev_quit_event::param_block | |
   JDAQStateMachine::ev_recover_event::param_block | |
   JDAQStateMachine::ev_reset_event::param_block | |
   JDAQStateMachine::ev_start_event::param_block | |
   JDAQStateMachine::ev_stop_event::param_block | |
  JDAQStateMachine::ev_error_event::param_block | |
 Parser | |
 pdg_type | PDG particle type |
 JAANET::primary | Primary particle |
 ptrDispatcher | |
 quality_sorter< reconstruction_type > | Reconstruction type dependent comparison of track quality |
 JDETECTOR::JDetectorSubset< JComparator_t >::range_type | Auxiliary class for range of iterators |
 re_registers | |
 rec_stages_range | Range of reconstruction stages |
 Recipient | |
 RecipientsHandler | |
 regex_t | |
 regmatch_t | |
 JDATABASE::JPMTRunsetupParams< JValue_t >::result_type | Type definition of PMT parameter value |
 JFIT::JGandalf< JModel_t >::result_type | Data structure for return value of fit function |
 JACOUSTICS::JKatoomba_t::result_type< T > | Auxiliary data structure for return value of fit |
 reverse_iterator_helper | |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JDistance_t >::super_const_reverse_iterator | Multidimensional const reverse iterator |
  JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JDistance_t >::super_reverse_iterator | Multidimensional reverse iterator |
 gui::run_number_comparator | |
 RunAnalyzer | Class dedicated to the analysis of KM3NeT runs |
 JAANET::seabottom | The bottom of the sea |
 std::set< JElement_t, JComparator_t, JAllocator_t > | |
 set | |
  JDAQStateMachine::state_Main | |
 std::set< int > | |
 std::set< JAbscissa_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JSet< JAbscissa_t > | Simple data structure for an abstract collection of non-equidistant abscissa values |
 std::set< JNET::JTag > | |
 std::set< JROOTClassSelector > | |
  JROOT::JROOTClassSelection | Auxiliary class for ROOT class selection |
 std::set< JSubscription > | |
  JNET::JSubscriptionList | Subscription list |
 std::set< std::string > | |
 sha256_ctx | |
 shared_ptr | |
  JDATABASE::JDB | Auxiliary class for connection to data base |
 sockaddr_in | |
  JNET::JSocketAddress | Encapsulates the sockaddr_in data structure |
   JNET::JSocket | Socket class |
 JAANET::spectrum | Neutrino energy spectrum |
 JAANET::start_run | Start of run record |
 stat | |
  JSYSTEM::JStat | Auxiliary class for file status |
 state | |
  JDAQCHSM::JDAQState | DAQ state class |
  JDAQCHSM::JDAQState | DAQ state class |
 STREAM | Auxiliary data structure for handling std::ostream |
 streambuf | |
  gzstreambuf | |
  JLANG::JFileInputStreamBuffer | Input file stream buffer |
   JLANG::JFileInputStream | Streaming of input |
   JLANG::JFileStreamBuffer | Input and output file stream buffer |
    JLANG::JFileStream | Streaming of input and output |
  JLANG::JFileOutputStreamBuffer | Output file stream buffer |
   JLANG::JFileOutputStream | Streaming of output |
   JLANG::JFileStreamBuffer | Input and output file stream buffer |
  JLANG::JNullStreamBuffer | Null stream buffer |
   JLANG::JNullStream | Streaming of input |
 string | |
  __A__ | |
  JDATABASE::JDBString | Wrapper class to read string until end-of-line |
  JDATABASE::JServer | Wrapper class for server name |
  JLANG::JString | Wrapper class around STL string class |
  JLANG::JToken< sep > | Wrapper class around string |
  JROOT::JROOTClassSelector | Auxiliary class to select ROOT class based on class name |
  JSUPPORT::JSingleFileScanner_t | Auxiliary base class for file name |
   JSUPPORT::JSingleFileScanner< JNullType > | Template specialisation of JSingleFileScanner for undefined type |
  JTRIGGER::JPreprocessor | Auxiliary class for specifying the way of pre-processing of hits |
  KM3NETDAQ::JSource | Data structure for configuration of JDOMSimulator |
 JAANET::String | General purpose string class |
  JAANET::drawing | Drawing |
  JAANET::muon_desc_file | Muon descriptor file |
  JAANET::physics | Physics information |
  JAANET::target | Target |
  JAANET::XSecFile | Neutrino cross section file |
 stringstream | |
  JLANG::JStringStream | Wrapper class around STL stringstream class to facilitate optional loading of data from file |
 Summary_Frame | Summary of Frame |
  ExtendedSummary_Frame | |
 SummaryHistograms | |
 sysinfo | |
  JSYSTEM::JSysinfo | Auxiliary class for system information |
 T | |
  ARS_Hit< T > | Template hit |
  JMATH::JCalculator< T, N > | Auxiliary class for arithmetic operations on objects |
 Head::tags | |
 TBuffer | |
 TChain | |
  JROOT::JChainReader< JClass_t > | |
  JROOT::JChainReader< JDerived_t > | |
  JROOT::JChainReader< T > | Auxiliary class for template TChain reading |
 TF1 | |
  JCALIBRATE::JFitK40_t< TF1 > | Template specialisation of two-fold coincidence rate due to K40 and other radioactive decays |
