18 namespace JGEOMETRY2D {}
19 namespace JPP {
using namespace JGEOMETRY2D; }
21 namespace JGEOMETRY2D {
136 if (
this->getPosition(), segment.second))
156 if (fabs(gp) > precision)
251 out << static_cast<const JPosition2D&> (axis);
253 out << static_cast<const JDirection2D&>(axis);
284 out << static_cast<const JPosition2D&> (axis);
285 out << static_cast<const JDirection2D&>(axis);
const JPosition2D & getPosition() const
Get position.
Data structure for vector in two dimensions.
bool intersects(const JSegment2D &segment) const
Test whether this axis and given line segment intersect.
const JAxis2D & getAxis() const
Get axis.
Line segment in two dimensions.
double getLengthSquared() const
Get length squared.
Interface for binary output.
double getIntersection(const JAxis2D &axis, const double precision=1.0e-8) const
Get intersection of two axes.
double getDot(const JVector2D &point) const
Get dot product.
JVector2D & mul(const double factor)
Scale vector.
JAxis2D & rotate_back(const JRotation2D &R)
Rotate back axis.
Default constructor.
JAxis2D & rotate(const JRotation2D &R)
Rotate axis.
double getPerpDot(const JAngle2D &angle) const
Get perpendicular dot product.
JDirection2D & rotate_back(const JRotation2D &R)
Rotate back.
Data structure for direction in two dimensions.
JVersor2D & negate()
Negate versor.
then usage $script< detector file >< detectorfile > nIf the range of floors is the first detector file is aligned to the second before the comparison nIn this
bool getCCW(const T &a, const T &b, const T &c)
Check sequence of three points in X-Y plane.
then echo The file $DIR KM3NeT_00000001_00000000 root already please rename or remove it first
JVector2D & sub(const JVector2D &vector)
Subtract vector.
double getDistance(const JVector2D &point) const
Get distance to point.
Data structure for normalised vector in two dimensions.
JVector2D & negate()
Negate vector.
friend JWriter & operator<<(JWriter &out, const JAxis2D &axis)
Write axis to output.
JDirection2D & rotate(const JRotation2D &R)
Default constructor.
JAxis2D & negate()
Negate axis.
JPosition2D & rotate(const JRotation2D &R)
void setAxis(const JAxis2D &axis)
Set axis.
Interface for binary input.
friend JReader & operator>>(JReader &in, JAxis2D &axis)
Read axis from input.
double getDistanceSquared(const JVector2D &point) const
Get squared of distance to point.
then JCookie sh JDataQuality D $DETECTOR_ID R
Data structure for position in two dimensions.
const JDirection2D & getDirection() const
Get direction.
JAxis2D(const JVector2D &pos)
JAxis2D(const JVector2D &pos, const JVersor2D &dir)
friend std::istream & operator>>(std::istream &in, JAxis2D &axis)
Read axis from input.
JPosition2D & rotate_back(const JRotation2D &R)
Rotate back.
JAxis2D(const JSegment2D &segment)
void move(const double step)
Move vertex along this axis.
then fatal Wrong number of arguments fi set_variable DETECTOR $argv[1] set_variable INPUT_FILE $argv[2] eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O IDENTIFIER eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O SUMMARY JAcoustics sh $DETECTOR_ID source JAcousticsToolkit sh CHECK_EXIT_CODE typeset A EMITTERS get_tripods $WORKDIR tripod txt EMITTERS get_transmitters $WORKDIR transmitter txt EMITTERS for EMITTER in
do echo Generating $dir eval D
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const JAxis2D &axis)
Write axis to output.