Jpp  18.0.0-rc.2
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4 /**
5  * \author mjongen
6  */
8 // c++ standard library includes
9 #include<iostream>
10 #include<iomanip>
11 #include<cmath>
12 #include<cstdlib>
14 // root includes
15 #include "TObject.h"
16 #include "TH1F.h"
17 #include "TH3F.h"
18 #include "TRandom3.h"
20 // JPP includes
24 namespace JMARKOV {}
25 namespace JPP { using namespace JMARKOV; }
27 namespace JMARKOV {
29  /**
30  Abstract base class for calculating the total probability
31  (/m^2 target cross-section) for a photon from the source to hit
32  the target (with a given, fixed number of scatterings) by Monte
33  Carlo sampling the available nscat*3 dimensional phase space.
35  The sample distribution is implemented in derived classes.
37  Random numbers are drawn from gRandom.
38  **/
40  public:
42  /// standard constructor
45  /**
46  Integrate with N samples.
48  Returns a vector with the contribution to the integral of each sample.
49  The mean of those values is the estimate of the result of the integral,
50  while the distribution itself can be used to estimate the stability of
51  the result.
52  In this distribution, you want to avoid
53  - long tails (because they make the result unstable)
54  - small contributions (because it means that parts of the parameter
55  space are being oversampled, so it is less efficient)
56  This can be achieved by tuning the sample distribution to the problem
57  at hand.
58  **/
59  vector<double> integrate( int N, int nscat, JSourceModel* src, JScatteringModel* sm, JTargetModel* trg, double lambda_abs ) ;
61  /**
62  Integrate a test function with N samples.
64  This can be used as a sanity check for derived classes of
65  JMarkovIntegrator.
67  The integral should yield 1 when the complete relevant part of the
68  volume is taken into account.
69  If it does not, it may be a sign that the implementation is not
70  correct.
72  Returns a vector with the contribution to the integral of each sample.
73  **/
74  vector<double> dummy_integrate( int N, int nscat, JSourceModel* src, JScatteringModel* sm, JTargetModel* trg, double lambda_abs ) ;
76  /**
77  Return photon paths generated with the generatePath method.
79  This can be used to identify the parts of parameter space that are
80  over- or undersampled in a given problem so that the integrator may
81  be optimized to handle those better.
82  **/
83  vector<JPhotonPath> get_diagnostic_ensemble( int N, int nscat, JSourceModel* src, JScatteringModel* sm, JTargetModel* trg, double lambda_abs ) ;
85  protected:
87  /**
88  Generate a random photon path with a given number of
89  scatterings
91  winv must be set to the inverted probability density
92  to generate this particular path.
93  **/
94  virtual JPhotonPath generatePath( int nscat, double& winv ) {
95  // this default implementation assumes that the vertex positions
96  // are completely uncorrelated
97  JPhotonPath p(nscat) ;
98  double _winv = 1 ;
99  for( int nv=0 ; nv<nscat+2 ; ++nv ) {
100  double part_winv ;
101  p[nv] = generatePosition( nscat, nv, part_winv ) ;
102  _winv *= part_winv ;
103  }
104  winv = _winv ;
105  return p ;
106  }
109  /**
110  Generate a random position for vertex nv
112  nv = 1 is the first scattering vertex,
113  nv = 2 is the second scattering vertex
114  etc.
116  So we require that
117  0 < nv <= nscat
119  winv has to be set to 1 over the probability density
120  for this particular position.
121  NOTE: this only works when the positions of each vertex are
122  UNCORRELATED to each other (as in the default implementation
123  of generatePath. If they are not, this method can
124  be given a dummy implementation and be ignored.