  JCALIBRATE::JFitToT | Parametrisation of time-over-threshold distribution |
 TF2 | |
  JCALIBRATE::JFitK40_t< TF2 > | Template specialisation of two-fold coincidence rate due to K40 and other radioactive decays |
 TFormula | |
  JAANET::JEvtWeightFactorMupage | Implementation of reweighting factor for mupage events according to a specifiable ROOT TFormula |
 JAANET::tgen | Time duration of event generation |
 TGeoVolume | |
  JGeoVolume | |
 TGraph | |
  JROOT::JGraph | Auxiliary data structure to build TGraph |
 TGraph2D | |
  JROOT::JGraph2D | Auxiliary data structure to build TGraph2D |
 TGraph2DErrors | |
  JROOT::JGraph2DErrors | Auxiliary data structure to build TGraph2DErrors |
 TGraphErrors | |
  JROOT::JGraphErrors | Auxiliary data structure to build TGraphErrors |
 time_converter | Auxiliary class to convert DAQ hit time to/from Monte Carlo hit time |
 JAANET::time_interval | UTC time interval for event generation |
 TimesliceHistograms | |
 timeval | |
  JLANG::JTimeval | Auxiliary class for time values |
  Timer | |
 ToA_Packet | |
 TObject | |
  AAObject | AAObject is a base class for I/O-classes that adds the possibility to add 'user' information which will also be stored in the ROOT file |
   Evt | Respresent a Monte Carlo (MC) event as well as an offline event |
   Trk | Monte Carlo (MC) particle as well as a reconstructed track/shower |
    JSIRENE::JTrk_t | Auxiliary class to set-up Trk |
  EventPreamble | Interface for event classes |
   PhysicsEvent | Physics event |
   TimeSlice< T > | Template TimeSlice |
   TimeSlice< AWF_Frame > | |
    AWF_TimeSlice | AWF time slices |
   TimeSlice< CRM_Frame > | |
    CRM_TimeSlice | CRM time slices |
   TimeSlice< DWF_Frame > | |
    DWF_TimeSlice | DWF time slices |
   TimeSlice< ExtendedSummary_Frame > | |
    ExtendedSummary_TimeSlice | ExtendedSummary time slices |
   TimeSlice< RTS_Frame > | |
    RTS_TimeSlice | RTS time slices |
   TimeSlice< SPE_Frame > | |
    SPE_TimeSlice | SPE time slices |
   TimeSlice< Status_Frame > | |
    Status_TimeSlice | Status time slices |
   TimeSlice< Summary_Frame > | |
    Summary_TimeSlice | Summary time slices |
  Head | Reflects the header of Monte-Carlo event files, which consists of keys (also referred to as "tags") and values |
  Hit | |
  JACOUSTICS::JEvent | Acoustic event |
  JACOUSTICS::JEvt | Acoustic event fit |
  JACOUSTICS::JFit | Acoustic single fit |
  JACOUSTICS::JFitParameters | Fit parameters |
  JACOUSTICS::JTransmission | Acoustic transmission |
   JACOUSTICS::hit_type | Acoustic hit |
  JACOUSTICS::JTriggerParameters | Trigger parameters |
  JCOMPASS::JHead | Compass event header |
   JCOMPASS::JEvt | Compass single fit |
  JCOMPASS::JOrientation | Orientation of module |
  JDATABASE::JAHRSCalibration | |
   JDATABASE::JAHRSDetectorCalibration | |
  JDATABASE::JAllParams | |
  JDATABASE::JDatalog | |
  JDATABASE::JDatalogNumbers | |
  JDATABASE::JDetectorIntegration | |
  JDATABASE::JDetectors | |
  JDATABASE::JPersons | |
  JDATABASE::JPMTBestHVSettings | |
  JDATABASE::JPMTHVRunSettings | |
  JDATABASE::JProductIntegration | |
  JDATABASE::JRunQuality | Auxiliary data structure for data quality |
  JDATABASE::JRunQuality::JEnabled | |
  JDATABASE::JRunQuality::JPrescaler | |
  JDATABASE::JRuns | |
  JDATABASE::JRunsetupParams | |
  JDATABASE::JRunSummaryNumbers | |
  JDATABASE::JToAshort | |
  JDATABASE::JVendorHV | |
  JFIT::JEvt | Data structure for set of track fit results |
  JFIT::JFit | Data structure for track fit results with history and optional associated values |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JMuonEnergyParameters_t | Data structure for fit parameters |
   JRECONSTRUCTION::JMuonEnergy | Auxiliary class to to determine muon energy |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JMuonGandalfParameters_t | Data structure for fit parameters |
   JRECONSTRUCTION::JMuonGandalf | Wrapper class to make final fit of muon trajectory |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JMuonParameters | Muon reconstruction parameters |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JMuonPrefitParameters_t | Data structure for fit parameters |
   JRECONSTRUCTION::JMuonPrefit | Wrapper class to make pre-fit of muon trajectory |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JMuonSimplexParameters_t | Data structure for fit parameters |
   JRECONSTRUCTION::JMuonSimplex | Wrapper class to make intermediate fit of muon trajectory |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JMuonStartParameters_t | Data structure for fit parameters |
   JRECONSTRUCTION::JMuonStart | Auxiliary class to determine start and end position of muon trajectory |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerBjorkenYParameters_t | Data structure for fit parameters |
   JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerBjorkenY | Class to handle the direction fit of the shower reconstruction, mainly dedicated for ORCA |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerDirectionPrefitParameters_t | Data structure for fit parameters |
   JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerDirectionPrefit | Class to handle the direction fit of the shower reconstruction, mainly dedicated for ORCA |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerEnergyPrefitParameters_t | Data structure for fit parameters |
   JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerEnergyPrefit | Class to handle the third step of the shower reconstruction, mainly dedicated for ORCA |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerFitParameters_t | Data structure for fit parameters |
   JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerFit | Class to handle the direction fit of the shower reconstruction, mainly dedicated for ORCA |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerParameters | Shower reconstruction parameters |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerPointSimplexParameters_t | |
   JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerPointSimplex | Class to handle the second position fit of the shower reconstruction, mainly dedicated for ORCA |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerPositionFitParameters_t | |
   JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerPositionFit | Class to handle the second position fit of the shower reconstruction, mainly dedicated for ORCA |
  JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerPrefitParameters_t | Data structure for fit parameters |
   JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerPrefit | Class to handle first step of the shower reconstruction in ORCA: it reconstructs the shower vertex, intended as the shower brightest point, as the barycenter of the hits |
  JROOT::JClassStreamer< T >::JObject | This class adds the I/O capabilities of the given template class to the general JRootDictionary class |
  JTRIGGER::JL2Parameters | Data structure for L2 parameters |
   JTRIGGER::JBuildL2< JHit > | |
   JTRIGGER::JBuildL2< JHit_t > | Template L2 builder |
  JTRIGGER::JPMTIdentifier_t | |
  JTRIGGER::JPMTSelector | Auxiliary data structure for set of PMT identifiers |
  JTRIGGER::JPrescaler | Auxiliary class for prescaling |
  JTRIGGER::JTriggerParameters | Data structure for all trigger parameters |
  KM3NETDAQ::JDAQPreamble | DAQ preamble |
  MultiHead | |
  run_info | |
 TriggerHistograms | |
 TString | |
  JFormula | Auxiliary class for custom I/O |
 JPARSER::TStringHelper< option > | Auxiliary class for handling I/O of TString depending on its existence |
 JPARSER::TStringHelper< false > | Specialisation of TStringHelper if TString does not exist |
 JPARSER::TStringHelper< true > | Specialisation of TStringHelper if TString exists |
 TStyle | |
  JROOT::JStyle | Wrapper class around ROOT TStyle |
 TTree | |
  JROOT::JTreeCopyWriterInterface | Interface for template TTree writing and copying |
   JROOT::JTreeCopyWriter< T > | Implementation for template TTree writing and copying |
  JROOT::JTreeWriter< T > | Auxiliary class for template TTree writing |
  JROOT::JTreeWriter< JDAQTimesliceTypes_t > | |
  JROOT::JTreeWriter< JHead_t > | |
  JROOT::JTreeWriter< JTail_t > | |
 UdpDataHandler< Consumer > | |
 ulonglong | |
 unary_function | |
  JTRIGGER::JBinder2nd< JHit_t > | Auxiliary class to convert binary JMatch operator and given hit to unary match operator |
 UTCTime | |
 utsname | |
  JSYSTEM::JUTSName | Auxiliary class for operating system information |
 value_type | |
  JSUPPORT::JAutoTreeScanner< JBase_t, JEvaluator_t >::JElement_t | Auxiliary class for element insertion |
  JSUPPORT::JAutoTreeWriter< JKey_t >::JElement_t | Auxiliary class for element insertion |
 JFIT::JMatrixNZ::variance | Auxiliary data structure for co-variance calculation |
 Vec | Straightforward 3-d vector, which also works in pyroot |
  dir_type | Type definition for direction |
  JAANET::coord_origin | Coordinate origin |
  pos_type | Type definition for position |
 std::vector< JElement_t, JAllocator_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JCollection< JElement2D< JKey_t, JHistogram_t >, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JCollection< JElement2D< JKey_t, JValue_t >, JDistance_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JCollection< JElement2D_t > | |
  JGEOMETRY2D::JRotator2D | Rotation set |
  JGEOMETRY3D::JRotator3D | Rotation set |
  JLANG::array_type< JElement_t, JAllocator_t > | Auxiliary data structure for return type of make methods |
