204 Builds the XML document for the JUnit test suite.
205 Produces clean unicode strings and decodes non-unicode with the help of encoding.
206 @param encoding: Used to decode encoded strings.
207 @return: XML document with unicode string elements
211 test_suite_attributes = dict()
212 test_suite_attributes[
'name'] =
name, encoding)
213 if any(c.assertions
for c
in self.
214 test_suite_attributes[
'assertions'] = \
215 str(sum([int(c.assertions)
for c
in self.
test_cases if c.assertions]))
216 test_suite_attributes[
'disabled'] = \
217 str(len([c
for c
in self.
test_cases if not c.is_enabled]))
218 test_suite_attributes[
'failures'] = \
219 str(len([c
for c
in self.
test_cases if c.is_failure()]))
220 test_suite_attributes[
'errors'] = \
221 str(len([c
for c
in self.
test_cases if c.is_error()]))
222 test_suite_attributes[
'skipped'] = \
223 str(len([c
for c
in self.
test_cases if c.is_skipped()]))
224 test_suite_attributes[
'time'] = \
225 str(sum(c.elapsed_sec
for c
in self.
test_cases if c.elapsed_sec))
226 test_suite_attributes[
'tests'] = str(len(self.
229 test_suite_attributes[
'hostname'] =
hostname, encoding)
231 test_suite_attributes[
'id'] =
id, encoding)
233 test_suite_attributes[
'package'] =
package, encoding)
235 test_suite_attributes[
'timestamp'] =
238 test_suite_attributes[
'file'] =
file, encoding)
240 test_suite_attributes[
'log'] =
log, encoding)
242 test_suite_attributes[
'url'] =
url, encoding)
244 xml_element = ET.Element(
"testsuite", test_suite_attributes)
248 props_element = ET.SubElement(xml_element,
249 for k, v
in self.properties.items():
251 'name':
decode(k, encoding),
252 'value':
decode(v, encoding)
254 ET.SubElement(props_element,
"property", attrs)
258 stdout_element = ET.SubElement(xml_element,
263 stderr_element = ET.SubElement(xml_element,
268 test_case_attributes = dict()
269 test_case_attributes[
'name'] =
decode(case.name, encoding)
272 test_case_attributes[
'assertions'] =
"%d" % case.assertions
274 test_case_attributes[
'time'] =
"%f" % case.elapsed_sec
276 test_case_attributes[
'timestamp'] =
277 case.timestamp, encoding)
279 test_case_attributes[
'classname'] =
280 case.classname, encoding)
282 test_case_attributes[
'status'] =
decode(case.status, encoding)
284 test_case_attributes[
'class'] =
decode(case.category, encoding)
286 test_case_attributes[
'file'] =
decode(case.file, encoding)
288 test_case_attributes[
'line'] =
decode(case.line, encoding)
290 test_case_attributes[
'log'] =
decode(case.log, encoding)
292 test_case_attributes[
'url'] =
decode(case.url, encoding)
294 test_case_element = ET.SubElement(xml_element,
295 test_case_attributes)
298 if case.is_failure():
299 attrs = {
300 if case.failure_message:
301 attrs[
'message'] =
decode(case.failure_message, encoding)
302 if case.failure_type:
303 attrs[
'type'] =
decode(case.failure_type, encoding)
304 failure_element = ET.Element(
"failure", attrs)
305 if case.failure_output:
306 failure_element.text =
308 test_case_element.append(failure_element)
312 attrs = {
313 if case.error_message:
314 attrs[
'message'] =
decode(case.error_message, encoding)
316 attrs[
'type'] =
decode(case.error_type, encoding)
317 error_element = ET.Element(
"error", attrs)
318 if case.error_output:
319 error_element.text =
decode(case.error_output, encoding)
320 test_case_element.append(error_element)
323 if case.is_skipped():
324 attrs = {
325 if case.skipped_message:
326 attrs[
'message'] =
decode(case.skipped_message, encoding)
327 skipped_element = ET.Element(
"skipped", attrs)
328 if case.skipped_output:
329 skipped_element.text =
331 test_case_element.append(skipped_element)
335 stdout_element = ET.Element(
336 stdout_element.text =
decode(case.stdout, encoding)
337 test_case_element.append(stdout_element)
341 stderr_element = ET.Element(
342 stderr_element.text =
decode(case.stderr, encoding)
343 test_case_element.append(stderr_element)