125  **/
126  virtual JPosition3D generatePosition( int nscat, int nv, double& winv ) = 0 ;
128  } ;
130  vector<double> JMarkovIntegrator::integrate( int N, int nscat, JSourceModel* src, JScatteringModel* sm, JTargetModel* trg, double lambda_abs ) {
131  vector<double> contributions(N,-1) ;
133  for( int i=0 ; i<N ; ++i ) {
134  double winv ;
135  JPhotonPath p = generatePath(nscat,winv) ;
137  double rho = getPhotonPathProbabilityDensity(p,src,sm,trg,lambda_abs) ;
138  contributions[i] = rho * winv ;
139  }
140  return contributions ;
141  }
143  vector<double> JMarkovIntegrator::dummy_integrate( int N, int nscat, JSourceModel* src, JScatteringModel* sm, JTargetModel* trg, double lambda_abs ) {
144  vector<double> contributions(N,-1) ;
146  for( int i=0 ; i<N ; ++i ) {
147  const double r = 10 ;
148  double winv ;
149  JPhotonPath p = generatePath(nscat,winv) ;
150  double rho = 1.0/(4.0/3.0*M_PI*r*r*r) ;
151  if( p[1].getLength()>r ) rho = 0 ;
152  contributions[i] = rho * winv ;
153  }
154  return contributions ;
155  }
158  vector<JPhotonPath> paths ;
160  for( int i=0 ; i<N ; ++i ) {
161  double winv ;
162  JPhotonPath p = generatePath(nscat,winv) ;
163  paths.push_back(p) ;
164  }
165  return paths ;
166  }
169  /**
170  In this implementation of the JMarkovIntegrator interface,
171  the sample distribution is a flat distribution.
172  **/
174  public :
176  /**
177  constructor. Posmin and posmax contain the minimal and maximal
178  values of the coordinate in each direction.
179  **/
180  JMarkovUniformIntegrator( JPosition3D _posmin, JPosition3D _posmax ) : gen(_posmin,_posmax) {}
182  protected:
184  virtual JPosition3D generatePosition( int nscat, int nv, double& winv ) {
185  JPosition3D pos = gen.getPosition() ;
186  winv = 1.0/gen.getWeight(pos) ;
187  return pos ;
188  }
191  } ;
193  /**
194  Abstract base class for implementations of the JMarkovIntegrator interface,
195  where the sample distribution is based on histograms filled from an ensemble
196  of representative paths.
197  **/
199  public :
201  // constructor
202  JMarkovEnsembleIntegrator( const vector<JPhotonPath>& _ensemble, JTargetModel* _trg, int _nbinsx, int _nbinsy, int _nbinsz ) : ensemble(_ensemble), nbinsx(_nbinsx), nbinsy(_nbinsy), nbinsz(_nbinsz), trg(_trg) {
203  // check that the ensemble size is at least one photon path
204  if( ensemble.size()==0 ) {
205  cerr << "FATAL ERROR in JMarkov3DensembleIntegrator constructor. Ensemble size = 0." << endl ;
206  exit(1) ;
207  }
209  // check that the position of the first vertex is the same throughout the ensemble
210  for( vector<JPhotonPath>::iterator it=ensemble.begin(); it!=ensemble.end(); ++it ) {
211  if( (*it)[0].getDistance(ensemble.front()[0]) > 0 ) {
212  cerr << "Fatal error in JMarkovEnsembleIntegrator, first vertex positions are not all the same." << endl ;
213  exit(1) ;
214  }
215  }
216  // set source position based on ensemble
217  source_position = ensemble.front()[0] ;
218  }
222  /// write the histograms filled from the ensemble
223  virtual void writeHistograms() = 0 ;
225  protected :
227  /// generate a position for vertex nv for the given number of scatterings, winv will be set to 1/weight
228  JPosition3D generatePosition( int nscat, int nv, double& winv ) {
229  // source vertex
230  if( nv==0 ) {
231  winv = 1.0 ;
232  return source_position ;
233  }
234  // target vertex
235  if( nv == nscat+1 ) {
236  if( nscat+1>(int)target_gens.size() || target_gens[nscat] == NULL ) {
237  initgenerators(nscat) ;
238  }
239  JPosition3D pos = target_gens[nscat]->getPosition() ;
240  winv = 1.0/target_gens[nscat]->getWeight(pos) ;
241  return pos ;
242  } else {
243  // scattering vertex
244  return generateScatteringVertexPosition(nscat,nv,winv) ;
245  }
246  }
248  virtual JPosition3D generateScatteringVertexPosition(int nscat, int nv, double& winv) = 0 ;
250  /// return the internal index for a given number of scatterings and vertex number
251  int getIndex( int nv, int nscat ) {
252  // indices are distributed as follows
253  // [0]: nscat=1, nv=1
254  // [1]: nscat=2, nv=1
255  // [2]: nscat=2, nv=2
256  // [3]: nscat=3, nv=1
257  // [4]: nscat=3, nv=2
258  // etc.