  JTRIGGER::JFrame_t< JElement_t, JAllocator_t > | Data frame with end marker |
 std::vector< AWF_Frame > | |
  TimeSlice< AWF_Frame > | |
 std::vector< AWF_Hit > | |
 std::vector< AWF_Item > | |
  Frame< AWF_Item > | |
 std::vector< char > | |
  Frame< T > | Template Frame for ARS data |
  Frame< AWF_Item > | |
  Frame< CRM_Item > | |
  Frame< DWF_Item > | |
  Frame< RTS_Item > | |
  Frame< SPE_Item > | |
  Frame< Status_Item > | |
  JIO::JByteArrayWriter | Byte array binary output |
  JLANG::JFileInputStreamBuffer | Input file stream buffer |
  JLANG::JFileOutputStreamBuffer | Output file stream buffer |
 std::vector< CLBCommonHeader > | |
 std::vector< CRM_Frame > | |
  TimeSlice< CRM_Frame > | |
 std::vector< CRM_Item > | |
  Frame< CRM_Item > | |
 std::vector< double > | |
  JDETECTOR::JK40DefaultSimulatorInterface::JBuffer1D_t | 1D-linear buffer |
  JMATH::JModel_t | Fit model |
  JMATH::JPolynome_t | Polynome model |
  JMATH::JVectorND | Nx1 matrix |
   JFIT::JVectorNZ | Determination of the time residual vector of hits for a track along z-axis (JFIT::JLine1Z) |
  JSUPERNOVA::JTriggerSNStats | SN trigger statistics, the information is stored in the form of a count as a function of the trigger level |
  JTRIGGER::JGetRiseTime | Auxiliary class for rise time evaluation |
 std::vector< Double_t > | |
 std::vector< DWF_Frame > | |
  TimeSlice< DWF_Frame > | |
 std::vector< DWF_Hit > | |
 std::vector< DWF_Item > | |
  Frame< DWF_Item > | |
 std::vector< error > | |
 std::vector< ExtendedSummary_Frame > | |
  TimeSlice< ExtendedSummary_Frame > | |
 std::vector< h2d_t * > | |
 std::vector< Head > | |
  MultiHead | |
 std::vector< Hit > | |
 std::vector< hit_type > | |
 std::vector< InChannelHandler * > | |
 std::vector< int > | |
  JDATABASE::JPBS_t | Product breakdown structure (PBS) |
   JDATABASE::JUPI_t | Universal product identifier (UPI) |
    JDETECTOR::JHVCalibration_t | Data structure for PMT high-voltage calibration |
    JDETECTOR::JPMTThresholdCalibration_t | Data structure for PMT threshold calibration |
  JDETECTOR::JMonteCarloDetector::LCM_logic | Auxiliary class for LCM logic parameters |
  JDETECTOR::JMonteCarloDetector::OM_cluster | Auxiliary class for OM cluster parameters |
  JTOOLS::JHashCollection< int > | |
   JDETECTOR::JStringRouter | Router for mapping of string identifier to index |
 std::vector< JAANET::JAANET::detector > | |
 std::vector< JAANET::JAANET::flux > | |
 std::vector< JAANET::JAANET::physics > | |
 std::vector< JAANET::JAANET::simul > | |
 std::vector< JAddress_t > | |
  JTOOLS::JRouter< JAddress_t, false > | Template specialisation of JRouter without default address comparison |
   JTOOLS::JRouter< JAddress_t, true > | Template specialisation of JRouter with default address comparison |
 std::vector< JAllocatorBuffer > | |
  JLANG::JAllocator | Memory management for small objects |
 std::vector< JAngle2D > | |
  JGEOMETRY2D::JOmega2D_t | Base class for direction set |
   JGEOMETRY2D::JOmega2D | Direction set covering (part of) circle |
 std::vector< JAngle3D > | |
  JGEOMETRY3D::JOmega3D_t | Base class for direction set |
   JGEOMETRY3D::JOmega3D | Direction set covering (part of) solid angle |
 std::vector< JBuffer1D_t > | |
  JDETECTOR::JK40DefaultSimulatorInterface::JBuffer2D_t | 2D-square buffer |
 std::vector< JCLBID > | |
  JDATABASE::JCLBIDHelper | Auxiliary class for mapping UPI of central-logic board to module identifier |
 std::vector< JClient > | |
  JNET::JClientList | List of ControlHost client managers |
  KM3NETDAQ::JClientList | List of clients |
 std::vector< JCluster > | |
  JMONITOR::JClusterBuilder | Local coincidence cluster builder |
 std::vector< JClusterSN > | |
  JSUPERNOVA::JTriggerSN | Auxiliary class to apply the supernova trigger to SN data |
 std::vector< JCoincidenceSN > | |
  JSUPERNOVA::JClusterSN | Auxiliary class to manage a cluster of coincidences |
  JSUPERNOVA::JDataSN | Auxiliary class to build the supernova trigger dataset |
 std::vector< JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestResult > | |
 std::vector< JDAQSummaryFrame > | |
  KM3NETDAQ::JDAQSummaryslice | Data summary slice |
 std::vector< JDAQSuperFrame > | |
  KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTimeslice | Data time slice |
 std::vector< JDETECTOR::JModuleAddressMap > | |
 std::vector< JDETECTOR::JPhotoElectron > | |
  JDETECTOR::JPMTData< JDETECTOR::JPhotoElectron > | |
 std::vector< JDetectors > | |
  JDATABASE::JDetectorsHelper | Auxiliary class for mapping serial number and object identifier of detectors |
 std::vector< JElement_t > | |
  JDETECTOR::JPMTData< JElement_t > | Template data structure for PMT I/O |
  JTOOLS::JCollection< JElement_t, JDistance_t > | General purpose class for collection of elements, see:
Collection of elements.
  JTOOLS::JHashCollection< JElement_t, JEvaluator_t > | General purpose class for hash collection of unique elements |
   JTOOLS::JHashSet< JElement_t, JEvaluator_t > | General purpose class for hash set of elements |
 std::vector< JElement_t, std::allocator< JElement_t > > | |
  JTRIGGER::JFrame_t< JElement_t, std::allocator< JElement_t > > | |
 std::vector< JEnergy > | |
 std::vector< JEntry_t > | |
 std::vector< JEvent > | |
  JACOUSTICS::JTriggerOutput | Set of acoustics events |
  JFIT::JHistory | Container for historical events |
   JFIT::JFit | Data structure for track fit results with history and optional associated values |
  JTRIGGER::JTriggerOutput | Set of triggered events |
 std::vector< JEvtWeightFileScanner< JFileScanner_t > > | |
  JSUPPORT::JEvtWeightFileScannerSet< JFileScanner_t, JComparator_t > | Auxiliary class for organising Monte Carlo file scanners associated with event weighters |
 std::vector< JFit > | |
  JACOUSTICS::JEvt | Acoustic event fit |
  JFIT::JEvt | Data structure for set of track fit results |
 std::vector< JFIT::JMatrixNZ::variance > | |
 std::vector< JFloor > | |
  JACOUSTICS::JGEOMETRY::JString | String geometry |
 std::vector< JFrame< JElement_t, JAllocator_t > > | |
  JTRIGGER::JSuperFrame2D< JElement_t, JAllocator_t > | 2-dimensional frame with time calibrated data from one optical module |
 std::vector< JFrame< JElement_t, std::allocator< JElement_t > > > | |
  JTRIGGER::JSuperFrame2D< JElement_t > | |
 std::vector< JFrameClone< JElement_t > > | |
  JTRIGGER::JSuperFrameClone2D< JElement_t > | Clone of JSuperFrame2D |
 std::vector< JGEOMETRY3D::JPosition3D > | |
  JGEOMETRY3D::JPolyline3D | Data structure for polyline in three dimensions |
   JMARKOV::JPhotonPath | A photon path |
 std::vector< JGEOMETRY3D::JVector3D > | |
 std::vector< JHead > | |
  JSUPPORT::JHeadSet< JComparator_t > | Auxiliary class for organising Monte Carlo run headers |
 std::vector< JHit > | |
 std::vector< JHit_t > | |
  JSIRENE::JHits_t | Auxiliary data structure for list of hits with hit merging capability |
 std::vector< JHitL0 > | |
  JTRIGGER::JHitL1 | Data structure for L1 hit |
 std::vector< JHitR1 > | |
  JTRIGGER::JTriggerInput | Data structure for input to trigger algorithm |
 std::vector< JLine3Z > | |
 std::vector< JManager< string, TH1D > * > | |
 std::vector< JManager< string, TH2D > * > | |
 std::vector< JMARKOV::J3DhistGenerator * > | |
 std::vector< JMARKOV::JHistGenerator * > | |
 std::vector< JMARKOV::JPhotonPath > | |
 std::vector< JMARKOV::JSphereGenerator * > | |
 std::vector< JModel > | |
 std::vector< JModel_t > | |
 std::vector< JModule > | |
  JDETECTOR::JDetector | Detector data structure |
  JDETECTOR::JDetectorSubset_t | Detector subset without binary search functionality |
   JDETECTOR::JDetectorSubset< JComparator_t > | Detector subset with binary search functionality |
 std::vector< JOrdinate_t > | |
  JMATH::JLegendre_t< JOrdinate_t > | Base class for Legendre polynome |
   JMATH::JLegendre< JOrdinate_t,(size_t)-1 > | Template specialisation for function evaluation of of Legendre polynome for undefined number of degrees |
 std::vector< JParticle > | |
  JAANET::JPDB | Collection of particles |
 std::vector< JPBS_t > | |
  JDATABASE::JPBSSequence | Auxiliary data structure for a sequence of PBS values |
 std::vector< JPBSSequence > | |
  JDATABASE::JPBSSequences | Auxiliary data structure for set of PBS sequences |
 std::vector< JPHYSICS::JNPETable > | |
 std::vector< JPMT > | |
  JDETECTOR::JModule | Data structure for a composite optical module |
 std::vector< JPMTAddressTranslator > | |
  JDETECTOR::JModuleAddressMap | Lookup table for PMT addresses in optical module |
 std::vector< JPMTAnalogueSignalProcessor > | |
  JDETECTOR::JModuleAnalogueSignalProcessor | Auxiliary container for PMT analogue signal processors in same optical module |
 std::vector< JPMTData< JPMTSignal > > | |
  JDETECTOR::JModuleData | Data structure for PMT data corresponding to a detector module |
 std::vector< JPMTIdentifier_t > | |