259  return (nscat*(nscat-1))/2 + nv - 1 ;
260  }
262  /// initialize the position generators for a given number of scatterings (i.e. create histograms and fill them from the ensemble)
263  void initgenerators( int nscat ) {
264  // target vertex
265  init_target_generator(nscat) ;
267  // scattering vertices
269  }
271  /// initialize the generator for a target vertex for a given number of scatterings
272  void init_target_generator( int nscat ) {
273  if( (int)target_gens.size() <= nscat ) target_gens.resize( nscat+1 ) ;
275  if( trg->getRadius()>0 ) {
276  // for a finite target, we fill a "sphere generator" from the ensemble
277  char hname[200] ;
278  sprintf( hname, "htarget_nscat%i", nscat ) ;
279  TH2D* ht = new TH2D(hname,";cos(#theta);#phi",100,-1,1,100,-M_PI,M_PI) ;
280  for( vector<JPhotonPath>::iterator it=ensemble.begin() ; it!=ensemble.end() ; ++it ) {
281  if( it->n-2 != nscat ) continue ;
282  JVersor3D dir( it->back() - trg->getPosition() ) ;
283  ht->Fill( dir.getDZ(), dir.getPhi() ) ;
284  }
285  target_gens[nscat] = new JSphereGenerator( trg->getPosition(), trg->getRadius(), ht ) ;
286  delete ht ;
287  } else {
288  // for an infinitesimal target, we create a "generator" that only generates the single point
289  target_gens[nscat] = new JSphereGenerator( trg->getPosition() ) ;
290  }
291  }
293  virtual void init_scattering_vertex_generators( int nscat ) = 0 ;
296  for( vector<JSphereGenerator*>::iterator it=target_gens.begin() ; it!=target_gens.end() ; ++it ) {
297  if( *it != NULL ) delete *it ;
298  }
299  }
303  int nbinsx ;
304  int nbinsy ;
305  int nbinsz ;
308  } ;
310  /**
311  Implementation of JMarkovEnsembleIntegrator interface with 1D histograms.
312  **/
314  public :
316  // constructor
317  JMarkovEnsembleIntegrator1D( const vector<JPhotonPath>& _ensemble, JTargetModel* _trg, int _nbinsx, int _nbinsy, int _nbinsz ) : JMarkovEnsembleIntegrator(_ensemble,_trg,_nbinsx,_nbinsy,_nbinsz) {}
320  free_target_gens() ;
322  }
325  for( vector<JHistGenerator*>::iterator it=gens.begin() ; it!=gens.end() ; ++it ) {
326  if( *it != NULL ) delete *it ;
327  }
328  }
331  for( vector<JHistGenerator*>::iterator it=gens.begin() ; it!=gens.end() ; ++it ) {
332  if( *it != NULL ) {
333  (*it)->hx->Write() ;
334  (*it)->hy->Write() ;
335  (*it)->hz->Write() ;
336  }
337  }
338  for( vector<JSphereGenerator*>::iterator it=target_gens.begin(); it!=target_gens.end(); ++it ) {
339  if( *it != NULL ) {
340  if( (*it)->h != NULL ) (*it)->h->Write() ;
341  }
342  }
343  }
345  protected :
348  int ifirst = getIndex(1,nscat) ;
349  int ilast = getIndex(1,nscat+1) ;
350  if( (int)gens.size() < ilast ) gens.resize( ilast, NULL ) ;
351  for( int nv=1 ; nv<=nscat ; ++nv ) {
352  int index = ifirst + nv - 1 ;
353  // determine minimal and maximal coordinate values for this vertex
354  double xmin = 1.0/0.0 ;
355  double xmax = -1.0/0.0 ;
356  double ymin = 1.0/0.0 ;
357  double ymax = -1.0/0.0 ;
358  double zmin = 1.0/0.0 ;
359  double zmax = -1.0/0.0 ;
360  for( vector<JPhotonPath>::iterator it=ensemble.begin() ; it!=ensemble.end() ; ++it ) {
361  if( it->n-2 != nscat ) continue ;
362  JPosition3D vtx( (*it)[nv] ) ;
363  if( vtx.getX()<xmin ) xmin = vtx.getX() ;
364  if( vtx.getX()>xmax ) xmax = vtx.getX() ;
365  if( vtx.getY()<ymin ) ymin = vtx.getY() ;
366  if( vtx.getY()>ymax ) ymax = vtx.getY() ;
367  if( vtx.getZ()<zmin ) zmin = vtx.getZ() ;
368  if( vtx.getZ()>zmax ) zmax = vtx.getZ() ;
369  }
370  // allocate histograms
371  char hname[200] ;
372  sprintf( hname, "hx_nscat%i_vtx%i", nscat, nv ) ;
373  TH1F hx(hname,"Vertex position;X",nbinsx,xmin,xmax) ;
374  sprintf( hname, "hy_nscat%i_vtx%i", nscat, nv ) ;
375  TH1F hy(hname,"Vertex position;Y",nbinsy,ymin,ymax) ;
376  sprintf( hname, "hz_nscat%i_vtx%i", nscat, nv ) ;
377  TH1F hz(hname,"Vertex position;Z",nbinsz,zmin,zmax) ;
378  // fill histograms from ensemble
379  for( vector<JPhotonPath>::iterator it=ensemble.begin() ; it!=ensemble.end() ; ++it ) {
380  if( it->n-2 != nscat ) continue ;
381  JPosition3D vtx( (*it)[nv] ) ;
382  hx.Fill( vtx.getX() ) ;
383  hy.Fill( vtx.getY() ) ;
384  hz.Fill( vtx.getZ() ) ;
385  }
386  // extra: make sure every field is filled at least once
387  for( Int_t bin=1 ; bin<=hx.GetNbinsX() ; ++bin )
388  hx.AddBinContent(bin,1) ;
389  for( Int_t bin=1 ; bin<=hy.GetNbinsX() ; ++bin )
390  hy.AddBinContent(bin,1) ;
391  for( Int_t bin=1 ; bin<=hz.GetNbinsX() ; ++bin )
392  hz.AddBinContent(bin,1) ;
394  gens[index] = new JHistGenerator( &hx, &hy, &hz ) ;
395  }
396  }
399  JPosition3D generateScatteringVertexPosition(int nscat, int nv, double& winv) {
400  int index = getIndex(nv,nscat) ;
401  if( index+1>(int)gens.size() || gens[index] == NULL ) initgenerators(nscat) ;
403  JPosition3D pos = gens[index]->getPosition() ;
404  winv = 1.0/gens[index]->getWeight(pos) ;
405  return pos ;
406  }
409  } ;
411  /**
412  This implementation of the JMarkovIntegrator interface generates
413  'natural' looking paths that might sample the phase space well
414  in some cases
415  **/
416  /*class JMarkovNaturalIntegrator : public JMarkovIntegrator {
417  public :
419  JMarkovNaturalIntegrator( double _l ) {
420  l = _l ; // approximate average path length above the minimum
421  }
423  ~JMarkovNaturalIntegrator() {}
425  protected :
427  /// dummy implementation
428  JPosition3D generatePosition( int nscat, int nv, double& winv ) {
429  return JPosition3D(0,0,0) ;
430  } ;
432  /// Generate a 'natural' path
433  JPhotonPath generatePath( int nscat, double& winv ) {
434  double winvtot = 1 ;
436  // distance from source to target
437  double d = (source_pos-target_pos).getLength() ;
439  double g = d / (l+d) ;
440  JHenyeyGreensteinScattering sm(100,g) ;
442  double lambda = (d+l)/(nscat+1) ;
444  JPhotonPath p(nscat) ;
445  p.front() = source_pos ;
446  p.back() = target_pos ;
448  for( int nv=1 ; nv<=nscat ; ++nv ) {
449  // generate travel length
450  double r = gRandom->Exp(lambda) ;
451  // generate direction from a HG distribution, relative to THE TARGET.