  JTRIGGER::JPMTSelector | Auxiliary data structure for set of PMT identifiers |
 std::vector< JPMTOutput > | |
  JDETECTOR::JCLBInput | Wrapper for CLB input |
 std::vector< JPoint > | |
  JSIRENE::JTrack | Muon trajectory |
 std::vector< JPoint4D > | |
 std::vector< JProductIntegration_t > | |
  JDATABASE::JDetectorIntegration_t | Detector integration |
 std::vector< JQuantile > | |
  JRunAnalyzer::dom_type | |
 std::vector< JQuaternion > | |
  JCOMPASS::JEvt | Compass single fit |
 std::vector< JQuaternion3D > | |
  JMATH::JLegendre_t< JQuaternion3D > | |
   JMATH::JLegendre< JQuaternion3D,(size_t)-1 > | Template specialisation for function evaluation of Legendre polynome of quaternions for undefined number of degrees |
    JMATH::JLegendre< JQuaternion3D, N > | Template specialisation for function evaluation of Legendre polynome of quaternions for defined number of degrees |
 std::vector< JROOT::JROOT::JRootReadableClass > | |
 std::vector< JROOT::JROOT::JRootWritableClass > | |
 std::vector< JROOT::JRootReadableClass > | |
 std::vector< JSharedPointer< JEvtWeight > > | |
  JAANET::JEvtWeighter | Look-up table for event weighters |
 std::vector< JShower3EZ > | |
 std::vector< JShowerEH > | |
 std::vector< JSocketInputChannel_t > | |
  JNET::JLigierObjectIterator< T > | Object iteration through ControlHost server |
 std::vector< JSuperFrame1D< JElement_t > > | |
  JTRIGGER::JTimeslice< JElement_t > | Time slice with calibrated data |
 std::vector< JSuperFrameClone1D< JElement_t > > | |
  JTRIGGER::JTimesliceClone< JElement_t > | Clone of JTimeslice |
 std::vector< JTimeslice > | |
  KM3NETDAQ::JDOMSimulator::JData | |
 std::vector< JTOOLS::JElement2D > | |
 std::vector< JTOOLS::JElement3D > | |
 std::vector< JTOOLS::JGridCollection > | |
 std::vector< JTransmission > | |
  JACOUSTICS::JEvent | Acoustic event |
 std::vector< JTRIGGER::JHit > | |
 std::vector< JTRIGGER::JHitR1 > | |
 std::vector< JTRIGGER::JTriggeredHit > | |
 std::vector< JTriggeredHit > | |
  JTRIGGER::JEvent | Triggered event |
 std::vector< JType_t > | |
 std::vector< JVeto > | |
  JSUPERNOVA::JVetoSet | Auxiliary class to manage a set of vetoes |
 std::vector< KM3NETDAQ::JDAQHit > | |
 std::vector< KM3NETDAQ::JDAQHit::JTDC_t > | |
 std::vector< KM3NETDAQ::JDAQKeyHit > | |
 std::vector< KM3NETDAQ::JDAQProcess > | |
 std::vector< KM3NETDAQ::JDAQTriggeredHit > | |
 std::vector< KM3NETDAQ::JSource > | |
 std::vector< KM3NETDAQ::JTarget > | |
 std::vector< parameter_type > | |
 std::vector< pLink > | |
 std::vector< Recipient * > | |
 std::vector< RTS_Frame > | |
  TimeSlice< RTS_Frame > | |
 std::vector< RTS_Item > | |
  Frame< RTS_Item > | |
 std::vector< Selector > | |
  JDATABASE::JSelector | Auxiliary class for specifying selection of database data |
 std::vector< SPE_Frame > | |
  TimeSlice< SPE_Frame > | |
 std::vector< SPE_Hit > | |
 std::vector< SPE_Item > | |
  Frame< SPE_Item > | |
 std::vector< Status_Frame > | |
  TimeSlice< Status_Frame > | |
 std::vector< Status_Item > | |
  Frame< Status_Item > | |
 std::vector< std::pair > | |
 std::vector< std::pair< abscissa_type, result_type > > | |
 std::vector< std::pair< int, function_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JHashCollection< std::pair< int, function_type >, JHashMapEvaluator< JHashEvaluator > > | |
   JTOOLS::JHashMap< int, function_type > | |
 std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > | |
  JTOOLS::JHashCollection< std::pair< int, int >, JHashMapEvaluator< JHashEvaluator > > | |
   JTOOLS::JHashMap< int, int > | |
 std::vector< std::pair< int, JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion3D > > | |
  JTOOLS::JHashCollection< std::pair< int, JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion3D >, JHashMapEvaluator< JHashEvaluator > > | |
   JTOOLS::JHashMap< int, JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion3D > | |
 std::vector< std::pair< int, JModuleAnalogueSignalProcessor > > | |
  JTOOLS::JHashCollection< std::pair< int, JModuleAnalogueSignalProcessor >, JHashMapEvaluator< JHashEvaluator > > | |