452  JVersor3D dir( p.back()-p[nv-1] ) ;
453  JRotation3D rot(dir) ;
454  dir = sm.generateDirection() ;
455  double ct = dir.getDZ() ;
456  dir = dir.rotate_back(rot) ;
457  // set vertex
458  p[nv] = p[nv-1] + r*JVector3D(dir) ;
459  // double
460  winvtot /= ( r * r * sm.getScatteringProbability(ct) * 1.0/lambda*exp(-r/lambda) ) ;
461  }
463  return p ;
464  }
466  double l ;
467  } ;*/
469  /**
470  Similar to JMarkovEnsembleIntegrator, but using a 3D histogram for each
471  vertex instead of 3 1D histograms.
472  **/
474  public :
476  // constructor
477  JMarkovEnsembleIntegrator3D( const vector<JPhotonPath>& _ensemble, JTargetModel* _trg, int _nbinsx, int _nbinsy, int _nbinsz, JPosition3D _posmin, JPosition3D _posmax ) : JMarkovEnsembleIntegrator(_ensemble,_trg,_nbinsx,_nbinsy,_nbinsz), posmin(_posmin), posmax(_posmax) {}
480  free_target_gens() ;
482  }
485  // free memory
486  for( vector<J3DhistGenerator*>::iterator it=gens.begin() ; it!=gens.end() ; ++it ) {
487  if( *it != NULL ) delete *it ;
488  }
489  }
492  for( vector<J3DhistGenerator*>::iterator it=gens.begin() ; it!=gens.end() ; ++it ) {
493  if( *it != NULL ) {
494  (*it)->h->Write() ;
495  TH2D* htmp ;
496  htmp = (TH2D*)(*it)->h->Project3D("yx") ;
497  htmp->SetOption("colz") ;
498  htmp->SetEntries(10) ;
499  htmp->Write() ;
500  htmp = (TH2D*)(*it)->h->Project3D("yz") ;
501  htmp->SetOption("colz") ;
502  htmp->SetEntries(10) ;
503  htmp->Write() ;
504  htmp = (TH2D*)(*it)->h->Project3D("zx") ;
505  htmp->SetOption("colz") ;
506  htmp->SetEntries(10) ;
507  htmp->Write() ;
508  }
509  }
510  }
512  JPosition3D generateScatteringVertexPosition(int nscat, int nv, double& winv) {
513  int index = getIndex(nv,nscat) ;
514  if( index+1>(int)gens.size() || gens[index] == NULL ) initgenerators(nscat) ;
516  JPosition3D pos = gens[index]->getPosition() ;
517  winv = 1.0/gens[index]->getWeight(pos) ;
518  return pos ;
519  }
521  protected :
524  int ifirst = getIndex(1,nscat) ;
525  int ilast = getIndex(1,nscat+1) ;
526  if( (int)gens.size() < ilast ) gens.resize( ilast, NULL ) ;
528  for( int nv=1 ; nv<=nscat ; ++nv ) {
529  int index = ifirst + nv - 1 ;
530  // determine minimal and maximal value
531  double xmin = 1.0/0.0 ;
532  double xmax = -1.0/0.0 ;
533  double ymin = 1.0/0.0 ;
534  double ymax = -1.0/0.0 ;
535  double zmin = 1.0/0.0 ;
536  double zmax = -1.0/0.0 ;
537  xmin = posmin.getX() ;
538  ymin = posmin.getY() ;
539  zmin = posmin.getZ() ;
540  xmax = posmax.getX() ;
541  ymax = posmax.getY() ;
542  zmax = posmax.getZ() ;
543  // allocate histogram
544  char hname[200] ;