   JTOOLS::JHashMap< int, JModuleAnalogueSignalProcessor > | |
 std::vector< std::pair< int, JString > > | |
  JTOOLS::JHashCollection< std::pair< int, JString >, JHashMapEvaluator< JHashEvaluator > > | |
   JTOOLS::JHashMap< int, JString > | |
 std::vector< std::pair< JACOUSTICS::JEKey, JACOUSTICS::JMODEL::JEmitter > > | |
  JTOOLS::JHashCollection< std::pair< JACOUSTICS::JEKey, JACOUSTICS::JMODEL::JEmitter >, JHashMapEvaluator< JHashEvaluator > > | |
 std::vector< std::pair< JEKey, JEmitter > > | |
  JTOOLS::JHashCollection< std::pair< JEKey, JEmitter >, JHashMapEvaluator< JHashEvaluator > > | |
   JTOOLS::JHashMap< JEKey, JEmitter > | |
 std::vector< std::pair< JHead_t, JHashMap< JTail_t, JValue_t, JEvaluator_t > > > | |
  JTOOLS::JHashCollection< std::pair< JHead_t, JHashMap< JTail_t, JValue_t, JEvaluator_t > >, JHashMapEvaluator< JEvaluator_t > > | |
   JTOOLS::JHashMap< JHead_t, JHashMap< JTail_t, JValue_t, JEvaluator_t >, JEvaluator_t > | |
 std::vector< std::pair< JHead_t, JValue_t > > | |
  JTOOLS::JHashCollection< std::pair< JHead_t, JValue_t >, JHashMapEvaluator< JEvaluator_t > > | |
   JTOOLS::JHashMap< JHead_t, JValue_t, JEvaluator_t > | |
 std::vector< std::pair< JKey_t, JValue_t > > | |
  JTOOLS::JHashCollection< std::pair< JKey_t, JValue_t >, JHashMapEvaluator< JEvaluator_t > > | |
   JTOOLS::JHashMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JEvaluator_t > | General purpose class for hash map of unique keys |
 std::vector< std::pair< key_type, value_type > > | |
  JTOOLS::JHashCollection< std::pair< key_type, value_type >, JHashMapEvaluator< JHashEvaluator > > | |
   JTOOLS::JHashMap< key_type, value_type > | |
 std::vector< std::size_t > | |
 std::vector< std::string > | |
  JDATABASE::JQueries< JTypelist_t > | Auxiliary method to get list of table names |
  JEEP::JArgs | Data structure to store command line arguments |
  JEEP::JComment | Auxiliary class for comment |
  JSUPPORT::JMultipleFileScanner_t | Auxiliary base class for list of file names |
   JSUPPORT::JMultipleFileScanner< JNullType > | Template specialisation of JMultipleFileScanner for undefined type |
  JSYSTEM::JGlob | Auxiliary class to list files |
  JSYSTEM::ls | Auxiliary data structure to list files in directory |
 std::vector< std::vector > | |
 std::vector< std::vector< double > > | |
 std::vector< std::vector< int > > | |
 std::vector< std::vector< JMONITOR::JCluster >::std::iterator > | |
 std::vector< Summary_Frame > | |
  TimeSlice< Summary_Frame > | |
 std::vector< T > | |
  Frame< T > | Template Frame for ARS data |
  TimeSlice< T > | Template TimeSlice |
 std::vector< TAttLine > | |
  JROOT::JLineAttributes | Auxiliary class to set line attributes |
 std::vector< TAttMarker > | |
  JROOT::JMarkerAttributes | Auxiliary class to set marker attributes |
 std::vector< TH2D * > | |
 std::vector< TriggeredSPE_Hit > | |
 std::vector< Trk > | |
 std::vector< unsigned char * > | |
 std::vector< unsigned char > | |
  JDATABASE::JMACAddress | MAC address |
 std::vector< value_type > | |
 std::vector< void * > | |
  JLANG::JRAM | Memory management for small objects |
 WIDTH | Auxiliary data structure for alignment of data |
  CENTER | Auxiliary data structure for alignment of data |
  CENTER::JCenter | Auxiliary class for format center |
  FILL | Auxiliary data structure for sequence of same character |
  FIXED | Auxiliary data structure for floating point format specification |
  LEFT | Auxiliary data structure for alignment of data |
  RIGHT | Auxiliary data structure for alignment of data |
  SCIENTIFIC | Auxiliary data structure for floating point format specification |
 JLANG::XOR< JFirst_t, JSecond_t > | Type definition of logical XOR |
 JClonable_t | |
  JLANG::JClonable< JClonable_t, JDerived_t > | Template class for object cloning |
   JAANET::JEvtWeight | Abstract base class for event weighing |
   JAANET::JEvtWeightCorsika | Implementation of event weighting for Corsika data |