545  sprintf( hname, "h3_nscat%i_vtx%i", nscat, nv ) ;
546  TH3F h(hname,"Vertex position;X;Y;Z",
547  nbinsx,xmin,xmax,
548  nbinsy,ymin,ymax,
549  nbinsz,zmin,zmax ) ;
550  // fill histogram from ensemble
551  for( vector<JPhotonPath>::iterator it=ensemble.begin() ; it!=ensemble.end() ; ++it ) {
552  if( it->n-2 != nscat ) continue ;
553  JPosition3D vtx( (*it)[nv] ) ;
554  h.Fill( vtx.getX(), vtx.getY(), vtx.getZ() ) ;
555  }
556  // extra: make sure every field is filled at least once
557  double excuseval = 0.01*h.Integral() / ( h.GetNbinsX() * h.GetNbinsY() * h.GetNbinsZ() ) ;
558  for( Int_t xbin=1 ; xbin<=h.GetNbinsX() ; ++xbin ) {
559  for( Int_t ybin=1 ; ybin<=h.GetNbinsY() ; ++ybin ) {
560  for( Int_t zbin=1 ; zbin<=h.GetNbinsZ() ; ++zbin ) {
561  Int_t bin = h.GetBin(xbin,ybin,zbin) ;
562  h.AddBinContent(bin,excuseval) ;
563  }
564  }
565  }
566  gens[index] = new J3DhistGenerator( &h ) ;
567  }
568  }
573  } ;
575  /**
576  In this implementation of the JMarkovIntegrator interface,
577  the sample distribution is built up out of three components:
578  - a 1/r^2 distribution centered around the source
579  - a 1/r^2 distribution centered around the target
580  - an exponential distribution around the point directly between the source and the target
581  **/
583  public :
585  /**
586  constructor.
588  Arguments:
589  - position of the source
590  - position of the target
591  - the fraction of points that is drawn from the exponential distribution
592  - the minimal radius of the exp. distr.
593  - the maximal radius of the exp. distr.
594  - the length parameter of the exp. distr.
595  - the maximal radius for the 1/r^2 distributions
596  **/
597  JSourceTargetIntegrator( double Rsing, JPosition3D src_pos, JPosition3D trg_pos, double fraction_exp, double Lexp, double Rexp ) : gen_exp(0,Rexp,Lexp), gen_s1(Rsing,src_pos), gen_s2(Rsing,trg_pos) {
598  JPosition3D cnt_pos = 0.5*(src_pos+trg_pos) ;
599  gen_exp_shift = new JShiftedGenerator(&gen_exp,cnt_pos) ;
600  double fraction_sing = 0.5*(1-fraction_exp) ;
601  gen = new JTripleGenerator( fraction_sing, &gen_s1, fraction_sing, &gen_s2, fraction_exp, gen_exp_shift ) ;
602  }
605  delete gen_exp_shift ;
606  delete gen ;
607  }
609  protected:
611  virtual JPosition3D generatePosition( int nscat, int nv, double& winv ) {
612  JPosition3D pos = gen->getPosition() ;
613  winv = 1.0/gen->getWeight(pos) ;
614  return pos ;
615  }
622  } ;
624  /**
625  In this implementation of the JMarkovIntegrator interface,
626  the sample distribution is built up out of correlated path vertices.
629  lambda is the effective length scale defined as:
631  1/lambda := 1/lambda_scat + 1/lambda_abs
632  **/
634  public :
636  /**
637  constructor.
638  **/
639  JExperimentalIntegrator( double _lambda ) : gen(_lambda) {}
643  protected:
645  /// dummy implementation
646  JPosition3D generatePosition( int nscat, int nv, double& winv ) {
647  return JPosition3D(0,0,0) ;
648  } ;
650  JPhotonPath generatePath( int nscat, double& winv, JPosition3D source_pos, JPosition3D target_pos ) {
651  JPhotonPath p(nscat) ;
652  p.front() = source_pos ;
653  p.back() = target_pos ;
654  double _winv = 1 ;
656  for( int nv=1 ; nv<=nscat ; ++nv ) {
657  double __winv ;
658  p[nv] = getFirstScatteringVertex(nscat+1-nv,p[nv-1],p.back(),__winv ) ;
659  _winv *= __winv ;
660  }
661  winv = _winv ;
662  return p ;
663  }
665  protected:
667  /**
668  recursive function to randomly generate the first scattering
669  vertex for isotropic scattering from a source to a target
670  **/
671  JPosition3D getFirstScatteringVertex( int nscat, JPosition3D src_pos, JPosition3D trg_pos, double& winv ) {
672  double _winv = 1 ;
673  if( nscat == 0 ) {
674  winv = 1 ;
675  return trg_pos ;
676  }
677  if( gRandom->Integer(2) == 0 ) {
678  src_pos = getFirstScatteringVertex(nscat-1,src_pos,trg_pos,_winv) ;
679  }
680  JPosition3D pos = gen.getPosition() ;
681  winv = 1.0 / gen.getWeight(pos) ;
682  return src_pos + pos ;
683  }
686  } ;
688 }
690 #endif
const double xmax
Implementation of the JGenerator interface.
Implementation of the JGenerator interface.
virtual JPosition3D generateScatteringVertexPosition(int nscat, int nv, double &winv)=0
JPosition3D getPosition()
Return a randomly generated position.
void initgenerators(int nscat)
initialize the position generators for a given number of scatterings (i.e. create histograms and fill...
JPosition3D getFirstScatteringVertex(int nscat, JPosition3D src_pos, JPosition3D trg_pos, double &winv)
recursive function to randomly generate the first scattering vertex for isotropic scattering from a s...
In this implementation of the JMarkovIntegrator interface, the sample distribution is a flat distribu...
Abstract base class for implementations of the JMarkovIntegrator interface, where the sample distribu...
int getIndex(int nv, int nscat)
return the internal index for a given number of scatterings and vertex number
double getRadius() const
In this implementation of the JMarkovIntegrator interface, the sample distribution is built up out of...
JMarkovEnsembleIntegrator1D(const vector< JPhotonPath > &_ensemble, JTargetModel *_trg, int _nbinsx, int _nbinsy, int _nbinsz)
A photon path.
Definition: JPhotonPath.hh:38
vector< JSphereGenerator * > target_gens
double getWeight(JPosition3D pos)
return the weight (=probability density dP/dV) for the given position.
data_type r[M+1]
Definition: JPolint.hh:779
Implementation of JMarkovEnsembleIntegrator interface with 1D histograms.
double getWeight(JPosition3D pos)
return the weight (=probability density dP/dV) for the given position.
virtual JPosition3D generatePosition(int nscat, int nv, double &winv)
Generate a random position for vertex nv.