   JAANET::JEvtWeightDAQ | Implementation of event weighing for DAQ data |
   JAANET::JEvtWeightFactor | Low-level interface for retrieving a specifiable multiplication factor
corresponding to a given event |
    JAANET::JFlux | Low-level interface for retrieving the flux corresponding to a given event |
     JAANET::JDiffuseFlux | Low-level interface for diffuse fluxes |
   JAANET::JEvtWeightFactorFunction< JFunction_t, JEvtWeightFactor_t > | Implementation of event-weight factor interface |
   JAANET::JEvtWeightFactorFunction< JDiffuseFluxFunction_t, JDiffuseFlux > | Implementation of event-weight factor interface for diffuse flux objects |
   JAANET::JEvtWeightFactorFunction< pDiffuseFlux, JDiffuseFlux > | Implementation of C-style diffuse flux event-weight factor |
   JAANET::JEvtWeightFactorFunction< pEvtWeightFactor, JEvtWeightFactor_t > | Implementation of C-style event-weight factor |
   JAANET::JEvtWeightFactorMultiParticle< JEvtWeightFactor_t > | Implementation of event-weight factor for multiple particle types |
   JAANET::JEvtWeightGSeaGen | Implementation of event weighting for GSeaGen data |
   JAANET::JEvtWeightKM3BUU | Implementation of event weighting for KM3BUU data |
   JAANET::JEvtWeightMupage | Implementation of event weighing for MUPAGE data |
   JAANET::JOscFlux | Implementation of oscillated neutrino flux |
   JACOUSTICS::JMatch3D | 3D match criterion for acoustic signals |
   JTRIGGER::JMatch3G< JTRIGGER::JHitR1 > | |
   JTRIGGER::JMatch< hit_type > | |
    JLANG::JClonable< JMatch< hit_type > > | |
    JLANG::JClonable< JMatch< hit_type >, JMatch3D > | |
   JTRIGGER::JMatch< JTRIGGER::JHitR1 > | |
    JLANG::JClonable< JMatch< JTRIGGER::JHitR1 > > | |
    JLANG::JClonable< JMatch< JTRIGGER::JHitR1 >, JMatch3G< JTRIGGER::JHitR1 > > | |
   JTOOLS::JMultiMapTransformer< 1, JArgument_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JMultiMapTransformer< 2, JArgument_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JMultiMapTransformer< 3, JArgument_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JMultiMapTransformer< 4, JArgument_t > | |
   JTOOLS::JMultiMapTransformer< 5, JArgument_t > | |
   JOSCPROB::JOscProb | Low-level interface for retrieving the oscillation probability
corresponding to a given oscillation channel, neutrino energy and zenith angle |
   JOSCPROB::JOscProbFunction< JFunction_t > | Implementation of oscillation probability function interface |
   JOSCPROB::JOscProbFunction< pOscProb > | Implementation of C-style oscillation probability function |
   JOSCPROB::JOscProbInterpolator< JCollection_t, JFunction1D_t, JFunctionalMaplist_t > | Template definition of a multi-dimensional oscillation probability interpolation table |
   JOSCPROB::JOscProbInterpolatorInterface | Low-level interface for oscillation probability tables |
   JTOOLS::JMultiMapTransformer< N, JArgument_t > | Interface for weight application and coordinate transformation of function |
   JTRIGGER::JDAQHitDefaultSelector | Default class to select DAQ hits |
   JTRIGGER::JDAQHitSelector | Auxiliary class to select DAQ hits |
   JTRIGGER::JDAQHitToTSelector | Auxiliary class to select DAQ hits based on time-over-treshold value |
   JTRIGGER::JMatch< JHit_t > | Function object interface for hit matching |
   JTRIGGER::JMatch1D< JHit_t > | 1D match criterion |
   JTRIGGER::JMatch3B< JHit_t > | 3D match criterion with road width |
   JTRIGGER::JMatch3D< JHit_t > | 3D match criterion |
   JTRIGGER::JMatch3G< JHit_t > | 3G match criterion |
   JTRIGGER::JMatchHelper< JHit_t > | Auxiliary class to handle pointer to match function |
   JTRIGGER::JMatchL0< JHit_t > | L0 match criterion |
 JEvaluator_t | |
  JTOOLS::JHashMapEvaluator< JEvaluator_t > | Auxiliary class for hash evaluation of map keys and elements |
 json | |
  JSON::JSon | Auxiliary class to load json data from file |
 JTimeRange | |
  JSIRENE::JPulse | Auxiliary class for a time-over-threshold pulse from a PMT |
 ResultSet | |
  JDATABASE::JNullResultSet | Auxiliary class for invalid result set |