JExperimentalIntegrator(double _lambda)
Abstract interface for the generation of points in 3D space.
skip continue
JMarkovEnsembleIntegrator(const vector< JPhotonPath > &_ensemble, JTargetModel *_trg, int _nbinsx, int _nbinsy, int _nbinsz)
This implementation of the JMarkovIntegrator interface generates &#39;natural&#39; looking paths that might s...
virtual void writeHistograms()=0
write the histograms filled from the ensemble
const JPosition3D & getPosition() const
double getWeight(JPosition3D pos)
return the weight (=probability density dP/dV) for the given position.
JPhotonPath generatePath(int nscat, double &winv, JPosition3D source_pos, JPosition3D target_pos)
Implementation of the JGenerator interface.
virtual JPosition3D generatePosition(int nscat, int nv, double &winv)=0
Generate a random position for vertex nv.
JPosition3D generateScatteringVertexPosition(int nscat, int nv, double &winv)
Implementation of the JGenerator interface.
Virtual base class for a light source.
Implementation of the JGenerator interface.
Implementation of the JGenerator interface.
double getY() const
Get y position.
Definition: JVector3D.hh:104
standard constructor
virtual void init_scattering_vertex_generators(int nscat)=0
JPosition3D generatePosition(int nscat, int nv, double &winv)
generate a position for vertex nv for the given number of scatterings, winv will be set to 1/weight ...
JPosition3D generatePosition(int nscat, int nv, double &winv)
dummy implementation
void init_target_generator(int nscat)
initialize the generator for a target vertex for a given number of scatterings
vector< JPhotonPath > get_diagnostic_ensemble(int N, int nscat, JSourceModel *src, JScatteringModel *sm, JTargetModel *trg, double lambda_abs)
Return photon paths generated with the generatePath method.
JPosition3D getPosition()
Return a randomly generated position.
vector< double > dummy_integrate(int N, int nscat, JSourceModel *src, JScatteringModel *sm, JTargetModel *trg, double lambda_abs)
Integrate a test function with N samples.
const double xmin
then usage $script< input file >[option[primary[working directory]]] nWhere option can be N
Implementation of the JGenerator interface.
virtual JPhotonPath generatePath(int nscat, double &winv)
Generate a random photon path with a given number of scatterings.
JMarkovEnsembleIntegrator3D(const vector< JPhotonPath > &_ensemble, JTargetModel *_trg, int _nbinsx, int _nbinsy, int _nbinsz, JPosition3D _posmin, JPosition3D _posmax)
void writeHistograms()
write the histograms filled from the ensemble
JSourceTargetIntegrator(double Rsing, JPosition3D src_pos, JPosition3D trg_pos, double fraction_exp, double Lexp, double Rexp)
double getX() const
Get x position.
Definition: JVector3D.hh:94
Virtual base class for a scattering model.
Implementation of the JGenerator interface.
Virtual base class for a light detector (&quot;photon target&quot;).
virtual JPosition3D generatePosition(int nscat, int nv, double &winv)
Generate a random position for vertex nv.
Data structure for position in three dimensions.
Definition: JPosition3D.hh:36
JMarkovUniformIntegrator(JPosition3D _posmin, JPosition3D _posmax)
Data structure for normalised vector in three dimensions.
Definition: JVersor3D.hh:26
vector< J3DhistGenerator * > gens
double getPhotonPathProbabilityDensity(JPhotonPath &p, JSourceModel *src, JScatteringModel *sm, JTargetModel *trg, double lambda_abs)
Return the probability density for a photon path with the given ingredients.
JPosition3D generateScatteringVertexPosition(int nscat, int nv, double &winv)
In this implementation of the JMarkovIntegrator interface, the sample distribution is built up out of...
double getZ() const
Get z position.
Definition: JVector3D.hh:115
Abstract base class for calculating the total probability (/m^2 target cross-section) for a photon fr...
vector< double > integrate(int N, int nscat, JSourceModel *src, JScatteringModel *sm, JTargetModel *trg, double lambda_abs)
Integrate with N samples.
Implementation of the JGenerator interface.
void writeHistograms()
write the histograms filled from the ensemble
JPosition3D getPosition()
Return a randomly generated position.